helgiafterdark · 4 months
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this is when my stormcloak radicalization began
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Captain Aldis: Empty altruism will not save you now. Any last words?
Roggvir: Yes. What’s altruism?
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konigs-left-pec · 1 month
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First of all, how dare you...
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throughtrialbyfire · 9 months
𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 ♥
you already know what time it is!!
thank you to the lovely and incredibly talented @skyrim-forever @your-talos-is-problematic @v1ctory-or-sovngarde @mareenavee @thequeenofthewinter and @dirty-bosmer for the tags this week!! i've been having an amazing time reading/looking at all your wips, and i know i say it always but i can't wait to see how your works turn out, whether writing or art!! wednesday has easily become my favorite day of the week bc of this community <3
i'm passing the tag to @umbracirrus @wispstalk @kiir-do-faal-rahhe @orfeoarte @caliblorn @thana-topsy @totally-not-deacon @aphocryphas @gilgamish and YOU! if you wanna hop in, tag me back, and no pressure as always!!
this week i've got a bit of a treat: i'm working on some art! it's one that's really pushing me out of my comfort zone in terms of pose, expression, and perspective, and i'm extremely excited to finish it and show what i've been up to! featuring the beloved Cicero, of course
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aaaaaaaand since i posted chapter 14 of Cycle of the Serpent this past weekend, i'm gonna give you guys a long snippet of chapter 23. >:3c emeros is asking for the group's imperial pardon from general tullius, and it comes with a catch. fair warning, the snippet is LONG bc i am incapable of being normal about this fic. are you ready, because i sure fucking am
Emeros stifled a scoff. Athenath did not. Instead, the Altmer made a step forward, the Bosmer eyeing him with a quirked brow. The bard said, "we helped Hadvar, he said he'd help us out if we needed it." "Precisely." Emeros leveled. "In fact, he said that should we wish to acquire an Imperial pardon, to come directly to you, General Tullius." He lowered his brow. The General waited, shifting from foot to foot as he considered this, before waving an enormous hand and resting it again on the table, facing the map sprawled before him. Wooden pegs painted in red and blues littered various points, stuck in deep with metal ends. The light landed along the metal gleam of his armor, golden color running rotten in the days glare. "You know, not many survived that place. If you could give us a hand, Legate Rikke-" he motioned to the woman beside him, stray hairs catching the light, "-could have some use for you. Besides, I'm sure your being imprisoned was all a big misunderstanding." Wyndrelis cleared his throat and looked up at the Bosmer, already making a slow, calculated stride to the General, his teeth grit together. With a deep inhale, he spoke, ignoring the light twitch of his under eye, the pittering in his chest. "General, I do not wish to waste your time, nor do I believe mine is of any less value," he began, "however, my compatriots and I have come a long way to be here. Not to mention, the scene we witnessed in your town square-" "Roggvir, the traitor," Tullius scoffed, shaking his head, disbelief clearly running courses through him, "he opened the gate for Ulfric Stormcloak after he murdered High King Torygg-" "And started this bloody Civil War proper, yes, I'm well aware of the stories, sir." Emeros interrupted in a bored drone, his wrist making idle motions. General Tullius craned his neck to peer back at Emeros, one wrinkled brow raised. His face had the character of a man well beyond the usual glory days of a soldier, a war and weather-battered face, with the scarred and sun-roughened arms to match. He was no man to be trifled with in the slightest, and yet (despite the atrocious nerves burdening his every action, the weight of every word weighed heavy on the blade the General carried to cut out sharp-tongues like his) the alchemist bothered not with patience nor obedience here. Instead, the Bosmer lifted his chin, his posture taking all the hallmarks of Aldmeri society, his arms straight at his sides, his spine taut, his eyes skimming the face of the Imperial like a bird to a field mouse among the brush. "We are here for our pardon. Nothing more."
