#rok 1
rokketeer · 2 months
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sims4-rotace · 2 years
Rok 1 - zima/silvestr
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Maaike s Ulrike si poslední den roku velmi užili. Obě si dali předsevzetí a večer se šli bavit na místní diskotéku, hodně pily a tančily. Těsně před půlnocí dorazily domů, aby mohly sledovat odpočet do nového roku.
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birb-catto · 26 days
Side Story 1 (New Employee Kim Rok Soo)
tfw KRS and CJS could have gone to another team if not for Director Ma siccing the "weak ones" into LSH's supervision.
Granted LSH might have been able to pull some strings to get them into Team 1 after the orientation but
IMAGINE a life without Soos
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rosalie-starfall · 1 year
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Star Trek: Prodigy
Lost & Found - Part I & II
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teplejtrouba · 10 months
bylo by hrozně ikonické jít na pride v cosplayi Petronela a Uriáše ale vzhledem k jejich vrstvám by se musel Prague Pride pořádat v prosinci
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space-girlllll · 1 year
So I was rereading the side stories and when I got back to the part when Kim min ah and other coworker I already forgot, talked about Kim rok soo being so rich I stopped and thought about why he was so rich. 
Like yes he would be rich because he is team leader and they will get payed significantly more than just normal workers, and that he was saving money for a farm. But then I thought about the whole massacre incident thing. Kim rok soo was said to be the only survivor and that the team had no remaining family other than each other... 
Kim rok soo probably inherited the entire teams money with some of it maybe taken by the company, but he probably was the only one left among the people they were all close with. Maybe he lives on the outskirts, not spending any money on being closer the company, because he doesn’t feel like its his money its still the team’s. 
To him he can’t use all their money because its not his, he doesn’t deserve that money.
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idontknowmyownmind · 6 months
A story idea around Heniroksoo
Heniroksoo who accidently found the 'gate' where the monsters came from
Let's pretend that no one know where the mosters came from because no one ever find a 'gate' and think that they just exist one day
Those who found one are 'missing' the moment they step in
This is the start of his journey on different worlds destroying the 'heart' of the gates
Every monster came from different worlds, worlds similar to his but already in ruin or destroyed by the monsters that also came out of nowhere
Everytime he destroyed the 'heart' he will be teleported to earth in 5 seconds count
And as he destroyed them, it lead to the beginning or the starting line where the monsters came from
Along his journey, he met a lot of new people from different worlds or the 'remains' of them who is 'lucky' like him, from his world and from another, to find the gate
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minor bracket round 1 group d
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caleism-1 · 1 year
Tboah Choi Han was the one thinking/asking this
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Pfft-… I don’t regret saying this tho…
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dyinggirldied · 1 year
"Do not despair, my child," the voice reprimanded, "For I will help you,"
"Pack your stuff, and journey to the Roan Empire. Find the crimson commander Cale Henituse,"
Or, what if, instead of running and hiding at the Alpheus mansion, our golden princess found someone else. Some who also woke up one day as an ill-fated minor character like her?
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rokketeer · 2 months
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sims4-rotace · 2 years
Rok 1 - zima/Vánoce
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Vánoce u Villarealových se nesli v poklidném duchu. Po štědrovečerní večeři, kdy naštěstí nikomu nezaskočila kost s ryby si všichni rozbalili dárky u obrovského vánočního stromečku. A přišel i Vánoční dědeček!
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robins-on-lea · 2 years
Since I already made an Og!ChoiCale au thats pure angst, time to make an angst + crack + slight fluff one :-)
So, during the 20 year war that was going on in TBOAH, Og!Cale and Og!Choi Han ended up meeting again at one point. And when they did meet, they decided to reconcile and apologise to each other.
After that, they started to spend more time with each other. And the more they did, the more Choi Han realised that he’s starting to fall for the (former) trash.
He didn’t say anything, of course, because he’s afraid that It’d break the small thread that they call friendship. So as a result, he never did confess.
That was a mistake.
Cale ended up getting killed by White Star. Choi Han makes sure to kill White Star permanently after. Even after White Star’s death, Choi Han still falls into despair. Because the last person who understood him is gone, and he didn’t even get to confess.
But because one of Cale’s last wish is to not only rebuilt Henituse Territory, but to also have Choi Han survive until the end, he decided to live. He decided to live, not for himself, but for the one whom could’ve been his lover.
Since Choi Han’s lifespan is equivalent to a dragon’s, he decided to slowly rebuilt the Henituse territory for Cale. After like, 50 years or so, Henituse territory is now called Henituse City.
Choi Han lived there until his death. When he did die, he expected to go to the afterlife, not wake up as a baby. Not only that, when he woke up, he found himself back into his own modern world.
Needless to say, Choi Han was very upset. He’s tired. He’s been living for over 1000 years without one of his loved ones. All he wants is to rest. Is that too much to ask?
Anyways, he was upset and depressed the first 10 years into his new life, but after some therapy and love from his family, he got back up on his feet and started to get better.
Not too mention, one of his older siblings is going to have a kid, which means he’s gonna be an uncle! :D
So he made sure to fix himself and wanted to become the best uncle. Thats when Choi Jung Soo is born. Because Choi Han and CJS has a 10 year age gap, instead of referring to each other as uncle and nephew, they always instead introduce themselves as cousins instead.
So, after Choi Han graduates, he moved into the city, opened a dojo and lived there for more than 5 years. The house he bought is big enough for 3 or 4 people to live in. It’s just incase CJS wants to stay there.
