#rich geralt
xejune · 1 year
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gerlion 🏹💕
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betchiwilleatyou · 5 months
shards, silver or drachmae
caps, réales, or gold
what i've got in every game
is more cash than i can hold
i have nine homes in skyrim
a dozen in fallout
and when i get caught stealing things
the guards are all bought out
for geralt, aloy, arthur
for tav or for eivor
i buy them all the merchants have
and then i buy some more
i'm wealthy in video games
whether as nora or nate
but my actual, real-life bank balance
still says $3.68
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roughentumble · 6 months
WAIT ive seen a lot of selkie!jaskier, but what about selkie!geralt?
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artistsfuneral · 2 years
While Ciri awkwardly looked around the living room of the man her father had been seeing for the past few months, her gaze fell on two glasses on the couch table.
Of course, his glasses were as pretentiously fancy as the rest of Jaskier's apartment. The man had probably never stepped into an Ikea in his whole life - and what a horrible thought that was!
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divinekangaroo · 4 months
If Tommy fell into the Witcher universe I feel he would become a spoken-word bard.
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hbfengxi · 2 years
hot take but. geralt never feels like he belongs in those “when they’re fantasy men with blond hair 😍” things because you look across the board and it’s Daemon Targaryen, King of the Stepstones and The Narrow Sea. Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm. Lucius Malfoy the rich Pantene Endorser.
and then you get to Geralt of Rivia, the piss-poor witcher covered in dirt and grime because he can’t afford a bath. he smells like horse 24/7. he has a good honest heart, and tries his best to raise a teenage queen-to-be despite being grumbly about it. the only reason he has those slut strands is because they’re weighed down by sweat. he is surviving on deer jerky and homemade drugs
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notyetneedcoffee · 8 months
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Kinktober - Size Kink NSFW - Adults Only
Summary - The Witcher is just so big.
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“I’m surprised to see you here.” You smiled up at the Witcher. “Particularly tonight.”
“Hmm.” He rumbled, though you noted his golden eyes kept darting down to you.
Standing close to him and wearing stays that held your breasts high, gave him a particularly enticing view. You knew how to take advantage of your small stature when it came to men. This man, however, was always a challenge.
People milled around the hall dressed in their finest. A large fire blazed in the hearth and musicians played. No one danced. This gathering was not that kind of celebration.
Some people considered the Trades Celebration archaic. The villages in these mountains, being isolated and small, would gather once every ten years. Some of the men and women would bed others from other villages to diversify the bloodlines of each isolated area. As the main objective of the celebration was pregnancy, a famously sterile Witcher seemed decidedly out of place.
“I could say the same for you.” Geralt finally said. “I would not have expected you to be anxious to become a mother.”
“I’m not.” You leaned a little closer to him to speak conspiratorially. “But there are great business contacts to be made here.”
He nodded. You were a herbologist. He often sought you out for rare and valuable ingredients.
“What brought you here?”
“Bruxa.” Geralt frowned. “After I cleared them out, I was offered a place to stay for a time and asked to attend tonight by Marthox.”
You grinned, glancing at the rich village elder and his four daughters. “Do you think he’s ignorant to the fact that you are unable to pass on your magnificent genes?”
“Probably.” He took a long drink from his glass.
“Do you plan to deflower one – or all – of his willing daughters anyway?”
“No.” He leaned down to your ear. The top of your head only came to his shoulder. “I’m more interested in something a little more feisty.”
“Then why are we wasting time here?” You grinned.
Geralt just turned and marched out of the hall. You had to jog to keep up with him. As soon as you turned the corner into a dark hallway, the Witcher paused. He swept you up and tossed you over one shoulder.
You swallowed a squeak, grabbing the back of his jacket out of fear of the height. “Geralt!”
“You were moving too slow.” He chuckled.
His room boasted its own large fireplace, stone bathing tub, and soft bed. You bounced in the middle of the mattress when he tossed you down. Geralt grabbed your foot to unlace your shoes. Laying there, looking at your foot in his large hands, feeling his strong fingers rub into the arch of your foot, lit the fire in your belly.
Geralt placed a knee on the bed and leaned over you. His white hair fell forward and you could smell the mead upon his breath. “It’s good to see you, little one.”
You touched his face, running your fingers over his high cheek bones and strong jaw. When you skimmed the soft skin of his lips, he lowered his head and kissed you. Your tongue eagerly reached for his as the kiss grew rough.
Geralt broke away with a satisfied noise. He gathered your skirts in his hands, lifting them to your waist. Your legs instinctively fell open for him as his rough hands slid along your thighs. As his thick finger teased your opening, rubbed around your clitoris, awakening your arousal, you laid your head back and studied his looming form.
You adored the time spent with the Witcher in bed. You felt tiny, delicate, and feminine under his touch. He exuded power. His strength could take your breath away, but you never feared he would hurt you. His wide chest engulfed you. His thick thighs pushed your legs so far apart.
Geralt’s head lowered between your legs, tasting your sex, licking and sucking at your clit. Fire circled through your body. You needed more. Pulling at the laces of your bodice, you desperately fought to free yourself from your clothes. Geralt manhandled you around, tugging at skirts and throwing away underclothes. Once naked, he again buried his face in your cunt with a determined growl.
You pulled at his white hair, shaking as his grumble vibrated through your clitoris. Two thick fingers slipped through your wetness, spreading your slick, pumping against sensitive flesh, and stretching you. Deep moans poured from your mouth as your hips rocked into his face.
Geralt rose to his knees, rubbing at your clit and fingers pumping wetly in your cunt. Your back arched as the coiling tension threatened to snap. The corner of his lip curled up. His gravel deep voice poured over you like warm honey. “That’s it, little one. Come all over my hand and I’ll stretch this pretty little pussy over my cock.”
You shook, cunt clenching at his fingers, wetness flooding over his hands.
As you lay there feeling your thighs quiver, Geralt stripped off his clothes. He did so with efficiency and no attempt at seduction, still the flex of his muscles and sight of his hard flesh caused the fire to flared hotter.
Geralt crawl over the top of you, mouth covering your breast and sucking your nipple to a hard peak. His kisses trailed up your neck, teeth grazing your skin. Kissing you, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue, he pushed your legs further apart with his knees.
You felt the wide head of his cock rub along your entrance. With immense control, he pushed in. The stretch bordered on pain, but under assault of his kiss, breathing in the scent of sweat and sex, your body rocked up against him to invite him deeper. Rocking slowly, each thrust pushing him further, filling you. Heat burned down your chest to settle between your legs.
He sat back on his heels, pulling your body along with him. You cried out at the change of angle, his cock hitting just the right spot. Your legs wrapped around his waist. Memorized you watched Geralt allow a drop of spittle to fall up on your clit. His thumb circled and stroked as he fucked into you harder.  
You moaned, back arching and hands clutching at the sheets.
“Fuck,” He growled. “Fuck, yes.”
You shook in his grip.
“Mmm.” Geralt’s hips moved faster, harder. “Again. Fuck. Come again.”
You squeezed your own tits. Geralt moaned. Your thighs quivered. You panted, breath escaping with each thrust. “Oh, gods!”
His fingers dug into your hips. He lifted your pelvis to meet each powerful thrust. Fucking you hard. You felt like you were being blissfully split into two. He growled. “I said fucking come for me.”
“Yes!” You snapped, shaking hard, whiting out.
Faster, rougher, and soon Geralt roared his own release.