General Tullius turned again to face the Bosmer. "And we're low on men. Our ranks are thin enough as is. If you want your pardon, you'll have to earn it." He made no motion, no step, nothing to indicate intimidation, but the bead of sweat down the back of his neck brandished his demeanor, the stress he was under already. In the shadows, Emeros observed the bruise-dark circles forming under the man's eyes over the past few weeks of sleepless nights, the kind he'd seen on many an Imperial soldier returning to Cyrodiil from the front lines in the Great War. He'd been younger then, thought nothing of the bloodshed. But here? He saw the thirty years aftermath and the absurdity of the Civil War plain and simple.
"Then I believe we are at an impasse." Emeros simply turned on his heel and began the walk down the antechamber, guards unsure whether to apprehend the Bosmer or allow him to step away. General Tullius watched in disbelief, and as the doors parted, gave a great sigh.
"Wait, now."
Emeros stood on the precipice, light filtering in, casting his shadow long behind him. He turned. "Yes, sir?"
"I understand the urgency of your request, elf-"
"Emeros Nightlock."
General Tullius sighed again. "I understand the urgency of your request, mister Nightlock, but I can't grant something like that on a whim. I need to know you're not here to cause trouble. I know your winding up on the Helgen prison cart was probably just a misunderstanding, as well as these…" he gestured vaguely to Athenath and Wyndrelis, who were halfway through the antechamber and to their friends side when he'd turned back at the General's request, "…fine young people. But until I can verify that you've no intentions to make me regret that decision…"
"Ah," Emeros ticked, "a deed for a deed." He shut the doors, and made a solid march back to the war room as though nothing had happened. "Really, General, I would prefer if you had said so in the first place."
General Tullius inhaled deeply through his nose, leveling out whatever turmoil brewed behind his cold exterior. He made a motion to the Nord, Legate Rikke, who watched the trio with bewildered amusement. "You will speak to the Legate here, and do what she asks. Only then, can I grant your pardon."
"Thank you for your time, General Tullius." Emeros approached the Legate with a polite smile, the kind that barely graced his eyes, and spoke again. "What can we do for you, Legate Rikke?"
The Legate, her eyes keenly examining the three before her, barely tamped down the burgeoning smirk on her lips. "You three survived Helgen?" She shifted her light-hued gaze between their faces. Wyndrelis' nervous fidgeting, Athenath's fingers combing through his dark curls, and Emeros' cold expression, his posture high and solid - he silently hoped the shaking palms eluded her. "Not many made it out alive, you know. I've got a good feeling about you three, and I don't often get good feelings about anything. A warrior knows to trust her gut."
"Legate Rikke, I appreciate the sentiment deeply, but I would like to know what it is you're expecting us to… Do, exactly." Emeros watched the Legate as she lifted her brow, internally mulling something over before she spoke up again.
"You know, bravado gets soldiers killed."
"Fascinating. I will note that down for any soldiers I may meet."
"Emeros," Athenath hissed quietly, tugging his arm. The Bosmer seemed to come back to the room around him, as though he had been operating in some sort of pre-determined mode, a Dwemer automata wound up and gaining sentience. For a moment, his eyes flashed cold-sweat panic to the Altmer, then narrowed sternly. He returned his gaze to the Legate.
"Well," Legate Rikke breathed, sliding a palm over the map before her, "I'm sending you to clear out Fort Hraagstad. If you survive, you'll pass. If you die, then I'll have no further use for your corpses."
An icy fear grasped the trio, but Emeros merely cleared his throat and spoke again. "What is the purpose of this assignment?"
"The ancients built many of the fortresses that dot the landscape of Skyrim. Sadly, most have fallen into disrepair. And nearly all have been overrun with bandits or other vagabonds. Fort Hraagstad is one of the few that remains mostly intact. We're going to install a garrison there, but first, you three are going to clean out the bandits that have moved in."
"Mark it on our map, and we'll be off by morning." Emeros made a gesture behind himself, Wyndrelis fumbling with the map he tugged from his pocket, passing it to the Bosmer. He allowed Legate Rikke to make scratches along the surface with a quill, easy lines detailing the best path up to the fort, her face stern as she passed it back over to him.
"Good luck."
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moodiestmags · 1 year
Okay so back in Skyrim. Wanted to get the civil war quest line over and done with so I go to solitude for the first time, right? Roggvir is about to get executed so I go and stand in the crowd. However, Teldryn Sero decides to go right up to the executioners block and start killing the guards, and captain Alvis, who i didn’t think could die.
