#rosalind jareau
countrymusiclover · 6 months
My Genius Prince
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"It's silly. But I'm happy to say you're my Prince Charming"
Rosalind and Spencer have been dating without his team, knowing for almost two years. But after he drops her off at home, she disappears, and it's up to his team and his knowledge to rescue her from someone she hasn't seen since she was a little girl.
1 - An Unexpected Visitor
2 - Call for Help
3 - Beginning the Profile
4 - Who Knows Her Better
5 - I Told You I'd Find You
6 -
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @random000000sblog @aceofspades190
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ssa-lesbian · 4 years
don’t you know you have my eyes
word count: 4.1k words
Rosalyn always made time for her little sister.
-> read on AO3
(Contains graphic descriptions of suicide, descriptions of self-harm, reference to CSA/pedophilia. Spoiler warning for Criminal Minds, S14E5, The Tall Man.)
Rosalyn finds her underneath the back porch.
“JJ? It’s Roz.”
She doesn’t answer, just digs her fingers into the moist dirt and tries not to sniffle too loudly. Rosalyn waits only a few seconds before crawling under, just barely squeezing under the wooden planks and settling in an awkward crouch next to her sister.
“Hey,” she says.
JJ sniffs in response. Already there’s another tear slipping down her cheek, and she bites her lip to try and stop the sob that’s threatening to escape. Rosalyn lifts her hand to brush away her tear, but JJ flinches in response.
“I’m sorry about your butterfly,” Rosalyn says, and the dam breaks.
“It’s not fair,” JJ cries, hands digging into the dirt. “I thought she wanted— I thought— I thought she was my friend.” 
“Oh, Jayj,” Rosalyn murmurs, and she pulls her sister into her embrace.
She melts into it, the sturdy feeling of her big sister, and she buries her face in her shoulder, sobbing.
JJ doesn’t have many friends at school. She is quiet, awkward, timid, a little clumsy, and everyone thinks it’s a little weird she goes by JJ instead of Jenny or Jen, but Mary Ann has many friends, and she said she wanted to see the butterfly JJ presented at show-and-tell, and JJ thought that meant she thought she was cool and maybe they could be friends.
Except Mary Ann ripped the butterfly out of her hands and called her “stupid,” “ugly,” “lame,” and when JJ tried to grab her back, her wings were torn. She was an eastern tiger swallowtail, with pretty black striping and a splash of sky blue, and JJ had spent so long looking for her. And Mary Ann and her friends had laughed at her while she cried, trying to pick up the pieces of her butterfly.
“I hate her,” JJ says, and immediately she feels bad, because “hate” is a strong word and her mommy always said she shouldn’t ever say that, but right now, she thinks she hates Mary Ann.
“I hate her too,” Rosalyn says, and JJ startles, but her hands keep stroking through her tangled blonde locks. “I hate that she made you cry and she hurt your butterfly. I think she’s a meanie-poo.”
And despite her sobbing, JJ giggles. “Meanie-poo?”
“Yeah, I think she’s a meanie-poo,” Rosalyn repeats. “I think she’s a stinky, rotten, meanie-poo.”
“Meanie-poo,” JJ giggles, and her sister smiles, brushing away the leftover tears and the wet strands of hair sticking to her face. Then her face falls.
“Is Mommy mad at me?” she asks quietly.
There’s a pause before Rosalyn responds, and it’s with something in her eyes that six-year-old JJ cannot quite understand.
“Mommy’s not mad at you,” she says.
“But she yelled at me.”
“Mommy’s been really stressed lately,” she says, and when she sees JJ’s face scrunch up in confusion, she hurries to clarify. “She’s really tired ‘cause of all her work, and when she saw you crying, she got scared.”
“Oh,” JJ says, because if she had to pick a word to describe her screaming mother, it would not have been “scared.” Then more guilt, because it is her fault that Mommy was scared.
“It’s not your fault, Jayj,” Rosalyn says. “It’s that stupid meanie-poo’s.”
And JJ laughs because Roz said the “s word” and that’s a bad word, but it dies down when Rosalyn says, “We should go tell her mom.”
“No,” JJ says immediately. “No, I don’t want to—”
“But someone has to know,” Rosalyn says. “Her mom should know that she’s a stinky meanie-poo—”
“I don’t want to!” JJ shouts, and immediately Rosalyn quiets, just holding JJ by the shoulders and looking at her, and JJ tries to not let the tears fall again.
“I don’t want to,” she repeats, and Rosalyn nods.
“I know,” she says. “But you have to stand up for yourself.”
“I don’t want to,” JJ says. 
“Okay. Do you want to go and find another tiger swallowtail?”
“It’s an eastern tiger swallowtail,” JJ corrects, but she crawls out from under the porch with her sister, and they spend the rest of the afternoon searching the fields. And for a while, it feels like JJ didn’t lose anything at all.
They spend Friday evenings with their grandparents. Nana and Haydyn welcome the two with a glazed apple pie, and listening to Roz tell them about her singing performance at the school talent show and JJ’s new butterflies, this old, creaking farmhouse feels more like home than the cold house back in town full of shouting and scowling. Haydn takes them to feed their goat and two cows, and even though Roz complains of the stink, when Bella the goat bleats in protest, they all laugh. 
Dinner is chicken pot pie and green beans, and the big sheepdog, Shelly, sits beneath the dining table, and JJ is small enough that her feet barely graze his thick fur, and she laughs and giggles and she doesn’t notice that Rosalyn is watching her the entire time. They play poker in the evenings, gambling off small chips that JJ slips Shelly when she thinks no one is watching, and at night, Nana and Haydyn have a room prepared just for the two sisters. 
Just when JJ is about to doze off, it’s Rosalyn’s voice that brings her back.
“JJ! JJ, it’s snowing!”
And even though it’s way past their bedtime and she knows she’s supposed to be quiet, a squeal escapes from JJ as she bounds to the window, pressing her face up against the glass and watching the little flakes float down, illuminated by the moonlight. There’s footsteps behind her, and she whirls around to grab her sister’s hands.
