#roman rokudo
nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
They go in order of generations because this will probably be the most organized I will ever get on making a masterlist for my profiles and then there is the minor characters
Eseria, the realm of creatures
Founders era
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Raven Kaldor
Scarrow Kaldor
Avey Kaldor
Rising era
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Elizabeth Alden; profile tbd
Nicholas Macchione; profile tbd
Romulus Hati; profile tbd
Roan “buttercup” Clover; profile tbd
Zambrim Azriel; profile tbd
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Logan Rosseto
Johnny Tazar Jr - Pinterest board
Ayas Perphyra;
Haldir Eilphyra;
Elyon Vamaer
Elisen Chaeyra;
Elven clothing styles
Meet the Rosseto’s
World War 1 (yes I know M*A*S*H is set during the Korean War)
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Pierre Blanc; profile tbd
Igor Orlov; profile tbd
Klaus Wagner; profile tbd
Fantastic Beasts
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Jason Perphyra;
Riddle Era
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Hester Notts; Pinterest
Viktor Perphyra;
Marauders Era
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Alvar Lestrange; profile tbd
Raimund Lestange; profile tbd
Viktor Perphyra Jr;
Pietro Perphyra; profile tbd
Anatoly Perphyra;
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Dimitri Di Angelo; playlist
Skylar Di Angelo
Roman Rokudo
Golden era
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Jebron Perphyra; Pinterest
Sinncere Perphyra; Pinterest
Dotta Rowle; profile tbd
HPMA/Next Gen
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Efesto Vecellio
Levi Vecellio
Mars Dolohov
Anders Di Angelo
Astrid Di Angelo
Aren Di Angelo
Xanxus Di Angelo
Minor characters
(Hphl) Levi Fowler; introduction, profile tbd
(Hphl) Cassandra Salas; profile tbd
(Ftbawtft) Israel Rodriguez; profile tbd
(Ftbawtft) Mateo Rodríguez; profile tbd
(Ftbawtft) Yasmine Shadid; profile tbd
(Riddle era) Saxi Rowle; profile tbd
(Riddle era) Anton Dolohov; profile tbd
(Riddle Era) Silver Notts; profile tbd
(Riddle Era) Pedro Rodríguez; profile tbd
(Riddle Era) Diego Rodríguez; profile tbd
(Riddle Era) Alessandra Macchione; profile tbd
(Riddle Era) Adriano Palminteri; profile tbd
(Marauders) Serafina Macchione; profile tbd
(Marauders) Matteo Macchione; profile tbd
(Marauders) Calogero Palminteri; profile tbd
(Marauders) Giovanni Palminteri; profile tbd
(Marauders) Hayden Notts; profile tbd
(Marauders) Ashley Lestrange; profile tbd
(Hphm) Leonardo Macchione; profile tbd
(Hphm) Alceo Macchione; profile tbd
(Hphm-Hpma) Eren Larsen; profile tbd (Magical theory professor)
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theguythatdraws · 3 years
Chapter 4: The Call of Gozer
Ok, final part. This should be fun! Rakepick takes the role of Gozer. @hogwarts9 @demon-twins-and-co @hphmmatthewluther
All over New York, ghouls and ghosts were wrecking havoc.
From the subway, a white ghost with lanky arms flew out, shrieking and startling people.
In another part of town, a pink glow worked its way into a cab's exhaust, morphing the driver into a rotting corpse, driving around wildly.
On the other end of the city, the Sedgewick ghost emerged from a hot dog cart, his mouth full of sausages.
Everyone was thinking the same thing; where were the Ghostbusters?
"I want to make a phone call!" Shouted Roman. "I just work with these guys! I wasn't even there!"
The Ghostbusters were in a holding cell, surrounded by prisoners. Matthew and Aishwarya were going over Chiara's building plans, drawing the attention of some of the prisoners.
"The structure of this roof cap is exactly like the kind of telemetry tracker that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space." Said Matthew.
"Cold riveted girders with cores of pure selenium." Said Aishwarya.
Finn turned to everyone. "Everyone getting this so far?" He turned back to Aishwarya. "So what? I guess they just don't make them like they used to."
"No!" Shouted Aishwarya, smacking Finn's head. "Nobody ever made them like this! The architect was either a certified genius or an aesthetic wacko!"
"Aishwarya, for a moment, pretend that I don't know anything about metallurgy, engineering or physics and just tell me what the hell is going on." Said Finn.
"You never studied. The whole building is a huge super-conductive antenna that was designed and built expressly for the purpose of pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbulence. Your girlfriend, lives in the corner penthouse of Spook Central." Said Aishwarya.
Finn stared at her. "She's not my girlfriend. I find her interesting because she's a client and because she sleeps above her covers. Four feet above her covers! She barks, she drools, she claws..."
"It's not the girl, Finn, it's the building! Something terrible is about the enter our world and this building is obviously the door." Said Matthew. "The architect's name was Ivo Shandor. I found it in Tobin's Spirit Guide. He was also a doctor. Performed a lot of unnecessary surgery. And then in 1920 he founded a secret society."
"Let me guess." Said Finn. "Gozer worshippers."
"Right." Said Matthew.
"And you said I didn't study." Said Finn to Aishwarya.
"After the First World War, Shandor decided that society was too sick to survive." Continued Matthew. "And he wasn't alone. he had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals up on the roof, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world, and now it looks like it may actually happen!"
Finn stared at Matthew before he cracked. "So be good, for goodness sake!" He sang. "Whoa! Somebody's coming! Somebody's coming!"
"We have to get out of here. We've gotta get a judge or something." Said Aishwarya.
"Hey! Hey! Hold it!" Shouted Roman. "Now we're actually going to go before a federal judge and say that some moldy old Babylonian god is going to drop in on Central Park West and start tearing up the city?"
"Sumerian, not Babylonian." Said Aishwarya.
"Yeah, big difference!" Said Finn.
"No offense, guys, but I gotta get my own lawyer." Said Roman.
The guard walked up to the cell. "Okay, Ghostbusters! The mayor wants to see you guys. The whole island's going crazy! Let's go." He said unlocking the door.
Finn threw up a peace sign. "I gotta split. The mayor wants to rap with me about some things."
"The Ghostbusters are here, Mr. Mayor." Said the mayor's aid.
The mayor looked up; Talbott Winger was a man with a pointed chin, brown eyes and slicked back brown hair.
"The Ghostbusters, all right, the Ghostbusters. Hey, where's this Kim?" Said Talbott.
"I am Jae Kim, sir, and I'm prepared to make a full report! These four are consummate snowball artists! They use sensitive nerve gases to induce hallucinations! People think they're seeing ghosts! And they call these bozos, who conveniently show up to deal with the problem with a fake electronic light show!" Shouted Kim.
"Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here!" Said Aishwarya.
"They caused an explosion!" Screamed Kim.
Talbott looked at the Ghostbusters. "Is this true?"
"Yes, it's true." Said Finn. "This man has no dick."
"You-" Kim lunged at Finn, trying to strangle him, before the police restrained him.
"Well, that's what I heard!" Shouted Finn.
"This is City Hall! Now what am I gonna do here, John? What is this?" Asked Talbott to the Fire Commissioner.
"All I know is: that was no light show we saw this morning." Said the FC. "I've seen every kind of combustion known to man, but this beats the hell out of me."
The Police Commissioner jumped in. "The walls in the 53rd precinct were bleeding. How do you explain that?"
Roman stepped forward, clearing his throat. "I'm Roman Rokudo, Your Honor. Look, I've only been with the company for a couple of weeks. But I gotta tell you, these things are real. Since I joined these three, I've seen shit that'll turn you white!"
"Well, you could believe this idiot-" Said Finn.
"My name is Kim!"
"-or you could accept the fact that this city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions." Finished Finn.
"What do you mean, biblical?" Said Talbott.
"What I mean is Old Testament biblical, Mr. Mayor. Real wrath-of-God-type stuff." Said Finn.
"Fire and brimstone coming from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes! Volcanoes!" Shouted Matthew.
"The dead rising from the grave!" Shouted Roman.
"Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!" Shouted Finn.
"Alright! I get the point!" Shouted Talbott. "What if you're wrong?"
"If I'm wrong, nothing happens! We go to jail!" Shouted Finn. "Peacefully, quietly! We'll enjoy it! But if I'm right, and we can stop this thing; Talbott, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters."
Talbott raised his eyebrow, smiling and stroking his chin.
"I don't believe you're seriously considering listening to these people." Chuckled Kim.
Finn smiled a smug smile, and Talbott pointed at Kim. "Get him out of here."
Kim's eye twitched and Finn waved at him. "Bye."
"I'll fix you, McGarry. I'm gonna fix you!" He shouted as the police pushed him out of the room.
"Yeah, and I'm going to send you a nice fruit basket. I'm gonna miss him!" Shouted Finn.
"You four got some work to do." Said Talbott. "Now what do you need from me?"
Ecto-1 drove down the road, accompanied by police and military escorts. Finn had to admit, it was pretty cool. They pulled up to the apartment, and saw a large crowd of people, cheering for the Ghostbusters. But they also saw large dark storm clouds circling the roof of the building. They stepped out of the Ecto-1, waving at the crowd.
"Hello, New York! Well, hi, everyone!" Shouted Finn as the Ghostbusters walked up to the building. "I like that shirt, pal! Gotta run. Got a date with a ghost! All right, whatever happens, let's be professionals."
