sicardxiv · 1 month
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Vylbrand's pirate factions metian trifecta. ⚓
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ubejamjar · 1 month
glimpse of the past // rhoswen
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the problem wasn't that she was bad for me, it's that i was never good for her.
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winniethewife · 7 months
Jewels made of stardust  
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(Poe Dameron x OC! Rhoswen Jewelace.)
Chapter 1: I miss you when we're mad
A/n: I really hope you all love it! I've been writing it for about 2 months so I'm really excited to start sharing it.
“Hey, Jewelace! What the hell was that? You can’t just disobey my orders like that.”  Poe called out after her as the red haired woman struts away from the hanger, and him. Rhoswen stops and turns to him a look of exasperation on her face.
“Oh, I’m Sorry, I Just saved your ass out there! If we had followed your orders we would be dead and you know it. That was too close. I think a little thanks might be in order.” She puts her hand on her hip as she glares at him, her Emerald eyes blazing with fire.
“Thanks? You want me to thank you for that stunt you just pulled?” He’s yelling at her now
“Yeah! I didn’t realize you were stupid and blind. I may not have your title 'commander', but you're standing here because I made the right choice. That TIE fighter was going to kamikaze right into you and if I didn't shoot it down then we would all be star dust.” She stands her ground. Angrier than she's been at him before, and they’ve gone toe to toe on more than one occasion. They’re starting to draw attention. Poe knows he can’t get chewed out by the General for fighting with his captain…again.
“What do I have to do to get you to respect me out there?” he asks, his voice hushed, his tone soft, almost a whisper, but filled with menace.
“I don’t know, try earning it.” She growls at him with venom in her voice, before turning on her heel and storming off, heading for the refreshers as quickly as she can. Leaving a slightly stunned commander in her wake. As she slides past some other resistance fighters on her way in she doesn’t even bother to try to bring a smile to her face. Rhoswen pulls off her jumpsuit as quickly as she could, just wanting to get into the showers and on her way as quickly as possible, wanting to leave as little chance as possible for Poe to catch up to her. She took a quick peak in the mirror before turning on the shower, her emerald eyes meeting her own gaze, it was hard to tell what was dirt or freckles scattered across her porcelain skin. Her chin length red hair clung to her head with sweat and grime. She sighs and turns to finish getting undressed before hopping in the hot shower, hoping the hot water will help distract her from her fight with Poe Dameron.
Poe however stood stunned in the harder thinking over every that just Happened. He and Rhoswen had a very similar background. She was also the child of two Rebel heroes, she had lost her parents at a very young age and had been raised and adopted by the Organa-Solo family. She was about the same age as their Son Ben at the time and apparently Han had a soft spot for her. He had heard all the stories from General Leia Organa. Some stories He was sure Captain Jewelace probably prefer he didn't know.
As Poe finally came to his senses he looked around then decided to wander off to his quarters to get showered and changed before reporting to the General. He couldn't help but think, about her as he walks. They had almost been friends at one point, when he had joined the resistance she was only slightly younger than him, a skilled piolet herself. They had talked for a long time at the beginning, his life on Yavin 4, hers on Chandrila. Her red hair was long then and she always kept it back in a ponytail. She had a sassiness to her that he quite enjoyed.  It seemed like they almost could have been close. But when he was appointed the leader of black squadron they went separate ways for a while, and by the time he saw her again with the determination to lead and fight against the First order, not to mention win the heart of the Red haired girl he was thinking about the whole time they’d been apart. But she had lost her Father. When Han Solo died Rhoswen was never the same, she kept everyone at a distance. No one got close. But that didn’t stop him from trying. That was until she was placed onto black squadron as his captain, his second in command. After that they fought all the time and were never friendly. As Poe sat on his bed he thought about the first time he saw her after he got back from destroying Starkiller Base.
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~ Several months prior~
There was a lot of celebrating that night. Starkiller base was destroyed against all the odds. Poe was looking for her, Rhoswen. His red haired conquest. When he found her she was almost unrecognizable. Her signature pony tail cut off, her hair now just cut at the chin she, was at least a couple drinks in and she had been crying. Poe Sat next to her and put a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey…I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone sad about a victory against the first order… you doing okay Red?” He called her by the nickname he had always called her back when they first met. She just looks at him with an empty glare. She shakes her head and gets up, grabbing a jacket off the back of her chair. He recognized it, Han Solo’s Jacket….
“Oh maker… Red! Wait!” He gets up and follows her out of the party.
“Leave me alone Dameron.” She says as tears start to return to her eyes.
“Rhoswen wait…I’m..I’m so sorry about your Dad….” He says as her grabs her hand. She lets him hold it, stopping in her tracks. She couldn’t look at him. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and die. Poe knew exactly what she was going though. His other hand going to the ring hanging around his neck. Losing your parent, without knowing that was going to be the last time you see them.
“Just…I just want to be alone Poe.” She says as she pulls her hand away.
“I….Alright.” Poe would live to regret letting her go that night.