“It’s snowing Roz, it’s snowing!” she shouts, and even though Rosalyn shushes her, JJ knows she’s just as excited from the way they almost dance on the cold wooden floor.
“It’s so magical, Roz, it’s like we’re in—”
“A winter wonderland,” her sister finishes for her, and JJ shouts in agreement.
“We’re the snow princesses,” she says. “This is our castle.”
“Shelly is our magic dog,” Rosalyn suggests. “He’s our guard dog ‘cause he’s so big.”
“Bella is magic too!” JJ protests. “She makes it snow.”
“Bella is magic too,” her sister laughs. “What about Mabel and Moxie?”
The cows. JJ is still thinking when Rosalyn gasps. 
“The moon,” Rosalyn says in a hushed voice, and nine-year-old JJ is a little small for her size, just a little under four feet, and so her big sister hoists her up underneath her arms, and JJ gasps at the moon.
“It’s so pretty!” she says. “It’s a full moon, Roz.”
“It is,” Rosalyn agrees. “Do you know what a full moon is?”
“Um,” JJ says thoughtfully. “It’s a circle?”
And Rosalyn laughs and runs her hand through JJ’s hair, and she giggles.
“A full moon is when the Earth is right in the middle of the sun and the moon,” Rosalyn explains, shifting her weight so that JJ is seated on her hip. “And because the moon is facing the sun, this one big side of the moon is completely lit up.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” JJ says. “How come the Earth doesn’t block the sunlight?”
“I don’t know,” Rosalyn answers, and JJ giggles. “That’s what Miss Jordan said in science class.”
“Okay Roz,” JJ says, and she hums before speaking again.
“JJ , I need to tell you something.”
Her voice is more hushed and solemn, and JJ twists around in her grip to look at her. 
Rosalyn might have JJ’s hair, just like their mother’s, but her eyes are a pale brown color, almost hazel, just like their parents’. JJ is the only one with blue eyes, and everywhere she goes, she’s told how beautiful, how striking, how vivid they are, and though she doesn’t tell anyone this, she doesn’t like her eyes much. She likes how warm Rosalyn’s eyes are, how they seem to be filled with so many colors at once, but JJ thinks her own eyes are too bright, too cold.
“I love you,” Rosalyn says, and JJ blinks.
“I know,” she says. “I love you too.”
And Rosalyn laughs, but there’s some sort of sadness as she lets JJ down to the ground, and she gets on her knees so she’s at eye-level, and JJ blinks again because her sister is never this quiet and still. Even when their parents are yelling and they’re huddled in Rosalyn’s closet under a blanket, hands still combing through JJ’s hair, she notices how Rosalyn is shaking, mouth set in a hard line and a look of something dark on her face that makes JJ scared to look at.
“Are you okay?” JJ asks, and she doesn’t miss the flicker in her sister’s eyes right before she smiles.
“I’m okay,” she says. “I just wanted to tell you. You know how I’ll be going to college in a few years?”
JJ flinches at the “c” word.
“I don’t want you to go,” she says, and Rosalyn gives her another sad smile.
“I know,” she says quietly. “But I have to.”
“No you don’t,” JJ protests, but she’s old enough to know that East Allegheny is no place to stay in, surrounded by people who have known you since the day you were born and by parents who are so caught up in their own bitterness they can’t look out for their two kids.
And Rosalyn doesn’t say anything but points out the window. “You see the moon?”
From this angle, JJ can’t see anything, but she remembers the pale, glowing orb in the sky and nods.
“Promise me,” Rosalyn says, “that if you ever miss me, you’re going to look at the full moon. Because I’ll be looking at the moon too. And even though I won’t be with you, we’ll be looking at the same moon. And that’s how I’ll know that you’ll always be there with me.”
“The same moon,” JJ echoes.
Rosalyn squeezes her hands and nods.
“The same moon,” she says. “I’ll always love you. Promise me you’ll know that.”
“I promise,” JJ says. And then, “I’ll always love you too.”
Saturday afternoon comes too quickly, and it doesn’t escape from JJ her mother’s narrowed eyes and the sourness coming off of her father. She grips Rosalyn’s hand more tightly, and Rosalyn squeezes back in response, meeting her mother’s glare with a fierce stare of her own. They give Shelly one last pet before stepping off the porch, but when they make their way to the old van, the door is locked. And they’ve started arguing.
“Dan, you have to stop,” is Haydyn’s gruff voice, and responding is their father, but his voice is so slurred JJ can’t make out any words. “Think of the girls.”
“He doesn’t care,” comes their mother’s bitter snap. “He just drinks whatever he wants, whenever he wants, he won’t listen to that damn shrink—”
“Roz,” JJ says loudly. “Roz, can you tell me about the Mayflower?”
And Rosalyn tells her the stories of the first European pilgrims, and JJ tries to listen because no seven-year-old wants to hear her parents fighting and she just wants to hide with Bella the goat and pet Shelly the sheepdog and listen to Roz forever and ever, and she doesn’t really notice how Roz’s eyes darken and how her jaw tightens when their father says something and their mother slaps him.
JJ is quiet in school, never raising her hand and speaking in a voice so soft all the teachers have to ask her to speak up, but she’s a bright kid, they say, knows everything even though her parents are going through it. Because East Allegheny is a small town, and everyone knows that Dan Jareau has a drinking problem and has been sleeping with the high school science teacher for a while now, and all the kids whisper about her whore father when they think JJ isn’t listening, picking flowers in the recess field while everyone else plays kickball.
JJ asks Rosalyn what a whore is that night. Rosalyn doesn’t answer and asks JJ if she wanted to go out and catch more butterflies. She says yes.
JJ is not a stupid girl.
She teaches Rosalyn how to weave flower crowns from the wildflowers and tall grass in the fields behind their house, and when JJ goes to delicately set one on Rosalyn’s head, there’s a golden flash that catches her eye.
“What’s that?” she asks.
Rosalyn startles before her hand flies up to her collarbone, and she smiles.
When JJ nods, Rosalyn glances around comically before putting a finger to her mouth with a hush, and her little sister giggles.
“I’ll tell you, but you can’t tell anyone,” she says.
JJ’s eyes widen, but she promises with her eyes and zips her mouth shut.
