#rep debate 23
thelearningcat · 10 months
The voice over for the republican debate really just talked about "the razor thin liberal majority on the court."
Excuse me?
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lakecountylibrary · 1 year
Bill Criminalizing Librarians Revived - again.
April 21, 2023: After the sound defeat of language calling for felony charges against librarians and educators in SB 12 and SB 380 earlier in April, the Indiana legislature is once more considering criminalizing librarians and educators for the materials on their shelves.
Here's the Indiana Capital Chronicle on the situation:
The legislators themselves don't know yet what bill the language will be slipped into, but we expect they'll hear it next week, possibly as early as Monday, April 24.
What To Do:
They're moving fast, so if you live in Indiana and feel strongly about libraries and censorship, please call your reps and senators NOW. Even if you already contacted them earlier this session!
Here's how to find and contact your legislators: https://iga.in.gov/legislative/find-legislators/
Here are some talking points and the general gist of our concerns:
Charging librarians and educators with felonies is not an appropriate response to the issue of challenging books.
It is a librarian or educator’s job to ensure that children have access to a range of well-reviewed quality books. They are trained and follow objective processes for material selection.
Libraries and schools already have processes in place for challenging books on their shelves, and these processes work.
And here's our own webpage where you can catch up on the situation and stay updated: https://www.lcplin.org/billupdates
If you don't live in Indiana:
Please do not contact the Indiana legislature about this! Instead, you can just hit that reblog button and help us reach as many people as possible.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support of libraries and librarians!!
EDIT: This version has been getting notes lately - please see the final update from 4/28/23 to see how everything resolved. (It was a bit of a mixed bag.) Thank you!
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bella-rose29 · 3 months
the jockwood universe (college au)
basically jockwood is a thing now, and these are the generic world building hc's of this au :)
essentially what's going to happen is a bunch of x reader fics set within this universe, all probably slightly different but every one of them set with this same background to them, so... yeah!
(also a special thank you to the multiverse of George for helping answer my pestering questions)
Lockwood is on the football team/part of the university football society
Also the fencing society
George and Lockwood are friends from high school but are in separate circles in college
George is also on the ice hockey team 
Kipps is on the football team too
When they were like… preteens or something Kipps and Lockwood had a friendly football match where they were on opposing teams
Lockwood’s team beat Kipps’ by… a lot (and Kipps totally isn’t bitter about it)
Holly is a student rep
Lucy is in debate club and fencing
Skull is a campus cat who hisses and scratches everyone but Lucy
He’s called Skull bc he’s got a weird patch on his head that looks a bit like a skull
And also Lucy seems to always know what Skull wants?? It’s like she can actually talk to him or something 👀
Barnes is a very tired senior lecturer who is the academic advisor to the trio + Holly and Kipps, and he wishes they would stop hogging his office hours
The Winkmans are a family who live in town and sit on their porch every morning shouting abuse at people who walk past
Bobby!!! On the football team and also in band (plays the clarinet probably)
Kate and Ned as well - both on the football team and hang out with Kipps obviously, along with Bobby
Rotwells College is in the same town/city and often competes against the Fittes university (that Penelope is head of)
Flo goes to Rotwells’ and is in their fencing society, but she sneaks onto the Fittes campus all the time to feed the ducks and throw frozen peas at passing students
Visitors - there’s a lot of local folklore and haunted buildings, and Lockwood and Co go and investigate because they’re Like That
Technology is modern, and as such they have phones
And group chats
Obviously Lockwood and Co is the name of Lockwood, Lucy, George, and Holly’s group chat
Lockwood is surprisingly old-fashioned when it comes to technology though? Like he has a record player and cassette tapes in his room that he just whips out every now and then
People’s courses/degrees!
