#rev x wraith
Just a little Revenant x Reader cuz yes
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This is my first time writing so sorry if there is any mistakes it anything enjoy
Summary: you decide to relax while the other legends talk amongst themselves and Revenant try’s his best to show he cares
Words 1.1k+
SFW/ Gender Neutral/ Fluff Rev/ Established Relationship
It was a normal day on the drop ship and Lifeline, Bangalore, Gibraltar, Octane, Mirage and Wattson where sitting and playing a card game, Newcastle and Wraith were watching listening to Mirage brag about how good he was. Of course Octane had to one up him at this point they where the only ones playing. You where laying down in the same room tired from the last match but the sound of Elliott and Octavio stopped you from sleeping. Though the Nessie Wattson gave you helped and Ajay’s light drumming on D.O.C. was also calming but it couldn’t distract from the eyes on you. Revenant, just in the corner watching not threatening just observing. You were always interested in the simulacrum and you knew he was somewhat nice to you well as nice as he could be, he tried his best.
“Ya sure you don’t want to join us?” Ajay stopped tapping D.O.C. to ask. “I bet you could get Mirage you shut up.” Wraith added with a smirk earning a look from Eliott. “They look tired let’s leave them alone.” Natalie said making everyone go back to what they were doing. A loud laugh came from Octane as he won the match. “Sorry amigo looks like I win again!” Elliot wasn’t even paying attention to him. “Well maybe if that murder bot wasn’t standing so menacingly I would have played better.” Renee rolled her eyes. “Come on brudda no need to watch join us.” They all looked over to Revenant he just let out a grunt and left. “Typical.” Anita and Renee said in unison turning back to the game, you wondered where he was going looking over the couch you were on. He went into his room unable to see him you lay back down, closing your eyes finally falling asleep.
Waking up noticing your alone at least you thought but you have a blanket it was soft. One of Revenant’s you smile looking around for anyone. “Finally, you where out for a while.” A familiar robot voice filled the room looking over there he was. Starting to walk over to you he just looked at you so you spoke. “Were you just watching me? Oh and thanks for the blanket you could have just carried me to bed.” You giggled while getting up, he let out a grunt as a response. “You can walk yourself can’t you?” Collecting all your things you head back to your room with Revenant. He usually stands in the doorway just watching you sleep making sure your safe, but today he got into bed with you. As you got comfortable laying against him just listening to his robotic parts work. It was times like this that he wished he was human but he would never admit it. “I brought you some water so you don’t have to get up.” Looking over at the table there was indeed water, small thing like this is what made you happy. Sure he wasn’t great at showing love but he did it in his own way. You give him a small thanks before taking a sip of the water. Putting it back down on the table. You wanted to see if this time he would actually sleep or if he would just watch you like always.
He has a rest mode but he never used it he didn’t like to sleep, he didn’t need to so why use it? He didn’t trust anyone enough to use it in the first place. You knew he would use it in due time, when he was ready. “Well I’m going to go to sleep feel free to move me if you want to leave.” You giggle knowing he will stay there all night. As you rest your head on his chest you hear the parts start to slow down, getting more calm the faint glow from his eyes light the room. You tiredly say you love him and you start to doze off. Smiling when he says it back, playing with your hair just a little, things he would only do in private. You wake up to the sound of Octane and Mirage again knowing you won’t be able to fall back asleep you get up. But not before noticing Revenant, asleep well in resting mode it brought a smile to your face, he is comfortable enough to do this. You lay back down and cuddle him whispering sweet nothings to him. Holding his hand and rubbing it, he often picked at the paint on his hands hating Hammond Robotics for making him this killing machine. Of course you understand this hatred he had, but remind him to be nice to himself.
His LED eyes start to light back up, gears inside him start up again. “Morning, did you rest well?” You ask as he starts back up. “I guess it’s not like it does me any use.” He sits up and watches you get ready. “Well I’m just happy your comfortable with me to do that I know it’s hard for you.” It was, he’s trying for you but it’s still hard for him to show it. “Small steps at a time.” You add all he said was a soft yeah. As you where about to leave the room he stopped you. “Thank you, for making me feel human.” He hugged you it was unusual for him to do this but you let him. “I try my best, honestly forget your not sometimes.” With a soft giggle you let go of him and smile. If he could he would be too, you place a soft kiss where his lips would be and leave.