“My boyfriend gave it to me,” Rosalyn says. “He said it’s to show how much he loved me.”
And JJ groans because, ugh, boys, but she still can’t help asking, “Can I see it?”
Rosalyn hesitates only a little bit before unclasping it and passing it over, and JJ makes it a point to hold it delicately in her hands, watching the chains pool in her tiny palms, and she studies the tiny gold heart.
“It’s so pretty,” she says, and Rosalyn agrees.
She gives it back reluctantly. JJ wonders if there will be someone who loved her enough to give her a necklace like that.
It’s when Rosalyn is doing her eyeliner that JJ notices the marks on her arm.
“Are you okay?”
Rosalyn puts down her arm, and her brows furrow.
“Of course I am,” she says. “What’s wrong?”
“Your arm,” JJ says, and immediately Rosalyn flinches, her right hand flying up to her left wrist, but it’s too late; JJ has already seen the cuts on her wrist from where her jacket rolled up.
“What happened?” JJ asks, and she reaches out to try and see for herself, but Rosalyn smacks her hand. 
“Hey!” she cries out, and Rosalyn scowls.
“I’m fine,” she says. “Tina got a new cat, and it doesn’t like me.”
“You haven’t been eating either,” JJ points out. “Are you allergic to it?”
And Rosalyn looks at her with something so tender and soft that JJ wants to hug her, and she smiles that same sad smile.
“Probably,” she says. “I’ll be fine, I just won’t go over to her house again.”
“Do you need medicine? We could ask Mom—”
“No,” Rosalyn says sharply, and JJ freezes at the harshness. “You can’t tell Mom or Dad, okay?”
When she doesn’t answer, Rosalyn prods her with the eyeliner pen. “Promise me. You can’t tell them.”
“I won’t,” JJ says, but her lip is trembling because Rosalyn only sounds this angry when she’s yelling with Mom and Dad, and Rosalyn sighs.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you.”
“It’s okay,” JJ says.
Her sister smiles. “Look at your eyeliner. You’re so pretty.”
Rosalyn cuts her hair off and dyes it brown. When she gets back from school, JJ is hiding around the corner when their father goes to confront her.
“What the hell did you do?” he shouts.
He’s been drinking, JJ knows. She came home earlier to find him staggering around the living room, bottles and bottles of beer littering the floor, and she took refuge in her room, locking her door and praying for anyone, literally anyone, to come and save her.
“I dyed my hair,” comes Rosalyn’s cold voice.
“Jesus Christ. Is it that boy? Tom?”
“Leave me alone.”
“I’m your father, you will not—”
“You’re barely around!” Rosalyn shouts, and JJ flinches behind the corner as she hears disorganized footsteps pounding on the stairs. “You’re off sleeping with Miss Jordan, she has to teach me and look at me and know she’s banging my dad—”
“Do not disrespect me, you have no idea—”
“I’m not some stupid teenager, I know what love is, unlike you—”
“You’re 17, you don’t—”
“You don’t understand that we’re in love— he loves me.”
“Rosalyn, you don’t even know what love is—”
“You don’t get it.”
And the door slams so loudly it rattles the walls, and her dad’s roar of anger sends JJ scurrying into the pantry, closing the door behind her and hoping someone would come save her and her sister. Her mother comes home later, and still in the dark pantry, she listens to their screaming. Glass breaks right before the front door slams, and JJ hears her mother sob. She slips out easily and tries not to look at her mother’s shaking figure at the dining table, and she steps delicately around the shattered glass bottles on the ground.
Her mother sends JJ to get her sister for dinner. But it’s hopeless. Rosalyn hasn’t eaten in days, there’s no point.
But she still knocks on her door and opens it because JJ loves her sister.
“It’s dinnertime, mom says.”
Her voice is tiny in Rosalyn’s dark room, and she can only vaguely make out her figure hunched over on her bed.
“JJ, not now,” is her reply, and Rosalyn is looking at her with something so dull and lifeless and it’s nothing like her sister.
JJ takes in a deep breath and pulls together the meanest bones in her body, and she forces out, “You have to come eat because you haven’t eaten in three days.”
And Rosalyn snaps, lips curling back in a snarl as she shouts, “Get out!” and hurls something at JJ. 
She flinches back behind the door just so it misses her, bouncing off the door and crumpling to the ground. The heart necklace.
“Why are you like this?” she whispers, because she is eleven years old and she knows her sister is suffering and that cat scratches don’t look like the marks on Rosalyn’s wrist and JJ just wants her to be happy again. 
A thought crosses her mind. “Is it Tom?”
And Rosalyn stills. Tilts her head back and sighs before looking at JJ, something unreadable in her eyes.
“No,” she says. “I broke up with Tom months ago. Will you just go away please?”
JJ leaves.
The first time, Rosalyn was only a little upset when she found JJ wearing her necklace. And when she told her that Mary Ann and her friends all had necklaces and she didn’t, Rosalyn told her she’d find a necklace just for JJ. 
The second time, Rosalyn had failed an English test. Yelled at JJ, blamed her for being the reason why she failed. And JJ cried as she gave the necklace back.
The third time, Rosalyn catches her in the act.
“What are you doing?”
JJ slams the jewelry box shut and spins around. “Nothing,” she says, but she withers under Rosalyn’s cold stare.
“Don’t say nothing, my necklace is missing,” she says, and JJ flinches as she barrels on. “You stole it again, didn’t you?”
Rosalyn holds out her hand expectantly, and JJ looks away. 
“How many times do I have to say— stay out of my room?”
JJ gives her the necklace. She doesn’t miss the way Rosalyn’s hand hovers above it before taking it, and she holds it at length, playing with it with both her hands. Rosalyn studies JJ, eyes softening.
“Why do you even like this so much?” she asks, and there’s a rawness that makes JJ want to tell the truth. 
“Because it’s yours,” she says, and she waits for Rosalyn to yell again, to snap, to do anything.
But Rosalyn only sighs, still fixated on the necklace, and—
“Then I want you to have it.”
JJ startles.
Rosalyn is already crouching down, clasping the necklace around her neck, her, “Yeah,” only a little broken.
