#roswell case
tennant-davids · 2 years
Using Neural Filters to colour correct
i’ve had a couple of people ask about how i’ve coloured the pocket dimension scenes so i thought i’d just do a run-through tutorial kind of thing to show it, rather than going through it with everyone separately.
so this is a tutorial for how i made this:
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from this:
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follow along under the cut:
so just some things to point out before we move on which are essential and could get in the way of this working for you:
you will need adobe photoshop cc - v.22 or above. any versions older than this won’t work. you can find what version you currently have by opening photoshop, clicking ‘help’ on the top toolbar, and selecting ‘about photoshop’. my current version is 23.2.2.
you should know how to make a gif from frames, use timeline and work with the gif as a smart object. if you don’t know what i mean, i’ve tried to explain it briefly below.
using neural filters is resource heavy so expect photoshop to be slow in processing/exporting/saving anything you use them on. it might be worth having other programs closed while you use it if your computer has a lower or mid-range spec.
and so... 
1. make your gif to do this, import your frames, crop, set frame speed etc however you normally would. if you usually make gifs with the animation bar set to ‘frame animation’, you will need to change this so that you can create a smart object. you will need to press the button with the video timeline symbol on your animation bar:
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then you should select all your layers (not frames as you shouldn’t see them anymore) and right-click > convert to smart object:
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you should leave your animation in timeline mode, but the purpose of the smart object is so you can add smart filters. this is especially good for things like sharpening, any effects you want to add, and of course... neural filters.
2. brighten the image and convert to black and white contrary to what we’re trying to achieve here, you should change the image to black and white and brighten it up so that you have as smooth and plain a base for the filters to apply to. 
i do this by adding a black and white adjustment layer, and clicking ‘auto’ on the properties tab:
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you should then add a ‘levels’ adjustment layer and drag the right tab along until it meets the beginning of the histogram. you should also move the left tab along a little bit for some contrast - how far depends on how you want your gif to look:
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following this, select the smart object and two adjustment layers > right-click > convert to smart object. you don’t have to do this but i find it helps and it reduces the number of layers you have to work with.
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my gif now looks like this: 
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3. adding the neural filter now your image is about to change in a huge way. click on filter on the top toolbar and select ‘neural filters’:
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from here, you will see this screen and a bunch of current filters and beta filters on the right-hand side. you may have to download them to get them to work. for this, we’re using ‘colorize’ so at least make sure you have that one downloaded and ready to use:
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when you turn the ‘colorize’ filter on, after processing (this can take a few seconds), your image now looks like this:
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(note: this gif is an exception in how well it turned out first time - the filter has applied evenly minus a couple of issues i’ll go over below. how successful it will be depends on how much movement is in the clip, or how many colours it will need to find, and it sometimes gets confused with dark and light tones. you’ll find most of the time that the gifs will have patches that aren’t coloured, or will have incorrect colour correction that you’ll need to go in frame-by-frame and patch in by hand. the filter does do a lot of heavy lifting though.)
you can then play around with the saturation (i usually reduce it to -10) and the colours similarly to how you would in ‘colour balance’, however it has a more all-over even tone:
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the last thing you need to do is select ‘smart filter’ on this drop-down menu:
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if you don’t change it to smart filter, the filter will only apply to the frame you can currently see and won’t apply to the whole animation.
my gif now looks like this:
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this might be enough for you in which case great news! you get to stop here, apply whatever sharpening and colouring you want, and save as normal!
however, i’m a perfectionist to a fault so i need to do a few more things first...
(note: it’s always worth doing the next step even if you’re happy with the finished product here, just in case you missed a spot)
4. check the filter has applied throughout the whole gif you’ll see that you now have a much more even base to work from and colour your gif as normal, however neural filters aren’t perfect and do leave funny little glitches throughout your gif sometimes. in order to check this, i usually scrub through to see if there are any issues. in this gif, i spotted two.
in these two areas - on the moving gif - i can see the colouring flickering. the filter hasn’t applied the right colour on every frame, or simply hasn’t coloured it at all:
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this gif isn’t the worst offender for this, but if you look closely you’ll see it. so...
