#republicans are full blown Nazis
rejectingrepublicans · 3 months
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RepubliKKKans have gone full Nazi and need to be removed from office in every state.
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Trump and his sycophants have destroyed the Republican Party. They are no longer conservatives either fiscally or on foreign policy. They are a party of chaos beholden to the right-wing culture warrior oligarchs. They are the derogatory agents of those oligarchs and the corporations owned by them. They make decisions based on the whim of a deranged madman.
They have gone from being closet racists/bigots to being full blown Nazis that call for the extermination of their culture war scapegoats they call “vermin” (marginalized people/political rivals). They take this term directly from Hitler who they openly embrace in speech and writing. They no longer care about tax cuts for all but just for the 1% and corporations. They want endless wars to profit from and to distract and rally their deplorable base. They no longer want small, limited government but opt for a massive government that intrudes into its citizens private lives and tramples their freedoms.
The party of law and order is now a party of criminals, sex offenders, grifters, traitors, and murderous street thugs. They are proud of this and fund raise and merchandise from their lawlessness. They have bought control of what is now an illegitimate SCOTUS which never allows them to be held accountable.
They use the KKK, Neo-Nazi groups, armed right-wing militias, Neo-Confederates, and white supremacists to persecute their opponents and victims in the streets and inside the Capitol itself. They tell us to “get over it” when mindless gun violence decimates our families in every public venue from churches, to schools, to 4th of July celebrations, movie theaters, shopping malls, and even a Super Bowl parade.
The police, courts, and legislatures are infested with their white nationalist/supremacists and Christo-fascists. They openly take money from Russia and others to influence our foreign policy and economic policy. Money from Russia is funneled into the NRA and Congress to allow a massive proliferation of gun violence on our streets that destabilizes our society.
They claim to be the party of the military but they degrade and insult our troops and cast our veterans into the streets. They abandon our allies and our treaty obligations at the behest of foreign dictators that bribe them.
They bust our unions and pass laws to weaken or prevent organized labor. They are forcing society to become wage slaves with no security, insurance, or pensions. They force our workers into the “gig economy” where everyone works incredible hours 7 days a week at multiple jobs and still are left unable to afford rent or mortgages. Nearly the entire population is one or two paychecks away from being homeless.
Decades of trickle down economics has seen our tax dollars poured into the accounts of billionaires, millionaires, and corporations with not a penny trickling down to the working class. The middle class has been practically wiped out by cruel Republican legislation written by political think tanks established and funded by oligarchs. The only thing these pseudo-conservatives conserve is their own wealth.
This is late stage capitalism run amok. The economy has been drained and now the oligarchs and corporations are plundering the government. They have taken advantage of decades of right-wing propaganda proliferated by Fox News, conservatives talk radio, and internet podcasts that have brain washed the rural areas into blaming the Democrats that are trying help them while convincing them to vote for the Republicans who have impoverished them. The French Revolution in reverse.
They see the Orange Dictator as their last best chance to completely take over the government and create a kleptocracy that pulls the strings behind an autocracy that pretends to be a republic.
The chaos of the Republican puppets is to distract everyone from the takeover by the oligarchs, corporations, and deep pocketed foreign adversaries.
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amarriageoftrueminds · 2 months
thinking about how before catfa was released there was some scepticism about if Captain America would work for modern audiences.
a lot of people not really familiar with the comics thought his character was too old-fashioned and outdated and would not be relatable in the 21st century.
fast forward and after making several movies showing Steve does in fact belong in modern times they end his arc by sending him back to the 40s, proving those ppl right who thought he was too outdated for our times.
what was even the point of all his movies?? i know the answer it to make money.
but even from a business point of view it's mind boggling that Disney was so careless and put so little thought into how they ended the story of one of their most popular characters of the first 3 phases that now a good chunk of the audience believes Steve is some racist and sexist guy.
i'm sure they'll bring him back one day, either for some avengers multiverse nostalgia fest or when they reboot the MCU, and it won't have the same effect because Steve just isn't as beloved as he used to be. not that i care about the success of this soulless megacorp but i'm still baffled after all these years about how stupid his ending was.
The entire point of Steve is that he was a main out of time in his own time. He was ahead of his time. Which is why he does work, (and why he is needed!) in the future. Whenever that future may be.
I'll tell you what it is... the people in charge of Steve in the MCU are exactly as ignorant of the character as people who don't know anything about who Steve is in the comics. (I.E. the 'well he's wearing the stars and stripes so I assume he's some kind of jingoistic pro-imperialism figure and therefore I don't like him on sight' crowd, closely related to the 'well he's polite and neatly-dressed and not a dick for attention, so he must be a boring goody-two shoes boy scout type' crowd.) Wrong on every count!
Markus & McFeely think the way to 'do' Steve is to make sure we know he's straight, while love of Bucky, relationship with his other men, and his passion for fighting fascism, are all reduced to the status of footnotes in a story whose only question is 🙄 '...yeah yeah, fighting Nazis is fine or w/e but when is he gunna get a girlfriend??'
So they don't see anything amiss in an ending where Steve goes (back in time) to get a girlfriend. Because they think that was the only relatable or important thing about him. Making sure the handsome hero is just like them!
And why they also don't see anything amiss in him being a walk-on part in a Mary Sue/Captain Brexit story. Because it's just more of the 'Steve's only important trait is heterosexuality' narrative. 🤷‍♀️
(As far as they're concerned, stucky was an embarrassing and completely unintended side effect, something they want stifled by any means necessary, and when it comes to Steve being as full blown antifa as he is in the comics- oh, well, we musn't alienate the Republican shareholders/CEOs/customers. Walt Disney himself would be completely on board.)
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saltypiss · 5 months
I know it's not a majority, but the fact that lgbt people are coming out of the woodworks to make the Genocide entirely about them is some horrifyingly hypocritical and inhumane shit.
Your safety comes at the cost of human lives when it didn't before. Now. Here you stand, For Genocide. To protect yourself, you stand not for a genocide against oppressors, but the oppressed. Like the project 2025 plan somehow makes being Pro-Genocide okay. Like being as bad as republicans, is okay.
Not an ounce of integrity or shame. Full blown nazi supporter shit. "Didn't come for me-" blah blah blah.
Do better be better. Fucks sake.
