#riverdale for ts
biomic · 9 months
as if it's my fault riverdale is such a good show
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nataliescatorccio · 11 months
Sorry i haven’t seen Riverdale but I’m a little confused - didn’t they finish high school like two seasons ago?
don't ask anon, just don't ask, you don't want to go there
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saint-cecilias · 1 year
I love how Archie tried to ask out Cheryl while she was working on a large picture of a naked woman 😂
Lol yes Madelaine and KJ were both really funny in that scene.
moments like that really highlight how wasted everyone on that show have been over the years.
like they all have solid levels of competency in terms of talent and acting and now the final season is giving them shit to work with that's campy but not ya know.......TOTALLY BATSHIT.....its like well they coulda been doing this the whole time ya know?
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
«  Riverdale actor who murdered his mother allegedly had plans to kill Justin Trudeau » WTF???? ew(.)com/celebrity/riverdale-actor-ryan-grantham-murdered-mother-plotted-kill-justin-trudeau/
Yeah I saw this headline and was similarly what the fucking about it.
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mediumguyenergy · 7 months
mental illness is rewatching all of Riverdale because of a rumor that season 4 is based off the Secret History
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storkmuffin · 1 month
Choice quotes from Vulture article about the ttpd album:
➼ “Remember on Girls when a lot of people on the internet got mad when Hannah was accepted into the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, because they felt she’d never be able to get in, despite the fact that she was, you know, a fictional character? This album reminds me of all of that.”
➼ “Taylor realized M.F.A. graduates made up a disproportionate amount of her fan base and wrote this song for them.”
➼ “‘Deranged weirdo?’ Sound the Jughead alarm!”
➼ “Who brings their typewriter to someone’s apartment?”
I love that the Riverdale connection is so there for people who aren't running Riverdale specific blogs lol.
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laufire · 11 months
👀+Riverdale 😭
I've only properly watched season 1 (and outside that, some youtube videos of scenes from other seasons). So my opinions are liable to change if (when?) I decided to watch the whole thing.
As for unpopular opinions, I think the biggest one was that I didn't care for Betty/Jughead and, frankly, could hardly stand Betty LOL. I've grown more... appreciative? of her brand of character these last few years (while still judging the hell out of them as people xDD), so idk how I'll feel about her. My soft spot for Lili Reinhart is certainly a factor that could soften me up LOL.
Other than that, I personally thought Veronica-Hiram and, to a much lesser extent, Cheryl-Penelope, were the most fascinating part of the show.
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arsenicpanda · 2 years
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I wanted to wait until the finale aired to answer this, and also I’m screenshotting so I can avoid the search, and I’m only tagging this with my tumblr savior tags so anon can see this even if they have the jt ship tag blocked. Also, I am a multishipper, I ship bh and jt and bjt and bt, and my desires for canon are based more on what I think works within the story we currently have as well as what treats Tabitha well and avoids racist tropes.
Now then, I do think bhva have a chance of coming back because I don’t think anything is set on this show until the last episode is over, and there are a number of ways this could play out for each pair.
Let’s talk ba first, because how ba goes is tied to va and bh in some capacity
1.) The ba engagement is an indication of endgame and s7 will be Riverdale playing with ba and va, likely with ba as first love but in some way tangled up with va.
2.) The above is true, but the “tangled up with va” leads to an ot3 and not ba alone.
3.) Someone on twitter said that no couple that gets engaged in the penultimate season ends up together, and I think that’s a fair point, although idk if I’ve watched enough live action American tv shows to say one way or the other. In this situation, ba don’t end up together, and however they play with ba and va ends in va, Betty/Veronica, or some other combo of the characters being single and in various relationships (Betty/Reggie, anyone?).  In this scenario, I would especially keep an eye on the possibility of Betty/Veronica.
Now let’s talk jt and bh, and keep in mind that Jughead remembers his previous life and Tabitha is somewhere that creates an “echo” of the fact that she wasn’t in the high school seasons
A.) Jughead’s feelings for Tabitha and the vision of their future together are either the primary or two of the primary drives for Jughead to find her and/or a way home to regular Riverdale, and yadda yadda yadda they end up together. This is compatible with scenarios 1, 2, and 3.