The Ghostbusters assembled in front of the building, looking up at the darkness above. Lightning struck the building, putting people on edge. "We might have to put a little overtime in on this one!" Said Aishwarya.
Suddenly, the four felt the ground shake and an earthquake cracked the ground open, causing the Ghostbusters to fall into the fissure. The onlookers gasped as New York's hero's vanished from view.
Everything was quite for a moment, until black gloves and beige sleeves emerged from the crack, causing people to cheer. The Ghostbusters waved at them, letting them know they were ok. "We're all right, it's all right, we can take it!" Shouted Finn. "You gotta learn to play rough! You wanna play rough?"
"Yeah!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"Let's go!" Shouted Roman.
Finn groaned as he took another step. Since the elevators were shut off, the Ghostbusters had to use the stairs. "Where are we?" He said.
Aishwarya breathed heavily; the proton gear was heavy! "Looks like somewhere in the teens." She huffed.
"Well, when we get to twenty, tell me. I'm gonna throw up." Said Finn.
Finally, they got to Floor 22.
"22. Is this it?" Said Aishwarya.
"Yeah." Said Finn.
Matthew noted the architecture. "Art Deco. Very nice."
"Where is it?" Asked Aishwarya.
"It's at the end of the hall." Said Finn.
They walked over to Chiara's apartment, as the door fell to the ground. They noticed the giant hole in the side, overlooking New York.
"Hey, where do these stairs go?" Said Aishwarya. There was a staircase that wasn't there before.
"Up." Said Finn, walking to the stairs.
The Ghostbusters walked up the staircase, and discovered it led to the roof, where they saw Vinz and Zuul standing on the alters where the Terror Dogs used to be. The temple doors opened, and purple lightning surrounded the spires. They struck Vinz and Zuul, who convulsed and hunched over before turning into Terror Dogs.
Finn's eyes widened as Aishwarya stared at him. "Okay. That's all. She's a dog."
The Terror Dogs ran into the temple, taking their places, as a figure emerged from the temple and petted the dogs.
"Its a girl." Said Aishwarya.
"Its Gozer." Said Matthew.
Gozer looked like a middle aged woman with red shoulder length hair and red eyes, who glowed with a pale purple light. She was covered sparsely in bubbles but had no "lady parts."
"I thought Gozer was a dude." Said Roman.
"Gozer is whatever it wants to be." Said Matthew.
"Well, whatever it is, it's gotta get by us!" Shouted Finn.
"Right!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"Go get her, Aisha!" Shouted Finn.
Aishwarya looked surprised, but straightened up and walked up to the temple. "Gozer the Gozerian!" She shouted and Gozer turned her attention to the Ghostbuster. "Good evening! As a duly designated representative of the state, county and city of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension!"
"That ought to do it. Thanks very much, Aisha." Said Finn.
"Are you a god?" Said Gozer in a raspy voice.
Aishwarya looked back at Finn, who nodded. "No?" She said.
"Then...DIE!" Shouted Gozer, zapping the Ghostbusters with purple lightning, almost knocking them off the roof. The lightning cut off and the four got up, rubbing their injuries.
"Aishwarya, the next time someone asks if you're a god, say yes!" Shouted Roman. Aishwarya just nodded.
"Alright, this chick is TOAST!" Shouted Finn as the four walk up to the temple. "Got your sticks?" The Ghostbusters unhooked their Neutrona wands from their proton packs. "Holding!" They shouted.
"Heat 'em up!" Shouted Finn. The Ghostbusters activated their wands, and they charged with nuclear energy. "Smoking!" They shouted.
"Make 'em hard!" Shouted Finn. They aimed at Gozer. "Ready!"
"Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown." Shouted Finn. Gozer growled at them like a panther. "Strike!"
They threw proton streams at Gozer but she backflipped onto an alter behind the Ghostbusters. "Nimble little minx, isn't she?" Said Finn. "Aim for the redhead!" They threw their proton streams at her again, and Gozer vanished. "Well! That wasn't so hard." Said Finn, surprised.
"We neutralized it! You know what that means? A complete particle reversal!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"Hey, we have the tools, we have the talent!" Shouted Roman.
"It's Miller time!" Shouted Finn.
Matthew was looking at his PKE meter worriedly. "Guys? This looks extraordinarily bad."
The building started shaking, and pieces of it broke off and fell to the ground below. From the temple, Gozer's voice shouted at the Ghostbusters. "Subcreatures! Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the Traveler, has come! Choose and perish!"
"What do you mean, choose?" Shouted Aishwarya. "We don't understand!"
"Choose! Choose the form of the Destructor!" Said Gozer's voice.
"Whoa! I get it, I get it. Very cute!" Said Finn. "Whatever we think of - if we think of J. Edgar Hoover, J. Edgar Hoover will appear and destroy us, okay? So empty your heads. Empty your heads. Don't think of anything. We've only got one shot at this."
"The choice is made!" Said Gozer's voice.
"Whoa! Whoa!" Shouted Finn.
"The Traveler has come!"
"Nobody chose anything! Did you choose anything?!"
"No!" Shouted Matthew.
"My mind's totally blank!" Shouted Roman.
"Well, I didn't choose anything!" Shouted Finn.
Then the three men realized something as they slowly turned towards Aishwarya.
"I couldn't help it! It just popped in there!" Said Aishwarya.
"What?! What just popped in there?!" Said Finn.
"I- I tried to think-" Stammered Aishwarya.
LOOK!" Shouted Matthew, pointing in between the buildings.
Something big was moving in between the alleyway, making it's way to the street.
"No! It can't be!" Shouted Aishwarya. "It can't be!"
"What is it?!" Shouted Roman. "What did you do, Aisha?!"
"It can't be!"
"Aw, shit!"
The big moving thing emerged from the buildings. It was big, white, fluffy, sugary, and topped with a sailor hat.
"It's the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man." Said Aishwarya, solemnly.
Stay Puft walked out into the street, about a hundred feet tall, terrifying the people on the ground as they ran away. Essentially he was a giant marshmallow sailor with a smiley face that was making his way to the apartment building.
"Well, there's something you don't see every day." Said Finn.
"I tried to think of the most harmless thing." Said Aishwarya. "Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay-Puft..."
"Nice thinking, Aishwarya." Said Finn.
"I used to roast Stay-Puft marshmallows with my cousin in the summer!" Continued Aishwarya.
"Aishwarya has gone bye-bye, Matty. What have you got left?" Said Finn, patting Matthew's shoulder.
"Sorry, Finn. I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought." Said Matthew, never taking his eyes off the marshmallow giant.
Stay Puft looked up at the roof of the building and growled at the Ghostbusters.
"Oh, no." Said Roman.
They watched as Stay Puft lifted his giant leg and brought it down on the church next to the apartment.
"Nobody steps on a church in my town!" Shouted Finn, raising his Neutrona wand.
"One, two, three! Roast him!" Shouted Aishwarya.
They blast Stay Puft, and his face contorts in pain. He may have been a resurrected Sumerian god of destruction, but his body was still made of marshmallow. He caught fire, which was so intense they shot all the way to the roof and the quartet had to move away from the intensity. Finn looked over the side to see Stay Puft start to climb the building, still on fire.
"Funny, us going out like this." Said Aishwarya. "Killed by a hundred-foot marshmallow man."
"We've been going about this all wrong!" Said Finn. "This Mr. Stay-Puft isn't so bad. He's a sailor, he's in New York; we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble!"
"I have a radical idea." Said Matthew. "The door swings both ways. We could reverse the particle flow through the gate."
"How?" Said Finn.
"We'll cross the streams." Said Matthew.
The other three stared at him like he was insane, which after saying that, he probably was. "Excuse me, Matty, you said crossing the streams was bad."
"Cross the streams..." Said Aishwarya, wincing.
"You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client. The nice lady who paid us in advance before she became a dog." Said Finn.
"Not necessarily." Said Matthew. "There's definitely a very slim chance we'll survive."
Finn just stared at Matthew until he cracked. "I love this plan! I'm excited to be a part of it. Let's do it!"
"This job is definitely not worth eleven-five a year!" Shouted Roman.
The quartet ran back to the temple, as the Terror Dogs barked and snarled at them. Stay Puft finally got to the roof, angrily watching the Ghostbusters as they lined up for the plan.
"Hurry!" Shouted Matthew, .
"See you on the other side, Aishwarya!" Shouted Finn, throwing a proton stream.
"Nice working with you, Dr. McGarry." Said Aishwarya, also firing a proton stream.
They bring their Neutrona wands together and their streams cross, combining into one larger stream.
"Let's turn 'em on, Matty!" Shouted Aishwarya.
Matthew and Roman fire their proton streams, and brought their Neutrona wands towards Finn's and Aishwarya's.
"Cross 'em now, Matt!" Shouted Aishwarya.
The four proton streams combined, creating one giant stream, blasting right at the temple, making Stay Puft scream in fear. All four Ghostbusters screamed trying to hold the unstable stream of protonic energy.
"Aggh! Oh, no!"
"It's gonna blow!"
"Let's get out of here!"
Finally, the temple explodes, and the Ghostbusters cut off their streams and scrambled for cover. Stay Puft wasn't so lucky and got the explosion full blast, and he exploded as well, sending marshmallow goo everywhere. Down below, about a truckload of goo fell right on Jae Kim, covering him completely.