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
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Trump is going full blown fascist while Capitol Hill Republicans pretend not to hear him and large segments of the media normalize his unhinged rantings.
It’s Official: With “Vermin,” Trump Is Now Using Straight-up Nazi Talk
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arpov-blog-blog · 7 months
..."Thirty years ago," Damon Linker told The Guardian, "if I told you that a bunch of billionaires and intellectuals on the right are waiting in the wings to impose a dictatorship on the United States, you would have said that I was insane."
Now, however, the senior lecturer at Penn State's Department of Political Science and author of the Notes From the Middleground Substack newsletter has reconsidered.
"But it's no longer insane," Linker writes. "It's now real. There are those people out there." And, Linker notes, "The question is: will they get their chance."
The simple reality is that they already have had their chance in multiple red states, and when we watch what they're doing with it we see that step by step, day by day, Republicans are inching towards full-blown fascism. Now they're calling to end democracy and replace our president with a "Red Caesar."
They no longer believe in elections, because the American people are rejecting their vision of more tax cuts for billionaires, hating on racial and gender minorities, and more fossil-fuel pollution to destroy our planet.
So instead of trying to get elected by presenting honest differences in policy from Democrats, Republicans have resorted to massive gerrymandering, purging voting rolls of millions of Americans who live in blue cities within red states and dark-money TV carpet-bombing campaigns often filled with lies and half-truths.
But that's just the beginning.
Wisconsin voters elected a Democratic justice to the state Supreme Court, Janet Protasiewicz, and Republicans are trying to impeach her before she's heard a single case because they believe (probably correctly) that she will vote to declare their gerrymandered legislative map — which overwhelmingly favors Republicans, out of proportion to their strength in the state — unconstitutional.
North Carolina is so gerrymandered that the majority of the state's residents vote for Democrats (which is why the governor is a Democrat) but, as in Wisconsin, Republicans hold a solid majority in the state House, the state Senate and the congressional delegation. So I guess it shouldn't surprise us that a committee co-chaired by Republican state Senate President Phil Berger and Republican state House Speaker Tim Moore just gave itself Gestapo-like powers.
The Republican-controlled Joint Legislative Committee on Government Operations — or, as Judd Legum notes at Popular.info, Gov Ops for short — now has the power to break into the home or office of anybody in the state who has worked for or with state government and go through their files and even personal phones and computers.
Meanwhile, down in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis has created two new armed organizations answerable to himself: a new "state guard" militia and a police agency that is supposed to provide for "election integrity" (GOP code for preventing Black people in blue cities from voting).
As former Republican Gov. Charlie Crist (now a Democrat) said of DeSantis' new armed officers: "No governor should have his own handpicked secret police."
Across the country, Republicans are threatening and intimidating teachers and librarians into stripping from their collections any books that positively portray Black or queer people.
Armed fascist militias supportive of those efforts show up at school board and other meetings with assault rifles strapped across their backs to heckle and threaten elected officials.
Dozens of white supremacist militia groups nationwide — modern versions of the old Ku Klux Klan — openly embrace Republican politicians while parading with Nazi and Confederate flags.
Donald Trump, the American fascist movement's current standard-bearer, has said that if he again gains the White House he will immediately lock up and then prosecute high-profile Democrats and the judges and prosecutors who have tried to hold him to account for his decades of criminal activity.
When last in office he tried to stop and then to overturn an election; should he get elected again it will almost certainly be the last free and fair election in the nation.
Trump uses racial slurs — calling the Black prosecutors who have gone after him "Riggers" and "racists" — to crank his white supremacist base into stochastic terror violence.
He has also said that — like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán — he will investigate for "treason" and then presumably shut down network television news outlets that don't echo his talking points and unquestioningly broadcast his lies.
Not a single Republican of national stature has stood up to condemn any of this rhetoric. The entire party is terrified of this 77-year-old who recently told an audience that he'd beaten Barack Obama in the 2016 election and he was worried that Democrats might "start World War II."
Our corporate media, of course, buried those stories while obsessing on concerns that President Biden is too old for his job. It's almost as if the network executives are already looking forward to another tax cut when Trump gets back in."
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jewish-privilege · 3 years
I was a 12 years old when I was attacked by a mob of children and called "Christ killer" — the same age Jesus was, according to the Gospel of Luke, when he lingered in the Temple of Jerusalem and impressed the elders with his intellect — so this issue is undeniably personal. That wasn't the first or last time I was bullied for being Jewish, but it was the only time I nearly died because of it: Those kids held my head underwater, chanting, "Drown the Jew!"
This incident sprang back to mind  this month as Republicans tried to figure out what to do about Greene, a particularly obnoxious Christian right-winger who has suggested that a "space laser" affiliated with Jewish banking families caused the 2018 Camp Fire in California, expressed sympathy for the anti-Semitic QAnon fantasies, promoted a video that claimed Jews are trying to destroy Europe, posed for a picture with a Ku Klux Klan leader and liked a tweet linking Israel to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
None of this is surprising for anyone who is familiar with the history of American anti-Semitism. Greene is not an aberration, some inexplicable pimple of hatred that blemishes the American right's otherwise Jew-friendly visage. The American right has long had an anti-Semitism problem, and she's just the latest symptom.
This history of hatred "tells us much more about the anti-Semite than it tells us about Jews," Dr. Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis University, told Salon. After citing an Israeli historian who refers to anti-Semitism as a "cultural code," Sarna explained that beliefs that vilify Jews as malevolent plotters who secretly control the world have a long history in American political life. "These ideas, which I think many on the left frankly had thought were done and over with, we suddenly see them full blown," he said
Before the 19th century, Sarna explained Jews were stereotypically depicted as being cursed: They were "wandering Jews" for their supposed role in killing Jesus Christ. In the modern era, however, the stereotype emerged that Jews secretly controlled the world and were responsible for everything that a given anti-Semite might regard as sinister. During the Civil War, Gen. Ulysses S. Grant blamed the Jews for cotton smuggling and expelled the entire Jewish community from areas he controlled in Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. When the populist movement arose to address agrarian economic concerns in the 1890s, Jewish bankers like the Rothschilds were a frequent target among ideological leaders like William Hope "Coin" Harvey.