He flopped back on the bed, pulling you along with him. You lay spread across his chest, a sated and boneless mass. No part of you touched the bed. You floated on a warm island of Geralt muscle. You rubbed your nose into the hair on his chest, breathing in his scent.
“Hmmm.” He sighed, one big hand coming up to rest on your ass. “Did I hurt you?”
“No.” You mumbled with a smile. “But I can’t feel my feet.”
“I’ll carry you if I need to.” The smile could be heard in his voice. “Cause I’m not through with you yet, little one.”
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Winter's King 10
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, cheating, violence, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You are a maid to the Duke of Debray, a lord of the Summer Kingdom. That is, until the king of Winter appears with his particular air of coldness. (Medieval AU)
Characters: Geralt of Rivia
Note: have a wondeful thursday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Queen Jazlene slumps against her chair. She’s barely awake as her eyes glaze over. Despite your deflections at serving her, she’d drunk herself to excess, swiping away goblets that weren't hers. Her constant imbibition has not been missed by her husband. Slanted looks and gristly whispers did little to deter her, your own gentle girding only fuelling her irritation. 
The king stands, stepping forward to overshadow his slouching queen. He raises a hand to the remaining crowd; the clumsy and drunken dancers, the chittering ladies, and the boasting lords. They turn their attention to him and hush. 
“So I must retire for the night, I bid you all a hearty rest,” he pronounces, “and may tomorrow see a brighter sun shine upon us all.” 
A hurrah is sent up in return and the king waits until the large hall falls back into its previous din. He turns slowly, his head down, and flares his nostrils at his queen. His golden eyes skim up and down the table. 
“Come,” he takes her hand, “let us get you abed.” 
Jazlene yawns and hiccups. She does not resist as he tugs her to her feet, though she teeters once upright. He swiftly hooks his arm around her, keeping her away from the view of the hall. He huffs heavily and ushers her around the bench. 
“Maid,” he demands over his shoulder. 
You follow as he carries on, finding a door behind the high table. The dimness of the corridor fogs around his figure as Jazlene’s slippers begin to drag. She babbles and gurgles. 
“I warned you not to drink so much,” he mutters, “why can you not obey? Why can you not just do what is best for you?” 
You tread behind them silently. The king falters and grunts, scooping up his wife before she can slip further down his arm. As he lifts her, her head lolls back over his thick bicep. He growls and presses onward. 
As he reaches her chamber door, you come around to open it for him. He doesn’t say a word as he enters and you wait near the entrance as he lays Jazlene down on the bed. She is very silent and still, only the subtle rise and fall of her chest suggesting a glimmer of life. 
You peer around as the king looms over her, his hand on the post of the bed as he simmers at her. His other arm bends as he rubs the bridge of his nose. You go to the vanity and take the now cool basin of water. You reach into your apron pocket as you hug the large bowl and cross to the bed. 
You pull out a cloth as you sit on the edge of the mattress and balance the bowl against your bent leg. You wet the fabric and lean over the queen to wipe her face. The kohl around her eyes has begun to smear and a sheen of sweat layers over her rich skin. You sense the king watching your deliberate tending. 
“You are good to her,” he remarks. 
“She will not feel well in the morning,” you say, “I will make sure she has water to drink and a warm compress when she wakes, your highness.” 
He’s quiet as he considers your words, “you will stay with her?” 
You wring out the cloth and fold it over the edge of the basin before moving it back to the vanity. You face the king and clasp your hands over your apron, “she cannot be alone when she has drunk so much. Once...” you shake your head and let the statement taper out, “your highness, she will need me.” 
“Hmm,” he pulls his hand off the post, pacing around the end of the bed and turn towards you, “once what?” 
“Nothing, your highness. It was only a memory I had. It doesn’t matter now.” 
“I would like to hear it,” he insists. 
You swallow down the dryness in your throat, “your highness, well, her mother, the duchess, she is the same about wine. Once she drank overly much that she did not wake when her stomach revolted. If we’d not been there to watch over her, she might have choked on it.” 
“Ah, yes,” he stops, just a step away, “that would be unfortunate. I will thank you then for keeping a close eye on my lady wife.” 
“As is my duty, your highness.” 
His eyes blaze down at you and he shifts on his feet, “but will you sleep?” 
“Me? I rest in the cart--” 
“We will not leave on the morrow, I have business yet in the capital,” he explains, “when the lady is awake, you will make certain she is conscious, then you will go and seek rest of your own.” 
“Your highness, how generous, but she would need to break her fast, and dress anew, perhaps bathe--” 
“There are other maids in this castle. I am commanding you to retire for the day. You will need strength for our pending departure,” he bids, “to serve your queen upon the road.” 
You bow your head, apologetic, “your highness, I did not mean to argue. Certainly, I will do as you say. Thank you for minding me.” 
He inches forward and your shoulders slant as you shrink for his closeness. You see his thick fingers twiddle at his side and his hot breath blasts over you like a brazier. He cautiously bends his arm and touches the front of your apron. You quiver as you watch his calloused hand climb up the stained fabric. He pauses and shudders, pinching the loose thread poking out from the belt. He pulls it loose and rolls it between his fingertips. 
“You will have new clothes,” he backs away, feeling the thread, twisting it, “you are a queen’s maid now. Not some castle sweep.” 
You squeeze your hands tighter as you stare at his tunic, “yes, your highness. Thank you anon.” 
He turns on his sole reluctantly and looks upon the bed. You follow his gaze to his subdued wife. He hangs his head and puts his back to you before he pivots toward the door. He stalks toward it and pulls it open with enough strength to make the hinges whine. 
“Good night, little maid,” he drawls just before the door snaps shut in his stead. 
You raise your eyes completely and stare at the heavy wooden slats of the door. Your chest is knotted so tight you can hardly breathe. The king’s displeasure lingers even his absence. Is he unhappy with his inebriate wife or is it you? You quickly dismiss the latter. You don’t matter so much. No, his marriage is not an easy one thus far. 
You only know Queen Jazlene is awake as she spits bile onto the floor. Her head hangs over the side of the bed as she wretches and spews, coughing and gagging until she goes limp and groans. The acidic smell permeates the chamber and you come forward to clean it away with a cloth. 
Once you’ve sopped up the mess, you leave her to dispose of the smelly rags and return with a cool, fresh basin and a new cloth. You help her onto her back, propping her against the pillows and clean her face anew. She moans as she keeps her eyes closed, a ripple in her forehead. 
“Too bright,” she mutters. 
“I will draw the curtains, your highness,” you assure her as you rescind the cloth and rise to do so. 
She winces as you pull the heavy drapes together and groans, “my husband... did he not see back to my chamber?” 
“He carried you here, your highness,” you explain, “you were not feeling well.” 
“Mm, I still do not,” she decries. 
“Shall I call for a bath?” You suggest. 
“Do what you will but be quiet,” she hisses as she shades her eyes beneath her long fingers. 
She gurgles as she sinks down and rolls upon her side. She curls up and you stare at her back. You go to the door and ease it open. You emerge and pass between the guards without. You are no more than a draught to them. As you approach the stairs, your name is called from ahead. You peer down the next corridor. 
“Eh, there you are,” Bryce approaches. You can tell by the shine in his hair that he has bathed, “and what mission has you so intent?” 
“I am to fetch lemon water for the queen. She has a sour stomach,” you say and turn back to the steps.  
The soldier descends apace with you and chortles, “as she would. She can drain an ewer like no other I’ve seen.” 
“Mm,” you hum grimly. 