B.) The vision of Jughead and Tabitha’s future together is more of a goodbye to the ship in the narrative than something to fight for.  The ba/va stuff is happening ala scenario 3, and also Jughead and Betty investigate or whatever and fall in love again.  I have no idea what happens to Tabitha or Jughead’s feelings for Tabitha here.
Any combo of 1-3 & A and 3 & B is possible, and I’m not confident enough in my ability to predict Riverdale to say one way or the other.  Like, I think the only things I’ve gotten right are “Jughead and Tabitha will definitely date at some point in s5 for an unknown period of time” (made after 5x11 aired), “Jughead and Tabitha will still be romantically tied at the end of s6” (made after 6x12 aired), and “Jughead will get his hearing back before s6 ends” (made after we learned he would have hearing loss).  And, like, getting only three predictions right over four and a half seasons, one of which is based only on lack of confidence in the writers more than the actual writing, is a pretty bad track record, and you’ll notice that the two that aren’t based on writer incompetence/fuckery were made halfway through the season.  I’ll probably have a more confident answer for you then, but that’s at least like nine or ten months from now, and even then I doubt I’ll be *certain* because certainty and I don’t often exist in the same space.
I will say, though, that I’m not quite sure how people experiencing being teenagers again but with possibly tweaked backstories and having relationships there will affect their decisions as adults with their original backstories–because I assume we’re going back to the real world in the end, although I could be wrong there because of my less-than-stellar track record. I’m rooting for a change in the ba/va situation though, except for the ot3 option, I can’t handle that in a ship that has such harem anime vibes, like I can’t do it, I’m not strong enough, it repels me.
Anyway, I think scenario B is less likely than A, just because Jughead *does* remember his relationship with Tabitha and the future he saw, and it would be weird and kind of dickish for him to just give up on her and it and move on to his ex who currently thinks she’s a teenager, especially if it’s while he’s fighting to get back to regular Riverdale.  Bh would have a *much* better chance if Jughead didn’t have his memory either.  But Betty does have that James Dean poster, who is more visually similar to Jughead than Archie, and they do have *so much* history, so I’m not going to count them out.
But also I don’t see a way to have Jughead move on from his feelings for Tabitha and instead fall for a version of Betty without making him look like an asshole, unless he’s given up on both finding her in this time *and* getting home to her after like at least a year of trying, which, if you’re gonna do that, why have him remember in the first place?  And also, Betty thinks she’s a teen and is presumably different from real life Betty, both adult and teen, while Jughead is the same and thinks he’s an adult, and I just think that romance would be weird; like, it wouldn’t be inappropriate or gross, I’m not saying that, but I do think it would be, like, a weird thing for Jughead to do. Anyway, I especially don’t see a good way of doing this without it being deeply unfair to Tabitha outside of killing her, and RAS has indicated that she will still be in the show, so that’s off the table.  In my opinion, it’s important to ensure that Tabitha is treated fairly, just as it’s important to make sure that Veronica is treated fairly and not just given the bullshit racist “yeah, she wants love, but she should just be a #girlboss who doesn’t need a man!” ending and just as it’s important for Betty to not succumb to suburbia and/or even slightly turn into either of her parents (unless we’re going for a Bad End, but that would be extremely depressing).  But, like, right now they’re doing the opposite of both of the latter, so who knows about the former.
If I *have* to make a guess based on the information we have now, I’ll guess Cheryl/Toni, Kevin/Moose, and to a lesser extent Jughead/Tabitha endgame, but I am still unable to guess what would happen with ba/va, but I do assume that there will be at least bait/crumbs for bh in a few episodes.  But the only one I’m 99.999% certain of is Cheryl/Toni because of the whole fated soulmates across time thing, although I’m at like 70% on Kevin/Moose just because RAS seems to truly love that one and has loved it since day 1.  Jughead/Tabitha is at, like, 35-45% confidence tops
Now I’m gonna throw this over to @elegant-force for her thoughts, printed here because it’s easiest, because she’s less biased than I am:
So, frankly, I’m not super confident in my predictions here. Just going to start off with that. I used to think I understood the general character of the writers’ room for Riverdale, but that hasn’t been true since about Season 4. I don’t have much insight into how their decision-making process works at this point or what values/ideals/principles they have as guiding lights for the show/narratives/characterizations. 