There's a direct line between those conspiratorial fantasies ideas from previous decades and the anti-Semitic attacks of the 21st century. "Conspiratorial thinking, by its nature, argues that everything is connected," Sarna explained. "There are no coincidences and it eschews complexity. It believes there are simple explanations based on sinister individuals who are manipulating the universe. Unsurprisingly, in a Christian setting, those are Jews."
Those ideas can evolve — Sarna pointed out that the QAnon belief in a giant child abuse ring run by Jews is analogous to the "blood libel," the medieval myth that Jews used the blood of Christian children for rituals — but the underlying assumptions have been consistent. It just so happens that, in the modern right-wing incarnation, Donald Trump's cult-like following believes that "all the enemies of Mr. Trump are now child molesters."
[Jewish comedian Larry Charles] brought up community organizer and political theorist Saul Alinsky, a favorite target of the right. "He is almost like the devil in a way," Charles observed. "He's like this radical leftist Jew, he fits all the categories. He checks all the boxes."
"Shooting some of these movies, we would see reasonable people who have this blind spot," Charles said. "They have this crazy belief, and there were all different applications and manifestations of it, that the Jews control everything. That is like a mantra amongst a certain segment of the population."
With the election of Trump in 2016, those ingrained belief systems — which for many years had been kept outside the American political mainstream — became more prominent, and their adherents more emboldened. David Weissman, a military veteran and former conservative Republican who stopped being a self-described "Trump troll" after a 2018 conversation with comedian Sarah Silverman, told Salon about his encounters with anti-Semitism on the right.
Back when he still supported Trump, Weissman recalled, he got into a "little spat" with an alt-right commentator who calls himself Baked Alaska, who was recently arrested after the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. Ultimately they moved past it, Weissman said: "We both realized we were Trump supporters" who believed "Democrats were the bad guys." Once he left MAGA world, however, Weissman said "the anti-Semitism definitely escalated" in interactions with his former allies.
"When I became a Democrat, I was called 'the k-word'" and targeted by "anti-Semitic slurs and tropes," Weissman said. Trump supporters sent "memes of me being Jewish in the oven," and "put my name in parentheses," a common tactic used by the far right to target someone for being Jewish.
"Anti-Semitism certainly did not start with Marjorie Taylor Greene, nor did it start with Donald Trump, but we have seen an exponential increase in violent anti-Semitic incidents during Donald Trump's presidency," Halie Soifer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, told Salon. "That is no doubt related to the fact that he emboldened and aligned himself with white nationalism." She mentioned Trump equating the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville with the peaceful protesters by "commenting that there were very fine people on both sides," refusing to denounce white nationalism and telling the right-wing Proud Boys during one of the campaign debates to "stand back and stand by."
"White nationalism had existed in our country prior to that, and anti-Semitism as an element of it, but white nationalists had never had an ally in the White House until Donald Trump," Soifer said.
Donald Trump's supposed pro-Israel policies were closely aligned with those of Benjamin Netanyahu, and did nothing to correct for Trump's history of anti-Semitic words and actions. He accused Jewish Democrats of "great disloyalty" toward Israel (feeding into the stereotype that Jews have dual loyalties), removed any specific reference to Jews from a 2017 State Department statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day and has frequently used anti-Semitic dogwhistle terms by opposing "globalists" and describing himself as a "nationalist." When I interviewed Charlotte Pence, the daughter of former Vice President Mike Pence, she talked about her family's love of Israel but refused to answer a question about whether she believes Jews are going to hell — or discuss the creepy messianic theories underpinning the Christian right's support for Israel.
When I asked Larry Charles whether, based on his experiences, there's an opportunity to build bridges with anti-Semites, he was skeptical. "I have not seen a lot of opportunities for bridge building in the situations that I've been in," Charles explained. "The people that I've met through Sacha [Baron Cohen] were very rigid and dogmatic in their prejudices. There was no crossing that gulf with them. There might be tolerance, temporarily. There might be patience, temporarily. But there's no changing that belief."
I hope that Charles is wrong but suspect he is right, which raises the question of how American Jews should react to the Marjorie Taylor Greenes of the world. For want of a better alternative, I think the only solution is to be intolerant toward intolerance. House Democrats were right to strip Greene of her committee assignments, but that is not nearly enough. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter need to do more to limit hate speech, even if conservatives cry foul in bad faith (the First Amendment only protects people from government censorship, not consequences from private corporations). Right-wing politicians who attack prominent Jews in ways that can be plausibly construed as anti-Semitic, or by denouncing "globalists," need to lose their funding. People who oppose anti-Semitism must lead boycotts against right-wing media figures who cover for people like Greene, such as Fox News' Sean Hannity.
On a broader level, critics of anti-Semitism must recognize that this form of bigotry is part of America's long history of hate — a history which holds that only white, straight Christian "manly" men have a right to rule — and recognize our responsibility to be allies to African Americans and the Latinx community, Muslims and the LGBT community, women suffering under the patriarchy and the poor struggling to make ends meet. If we limit our empathy merely to other Jews, the implicit message is not that systemic oppression is wrong, but only that we happen to dislike it when our group is targeted. The Jewish tradition at its best instills a moral responsibility to see all the layers of oppression, and align ourselves with its victims.
[Read Matthew Rozsa’s full piece in Salon]
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
I was already distressed about the political and social situation in the US, and then this happens. Are there any examples of societies that fought back against fascism and won, without civil or international war breaking out? Surely there must be some success stories in history. How did other societies overcome fascism, are there lessons to be applied to our current situation? Please tell me we're not doomed, because I have no hope for the future.
I’ve been through... a lot of the stages of grief by now. That is, rageposting on tumblr, venting to my friends via text, drinking, crying while drinking, lying on my bed and staring at the ceiling, feeling the crushing weight of certainty that we’re all screwed and nothing matters, crying while talking to my sister, crying generally, lying in bed some more, and am currently still in bed while writing this, but am struggling to put on my internet historian aunt hat and offer some comfort to the stricken masses.