“Ah, pardon, I do not mean to be cruel,” he says, “it is only... often we reap what we sow, yes?” 
“I suppose,” you allow. 
“Speaking of, mouse, it is your turn to reap,” he spins and stretches his arm across your path, “king’s orders.” 
You shake your head in confusion. 
“The queen--” 
“I will send another for her lemon water. But our dear liege and lord has bid that you rest your head. And I do concur. You are only mortal, little mouse.” 
“But I must--” 
“Obey your king,” he insists and rescinds his arm, crossing it with his other across his chest. “I’ve been given leave to treat you as prisoner if ye resist but I do not wish to go so far.” 
You frown. You recall the night before. The king’s orders are not forgotten but you thought perhaps they mightn’t be standing. You bow your head and press your palm to your stomach, another memory flitting through your mind. The king’s hand brushing along the belt of your apron. 
“I’ve acquired you a fine chamber,” Bryce says. “Gods, how could one ever be so glum about a bed of their own?” 
“Sir, I am not unhappy,” you counter. “I am...” you lift your head, “tired.” 
“Oh, how the fates align,” he quips, “come then. There is a bath and new dress too. I was too kind to mention it but you were starting to smell a bit too close to Daisy.” 
You can’t but laugh and snort, “hey!” 
“May as well take benefit in staying still,” he says, “now, let us hurry before the water is cold.” 
You acquiesce and follow him away from the kitchen. You hope Jazlene is not discontent with your straying. You walk along several corridors and up to the second floor again. You do not expect to stop at one of thick doors meant for nobility. 
“In here,” Bryce takes out an iron key and unlocks the door. He pushes it open and steps back. “I will come in an hour to look in on you but I trust by then you will be abed.” 
“Yes, sir, thank you,” you affirm. 
“Be certain to have some of the food,” he orders you, “much better than the goat meat I’ve been chewing on.” 
You thank him one last time and enter on your own. He closes the door behind you and you hear the lock twist. The loud grind of cogs does not unsettle you. It’s rare you ever have a moment of solace, though often you feel alone. 
You look around the chamber. It is much too grand for you. There is a wide bed at one end with a long canopy. The window lets in a warm breeze as the steam coiling from the large tub dampens the air. The furniture here is just as fine as that in the queen’s rooms. 
You meander around and stop before the covered tray on the round table. You lift the lid and reveal an assortment of fruit and cooked oats drizzled with honey. Your stomach roars and clenches painfully. Without a thought, you sit on the stool to gulp the porridge from the brim. You empty near half the bowl before you stop to catch your breath. 
You pluck at the citrus and devour the fruit with delighted purrs. When you have glutted your hunger to the point of discomfort, you lick your lips and rise. You near the tub as untie your apron. Your body aches for the heat of the water. 
You leave the layers of your filthy garments on the floor and step into the depths. You sigh as you lower yourself in. Relief seeps through your flesh and enshrines you. You lay back for a time and bask in the calm. Before the water can cool, you sit up to scrub yourself clean. 
When you finish, you climb out and pull on the shift folded on the top of the stack; a dress, and apron, stockings, and even shoes. There is no cap. You fish around your disposed clothing and retrieve your own. You soak it in the bathwater, wringing it out until it’s not so browned. 
A knock comes at the door. You sit on the edge of the mattress and call to the visitor, “hello?” 
“Eh, it’s me,” Bryce’s salty timbre comes through the wood, “you sleep now, mouse.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
He taps the door and you hear his footsteps fade away. You recline across the bed and stare up at the canopy. You close your eyes but your stomach is uneasy. You don’t know why. The bed is too soft, the linens too fluffy. 
You puff and sit up. You get to your feet and circle around the bed to the short bench across the foot of it. You tuck yourself onto the barely cushioned wood and bend your legs to fit. You fold and arm under your head. Much better. 
It isn’t very long before you succumb to your fatigue. You don’t realise how tired you truly are until you’re buried in sleep. Heavy and dark, almost suffocating. 
Behind your eyelids, you see streaks of colour, curling and rolling into visions. Shadowy forests and endless roads, the clop of horse hooves, the rattle of axles, and the crunch of boots in the dirt. The preening whine of the Queen as she splashes wine across your face. You gasp through the acrid sprinkle and fall backwards into air.  
You land on a heap of hay. You’re back in Debray, in the barn where you would flit away with Merinda to eat or even steal a nap. She would watch at the window and you would doze or nibble. You look over but do not see her. Instead, another stands at the opening.  
The king’s silver white hair hangs in waves down his muscled back. He wears only breeches as he stares off into the distance. The window greys with a storm beyond, pulsing from shades of dove feather to harrowing black. He faces you and his golden eyes glow like a wolf’s. 
You sit up and whimper. He prowls closer and closer, thunder crashing as a great gust blows through the barn. Then all at once, the tempest subsides and the wooden walls turn to stone. You’re trapped beneath something unbreakable, like iron, wrists bound. You look at your arms, pinned by large hands. You look above you and find yourself straddled beneath the king. 
He leans in, closer and closer, his fiery breath razing over you. 
“Little maid...” 
His growl snakes around your neck and you wake with a start. The bench teeters as you sit up, your hand gripping your forehead. You blink and look around, clearing the haze from your sleepy eyes. 
Just as in your dream, you are not alone. 
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princessaxoxo · 8 months
Angered Infatuation
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Enemies to lovers
Geralt x reader 
Summary: Since the day you and Geralt met, the two of you couldn’t stand one another. But fate seemed to always bring you both together. One night at a feast, you both release the anger you share.
Word count: 1.9+
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ Only, rough unprotected sex (p in v), angst, fingering, cussing  
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You’ve been the king’s royal advisor for the past few months, helping with decisions when needed and healing. Taking a walk through the village, you were on your way back but stopped short once you heard the words “ride, witcher, ride”. You could recognize the bard’s voice anywhere; walking into the tavern and playing his precious lute is Jaskier.
You watched and waited entertained as he sang, prancing around the tavern, infuriating the individuals. Their faces screwed up in annoyance, which had you in a fit of laughter. Once his last song ended, he gathered his lute and walked out the back door. You followed distantly behind him.
Sneaking up behind him, you tapped his left shoulder, making him jump in his shoes. “Why must you scare me each time we meet?” You chuckled, and the two of you went in for a hug. “I’ve missed you as well, Jaskier."
Out of all the places he could be, he was here, and you wondered why. “Jaskier, what brings you here?" His face instantly paled at the question. “Just passing through." He wasn’t telling you everything. His answer was partially truthful. You squinted your eyes at him, then looked over at the black horse next to him. You were trying to figure out why you had this sense of familiarity with the animal.
It clicked in your mind; the horse is roach, and you knew what that meant. “Only you? No companions?” You gave him a curious look, knowing the truth already. “Most certainly not,” he said, his face beginning to flush. "Jaskier, if it’s only you, then why is roach here?” he laughed awkwardly as his eyes looked past you.
Geralt’s husky voice rang through the air: “Jaskier, let’s go." You turned to face him. His white hair was pulled back, and his cloak covered the rest of him. His swords cross his back.
He felt your eyes on him. "Witcher," you remarked, dragging out the word. Geralt grumbled at the sound of your voice and choice of words. “Always a pleasure," he said sarcastically.
“What is your business here?” He turned towards you, giving you a brief overall look. He wasn't going to answer you; you would find out on your own later tonight.
Jaskier felt uncomfortable interrupting the stare-down, Geralt, and you were having “I know you two would adore to cut each other's heads off, but shall we go?" He chimed in.