So one day, CJS, who’s 17 btw, said that one of his friends, whom he calls his dongsaeng/whom is also his crush, is gonna come over to do a school project.
According to CJS, the one who’ll be dropping the kid to his house is the kid’s older cousin, who’s apparently, around Choi Han’s age. Choi Han is not ready to meet whomever this person is.
Because based on CJS’s description, the older cousin owns a whole ass corporate, is a CEO at a young age, and is insanely rich. Like, the kind of rich where you can buy a country and your bank account will say that you still have unlimited money.
He wasn’t even more ready when he found out that this particular cousin is a woman, because Choi Han has been afraid of woman even during his past life. He does not want to deal with an insanely rich woman who could (and might) possibly have his ass accused by some fake news that will destroy his family. (even though that sounds highly unlikely)
However, CJS calls the woman noonim. Which means whoever she is, she probably won’t do anything for the sake of his family.
So, later that afternoon, Choi Han patiently waits for his nephew’s friend/crush/dongsaeng, while CJS goes and cleans his room for the first time. While he was waiting, he’s also preparing himself mentally. (for what? he does not know, but he feels like he has too, for some reason)
When he heard the doorbell ringing, he went to the door, slightly ignoring CJS’s “That must be her!”
He opens the door and goes to the gate, only to stare at a young, Korean girl with black hair and familiar reddish-brown eyes. And the first thing that comes to his mind is “Cale?”
But that was broken when the girl spoke; ”Umm, are you Choi Jung Soo’s uncle?”
Choi Han could tell that this isn’t Cale. Cale isn’t shy, he’s someone who would outright call for the waiter the moment he got the wrong food. So with an inward sigh, he told the young girl that yes, he is CJS’s uncle.
Apparently, the girl’s name is Kim Rok Soo. KRS then told him that she needs to go back to the car to tell her cousin that this is the house. Choi Han, of course, let’s her.
He opens the house gate for a bit so that he can go outside. The car that KRS came in is expensive, and Choi Han swears that he wouldn’t be able to bought that kind of car even if he dedicates himself to working 24/7 for then next 50 years.
So as he was spacing out, he heard KRS saying “If you really wanna know, the you should come out yourself.”
And Choi Han swears that at that very moment, his heart stopped. A familiar shade of red hair stepped out of the drivers seat. For a moment, he wonders if its him, but that guy is a guy. Is it possible to reincarnate as a woman?
The red-head had sunglasses on, (the expensive ones, his mind notes) and he wishes he could see her eye colour, just to confirm something. The red-head walks over to him before leaning backwards towards her car, while KRS mutters something under her breath and taking out a bag from the cars trunk.
“So, are you really Jung Soo’s uncle?” The red-head asks him with a raised eyebrow.
God, even the voice is the same. The only difference is that it sounded way more feminine. He swallowed some saliva before answering her question.
“Yes, yes I am.” He’s nervous, but why is he nervous?
“Hmm…You look way too young to be his uncle though?”
Before he can answer that question, a voice from behind the gate(CJS’s voice, his mind notes) calls out.
“Cale-noonim, why didn’t you tell me when you were gonna arrive. I would’ve stand outside if I knew.”
“You punk, you standing outside when I’m just about to arrive is exactly the reason why I didn’t text you before hand.”
Cale? Cale. Cale is her name. Her name is Cale. Could it really be? He doesn’t want to hope, but…
“By the way, I thought you said you live with your uncle? Isn’t this guy your cousin?” As the red-head Cale said so, she pushed up her sunglasses, revealing the same (oh god its the same hewantstocrytoyellisittrulyhim?) reddish-brown eyes that he oh-so loved years ago.
“Oh, Hannie is my uncle. He looks young, doesn’t he noonim?” CJS said with a small laugh.
“Indeed he does.” A familiar smirk, one that he cane to love, was featured on Cale.
The red-head hold out her hand towards him and said;
“Nice to meet you. Sorry for the late introduction, wasn’t really that sure on whether you’re this Punk’s uncle or not. You know, looking all young, and all,” She said while tilting her head a bit to CJS, who’s already escorting KRS into the house. “I’m Cale, Cale Henituse. What’s yours?”
“…Choi Han.”
Cale smiled.
“Nice to meet you, Choi Han.”
(I have too many words to type out (because I’m using my phone), so the crack + fluff part is coming in part 2 instead)
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hehehuhuhihi · 5 months
Aajtak itni bar koshish krne k baad bhi bhagvad geeta puri nhi huiii .....
Kya mein itni papi hu 😳
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propicsmedia · 5 months
True Crime & Justice EP 1 Promo - Opioid Epidemic - Betrayal of Trust #o... True Crime & Justice Series EP Promo 1 NEW series premier Jan 15, 2024 #truecrime #justice #international #freestreaming #streaming #appletv #Roku #xbox #Android #ios #FireTV #Amazon #iphone #AndroidTV #Murder #fraud #assault #truelife #investigations #bankrobbery #serialkillers #smartTV #television #Series #premier #jamescousineau #PPCMTV #ProPicsCanadaTV #trueCrimeStories #Justice #crimeandpunishment
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mira-gaia · 2 years
I feel like cale would have been a big fan of fanfiction, he would have gone through the three stages
1-wattpad where you learn fanfic exist
2-fanfiction.com where you start having high standards for fiction and a good idea of how to use the #️⃣
3-ao3 where you can find anything and everything
He would also go to tumbler to search for funny publications about his favourite character and some weird theories.
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