You were greeted by Bangalore and Gibraltar they were talking about the schedule. “Bonjour, did you sleep well I hope we didn’t wake you?” Natalie asked while she watched Ajay work on D.O.C. “Not at all Wattson, so what’s the plan for today?” Looking over at Anita. She took a sip of coffee as she explained everything. She soon left to grab some more coffee and Ajay’s light tapping with her shock sticks could be heard as you felt eyes on you. Revenant walked over to you sitting next to you, he put his arm around you. But quickly moved it as Bangalore walked back in. He didn’t pull away when you grabbed his hand rubbing where the Hammond Robotics logo was. Small steps you say to your self. After a few minutes of sitting with each other the announcement for the next match could be heard. Letting go of his hand getting ready he stops you, and puts a light kiss on your hand before going to his spot. The progress might be slow he might not even get past this stage but you didn’t mind. You would always love him no matter what and you knew he felt the same. Smiling while looking at him you start to drop. He looked at you as you both got ready to jump sharing a look before everyone jumped. Sure you loved him but this is a blood sport and you didn't come to lose. Giving him one last look knowing it will be over soon and you can go back to holding him. And with that let the games begin.
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cryptidjuices · 3 years
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something a little more romantic for valentines day
post apex games revwraith for the soul, enjoy, plus a subtle peak at my tiktok
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ramyass · 3 years
What are some of your favorite ships? :0 would love to know. What attracted you to apex?
bangalore attracted me to apex first!! i saw a picture of her before the game was released and i wanted to know more about the game. i watched the trailer and started to play the game when it got released 💎
and my favorite ships are miragehound, loba x wraith x bangalore, revfinder ( though canon rev sucks ass sometimes sorry bby rev, ) lifetane, cryptson and fustic. gibraltar and his boyfriend, nik? i also like rampart with lifeline. and and stuff i'm pretty much a multishipper tbh !!
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holoster · 4 years
”People are talking about us” Rev and reader pls?
Sure thing ✨
I never wrote a x Reader-Fiction so if I made any mistakes I am truly sorry and constructive criticism is welcome! I really enjoyed writing it though 🙌🏻
If you have a request for me to write: My inbox is still open and the prompts are reblogged💕
Anyhow I hope you enjoy what I wrote for you dear Anon ☺️
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„Why are you here?“
You can see Revenants eyes glooming in the distance as you enter the darkened apartment. Carefully you take one step at a time as your eyes adjust slowly to the darkness. The only thing guiding you is Revenants voice, the gloom of his eyes and the streak of light that falls through the apartment door you left open.
„I saw you was damaged during today’s game, I came to fix you up.“ You finally dare to speak up clenching the toolbox in your hand.
For a moment you have been inattentive and now you can’t see his eyes anymore.
You freeze in fear as a ghostly breeze roames through the room.
„Where are you?“
Suddenly the door falls shut violently after that the lights in the room turn on. Scared and blinded by the sudden change of light conditions you finally hear his voice.
„I am right here“
Revenant stands infront of you lifting your chin with one of his long fingers, for you to look at him.
„Foolish little skinbag, I told you if you come here shut the door....
People are talking about us...“
„I am sorry, I just want to help-“ You try to explain yourself but you are caught off by a displeased, arrogant sound the Revenant makes and you know it’s time for you to shut it.
Your eyes scan over his tall body and soon you found the spot Wraith pierced her Heirloom through the metal of Revenants armor. She must have hit some hydraulic lines, which explains why his right arm just hangs down motionless.
„Will you let me fix up your wound?“, you ask for permission and as Revenant agrees, you both sit down on the floor.
You remove the armoring and carefully start to fix up the broken wiring. For a while, Revenant just stares into thin air before his glooming eyes cross your gaze.
„I really wonder why I am still so eager to be close to skinbags like you... Don’t you think it could be considered as weakness?“
As Revenant says this, you drop your tool to lean up against him. Your hand softly caresses his chest. You wonder if he can feel your warmth or your touch.
„I don’t think so, everyone longs for something“, you try to explain.