I used to think that the show was purposefully really thoughtful about picking relationships and committing to them so that it could save time for the plot and for other characterization arcs, rather than wasting time on predictable garbage you could find on any tired daytime soap opera. But that’s definitely not what we’re doing at this stage. 
Frankly, my opinion is that the writers saw that fans were invested in the ships, and decided that because of this, messing with them would be an easier way to keep fans “on the hook” than writing a story that people actually could engage with. Instead of caring about the crafting of good relationships or interesting narratives, they seem to have become about “The bas vs. The bhs” or “The vas vs. the bas” or the “How are the Cheryl/Tonis going to feel about X?” 
And I think it’s all incredibly manipulative and, frankly, outrageously sexist. I’ve never seen a show or other work of media purposefully play with and manipulate (both in the narrative and on social media) something that fans were so invested in regarding a work that was targeted primarily at men. I’ve never seen Marvel be like “Maybe next time we’ll decide that Captain America has laser vision and Iron Man is a sorcerer… not like just for a fun lark, but like for real, this is who they are now in the comics, forget all of the time you spent learning about and talking about their powers with other nerds” because if they did that sort of shit, people would be really mad at them and feel like their narrative expectations were betrayed. And it just feels disrespectful to fans to do that sort of thing. But for some reason, when it’s women and the things that they are invested in are relationships you’ve put work into over the course of the show, blowing them up with little to no explanation and using them to manipulate viewership is just normal. 
And I’m sort of annoyed that everyone is buying into it to this degree. It frankly seems like every fucking comment from the writers about a ship is meant to be a tease to keep us on the hook and it’s fucking rude. It’s been a huge turn-off for me in terms of investment because the manipulation is so obvious and sloppy.
But you asked for my predictions and here they are. 
I’ve listed some of the current couples that were asked about as well as some other options I think are likely: 
1.) Betty/Archie
So, I have to wonder why, if we wanted to do this as endgame, we were going to have another season of messing around with the triangle stuff. We got here, they were going to get married, then we all got hit with the Retcomet. Essentially, our relationships were retconned, so either this is about us fighting our way back to our “perfect endings” or we’re going to redo some stuff. 
I don’t think that Betty had a perfect ending to fight her way back to. I think the only person in that category is Jughead (and notably, he remembers his old future). She basically had decided that the job she’d wanted her entire life wasn’t worth it and that she just wanted to be a wife or whatever after graduating top of her class at Yale. It doesn’t make a ton of sense to me that she’d throw everything she’d worked for her entire life in the garbage and that the audience was supposed to think that was good.
I also think that Polly having to wash her “sins” off of her rather than her accepting herself and being loved for who she is darkness included was so fucking gross. Like Betty needed to accept herself and also feel as if Archie accepted her without her former cultist sister doing some weird fake religious bullshit on her to trick her into doing it (this is so what happened, just because Polly was dead for a little bit doesn’t mean she can purify people, she was pulling old cultist tricks out of her pocket and we all know it). Betty only saw herself as a threat because she thought she was one. Polly tricked her out of it. Simple as that.
I honestly think we may come to find out that the reason Jughead remembers and the others don’t is that on some level, the others wanted to forget because they were unhappy with where they were. If Cheryl using the combined powers of all of the others really did, as Jughead implies, send them back due to some sort of manifestation of their wills, then it makes sense to me that part of what Veronica may have absorbed was their collective discontent with their situations and this reset is all of them trying to go back and change the things they did wrong. Especially if this is the case, I don’t see a lot of hope for Betty/Archie endgame. Even if that’s not the reason Jughead remembers when no one else does (if it’s just his writer powers or whatever), I still think resetting and then doing the thing we’re doing now with them doesn’t make a lot of sense. I think it’s possible that we go back and forth and eventually land on this if the bas scream loud enough online, though. I do think online screaming is the main thing determining what the show does. 
Probability: 10-20% 
2.) Betty/Veronica 
This is what I think is the best narrative option if we want to really wipe the slate clean with whatever is happening in S7 1955 land. I think that if the show really doesn’t want to play the traditional Betty/Archie/Veronica love triangle, they can lean into Betty and Veronica’s relationship and build that up. We’ve already introduced the concept of Betty being bisexual with her relationship with Agent Drake and we also had Cheryl and Veronica’s super hot (and very long) kiss at the end of S6. So, I think if we really wanted to go this way, we could. 