Geralt got on his horse, and Jaskier grabbed his things. You watched as they both left. You found yourself wondering when you would see Geralt again and, in a sense, looking forward to it.
Both you and Geralt enjoyed the back-and-forth with each other; he found you infuriating, and you found him insufferable. It made the two of you hot, with significant sexual tension for one another.
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The feast had begun, and you heard the music growing through the hallowed halls of the castle. Entering the great hall, you were surprised to see that Jaskier was providing the entertainment for tonight. The local villagers are drinking rich ale and laughing. "Y/f/n,” you heard the king call for you.
Walking over to him, you bowed, “My king.” He put his finger underneath your chin, making you look at him. His touch burned, and he disgusted you. You were hoping he couldn't tell by the look in your eyes.
“We have a special guest this evening; I would appreciate it if you’d accompany him." You smiled. “Of course, my king,” you said, making a come-here motion to the man you assumed he was speaking of.
Geralt spoke, “Thank you for having me.” His words were sour; you knew he wanted to be anywhere but here. He looked handsome; you never thought you would see Geralt dressed for such an occasion.
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Geralt and you walked around the great hall without saying a word to each other. He walked away to receive some more ale, his long strides making it hard for you to keep up with him.
He leaned up against the wall. Geralt secretly liked this; knowing you had to stay with him, he decided he would make it hard on you. You were trying to appear calm, giving a proper smile to the villagers who passed by you.
However, you did want to kill him in front of everyone. A smile was on your face when you reached him. “Just because you’re an important guest tonight does not mean you get to disrespect me.” The response you received rattled you. He brought his drink to his lips, took a sip, and didn't say a word back.
Two drunken villagers began to brawl, making you turn your head toward the ruckus. It gave Geralt enough time to slip away from you. When you turned back, you huffed, realizing he had left. Your eyes were scanning the room for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Geralt watched you from afar, delighting in the joy of seeing you stressed. Once your eyes reached him, he raised his goblet at you.
Geralt found his way into the halls of the castle, and you started taking long strides to get to him. “I have had it with you this evening,” you said. “You look lovely, y/f/n," he replied. His eyes were on your gown; you inspected it to see if anything got on it, and he was being funny. But it looked exquisite, just as it had earlier that night.
He continued to walk, going into the dark spots of the halls. No one was here but us; everyone had gathered for the feast. You grabbed him by his arm, which stopped him. He looked down at your hand, then to your eyes, to tell you to let go of him.
The look in his eyes and face became serious. “Last time we saw each other, you were trying to kill me with that pathetic chaos of yours; that’s what you mages call it, correct?” You snarled at him, “Yes, and you as well were trying to kill me. It seems we have one thing in common."
“Don’t be modest; you know we have more in common than that.” He became closer. “Whether you want to admit it or not, our bickering, this back and forth, you like this just as much as I do."
“Why would I enjoy this?” His yellow eyes seemed to have darkened in this light. “The simple reason? It makes you want me even more."
“I would know because I feel the same way.” His confession gave you a shiver.
Goosebumps appeared on your skin, and he moved the hair from your shoulder, touching your neck. Geralt could tell your heart was accelerating; his heart was calm as always. Never wavering from its steady beat.
He moved his large hand to your hair, grabbing a hold. “Tell me you don’t want me, y/f/n, and I'll let you go and walk back to the great hall,” he growled. “Do it,” you simply said, and he roughly brought his lips to yours. His moves were so aggressive that you thought your lips would tear.
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The two of you found the way to your bed chambers, ripping your dress from behind. He pushed you down on your bed, tearing off your undergarments. You tried taking off his clothing, but he didn’t allow that.
Geralt didn't care if another man had made you feel good, if another man had touched you, or if you'd even seen another man naked. He was far more interested in pouring out all the anger he felt for you tonight.
You raised the front half of your body to get a better look at him.
His body in its pure form was godly, and his muscular arms had faded scars enclosing them. You wanted them to suffocate you in the best way possible. His thighs, which were buff, looked delicious. And his cock, which was upright and standing against his stomach, had a pink tip. It made you drool; you licked your lips thoughtlessly.
He stalked toward you, smoothing his rough, large hands up your legs and thighs.
You looked into his eyes, waiting for his next move. He moved downward, lifting your legs near your head, and took a long lick from your ass to the top of your pussy. His tongue was glorious, moving diligently against your clit.
He directed his left hand to your pussy moving his fingers between your folds. He entered two of his thick fingers into you roughly and expeditiously.
You looked at him, his yellow eyes pouring into you. It didn't take long for your thighs to begin to shake, and you felt yourself coming. 
He raised his head, his mouth glistening from your juices. 
His hand wrapped around your small neck, pushing you down, taking out his digits, spreading you apart with his large girth, and slamming into your cunt.
The feel of his large hand around your neck made you wetter. As you wrapped your small hand around his "harder,” you saw a bit of shock in his eyes. He tightened his hold, your legs wrapped around his body, his medallion swinging over you as his movement fasted, and his hips slammed into you harshly.
“Ah fuck,” you dug your fingernails into his back, making him grunt out. He moved his thumb, smoothing over your bottom lip, and went to grip your jaw, his mouth moving brutally over yours.
The selfishness of him and keeping you down made your anger resurface; you flipped the both of you. He tried reaching for you, but you pushed him back down onto the mattress.
Your hips began to move on his cock; he dug his nails into the sides of your hips. You knew you would have bruises in the morning. “You ride this cock so fucking well," he praised you.
His hands reached up and fondled your breasts. He wrapped an arm around your back to hold you in place as he circled your nipple with his tongue, pinching the other one. You threw your head back in pleasure.
“Stay still,” he growled as he held your hips in place and pounded into you at an accelerated pace. “Yes, Geralt, yes."
Hearing his name fall from your lips made him rigid. “I’m going to make you full of my cum; that’ll be the only thing left of you.” You started to bounce on his cock savagely.
“Just like that, bouncing on my cock beautifully,” his encourging, husky voice brought you closer to your orgasm. You pulled at his roots, kissing him deeply and sucking on his tongue.
He put you on your back again, turning and pushing your face into the pillows. Your loud moans were covered. Your thighs began to shake, and he felt them, “Yes, come all over my cock.” You called out Geralt's name, your orgasm hitting hard, your head dizzy as you saw stars in your vision.
With a few more snaps of his hips, Geralt exploded inside of you, pulling his cock out and a few more spurts of his cum landed on your stomach. He watched as you swiped a finger through and licked his cum off.
He clenched his jaw. “On your hands and knees now,” you challenged him in ways no one had. It made him loathe you and love you at the same time. He planned to show you that for the rest of the night.
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donaweasley · 2 months
Promises to Keep
Pairing: Geralt x Fem!Reader
Geralt is tasked with protecting a princess but his feelings keep poking at him, urging him to shed his tough armour and give in to his heart. But the witcher is a righteous man. He won’t succumb to his feelings so easily. Will he?
Some pining, some fluff that will lead to a “part 2” of this story.
Warnings: A bit of m.at.ure stuff. K.i.d.s better stay away!
Read time: ~15 mins
Note: This story has been based in a timeline before the fall of Cintra, and so, Geralt has not yet started his quest for Ciri. Oh, and he doesn’t fall in love with Yennefer. 😉
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Geralt of Rivia has been tasked with many a difficult missions but the hardest of them all was probably not killing but protecting a person. That person was a princess whose parents had specifically called for Geralt to take their daughter under his wing as Nilfgaard marched towards their doorstep.