He also killed the guy who runs the pawned prawn, and his wife because I brawled him. What the fuck I can’t take this man anywhere.
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jiubilant · 1 year
skyrim's culture honors those who drink lots of mead and throw lots of punches so your average nord parents tend not to care if their child is out getting into fights with other children (and are in fact more inclined to ruffle little roggvir's hair than to scold him when he swaggers home with a split lip). but on the occasion that their beloved innocent boy runs in crying because he jeered at the neighbor's gouger daughter and got gouged they tend to march to said neighbor's house and make a scene. so ravi had to teach shurri how to throw a proper punch instead of scratching people
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‘Finally,after months and months at sea,I have finally arrived in Skyrim’ Eleanor thought as she finally set foot on the Solitude Docks. Sailors,immigrants,Soldiers,dock workers and merchants all traversed the docks,some pushing past each other to get to their next destination,Mothers hushed crying babes,and Fathers carried heavy luggage. The Docks were a hub of activity.
Picking up her small Satchel,Eleanor made her way to the City,her fine green dress and fur cloak hugging her body awkwardly. The trip was hard on her and she had lost alot of weight due to it. She didn't care too much though,as she had come to Skyrim to escape,to start a life of her own,free from the demons of her past. 
“You're just in time to say hello to Roggvir”The Gate Guard said snidely. Choosing to ignore him Eleanor enters the city,only to be greeted to the site of an ongoing public execution. 
The sight made her heart leap to her throat.
“They can't hurt Uncle Roggvir,tell them he didn't do it!”A little girl,no older than eight cried out to what Eleanor assumed was the girl's father. The man told her to run home and not look back,anguish in his voice.
Jeers came from the crowd,one woman demanding for the headsman to 'Get on with it’. 
Not being able to bare the site,Eleanor rushed into the nearby inn.Closing the thick door behind her,the soft melody of a lute and The thick scent of ale and cooking meat filled her senses,giving an escape to the scene outside.
Eleanor walked to the Innkeeper and paid for a room and some water,before the kind man lead her to her room. “Let me know if you need anything ma'am.”he said before leaving. She simply smiled in acknowledgement,and shut the door behind him.
Sitting down on the chair in the room,she pulled out her Diary and began to write.
'Arrived to Solitude this day. Entering the city I saw an execution under way. The poor soul's Neice cried out for him,much as I did for Father all those years ago. I pray this is no bad omen’
After writing in her Diary,she got up and went to get a bath and eat,keeping her head down and staying quiet so as not to draw unwanted attention. Once cleaned and fed she read in the bar area,though in all actuality she was listening to those around her,picking up bits of information and rumors. 
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paperraptor-blog · 2 years
Skyrim Marriage Options
Slowly growing list of Marriage Options and information about them.
Derkeethus (M)
Darkwater Pass
Trapped in a cell
Can fight
Level cap 30
Mining camp of Darkwater Crossing
Scouts-Many-Marshes (M)
Windhelm in the Argonian Assemblage
Cannot fight
Shahvee (F)
Windhelm docks, Eastmarch
Lives in the Argonian Assemblage
Ainethach (M)
Runs Sanuarach Mine and farmhouse
Cosnach (M)
Loves drinking
Lives in the Warrens
Muiri (F)
The Hag’s Cure in Markarth
Octieve San (M)
Retired veteran
Gambles, and drinks
Lives with daughter Evette
Omluag (M)
Lives in the Warrens
Perth (M)
Soljund’s Sinkhole
Sell things to him
Shares a house with Tuthul
Dark Elf
Athis (M)
Can fight
Level cap 25
Part of the companions 
Avrupa Sarethi (F)
Sarethi Farm
Alchemist with her own farm
Brelyna Maryon (F)
College of Winterhold
Can fight
Level 30 cap
Likes Winstead Manor
Can become a vampire
Dravynea the stoneweaver (F)
Jenassa (F)
Drunken huntman in whiterun
Can fight
Level cap 40
Sadistic and obsessed with killing
Excels at stealth
Revyn Sadri (M)
Sadri’s used Wares in Windhelm
Dislikes Thieves
Sondas Drenim (M)
Goldenrock Mine
High Elf
Taarie (F)
Loving as a spouse
Radiant Raiment
Can live with her
Does night fight
Camilla Valerius (F)
The two exes will continue to be in your home.