5. make a new layer and fill in the flickering areas press the ‘new layer’ button:
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and now use the ink dropper tool to pick up the colour you want to use, and paint over the area where the colour is flickering - e.g. i used the dropper to pick up the colour from the desert in the background and painted over that area. i also picked up some of the colour from the sky and coloured over the flickering by the storm. i used these brush settings:
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when you’ve painted on the colour you want, and as much as you want, set the layer to ‘color’. i also change the opacity to 80% to let some of what’s underneath still come through a little bit, but do what’s best for you and your gif:
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my gif now looks like this, with less noticeable flickering:
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7. brighten, colour and sharpen however you normally do idk if you have an existing psd or just experiment with adjustment layers, but your gif is now ready to start colouring however you normally would. the neural filter is basically acting as a reset to give you a blank canvas in which to gif as normal. for this gif i started with a ‘hue and saturation’ adjustment layer to change the green background to a more dirt/sand colour as it’s meant to be the desert, and then just played around with my usual combination of adjustments until i came up with the final product! i then sharpen using filter > sharpen > smart sharpen and it should be done.
8. export (save for web) you all know how to do this by now, but be aware that these will load slowly. gifs aren’t the fastest things to save on a good day but with the neural filter applied, they’re particularly slow. this is why i said to do work on the gifs one at a time - don’t have photoshop doing more than it needs to do or it might slow down to a halt.
so after all that, this is the final version of my gif:
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tips and tricks
avoid making gifs of moments with a lot of movement - this could be the subject of the gif moving, the background, the wind blowing something around etc. while normal colouring can tolerate these changes, the filter isn’t yet clever enough to work it out and it makes the gifs unsalvageable because you can’t paint over the flickering accurately enough - e.g.:
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(p.s. if anyone knows how to get the filter to work on this specific scene you have to tell me lmao it’s been driving me mad...)
try and keep the gifs short - i haven’t made one above 55 frames, i think. that is still quite a lot but it is a challenge to ensure the filter can cope with it. shorter gifs would probably mean a cleaner result.
you have to set the gif to black and white first - the colorize filter is designed to bring black and white photos/videos to life. i tried it over the blue filter directly and it was successful but i had more consistent luck when starting in black and white.
make sure you brighten the gif significantly before applying the filter - it really helps to give a cleaner canvas for the filter to apply to, but it’s not essential if you really don’t want to.
if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ASK. i’m by no means an expert and this is just what i’ve observed from using this feature and the workarounds i’ve found working for me so far, but happy to try and help where i can and happy to take suggestions too! <3
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dr-lizortecho · 6 months
my little guy
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my girlfriend
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pastelwitchling · 1 year
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Wow. The rnm writers really looked through my fanfics, picked this one line, and said, “Yeah, this’ll make a good season 4.” 😂
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world-prayers · 6 months
Project Blue Book: The Unexplained UFO Cases
Our last journey delved into the Roswell Incident and McMinnville Photos, igniting questions about government UFO investigations. Today, we plunge deeper into Project Blue Book, the US Air Force’s official 17-year hunt for extraterrestrial answers. Continue reading Untitled
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mazzystar24 · 2 years
Words cannot express how much I want (if they kill Alex temporarily) a scene where when Michael sees this and he just full on breaks down over his body and like his powers go CRAZY like I’m talking give me a season one type storm or a damn downpour give me telekinesis pushing and destroying everything and cracking the very earth give me a fucking fire I wanna see it soooo bad
This trope is absolute perfection and I live for the angst im not gonna lie
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pleasantfanartist · 2 years
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Holiday drink specials at the Wild Pony
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intertexts · 6 months
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
pavel be like "haha yeah i don't have any issues after my ex cheated on me repeatedly and made it out to be my fault for not being enough to hold his attention, i'm so over it"
and then agonizes constantly over being interesting and hot enough to hold his partners' attention and is terrified every day that he's not enough for those around him
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userlaylivia · 1 year
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lovecolibri · 2 years
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tennant-davids · 1 year
for anyone that left me rnm/malex gifset requests - my hard drive with the episodes died so i lost them, but i’ve downloaded them again now and will post them soon <3 sorry about the wait!