Revenant says nothing and looks to the mirrored wall right next to you.
„Shall I show you what I long for, little human?“
You look up to his eyes, which are still fixed on the mirror.
„Yes... please?“
Revenant finally looks at you, right into your eyes, as if he was searching for your soul. Then you feel a piercing pain that takes your breath away. You can not even scream. Tasting copper in your mouth, you feel blood swashing over your opened lips.
„Death is what I long for“, is the last thing you hear.
Revenant holds you close, caressing through your hair while your sight gets darker and your pain finally turns numb.
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soulheartthewolf · 4 years
Valentine's day isn't just for couples its for friends too so that's what im gonna do!! And I'm posting a day early cause why fuckin not yall need to know your appreciated as soon as possible
Warning: long post theres alot of love that needs to be shared
@choo-choozled @biffikatti @mozambique-and-a-dream - Yall are my best friends I love you all and everytime we play apex together are the best moments of my week
@artzyfreaksoid - Crypto buddy you make such amazing art and your so fun to play with and talk to
@blueneotix - I luv you blue (even though you bully me) you make such amazing art
@justgot-bamboozled - luv you madi 💖
@geniviv - AMAZING ARTIST constantly provides me with Caustic x Crypto juice and does flightrising commisions for me all the time I love ya nate
@virtualcookieart - Fellow Mirbraltar shipper someday we will get more content for this ship
@mirage-thot - I LOVE YOU LUCY 💜
@galahgriff @goth-bunny - Self shippers like me two of the most vaild people I know and its nice to talk get talk about each of our self ships plus your both great artist (Bloodhound lovessss youuuu both)
@smol-chip - we don't play together alot as we should you're really fun to play with!!
@ladydeadpool21 - Actually likes my self shipping bullshit like it makes me so happy when you reply to the self ship memes I make your amazing
@allfather-we-stan @apex-suplex - Caustic fans like me you guys are great and Honey you make great art
@shes-fast-like-me - Your a rat and I love you
@borneoftheblood - gives the best advice and is great to talk to your great dude!
@keare-linnua - Inky thank you for making such good art and being so supportive and kind towards everyone Luv u
@mirage-babey - uwu luv you
@free-refill - Queen of Caustane and such an amazing artist
@slatrako - Introduced me to the concept of Dad rev and daughter wraith and thats fucking great death dads ftw
Lastly all of you who follow me/who have interacted with me before both on apex and this blog I love and appreciate all of you I know Valentine's Day can be depressing to alot of people (me included) but just know I'm here for ya 💕
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seerofmike · 4 years
001 / Apex Legends ?
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Octane
Least favorite character: Tie between Rev and Caustic
5 favorite ships: Cryptane, Lobalore, Darksparks, Wattline, Miragehound
Character I find most attractive: Crypto
Character I would marry: Mirage but only so I could steal his money
Character I would be best friends with: Wraith because we would just sit quietly and comfortably and not fucking Talk
An unpopular opinion: World's Edge >>>>>>>>>> Kings Canyon
Canon OTP: N/A
Non-canon OTP: Cryptane
Most badass character: Wraith
Most epic villain: prowlers
Pairings I am not a fan of: Wattane , Lifetane, Cryptage, Crypttson, Bangalore/Wattson, anybody x Caustic, anybody x Revenant
Characters I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Bangalore
Favorite friendship: Mirage/Wraith/Pathfinder
Character I most identify with: Octane
Character I wish I could be: None of them LMAO
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deansmyapplepie · 5 years
Keep Talking
Pairing: implied Dean Winchester x reader
Tags: wounded!Dean, protective!reader, concerned!reader
Word Count: 1,735
(Gif not mine)
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No matter how much pressure you put on the open wound, the blood just kept coming.
"Sam," you said weakly from the back seat. The Impala's engine gave a small rev from as Sam pushed his foot down harder on the gas pedal.
"I'm going as fast as I can, Y/N," he snapped. In any other scenario, you would have given him hell for talking to you like that, but right now, Sam's tone of voice was the last thing you were worried about.