“But you love this necklace. Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” Rosalyn murmurs, voice thick and so full of love that JJ can only stand still and accept it, and when Rosalyn leans back, looking at her handiwork, JJ feels beautiful and yet guilty.
“Because no matter what happens, I’ll always love you, JJ,”  Rosalyn whispers, and JJ wants to say I know, we promised, we were snow princesses and we looked at the full moon and we promised.
But Rosalyn smirks a little, and she adds, “Besides, this necklace will ward off the tall man.”
And JJ rolls her eyes and tells her, “That’s a stupid, made-up story.”
“The story’s made-up, but some monsters are real,” Rosalyn corrects swiftly, and after a short pause, “and if a monster ever sees you wearing this, he’ll know not—” she pokes her in the stomach and JJ giggles “—to mess with Jennifer Jareau.”
And JJ is still a little unsure about the necklace, hand flying up to touch the cold surface, and Rosalyn winks at her. “Cause she’s a total badass.”
“You think I’m a badass?”
“I think you’re the baddest of asses,” Rosalyn confirms before frowning, brows furrowing. “That came out wrong.”
And JJ giggles before Rosalyn tickles her, and they’re laughing and it’s like the old Roz is back, and it’s just enough that JJ doesn’t see the sadness in her eyes.
JJ wakes up early the next morning to make breakfast. It doesn’t make sense that Rosalyn would just give her her favorite necklace, but she likes it too much to consider otherwise. This breakfast is for Rosalyn, a thank-you. JJ knows she’s been busy from school and hasn’t been eating breakfast, but JJ knows how to make her favorite pancakes and how to fry her eggs just right so the yolk’s a little runny, just how she likes it.
Rosalyn isn’t in her bedroom when JJ goes to check on her, and stuttering a little, she frowns before noticing the closed bathroom. She goes to knock.
No answer. She tries the knob, and it’s an old house, the locks never worked, and she opens the door and Rosalyn is in the bathtub, facing away from the door. Her position looks almost comfortable, like she’s just soaking, but her arms are splayed out and the water is red.
“Roz?” JJ tries again, but her voice is so very, very small in this cold bathroom.
There are so many more marks on her arms than JJ realized, smaller white ones running up and down the length of both her arms, and then larger, dark red cuts that are still oozing red, dripping onto the tile floor, a little puddle next to the tub. Something glints in the maroon: their dad’s old razor.
And JJ waits. Waits for her to get up, because Rosalyn must’ve just fallen asleep last night while taking a bath, and any moment now she’ll wake up and laugh, tell JJ sorry, I’m really tired, and then tell her her necklace looks wonderful, and JJ will smile and show her the breakfast she’s made just for her big sister because she loves her, and they’ll laugh and eat breakfast together and they’ll go to their grandparents’ farm and pet Shelly, who’s a little slow because he’s so old and feed Bella and the cows, and everything will be okay.
“Roz, wake up,” she tries to say, but her throat is dry and she can’t make any noise.
But Rosalyn does not get up. She stays in the tub, unmoving, the water still and a murky maroon, and the only thing JJ can hear is her heart pounding.
“I love you.”
Rosalyn does not say it back.
Footsteps behind her. “Jennifer, what are you doing?”
Her mother stops behind her. “Rosalyn?”
Then the screaming starts.
The funeral passes by quickly. JJ only blinks and nods, the necklace burning into her skin as she stares straight ahead. Rosalyn Jareau looks peaceful in the casket, eyes fluttered closed and wearing her nice Sunday dress, the sleeves pushed down to their full length so as to hide the plethora of scars and cuts, the only visible sign of Rosalyn’s pain.
JJ wonders if heaven has the same moon as the one here on Earth.
Her father doesn’t come back, and at the memorial service, her mother locks herself in her room. People drift by, saying things that float out JJ’s ears, and she only nods blankly. When everyone leaves, the house is too quiet, and for one horrible moment, JJ smells that horrible metallic scent, the same as the one in the bathroom.
She still fits under the back porch, curling up underneath the wooden planks and digging her fingers into the moist dirt.
No one comes for her.
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fanfics4all · 3 years
Characters I write for!
Characters with ❤️  are my favorite to write for! 
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Dinah Drake
Felicity Smoak ❤️
Laurel Lance
Oliver Queen
Roy Harper
Sara Lance
Thea Queen
Tommy Merlyn ❤️
and all the actors/actresses
Criminal Minds:
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Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Luke Alvez
Penelope Garcia
Spencer Reid ❤️
and all the actors/actresses
Fear the Walking Dead:
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Alicia Clark
Althea Szewczyk-Przygocki
Jake Otto
Madison Clark
Nick Clark ❤️
Troy Otto ❤️
Victor Strand
and all the actors/actresses
Good Trouble:
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Alice Kwan
Callie Adams-Foster
Dennis Cooper ❤️
Evan Speck ❤️
Gael Martinez ❤️
Jamie Hunter
Mariana Adams-Foster
Malika Williams
and all the actors/actresses
Harry Potter:
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Bellatrix Lestrange ❤️
Bill Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Draco Malfoy ❤️
Fred Weasley ❤️
George Weasley ❤️
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood ❤️
Narcissa Malfoy
Neville Longbottom
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Rubeus Hagrid
Seamus Finnigan
Severus Snape ❤️
Sirius Black
Tom Riddle/Voldemort ❤️
and all the actors/actresses
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Alice Cooper
Archie Andrew
Betty Cooper
Cheryl Blossom
Fangs Fogarty ❤️
Fred Andrews
FP Jones ❤️
Hermione Lodge
Hiram Lodge
Jason Blossom
Joaquin Desantos ❤️
Josie McCoy
Jughead Jones ❤️
Kevin Keller
Malachai ❤️
Penny Peabody
Polly Cooper
Reggie Mantle
Sweet Pea ❤️
Tom Keller
Toni Topaz
Veronica Lodge
and all the actors/actresses
The 100:
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Bellamy Blake
Clarke Griffin
Finn Collins
Jasper Jordan ❤️
John Murphy ❤️
Monty Green
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
and all the actors/actresses
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:
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Ambrose Spellman ❤️
Caliban ❤️
Father Blackwood
Harvey Kinkle ❤️
Hilda Spellman
Lucifer Morningstar
Mary Wardwell/Madam Satan
Nicholas Scratch ❤️
Prudence Night
Rosalind Walker
Sabrina Spellman
Susie/Theo Putnam ❤️
Tommy Kinkle ❤️ 
Zelda Spellman
The Flash:
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Barry Allen ❤️
Caitlin Snow
Cisco Ramon
Harrison Wells/Harry Wells
Leonard Snart ❤️
Nora West-Allen
Savitar ❤️
Wally West
The Fosters:
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AJ Hensdale
Brandon Foster
Callie Adams-Foster
Emma Kurtzman
Jesus Adams-Fosters
Jude Adams-Foster ❤️
Lucy 'Lou' Chan ❤️
Mariana Adams-Foster
Mat Tan
Wyatt ❤️
The Walking Dead:
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Abraham Ford
Beth Greene ❤️
Carl Grimes ❤️
Carol Peletier
Daryl Dixon ❤️
Eugene Porter
Glenn Rhee ❤️
Maggie Greene
Negan ❤️
Rick Grimes
Rosita Espinosa
Sasha Williams
Shane Walsh
Tara Chambler
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ssa-thotchnerr · 3 years
Prentiss/hotchniss reader!! For the extreme rebellion
Reid!reader is too nice, even if she dresses a bit edgier she still works hard and listens to her dad
Jareau!reader has learned from her mum about Rosalind and she has to help her dad look after her brothers
I feel like hotchniss!reader would do it for like 3 weeks and then Emily and Hotch would go full parent mode and literally discipline the SHIT out of her!