First off: This is bad. I’m not even going to pretend this isn’t bad. We all knew RBG had cancer again, but it was pretty fixed in our minds that she would somehow manage to hang on until after the election. 45 days before the biggest presidential election of all time, in the middle of this year, when names including Ted “Zodiac Killer” Cruz and Tom “Time for Roe vs. Wade to go, block federal funding from being used to teach about slavery, send in the military to crush the BLM protesters” Cotton have already been floated as some of her possible replacements? With Trump and McConnell determined to work as fast as possible to steal this seat as brazenly as they can, because they are literal fascists who don’t care about their own example (Merrick Garland was nominated in FEBRUARY of an election year and McConnell held it up for being “too close to the election?”)
Ugh. Anyone who doesn’t get that this is bad or acting like people are overreacting doesn’t get what’s at stake. And when, as we’ve said before and are saying again now, the future of everyone who isn’t a white straight rich Republican man in this country depends on an 87-year-old woman with cancer for the fourth time? Something’s wrong here. RBG’s death did not have to leave us in this total existential panic, and oh yeah, maybe this could have ALL BEEN AVOIDED AND WE COULD HAVE ALSO HAD THREE (3) NEW LIBERAL JUSTICES SECURING PROGRESSIVE LEGISLATION FOR A GENERATION IF SOME OF YOU HAD JUST FUCKING VOTED FOR HILLARY CLINTON IN TWO THOUSAND AND FUCKING SIXTEEN.
(Why yes I am still mad about that, I will be bitter until the end of time that we were consigned to four years and counting of this completely avoidable nightmare because of apathy, misogyny, and Leftist Moral Purity TM, but we’re talking about the future and what can still be done here, not what’s in the past.)
Anyway. Here’s the bright side, which admittedly sucks right now, but it’s been the answer all long:
You have to fucking vote, and you have to fucking vote for Biden/Harris. Everything that we’ve been talking about is no longer a hypothetical; it’s happening right now. This is not just some Awful Worst Case scenario, and it’s not somehow being spouted by privileged white liberals ignoring the struggles of the masses. (Viz: that awful fucking text post with its simpering self-righteousness: “are you punching nazis or just telling oppressed people to vote blue?” I hate that text post with a fiery passion and it’s the exact kind of morally holier than thou leftist propaganda that wouldn’t surprise me if it was generated by a troll farm in Krasnoyarsk.) My dad is disabled and lives on Social Security. Trump’s second-term plan to end the payroll tax takes SSID out by mid-2021, so... I guess that’s my dad fucked then. I’m a gay woman with long-term mental illness, no healthcare, no savings, no current job, and a lot of student debt. My sister has complex health problems and relies intensely on publicly funded healthcare programs. All my family have underlying conditions that would put them at worse risk for COVID (age, asthma, immune issues.) These are just the people IN MY HOUSEHOLD who would be at risk from a second Trump presidency. It says NOTHING about my friends, about all the people far less fortunate than us, and everyone else who IS ALREADY DYING as this nation lurches into full-blown fascism. That is real. It is happening.
Here’s the good news and what you can do:
Democrats are fired up and mad as hell, and they’ve already donated $31 million between the announcement of RBG’s death last night and today, and that number is climbing every second.
You can help by donating to Get Mitch or Die Trying, which splits your donation 13 ways between the Democrats challenging the most vulnerable Republican seats in the Senate. That also has raised EIGHT MILLION BUCKS in the less-than-twenty-four hours.
You can donate RIGHT NOW to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, vote if your state offers early voting, request your mail-in ballot, or hound everyone you know to ensure that they’re registered.
You can call your US Senators (look up who they are for your state, ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE REPUBLICAN OR YOU LIVE IN A SWING STATE OR ARE UP FOR RE-ELECTION IN 2020) and phone the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 to voice your insistence that they respect RBG’s last wishes and refuse to vote on any Trump nominee until after January 2021.
The other good-ish news is that I woke up to an email from the Biden campaign this morning about how they’re well aware of this and they’re already on it. BUT WE CANNOT COUNT ON EITHER THEM OR THE SENATE DEMOCRATS TO BE ABLE TO STOP IT. Because Joe Biden is not president and the Senate Democrats do not have a majority, if the Republicans manage to rush a nominee and a vote and all 52 GOP senators vote for that nominee, hey presto, tyranny by majority, a SECOND stolen Supreme Court seat, and a 6-3 hard conservative majority for the next generation. Even if Roberts or Gorsuch sometimes defect on procedural grounds, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Breyer (who is also 82 and thus ALSO might soon be replaceable, thus resulting in an EVEN WORSE ideological swing) would be outnumbered on everything. This is terrible. I’m not even gonna pretend it wouldn’t be.
If Joe Biden is elected with a Democratic Senate and House, IT MATTERS. It gets us off the fascism track, it gives us the ability to make progressive law and have it enacted without going to die in Mitch McConnell’s Kill Stack, it gives Biden the executive authority to nominate liberal judges and change Trump’s worst outrages on day 1, it stands as a huge example of a nation managing to reject fascism by democratic process, and while yes, we’d still have a terribly rigged Supreme Court, Democrats would control all the other branches of government and be able to put safeguards in place. The other option is outright fascism and the end of American democracy for good. This may sound alarmist. It’s not. It’s literally what the situation has ended up as, as all of us who were begging people to vote for HRC in 2016 saw coming all along.
So yes. That’s what you need to do, and what WE need to do. We need to make as much goddamn noise as possible, protest, contact elected representatives, make sure everybody pulls their weight and ferociously fights the promised attempt to ram through a new justice before Election Day, all that. But even if that does happen, THEN WE NEED TO FUCKING DONATE, ORGANIZE, AND VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN AND DEMOCRATS UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT. ALL OF US. NO EXCUSES. NO MORE TWITTER LEFTIST ECHO CHAMBERS. NO MORE. THEN, EVEN WITH A RIGGED SUPREME COURT, WE WILL ALL BE SAFER ON NOVEMBER 4TH AND CAN TRY TO FIX WHAT’S BROKEN.
The stakes are just too high to do anything else.
May her memory be a blessing, and a revolution.
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Sex Pistol Used to Kill a Politician
(Lies Against Former Governor Cuomo)
Stephen Jay Morris
August 14, 2021
©Scientific Morality
I was angrier than a Libertarian who didn’t receive his government stimulus check. I wonder if Americans can spot a phony sex scandal when it’s right in front of their eyes. The “Me Too” movement was noble in it’s original intent; until it was the perfect set-up to entrap a political opponent. Women claim they were sexually abused and they are deemed credible, regardless. Guess what I found out? Women lie just like men do! How about that? Oh, do you know what else I have seen? Black cops beating the shit out of a Latino man. Now, for citing that, I am seen as some Conservative racist. American politics can be more oxymoronic than a Eunuch buying a condom for itself, or campaigning against circumcision. But this regressive rhetoric really gets up my ass.