I think it’s a great answer to them both wanting to be in a relationship with someone they love and care about and know. And I also think, at this point, Archie is irredeemably awful.  He asked his ex that he broke up with less than a year ago to help him pick a ring for his new girlfriend. He sucks. He just fucking sucks. It’s gross beyond my ability to describe. 
But on that point, Veronica has shown true and unconditional love for Betty. She’s never held the cheating against Betty. When Archie asked her for a ring, she already had one that she thought would be perfect for Betty. She has been there for Betty whenever Betty has needed her. And while, prior to S6, Betty hadn’t always reciprocated, I think that her coming up with the idea for Veronica to kiss Archie and letting her do that was proof that Betty is also willing to take risks and make sacrifices for Veronica as well. I don’t think it was easy for her to do that, because she’s always been insecure about Archie and Veronica, but she did it because she loves Veronica enough to overcome those insecurities. I can’t say that about her feelings for Archie, or maybe even the feelings she had for Jughead. I think that Veronica has done more to help Betty deal with and overcome her insecurities than anyone else in the show. I wish that we could see Betty support and help Veronica more, and I really hope that regardless of what the show decides to do, we do more of that in the final season. 
Probability: 10-20% 
I don’t think that we’re going to do this, just because the show really seems to think that Archie is a good person who deserves love. I disagree with this, but I’m not in the writers’ room. I think he should end up single and alone due to his inability to treat women with any sort of respect. But that’s just me. I think that if the show still cares about crafting a good narrative or things having any sort of thematic resonance or meaning, this is what they’ll do. But I just don’t think it’s likely. 
3.) Betty/Archie/Veronica 
I like this option way less, but I think it’s fairly likely. It’s another reason we could have set up Betty and Veronica being bi, and I think it’s what the show would like to do. And the reason I think it’s what the show would like to do is that the writers, like Archie, can’t choose between Betty/Archie and Veronica/Archie. And I think the writers can’t choose because they have gotten so into playing with the shippers that they can no longer think of a way to make a satisfying ending where Archie ends up with one of these women. 
So, what’s the best solution? To not have to choose, of course. And then they get “points” for being “daring” and “innovative” to have a thruple as the main relationship in their show. They’ll think it will make the fewest people upset and that it will get them a lot of social media attention. And I think that’s honestly all they want: attention that isn’t mostly negative. Maybe that’s deeply cynical of me, but it’s the main common factor I’ve seen in their decision making at this point. 
I do think this could be done well, but I don’t think they will do it that way. I think it really only works if the triangle changes to be a full love triangle (ie: with each person being attracted to both other people in the triangle) and if the thruple puts Veronica mostly in the center. I think we still have to spend most of the season focused on the relationship between Betty and Veronica. I think we also have to embrace the part of Betty that seems to really not want a traditional family or maternal role, but maybe just wants to live with people she is comfortable with and attracted to that she can have sex with. I think that if the end dynamic has househusband/primary caregiver Archie taking care of kids that he and Veronica had together and Betty is part of it but doesn’t have to engage with the domestic things she dislikes, that’s fine. 
What isn’t okay is for this to become an Archie-centric triangle that functions as a mini-harem for him. It can’t just be Archie now sleeps with two women and sometimes watches them have sex because he’s just such a great guy he deserved this because for a white guy not choosing means eventually getting everything you want. That’s fucking gross, but I’m afraid they’ll be careless about it and that’s what will happen. 
Probability: 30-40% 
4.) Veronica/Archie
I think this is slightly more likely than Betty/Archie if Jughead has kept his memories because he’s the only one who doesn’t have regrets. I think it’s possible that Archie still wants to be with Veronica and we know Veronica still wants to be with Archie. She’s only not going for it because she loves Betty more than she wants to be with Archie. I think that in a reset where it’s clear Betty has another path to happiness, Veronica/Archie has a chance. 