"Would you two quit freakin' out?" Dean asked. You looked down at him, his head heavy in your lap. "I'm fine!" Had it not been for the deep slice on the right side of his torso, you might have believed him. Sam glanced up at you in the rearview mirror, asking you with his eyes if that was true; if Dean really was fine. Biting your lip, you gave him the most subtle shake of your head you could manage. No matter what you tried, you hadn't been able to get the bleeding to stop. If Dean didn't get stitches soon... Sam swore from the front seat as street signs whizzed by outside the windows.
Everything felt wrong. It was a beautiful day - the perfect type of weather for having the windows down - and here you were, trying to make sure Dean Winchester didn't die in your arms. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead as you rotated your flannel shirt, now soaked in red, to press a less saturated part against the wound. Dean's blood seeped between your fingertips as you pressed down. You bit down on your lip again, harder this time, as it started to wobble. This was your fault. You had lost focus for one second, and the ghoul had lunged at you. You hadn't seen it coming, but Dean had. You didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late. He had shoved you out of the way, but he hadn't been fast enough to deflect himself from the sonofabitch. Everything you knew about hunting had gone out the window. Your mind had gone blank. All you could focus on was the fact that Dean had just taken the fall for you. Sam was the one who had to finish it off.
You didn't realize how badly Dean was shaking until he laid his hand over yours.
"You are absolutely not fine," you said to him, your voice breaking. "You're shaking like a damn leaf and..." You trailed off when you saw the fresh blood quickly soaking your shirt again. Shaking your head vigorously, you looked up to the rearview mirror again. "Sam, it's not slowing down at all."
"Just keep pressure on it!"
"What do you think I'm doing back here?" Looking back down at Dean, your heart almost stopped. He was uncharacteristically pale, and his eyes were closed. You shook him hard, heart leaping into your throat. "Dean!" When he didn't respond, you gave him another shake. "Damn it, Dean, come on!" Your hand came down hard on his cheek, and the sharp sound of skin against skin resounded throughout the small space. Dean's eyes flew open, looking startled, and you gripped him tightly. "Don't do that," you scolded as relief flooded through you. But still, you weren't out of the woods just yet.
"I was just resting my eyes," Dean defended. You pushed down on the wound a little harder, earning a hiss of pain from him.
"Well, don't! We're almost back to the bunker, okay? I just need you to hold on a little bit longer." His eyes fluttered again, and you could see him straining to keep them open. This wasn't good. Okay, Y/N, think. "Hey, do you remember the time you thought I had a concussion?" He blinked hard.
"From the wraith or the poltergeist?"
"Poltergeist," you answered. Dean chuckled.
"I'm surprised you remember that. Hit your head pretty damn hard. Sam and I heard that loud-ass thunk from all the way on the other side of that house. We had to give you stitches for that, didn't we?"
"Yeah, but only a few." He snorted.
"Less than I'm gonna need, anyway." Your heart sank into your stomach. He was right. By the time the three of you got back to the bunker, it was still going to take some time to get the stitches finished. There was no telling how much more blood he was going to lose by then - or how much more he could afford to lose.
"You and Sam saved my ass that day," you added, trying to keep both his and your mind off of the deep slice in his torso. Dean gave your hand a small squeeze, which was incredibly reassuring.
"We've gotta look out for each other, Princess." Swallowing past the lump in your throat, you gave him a watery smile in return.
"Can you tell me that story?" you asked. "I think I remember less than I thought." Dean looked surprised but then nodded. You already knew this story, and you knew he did too, but anything that could keep him talking was good. When Sam caught your eye in the rearview mirror with a confused frown, you bobbed your head back at him, hoping your meaning was communicated - trust me. The older Winchester let out a sigh through closed lips.
"Uh... well, that one was in Pennsylvania," he began, his eyes already looking more alert as he worked to recall the information. You readjusted your shirt against the wound, almost entirely unnoticed by him. "And I could tell within five minutes of talking to the sheriff it was gonna be a rough one."
"You were right," you put in.
"Yeah, no shit," Dean snorted. "That poltergeist was one nasty sonofabitch. Probably the worst we've ever seen. I mean, they can usually throw things, physically manifest to attack, you know, the usual."
"But this was like next-level stuff," Dean continued. "That damn thing shook the house like it was a friggin' earthquake."