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dr-lizortecho · 4 months
actually- unpopular opinion but Liz Ortecho is a great friend, like drops everything the second she knows someone needs her
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
I can’t believe tess is here. I fucking hATE her you don’t even understand like I am just VHFJUEFFIUHDEHFUIVDEHIUDWHUICHEDUICEDHUIEVDUHIEDHVUIENDVUI DIE!!!!!!!! SERIOUSLY ACTUALLY DIE!!!!!!!
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
I should be writing a novel, but this is the last season I’ll get to write my thoughts after each episode, and I’m depressed so I can do what I want. I have no idea how long this’ll be, but here they are; my thoughts on Roswell, New Mexico 4x01.
This actually might end up being a super short (and bitter) post (edit from future rin; it’s not) because it’s a wonder how much I don’t care about anyone but Alex, malex, and Kyle. I seriously don’t care what Liz is up to, I don’t care about Max and Jenna reuniting (actually, where’s the collaboration between Jenna, Kyle, and Alex? Where’s that team that we never got?), and I especially - especially - couldn’t care less about Maria losing her powers.
While we’re on that, actually, let me just get this out of the way; I don’t care who Maria sleeps with, just stay away from the Manes men. I don’t know how much clearer we as fans could’ve been about that woman and the Manes men, I don’t know how much more we could’ve argued against it, how much louder we had to be about how badly she needs redemption and not another boyfriend who worships the ground she walks on and who she will undoubtedly dump (especially after this thing with Dallas, who’s also too good for her) because strong female characters don’t get broken up with, right? They’re too perfect for that. I hope at least Gregory’s the one that ends things. He deserves that much. And I don’t care about her losing her powers. She used them in season 1 to identify what Alex was feeling, you know, one of her best friends who she knows was usually unhappy and without hope, and that hardly seemed to make a difference. Season 3 used her powers to give her more screen time than almost anyone, so what good are her powers exactly?
I can’t with Isobel and Anatsa, they don’t have a scrap of chemistry, it’s just so awkward to watch. They feel like actors playing a part, and I just don’t ship them. Also, I really dislike that Isobel had given up her event planning business. I loved that as a female character in the first season, she was allowed to be arrogant, caught up with herself sometimes, fashionable, stylistic, and still be such a kind person with a good heart who protected the people she loved. It was such a great contrast to her character which is usually written as stereotypically selfish, but it showed that female characters can be fashionable and a little self-centered and care about aesthetic but also be kind and loveable. I just think that as a female character, she was a lot cooler and more groundbreaking in the first season.
I hope Kyle and Isobel get together quickly. They have actual chemistry, and they just look good together.
I loved Alex, Kyle, and Eduardo all working together, planning. I love that it’s kylex together on this serious stuff, doing the real work behind the scenes. I just hope that, unlike in the last season, this time Alex isn’t left out of the climax with the excuse that he was working on some important stuff in the background. Not this time, please.
I can already see where this plot is going. They’ve already mentioned Michael feeling a connection to Bonnie and Clyde (God willing, please no more threesomes in this show, final season or not, let’s just put that out into the world, no more of them), and undercover work. Before the episode aired, I thought it would be Alex going undercover with an evil version of Deep Sky or something, but now I can see that it’ll be Michael going undercover to find out what Bonnie and Clyde are planning, and then that challenges him and Alex (hopefully while they stay together). I’m hoping, and I’ll love to write it at some point, that the triad ends up taking Alex because he was the only one that ever figured out the Lockhart Machine that had called them in the first place, and they threaten him, and that’s what gets Michael to fight back and expose himself. Or they take Alex after they expose Michael, to get Michael to do what they want, or they threaten Michael to get Alex to do what they want. I think Bonnie and Clyde are going to be good people who do the right thing in the end, and I just hope that what changes their view of humanity is Alex and Michael’s love for each other. I hope that’s where the show goes, but we’ll see. As long as Alex and Michael face whatever comes as a couple, and stay together.