This is not going to be a colloquy treatise or some graffiti on the toilet stall wall. Or, then again, it could be both. Here it goes…
Dirty campaign tactics have been ongoing in this greatest country in the universe for decades. The most renowned tactic was used in the 1930’s. An attractive young woman, clothed just in a robe, and a photographer show up at a rival candidate’s apartment door. They knock. The poor, unsuspecting schmuck then opens the door and, before he utters a word, the woman throws off her robe and jumps into his arms. The photographer snaps the money shot and it ends up on the front page of the newspaper. Consequently, the victim loses the election because sexually, hung-up WASPs believe that sex outside the confines of marriage should be outlawed. But, he wasn’t having an affair with this woman—heck, he’d never even seen her before—it was all staged! They ultimately stopped using this tactic when Hollywood put it in the movies. Those damned Jew elites—trying to make Republicans look bad! Ah...wait a minute. Most Hollywood Jewish moguls were registered Republicans. They weren’t stupid! Don’t believe me? Look it up.
Opposition research is a team you hire to search for dirt on an opposing candidate. If they can’t find anything, then they set him/her up. One former opposition research team was the so-called “Washington Plumbers.” Prior to the 1972 presidential election, they bugged phones and broke into the Washington DNC headquarters at its Watergate Office building, to look for dirt on Nixon’s rivals.
When Covid reared it’s ugly head in 2019, our heroic former president, Trump, just brushed it aside, declaring “It’s just a flu.” When I first heard that, my memory of famous quotes was stirred—like when the Nazis marched Jews into the gas chambers, they told the soon-to-be victims, “Don’t worry...it’s only a shower.” When the U.S. caseload worsened, Trump said it would be gone by April, or August. Then, in New York, Governor Cuomo stepped up, and like an army general, he marshaled his state’s citizens into a full-blown battle against the disease. I was a new resident at the time, and I witnessed some splendid leadership. He took the State’s infection rate, from its peak in April 2020—and the nation’s epicenter—to the nation’s lowest! For months, he held daily briefings on television, for both the public and the press. When Trump noticed that Cuomo was getting higher approval ratings than he was, he tried holding daily briefings also, but the ratings were lower than the sea level at Death Valley! Trump wanted revenge on Cuomo, so he employed opposition research on the governor. Suddenly, during the press Q&A sessions following his daily briefings, reporters from Right wing media would repeatedly ask Trump about COVID death rates in New York’s senior citizens’ nursing homes. For weeks, they continued to ask about New York’s policy of returning the elderly who were recovering from COVID to those facilities. And Trump continued to answer the same questions over and over again, just to plant allegations of Cuomo’s mismanagement into the public’s head. Even the New York Times got into the act! Anybody who says the New York Times is Left wing needs a new brain, or they should just replace their dick with an American Flag!
All of this was occurring, of course, under the buzz of New York’s gubernatorial election in 2022, for which Cuomo was planning his re-election run. Now, the nursing homes ruse didn’t work out quite as efficiently as they’d wanted, but the New York State Assembly continued investigating the matter. The Conservative mind set is very Experiential, like Mike Lindell suffering from AADHD (Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). So, what did they do next? In February 2021, the State Attorney General initiated an investigation into multiple sexual harassment allegations by employees of Cuomo’s Executive Chambers, retaining private attorneys to conduct an independent investigation of the matter.
Well, once the media got a hold of it, it was the beginning of the end. Right wing operatives played the Establishment Democrats like a cheap violin. Even some progressive Democrats got into the act, ragging on the Governor and proclaiming his guilt. Democrats from city councilmembers to President Biden called for him to resign. There was no trial, just women who were bad actresses with fake tears, and corporate and independent media proclaiming Governor Cuomo’s guilt. I hope that New York elects a Fascist Republican for governor and all the liars choke on their own puke!
Do you ever notice that when a Democratic man is involved in a sex scandal, it’s always about inappropriate remarks or behavior, touching, and groping. However, whenever a Republican male is the subject, the scandal involves homosexuality, underage girls, sadomasochism, foot fetishes, sex trafficking, and other perversions. At least Democrats are normal males with a normal sex overdrive.
Governor Andrew Cuomo was the best governor New York ever had! And, hey—I am not a fan of the two-party system. This is purely from my objective observations. If you don’t like my opinion, you can stick it where the sun don’t shine!
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into-control · 3 years
yeah lol it’s not about kaylor or anything it’s about this specific person // I'm the anon that sent "anon hate" (more like anon "im fed up with into being rude to anons and prending to be holier-than-tho towards shippers"). But if this anon is really that bad then i agree they deserved the bitchiness. To be honest i saw the exact same ask in other kylr blogs (verbotism) and i thought that was weird. I'm not even any kind of shipper I'm just interested in some tumblr fandoms and I'm disappointed with the attitude that into has shown in recent times.
I dislike people that play victim when they get concecuences for their acts while being bitchy to other people. Into used to be a full blown cs and klr stan but dropped both the exact moment the tumblr/twitter over woke hivemind decided that both ships are every kind of -ism and phobia in existence. Despite being a holier than tho SJW, into here is still a die hard camila stan despite the obvious racism and a die hard taylor stan despite the previous republican pandering during her early career. So this just seem hypocritical to me.
I remember a mere 2 months ago into was fan posting karli/e photoshoots and gushing over how perfect she is. But now she likes posts about kar being a NAZI RACIST FASCIST SELL OUT CAPITALIST and KARLIE BAD BAD BAD because she married "the bad man", all this despite the fact that at the time that into was kar's #1 stan kar was still married to the same crook (wait I'm a NAZI BAD BAD BAD because i used bad word towards bad man like the bad blogger did). So either we cancel into here for being a nazi or we realize she is a hypocritical SJW tumblrina.