Probability: 30-40% 
5.) Betty/Jughead
Honestly, I think this really hinges on why Jughead kept his memories. If it’s because he doesn’t have regrets and wants to get back to the future he saw with Tabitha, then there’s no way that bh is going to happen. I think, at best, what bh gets in this setting is a chance to end cleanly and in a way that both of them move on from that’s healthy. And, frankly, I think there could be a lot of good in that. I think the writers could give this ship the respect it deserves and acknowledge what it meant to both Betty and Jughead, without them having to get back together. I think we could have them date briefly or just spend time together as friends and acknowledge what could have been in a way that isn’t just shitting all over this pairing and/or teasing it with no real hope of follow-through just to keep the shippers on the hook. And I think that would be really nice. 
I think that if Jughead kept his memories as a fluke/due to his writer powers, then I guess we could go back to bh. I think you really have to come up with a good reason that we’re not going to have him try to get back to Tabitha though. Also, I think that the writers know if they throw his relationship with Tabitha in the garbage at this point, it’s just super fucking racist. And they don’t want people to accuse them of being racist on the internet (especially when the accusations are credible), so they probably won’t do it. 
Probability: 10-20%  
(If Jughead didn’t have his memories, I would have put the odds of this ship at 60-80%, frankly. If he didn’t remember Tabitha, I would have seen the time-compressed date as a good final send-off for Jughead/Tabitha, proof that they could have had a beautiful life together but we weren’t able to do that because of the comet coming and tearing us apart and destroying all of the memories that we built together. It would have been sort of rude to Tabitha, but I would have definitely accepted it as a perfectly good ending for the ship and felt like it was done justice. But I just can’t see a good reason for Jughead to keep his memories if the point isn’t for him to try to get back to Tabitha somehow.)
6.) Jughead/Tabitha 
We really invested in them over the last few seasons. I think that if we wanted to break them up, we would have just had Jughead lose his memories as well. There’s no real reason for him to have kept them, certainly no reason he had to that I can see from a writing perspective, unless it was to preserve his relationship with Tabitha (because that didn’t exist in high school).
I do think it’s really hard for them not to follow through on Jughead/Tabitha without looking really racist, frankly. And I think the writers care about that. And I think they should. I also think them backing out at this point is straight up bad writing, even if it’s to go back to bh. I think the window on going back to bh closed a while ago, and now we’re just shipbaiting the fans. I think jt has a good chance to be endgame, though I don’t know how much of it we’ll be seeing during this season, because I don’t know what Tabitha’s exact situation is. 
Probability: 50-70%
7.) Moose/Kevin 
I really used to hate this ship. A lot. I was really sad when Joaquin died because I knew in my heart it meant that RAS was never going to let go of Moose/Kevin. I never really trusted Kevin/Fangs because every time RAS has had the opportunity to go back to Moose/Kevin, he has done so as quickly as he fucking can. He’s really invested in this, so I just think we’re going to get it as long as Moose’s actor is willing to be here. 
Though, honestly, I’ve come to like this ship a lot more in the last season. Every other ship is so garbage (except jt, which is cute) that they’re actually fine and even endearing now. Moose is also less toxic, which is good, and he’s really supportive of Kevin. And heaven knows that boy needs all the support he can get. 
Probability: 70-90% 
8.) Cheryl/Toni Dude. Cheryl’s best childhood lesbian friend broke up with Cheryl because she saw their love written in the stars. There’s not much more of a guarantee than that. 
Also their fans have been as loud as possible about the fact that their ship has been done so dirty in so many ways, and frankly, they were right to say it. The writers seem to know they done fucked up in splitting these two up for so long. Really looking forward to seeing them as 50s lesbians. 
Probability: 99% (because there’s no such thing as certainty with these motherfuckers) 
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biomic · 2 years
Donbrothers is just Riverdale for people who like tokusatsu
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nataliescatorccio · 1 year
Anya is a phenomenal actress and sorry to say this or throw oil in the fire but the reason she's not nominated in awards is the bad scripts. The award shows care about the quality of the shows. That's why shows like the crown, hotd, Wednesday, breaking bad, succession etc get nominated. The writing of the Witcher S2 was cw level bad.
now let's not compare it to cw level, no one has started a organ-harvesting cult just yet
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
“Though several years have passed since Sabrina's death and resurrection, during her date with Nick [Jughead], Sabrina reveals she has not forgiven him and her aunts for tricking her into coming back to life. It turns out there was another reason Nick had sacrificed himself in the Sea of Sorrows to join Sabrina in death. Resurrecting her required a new death in order to keep the realms in balance. Nick reveals he does not regret his decision as he loves Sabrina and would do anything for her, including sacrificing his life again -- something he's already done twice. The only reason he allowed himself to be temporarily resurrected via Jughead was to give Sabrina the closure she needs to move on.