Dallas is a freaking breath of fresh air. Michael needs a friend like him, and I’m glad he has one, someone who’ll just tell him he’s afraid and reassure him. I just love that man. Finally someone other than Max who can talk to Michael about Alex, who makes Michael confront his obvious feelings for Alex. Not much more to say on that other than; I love Dallas, and Michael should just go to him and Max from now on when he has trouble with his feelings as oppose to . . . anyone else.
Michael is gorgeous, of course, I just really wish we got more of Alex and Michael together amongst their friends, you know? I wish we got to see the dynamic of them as a couple and Michael’s siblings, Alex’s siblings, their friends. Not just them together in private when a scene allows it. I want to see them as a couple around people.
Alex is my precious captain, he’s the reason I watch, the reason I continue to watch, and the very idea of losing him brings me to tears even now as I write this, but that’s for later, I know.
I feel weird saying it was a great episode considering how much I really don’t care about anyone but Alex, malex, and Kyle, but it was a great episode where they’re concerned.
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mazzystar24 · 2 years
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faggerardway · 2 years
-fucking love tomcat disposables it’s so lovely and sad. ‘and as i lay down to sleep/i expect no dreams/no sweet goodbye to me’ AUGH YEAH everything you’ve ever wanted is right in front of you and you still feel like you haven’t changed a thing and you’re still getting older and you’re still dying. i think me and mr wood are made of the same sad essence. the fucking falsettos in this song also. so so good. alright next song
-oh jesus this is seven minutes long ok. banger lyrics so far though!! guessing this is about trying to retain individuality and your own identity while also conforming to traditional culture. OH WAIT THIS IS THE JUST LIKE MY PARENTS SONG OH MY GOD!! when he played this song on stream i almost cried lol. this shit is so sweet though,, domesticity and figuring out how to have your own life while trying to emulate the best of your parent’s lives,,, ‘i’d like to have a last love’,,,, will i be euthanized if i call him endearing. the Unsureness of it all but wanting to be sure and be forever and just sit on the fucking porch and watch the fucking sunset. god. ok next song
-CICADA DAYS BELOVED!!! such a big fan of this one i play it on uke all the time. this was the first song i heard him play on a stream when i was first really getting into him like a year ago. again the FALSETTOS!! and just his voice generally im so in love with how he sounds. it’s so like. fluid? like it goes from soft to high to screamy to low again so nicely. OH THE ECHO EFFECT AT THE END I LOVE THAT!! god this man. next song let’s go!
-oh man euthanasia :(( my happiness is immediately gone. again very very pretty though i love the building piano in the background. the fucking choral vocals at the end oh my GOD. and the knowing that there’s no afterlife but imagining you’ll see them again anyway. AND THE PUT TO SLEEP/MEET YOU IN MY DREAMS THING AT THE END FUCK. FUCK!!! okay next one lol
-oh yo falling up!! i heard this one live too :] it sounds super cool fully produced! really not sure what the hell this one’s about but probably coming to terms with your lack of control in life? yeah that sounds right. not like instantly adoring this like i did with the others but it’s genuinely a very nice song. alrighty next song!
-i recognize this one too!! another really cool one where i have no clue what’s going on with it story or concept wise. seems to be kind of about coming to terms with growing up in an environment where you don’t feel heard or safe to be yourself and now that you’re older you can’t see a way to right any of those wrongs. what’s with all these choral vocals in this album though lol i like them but they’re kinda unexpected. very sweet sounding and i’ll probably be relistening to this once im done with the album :]
gonna go eat now will return shortly and update this post with part ii
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