Lockwood’s course is chemical engineering with fine art/art history
George - chemistry
Lucy - English (language and literature)
Holly - English literature + publishing
Kipps - Architecture (but he’s a dick about it)
Ned - Spanish/Spanish + international development
Kat - chemical engineering
Bobby - history
Flo - classical and archaeological studies
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tag list:
@no-morning-glories, @t2sh0, @informedimagining, @strawberryloveyyy, @chameleon021, @demigoddess-of-ghosts, @genderfluid-anime-goth, @cottagecore-babe, @ahead-fullofdreams, @light-23, @locknco, @briar-rose23, @mischivana, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @superpositvecloudshipper, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @mitskiswift99, @anathemaloren, @ran23sblog, @taygrls, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @augustisintheair, @wordsarelife, @tournesol77, @novelizt, @anthonylockwoodandco111, @curseofhecate, @karensirkobabes, @mrsklockwood, @whenselenefallsinlove, @zoom1374, @a-taken-url
and the multiverse of George (of course): @avdiobliss, @neewtmas, @oblivious-idiot, @bobbys-not-that-small, @lewkwoodnco, @uku-lelevillain, and @maraschinomerry 💕
I'm aware that there are a lot of people and if I've forgotten you then I am so so sorry (my tag lists are all over the place whoops), so if there is anybody who wants to be added to my lockwood tag list, then please go here!
I am aware that it has been a while, but from now on I will be checking this post every time I write a new fic to see who is there, so head on over to give a comment or a like and I'll pop you on for next time! <3
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soon-palestine · 2 months
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JVL Introduction
The Presidents of three leading US universities were falsely accused of condoning anti-Semitism on their campuses in a highly partisan ambush in front of US congressional hearing in December. Now the Columbia President, Minouche Shafik, is being summoned and 23 of her Jewish faculty are urging her not to give in to attempts to equate anti-Zionism with antisemitism and to defend academic freedom at her campus.
They strongly contest assertions that antisemitism is rife at Columbia. They accept that many students are unsettled by the intensity of debate around the Gaza catastrophe but being uncomfortable is far from being discriminated against or threatened.
They deplore the recent actions of the University’s management to use disciplinary processes to clamp down on protest and see this as an abandonment of Columbia’s record of confronting smears and slanders levelled against staff and students and committing to free inquiry and robust disagreement.
This article was originally published by Columbia Spectator on Wed 10 Apr 2024. Read the original here. Jewish faculty reject the weaponization of antisemitism
by 23 Columbia and Barnard faculty, Columbia Spectator
Dear President Shafik,
We write as Jewish faculty of Columbia and Barnard in anticipation of your appearance before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on April 17, where you are expected to answer questions about antisemitism on campus. Based on the committee’s previous hearings, we are gravely concerned about the false narratives that frame these proceedings to entrap witnesses. We urge you, as the University president, to defend our shared commitment to universities as sites of learning, critical thinking, and knowledge production against this new McCarthyism.
Rather than being concerned with the safety and well-being of Jewish students on campuses, the committee is leveraging antisemitism in a wider effort to caricature and demonize universities as hotbeds of “woke indoctrination.” Its opportunistic use of antisemitism in a moment of crisis is expanding and strengthening longstanding efforts to undermine educational institutions. After launching attacks on public universities from Florida to South Dakota, this campaign has opened a new front against private institutions.
The prospect of Rep. Elise Stefanik, a member of congress with a history of espousing white nationalist politics, calling university presidents to account for alleged antisemitism on their campuses reveals these proceedings as disingenuous political theater.
In the face of these coordinated attacks on higher education, universities must insist on their freedom to research and teach inconvenient truths. This includes historical injustices and the contemporary structures that perpetuate them, regardless of whether these facts are politically inexpedient for certain interest groups.
To be sure, antisemitism is a grave concern that should be scrutinized alongside racism, sexism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and all other forms of hate. These hateful ideologies exist everywhere and we would be ignorant to believe that they don’t exist at Columbia. When antisemitism rears its head, it should be swiftly denounced, and its perpetrators held to account. However, it is absurd to claim that antisemitism—“discrimination, prejudice, hostility or violence against Jews as Jews,” according to the Jerusalem Declaration’s definition—is rampant on Columbia’s campus. To argue that taking a stand against Israel’s war on Gaza is antisemitic is to pervert the meaning of the term.
Labeling pro-Palestinian expression as anti-Jewish hate speech requires a dangerous and false conflation of Zionism with Jewishness, of political ideology with identity. This conflation betrays a woefully inaccurate understanding—and disingenuous misrepresentation—of Jewish history, identity, and politics. It erases more than a century of debates among Jews themselves about the nature of a Jewish homeland in the biblical Land of Israel, including Israel’s status as a Jewish nation-state. It dismisses the experiences of the post-Zionist, non-Zionist, and anti-Zionist Jews who work, study, and live on our campus.