With Sabrina seemingly accepting Nick's decision, he returns to the Sweet Hereafter before the universe is thrown off balance again with his presence in the mortal realm. While Sabrina doesn't stop Nick from returning to the Sweet Hereafter, her tears indicate she's not ready to let him go, and will most likely continue to find a way to resurrect him without jeopardizing the universe in the process. Whether she succeeds in doing so will most likely be explored in Riverdale Season 7.” https://www.cbr.com/riverdale-chilling-adventures-sabrina-nick-scratch-death-cw/
Uhhh I am not here for it honestly.
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baby-alien11 · 2 months
Y/N Ulrich Universe First Anniversary
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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She got the title of the 'Ghostface Princess' when she started to do content of Scream on social media
The title of 'Serpent Princess' was because the cast f Riverdale started to call her that during filming and interviews
While rehearsing for Carrie: The Musical, she was Chris Hargenssen while Spencer, her boyfriend at the time, was playing Tommy Ross, and during one rehearsal, she pulled the rope with the bucket (empty) and accidentally hit him in the back, he was okay, only a bruise for a few days (they broke up in january because he moved to Iowa)
The one sided feud with Kira started because she thought Y/N last name was weird and funny, until she found out who was her father
Sometimes when she doesn't have space in her room or closet, she uses her siblings room as storage room
She knows how to play piano
Her favorite book series is PJO and The Selection
Her favorite fashion houses are Vivienne Westwood and D&G
She became a TS fan during 2011 after seeing the music video of Our Song, and the rest is history, she has been to three tours: 1989 with her family and friend group, the Rep Stadium Tour again with family and friend group, and recently to The Eras Tour with Jack
The first horror movie she saw wasn't Scream, it was Alien
Her first kiss was with Sarah, before entering high school they were talking on how both of them haven't had their fisrt kiss yet, so they decided to kiss so that way they didn't regret having it with some other person
She already knows that when her wedding day comes, the song for the dad-daughter dance is going to be 'Never Grow Up' by TS or 'Slipping Through My Fingers' fom ABBA, Skeet agreed to that because the songs makes him emotional
She was in the teather club since elementary school, participating in Beauty and the Beast as Plumette, Grease as Sandy, The Little Mermaid as Vanessa, Matilda as Matilda, Bring It On as Eva, Hairspray as Penny, Les Mis as Cosette, West Side Story as Graziela, Carrie The Musical as Chris Hargenssen, her last role was going to be Sophie in Mamma Mia until pandemic started
Once a year, Y/N and her siblings have a small golf competition
Her first fashion campaign was with Kate Spade at 14
One ime during the filming of Scream VI, Melissa and Xavier adopted her for a day having a family day
The first thing she bought with her first salary as a Riverdale extra was her Prada nylon purse and bobba tea
(This is going to hurt) Luke Perry was like a second father to her, when Skeet had to film a violent scene, he would always distract her, helping her with homework or things like that, also attending her school plays, so when he died, she didn't left her room for a week because she coulnd't stop crying,even if the memorial was held at the Ulrich household, and when TS released evermore, she did a cover of Marjorie in his honor that she posted on Tik Tok
Her favorite movie is Corpse Bride, and always cries during the Emily song and the final scene
Her campaigns with brands include Pretty Little Thing, H&M, Coach, Hot Topic, Kate Spade, Killstar, Rare Beauty, Nyx, Charlotte Tilbury, alo, BaiBai Jewerly, Oh Polly, Tous, Armani, Club L London, Petco (ft Tatum), Dolls Kill, Cloe, KitchenAid
Her fashion icons are Zendaya, Cher, Princess Diana, Rihanna, Audrey Hepburn, Lewis Hamilton, Bratz, Monster High, Nicole Kidman, Blake Lively, Marilyn Monroe, Salma Hayek, Grace Kelly, Anne Hathaway
The love for VFX make up started when Skeet was telling her BTS facts about Scream, and it considelating during season two of Riverdale while helping with Cole Sprouse make up at the end of season two when he is beaten up by the Ghoulies