"Y/N." Upon hearing your name, you looked up, realizing that Sam was pulling into the bunker's garage. You rubbed Dean's shoulder in what you were hoping was a comforting gesture.
"All right, Winchester, we're back. Sam and I are gonna help you, but I need you to be ready to move, all right? We've gotta get you to the infirmary pronto," you explained. Giving you a wry smile, Dean snorted.
"'The infirmary?' What, are we in Harry Potter or something?" All traces of his teasing expression quickly faded away when he tried to sit up. About halfway through the motion, he froze as what little color he had left drained from his face. "Fuck!" he swore, biting back a groan.
"I've got you," you reassured as you supported him with a hand under his back. "You're doing great, Dean, you're already halfway up." Instinctively, he clasped your other hand in a death grip to work himself through the pain. "Come on, on three, all right? I've got you." When he was ready, he nodded, breaths coming quicker as he steeled himself. "One, two, three!" This time, there was no holding back the pained sound he made, and your heart broke for him. Dean rested his forehead against you as he panted heavily, trying to catch his breath. At least he was upright, and not a moment too soon. Sam had barely put the car in park when he got out of the driver's seat, opening the door closest to Dean and holding out his hand.
"All right, come on, buddy," he coaxed, trying to keep the urgency in his voice to a minimum. "We've gotta get you in there so Y/N and I can get you patched up."
With Sam's help, you got Dean down to the infirmary, hooked up to an IV, and ready for stitches in record time. You were aware that it would still take a few hours for the transfusion to take effect, but just knowing that Dean was going to get back the blood he lost was a weight off your mind.
"So," you said as you threaded the sanitized needle for his stitches.
"So?" he echoed.
"You never finished telling me that story." Dean nodded and heaved a sigh.
"Ah, that's right. Where was I?"
"House shaking like a damn earthquake," you reminded him. 
"Oh yeah, so, Sam and I were running all around that damn place looking for the poltergeist - and you. Anyway..." Dean wasted no time launching back into the story. In fact, he got so into it that when you pushed the needle under the skin of his toned torso, he barely even flinched. Although, that could have been attributed to the fact that he had done this many, many times before. 
Your timing really couldn't have been better. As he neared the end of the story, you had just finished closing up his wound. "And after we killed it, I went running over to you, because you know, you were still out cold. Sam and I couldn't wake you up at first, and the back of your head was bleeding." Dean looked at you, sincerely. "You scared the hell out of us that day, you know. But after we got you all stitched, you woke up." He chuckled to himself as he relived the memory. "I was so damn scared you had a concussion, I thought you were gonna go comatose if I let you fall asleep. So, I..." Realization dawned on his face, and he looked over at you in disbelief. "I made you retell stories about our old hunts all night, so you would stay awake." You smiled softly at Dean in response, before gently patting him on the uninjured portion of his torso.
"You're all good to go," you informed him. He grasped your hand, squeezing it.
"Would you mind staying here? Just for a bit." Reciprocating the small squeeze, you leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.
"Dean, I'm staying here all night to make sure you're gonna be okay." He looked relieved but quickly cleared his throat to try and hide it.
"Well, I'm sure I will be, thanks to you and Sam." As you settled in for a long night, Dean interrupted your wandering thoughts. "Thanks, Y/N. Seriously." You smiled again.
"Don't mention it, Winchester."
Thank you for reading! I know my posting has been more sporadic than it usually is, so I appreciate you guys bearing with me while I work through school :)
As always, tags to my masterlist, taglist, and inbox are in my bio.
Requests are open!
