#rivialle heichou
melloween-candie · 1 year
Facts! [L.A] - A.O.T
All about Levi Ackerman
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A/n - Everything you could know or want to know about Levi Ackerman! Believe me, I didn't make any of this up. Everything that is stated was found! Credits to the owner of Attack on Titan, Isayama! I tried to cite everything I could find.
Warning! Potential Spoilers for both manga and anime!
Word count: 1,578
Attack on Titan Masterlist [Coming soon]
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Name Meaning/ Origin
First name: Levi
The name Levi is considered a male name, but it can also be a girl's name, and it comes from Hebrew origins. - nameberry.com It means "Joined in Harmoney, attached." - nameberry.com
Also known as Rivaille meaning
It's of Hebrew origin. (Rivai) It is considered a boy name. It relates to his first name, Levi. It is the French name for Levi. While in Hebrew, Rivai means 'contentment.' Meanwhile, people with the name, Rivaille is usually Judaism by religion. - www.schoolmykids.com It was also a mistake. Isayama stated that Rivaille was a wrong translation of his name.
Also known as Heichou
It is the shorter way of saying "Squad Captain." The word Heichou means "Captain." Usually, his comrades and subordinates choose to call him the latter. - www.fandom.com Urban dictionary: " A short lil' man who'll beat the absolute shit out of anyone if necessary. He needs a squad that WON'T die but still serves as Humanity's strongest. He has to babysit a 17-year-old titan shifter and has beaten him as well. He likes poop jokes and short horses and cleaning as well. His actual name is Rivialle or Levi Ackerman. *He's also French.
Random person: "I'm ganna die..."
Heichou: "Well, don't get any blood on the floor, I just swept"
Origin: Japanese
Meaning: Captain, leader, Corporal
"Leading privately, leading seaman, former rank in the Japanese army and navy"
Last Name: Ackerman
The 'Acker' part comes from German or old English, meaning "ploughed field"; it's a related/alternated spelling of the word acre. - Wikipedia While Ackermann means "ploughman." It's a common Ashkenazi Jewish surname of Yiddish origin with the same meaning. - Wikipedia . The name Ackerman's occupational name is from Akkerman "plowman." Which was a frequent name in New Netherlands in the 17th century. - Ancestry.com
Favorite Things
Favorite Food: Hamburgers, pizza, ice cream, and rice - www.calendar-Canada.ca
Favorite hobby: Cleaning - Anime/Manga
Favorite Color: White - Isayama
Favorite Ice cream: Lemon and vanilla - Wikipedia
Favorite Drink: Black tea - Manga/Anime (common since lol)
Favorite Subject: Math (He is considered to be super smart, If he ever went to school) - Isayama
Favorite smell: Summer breeze - Isayama
Favorite Disney Movie: Mary Poppins - Isayama
Favorite fruit: Apples - Isayama
Favorite thing to make: Stew - Isayama
Favorite sweets: Raisons - Isayama
Hated Things
Least favorite subject: English - Isayama
Most hated thing: Dirty things - Manga/Anime
Most hated person: Erwin (When they first met) - Manga
Zodiac Sign/Birthday
His birthday is on Christmas Day - Fandom (duh) Birthplace: Underground - Manga/Anime Zodiac Sign: Capricorn Most compatible with- Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Cancer - astrologify.com Least compatible with- Aries, Leo, Gemini - wellandgood.com
Health Problems, Physically/Mentally
Levi suffers from insomnia and because he was malnourished it caused him to stop growing. - Manga/Anime Levi is known to be the most sexually frustrated out of everyone and he cares so much about humanity to where he doesn't really trust anyone to be around him because he fears that they too will die. - Isayama He is the most emotional person in Aot - Isayama
Body Info
Height: 160 cm - Fandom
Weight: 65 kg - Fandom
Eye color: Green - www.colorsidea.com
Hair color: Black - aniyuki.com
Blood type: A - aminoapps.com
Age:30 to mid-30s (never really clarified)
Family History - Manga/Anime
Mom: Kuchel Ackerman. Deceased in the underground when he was young. Sister to Kenny Ackerman
Uncle: Kenny Ackerman. He raised Levi in the underground and than proceeds to leave him once he believes that Levi can fend for himself
Father: Unknown (Said to be one of Kuchel's clients)
Distant cousin: Mikasa Ackerman
No known siblings
No known grandparents
Background - Manga/Anime
Levi grew up in the underground city where his mom died. Kenny, his uncle then proceeds to raise him. He eventually leaves him to fend for himself.
Eventually Levi meets Isabel Magnolia and Farlan Church.
He meets Isabel one day when she ran up to his door step with an injured bird. She asked them to help her heal it and then proceed to free it to the outside world.
Levi and Furlan where always at odds with each other but they were close friends. They cooperated well together.