Everything was quiet for a while, until the marshmallow stirred, and the Ghostbusters emerged, drenched in marshmallow fluff.
"Oh...oh...Roman?" Said Aishwarya. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm good." Said Roman, as he and Aishwarya started laughing. "Finn? Matty?" Shouted Aishwarya in between laughs. Matthew walked up, also covered in gunk.
"Oh, Matty, are you okay?" Asked Aishwarya.
"I feel like the floor of a taxi cab." Said Matthew.
Finn walked up to the three, also covered in goo. "Finn!" Shouted Aishwarya. "You ok?!"
"Yeah. I'm alright." Said Finn, walking away from the group to examine the Terror Dogs. They were completely black and crispy, still smoking, but definitely dead. Finn looked down in solemn.
"Oh. Smells like barbecued dog hair." Said Aishwarya, before noticing Finn. "Oh...Finn. I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I...I just forgot."
Finn just started walking back to the stairs, head hung. That's when the quartet heard a crumbling sound and the statue's hand broke off, reveal another hand underneath. A human hand...
Finn ran up to the statue and used his the back end of his Neutrona wand to break the stone, before he pulled a dazed but alive Chiara out. Finn started hugging her, and Chiara hugged him back.
"Somebody turn on the lights!" Shouted a voice, as Ben broke from his dog, but the head of the statue was over his head. "Help! Somebody turn on the lights!"
"Go check on that little guy!" Said Finn, still hugging Chiara.
The other three Ghostbusters rush over to Ben and removed the terror dog head. "What happened?" He said.
"Oh...oh...oh...where am I?" Said Chiara, before noticing Finn. "Oh... hi..."
"You'll be all right." Said Matthew, patting Ben's back.
"Boy, the superintendent's gonna be pissed." Said Ben.
"Are you okay?" Asked Aishwarya.
"Who are you people?" Asked Ben.
"We're the Ghostbusters." Said Aishwarya, smiling.
"Who does your taxes?" Asked Ben.
Finn and Chiara walked down the stairs as the other three hung back with Ben.
"You know, Mr. Copper, you are a most fortunate individual!" Shouted Aishwarya, excitedly. "You have been a participant in the biggest interdimensional crossrip since the Tunguska blast of 1909!"
"Felt great!" Said Ben, exhaustedly.
"We'd like to get a sample of your brain tissue." Said Matthew.
"Okay..." Said Ben.
Rowan just smiled and threw his hands in the air. "I love this town!" He shouted.
Back on the ground, the six people were met with thunderous applause. The spectators cheered at the Ghostbusters and as Finn and Chiara kissed each other. The paramedics came and took Ben to the hospital and Matthew hugged Merula, who met with the quartet. All six of them got in the Ecto-1 and drove back to the Firehouse, before turning back around to catch the Sedgewick ghost again.
The End
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samshogwarts · 3 years
Qudditch Positions
For the Qudditch playing MCs. If you want you MC on the list as well, name me the house, Position and MC Name.
Azariah @cursebreakerfarrier
Oliver Adams @danceworshipper
Indigo @indigobackfire
Michael Gomez @rosachaotic
Aishwarya @hogwarts9
Eloise Oldmaine @danceworshipper
Aswathi @hogwarts9
Tuhua Liang @wangxianforever000
Eugune Hope @witchy-push
Ellie @ellie-e-marcovitz
Ryan O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow
Amelia Booth @that-scouse-wizard
Luca Fawley @weasley-adoptee
Callista Greenwood @lydiapkmn
David Willows @that-scouse-wizard
Brooke @nightmaresart
Artie @the-al-chemist
Mags @takingastrollhowdroll
Cereza Gomez @rosachaotic
Hick Fritzgerald @unfortunate-arrow
Lizzie Jameson @lifeofkaze
Corban Russell @danceworshipper
Ara Black @stupendousbookworm
Haru @harutherandomravenclaw
Henrietta Figgs @thimblerigshuffle
Samantha O'Connell @samshogwarts
Alvina Arcane-Zheng @oneirataxia-girl
Nova @official-weasley
Conor O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow
Alvina Arcane-Zheng @oneirataxia-girl
Cato @catohphm
Wendy Gordon @drinkyoursoupbitch
Towel Manager Marie Lowell @6ftslytherin
Night Rhea @night-rhea
Sabine Quinn Mercurenius @danceworshipper
Allison Garrison @slytherincursebreaker
Roman Rokudo @demon-twins-and-co
Sabine Lowell @6ftslytherin
Tessa Chiva @danceworshipper
Cara O'Donnell @unfortunate-arrow
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lins-fandom-hub · 3 years
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"Is everyone ready?"
Cedric turned to the entire group setting up the greenhouse for a joyous occasion, courtesy of Clara for telling him beforehand. Cato, Dimitri, Roman, and Bill were all in the midst of decorating the cake on site with sliced fruits and berries, Roman setting homemade chocolate chip cookies on the edge of the giant silver platter the triple-tiered chocolate cake was set on. Katriona was watching Dawn and Hillary putting up strings of colourful lights, once in a while contributing to the process by blowing balloons and levitating them to the ceiling with the Levitation Charm. Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, and Alicia were also present, setting up the giant stack of gifts in another corner of the room.
"Fred, what did I tell you about putting Stink Pellets in the gift wrapping?" Sarahi inquired, pulling out an entire pouch of the prank from Dimitri and Skylar and Roman's gifts.
Fred's ears turned red. "Hey, I thought it was funny."
"No, it's not! No one wants to have their birthday go up in stink!" Dawn protested. "Has anyone seen the streamers?"
"They clash with the lights, don't they? I took them away," Clara responded, tying off a ribbon in the flower crown for the birthday girl. "The lights should be enough."
"No, you can't have a cookie yet, Skylar!" Dimitri hissed as he saw his sister trying to take one of the cookies off the platter. "Wait till the birthday girl arrives!"
Skylar sighed at her brother--how did she get caught? She simply shrugged and put the cookie back, tucking it in the stack.
"This should be good," Cedric said with a nod as the last of the balloons floated to the ceiling. "Remember, Professor Sprout will lead Em into the greenhouses. The code word is 'wiggentree'. Only then will you surprise her--not before! We don't want to spoil it too early!"
The older students nodded solemnly.
Angelina quickly poked her head out of the greenhouse in time now to see Professor Sprout walking towards them, and she waved her hand. "Assume positions, everyone!"
Immediately, everyone went to find someplace to hide. Clara, Cato, and Skylar ended up crouching by Fred, George, and Hillary, while Sarahi, Katriona, Dimitri and Roman ended up smushing elbows with the other first years. Angelina and Cedric ran back to the others just in time--Professor Sprout had lead Em into the Greenhouse now. One could see the tip of her old patched hat to recognize her anywhere.
"Now, what's the occasion here?" Professor Sprout questioned now, feigning surprise. "I thought I brought you in here to help me tend to a few sick Wiggentrees."
"Wiggentrees? But--"
Everyone jumped from behind the tables, big smiles on their faces and confetti raining down on Clara's cue. Instantly, Em turned to her friends and some of her sister's friends too, her jaw dropped in awe.
"Wait, you guys did all this?" she said. "All for me on my birthday?"
"Hey, you deserve it!" Katriona reassured her with a huge grin. "Besides, it's not everyday you get to celebrate a birthday at Hogwarts."
"And what better way to celebrate it than with friends and family?" Professor Sprout added with a smile. "I must admit, you all did a wonderful job with the decorations. Mr. Diggory and Miss Lin did a wonderful job with leading the charge."
"We hope you like the cake too," Cato said then. "It took us a while to find a good recipe for the occasion." He gave Bill a nod, and Bill simply beamed back--this might not have been Molly Weasley's homemade fudge, but hopefully it was close enough.
"Cake, and presents, and all this...thank you," little Em finally managed to say. "Thank you all."
"You're welcome, Em. Happy birthday," Clara finally said, giving her sister a big hug.
I AM 2 DAYS LATE ON THIS. I KNOW. And this is super rushed and I feel so bad and I am super sorry! But it's here, at least it's here. And yes, what better way to celebrate a birthday than with loved ones all around?
MCs/OCs mentioned:
Cato Reese (@catohphm )
Dimitri Di Angelo, Skylar Di Angelo, Roman Rokudo (@demon-twins-and-co )
Katriona Cassiopeia (@kc-needs-coffee )
Sarahi Silvers (@dat-silvers-girl )
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invmaki · 3 years
hi roman 💜 i hope you are doing well!! 🎨 👉👈
rokudo mukuro gif set the purples in this set are absolutely gorgeous and it fits so well with the character design! i also love how you’ve split up the gifs into different sizes. everything about this set is just very aesthetically pleasing, from the light and darker shades of purple to the composition of the whole set. 
bakugou katsuki gif set  i somehow associate the colors with this picture, it just has the same vibes and looks really beautiful. again beautiful purples in this set, i feel like your gifs are easily recognizable and soft purple tones are something i heavily associate with your coloring style. plus the red in this set adds so much more depth to it and it really elevates the whole coloring. 
creators send me 🎨 & I’ll tell you my favorite of your last ten creations and why
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⁂ Winter Romance (Mukuro Rokudo)
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Genre: Fluff, Romance ☁
Word Count: 2,371 ☁
Pairing: Reader x Mukuro ☁
World: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ☁
“Did you hear?”