Reid!reader could never go against her dad or do anything to make him upset, she could literally never live with herself if she disappointed him.
Jaraeu!Reader I think doesn’t have the look, cause I feel like she’d look too innocent if she looked like early seasons!jj
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alonecoura · 5 years
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under the cut you will find a list / links to my permanent starter calls that i’ve posted.  this will be updated w/ time. but here it is so that their altogether.
peter parker.
natasha romanoff.
peter quill.
gwen stacy.
leah burke.
rebecca bunch.
peter kavinsky.
kady orloff-diaz.
julia wicker.
quentin coldwater.
michael guerin.
billy loomis.
randy meeks.
zach taylor.
kimberly hart.
nicholas scratch.
rosalind walker.
jack morton.
cassie mcclure.
josie saltzman.
jessica riley.
betty cooper.
beverly marsh.
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ao3feed-castiel · 4 years
normal [supernatural/criminal minds crossover]
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Wct5fx
by maiselocked
rosalind taylor. 31. former psychiatrist. newly employed fbi profiler with the quantico, virginia behavioral analysis unit. also not human.
aaron hotchner. 44. widower and father. unit chief of the quantico, virginia behavorial analysis unit. is a human.
rosalind escaped her life to be normal but it catches up to her when she least expected to and now she's faced with a choice: does she run, sacrifice herself for the ones she loves, or does she put up one hell of a fight?
[originally posted on wattpad] [aaron hotchner x oc]
Words: 3635, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Criminal Minds (US TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Original Female Character(s), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau, Emily Prentiss, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia
Relationships: Aaron Hotchner/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Pining Aaron Hotchner, Protective Aaron Hotchner, Protective Dean Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Nephilim, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Behavioral Analysis Unit (Criminal Minds), Crossover
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Wct5fx
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criminalmindsitalia · 7 years
La squadra della BAU indaga su tre crimini simili, in cui i resti delle vittime vengono scoperti in vecchie valigie, in CRIMINAL MINDS, mercoledì 4 ottobre.
La squadra della BAU indaga su tre crimini simili che riguardano i resti delle vittime scoperti in vecchie valigie.
Fonte: SpoilerTV
“To A Better Place” – La squadra della BAU indaga su tre crimini simili, in cui i resti delle vittime vengono scoperti in vecchie valigie, in CRIMINAL MINDS, mercoledì 4 ottobre (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) sulla CBS Television Network.
REGULAR CAST: Joe Mantegna (David Rossi) Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss) Matthew Gray Gubler (Dr. Reid) A.J. Cook (Jennifer Jareau) Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia) Adam Rodriguez (Luke Alvez) Daniel Henney (Matt Simmons)
GUEST CAST: Alberto Frezza (William Lynch (Unsub) Mary Jo Deschanel (Edith Lynch Old Woman) Jeanine Mason (Helen Pierce) Tiffany Daniels (Wanda) Gretchen German (FBI Instructor) Tim Russ (Agent Lawrence) Karin de la Penha (M.E. Rosalind Bell) Lisa McCullough (Holly) Jodi Moore (Ruth Lynch) Judah Mackey (Young William Lynch) Damon Erik Williams (Cyclist #1) Iain Sandison (Cyclist #2) Tegan Ashton Cohan (Young Edith Lynch)
SCRITTO DA: Bruce Zimmerman DIRETTO DA: Diana Valentine
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tvtracker · 7 years
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Criminal Minds Episode 13.02 'To A Better Place' Press Release. THE BAU TEAM INVESTIGATES THREE SIMILAR CRIMES IN WHICH VICTIMS’ REMAINS ARE DISCOVERED IN OLD SUITCASES, ON “CRIMINAL MINDS,” WEDNESDAY, OCT. 4 “To A Better Place” – The BAU investigates three similar crimes in which victims’ remains are discovered in old suitcases, on CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, Oct. 4 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. CHEAT TWEET: The BAU team investigates 3 similar crimes involving victims’ remains found in old suitcases 10pm 10/4 #CBS http://bit.ly/2xbLYkX REGULAR CAST: Joe Mantegna (David Rossi) Paget Brewster (Emily Prentiss) Matthew Gray Gubler (Dr. Reid) A.J. Cook (Jennifer Jareau) Aisha Tyler (Dr. Tara Lewis) Kirsten Vangsness (Penelope Garcia) Adam Rodriguez (Luke Alvez) Daniel Henney (Matt Simmons) GUEST CAST: Alberto Frezza (William Lynch (Unsub) Mary Jo Deschanel (Edith Lynch Old Woman) Jeanine Mason (Helen Pierce) Tiffany Daniels (Wanda) Gretchen German (FBI Instructor) Tim Russ (Agent Lawrence) Karin de la Penha (M.E. Rosalind Bell) Lisa McCullough (Holly) Jodi Moore (Ruth Lynch) Judah Mackey (Young William Lynch) Damon Erik Williams (Cyclist #1) Iain Sandison (Cyclist #2) Tegan Ashton Cohan (Young Edith Lynch) WRITTEN BY: Bruce Zimmerman DIRECTED BY: Diana Valentine Source: CBS
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
5 - I Told You I'd Find You
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Part 6
My Genius Prince
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @random000000sblog
Spencer’s pov
Me, JJ, Malia and Emily had all piled into one of the vehicles. Leaving the rest of the team back at the station in case we were wrong and she was still missing. Getting out of the car I was the first one through the automatic hospital doors and to the front desk. “Can I help you, sir?”