She will return to Riverwood if her brother dies
Can live with her and her brother
Starts her own store
Gilfre (F)
Mixwater Millowner
Owns her own house
Keeps the household together
Cannot fight
Marcurio (M)
Level cap 40
Can fight
Pavo Attius (M)
Left Hand Mine
Owns Kolskeggr Gold Mind
Owns a house outside Markarth
Will remain in miner’s clothing
Quintus Navale (M)
Takes over the White Phial Shop when employer dies
Ria (F)
Jorrvaskr in whiterun
Can fight
Level 25 cap
Can join the blades
Can be a steward
Senna (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Does not fight
Dislikes breeze home with kids
Enjoys proud spire
Sorex Vinius (M)
Love triangle with Vivienne Ones and Roggvir (beheade)
Flirts with customers after marriage
Hates all homes except Proudspire Manor
Runs the Winking Skeever Inn
Viola Giordano (F)
Owns a home (that rivals Hjerim)
Aela the huntress (F)
Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)
Can fight
Opens a shop
Dislikes most houses except proud spire
Essential till Glory of the Dead
Level cap 50
Can become vampire (mixed reviews)
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Aeri (F)
Aeri’s House in Anga’s Mill
Owner of Anga’s Mill
Owns her own house
Angrenor Once-Honored (M)
Argis the Bulwark (M) 
Opens a shop
Can fight
Balimund (M)
Owns a house
Adopted son Asbjorn Fire-Tamer
Runs the blacksmith shop
Belrand (M) 
Sellsword for hire
Level cap 40
Benor (M) 
Lives in the guardhouse (not a guard)
Calder (M) 
Level cap 50
Can fight
Erik the Slayer (M)
Can fight
Farkas (M) 
Member of the Companions
Can fight
Little dopey
Great with kids, sweet to a spouse
Monster in battle
Level Cap 50
If you Marry him you can invite Vilkas to be your steward
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Filnjar (M)
Shor’s Stone
Owns a house
Grelka (F)
Iona (F)
Can fight
Constant compliments
Jordis the sword-maiden (F)
Proud spire manor in solitude
Can fight
Level cap 50
Possible bug not allowing marriage
Lydia (F)
Can fight
Level cap 25
Mjoll the lioness (F)
Can fight
Level cap 40
Dislikes Thieves’ Guild
Worry about Markarth house
Like most houses
Where she goes, so does Aerin
Njada Stonearm (F)
Whiterun (Jorrvaskr)
Can fight
Level 25 cap
Onmund (M) 
Nord Apprentice at College of Winterhold
Can fight
Level cap 30
Orla (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Daily income
Will not leave temple of Dibella
Roggi Knot-Beard (M) 
Can be a follower and a steward
Level cap 20
Stenvar (M) 
Sense of humor
Can fight
Level cap 40
Sylgja (F)
Shor’s Stone, The Rift
Does not fight
Temba Wide-Arm (F)
Kind and amiable wife
Dislikes breeze home
Does not fight
Mill owner
Torvar (M) 
Member of the companions
Can fight
Level cap 25
Uthgerd (F)
Can fight
Level 30 cap
Owns a house
Vilkas (M)
Member of the companions
Can fight
Level Cap 50
Steward Material
Fierce in a fight
Can be located by doing a companion quest if missing
Vorstag (M)
Lives in the silver-blood inn
Level cap 40
Likes Heljarchen Hall
Candiate for the blades
Sweet and a badass
Wilhelm (M)
Cannot be a follower
Runs the Vilemyr Inn
Ysolda (F)
Whiterun near merchant stalls
Marriage perk: 100 septa’s per day
Does not fight
Crush on Mikael the bard
Drug dealer
Small house in Whiterun
Takes over Banered Mare if Ulda is killed
Likes Herjerchan hall
Gat gro-Shargakh (M)
Left hand mine (Before cleared of forsworn)
Marriage perk: 100 gold daily
Lives in Kolskeggr Mine
Borgakh the steel heart (F)
Mor Khazgur, Haafingar
Daughter of the Chief Larak
Level cap 30
Can fight
Ghorbash the Iron Hand (M)
Dushnikh Yal
Brother of Chief Burguk
Level cap 30
Potential Steward
Can fight
Ghorza gra-Bagoi (F)
Lives with her brother in Understone keep
Great Spouse
Moth gro-Bagol (M)
Understone Keep
Ghorza’s brother
Anwen (F)
Temple of Dibella in Markarth
Rayya (F)
Can Fight
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I like that NightShade can sometimes foreshadow things to happen or tells you what happened at a place.