“That���s twice! Isn’t Vindicare supposed to be a heavily guarded prison?”
“Apparently not.”
“What should we do?”
“What if he comes for us?”
Every mafia family in Italy was in a state of panic, knowing full well the power of the young illusionist. Whispers and rumors ripped through Italy like a raging fire, stirring up feelings of worry and fear in those that knew about the damage, the destruction, he had caused. Of course, being in Italy at the time, Dino caught wind of the rumors fairly easily. Being worried himself, he hopped onto a plane with Romario and headed to Japan to warn his little brother.
Dino sat at the kitchen table across from a bleary-eyed, half-asleep Tsunayoshi Sawada, who was barely able to catch what the blonde was saying. It was about ten minutes after one in the morning and Tsuna had been sound asleep in his bed. That was until a loud and urgent banging on the front door woke him up. Ignoring the pain in his face from connecting with the floor, Tsuna had jumped up and rushed – nearly tripping – down the stairs, trying to stop the noise before it woke up the whole house.
“Tsuna? Did you hear me?”
“Huh?” Tsuna blinked, rubbing the sleep from his half-lidded orbs.
“Dame-Tsuna, wake up!” Reborn kicked the back of Tsuna’s head, causing his face to slam into the kitchen table. He moved to sit on the back of his head, a serious expression on his face, “Is it true, Dino?”
“I’m not a hundred percent sure, but with the way the other families are acting… I’d say the chance is pretty high. Mukuro Rokudo already escaped Vindicare once, but was caught. Maybe he used that time to work out the details that would set him free for good. Either way, he’s perfectly capable.” Dino paused, chewing on his bottom lip, “Do you think he’ll come after Tsuna again?”
“…” Reborn was silent. No one knew what went through Mukuro’s mind, not even the all-knowing Reborn. “We’ll stay on guard, just in case.”
You walked down the street towards your apartment. In one hand was a steaming sticky bun that helped shield you from the cold. In your other hand was a white plastic bag holding drinks, snacks, and a pack of cigarettes. Your eyes were closed as you hummed happily without a care in the world. The night was quiet and peaceful, maybe a little too quiet.
The sound of a trash can being knocked over and hitting the pavement made your happy expression drop, causing you to whip around in surprise. All you saw, however, was a stray cat running away from the fallen can.
‘A mafioso being scared by a stray cat. I think I’m losing my touch!’ you let out a puff of air, shaking your head before continuing down the deserted street toward your apartment.
The strange sound was faint, like it was far off, but echoed throughout the empty neighborhood. You froze mid-step, eyes wide and alert, searching the area for the source of the sound. After a few minutes passed without locating the source, you shook your head again and continued on. Was it just your imagination?
‘Maybe I shouldn’t have let Gokudera talk me into watching Krampus last night,’
Little did you know, a certain pineapple-haired male was watching you intently from the shadows, an amused smirk upon his lips and his red orb glowing under the pale moonlight. Mukuro was the snowy owl in the middle of the night, stalking his prey while waiting for the perfect chance to strike. You were the silvery mouse, scurrying along down the street with no knowledge of the predator that loomed over you.
You made it to your apartment without any further distractions. Flicking the light on and throwing the bag onto the couch, you let out an involuntary shiver at the temperature of the room; it felt like you had just entered Antarctica! The air in the room was not only freezing but heavy too, making it hard for you to breathe. Your limbs were heavy, weighed down, your head filled with fog.
Shaking your head, you managed to reach the thermostat, jacking it up as high as it would go. It clicked and knocked a few times from not being used for a while before finally kicking on, filling the room with warm air.
You rubbed your covered arms, glancing around the room with uneasy eyes. A strange feeling of being watched washed over you, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. That feeling was horrible when you were out in the open, but it was ten times worse being in an enclosed area.
‘You’re letting your mind run wild,’ you told yourself, shaking your head before heading into the bathroom. Turning on the water so it could get hot, you began to strip the clothes off your body, letting them fall into a neat pile near the sink. Just as you stepped into the shower, the room grew cold again and the feeling of being watched returned, much stronger than before. You felt very uneasy, goosebumps erupting across your flesh.
Even with the thick shower curtain closed from end to end, the uneasiness lingered, but you tried to push that away and continue the shower. After rinsing the shampoo from your hair, you stepped out with a towel over your dripping locks. You stood in front of the sink, wiping the fog from the mirror before reaching for the toothbrush. When you looked back up, you saw Mukuro Rokudo in the mirror, his eyes shining while he licked his lips as if he were starving.
You gulped, whipping around with wide eyes, only to find no one there. Putting a shaky hand over your racing heart, you closed your eyes and took a few shaky breaths to try and calm your nerves. What was wrong with you tonight? You didn’t understand it.
“It must be bakadera,” you muttered to yourself, glaring at the toothbrush in your hand, “He’s driven me crazy!”
After finishing up in the bathroom without any more crazy feelings or interruptions, you returned to the bedroom, slipping into a pair of silk pajama bottoms and a white t-shirt before sliding under the covers. A good night’s sleep should put your mind at ease and, hopefully, bury the strange events that had occurred that night.
Your mind was hazy, clouded. You didn’t know where you were. Everything was black. There was no light, no sound, no anything. You turned in circles, trying to find a way out of the darkness, but it was as if you were walking in place. You attempted to call out, but your voice failed you. You couldn’t even hear your own thoughts.
Everything had been muted as if your life had been turned into a silent film.
Something caught your eye and you glanced over to the left, noticing a small speck of white light. Slowly, it grew and grew until it finally covered the darkness. It was so bright you had to shield your eyes. When the light faded and you cracked open your eyes, you found yourself in an unfamiliar place, vastly different from the darkness you had just left.
You stood at the base of a tall mountain. Trees towered toward the sky, their dark leaves covered in freshly fallen snow which glowed under the full moon. The ground beneath your feet was covered in snow up to the knee, making it hard to move. To your left, a few feet away, was a small wooden cabin. Red velvet curtains covered the windows, but you could see the flame of a candle flickering across them.
The wind blew, rustling the weighed down tree leaves. As your body registered the cold, it started to shiver. You hugged yourself in a futile attempt to keep warm, but you were only in a pair of thin pajamas, and it had to be at least minus thirty degrees. How had you fallen asleep in a nice warm bed, only to wake up standing at the base of a snowy mountain? Had you sleepwalked there? You had no history of doing so and the thought just seemed so crazy!
You slowly moved through the snow towards the cabin, feet feeling like blocks of ice through the thin, low cut socks. Just as you reached for the door handle, you froze.
Hoot, hoot.
Glancing to your right, you noticed a large owl perched on a nearby tree, white in color, staring down at you. What stood out against the pure white coat was its oddly colored orbs; one a dark blue, while the other was a blood red. When the creature’s eyes met yours, it fluffed out its wings and hooted again.
The creature seemed familiar, but with your mind in such a haze, you couldn’t quite place it. A chill crept down your back.
Feeling a sense of urgency, you pushed the door open and bolted inside, shutting it quickly behind you. Warmth settled over your body almost instantly and a small sigh of content passed your lips.
‘My emotions feel like a rollercoaster right now, flip-flopping all over the place,’ you frowned, letting your eyes scan the room.
The cabin had a welcoming, almost calming feel to it. On the right side of the cabin, against the wall, was a large fireplace that had been lit and was cackling happily. Velvety blood-red curtains covered each window and below them sat small tables. A red cloth had been set on each of them, and there were about three white roman candles flickering on each one. The same setup was on the table beside the bed that sat in the corner of the room, on the left side. The bedsheets were also blood-red in color.
There didn’t seem to be anyone around and, with your bones still frozen, you decided it wouldn’t hurt to take residence in the warm sheets. You approached the bed, the wooden floorboards creaking under your weight. You reached for the sheets when the door swung open. You heard the footsteps enter the cabin before the door was shut again, but your body was frozen in place, eyes wide in surprise.
The footsteps grew closer until you could feel a person behind you, could feel their breath on the back of your neck. It created goosebumps on your arms and you swallowed hard to try and stave off the fear. A familiar chuckle reached your ears but before you could react, the person’s arms were tight around your stomach, a chin resting on your shoulder.
“Welcome to my world, my little snowflake~” Mukuro spoke into your ear, his voice husky and low.
“M-Mukuro!” you tried to break free but the male’s grasp was far too strong, “Let go of me, you damned pineapple!”
“Kufufu~ That’s not a very nice thing to say.” He chuckled, his tone mocking. His grip tightened and he moved to place a butterfly kiss on the back of your neck. He trailed a line of kisses up the side of your neck and jaw, but that wasn’t enough to satisfy the male’s hunger. Not even close.
One arm tightened its grip while his other reached up to grip your chin. Forcing you to look at Mukuro, he leaned in and claimed your lips as his own. You froze, eyes wide and face exploding with color. As Mukuro pulled away, you caught him off guard by smacking the back of your hand against his crotch, taking this as a chance to free yourself, but Mukuro wasn’t going to let his prey get away from him. He had been waiting far too long and had gone through hell and back to get to you. There was no way you were going to get away.