The princess could fight; she had been in battles but Nilfgaard had morphed into something entirely different from what the Continent had previously seen. It was as though Hell itself had poured into their army, leaving a trail of ash and blood wherever it went.
And so, turning all cries and protests from the said princess to deaf ears, her parents sent her away, in return of an assurance from her that, should their kingdom fall, she would come back and restore it to its glory, flying their banners from every nook and corner.
They knew she could, they had said.
The journey with Geralt had not been easy, moving from camp to camp, from inn to inn, not to mention the complications of his profession. But time gradually made things easier for them both, eventually bringing them to a point where they could comfortably pose as husband and wife so as to protect her identity, and avail a temporary shelter in a village.
And even though they were living a lie of being a married pair, their hearts often wished to forget reality, and enjoy the bliss of domestic life with one another. To be with each other unconditionally, forgetting all rules and boundaries.
But Geralt was a man of ethics, and she did not want him to bear the burden of guilt just because her stupid heart could not stop fluttering for this kind, brave gentleman with a heart of gold!
And thus, neither, for fear of straining what they already had, could ever utter their feelings to each other. After all, they had promises to keep.
A few months ago:
She hurt herself on the thick leather armour as she flung her arms around his neck. But she did not care. That was a pain she would happily endure if it meant seeing Geralt at her doorstep safe and sound.
He smelled of sweat and blood and the swamp. He probably tasted like it, too. Alright, so what? The man returned after three weeks from the edge of the Continent. And perhaps from the edge of life. She couldn't care less about what he smelled or tasted like. But did he really…? She was very close to confirming her assumption - almost there - when Geralt suddenly remembered his place: the protector of the princess, a mere witcher.
“Princess,” the rich baritone vibrating in her ear woke her up from her purple dream. She could not help but lean back when she found her “husband” doing the same.
Geralt spread his arms slightly, and smiled with that usual softness in his eyes that came to the forefront only when she was around. “Safe and sound. Just like I had promised.”
“I am honoured!” She jested, and stepped inside, making room for Geralt to do the same.
“Give me a minute. I'll draw a bath for you. And once you have cleaned that mess off you, you'll have a warm dinner waiting,” she smiled and turned to make her way to the bath when Geralt gently but firmly held her wrist.
Neither could deny the spark that coursed through their veins at the contact. But neither would confess. Involuntarily, the witcher’s thumb made faint circles over her veins. Once he realised what he was doing, he slowly released her but their fingers lingered over the other’s before finally making some room between them.
Geralt pleaded with her to stop fussing over it all but the woman was ecstatic! Who could stop her from doing everything she could for the man she was falling in love with! Not even the strongest witcher.
And so, she hopped away to prepare a warm bath for him while he busied himself with the relieving task of removing his armour and weapons.
Geralt lay in the bath, pondering over the unsaid things that have been passing between the princess and him. Especially the ones that happened that evening. They had never been this close before, and it only made his breath shallower every time he thought about it. His mind wandered away unleashed every time his drunken heart slipped into fantasies of what could have happened had he not pulled away from her embrace…or what might happen if he allowed himself a bit more liberty with his feelings…
A gentle knock on the door startled him, bringing him back to the reality of the small room lit by two candles, back to the fact that the woman living under the same roof with him was his mission, not his real wife, as the villagers knew her to be. There was no way a witcher could dream of having a wife and a family, let alone with a princess!
“Need anything?” The voice was gentle, happy…it was caring. It made Geralt smile to think that someone cared so deeply for him, that he was actually having a domestic life, even though a fake one.
“Your company would be nice,” he quipped.
Geralt grinned wickedly. He did not need to see her to know the blush creeping up her ears and cheek.
Over the months their relationship - real or fake, whatever that was - had built into a strong bond, one that was made of cares, banters, challenges, huffs (and not just from the witcher), puns of all kinds and fluttering heartbeats. And though neither backed down during the banters or the puns, either one of them definitely ended up with blood rushing up their cheeks.
(Y/N) bit her lip and rolled her eyes. Two could play this game. Taking a deep breath, she cracked the door open. It startled Geralt, and she could tell it without seeing his wide eyes and parted lips.
“I believe you have a lot to talk about from your adventure?” She slowly walked in, eyes straining to look anywhere but at him.
She did not receive an immediate response. How could she! Geralt was spellbound by the boldness of this woman! It was inspired by his own recent boldness, perhaps, he wondered.
He cleared his throat, “Indeed.”
She picked up a small wooden stool, and sat with her back to him. “You were saying?”
“I would detail everything but are you sure you can stomach all that? And before dinner?”
Glimpses from his previous tales crept back, and she gulped at the gory imaginations that his words had painted in her head. Perhaps she could not. But would she confess? No!
“I’m tougher than you think, witcher.”
This was their usual way of addressing each other: “Witcher”, with a sarcastic stress in the middle of the word, and “Princess”, with a vanity enveloping the word.
When they had set out for their journey, she had requested him not to call her “princess”. “I have a name, and I would like to be addressed by it,” she had insisted. But Geralt had decided on maintaining his propriety.
When asked whether he would like to be addressed as Geralt or Witcher, he had simply mumbled, “Whatever you like, Princess.”
“Witcher it is then.”
And that has ever been going on, until recently when some rare moments witnessed them addressing each other by their names, and not what they were to the world.
In the small bathroom now, she heard a slosh behind her, signalling the rise of the large man from his bath. She tried her best to stop her shameless mind from picturing his wet body, dripping with water as he stood and stepped out of the tub, as he reached for the towel nearby and dried himself with it before wrapping it low around his waist. But the quiet of the night made sure that every little sound and movement reached her ears, leaving her a slave to her unabashed imagination.
Geralt grunted, the sound coming from right above her head.
“I know you can’t take it…Princess,” the last word was practically breathed on the shell of her ear.
Leaving her a total mess, Geralt sauntered out of the bathroom with a promise to indulge her in his stories after dinner.
That night, in the faint light of the moon, nimble fingers traced the contours of the witcher’s face as he slept - brows slightly arched, lips parted, face as serene as a dawn in Spring. She watched him breathe peacefully, devoid of the cares of the world, until a small smile cracked at a corner of his mouth. With eyes still closed, he placed a hand on hers and brought it to his lips. A chaste kiss was all it was, and yet it had her heart thundering. He had never - ever - shown any affection other than soft looks and gentle smiles.
“Sleep princess,” he rasped in a sleepy voice.
He opened his eyes once, to watch her smile at him, before holding her hand snuggly and drifting back to sleep.
Present day:
The sound of the door cracking open brought her back to the present. Quickly slipping a little more below the soapy water, she gripped the hilt of her sword.
It was Geralt. The moment he set one foot inside, his eyes went wide. It took him hardly a second to swing on his heels, to look away, but the sinful image had planted itself in his head. Probably for eternity.
“Pardon me. I…I did not know… I thought you were done. I just returned from outside; I did not notice that you were not anywhere else. I…”
“Geralt!” His name. She spoke his name! That, along with her soothing tone put an abrupt end to his string of stammering apologies. “It’s alright. I know you had no ill intentions.”
Shifting uncomfortably on his feet for a couple of seconds, he asked, “Do you need anything?”
Her lips stretched into a smirk as she recalled an old conversation that had occurred under very similar circumstances.
“Your company would be nice,” she quipped, just like Geralt had a few months ago.