Besides the Southside Serpents leather jacket, she has a Vixens uniform (and all the variations), a Bulldogs football shirt, a Jughead beanie, a Pops uniform, Pussycats ears, a S shirt, letterman jacket, a Pretty Poisons jacket, and a 'Farm' shirt
Due to having family in NASCAR and with interest on racing, she learnt to drive at fourteen, and also knows how a motorcycle works
She (as almost everyone), had an 'all black clothes' phase, until she missed combining it with colorful clothes
Her favorite youtube horror cannels are dead meat and CZsWorld, and non-horror are uncarley, WatchMojo and Ms Mojo, Wait in the Wings, Spill Sesh, haylo hayley, Tea Spill
After meeting Jack, the song that she started to hear in her head was 'Enchanted'
Her first Ghostface mask was gifted by Wes Craven, after Skeet called him to tell him she watched the movies, the next week she recieved the mask with a handwritten letter
A F1 driver tried to hit on her two days after her 18 birthday, she left him on read (we all know who was at this point)
As almost every nepo baby, she got a bit of hate when she started to be a public figure, but ignored them, until they started to talk about her relationship with Jack and she couldn't ignore them
She knows all the Riverdale musical numbers and coreographies from season one to season five episode three
Since becoming best friends Y/N, Sarah and Abby anways practiced coreographies during sleepovers, the last time they presented them, where at the halloween party doing Sexy by Mean Girls Musical, Vigilante Shit by TS (chairs included) and Honey, Honey from Mamma Mia (ABBA)
Her favorite F1 teams are RB, Mercedes and Ferrari and drivers are Sergio 'Checo' Pérez, Lewis Hamilton, Sebastian Vettel, Michael and Mick Schumacher, Max Verstappen, Dorianne Pin, Abbi Pulling, Pierre Gasly, Niki Lauda, Alex Albon, Yuki Tsonuda, Carlos Sainz Jr, Charles Leclerc, and queen Susie Wolff, and has extreme admiration for Romain Grosjean for getting out of the car on fire
Her phone case is the Casetify snake one, she just changes it depending on the model of phone she uses
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After finding out that his palladium mines are contaminated with radioactive materials, Hiram Lodge decides to launch a new line of clothing with radioactive waste embedded in it in order to dispose of the waste and prevent his operation from being shut down by OSHA. He decides to capitalize on his status as a father to market himself as a feminist #girldad and sell the contaminated clothing as part of a multi level marketing scheme to the young women of Riverdale. The girls of Riverdale buy in immediately, and soon everyone is selling each other #girldad Hiram brand clothing. Polly Cooper is the top saleswoman in town and continually tries to convince Betty to buy in.
Veronica is mad that her father is using fake feminist clout to sell radioactive waste to the women of Riverdale, so she launches a counterattack with Toni. Toni starts a new clothing line that is ethically and sustainably sourced with #boymom branding and criticizes Hiram’s campaign for being facetiously feminist.
While all of this is happening, Jughead goes into the mines and tries to uncover the source of the radioactive waste to report to OSHA but ends up being poisoned himself. He experiences a hallucination where he walks through the wasteland of a nuclear bombing and makes several references to The Wasteland by TS Eliot.
At the end of the episode, all of the girls storm Hiram’s office with a Geiger counter while he meets with an OSHA agent and demonstrate that the clothing is radioactive. To finish putting him in his place, they all sing Hey Mama by David Guetta (ft. Nicki Minaj, Bebe Rexha). Hiram is forced to cancel his fashion line, and he throws a bottle of rum at the wall in anger.
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storkmuffin · 1 month
2. cardigan - and this is the Betty Cooper ballad! being slut shamed by her mom in s7. with her weird sweater based outfits. the longing she had for Archie for so many of those seasons. the fact that she held all the Archie childhood memories so close to her heart but forgot Jughead was ever there. etc
but that aside - I just really like this sound. so feminine and soft and wistful. the dream of meeting someone who soothes your hurts and makes you feel better.