You tried to bolt toward the door but Mukuro was faster, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back to throw you onto the bed. Your face was bright red, glowing brighter when Mukuro crawled on top of you, straddling your waist. His hips pressed down roughly against yours, earning an involuntary groan, which you tried your best to bite back. The illusionist chuckled, leaning down and nipping at your neck. He bit softly at first before biting a bit rougher, not enough to draw blood, but more than enough to earn pleasureful groans from his new lover.
“Oh? Do you like that, my little snowflake?” Mukuro questioned, biting your ear as his hand slowly slid down your stomach, stopping at the hem of your pajama bottoms.
“O-Of course not! G-Get off of me, damn it!” You attempted to growl as you pushed at the male’s chest, but it came out as more of a whimper than anything.
“Hmm? Are you sure about that?” Mukuro purred, sliding his hand up and down your stomach, drawing patterns across your skin.
Your lips parted to say that you were sure, but the words didn’t come. You’d be lying to yourself if you said that you didn’t find the man attractive, that you hadn’t fantasized about him the last time he was around.
“Y/N,” hearing him say your name sent shivers down your spine. You loved the way he said your name. “You now belong to me, kufufu~”
“Wait, what – ” your words slurred as everything around you began to fade and the last thing you heard was Mukuro’s strange laughter.
Your eyes snapped open, staring at the ceiling of your bedroom. You remembered everything clearly, from the scents to the feeling of his hands on your body. Had it really only just been a dream?
Your heart skipped a beat as you remembered how warm his hands had been, the butterflies that had erupted inside your stomach. You rolled over to face the wall your bed sat against, pulling the covers up to your nose.
After you finally fell back asleep, Mukuro stepped out from the shadows, standing over your sleeping form. He watched you for a few moments before smirking, his lips brushing your ear.
“Sweet dreams, my little snowflake. Kufufu~”
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
I decided to do friendship rewards for Roman and Dimitri while I was bored so here they are
Oh yeah also I was looking at @ariparri-hphm ocs when I decided to do this so yeah
We got Roman’s first
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Friendship reward
When you max out Roman you will get a ring that looks like this but it depends on your house of which color you get. Roman like Dimitri is a blacksmiths and makes the rings himself so that’s why I made it that
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I’ll post Dimitri’s one sometime later today and the quizzes to go along with it but I got school in the morning
Here’s the blank versions also
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theguythatdraws · 3 years
Chapter 3: Wrong Number
Part 3 of the GB/HM story. This should be fun! Some notes; Chiara is a nurse in this story. In the movie, Dana was a violinist at Carnegie Hall. I didn't really think that would fit Chiara, though. @hogwarts9 @hphmmatthewluther @demon-twins-and-co .
Ecto-1 pulled into the Firehouse, and Aishwarya and Finn left the car, exhausted and covered in slime, Aishwarya carrying a smoking ghost trap.
"I gotta get some sleep, I'm dying." Said Aishwarya.
"You don't look good." Said Finn.
"I don't?"
"Well, I mean, you've looked better." Finn handed some papers to Merula. "Here's the paper for the woman out in Brooklyn. She paid with Visa."
Merula handed Aishwarya some papers. "Here's tonight's worksheet."
Aishwarya looked at it and groaned. "Oh, great! Two more free repeaters."
"Oh, and this is Roman Rokudo. He's here about the job." Said Merula, pointing at Roman.
"Great. You're hired. I'm Aishwarya Mehra. That's Finn McGarry. Congrats. Can you give me a hand?"
Roman took the smoking ghost trap from Aishwarya, eyeing it curiously.
"Welcome aboard." Said Aishwarya, smiling.
As she outside of the hospital, Chiara, wearing her nurse attire, was surprised to see Finn McGarry waiting for her. He was wearing his Ghostbusters jumpsuit, tied around his waist, and a red flannel shirt.
"Dr. McGarry, this is a surprise." She said. "You're a big celebrity now. Do you have some information on my case?"
Finn pretended to look offended. "What, not even a hello?"
Chiara chuckled. "Alright, it's nice to see you, too. Now, about the case?"
"Right. I found some stuff about Zuul. Apparently, the name Zuul refers to a demi-god worshipped around 6000 BC by the Hittites, the Mesopotamians and the Sumerians." Said Finn, showing Chiara his notes.
"'Zuul was the minion of Gozer.' What's Gozer?" Asked Chiara.
"Gozer was very big in Sumeria. Big guy." Said Finn.
"Well, what's he doing in my icebox!?" Asked Chiara.
"We're working on that. If we could get together Thursday night, I'm thinking nine-ish, you know, we could exchange information." Said Finn, smiling.
"I can't see you Thursday, I'm busy at the hospital!"
"Miss Lobosca, you seem to think there is something wrong up here in your mind that says: he enjoys taking his evenings off and spending them with his clients. No. I'm making a special exception in your case. Because... I respect you. It's corny but I respect you as a nurse. And as a dresser, too! This is a magnificent coordination you have going here today." Said Finn.
"All right. I'll see you Thursday." Said Chiara, smiling.
Finn smiled too. "I'll bring The Roylance Guide and we'll eat and read!"
He ran off, jumping triumphantly.
"He's odd, but in a cute way." Said Chiara, watching him leave.
Back at the Firehouse, Aishwarya took Roman through the basics; explaining the proton packs, ghost catching, and finally, the Ecto Containment Unit.
The ECU was a red machine built into the wall, with buttons and levers attached to it.
"This is where we put all the vapors and entities and slimers that we trap. It's quite simple, really." Said Aishwarya, holding a full ghost trap. "Load a trap here, open, unlock the system. Insert the trap, release, close, lock the system." She unlocked the containment door, put the ghost trap inside, and disconnected it from the handle and closed the door back up. "Set your entry grid, neutralize your field." She pressed a red then a yellow button, and pulled the lever next to the unit, where it made sounds akin to a toilet flush. "When the light is green, the trap is clean. The ghost is incarcerated here in our custom-made storage facility." Aishwarya pulled out the trap and tossed it aside.
Finn walked into the Firehouse, and Merula walked up to him. "There's a man from the EPA here to see you. He's waiting in your office."
Finn looked confused. "EPA? What's he want?"
"I don't know. All I do know is that I've been working two weeks without a break and you promised me you'd hire more help." Said Merula as her desk phone rang.
"Merula, someone with your qualifications would have no trouble finding a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries." Said Finn walking to his office. "You gonna answer that?" He gestured to the ringing phone.
"I've quit better jobs than this." Said Merula picking up the receiver. "Ghostbusters! What do you want?!"
Finn eyed the man and immediately disliked him. He had black hair and brown eyes. "Can I help you?" He asked.
"I'm Jae Kim. I represent the Environmental Protection Agency the 3rd district." He said.
"Great. How're things down there?" Said Finn, patting Kim's shoulder, leaving some slime on it. Kim grimaced in disgust. "Are you Finn McGarry?"
"Yes, I'm Dr. McGarry." Said Finn sitting at his desk.
"Exactly what are you a doctor of, Mr. McGarry?" Asked Kim.
"I have PhD's in phycology and parapsychology."
"I see. And now you catch ghosts."
"And how many ghosts have you caught, Mr. McGarry?"
"I'm not at liberty to say."
"And where do you put these ghosts, once you catch them?"
"In a storage facility."
"And would this storage facility be located on these premises?"
"And may I see this storage facility?"
Kim got annoyed. "And why not, Mr. McGarry?"
Finn smirked. "Because you didn't say the magic word."
"What is the magic word, Mr. McGarry?"
Finn looked confused. "Please."
"May I please see the storage facility?" Said Kim through gritted teeth.
"Why do you want to see the storage facility?" Said Finn annoyed.
"Well, because I'm curious." Kim walked up to Finn's desk, trying to intimidate him. "I want to know more about what you do here! Frankly, there have been a lot of wild stories in the media and we want to assess for any possible environmental impact from your operation! For instance, the presence of noxious, possibly hazardous waste chemicals in your basement! Now you either show me what is down there or I come back with a court order."
Finn stood up, and since he was taller than Kim, he was the more intimidating one. "You go get a court order. Then, I can sue your ass for unlawful prosecution!"
Kim took a step back. "You can have it your way, Mr. McGarry." He said, as he left.
In the basement, things were only getting worse.
"I'm worried, Aishwarya. It's getting crowded in there. And all my recent data points to something big on the horizon." Said Matthew.
"What do you mean, big?" Asked Roman.
"Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area." Said Matthew, picking up a Twinkie from the table. "According this morning's sample, it would be a Twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately 600 pounds."
Aishwarya looked concerned.
"Thats a big Twinkie." Said Roman.
Matthew nodded and took a bite of the Twinkie in his hand.
"We could be on the verge of a fourfold crossrip!" Said Aishwarya. "A PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions!"
Finn came downstairs, rubbing his forehead. "We just had a visit from the Environmental Protection Agency. How's the grid holding up?"
"Not good." Said Roman, pointing at Matthew. "Tell him about the Twinkie."
Finn looked up. "What about the Twinkie?"
At Chiara's apartment, something sinister was happening. Storm clouds circled the building, as lightning struck it.
At the roof of the building was a structure that looked like a temple, guarded by snarling, ugly looking dog-like gargoyles.
One of the dog creatures started shaking, as it's claw broke open, revealing a knarled claw. The statues eye broke, revealing a red glow and a low growl...
Chiara left the elevator, and heard Hot Night coming from Ben's apartment. "That's right, the party."