@cole-winchester​ @alexwinchester23​ @1-am-made-of-stardust​ @thorukindig​ @fiftyshadesoffandom6783​ @hobby27​ @indigyptian @youshrimpdickfucknugget​
If there is a strikethrough on your username, it means I wasn’t able to tag you. If you don’t know how to fix it, shoot me a message and I’ll try to help :)
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A new legend aboard Revenant x Reader
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My last one did well so here is more Rev ya simps I’m looking forward to making more of these I am new to this
Summary: your the newest legend to join the games and you take interest in a certain someone
Words 1k+
Sfw/ Typical Rev/ Ansty/ Fluffy End
Yep it was true you are the newest legend to join that game. To say your excited was an understatement, you couldn’t believe you were in the Apex Games. “You must be the new legend? I’m Lifeline but you can call me Ajay.” A kind voice with a accent could be heard you turn to see a girl with space buns and what seemed to be a robot companion. “Yep that would be me.” You greeted back taking note she was a medic. “Well let me introduce you to everyone I’m sure they would love to meet you.” She started walking to the main hangout there you saw many different people, you would be lying if you said it didn’t make you nervous. Suddenly a man with goggles approach you. “Your new right I’m Elliot but you can call me anytime.” He shot up finger guns and winked looking a bit awkward himself. “Mirage! Sorry about him I’m wraith.” She walked off pulling the man known as Mirage with her, after getting to know some more people and just hanging out. You noticed one you haven’t met yet pointing to him you ask.
“What about him I don’t think we have met?” Ajay turns to see who you are pointing at but she just sees him roll his eyes and walk away. “That’s our friend Revenant.” Path said with his iconic smile.“Don’t worry about him he’s well cold not worth trying to know him.” Bangalore said basically ignoring pathfinder. You turn back to watch he leave “challenge accepted.” You whispered to yourself, after learning how to play in the games you had some down time. This was perfect time to see what was up with that robot. Seeing him you walk over with your hand out. “Hi I don’t think we have met.” You put your hand down and look at him as if you did something wrong. “Leave me alone skin suit.” Is all he had to say but you were not going to give up. The simulacrum known as Revenant was really interesting to you, of course there are other robots here but Revenant was different. To be honest you might have a little crush on him he did watch you a lot. “Come on don’t be like that I want to get to know you we will eventually have a match together.” He just looked at you. “Why do you care.” It wasn’t even a question more of a statement. “I just want to get to know you I think your cool.” Cool? Him? Well that was something he had never heard before.
He was about to say something but Bangalore was telling everyone to go to bed. As you entered your room you thought it could use some decorating, something you could do later. getting into bed you lay there not able to sleep but a yellow light catch’s your attention, a little nervous you turn on the lamp. It was Revenant in the door way he invited himself in. “Well ask away I have nothing better to do.” Confused you ask. “What are you talking about?” A sigh left him. “You want to get to know me right? So ask.” He stood beside your bed. “Oh right well I don’t know I just think your cool I think robots are really fascinating.” He looks down at you with a huh. “There are two other bots here skin suit why me.” Cuz you liked him. You pushed these thoughts away you just met him. You had to make something up on the spot. “Well you just seem different.” He saw right through that lie you knew it. “Huh is that so?” He totally saw you blushing there was no hiding it.
He moved closer to you looking right in your eyes. “I know there is more to it no need to lie it just wastes my time.” Getting nervous you had to admit he did look really intimidating. “I guess I like you. There are you happy now.” He backed up and left the room. Not even looking back at you it was weird. There was no need to over think it right now you went to sleep thinking he would talk to you about it tomorrow. As morning came he didn’t say a word to you, but he did watch you. You would look back but nothing he was just standing and watching. This went on for a while and you were mad. He basically mad you confess just to watch from a distance and ignore you. You had enough. “What is your problem?” You were trying to keep your cool but it was hard. “What are you taking about.” Of course he’s going to act like nothing happened. “Why did you make me confess just to ignore me like this?” At this point you were holding in tears you didn’t want him to see you like this. But god it hurt.
He just looked at you like he always did and pulled you aside. Sure you had only been here for a few months but he was playing with your feelings, and you were sick of it. “Listen I’m not good with this kind of stuff.” He seemed calm almost like he wanted to make you ever more mad. “No you listen you’ve been playing with me feelings from day one do you like me back or not? I can’t keep doing this back and forth.” Your tears are gone and anger fills you as you ask, hoping he gives the answer you want. “Ugh yes skin suit how oblivious are you?” What he liked you this whole time? No he has to be lying there’s no way. “Yea I guess I am cuz standing and staring isn’t really a way for letting me know.” You still had anger in you but you felt happy he somewhat felt that same. “We can be together if you want but not in front of the others but they will know you’re mine.” Letting out a laugh you agree to this, it was hard at first. He didn’t hug you or anything in front of the other legends but alone he was so kind and caring, well as much as a murder bot could be.
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