And i don't even like TTV that much since she is also a bitch specially towards femmetay but the way people acted towards her was insane and they should feel bad about it (now i imagine brain dead into stans calling me a TTV fan when I'm far from it...) Into specifically participated into bullying TTV out of this site because she called kars husband a bad word but at the same time that man is soooo nazi bad that kar is bad for association and should be cancelled forever despite the fact he is dating him since 8 years ago
actually i dropped both ships because i wasn’t enjoying them anymore. both of those events were just the final push bc i was honestly already slipping. i’m a busy person and as i’ve already said multiple times being so invested in celeb lives wasnt healthy for me. you are welcome to unfollow and leave i won’t be a bitch about it
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I wasn’t expecting Russia to invade Ukraine until after their next election in 2024, but it looks as though things may kick off sooner rather than later.
In 2014, a pro-Russian candidate “won” a very dubious election, and the people ousted him from power. Russia subsequently invaded and annexed the Crimean peninsula under the guise of “providing military aid” to the ethnic Russians in the regions. It’s kinda like if the United States took over southern Ontario to protect Americans living abroad.
Shortly after this, pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine (Donbass) rose up against the government and have been fighting a civil war ever since. Russia hasn’t directly gotten involved in the conflict, they just give supplies and funding to the rebels; imagine if the US started selling guns and tanks to pro-American rebels along the rest of the border.
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While Russia could plausibly justify annexing Crimea because it had once been part of Russia and ceded to Ukraine in the 50s, there’s no way to justify taking a big chunk of eastern Ukraine. The war in Donbass has been raging on-and-off for years; there have been dozens of ceasefires, but none of them have lasted long. Russia is now building up troops along the border, signaling their intent to actually invade and help the rebels directly. This would be an inexcusable act of open war in Europe, which NATO would not stand for. Ukraine isn’t part of NATO, so they’re not technically obligated to respond, but they’re not going to just let Russia expand its sphere of influence by taking land from a strategically significant sovereign nation.
But Putin’s not stupid. He’s not going to start a war he doesn’t think he can win. NATO can’t really do anything to stop him unless the entire alliance commits to it, and there are at least three major obstructionists; the US, the UK, and Turkey (together the three largest militaries in NATO).
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American foreign policy is all over the place, flipping back and forth depending on which political party controls the presidency; under Trump, the US would not only have allowed a Russian invasion, they would have encouraged it. Under Biden, he’ll take a more hardline stance (“hardline,” which like Obama in 2014 means sanctions and a strongly worded letter). Congress won’t want America to get involved in another foreign war; Republicans support Russia, and Democrats support Ukraine, but neither side will sign off on American interference because there’s no oil to be had. We’ll fuck around in the Middle East, sure, but Ukraine? Not gonna happen. And we’re so close to leaving Afghanistan, the longest war in American history, there’s no way Biden could commit troops to another war so soon after this one; it would be political suicide, even if it would help the Ukrainians.
UK foreign policy largely shadows the US, though the Conservative party (analogous to American Republicans) are staunchly Eurosceptic. They want to distance themselves from the continent as much as possible; they left the EU and will almost certainly try to leave NATO if the only other alternative is going up against Russia in a proxy war. Trump wanted to withdraw the US from NATO, and if some other Republican president follows through on this threat in the future, the UK will absolutely follow suit.
Turkey is backsliding towards authoritarianism; Erdogan was democratically elected, but has hijacked the executive branch to consolidate power and become a new Ottoman Emperor. Turkey is the second largest military in NATO behind the United States, and in recent years has been becoming closer to Russia then the rest of Europe. Erdogan and Putin are, for the moment, buddy-buddy; kindred dictatorial spirits. Turkey will likely withdraw from NATO to side with Russia in the Ukrainian conflict because they control the only straits connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean. Russia needs to be in Turkey’s good graces or else they’ll be landlocked (save for Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg, but we’ll get to them later). Like Hitler and Stalin, they have an uneasy truce of convenience, but will almost certainly turn on each other later.
Putin has a blank check to do whatever he wants in Ukraine because Western Europe doesn’t want to start another Cold War. I thought for sure Russia would wait until 2024, then call the results of the election fraudulent as pretext for invasion. They very well still may, but given the troop buildup it’s possible the rebels are going to be getting a lot more support in the coming months.
And don’t even get me started on Belarus. Right now, there’s no indication that Belarus is involved with the Ukrainian situation, but the second they back Putin, it’s all over for Ukraine. Ukraine borders Russia to the east, and Belarus to the north; Kiev is within striking distance of the Ukraine-Belarus border, so if Belarus sided with Russia, then Russia could march troops directly on the Ukrainian capital, toppling the government and turning it into a pro-Russian satellite puppet. Belarus has been run by the same dictator ever since becoming independent from Russia in 1991, and the two countries share close personal ties, having joined the Union State in 1999. The Union State is a pact of Russian-Belarusian brotherhood, calling for economic and military unification.
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Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia want to join the Union too, as does Moldova in Europe.
That said, the Belarusian dictator is a hardcore nationalist who wants to maintain independence from Russia rather than be annexed. He wouldn’t just let Russian troops occupy his country and march on Kiev; it would be like Belgium during the World Wars, with Germany (Russia) using them as a stepping stone to take France (Ukraine). We need to watch Belarus carefully to see how they respond to Russian interference. If they stand back and let it happen, Ukraine will fall without a fight, but if they try to maintain independence then it will trigger a full blown European war (quite possibly a prelude to WWIII)
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Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are part of NATO, so Russia can’t touch them without inviting total war. But do you notice that purple spot between Lithuania and Poland? That’s Kaliningrad, and though separated from the rest of the country, it’s part of Russia. Just north of Estonia, off the map, is St Petersburg, which along with Kaliningrad represent Russia’s only two port cities in the Baltic Sea. They both freeze over in the winter, rendering them unusable, which is why Russia cared so much about taking Crimea with its warm water ports in the Black Sea.
If Turkey and the UK and the US were to leave NATO, the entire alliance would pretty much collapse, giving Russia another blank check to do whatever they want with Eastern Europe. If Russia annexes Belarus, they could very likely annex Lithuania to reconnect Kaliningrad with the rest of the country.
The closest thing to a super power Europe has that could butt heads with Russia is Germany, but they’re dealing with their own internal struggles right now; the Alternative For Germany party (neo-Nazi party) is the fastest growing party in their parliament, and though they have nowhere near a majority it’s terrifying to think they could assert influence over the other right-wing parties and form coalition governments.