She speed stepped past the door and was about to enter her apartment, when the door swung open and Ben walked out.
"Oh, Chiara, it's you!" Shouted Ben.
Chiara cursed herself and turned to her neighbor. "Hey, Ben."
"You gotta come in here, you're missing a great party!" Said Ben.
"Yes, well, I would, Ben, but I have a date."
Ben looked disappointed. "You made a date tonight?"
"Well, I'm sorry, Ben. I forgot." Said Chiara, opening her door.
"Well, that's okay. You can bring him along!" Said Ben.
"All right, maybe we'll stop by. Okay?" Said Chiara, as she went into apartment.
"That's great, I'll tell everybody you're coming. We're gonna play Twister and we're gonna do some break dancing. Hey, everybody-" Ben said, but he was once again locked out. "Hey, let me in! It's Ben, somebody let me in!"
Chiara shut the door, put down her bag, and started to change out of her uniform when she heard the phone ring. She picked up the receiver and sat in her loveseat. "Hello? Oh, hi Mom. -Yeah, I've been busy. -No, everything is fine. Just that one time. -I will. -I won't. -Mom, I have to go. I have a date. -Yes. -No, no one you know. It's, um- Well, he's a Ghostbuster. Yes, those guys on TV. -Yes, well, I'll have to let you know. Love to Dad. Right. Bye. -Bye!" She hung up, but that's when she heard it. The growling. She turned to the kitchen, and her eyes widened in horror. From the cracks in the door shone a blinding light and there was something trying to push through, like the wood had suddenly turned to rubber.
"Oh shit." Was all she managed to say.
From the love seat shot out knarled claws, and they grabbed Chiara as she screamed. The kitchen door swung open and a horrible dog monster growled at her. The loveseat with Chiara in it was drawn into the kitchen, and the door slammed shut.
Ben opened the door, and two more guests were standing in the doorway.
"Ted! Annette! Hi! How you doing? Give me your coats. Everybody, this is Ted and Annette Fleming. Ted has a small carpet-cleaning business in receivership, and that's drawing a salary from a deferred bonus from two years ago. They've got fifteen thousand left on the house at 8%; so they're okay!" Said Ben, opening the closet. He threw the coats onto a large dog-like monster, but didn't notice. "So, does anybody want to play Parcheesi?"
There was a loud growling coming from the closet.
"Okay! Who brought the dog?"
The Terror Dog crashed through the door, destroying the dinner table. Ben's guests scream and jump out of way. The dog growled and stared right at Ben, it's eyes narrowing. He ran out of the apartment, and out of the building, the dog in tow.
"I'm going to bring this up at the next tenant's meeting! There's not supposed to be any pets in the building!" Said Ben, running into Central Park.
He ran to a restaurant called the Tavern-on-the-Green, and banged on the windows.
"Let me in! LET ME IN!" Cried Ben, before hearing growling.
"Nice doggie! Cute little pooch! Maybe I got a Milk-Bone..."
The Terror Dog snarled, and Ben screamed.
In the restaurant, the patrons didn't see the dog, so they ignored Ben.
Finn stepped out of his car, wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants and a red tie. He stared at the hotel; the police were there, taking reports. He walked over and tapped the cop's shoulder.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Some moron brought a cougar to a party and it went berserk." Said the officer.
"Oh, ok then." Said Finn.
He walked over to the elevator, and went up to Chiara's apartment. He passed Ben's apartment, where officers were taking reports from the party guests. He knocked on Chiara's door, and almost immediately, it opened.
Chiara stood in the doorway, staring at Finn with interest. She was wearing a loose-fit orange dress and her hair was wild.
Finnn stared at her. "That's a new look." He said.
"Are you the Keymaster?" She asked.
Finn stared at Chiara, puzzled. "Not that I know of."
Chiara slammed the door on his face. Finn just stared into the peek hole; she was still there. He knocked again, and the door swung open.
"Are you the Keymaster?" Chiara asked again.
"Yes." Said Finn, walking inside. "Well, actually I'm a friend of his, he told me to meet him here. Didn't get your name, though."
"I am Zuul." Said Chiara "I am the Gatekeeper."
"Ok, what are we doing today, Zuuly?" Asked Finn, noticing the burnt kitchen door.
"We must prepare for the coming of Gozer." Said Zuul.
"Gozer, huh?" Said Finn.
"The Destructor..." Said Zuul from the bedroom.
"Are we still going out? You know, you could pick up the place if you're expecting someone." Said Finn.
Zuul writhed on the bed. "Don't you want this body?"
Finn looked surprised. "Is that a trick question? I guess the roses worked, huh."
Zuul sat up and grabbed Finn's tie. "Take me now, subcreature."
"We never talk anymore." Said Finn before Zuul pulled him onto the bed. "I make it a rule, never to get involved with possessed people. Actually, it's more of a guideline than a rule."
"I want you inside me." Said Zuul.
"No thanks! Sounds like you already have two people in there, might be a little crowded!" Said Finn, breaking free of Zuul's grip. "Now, why don't you quit trying to upset and disturb Dr. McGarry and just relax. Lie down there, relax. Put your hands on your chest. Yes. What I'd like to do is talk to Chiara. I wanna talk to Chiara. Chiara? It's Finn."
"There is no Chiara, there is only Zuul." Said Zuul.
"Oh, Zuuly you old nut. Now come on. Come on. I want to talk to Chiara. Chiara, Chiara. Relax, come on. Chiara, Chiara. Can I talk to Chiara?" Said Finn.
Zuul flashed a twisted smile. "There is no Chiara, there is only Zuul." She said in a deep voice.
"What a lovely singing voice you must have!" Said Finn. "Now I'm going to count to three, Zuuly, and if I don't get to hear Chiara, there's going to be some real trouble in this apartment, I think. One!"
Zuul's eyes rolled back.
She started writhing and snarling.
"Two and a half!"
Zuul snarled as she levitated off the bed, hanging in the air. Finn walked over to her.
"Please come down." Said Finn.
Zuul just roared.
In Central Park, Ben was running around startling passerbys.
"I am the Keymaster! The Destructor will come, the Traveler! The Destroyer! Gatekeeper!"
He saw a horse drawn carriage and started talking to the horse. "I am Vinz. Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer, Volguus Zildrohar, Lord of the Sebouillia. Are you the Gatekeeper?"
"Hey, he pulls the wagon, I make the deals. You wanna ride?" Said the coachman
Ben looked at the coachman and snarled, his eyes glowing red. He went back to talking to the horse. "Wait for the sign, and our prisoners will be released."
Ben ran away, kicking over a lady's grocery bag.
"You will perish in flame! Soon as I find the Gatekeeper!"
"What an asshole." Said the coachman.
At the Firehouse, the police knocked on the door and Merula answered. "Dropping off or picking up?"
"Dropping off." Said the officer.
"Just a moment." Said Merula, before coming back out with Matthew.
"You a Ghostbuster?"
"Yes, I am." Said Matthew.
"We picked up this guy, now we don't know what to do with him. Bellevue doesn't want him and I'm afraid to put him in the lock-up. And I know you guys are into this stuff, so I figured we'd check with you." Said the officer.
"All right." Said Matthew.
The police opened the door and Ben was in the back, tied in a straight jacket.
"Are you the Gatekeeper?"
Matthew ran his PKE meter over Ben and immediately, the machine lit up. "Bring him inside."
"You are so kind to take care of that poor man. You know, you're a real humanitarian." Said Merula.
"He's not human." Said Matthew.
In the lab, Ben had a helmet on his head that was hooked up to a nearby machine, which Matthew was monitoring. "What did you say your name was?" He asked.
"Vinz Clortho, Keymaster of Gozer." Said Ben.
Merula was looking at Ben's wallet. "According to his ID, his name's Ben Copper. Lives in Central Park West. You want some coffee, Mr. Copper?"
"Do I?" Vinz asked Matthew.
"Yes, have some." Said Matthew.
"Yes, have some." Said Vinz.
"Vinz, you said you were waiting for a sign. What sign are you waiting for?" Asked Matthew.
"Gozer the Traveler!" Said Vinz "He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. During the Rectification of the Vuldronaii, the Traveler came as a large and moving Torb! Then, during the Third Reconciliation of the Last of the Meketrex Supplicants, they chose a new form for him, that of a giant Sloar! Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a Sloar that day, I can tell you!"
"Matt? Can I talk to you for a second?" Asked Merula, and Matthew walked over to her. "There's something very strange about that man..."
They look back at Vinz, who was sniffing a jar of popcorn.
"Listen, I'm usually very psychic, and I'm have a terrible feeling that something awful is going to happen to you. I'm afraid you're going to die."
Matthew just hugged Merula, reassuring her. Then, the phone rang. Vinz reached over to answer it, but Matthew stopped him. "I'll get that." Matthew picked up the receiver and Vinz dragged the rest of the phone over to him.
"Hello? Thanks, I've got it." Said Matthew.
"Matty, it's Finn. I got some news from the world of Gozer." Said Finn on the other line.
In Chiara's apartment, Zuul was asleep on the bed, with Finn sitting next to her. "I'm here with Chiara Lobosca. It seems that the Goz' has been putting some moves on my would-be girlfriend!"
"How is she?" Asked Matthew on the other line.
"She's fine, just asleep right now. But she says she's the Gatekeeper. That make any sense to you?" Asked Finn.