The witcher recognised the joke immediately. A small smile escaped his usual serious features.
“I believe you have a lot to talk about your first kill,” he jested just like she had back then.
The sigh that filled the room made Geralt wonder if he had said something uncalled for. She was shaken by the incident but if she was making jokes now, she must be recovering. Right?
“(Y/N),” Geralt called without looking at her, “are you alright?”
“No, if truth be told,” came the confession.
He understood. Keeping his gaze focused on the floor, he took a few large steps until he was standing near the foot of the tub. In one smooth move, he was sitting on the floor with his back to her.
There was something about Geralt that made her feel protected all the time. Even in her most exposed and vulnerable state, she felt safe and comfortable with him around. And it was not just the love she felt for him. It was something else. It was something…very “Geralt”.
“The monsters we kill haunt our minds till long after. You never get used to it no matter how many kills you have made,” he sighed.
(Y/N) listened quietly. He was a man of few words, and at most times it seemed as though he was not even listening. But he always understood every single unexpressed emotion, every single unsaid word that she carried within her.
“Every time I close my eyes or every time I hear something, fear grips me,” she shivered at the thought. “You are right. I'm haunted by its memory, and … I cannot seem to shake the thoughts off. No matter how hard I try! I cannot even be courageous enough to convince myself that it is all in my head!” She slapped the water in frustration.
Unlike the witcher, killing monsters was not her profession nor did she volunteer for it. But what she did volunteer for was accompanying Geralt to a trip to the river caves for some herbs. Despite the witcher’s efforts to shield her inside the safety of their home, she managed to argue her way out of the proverbial safety net. Which is what led to the unforeseen event of her first close encounter with one of the many monsters that had become part of Geralt’s life. It also led her to, for the first time, being at the receiving end of Geralt’s fury for risking her life .
‘You were very courageous back there,” Geralt smiled at the memory of her driving her sword through the neck of the drowner, thus saving his own neck in the process.
“I had to be! Couldn’t just stand there and watch my favourite grumpy fellow die!” She jested about it but a shiver ran up her spine as she spoke. “It was disgusting, you know? I can still feel all the blood and slime on my skin.”
“It was also very brave. You saved my life!”
He had thought that his statement would make her proud but he was met with silence.
She spoke after a while. “You do know that I shall not be able to live anymore if something happens to you, don’t you? I shall only survive.”
Geralt’s heart suddenly felt very heavy in his chest. What she said was known information to him. Somewhere in his soul, he knew that she loved him. But to hear it aloud was totally unexpected.
“I shall be fine, princess,” he used his most assuring voice. “Do not worry about me.”
Unseen by him, a smile formed on her countenance. “I know, witcher.”
“Maybe we could talk about something else?” He suggested. “Take your mind off the monster?”
“Hmm… How is Jaskier?” She suddenly asked.
Geralt almost turned his head towards her in surprise. Almost. She was naked, having a bath, and the first “something else” that came to her mind was the bard??
“Jaskier?” He asked. “You wish to talk about Jaskier now?”
“Well, you wanted to talk about something else!”
Was that jealousy that she was sensing in his huffs? She hoped it was.
“He must be fine. I do not know.” He ended the topic as quickly as it had begun.
The princess laid her head back on the tub and closed her eyes. There was a comfortable silence. So comfortable that she did want to leave, did not want to do anything that might disturb the moment. Even though it was getting late. Even though Geralt still had to wash himself.
Geralt still has to wash himself! Shit! He must be hungry!
Her eyes shot open. “I’m sorry, I forgot you have to wash up, too! I shall be quick.”
The sudden splash of water pulled Geralt out of his own reverie, inadvertently causing him to turn around so as to ask her not to hurry. But the sight before him left him speechless. It was fortunate that she was too busy to see him else he would never have been able to face her in shame. Geralt turned back and shut his eyes as soon as he snapped out of his trance. But that did nothing to erase the image imprinted in his mind. Not that he wanted to.
She had pulled herself up slightly, as she tried to reach for the towel on the nearby stool. In the light of the candles, her body glowed golden as water cascaded off every curve of her body… down the side of her neck, her shoulders, two perfect globes that highlighted particularly well in the candlelight, perky nipples that had hardened in the water, the beginning of a lustful waist…
He did not hear her step out of the tub, did not hear the rustle of clothes as she got dressed, no. His mind was replaying the same thing over and over again. There was an evident twitch somewhere down his body. He faintly heard something about dinner and changing the water. The creak of the door pulled him back.
“I shall…” His voice was hoarse. “I shall change the water. You may leave.”
The change in his mannerism surprised her but then both his voice and attitude were gravelly most of the time. With a small “alright”, she exited, leaving him to his thoughts.
Dinner was quiet as Geralt tried to suppress the feelings bubbling inside him. He wanted to look at her and lose himself in her eyes. He wanted to tell her how he felt. Wanted to show her what it meant to unleash months of bridled love that he had been carrying within his entire being. He wanted to…
Gods! There were so many things that he wanted to do. But every time he talked himself into taking one step forward, his reality made him take two steps back.
And so, once again, he retired to bed without telling her anything at all about the whirlwind in his heart.
Geralt woke up sometime in the middle of the night, sensing some movements near him. Once sleep stopped fogging his senses, he realised that it was (Y/N) tossing and turning beside him in her sleep. Not only was she being restless, she was mumbling something incoherent that only got louder with her movements. It hardly took him a couple of seconds to realise that she was having a nightmare!
Geralt tried to wake her up: called her name, shook her. But she was trapped deep in her own head. He thought he heard something like his name but could not be sure. Seeing his efforts go in vain, he took her face in both hands and shouted her name while shaking her once more. He wasn’t sure if it would work but luckily, it did. With wild eyes she stared at him, as if trying to figure out where she was, trying to put up a wall between her horrid imagination and sweet reality. When she finally came around, she threw her arms around Geralt’s neck, causing him to tumble to the mattress with her below. Once again, he fought with himself as a wave of relief washed over him, eventually crashing into a strong desire to keep her encased in his arms and caress her for the remainder of the night.
“I dreamt that you were…” she almost sobbed. “That I had…” She couldn’t bring those bitter words to her tongue.
Geralt understood.
“You will never lose me. I shall always be by your side. I promise.”
In the dark veil of the night, in those weak moments, he made her a promise that even he did not know how he would keep, for she would be married to some royalty some day; she would have to go away, leaving him with his solitude and monsters. He could not keep her to himself nor could he watch her be with somebody else.
But that was a worry for another day. Right then, she was in his arms, and no one else’s. Even if for a moment, she was his. He lay on his side and pulled her to his chest. A hand cradled her head, drawing soothing lines through her hair, until her warm breath on his skin had become stable.
Geralt never seeked help or answers from the gods; he did not believe in them. But as he kissed the crown of her head that night, his lips prayed for her safety and happiness, and if possible, for her to be bound to him for eternity.
He knew he was being selfish. He did not know who heard his prayers or even if there was someone who might hear them. But he whispered them anyway, believing that it was the only way to make his wishes come true.
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littlefreya · 10 months
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Summary: Whatever madness drove this woman to board a pirate’s ship of her own free will was beyond comprehension. Yet there she was, in velvet and silk, marching toward certain danger and the sinful desires of the monstrous Captain August ‘Blackbeard’ Walker.
Pairing: AU! Pirate August Walker x OFC (no mentions of body type or ethnicity)
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: 18+. No smut, but sexual themes are mentioned, as well as dark themes - he is a pirate. Possible historical inaccuracy. This is not the real Blackbeard. Mentions of kidnapping.