“I’m with the FBI. We are responding to the call that we got saying someone was brought in.” I explained resting my hands on the countertop.
The nurse at the front desk looked at me. “Are you a friend of the family or actual family?”
“He’s her boyfriend. Now is my best friend here or not?” Malia came to stand right beside me not wanting to waste anymore time.
The nurse moved her mouse across the computer screen. “Okay I see it now. Yes, there was a girl brought in by a random driver.”
“Does she have a room number?” JJ asked her.
The brown haired nurse nodded pointing down the closet hallway. “Yes. Just down the hall two doors down. Room 318.”
“Thank you.” I nodded, feeling a tightness in my chest.
Malia bolted past me, not bothering to wait. “Rosalind!”
“Ms. Tames.” JJ warned her trying to cash after her.
Grabbing her shoulder I followed after her. “I’ll go with her….Malia! You can’t just run…”
“Spencer, she’s…she’s here. It’s her.” She clasped her hands together in front of her where I could see tears welling in her eyes.
Shifting my attention away from her, my whole body froze. My hands dropped to my sides with me keeping my focus on the tiny glass window in front of me. There was a girl laying in the bed clearly passed out from exhaustion. “Malia…”
“Is it her? It’s her right?” Malia tugged on my arm.
Silently staring at the girl it was without a doubt her. Her hair was sticking to her forehead and I could see some bruising. “Yeah it’s her…no doubt about it. She’s alive.” Mumbling under my breath I reached for the door handle slowly turning it and opening the door. I couldn’t describe what I was feeling at that moment. I just knew all the worries I had were now gone forever.
Rosalind’s pov
I could hear a monitor blinking in the background. I slowly opened my eyes but shut them when there was a bright light in my eyes. “Ugh…..Where am I?” I whispered to myself feeling very tired but had very little pain at the moment meaning I must be at the hospital and receiving pain meds.
“Roz!” I winced hearing someone cheer my name and whoever it was flung their arms around my neck hugging me tightly.
I froze for a second before I could register that it was my best friend. “M…Malia.” Wrapping my arms around her neck she sniffed into my hair.
“I can’t believe you’re here. I knew something was wrong when you were avoiding my messages.” She chuckled through happy tears.
Shifting my body weight up higher on the pillow I winced while holding my head and it had to be after I hit my head on the steering wheel of the truck I stole from my father. “Yeah I’d never leave you unread. Hey uh…could you get me some ice for my head?”
“Yeah of course.” She scrambled off the bed and quickly left the room.
Shutting my eyes I sighed, laying my head back further against the pillows. Dropping my hands down into my lap I felt someone watching me from the doorway. “Whoever is staring at me I’d suggest you say something before I start crying for help because there’s a stranger in my room.”
“Uh sorry, Rosalind. I just…” Turning my head in the direction of the voice a smile graced my face seeing Spencer standing in the doorway. His curly hair was a tousled mess and his clothes were slightly messy. I also could see some bags underneath his eyes meaning the search for me had taken a hit on him. “For the first time in my life I think I’m at a loss for words.”
Sniffing through happy tears I wanted nothing more than to jump into his arms. “Spencer….ah!” I winced trying to get out of the bed but I felt a pain in my thigh making me remain there.
“Rosalind…” He crossed the room so quickly I didn’t have the chance to blink. He gently but firmly wrapped his arms around my waist bringing me against his chest.
Moving my fingers up his chest I threaded my fingers through the fabric of his shirt. Feeling tears piling down my face I buried my face into his chest sobbing heavily. “Spence…”
“I should have stayed with you that night.” He mumbled through some tears of his own.
Shaking my head no, I knew he would start blaming himself for what happened to me. “Don’t do that, Spence.”
“But if I had just stayed.” He attempted again.
Breaking the hug slightly I held onto his shoulders staring into his brown eyes. “Spencer, this is not your fault. You couldn't have predicted my father would get an early release and come looking for me.”
“I just wish it didn’t happen to you, Roz.” He admitted lowering his gaze from mine briefly.
Running one hand through his I sent him a half smile. “You found me. That’s all that matters.”
“I did promise you didn’t I. Even though I don’t entirely understand the reference.” Spencer says back to me.
On that note an idea got inside my head. Separating from him I dug around for the tv remote finding it inside the table drawer. Scooting over to make room for him on the bed I pated the empty space beside me. “Let’s fix that then. Come on, sit down.”
“Wouldn’t you rather wait for Malia?” He asked me.
Shaking my head I didn’t care about whatever else was happening outside that room. All that matters is that we were back together. “Come on, Spence.”
“Okay but if one of my team members comes looking for me. I’ll have to talk with her.” He responded to me climbing to sit on the side of the bed.
Nodding in agreement I turned the tv on finding Netflix on there. Hitting play on the show named Once Upon a Time we began watching the intro. Prince Charming rides on a horse along a long stretch of land towards a forest. In the forest, he meets several dwarves gathered around a glass coffin. “You’re too late.”
We got an image of Snow laying in her coffin. “No. No! Open it.” Her prince was in denial.
The dwarf that was named Grumpy spoke. “I’m sorry, she’s gone.”