"Some. I just met the Keymaster." Said Matthew.
"Oh, well, we gotta get these two together." Said Finn sarcastically.
In the lab, Matthew watched as Vinz picked up a slice of pizza and stuck it to his cheek.
"I think that would be extraordinarily dangerous, Finn." Said Matthew.
"Okay, well, hold on to him. I'll be over there in a little while." Said Finn.
"Good." Said Matthew as Vinz took the receiver and hung it up. "Thank you, Vinz." He turned to Merula. "We have to find Aishwarya and Roman. We need them here immediately."
"They're out on a job right now, I'll call them in." Said Merula.
"Bad news, honey. I gotta go to work. Hey, will you stay here in bed until I get back?" He said to the unresponsive Zuul. He kissed her cheek and left.
Outside of the Firehouse, a police car and electrician van parked, and a young electrician, a police officer and a familiar EPA representative stepped into the Firehouse.
"Excuse me. Excuse me! Just where do you think you're going?" Shouted Merula.
"Stand aside, miss, or I'll have you arrested for interfering with a police-" Started Kim, but Merula cut him off.
"Oh no, hold on! I've seen TV, I know you can't come in here without a writ or warrant or something!" She shouted.
Kim snapped and the officer gave him a folder, which he showed to Merula. "Cease and desist all commerce order, seizure of premises and chattels, ban on use of public utilities for unauthorized waste handlers, and a federal entry and inspection order."
In the basement, Matthew was with Vinz, and was looking for some equipment. "Okay, Vinz, there's one more test I'd like to perform-"
"Matt! I tried to stop them, but they say they have a warrant!" Shouted Merula, as the three trespassers stepped down after her.
"Excuse me, this is private property!" Shouted Matthew.
"Shut this off. Shut these all off." Said Kim, pointing to the Containment Unit.
Matthew stared at Kim like he was insane. "I'm warning you, turning off these machines would be extremely hazardous!"
"I'll tell you what's hazardous. You're facing federal prosecution for at least half a dozen environmental violations. Now either you shut these beams off or we shut them off for you." Said Kim.
Outside, Finn stepped out of his car and walked into the Firehouse.
Matthew, Merula and Vinz were standing in front of the Containment Unit, blocking it from the three men.
"Try to understand! This is a high voltage laser containment system! Simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city!" Shouted Matthew.
"Don't patronize me! I'm not grotesquely stupid like the people you bilk!" Spat Kim.
"At ease, officer." Said Finn, walking downstairs. "I'm Finn McGarry. I think there's just been a slight misunderstanding and I wanna to cooperate in any way that I can."
"Forget it, McGarry! You had your chance to cooperate, but you thought it'd be more fun to insult me! Well, now it is my turn, wise ass!" Said Kim.
"He wants to shut down the protection grid, Finn." Said Matthew.
"You shut that thing down and we are not going to be held responsible for whatever happens." Said Finn.
"On the contrary! You are going to be held responsible!" Shouted Kim.
"No! We won't be held responsible!" Shouted Finn.
"Shut it off!" Demanded Kim at the electrician.
"Don't shut it off, kid, I'm warning you." Said Finn.
"I- I've never seen anything like this before..." Said the electrician.
"I'm not interested in your opinion, just shut it off!" Shouted Kim.
"My friend, don't be a jerk." Said Finn, grabbing the kid's arm.
"Hey, back off!" Said the officer, pushing Finn back.
"If he does that again, you can shoot him." Said Kim.
"You do your job, pencil neck! Don't tell me how to do mine!" Shouted the cop, surprising Kim.
"Thank you, officer." Said Finn, smirking.
"Shut it off!" Shouted Kim.
"You asked for this..." Said Finn, as he, Matthew and Merula hurried up the stairs.
The electrician grabbed the shut-off lever and pulled it down, before all the lights shut off. Then the men were bathed in red light, followed by a blaring alarm and ringing bell. The bricks in the wall fired like bullets and a blinding light shine through the cracks of the wall. Everyone ran outside as the roof of the Firehouse exploded, and pink streams of psychokinetic energy zapped out and flew all across the city.
"This is it! This is the sign!" Shouted Vinz.
"Yeah, it's a sign alright! A sign we're going out of business!" Shouted Merula.
Ecto-1 drove up to the Firehouse, and Aishwarya and Roman got out, staring at the disaster.
"What happened?!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"The storage facilities blew! He shut off the protection grid!" Shouted Matthew.
"Oh, great!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"That's bad, isn't it?!" Shouted Roman.
"Yeah! Extremely!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"Where's the Keymaster?!" Shouted Finn.
Matthew looked around; Vinz slipped away in the chaos. "Shit!"
"Who's the Keymaster?!" Shouted Aishwarya.
"Come on!" Shouted Matthew, and the Ghostbusters started to book it, but Kim stopped them.
"YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Shouted Matthew, slugging Kim as the police scrambled to restrain the Ghostbusters.
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
Here’s Roman’s profile to read through before you do this if you want. I’ll get around to giving you the results tho. You can also find his friendship level, character info and friendship reward here. Also let’s go @night-rhea I want to see you answer these history questions
Meal with a friend
I’m half Japanese so I want to quiz you on my country first, it shouldn’t be that hard, it’s just some “basic” questions
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1. When was Baseball introduced to Japan?
A) Meiji Period
B) WW2
C) Russo-Japanese War
2. Why is to rude to wear tattoos out in public?
A) Theres no particular reason
B) They think you are part of the Yakuza
C) They think you are famous
3. What is an Omiyage?
A) A souvenir
B) Food
C) Something to give to your family and friends
4. How do you know when to take your shoes off?
A) there’s a raised platform and slippers
B) You don’t
C) I don’t know
5. When was the first Yakuza recorded?
A) 15th century
B) 18th century
C) 17th century
6. Is it rude to eat or drink while walking and why?
A) It’s not rude
B) It looked down as lower-class behavior
C) Yes but I don’t know why
7. Why do you slurp when you eat?
A) Because we all are secretly lamas
C) Because its shows how soup are poisened and we are able to survive
C) It shows that you like the food
Since you still won’t leave me alone, I might as well ask you some historical questions
(Keep in mind I’m American so this is stuff that I learned)
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1. What time period was World War One?
A) 1899-1903
B) 1914-1918
C) 1907-1911
2. When was the fall of the Berlin Wall?
A) 1989
B) 1978
C) 1965
3. Civil rights act
A) 1976
B) 1890
C) 1964
4. John F. Kennedy assassination?
A) 1976
B) 1963
C) 1945
5. Martin Luther King Jr assassination?
A) 1968
B) 1979
B) 1985
6. Uh what other stuff have I learned…Lincoln’s assassination?
A) 1878
B) 1854
C) 1865
7. Roe vs Wade?
A) 1973
B) 1987
C) 1965
Drinking butterbeer at hogsmeads
Ok cupcake let’s get this over with and see exactly how much you know fucking stalker that won’t leave me alone
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1. I have three pets, what are their names?
A) Hades, Shiva and Ares
B) Apollo, Anubis and Hermès
C) Nephthys, Bastet and Osiris
2. How many siblings do I have?
A) 4
B) 2
C) None
3. What’s my best class?
A) History of Magic
B) Care of Magical Creatures
C) Study of Ancient Runes
4. Uh…what is the species of Hades?
A) Tabby cat
B) Squirrel
C) German Shepard
5. This isn’t about me but who’s the better of the big three?
A) Hades
B) Zeus
C) Poseidon
6. Uh…damn uh fuck it, when was the Korean War?
A) 1959–1965
B) 1950-1953
C) 1980-1986
7. Do I want you to leave my table now?
A) Yes
B) Fucking obviously
C) Go away now
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theguythatdraws · 3 years
Ok, the Ghostbusters have been settled.
And they are:
Finn McGarry (me) as Peter Venkman.
Aishwarya Mehra (@hogwarts9) as Ray Stanz.
Matthew Luther (@hphmmatthewluther) as Egon Spengler.
and Roman Rokudo (@demon-twins-and-co) as Winston Zeddemore.
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
Thought I’d make a post about everyone’s hand writing
Dimitri and Skylar Di Angelo
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Roman Rokudo
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Ermete Kozato
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Jason Simmons, everyone hates how he writes
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Molly Aetos
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Dylan Snowmark
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Efesto and Leviathan Vecellio
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Alexandra Henderson
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
Roman and Dimitri's names?
I found Roman’s name when I was looking for the Twins names actually and I chose it because it means strong and powerful. Roman is the more powerful of the three of them and physically stronger than them…except when Dimitri is mad then he forgets that he could just easily knock him out
Dimitri was originally supposed to be Russian which is why his name is Russian. He was also meant to be a Demi-god so that’s why his name is “follower of Demeter”
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
To kick off the boy band au @night-rhea have fun with this little thing
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
In my head canon, Rowan goes crazy during Valentine’s Day, hence the boys (Roman, Dimitri, Barnaby, Charlie and Bill) get dressed up with her, this is set in year three
Dimitri looked over at Rowan who was sitting on his chest “How did you even get in here?” Rowan shrugged her shoulders and just stared at him “Can you get off of my chest, you little Koala?”
Rowan shook her head “So…it’s Valentine’s Day…whatcha doing today?”