A/N: Not beta’d. Many thanks to @agniavateira @luna-aestas and @wolvesandhoundshowltogether for the support, and thanks to @geralts-yenn because this story started as a 15-minute challenge, and I ended up writing a whole shot. There might be a part 2, and this might turn into a series. We will see after my anxiety runs its course :D
Thanks for reading, and please reblog and comment if you enjoyed :)
Neptune's Snare
The soggy wooden platform creaked beneath her feet as she climbed onto the main deck. Each step eliciting s husky wail - a sorrowful hymn to the lost maidens of the sea - those who would never return, those devoured by the sinful desires of monstrous captain August ‘Blackbeard’ Walker. 
Whatever madness drove women to go there willingly was beyond comprehension. No more than a tomb, the ship alone looked like a carnivorous maw; black iron spikes stood firmly at the bow, and the sheer size of it was enough to strike fear at the heart of even the bravest sailor.
Yet, there she was, draped in a black velvet cloak and an ivory corset dress, willingly marching toward grave danger. 
Dozens of ragged men welcomed her onboard, filthy scoundrels, all drenched in an exotic mixture of sweat and alcohol. Hungry, their eyes gnawed at her tender flesh, but none would dare touch her. If August’s crew knew one thing, it’s that some fates are much, much more worse than death. 
It didn’t stop them from taunting. Suckling their lips, they followed the girl on her march toward the captain’s cabin. Cheer and chortle in their voice as they imagined the obscenities their captain was about to perform on this naive girl. 
“Pity, he never let us look…” whined one of the pirates while the other bood.
“Aye, you mad to come ‘er tonight. The cap’n hasn’t had his fill in weeks, lass. He would sure pillage each of you’ holes tonight.”
“He gonna paint her full of his sea foam!”
The entire ship roared with their laughter. The girl, however, kept a blank face and, without spending any minute longer, opened the door to the captain's cabin.                                                                                                                                                
Bright, golden luminance blinded Lizette’s sight as she entered the cabin. The walls were plated by ornaments made of gold, reflecting the sparkle of the hundred candles that burnt at the decorated candelabras and crystal chandelier. Fine works of art hung from each wall, and on a vast lacquered table stood a plethora of delicacies that made Lizette’s belly gurgle. 
She stared at the table momentarily, almost fooled by the obvious seduction. In complete opposite to the murky exterior of the ship, the captain’s chamber was a room fit for kings, sputtering style, elegance and riches. Perhaps this was how he lured them. The poor naive girls truly believed he would give them a better life. But Blackbeard was no king, nor was he a gentleman. He was the deadliest man the world has ever known - a serpent, nightshade - all he could give a woman was death. 
“Take off your cowl.”  
A deep voice called from behind, dark and mysterious as the ocean. It struck like an icy shard through her spine, making her shoulders jerk and stiffen. It was odd to know someone by hundred of myths and stories spun around them and have men mimic their voice in an attempt to portray them but never know what they truly sounded like. 
As it turned out, August sounds like a man one doesn’t refuse. 
Obedient, Lizette pulled the cowl from her head - slow as she would unwrap a much-anticipated present. Her gaze kept to the floor still, continuing to play the coy virgin the Captain wanted her to be, though if she had to be honest - she was terrified of whatever hideous monster she would soon have to face. 
There must have been a reason why the women who came here never left. Lizette was willing to bet every dime in her pocket that August was the most gruesome, repulsive creature, and the only way for him to keep people from knowing was by murdering each woman he bedded!    
“Shy, aren’t we?” Blackbeard murmured with a dry chuckle and began to circle her, observing his bounty from side to side.
“I quite enjoy shy,” he chuckled once more, his voice almost a groan. 
She forced herself not to flinch too much. She could sense his glare upon her, stripping her garment by garment, weighing what he earned tonight and considering all the ways in which he would pillage her body. It made her feel like she was one of the delicacies that rested on his table rather than a person. 
After gyrating around her and inspecting each crease of her body, August finally returned to his starting spot behind her and, in a low, delighted groan, demanded, “Turn around.” 
Doing as he commanded, she turned to him, still keeping her glance plastered to the floor, her breathing now shallow as the air in the room grew magically stuffy. She could spot his blurry silhouette from the corner of her eye; a tall and fit man, rather broad. It seemed that he was doing a loose white cotton shirt and dark trousers, and from his waistband - a gleam of silver winked back. 
“Are you a mute?” 
Another chill shot through her as he spoke. Absentminded, she swallowed. “No…”  embarrassingly, her voice cracked; she took a deep breath and reprimanded, “No, sir. Just nervous.”
“Captain,” he corrected. 
Lizette nodded but did not repeat him. She couldn’t. Words died on her tongue as the Captain made a bold step toward her, drawing dangerously near. He paused for a shy second, fingers laced together, contemplating, before he reached a fist beneath her chin and, in a ceremonious tenderness, lifted her chin.  
The air drained from her completely. Her lips parted in a mixture of fear and astonishment. 
It couldn’t be.
Perhaps she had the wrong man?
Grey, ocean-eyes peered at her through a face that women and men would damn themselves for. No! Even angels would. His jaw was sharp and profound, statuesque like cut marble - dashed with dark stubble and a thick raven-black moustache. His lips, though chafed from the salty sea breeze, were plumped and shaped to be kissed, and while some of his curls were streaked with silver, he still had a healthy mane of hair on his head. 
‘He could have been a decent man,’ she thought, ‘and yet he chose this?!’
There was an obscure attractive melancholy to his looks - almost tragic. 
August took another moment to study her face, a frown slowly forming on his ridged brow. “You look familiar…”
“I work the docks,” she answered almost immediately.
His stare deepened, eyes dropping to her cleavage momentarily before returning to pierce back into the back of her skull, “Skin too soft. Too shy to be a prostitute.” 
His fingers wrapped around her chin, caging it between his thumb and his index in a tight grip, making it hurt. He tilted his head, daring her to come up with another lie.  
“The tavern,” Lizette answered, firm and steadfast. She did not flinch from his touch, even though every instinct begged her to.
“And you came to me. Why?”
“What girl wouldn’t give everything for a night with the notorious Captain Blackbeard? The living legend… the king of pirates.” She softened her eyes as much as possible and offered a shy pout to reconcile him. 
August chewed on the inside of his cheek; storm clouds gathered on his pale eyes as he contemplated. They both knew she was flattering him to gain his trust and save her pretty little neck. It wasn’t a situation he hadn’t encountered in the past. They both also knew that he was stronger, bigger and armed and could snap said pretty little neck in less than a split second. 
“Are you a virgin?” He proceeded. 
She nodded, her throat clenching. 
August lingered on her response and, after what felt like an eternity, offered a small grin and pinched her chin sweetly as if to praise her before moving a step closer. Lizette smiled back nervously. She could sense his rum-drenched breath on her face. The scent was so pungent it made her moan invulnerably. 
Or perhaps it was the anxiety that was eating into her heart. 
“Ever sucked a cock, pet?” 
His question was answered by a small click that echoed through the quarter and the press of hard, cold metal against the bare parts of his chest. 
Not stepping back, he slowly, almost theatrically, spread his arms into a gesture of defeat while peering at the girl. No rage nor fear painted his face, and as he spoke, there was neither surprise in his voice. 
“Heh. So you ARE a whore.”
Lizette held the pistol determined, not saying a word.