Levi wishes to one day own a tea shop outside the walls.
He once wished to be taller - Isayama
Levi would awkwardly reject anyone who asks him out. - Isayama If he likes you, he would stutter when he is talking to you. He would try to avoid you too. - Isayama If he walks past a room where he can hear someone doing it, he would stay quiet, walk away, and cry - Isayama Levi had only one crush. Isabel. But he immediately stopped liking her the moment she started calling him big bro. - Isayama Levi was never married - Isayama There was nothing going on between Petra and him. In fact, their relationship was just cadet and leader. Petra looked up to Levi and the man she was actually engaged to Oruo. She was annoyed with him because of how he would always try and copy Levi. Isayama wanted to make Petra and Orup's relationship seem like an old married couple. - Isayama Levi sees Isebel in Erin - Manga When he first met Erwin, he didn't like him at all but eventually, they became close friends. - Manga/Anime He finds Hanje annoying however they are best friends because they started the military together and they were always there for each other - archiveofourown.org
Facts That's Been Stated By Isayama
He gets 2-3 hrs of sleep (due to his insomnia)
His nightmares him not being able to save his friends, dreams of falling, and weirdly enough the smell of too many titans evaporating at once.
Levi's pet peeve: pens being left open
Levi would easily get pissed off at his kids but he'd be a good dad
Levi was wearing his mother's dress when Kenny found him
His favorite ice cream is lemon and vanilla
He is considered to be the ugliest guy in the Snk universe, Isayama rated everyone's attractiveness and gave him a 2/10
Levi would smile a little if he sees his reflection on a clean surface
Sometimes Levi would talk to himself
If he had a job in the modern world he'd either be a teacher or chief
He wouldn't react to a joke good or bad
If he styled his hair in any other way it would be a ponytail
Levi would knock anyone who was drunk so they wouldn't make a mess or cause trouble
He doesn't have good fashion sense
He gets weird when tickled
If Levi could he would visit Greenland
Levi thinks marriage sucks
Levi's type is someone who is sensual, feminine and tough
He would be the submissive one
He's a virgin
He wouldn't have a pet
People wouldn't really notice if he got sick
It was stated that he would win a fight against Sebastian Michaelis if he didn't have demon powers
He'd like baseball diaries
If someone tried to start a Pellow fight with him he wouldn't react
He would be slightly annoyed but he'd appreciate the effort if his team threw him a party
Levi tried wearing plateau shoes
He would compete in weightlifting if he was an Olympian
He'd push people away and not look at them if they hugged him
If someone kissed him he'd pull them back and look at them with terror and disgust
He'd be the bully if he was in High school
He would play the bass-guitar out of everything else (Same honestly)
If he was in a haunted house he'd explain everything logically
Levi would be great in the game; hide and seek
He wouldn't know if someone was flirting with him
No one would make fun of him if his hair was dyed pink; he'd wear it proudly
He's a mama's boy (obviously lolol)
He'd be really good at ice skating (If he tried)
He likes Indie music
If someone drew a good picture of him and showed him he'd say "Good work"
He would want to delete the fan art of himself being merely revealing and mainly inappropriate
If he had a girlfriend his life wouldn't be too different from not having one
If a kissing scene happens in a movie he'd think about how he wants to do that too but he'd keep it to himself
If he was at a cosplay con he'd want to leave
His secret talent is that he's good at imitating some scouts
The most disgusting thing Levi has done when he was alone was he once touched his di*k
He wouldn't use social media
He shows affection by bringing tea and touching his lover slightly
Levi thought about considering self harm and suicide but he found a strong will to live
He would tell everyone who ever cat-called him to "fu*k off"
The veterans have seen Levi laugh and cry
One time Levi was told that he wasn't allowed to drink because they thought he was a kid. This was Levi's most embarrassing memory
Because he was born in the underground he didn't know how to read or write so he practice a lot because he was afraid that someone might use that to find out about his background
His handwriting is very neat
He would be the possessive type of lover
He would wait patiently in a traffic jam
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Little fun fact about me, I love Levi Ackerman! lol. Out of all the characters I have ever loved in any anime Levi is my number one~
Who's yours?
Anyways this was a fun little way for me to take a break from shameless lolol. I hope you guys enjoyed it! Also, if you found any incorrect facts or believed they are wrong let me know!
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shiruba-tsuki · 2 years
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Everyone got turned into a Titan. But you alone survived. It must be for the same reason why you're still alive even with such an injury. Because you're an Ackerman.
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adelaackerman · 3 years
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illyria-12 · 4 years
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Permission to repost from artist. Do not repost/edit etc without permission.
IG - leon_artist94
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dontatmethanks · 4 years
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2. They’re so effortlessly tender 🖐😩
(P.S Nanaba took the picture)
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ackrmxn · 3 years
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“I don't quite know How to say How I feel
Those three words Are said too much They're not enough”
— Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
part one of two. (click for part two)
This is inspired by this certain ask that @fanmoose12​​ answered. It was not able to leave my mind after I read it and so this little edit was created. 