Next chapter
Tag: @femmeanonymelives
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strwpup · 5 months
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sheepwithspecs · 3 months
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said this on twt too but I love how the Missing Member gets decked out for every holiday like currently their little ladies day decor is soooo cute as it should be bc she’s MY little lady 🌸✨ it’s HER day
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wickedsnack · 2 years
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xivymoonartx · 8 months
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meet Rhoswen my poor tortured bg3 durge 🥀💕
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mercurygray · 1 year
daybreak with Boromir and Rhoswen 🗣️
She slept better near the sea.
Her husband would joke that it was the habit of her childhood, but it was always more than that, she felt. Not just habit, but something deeper, something… stronger and older, that the sea was a place she knew, and was safe, where she could hear gulls instead of hawks, the breeze over waves rather than whistling around ramparts. That this was where she belonged, and where she would always return to.
The children slept better here, too, but that was not quite the same - they were city born and came here but once a year, and their sleep was borne out of long days with their cousins, running after crabs and gulls and digging for shells and building fortresses down by the foreshore. "Full of sand," Maireth had complained that afternoon, tipping out two small pairs of shoes. "Where on earth do they keep it all?"
"It's good for them," Rhoswen had said, carefully extracting the day's treasures from pockets and bags so that they could dry properly and there was no threat of anything dying where it could not be found.
"Oh, aye, I don't doubt that," the old servingwoman had said, knocking the shoes together to dislodge still more sand, "but my lady must see they're proper urchins and no mistake."
"And who is here to judge them for it?"
"Their father, for a start, when he comes. The Lord Steward's children ought to be properly turned out, summer holiday or no."
"Their father knows thier quality," Rhoswen said patiently. And he knows they are children, and cannot be expected to be better all the time.
Day was only just breaking, the sun peeking over the horizon in orange and purple, and Rhoswen turned over in bed to see she had a companion - an older man who smiled in his sleep as her hand felt along his side, trying to learn his profile in the dark.
"How long have you been here?" Rhoswen asked, turning over so that they were face to face.
"We arrived long after dark," Boromir said, his eyes still closed. "I didn't want to wake you."
"Has Faramir come with you?"
"And Eowyn, though she was bid not to," he reported sleepily. "She would not hear of staying behind, after all you said about sea-bathing - or riding in the carriage, either."
Rhoswen propped herself on an elbow. "All this way on horseback, and her seven months gone?"
Boromir smiled at his wife's surprise, his eyes still closed, doubtless imagining her expression. "She said something about Morwen and her grandmothers of old. I wasn't about to argue with her and neither was my brother." He sniffed and opened his eyes to look up at her. "Do weary travelers not get good morning kisses in this part of the world?"
Rhoswen looked at him like she was considering saying no, but there was little use arguing with that face. There is a little white coming into his hair, she realized, brushing a few tawny strands away from his face as she leaned over to kiss him, her body, through long habit, following his own as he turned over until she was atop him. He closed his eyes again and made a noise of quiet pleasure before looking back up at her. "Anything else on offer?"
She gave him a tender buffet for that. "Not until you've washed," she threatened. "You smell of the road."
He groaned, his lack of words indicating he knew she was right. Rhoswen moved off his body and pulled her robe down from the hook near the bed. She had letters to finish before the children were up and breakfast was on the table, and if Boromir were sleeping -
But Boromir followed her out of bed and caught her near the window, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head against her ear. She rested for a moment against the warm solidness of him. "Perhaps if Eowyn can mind the children, we can go bathing together," he suggested quietly. "That little cove, with the pools."
Rhoswen felt a heat between her legs, the familiar tide of desire that she'd been unable to answer these last days. "Will that offend the Lord Steward's sense of propriety?" she asked. "What would the council say, if they heard such a thing?"
"I left the Lord Steward in Minas Tirith," Boromir announced quietly, kissing the shell of her ear and tightening his arms around her waist. "Here I'm only Rhoswen's husband."
"Well." She said no more and continued to watch the sunrise, enjoying the moment and the view and the person in it, entirely at peace. Perhaps that's also why I sleep better here, Rhoswen thought with a smile. Because here I am only myself.