NightShade grows over or near dead bodies in cemeteries and gravestones. But it also grows in places associated with death, one way or another.
NightShade grows outside the Dark BrotherHood Falkreath Sanctuary, for two reasons. One the place is strongly associated with death and two, people have already died there, both the fallen DBH due to Astrid's betrayal and Bellmount.
There's NightShade near the DawnStar DBH Sanctuary, also near where Arnbjorn sits injured. It could foreshadow that he dies and depending on your choice, Cicero as well. Another place associated with death.
More grow in a small area near the execution of Roggvir. There's also one more by the Solitude tower inside the city, the tower used to escape after poisoning the fake Emperor. The Oculatius who try to stop you die by your hand (unless you can out run them but I usually kill them).
There's some by the Abandoned Cabin and no matter your choice someone has to die.
Some grow by Alva's House, someone who is already (un)dead and you possibly kill Hroggar when going in. Some grow by the burned down house as well, signifying the death of Helgi, the wife and possibly another grows there since Lalette the vampire is involved with the death of Helgi. She doesn't die in the house but she's still dead/undead.
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helgiafterdark · 4 months
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oh how i love making elves kill each other. and then to kill the last one standing ❤️
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netch-rancher · 1 year
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I modded Skyrim on my PC and Sorex Vinius simply could not believe Roggvir’s execution
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skyrimaddiction · 2 years
Skyrim Tarot Deck Review
My Full Review is now up on youtube: https://youtu.be/iYkqDJNEkZo
To Summarize: There are aspects I love and think were chosen perfectly, There were parts that I thought were alright with their choices, and then there were others that made me really mad and like wtf???
The Fool - Cicero √
The Magician - Farengar X - I would have picked Shalodir 
The High Priestess - St. Alessia X - She is only briefly mentioned in Skyrim in a book or 2. Thus you would have to have more knowledge of the elderscrolls lore to know who she is. I would have chosen either the Sybil of Dibella or even Eurander (Priest of Mara, Former priest of Vaermina)
The Empress - Jarl Elisif√
The Emperor - High King Torygg√
The Hierophant - Julianos X - I would have chosen the greybeards
The Lovers - Jon Battle-Born & Olfina Gray-Mane √ Possible alternative - Gallus & Karliah
The Chariot - Arvak √ - Possible alternative - Shadowmere
Strength - Ulfric Stormcloak √ - Alternative Mjoll the Lioness
The Hermit - Paarthurnax √
The Wheel of Fortune - Olava the Feeble X - This should have been 100% Arkay with the cycle of life and death
Justice - Talos √ I would have used art of the statue seen throughout the game
The Hanged Man - Esbern √ Possible alternative Roggvir who let Ulfric escape Solitude
Death - Sithis √ 100%
Temeperance - Sotha Sil XXX -NO - He isn’t even referenced in Skyrim to the best of my knowledge and you would have to have greater knowledge of elderscrolls lore to understand who he is, I would have replaced him with Mara, or even Karliah (patience)
The Devil - Mephala √
The Tower - Sheogorath XXX - NO. This should have 100% been Alduin on the tower of Helgen from the cut scene of the beginning of the game.