“Leave.Me.ALONE! It’s 4 in the goddamn morning!” Dimitri pushes her off of his chest and turned around
“It’s actually 3am but that’s besides the point, if you answer these questions I’ll leave you alone?” Rowan struggles to turn him over then settled back on his chest
“That doesn’t make it any better! Just ask your damn questions then leave me alone!” Dimitri grabbed his glasses and turned back to see Rowan holding a notebook and pen “Oh no”
“Oh yes” Rowan has a cheeky smile on her face “First question, who are you spending Valentine’s Day with?”
“Probably Barnaby, Charlie, Roman, Bill and You”
“Good answer” Rowan continued to write in her notebook
Dimitri glared at her “This is honestly stupid”
“Yeah, yeah, anyway, second question, cookies or brownies?” Rowan looked up and noticed Dimitri glaring at her “Just answer the questions, Dimmy”
“Brownies and you aren’t getting any for disturbing me at THREE IN THE MORNING!” He huffed
“I’ll find a way to get some, Dimmy, flowers or no flowers?” She continued writing in the notebook
“The hell are you writing? And no I don’t do flowers, you know this” He tried to take a peek at the notes but She pulled the notebook away from him
“None of your business, now, what are you making for dinner? It’s your turn” Rowan said smiling sweetly at him
“We are going to a restaurant” He said falling back on his pillow
Dimitri opened his eyes “…you ain’t getting no dessert miss I wanna wake someone up from their sleep at 3 in the morning”
Rowan glared at him and climbed off his chest “That was all I needed, I’ll see you at breakfast and I will get some dessert mister” She turned and walked out of the dorm
Barnaby laughed from where he was on the other side of the room “Your whipped by her, you know that right?”
“I’m well aware of that fact” Dimitri went back to sleep
4 hours later
Dimitri pulled the outfit on that Rowan had laid out on his bed “And now she’s dressing me up!”
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Barnaby looked over at him “Seriously, this woman is going to be the death of us! Look at me!”
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Roman walked in and looked them up and down “Oh she got y’all too? Damn that woman is crazy when it’s Valentine’s Day, well let’s go down stairs before she busts up the stairs and drags us down”
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Rowan looked up “Finally! It doesn’t take that long to get dressed” (This was supposed to be Skylar but I remembered she lives in Japan during the school year)
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Dimitri muttered underneath his breath “It also doesn’t take that long to become a psychopath also apparently”
“What did you say Dimitri?”
“Nothing ma’am”
“That’s what I thought, anyway let’s get to breakfast, I wanna see how Charlie and Bill looks”
Roman stopped and stared at the third year “You got them too?…HOW THE FUCK?! THIS LITTLE REBORN!”
They walked into the great hall and Charlie and Bill immediately walked over to them “How!”
Bill Charlie
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“It’s honestly simple, I just waltzed through you windows” She said like it was a normal occurrence
“You are creepy when it’s Valentine’s Day”
“I know”
Bill sat down next to Dimitri “Get your friend in control”
“Nobody can control her when it’s Valentine’s Day and you know this, she woke me up at three just to discuss what I was doing today! She’s crazy!” He half whispered looking over at Rowan
“I know, pass the sausages please and let’s hope Dumbledore doesn’t comment on it like he usually does” Bill said taking the sausages from Dimitri “Spoke too soon here he is, just ignore him, just ignore him”
Dumbledore walked up to them “Nice outfits this year boys and Rowan like always”
“Thanks professor, we try to be dashing” Charlie and Roman flash the fakest smiles to ever be faked (…that sounds weird) “Rowan does have excellent taste tho professor”
“And expensive taste, remind me to never give her my wallet again, I mean it didn’t even make a dent but damn woman” Dimitri said
“Well have a great Valentine’s Day kids and do bring me some chocolate later today Dimitri” Dumbledore asked
Dimitri nodded his head “I’m making my rounds later today anyway”
Rowan plucked bacon off of Dimitri’s plate “So are we going to the cave or not?”
“Nope! Dimitri’s taking us to some restaurant in the muggle world” Barnaby said taking Dimitri’s pancakes
“Stop taking my food! I’m hungry too you know!” Dimitri said swatting Rowan hands which was getting ready to take more of his bacon “Just ask me to pass the bacon or pancakes!”
Later at the restaurant
“Ah Vongola Undicesimo, we were expecting you, please come take a seat and I’ll get a waiter over there with some menus” The receptionists said ushering them over to a table
“Exactly how rich are you?” Charlie asked looking around the restaurant
“Uh…idk, it’s very old money” Dimitri said pulling the chair out for Rowan “But we are the richest family in the world”
“Of course you are” Bill said “Did they say Vongola Undicesimo?”
“Yeah that’s my title, I’m the next in line to take over Vongola, since Kazumi up and disappeared” Dimitri said looking at the menu that a waiter just dropped off
“And of course we go to an expensive restaurant on Valentine’s Day” Roman said sarcastically
Bill and Charlie looked put out “Uh you didn’t have to do this Dimitri”
“Yes I did, now what do you want” He said placing his menu down “It’s honestly not that big of a deal guys! I’m spending Valentine’s Day with my famiglia/pack, it’s the least I could do”
The waiter had just arrived at the table “Have you guys had enough time to look over the menu? Or do you need more time?”
“Uh, I’ll take the kobe beef steak medium rare with a White Russian” Dimitri said
“I’ll take the Cheesesteak with Vieux Carré” Roman said not bothering paying attention to Charlie and Rowan who were gaping at them for ordering alcohol
“Just to be sure, you know those have alcohol in them right?” The waiter asked
“Yes” Roman and Dimitri said at the same time
“Ok, and you four? What do you want?” The waiter asked
“I’ll have the loaded nachos and lemonade” Barnaby said
“I’ll have what he” points to Roman “Is having except for the alcohol I’ll take a sweet iced tea” Rowan said
“I’ll have the loaded nachos also but with iced tea” Charlie said
“I’ll take the chicken parm and…White Russian” Bill said
“You sure you can hold your liquor?” Dimitri asked
Bill glared at him “Yes I’m sure, I’m friends with Roman”
“Ok if you say so” He handed the menus to the waiter “Trying to be a big boy I see”
“Shut up, Dimitri” Bill said leaning over and slapping the back of his head
“Ow! That’s mean” Dimitri said rubbing the back of his dramatically
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
I told y’all I would come with Andre and Roman and here we go
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They look pretty much the same
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nicos-oc-hell · 3 years
Am I posting this at 11:40 pm? Yes but that’s besides the point! Like Rowan on Valentines Day, Dimitri will force the gang (Chiara, Bill, Barnaby, Rowan, Charlie and Roman) to get dressed and they sneak out the castle because Dimitri wants to eat at a restaurant
Bill sat down at the Slytherin table next to Roman and glared at Roman who was laughing at his outfit “He put BUNNIES on the suit! How come I’m the only one with bunnies?!”
Dimitri shrugged “You and Rowan both have bunnies, Charlie and Roman both have eggs, Barnaby and I both have…regular matching outfits because I couldn’t think of any thing for Easter and Chiara made it very clear that she wasn’t wearing a suit this time, she basically threatened me!”
Barnaby and Dimitri
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Rowan and Bill, imagine this with white bunnies on it
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Charlie and Roman, this with Easter eggs on it
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Rowan laughed at Bill “I honestly look nice in a suit! It makes my butt look gorgeous!”
Bill glared at her and stole Dimitri’s plate of food “HEY! Why do y’all always steal my food!? Just ask me to pass you some of the damn food!”
They all laughed and continued eating ignoring the Slytherins who were glaring at the two Gryffindors at their table. At the end of breakfast the four head of houses and Dumbledore came up to them with Snape glaring at Dimitri nodding his head to Mcgonagall’s smug face
“And what do we have here? House unity?” Dumbledore said and Snape muttered something underneath his breath ‘It’s not like they do this every single fucking day but yeah you know, let’s notice something that has been happening for the past 2 fucking years’
Dimitri snickered and handed Snape a bag “Chocolate for your time of the- never mind and snickerdoodle cookies!”
“You still aren’t getting out of detention Di Angelo, especially with that comment you just made” Snape said taking the bag from him “But thanks” He adder after Flitwick stomped on his foot for not saying thanks
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Dimitri got out of the car with a very smug look on his face “And that’s why we let me pick where we eat! Roman doesn’t have that good of a taste like I do”
Roman rolled his eyes and nodded towards the receptionist who rushed over them over to a table “Bill don’t you say a damn thing”
Bill raised his hands up and sat down “Wasn’t going to say anything…except that you are rich as fuck and that you didn’t even have to wait for a table” He looked over at Dimitri who was laughing “Shut up, you were born with a golden spoon in your mouth”
“…shut up”
“Just saying it was more of a silver spoon…who the hell owns a golden spoon anyway?! Like why is that even a saying?”
“It’s for rich spoiled brats” Chiara said
“I’m rich but I’m not a spoiled brat”
“How many pets were you allowed to keep?” Charlie asked ganging up on him
“I don’t know like seven I think” He started counting on his fingers about how many animals he had “Yeah 7”
“Spoiled, how many did you beg to keep?” Bill asked
“Why does that matter?” Dimitri asked glaring at Rowan who was snickering next to him
“Just answer the damn question” Charlie said
“Like 3 of them” Dimitri said after thinking for awhile
“Brat, rich spoiled brat” Barnaby concluded
“Fuck. All. Of. You”
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