This is all just rampant speculation; Putin knows more than I do, he’s not an idiot, and I don’t claim to understand the inner machinations of the Red Army, but I can see the writing on the walls. There may not be a direct war, but whatever the conflict, it will look very similar to the events posited above.
In the unlikely event that Russia marches on Kiev, the Ukrainian government may fall back to a national redoubt (secondary capital) in the west, perhaps near Lviv or in the Carpathian Mountains along the border with Romania. If this happens, I could see Ukraine being split in two like Korea or Germany; East and West Ukraine, though both sides would claim sovereignty over the entire country.
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thekrimzonknight · 3 years
If there are any Republicans, Conservatives, or generally right-leaning people remaining on my friends list.
THIS is what you've been supporting.
THIS is what your beliefs has wrought.
THIS is what your complacency brings.
THIS is what your willful ignorance causes.
Because YOU followed the party line.Because YOU preferred to live in willful ignorance Because YOU chose to exist within a bubble of selfish privilege. Because of YOU, Fascist terrorists spurred on by the fascist YOU elected (or in your own self-righteous half-attempt refusing to vote at all or voting 3rd party) have stormed the capitol. Armed. yet the police are "overrun". Shots have been fired and police and civilians have been injured.
If this were Black Lives Matter, the cops would have been in full military grade riot gear. If Black Lives Matter had done a 10th of what these terrorists have done, the police would have killed every single one of them before they got anywhere near the Capitol. This is not a “security failure,” it is a deliberate choice on the part of the cops.
So let's be perfectly clear.
THIS is not a protest. THIS is what a riot looks like.
And as I've been typing this, not only has this Riot surpassed what a "riot" is, it has become a full-blown Coup attempt.
They have no legitimate legs to stand on. There was no theft of the election.No tampering, no conspiracy.
All bullshit spread by the Fascists that have been calling themselves Republicans.
It was a free election, and the people have spoken. But the Fascist Republican party REFUSES to accept it. Because they don't give a fuck about the will of the people.
This is what the NRA has always been. This is what the Republican party has always been. This is what the GOP has always been. This is What Conservatism has ALWAYS been.
Fascism in disguise. The Nazi Party of America.
This isn't new. This isn't "just cause of Trump". This is what they've always been pushing for. They worked to rig the system in their favor, to disregard the will of the true majority of their constituents in order to stay in power as long as they could. But then the people expressed their TRUE will, overwhelming the rigging of the system the GOP put in place.
And this is how they respond to freedom.
This is how fascists respond to freedom.
The true face of the Republican Party has been revealed.
The true core of the Republican Party, of the GOP, or conservatism.
Racists. White Supremacists. Homophobes. Transphobes. the NRA.
Homegrown Terrorists that call themselves "militia". Fascists. Nazis.
The Republican Party has never cared about faith. It has never cared about religion. It has never cared about Christianity. It has never cared about anything other than Fascism and bigotry.
It uses the words and trappings of Christianity and faith to seed its poison within every word, within every congregation.
Its not your fault that they've done this to you.
However it is your fault that you've chosen to accept it rather than actually use your fucking brains and realize that the words preached by the Conservatives do NOT, IN ANY WAY, echo that of god, the bible, or Christ.
They're words of hatred, and pain, and oppression.
Not the words of the God you claim to worship and follow.
After today, if any of you are able to continue to be Conservative, or call yourself a Republican. Then you are not a Christian, you are a Fascist. And those two things are mutually exclusive.
You cannot be both a conservative and a Christian.
You cannot be both a fascist and a Christian.
Get the fuck out of here with your hypocritical bullshit.
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I’d like all the americans who don’t want to vote for biden because “he’s as bad as trump” to realize that
you don’t know that. he hasn’t been president yet. you can at best suppose he will be as bad as trump
even if he is, it’s still going to be better than 4 more trump years.
Even if he turns out to be a fascist billionaire endorsed by the far right (which i really doubt), at least this way he has to start from square one. trump already has 4 years of workings and machinations, and is enacting stuff that’s leading the us dangerously close to being a fascist state. if you leave him there, he’ll just keep going. biden, on the other hand, would need to build up a following in congress (which unless i’m mistaken has a republican majority) and convince the fascists (alt right and friends) that he’s their guy. That’s going to take time.
All in all, considering the alternatives, I don’t see how you can possibly say that voting one or the other is the same. If biden wins, worst case scenario he needs some time to become a full blown fascist, best case scenario he fixes america with the power of love and friendship (notice the wide range of possible scenarios that there are in the middle). If trump wins, there’s no best or worst case scenario, there’s only a fascist case scenario.
Besides, a lot of y’all say “he’s not going to be the solution”. Well, duh! Even if he was an actually decent candidate, he couldn’t possibly be enough to fix the fucked up situation you have on your hands. Y’all have to keep protesting, and doing that thing about calling your representatives (i guess? i never really understood that thing...), and keep punching nazis for fuck’s sake. But go vote. And vote for biden. I’ve already seen a pandemy. I really really (really) don’t want to also see world war III...
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damedarcy · 4 years
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As a solid #genx I remember when the book Generation X was published that started this whole alphabet soup naming generations thing..I was 20 when it came out. My heart goes out to #genz and younger. I predict they will be the first generation to start class action lawsuits towards their parents for posting their entire childhoods without permission on social media. There is nothing more personal than #personalidentity and they are not getting a choice. In 2030 and after, their form of “young people rebellion” will be to go #offline and #offthegrid and they will not get tattoos or social media profiles or anything that can easily track or define them without their consent. I think this will be a major act of rebellion in the near future in general as our personal rights are being chipped away. I think the Dump administration/ regime is actually jealous of how North Korea is a #bigbrother state and actually wishes our country was like them . I hope there is a coup where he is bodily thrown out of office (or worse) And I think the only thing not making us a full blown Nazi Germany part 2 is the cultural and ethnic diversity sonaturally inherent to the US. I lived in an extremely white republican place originally for 17 years and I prefer cities with diversity because when everyone is the same race they start burning the witches first and then the gays next. Different perspectives / races keep people in check. Environmentally, I know you know how I feel. Corporate greed will be curbed and begin to be fined for the unadulterated pillaging of nature. Finally. However, this is happening about 5 decades too late and the future of all humanity, animals etc are doomed. Just ask 16 year old #gretathunberg. We should focus on improving and protecting the life of the kids / all sentient beings (which includes trees) who are already here. But we definitely have no business selfishly putting more people here who will live 90 years into the future (if they are lucky, the lifespan of Americans is dropping as we also devolve and get shorter with each new generation due to poor nutrition) with the ocean full of plastic and dwindling resources due to corporate greed. #globalwarmi https://www.instagram.com/p/B64_eXNFRdK/?igshid=mwz9ziqxpkdk
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saltypiss · 1 year
Honestly the Right just sucks at explaining this aspect:
Ya’ll know that stupid ass comic where it shows a dem pushing someone to the right? Yes it’s idiotic, but the sentiment wasn’t inaccurate.