The Star - Azura √
The Moon - Nocturnal √
The Sun - Meridia √
Judgement - Mjoll The Lioness √
The World - √ Akatosh
Suit of Wands represented by Spells with Mages. I would replace spells with Staffs (closer to the wands symbolism)
King of Wands - Savos Aren √
Queen of Wands - Mirabelle Ervine √
Knight of Spells - Wuunferth The Unliving X - I would replace him with Arniel Gane
Page of Spells - Tolfdir
Suit of Lockpicks represents pentacles - I would have replaced lockpicks with Septims. Missed opportunity right there.
King of Lockpicks - Mercer Frey √
Queen of Lockpicks - Vex √
Knight of Lockpicks - Brynjolf √
Page of Lockpicks - Sapphire √
Suit of Arms represents Swords - I love all of this except for one which makes me livid
King of Arms - Kodlak Whitemane √
Queen of Arms - Alela the Huntress √
Page of Arms - Farkas √
Suit of Voice represents cups - I hate the whole suit. I Would have replaced this whole suit with potions and made it the dark brotherhood
King of Voice - Jurgen Wind-Caller X - Replace with Nazir
Queen of Voice - Kyne X - Replace with Astrid
Knight of Voice - Arngeir X - Replace with Festus Krex
Page of Voice - Einarth X - Replace with Babette
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throughtrialbyfire · 8 months
WIP Wednesday!!
happy wip wednesday!! i've been very busy irl with school and family, but i'm so excited to see what everyones doing this week!
tagged by the lovely @thequeenofthewinter @totally-not-deacon and @skyrim-forever !! thank you so much, and as always, i love what you're all working on!!
tagging the fantastic @thana-topsy @orfeoarte @aphocryphas @dirty-bosmer @mareenavee @wispstalk @polypolymorph @wildhexe @boethiahspillowbook @gilgamish @v1ctory-or-sovngarde @umbracirrus @caliblorn and you!! the lovely writer/artist/modder reading this, i'm always here to see your wips!!
this week, since i just published chapter 15 of CotS, i wanted to jump ahead and share three small snippets. these are from chapters 22, 23, and 24 respectively. i'm sharing sections from all three of these chapters because i wanted to highlight the differences in POVs of the trio, and how the LDBs process one specific situation. i hope you enjoy!! <3
Night. Wyndrelis became acutely aware that it was night. The flicker of torches passing by the windows of the inn marked long stretches of orange along the stone walls, pawing like a cat along a rug. He could feel the claws digging in, deeper, pinprick needles of the dark surrounding the three in the small room. What were they doing last? What had they done? He closed his eyes. He wished he hadn't.
Roggvir. That's right. The execution. He jolted, making desperate attempts to keep the image of the man's corpse from his mind. He could still see the spray of blood, the spinal column severed by the axe, the way his skull lulled off the stage- Oh, gods. Wyndrelis' stomach churned. He cupped a palm over his lips and leaned forward, off the bed - bed, he was sitting on a bed - and hoped only that he would- A cold rag met his forehead, easy motions, a palm circling between his shoulder blades. He shuddered and winced and begged it all to stop, squeezing his eyes shut as the nausea passed, as something was presented to him, a scent he couldn't place wafting under his nose. He swallowed down hard. As though through water, a voice said, "you'll be fine, you need to lie on your side and breathe slowly." Emeros. He nodded and crawled up into the bed, lying down as instructed, allowing the waves of nausea to pass him by, sweeping over him. The room came back to him, piece by piece. The bed, the inn. He turned his gaze to the foot of the bed and saw Athenath, staring straight ahead, unmoving. Athenath was never not moving. The Altmer always rocked in their seat or bounced his leg or did a hundred other little things, and now, unmoving, staring to the wall. Arms folded over their middle. Soon, Emeros was guiding them to the middle of the bed. Soon, his hand brushed the Altmer's forehead, stray curls tickling their nose, making the Mer grimace. Then, he blew out the candles, and climbed into bed with the other two. Wyndrelis could feel Athenath beside him. The young Mer laid there, staring at the ceiling, watching torchlight pass through the window. Emeros on one side, Wyndrelis on the other, the Dunmer's head pounding.