To be honest, I think that Levi’s words to Hange are both enough and not enough. Enough because it was able to sum up all that he wanted to say to support Hange’s decision and give her strength, and not enough because of all the things he might’ve wanted more to say but cannot because of the current circumstances. Anyway, being people who went through so much together, it’s a beautiful way to send off a fellow soldier and dear friend.
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mitissimus753 · 3 years
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Can't get enough of EYES👁️👁️
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lostinwildflowers · 3 years
Alzheimer S/O with Levi
Levi Ackerman x Reader
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Summary: You develop Alzheimer's at a young age and Levi wakes up one day and you don't remember him.
Word Count: 0.7K
Warnings: Alzheimer's, otherwise a bit of angst
A/N: Hello my love!! I absolutely loved this request, so thank you for sending it in! My day has been going great so far, and I hope you are having a lovely day from wherever you are at. -Birch<3
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~It started with forgetting small things, like what day of the week it was, or if you had a meeting with Erwin, Hanji, and Levi. They would just shake it off as you being extra stressed or tired, but it kept happening.
~At first Levi would understand, he knows what it’s like to be under a lot of stress and pressure. 
~He would gently remind you that it was in fact Tuesday, and not Sunday. 
~You would shake your head in confusion before thanking him for correcting you.
~From there, things would only get worse. Things that used to be as simple as putting the bridle on your horse, a practiced skill that you could do with your eyes closed, became impossible. 
~Your (colored) eyes would stare at the cool piece of metal in your hand, and back to your horse who was patiently waiting next to you, ready for its bridle at any moment.
~Members from your squad would help you in those moments, giving you a leg up to get on your horse so they could move out for an expedition.
~After a month or two of forgetting simple tasks, Levi would get frustrated. He knows that you know how to do some of the stuff that you’re forgetting.
~He realized that something was wrong when you had a bad accident during training. You forgot mid-air how to engage your ODG to move around a titan cutout, and you ended up slamming straight into it.
~When Levi found you in the infirmary after you missed dinner, he brought you a small plate of food while the nurse asked you questions.
~ “Can you tell me what your full name is?” “Y/n L/n.” “Do you know what happened during training today?” “I- I- I don’t remember.” “Who's the handsome young man here to see you?” “That’s my boyfriend, no, wait, I mean my fiancé, Levi.” 
~Levi could feel his heart shatter at your words. You had been engaged for almost a year and a half.
~He pulled the nurse aside once he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your head before pulling the nurse away. 
~He explained how you had been forgetting a lot of things in the last few months, simple things that should have been second nature.
~The nurse had just given him a small smile with a sad look on her face before telling your soon-to-be husband that you were developing Alzheimer’s, and that your memory would only get worse as time went on.
~Levi was devastated when he found out. He had pictured a simple life with you when you both would leave the Scouts.
~He had wanted a simple house away from society, maybe a dog or cat, with a few livestock. He had wanted a family with you, a daughter who looked just like you, a son that he could raise the way he should have been.
~You were his bride-to-be, but you were forgetting things faster and faster. You didn’t really understand what was happening to you, so when Levi asked if you could elope instead of having the ceremony you had wanted, you were lost on his words.
~The nurse had left him to tell you, as she knew that only Levi would be able to get through to you after all these years.
~Life was difficult after your diagnosis, as Levi asked Erwin to relieve you from your duties, and you and Levi got to share your own quarters so that he could take care of you.
~A few months after your wedding, you had been lying in bed next to Levi, a slight curve to your swollen belly. You were pregnant, and Levi couldn’t be happier.
~He tried to cherish every moment he had with you, because he was afraid of his greatest nightmare, and it was losing you.
~That morning, you didn’t leave a kiss on his cheek like how you always did. You sat upright, eyes filled with horror as you looked into his grey eyes and whispered out:
~“Who the hell are you?”
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ongyo04 · 4 years
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I just found out people unironically stan Floch.
I just can’t wrap my head around that.
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ackerman-ism · 4 years
erwin: oh fiddlesticks! that really ruffles my feathers.
levi: *crying* please, just say "fuck"
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pvrevaille · 3 years
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shiruba-tsuki · 3 years
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adelaackerman · 3 years
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is it me or did you scream the whole entire epsiode when you saw the ackerman’s? please tell me it was not just me, when i saw levi in this recent one i could not stop smiling 💀
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illyria-12 · 4 years
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Permission to repost from artist.
IG - Nurumayu35
Do not repost/edit etc without permission
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shewolfofficial · 5 years
⚔️ Levi Ackerman Aesthetic ⚔️
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uwu gotta love him 💕
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