“What is it that I do, pet?” 
Offering a sly grin, the pirate pressed against the barrel; the oceans in his glare darkened. As Lizette stared back, she could have sworn the many shades of blue in his sights shifted and swayed like angry waves. Quickly brushing the thought away, she cocked the gun in a warning, her little thumb grazing the trigger.
But to August, it was clear that the girl had never killed anyone before, and the longer she stalled, the more shaky her hand became. Taunting, he moved further into the barrel, which forced her to take a step back. 
“Do not move closer!” She finally spoke. 
August brushed her warning away, moving forward instead. He had been so nimble in his movement, fluid, like a sea creature himself. Only now she realised that his hands were no longer in the air. 
“Was it your dear mother?” He suggested. “Father? Sister?” He paused and offered a vicious smirk, “Ah… I see, A lover. Well, to that, I surely deserve to die. Go ahead, pet, pull the trigger.” 
His slender, heavily ringed fingers reached to envelop the barrel, holding the pistol steady for the girl. Every breath he took pressed the metal harder against his sternum. Lizette could sense his heartbeat pulsating through the barrel, the thrum of his blood nearly mingling with her own. No longer steady, her digit quivered around the trigger and in her throat, she felt the strenuous hold of anger, guilt and hatred. 
“You have taken everything from me!” She simply answered. 
Soon her sight became blurry, and wetness gathered beneath her eyes.  
‘Do it, do it now.’ 
Another click sounded in the room. Louder than the cocking of a gun. 
Lizette’s eyes flared in shock, and before she could pull the trigger, August had carefully veered the gun from his chest and, in a tenderness that was accustomed to lovers, snatched it from her hand. His other hand laid still on her neck, fastening the iron collar he granted her.
“Good girl,” he teased and then leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to the forehead of the girl who was too struck by her own misfortune and stupidity to react. 
With the pistol safely placed in his waistband, the pirate stepped back, face alighted, eyes sparkling with starlight cascade, like a child who had just earned a new toy.  He clasped his hands together, ecstatic; thick silver rings chiming as they collided.
 “I haven’t taken everything from you, pet. but I am going to…”
With one last slanted grin, the pirate turned on his heels and marched toward the door, not bothering to bid farewell as he left and locked the door behind him.
Panicked, Lizette reached her hands to the iron collar, desperately trying to pry it off her neck despite knowing there was no logic in pulling at the heavy metal. 
“Please!” Tears trickled down her cheeks and chin, “no! No! No! Please!”
Through the open window, she could hear the captain's voice barking orders, commanding his men to lift anchor and set sail. 
Chapter Two
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roughentumble · 2 years
if geralt and jaskier could steven universe gem fusion themselves together, the resulting being would be SUCH a bitch
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okay but book jaskier is so special to me
Him just being this childish, flirty, and self loving pretty man in his fourties who makes inappropriate jokes at the wrong time and always ends up in situations that he needs to be saved from
but him also being so much more than just this basic, seen before, comic relief.
him being an artist, above all else, a really good one, one that can make people passionate and sad and feel all the emotions he feels. wasnt he even a teacher at oxenfurt? like teacher jaskier pls give it all to me
him coming from a rich family, being educated but deciding that his art is all he needs and to live his life in the fullest
him always thinking he's not brave enough, but for the people he loves he goes through danger and discomfort, as long as he possibly could, longer than anyone, including himself would have thought
him also being just a really lovable person? him chosing Geralt, cold seeming, unsocial, sad Geralt as his best friend (in the books thats the kind of realtionship i see them as) and just making Geralt love him, even though he fucks things up on a regular basis, can be annoying as hell and lands them in the strangest ans messiest situation, Geralt loves his bestie so much, he would go through anything for him without making Jaskier feel bad for it
sure he might sometimes be annoyed but would never truly be angry and never ever abandon him do you hear me netflix
he could have all the company in the world, but he chose to stay with the outcast, the brewing, dangerous man who is unwanted and unwelcomed by society, and never regretted it
In conclusion Jaskier is a very special being and means the world to me
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tielmamon · 11 months
He meets Radovid in the shed and decides fuck it and sleeps together. He turns to him and promises him all his riches and fineries, all the things Jaskier dreamed of when he first started out as a bard. He re-offers the court bard position from before and Jaskier considers but still says he'll think about it.
Jump to Jaskier alone with Geralt infront of a campfire. He mentions Radovid's offer and his thoughts on taking it. How it might help them in the future, more connections, more people they can trust, more places to feel safe at with the prince of Redania to back them up. He waits for a reaction but Geralt just stares at him with this knowing look.
"But you'd hate it there, Jask." For some reason, this irks Jaskier.
"How would you know? I'm a lavish man Geralt, you know that. I love money and silks and fame. This could be my chance." Geralt simple looks at him, reading him like an open book.
"You're a songbird. You're not supposed to be caged." He watches Geralt polish his swords, and if there's a faint redness in his cheeks, he doesn't comment on it. Instead, he sighs because of course Geralt sees right through him. He knew he'd hate it the moment Radovid offered.
"And I suppose I'm free here then? In your little circle?" He teases, feeling much lighter than when the conversation started. The feeling immediately disappears once he feels a hand threading their fingers with his own. Geralt brings their hands closer to him, looking at them while Jaskier stays still with his heartbeat racing.
"I hope so. You're...I haven't told you and I should, because you deserve to hear it."
"Hear what?"
"You're part of this family. You-...You were the first person...." The words fumble and trip over one another on his tongue but the hand clasping Geralt's squeezes and a wave of reassurance washes over him. Like it always does when Jaskier is around. He takes a breath and looks at him, praying to all the gods that Jaskier sees him. Like he always does.
"You're my family, Jask. I can't- I don't think I can do this without you." He whispers quietly but Jaskier hears him loud and clear.
Please don't leave.
"A wolf, a lion cub, a raven and a songbird. Quite a family you've found for yourself, darling." Geralt smiles in relief, and kisses his knuckles.
Stay with us. With me.
"Wouldn't trade it for the world."
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petty thief pick pocket! jaskier. jaskier pinching coin bags from rich people he bumps into in the street. geralt turning around and seeing jaskier standing there tipping coins into his hands and he just. sighs. jaskier sneaking geralt's medallion off and when geralt finds out he glares and puts his hand out and jaskier pouts and hands the medallion back only when geralt turns away again he realises jaskier just stole his dagger as well. jaskier's butter wouldn't melt baby blues expression of innocence convincing yennefer that of Course he didn't steal her eyeliner! despite the fact that he is literally wearing it. jaskier looping ciri in on his cons to get extra food and furs out of vesemir and the wolves
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thedemonofcat · 9 months
By pure luck, Jaskier unwittingly assumed the role of a sort of Robin Hood. Initially, this transformation occurred when a wealthy Lord refused to compensate Jaskier after the bard's performance at a banquet hosted by the Lord. Jaskier generously distributed the money to the scullery maids and footmen he had been charming during the evening, entirely by accident.
However, Jaskier soon found himself drawn to this newfound practice of thievery, and the notion of pilfering from the affluent to support the less fortunate didn't seem like such a terrible idea.
Eventually, Ciri joined Jaskier in his illicit escapades, and the two of them revelled in their newfound roles as societal menaces. They often heard shouting "Eat the rich" as they continued their pilfering spree.
Meanwhile, Geralt found himself grappling with the perplexing task of explaining that Ciri, a princess, and Jaskier, a Viscount, were, in fact, the very definition of "the rich."
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