If Emeros ever got General Tullius and Ulfric Stormcloak together in a room, he'd kill them both. A languid haze shone off the waters of the Sea of Ghosts. He watched it from the window of the Winking Skeever with what could only be described as mild contempt. Contempt for the silence. For the goings-on of the people down the hall, at the hearth, in the town square. The sundry moods of them in all their garish hues, impish laughter coating one, stress coating another, cloaked all in these colors of the day ahead. But in none of them, did Emeros sense grief. Roggvir's head had lolled off the stone stage, landing squarely with a wet and stone-hard plop at the foot of an Imperial soldier. This had aroused no response. Another head. Another axe. What difference, then, was made in this one? None. None at all, he concluded with a quiet scoff. So, it had meant what, nothing? A life cut with a deft swinging of a blade at orders given, same as a tree fallen to a woodsman? Sawmill machinery, this war. The warmth of a hand on his arm startled him from thought. In the reflection of the glass, he saw the face of Athenath, Wyndrelis' figure hovering close behind. The night's rest had done them all some good; Athenath's unusually rosy hue returned, and Wyndrelis seemed to have gotten his color back, for all good that observation did of a Dunmer. "You okay, Emeros?" The question arrested him, a quiet surprise settling in the Bosmers features. What good would it do to answer honestly? What would be the point? They had all seen the same thing, the same, horrific thing. They shared, too, in the suffering for it, the knowledge of their own terrible near-miss with the executioners. How ironic, then, the dragons, those dreadful bastards of Akatosh, had been the ones to save them. The bashful shuffling of Wyndrelis' fur-lined boots against the stone floors drew Emeros back from his silent thoughts, meeting Athenath's gaze. "Yes, I'm fine," he replied, shaking his head, "I'm more worried about you two."
Don't think about it. Athenath stood, back to the low wall blocking off the craggy cliffs, the sea, the gulls encircling the stars in their briny white wings. All through the noon, all through dinner, his mind had reverberated with the single thought. Don't think about it. Emeros, asleep, circles under his keen eyes. Wyndrelis, resting on his back, flattened out like a corpse for burial. The grey of him, the moons on his cheeks and the cold dead bloodied thing formerly known as- Don't think about it. What was it that old priest in Bravil used to say? The lilting cant of his worn voice, the cold of his shoulder, mercy was only as powerful as one let it be? He'd lost a son to the war, it was no wonder the priest held Mara in such high regard. He'd paced the chapel and prayed with the young elf, much younger then. The war. Talos outlawed, now Ulfric and his Stormcloaks- no, before this. Anvils architecture floating up raft-like on the sick and turbulent seas of Athenath's mind, the sand in his sandals and the sky high above and- Don't think about it. A deeply familiar thought over the years. The rain would wash the blood, but for now, the block remained rust-stained, saddled with the weight of it. Its stench and buzzing flies screeched of Helgen and it made Athenath wish he'd never escaped it, the nightmares prominent, the kind where they awoke with a heart-racing start, eyes jolting open only to face one or the other of his companions and what did he really know of them to find such comfort in sleeping in a shared bed and what did they know of him to trust the same and they had all nearly died and then the dragon and- The more he pushed it out, the more it came back, head pounding head race heart race no no, don't think about it don't let it come to mind even though their hands shook now and their thoughts numbed against all noise and the world blurred and they could feel it in their skin the fire and the blood and the sword in hand and don't think about it don't- "Oh." Wyndrelis' voice shook the Altmer from their thoughts. Were their eyes wide? Was their face pale? He hoped not. The pair watched one another, night shrouding all expressions, thick with silence. Wyndrelis coughed absently into a balled fist. "I suppose I'm not surprised, you weren't in bed, but I… Nevermind." The Dunmer gave a nervous chuckle, eyes darting off to the side, rims of his glasses catching the light. Athenath forced a half-laugh. "It's fine." They leaned against the stone, arms folding over their chest, fingers curled against the fabric of their sleeves. "Um… So, how're you holding up?"
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trickster-tabby · 2 years
I will never get over Kaidan making a pun at Roggvir's execution
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watching the execution of Roggvir for the hundredth time. Just Solitude things
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