For sure, telling them to stop saying the N-Word isn’t what “made them decide to become a full blown nazi” What did was when a dipshit lefty presented their arguments like shit, or just treated this hypothetical person like shit, so they went to the right.
Now, that doesn’t mean the Alt-Right, that means Right, as in, they’re going to Republican forums, and slowly being indoctrinated into the right. Not that the left pushed to them to nazi-ism, that was Republicans.
But undeniably, no lefty has gone out of their way to even acknowledge such idiotic, purposefully divisive, purposefully offensive bullshit like “Man-spreading” and “checking your privileged”
Ya’ll had an incredible cringey start, stop acting like it didn’t happen, or that it was ONLY 4chan. They may have started the free-bleed meme, and even though it did become an actual viewpoint for some, you can’t genuinely tell me people weren’t unironically say “checkers your provolone” and “Man(Negative)”.
Those are the people that pushed the ignorant simply to the right, not to nazi-ism, which yes is always the end goal, we all know, no shit, it’s 2023, but it’s not that obvious to your average moron.
Anyways, the left has culpability in it’s failure of communication from 2013 onwards, but as of now they can at least be treated like an actual fucking political party. But seriously, stop acting like “Man-spreading” wasn’t the primary talking point of feminists for a while there. It’s non-sense and why republicans act like the left lies all the time.The truth is the Left simply won’t admit it’s own mistakes publicly sometimes, while the right never will.
You’ll far sooner get a self-aware feminist from 2013 than a republican from any period of time. Some are totally willing to admit the initial surge was a shit show by virtue signallers. Most...act like it never happened. And I’m sorry, but that’s simply a lie, and disingenuous. The left went out of it’s way to act like the right for a short while there, stop acting like your teenage years didn’t exist ffs.
It’s a complex weave of stupid that all started with the intentionally designed to make feminism fail, “check your privilege” designed by feminists to alienate as many people as humanly possible from their cause.
No one’s against lefty ideals and beliefs, they’re just against your cringey asses and you denial of patheticness. But you aren’t to blame for them becoming nazis, that’s republicans, and that is the part republicans aren’t remotely cognitive enough to ever recognize, nor communicate.
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omegawizardposting · 6 years
So do you still hold some “anti-sjw” positions on things or are you like full blown sjw now? Sorry, longtime follower here.. haven’t been on tumblr for a while and it’s a shock. (You don’t gotta answer this if it makes you uncomfortable)
I’m not either.
There’s a lot about the way tumblr (and the left in general) handles social justice that I disagree with. I don’t think harassing people over cartoons or other petty matters is going to solve anything, and while I have a LOT less sympathy for Republicans than I used to, I’m content to let them live their lives if they’ll let me live mine. As long as they leave me alone, I’ll be happy to leave them alone too.
Honestly, I don’t think my views have changed all that much, more I’m just less antagonistic and sweat the small stuff less. I used to get in paragraph-long arguments over headcanons and art. Now I reserve that kind of outrage for when it’s deserved. I’ve mellowed out; I can still get heated, sometimes about things I know don’t matter, but I’ve tried to become less of a confrontational person and more of a, “To each their own,” sort when it comes to little things.
I believe, as I always have, that all men are created equal, that we all deserve the same rights, freedoms, and respect, and that we need to care for the most vulnerable in our society, as a society does. The sick, the disabled, the disenfranchised are all groups I want to help in any way I can, not just because I belong to those groups, but because it’s the right thing to do.
Anti-SJWs were never perfect. A lot of us were willfully ignorant, and we felt entitled to that ignorance; worse, we felt entitled to the attention and recognition of others (a la “if you block me you lose!”). We placed ourselves on pedestals above our peers. I believed myself to be one of the “good” minorities, and that other minorities were “bad.” I was enlightened, and they were beneath me. Other anti-SJWs encouraged this belief in me. I was encouraged to pit myself against my own in order to be considered “valid.”
If I didn’t, I might be called slurs. I might be harassed. I might be threatened. That was behavior I saw from anti-SJWs as often as SJWs, especially toward the end of my time in the community. I kept silent about it, because I thought I would never be a target. I was a “good” minority.
Then the community took an even deeper nosedive, and is now swarming with actual Nazis and bigots, who jumped at the chance to ally themselves with whoever they thought might help them fight their battles. It went the way of a lot of communities, overrun by the worst of the worst, because no one knew when enough was enough.
It was never perfect, and looking back on my time as an anti-SJW, those were some of the most miserable, stressful days of my life. I wasn’t being true to myself. The rhetoric anti-SJWs peddled and still peddle to this day didn’t allow me to be. I couldn’t have fun, I couldn’t be proud of who I was or what I’d overcome, just like the left, the center and the right wouldn’t let me get away with singing a different tune.
(I’ve had that proven to me multiple times since I left and denounced the community. It’s not just assumptions, I’m speaking from experience.)
I can assure you that I wouldn’t want to join the other side either, but I’d encourage you to discover for yourself what the modern anti-SJW community is like. If you come out of it thinking I’m an uppity faggot, that’s your prerogative. Maybe you’ll come out of it like I did, feeling that you’ve been disillusioned and lied to for too many years. Maybe you won’t feel any differently at all.
It would take months to explain every one of my views to you in intricate detail, so browse my blog, look at other peoples’ blogs, and figure out where you stand. I can’t make that choice for you.
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