“At least let me say goodbye.” Charming lowered his head looking down at the love of his life before he put his attention back on the dwarfs.
The dwarfs remove the lid of the coffin letting him kiss Snow White, which causes the spell she was under to be broken. A pulse of magic spreads throughout the land. And with that one kiss of true love they all heard her gasp and open her eyes. “You… You found me.”
“Did you ever doubt I would?” Charming asked her helping her sit upright in the coffin.
She smiled gently, grabbing his forearm. “Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me pause.”
“Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you.” Charming gently cupped her face in his hands declaring lovingly.
She smiled lightly. “Do you promise?”
Charming smiled. “I do.”
“So that’s where the reference comes from.” Spencer replied with his hands in his lap.
Glancing in his direction I nodded, hitting pause on the tv remote. “Yeah. Now if there’s anything you want me to tell you just let me know. I’d have to guess you only know stuff that is in textbooks.”
“According to JJ I don’t know about a lot of things. She had to teach me what the term BFF means. I also didn’t know about this supposed vampire family named Cullen’s.” He rubbed the back of his neck, getting nervous.
Reaching for his hand I enjoyed that my small hand fits in his larger one. “Don’t worry we can teach each other new things all the time.”
“Excuse me, Ms. Mason. I’m sorry to interrupt.” We turned our heads and saw a nurse standing outside my hospital room carrying a clipboard against her chest.
Spencer sat upright more with his legs hanging over the side of the bed. “Is there something we need to do?”
“I was just coming to see if you had another emergency contact person.” She says to me,
Raising a brow at her. “Um no I don’t. My mother’s information should all be there in the file.”
“Oh it is, Ms. Maxon.” She said.
I still didn’t understand what the problem was. “I’m sorry then why are you asking about another emergency contact?”
“We attempted to call your mother but it appears her phone isn’t working. We’d just like to see if maybe she changed her number or something else happened before we tried again.” She explained to me.
Spencer squeezed my hand in his. “I think she would know if her mother changed her contact information.”
“I’ll have the front desk try again then.” The nurse turned on her heels leaving the two of us alone in the hospital room.
Brushing hair from my face I started getting worried at what she had asked us. “Spencer, I don’t like what she just said. My mother wouldn’t change her contact information. She already did that years ago. If she’s not answering her phone then something ain’t good especially since Malia probably told her she thought I was abducted.”
“You don’t have to worry about it. I’ll have our tech analyst back at my work to check it out.” He told me to move some messy hair out of my face.
Laying my head back down against his chest I gripped onto his shirt for comfort. “I just don’t want anything bad to happen to her.”
“If she’s as tough as you are then she should be fine.” He kisses my hair.
Letting myself get lost in my thoughts there was a faint memory that came across my mind. Lifting my head up I got more nervous than I was minutes ago. “Spencer, my dad said he would find my mother if he ever got out. Could that mean he?”
“I’ll have Garcia look into it. See if she gets any information.” He responded to me quickly leaving the room to go make the phone call for me.
Unknown to the pair a truck had pulled up outside the Maxon household. Somebody knocked on the front door causing Amanda Maxon to open the door not thinking anything of it. “Can I help you - Deacon!”
“Hello Mandy. Did you miss me?” He asked his wife standing on the front porch.
She slowly began backing up away from him. “What are you doing here. You’re supposed to be in jail.”
“Good behavior got me out. I paid our daughter a visit and she gave me this…I thought I’d show you that you clearly didn’t discipline her enough while I was gone.” Deacon stepped through the doorway with the limp in his leg and some bleeding from the wound he had.
Amanda reached down for her phone seeing that someone was calling her. “I’m calling the cops, Deacon.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Mandy.” She paused, taking in a sharp breath feeling the cold barrel of a gun pressing against her forehead. She slowly shifted her gaze back towards her ex husband. “You hang up that phone right now. You’re coming with me.”
“Okay.” She whispered knowing it was better not to argue with him. She just prayed that her daughter was safe and that she made it out of this alive if she was lucky.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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countrymusiclover · 6 months
2 - Call for Help
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Part 3
My Genius Prince
Tag list - @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
The next morning - Spencer’s pov
Walking into the FBI building I had been dialing Rosalind for a few hours since it was strange that she hadn't called me on my way into work this morning. Sitting down at my desk I sighed pressing the call button on the phone again but I heard the same response for the fifth time. “This is Rosalind, I can’t answer the phone now. Leave a message and I'll call ya back later.”
“Urgh! That's not right. It's can't be right.” Tossing my phone on the desk I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.
Footsteps came down the hallway and I lifted my head up seeing it was JJ. “Hey Spence, you okay. Something seems to have you pretty upset.” She pointed out standing in front of me.
“Uh.. There’s somebody missing that I care about and she's missing.” I sighed leaning back in my chair.
She tilted her head. “Is she a friend or girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend…” I croaked out feeling my chest tighten with fear.
An office door opened before she could say anything more. Garcia and Hotchner came out of his office. “We have a new case. Everyone in the briefing room now.” JJ and I followed them into the room seeing the rest of the team which included Morgan, Prentas, Hotch, Garcia, JJ and me.
“Okay, so this will sound odd. But the computer system has been blowing up a few minutes ago with a repeated message and now there’s a video that was all sent here. Specifically to Spencer’s email address.” Garcia explained once we were all in the conference room.
Hotch glanced over to her. “What else do you know about whoever sent the emails?”
“I wish I could say I had more to tell you. Sadly I haven’t recovered much. At least until I get to read through the emails and see if anything sticks out to me.” She sighed in disappointment.
I gulped feeling a lump in my throat. “Garcia uh…can I read over the emails with you?”
“I know that you can read them really fast but what do you think you’ll find that she can’t with her computer skills?” Emily asked with her arms crossed over her chest.
JJ sent me a half smile. “He claims that this woman is his girlfriend.”
“Wait a girlfriend. Are you serious? How do we not know about her - how do I not know anything about her?” Garcia put a hand over her heart in awe and somewhat of a betrayal that he didn’t tell them sooner.
Morgan smirked in my direction. “Pretty boy being a player over there. I wish I’d be saying congratulations under different circumstances.”