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arsenicpanda · 2 years
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Before I begin, let me request everyone censor b*rchie in any and all future asks, because I will always be negative on it, and I am not a fan of having to screenshot the ask to 100% avoid my inevitably negative post showing up in the search.
When it comes to considering different povs on ship interactions, I like to keep this quote from Sawyer7Mage (which I’m also going to post separately, actually) in mind:
If you're driving a car on the road, and I'm sitting in the passenger seat and I look up ahead in the distance and I see a moose--which, in this case, the moose represents [ship 1]--if I see a moose, I have the obligation to tell you, "Hey, if we keep going, we're gonna hit a moose." But [ship 2] fans think they see a cat in the distance, okay, so they keep saying, "No, no, it's a cat, don't worry about it, it'll be fine." Okay, sooner or later that thing is going to be either a moose or a cat. So when the time comes, okay, and we finally hit whatever we're supposed to hit, I just don't want people telling me, "Why the fuck did we hit a moose, that makes no fucking sense." I've been telling you we were gonna hit a moose since, I don't know, fuckin' two years ago.
Which is to say, every ship has its evidence and its arguments, and we often won’t know for sure until everything is said and done; we won’t know if it’s a moose or a cat until we get there, at which point we can complain about how hitting a moose or a cat being in the road was fucking stupid as hell and we hate it.
Anyway, as for the bh kiss and potential jabitha ilu....
The bh kiss can be interpreted in multiple ways depending on the viewer's pov because that's just how media works a lot: we understand it through the lenses and biases we bring with us.  Our assumptions about the direction a work will take color our interpretation of how a story is currently playing out, so if the viewer's assumption is that we will return to bh in the end, the kiss reads differently than it does to someone who assumes we will never return to bh.
We can try and piece the direction together, yes, but the Riverdale writers are extremely unreliable, and significant changes sometimes are signaled and followed through on in only one or two episodes back-to-back (e.g. choni being kicked out of the Serpents, Jughead giving a shit about school in s4, ba cheating, Toni and Fangs getting together, choni breaking up, ba getting together at the end of s5, va breaking up in 5x18, choni getting together, kangs getting together, I'll even include bh getting together in s1 because--while a significant amount of time is spent on it and I think it's done well--most of that time is shoved into two episodes, are you seeing a pattern here).
Also, how the kiss happened, why, and what it did or did not achieve are not relevant to its looming nature; it's looming simply because it happened, and, since 6b is paralleling Rivervale, the question is "Will it happen again as a parallel, and, if so, when and why and what would it mean?"
(Also, don't bullshit me and try to tell me that what Betty and Archie have is love, especially in 5x19, after they previously mutually decided not to date each other because they didn't work, then didn't speak to each other for ten episodes, and then, only after Veronica and Archie broke up, randomly started dating (except they didn't agree they were dating, so I guess it was hooking up again?). That's not love, that's convenience.)
I will say, after 6x16 and 6x14, I don't think we'll be getting a parallel bh kiss; I think Jughead will hear or see the 6x05 kiss or whatever, and that will compound whatever the fuck they were doing with the end of 6x14 and Jughead's surge of bh kiss memories.  And I do think that that might lead into jabitha ilu as a Rivervale parallel, although that might pay off by Jughead hearing/seeing it instead of it also happening in a similar way.  Considering the "Love, Jughead", I do think we'll get one, and it's just a matter of how: will it involve a Rivervale parallel or will it connect to Jughead's certain death?  Because it’s going to be at least one of those, assuming it happens. After that though, who knows what’ll happen considering that “Dead End” foreshadowing.
But I think it’s still possible for bh to return; after all, the show spent four seasons--over half of the final length of the show--on it (including proposal and wedding imagery and foreshadowing), and that’s a lot to discard. But they’ve also put a number of eggs into the jabitha basket this past 1.5 seasons, so it’s gone from “likely bh” to “jfc, idk, man, idk”.
TL;DR The Riverdale writers change courses too quickly for us to be able to say, definitively, what direction the show will take when it comes to ships, so I will not completely discount the possibility of a bh return or bh-positive interpretations of events, even though I, personally, think we’re getting jabitha ilu, although god knows where things go from there.
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biomic · 2 years
riverdale is actually quite similar to donbrothers in that they're both normal
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