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rejaytionships · 8 months
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year-old sketch of my wynncraft s/i rhoswen (they/them)
they were born in lusuco but as a young kid ended up being taken under the wing of the seaskipper. they spent their adolescence assisting those in the province of wynn, and having downtime in selchar (where they ended up setting a home base in) doing deep-sea diving expeditions to keep themself in a financially stable place
one mission gone wrong during a particularly grueling encounter overseas in gavel, however, made rhoswen come back just a little......different, and the seaskipper knew this almost immediately especially given rhoswen's whole demeanor changed and they were suddenly more isolated and secretive
(something something metaphor for how trauma can lead to a lot of deep-seeded rage/anger and how the thing to pull oneself out of that sort of spiral was a loved one reaching out and comforting them. something like that but with rhoswen and their parental figure the seaskipper)
on a lighter note i like to believe eventually they have a side-hustle for trading elemental powders
also rhoswen's current full name is rhoswen corcoran-halloran. corcoran was their legal surname and halloran was tacked on the end when the seaskipper took them in bc that's his surname
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laimar · 2 years
2 5 24 25
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
i prefer some over others but definitely dont have a singular favorite, asking me to pick a favorite anything is like asking a snake to grow legs LOL
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
ouhjg.... maybe beth? shes changed a lot since i first made her n shes really cool now. i think people would like her. shes a very eccentric lady
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
beth, morgan, rhoswen, or ondrej maybe, each for different reasons. morgan is super nice and also rlly ripped and itd be cool to get her autograph hehe. rhoswen is just a sweetheart and i think shed make me food or something. ondrej is just an unauthorized fucking thing
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
i usually put a little of myself in ocs or at least i really used to. none of them really resemble me, but they each have a small piece of me in one way or another. i think the one closest to my height though is yoshi or ondrej ??
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sicardxiv · 10 months
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Definitely Pirates...
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eemamminy-art · 1 year
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Happy pride, warriors of light! 🌈✨
(Particularly the miners, paladins, bards, culinarians, and summoners of the realm!)
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big-cheesy-productions · 10 months
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POV: you finally created your baldur's gate character and she's a tiefling monk who's just a little fucked up, as a treat.
Everyone say hi to Rhoswen! You're gonna be seeing a lot of her in the coming months.
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winniethewife · 7 months
Jewels Made of stardust 4.5
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(Poe Dameron x OC! Rhoswen Jewelace.)
Warnings: smut under the cut, nsfw, 18+
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Minors DNI
Words: 654
“Come on how bad can it be?”
It didn’t take long to find out the answer to that, soon they were back in Poe’s quarters, He’s holding her up to the wall kissing her harshly and she’s kissing back, their tongues battling it out for dominance as he holds her up against the wall, her thigh held up with his hand tightly grasped around her, pushing her further and further up the wall, before readjusting to lift both her legs around him, a soft moan drawn from her lips as he does this. Her hands going to his shirt quickly undoing the buttons as she felt his bare chest underneath. They parted the kiss for a moment to catch their breath.
“You sure about this Red?”
“Shut up Dameron.” She chuckles as she finishes unbuttoning his shirt and pushes it off his shoulders as it falls to the ground Poe finds his lips on her neck, Kissing, licking and nipping at the sensitive skin. Soft sounds of appreciation leave her as he does this, her nails digging into his back. Leaving several purple and red marks in his wake Poe takes her over to his bed as she pulls of her top and tosses it to the side. He sets her on the edge of the bed and works her leggings and panties off of her tossing them aside as he pushes her thighs aside to reach his goal, her wet glistening folds between them. He’s nearly drooling as he gazes upon her, He looks up at her asking silently. The look in his eyes causing her to blush as she nods. He dives in like a man starved, his tongue running up her slit before circling her clit, her hips rolling into his mouth as her fingers get entangled in his dark curls
“Kriff Poe…Oh by the force…” She groans out as he starts to thrust his fingers into her, his mouth focusing on her clit as he helps her to the edge his free hand going for his pants pulling them down and grabbing his length, bucking his hips into his hand as he eats her out. This was everything he’d dreamed of, everything he wanted, one taste and he was hooked, he wasn’t going to be able to look back from tonight. He felt her walls tightening around his fingers as she tossed her head back in the throes of pleasure, lapping up her release in his mouth greedily.
“Shit Red, you taste amazing, I bet you feel amazing baby.” Poe groans as he starts to climb onto her his pants falling to his ankles, his dark chocolate eyes meeting her emerald green ones as they both climb more into the bed.
“Do you wanna just talk about it or find out?” She teased as she found her head at his pillow
“Oh, I’m gonna find out all right.” He grins as he pushes her legs up by her head, before gently sliding into her, both of them crying out in pleasure as he does this. They take a second to adjust before Rhoswen nods and he begins to move. Normally his focus would be on how he looks going in and out of a woman, his entire focus on his pleasure and his alone but he can’t stop looking at her face as her parted lips release sounds that are like the most beautiful music to his ears. He keeps leaning in to kiss her, anywhere he can reach.  She was overwhelmed by the attention she was getting, every movement every kiss was filled with immeasurable amounts of care, as soft as a Tooka with freshly brushed fur. This was not at all what she imagined this night would be like, not that she was imagining this night very much recently.
“Mmgh Rho, I’m gonna…” He pants
“Me too, Poe me too.” She groans. Their lips meet swallowing each other’s moans as the ride out their highs.
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Tag: @femmeanonymelives
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keykidpilipili · 21 days
Still funny as heck that the people the wol tries to recruit in the braves canonically feature two of the most influential pirate CAPTAINS of Limsa, a guildmaster, a guy who just got out of prison you don't even remember putting him in.
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sheepwithspecs · 1 year
Please know that if I could draw I’d do the Barbie and ken with rhoswen and carvallain 2x over bc depending on the crime they’d be both
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