Clutching my hands into fists at my sides I could feel my whole body shaking while I attempted to get the words out. Thinking back to last night and what would have happened if I had just stayed like she asked. “I have a wealth of knowledge I should be applying to this case. Behavioral patterns of stalkers. Tactical recovery strategies. Victim survival odds. But right now I can't focus on anything more than 4 seconds at a time. Which makes me the dumbest person in the room. So...Please help me. Help me find her.”
“We don't know if we have a case. So we'll be working on personal time. Does anybody want to leave?” Hotch asked the others looking around and nobody said anything against it. “Good. Let's get to work.”
Everybody else had left the room but I felt Garcia reach down for my hand squeezing it gently. “Don’t worry, we’ll find her.”
“Yeah I know…I just hope she remembers what I taught her to buy her time so we can find her.” I sucked in a breath following her down to her office where she opened the door and I pulled in a chair from another desk.
Sitting down beside her she turned on her computer screen grabbing me a set of headphones. “Here, put these on and wait for my cue ... .so care to tell me about this girl before we see some dark things.”
“We’ve been dating for two years. I’m the only person besides her bestie Malia who calls her Roz ... .sorry I don’t really know what would be important until we look through the evidence.” Running a hand through my hair I sighed heavily.
She spun slightly in her chair. “Reid, I know you’re worried about this girl. But you just need to remember that this isn’t all just riding on you. This girl has to fight against the clock in her own way.”
“Yeah…there is one thing that sticks out to me about these photos.” I dropped my attention to the printed photos she had given me when we came into her office. One of the photos showed blood on the floor and a gun bullet laying at the edge of it. “Rosalind has gotten a gun after I taught her how to shoot. But she’d never actually hurt anybody with it.”
Garcia knitted her brows. “What does that have to do with the photo?”
“It means that our unsub has her gun and he’ll most likely use it against her again.” Tapping the fingers of my freehand on the desk I muttered under my breath, getting lost in my thoughts. “Please, please remember what I taught you Roz.”
Rosalind’s pov - One Year Ago
Spencer and I had decided that we would take turns on picking what we did on our next date. I had picked the last one so now it was his turn. He parked the car outside the gun range building that belonged to the FBI. Getting out of the car I gulped slightly nervously. “Are you sure we won’t get arrested with a non-federal agent being here?”
“Typically I would lose my job and you would be charged heavily. But don’t worry I lied and told my boss that it was just me coming to practice here today…uh after you.” He strides past me swinging open the door and gestured for me to go first like a gentleman.
I did a princess curtsey even though I was wearing jeans and sweatshirt going in before him and he showed me the direction we needed to go. “Thank you, sir. So what exactly is it I need to do here Agent Reid?”
“Plant your feet like this…” Spencer began explaining putting his feet slightly apart from each other in a fighting stance position almost. I moved my feet the exact same way he was still watching for his next movement.
He comes behind me handing me the handgun he had clipped to his belt. “So just like this?” I asked him to raise the firearm up with both hands slightly.
“Yeah, just a little higher here. Oh and you should keep this part since it will cock back when you fire.” Spencer moves my thumbnail off the back of the gun and he shows me the part that comes back when he removes a bullet out and returns it back to how it was.
Raising my hands again he moves behind me to my suprise where I could feel his front almost against my back. “Hotch told me when I was doing my practices to not lower your weapon so quickly to see where you hit.”
“Because it takes away your focus on the target at hand.” I added onto his statement.
He nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”
“Okay. I’m gonna give it a try.” I lifted my gaze up to his chocolate brown eyes where he took a few steps backwards from me. Raising the firearm back up I sucked in a breath slowly pulling the trigger. My whole body shook the first time it fired but I released a breath firing a couple more shots. “Woah…how was that?”
Spencer hit the button and the practice target slid forward showing us that two of the three bullets I had fired ended up almost dead center in the person’s chest. “That’s actually a lot better than I was the first couple of times. I didn’t get good until Hotch and I were held hostage by an unsub that I had to shoot.”
“Dang Reid. One of these days I hope I’ll get to meet your team.” I handed him back his gun hearing the door open meaning somebody else was coming in. “Uh somebody’s coming.”
Spencer grabs my hand and we quickly begin running towards a different door and towards his car. “Get in the car….I didn’t expect anyone to come in here right now.” He ran his hands through his hair sighing against the seat.
“Guess it makes this a weird end to our third date huh?” Glancing over at him I sent him a small smile.
He raised a curious brow. “Is there any way to salvage it, Rosalind?”
“Yeah there is, Spencer.” I smiled brightly before he leaned across the seat and kissed me slowly. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him back thinking this wasn’t a bad date in my opinion.
Blinking my eyes opened I moaned feeling some dizziness in my head. It took me a second to regain my vision when I started to see that I was in a barely lit room inside of an old wooden cabin. I attempted to move around but I winced feeling something bond to my wrists. “Urgh! What the…why did he bound me?”
A door creaked opened where I quickly lifted my head upright seeing my father coming in carrying something behind his back like earlier back at my house. “Finally you’re awake. I was worried I’d start to have to call you Sleeping Beauty instead of Cinderella.”
“What do you want from me and how did you get released from jail so early?” I questioned him knowing that he had tried to hurt me when I was six years old.
My father Deacon smirked. “I decided to be on my best behavior. All because I knew it would get me back to you.”
“Even though you knew I had no desire to see you. You do realize I’m not six years old anymore.” I spat at him trying to snap the rope restraints that had tied me down to the wooden chair.
He walked forward revealing something behind his back. One object in each hand but the one in his right scared me more since it was the same gun he hit me with before I blacked out. “You might not be able to fit into your old dress so that’s why I found this one. You’re wondering what I want…I want you to go back before she snitched and ruined what we had.” He held a bright blue dress out in front of his chest in his left hand.
“What makes you think that I’ll just go along with what you say?” I questioned him.
He pointed the gun straight at me. “This doesn’t give you much of a choice. So you do what I say or things will get ugly.” I gulped, figuring there was some hope that Spencer and his team would find me. I had to play his game.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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