The political passions that arise from conflict in the Middle East may deeply unsettle students, faculty, and staff with opposing views. But feeling uncomfortable is not the same thing as being threatened or discriminated against. Free expression, which is fundamental to both academic inquiry and democracy, necessarily entails exposure to views that may be deeply disconcerting. We can support students who feel real and valid discomfort toward protests advocating for Palestinian liberation while also stating clearly and firmly that this discomfort is not an issue of safety.
As faculty, we dedicate ourselves and our classrooms to keeping every student safe from real harm, harassment, and discrimination. We commit to helping them learn to experience discomfort and even confrontation as part of the process of skill and knowledge acquisition—and to help them realize that ideas we oppose can be contested without being suppressed.
By exacting discipline, inviting police presence, and broadly surveilling its students for minor offenses, the University is betraying its educational mission. It has pursued drastic measures against students, including disciplinary proceedings and probation, for infractions like allegedly attending an unauthorized protest, or moving barricades to drape a flag on a statue. Real harassment and physical intimidation and violence on campus must be confronted seriously and its perpetrators held accountable. At the same time, the University should refrain whenever possible from using discipline and surveillance as means of addressing less serious harms, and should never use punitive measures to address conflicts over ideas and the feelings of discomfort that result. Where the University once embraced and defended students’ political expression, it now suppresses and disciplines it.
The University’s recent policies represent a dramatic change from historical practice, and the consequences are ruinous to our community and its principles. In the past, Columbia has periodically confronted attacks against pro-Palestinian speech, ranging from the vile slanders against Professor Edward Said to the reckless accusations from the David Project. But where for decades the University stood firm against smear campaigns targeting its professors, it has now voluntarily accepted the job of censoring its faculty in and outside the classroom.
Columbia’s commitment to free inquiry and robust disagreement is what makes it a world-class institution. Limiting academic freedom when it comes to questions of Israel and Palestine paves the way for limitations on other contested topics, from climate science to the history of slavery. What’s more, students must have the freedom to dissent, to make mistakes, to offend without intent, and to learn to repair harm done if necessary. Free expression is not only crucial to student development and education outside the classroom; the tradition of student protest has also played a vital role in American democracy. Columbia should be proud of having participated in nationwide student organizing that helped secure civil rights and reproductive rights and helped bring an end to the Vietnam War and apartheid in South Africa.
We express our support for the University and for higher education against the attacks likely to be leveled against them at the upcoming congressional hearing. We object to the weaponization of antisemitism. And we advocate for a campus where all students, Jewish, Palestinian, and all others, can learn and thrive in a climate of open, honest inquiry and rigorous debate.
Many members of our University community share our perspective, but they have not yet been heard. Columbia students, staff, alumni, and faculty can sign here to show your support for this letter’s message.
Sincerely,Debbie Becher, Barnard College Helen Benedict, Columbia Journalism School Susan Bernofsky, School of the Arts Elizabeth Bernstein, Barnard College Nina Berman, Columbia Journalism School Amy Chazkel, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Yinon Cohen, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Nora Gross, Barnard College Keith Gessen, Columbia Journalism School Jack Halberstam, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Sarah Haley, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Michael Harris, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Jennifer S. Hirsch, Mailman School of Public Health Marianne Hirsch, Faculty of Arts & Sciences (Emerita) Joseph A. Howley, Faculty of Arts & Sciences David Lurie, Faculty of Arts & Sciences Nara Milanich, Barnard College D. Max Moerman, Barnard College Manijeh Moradian, Barnard College Sheldon Pollock, Faculty of Arts & Sciences (Emeritus) Bruce Robbins, Faculty of Arts & Sciences James Schamus, School of the Arts Alisa Solomon, Columbia Journalism School
The 23 authors of this letter are Jewish faculty members of Barnard College and Columbia University. This letter derives from a much longer one by these same 23 faculty sent to President Shafik on April 5.
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slexenskee · 1 year
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Running List of No Scrubs Albums
Because even I can't keep up with them anymore lol. I'll update it as I go. Also yes there are 6 official albums with 6 songs each... because Gojo is lame lol. And yes the acoustic albums are 5 songs... because he's extra lame
Spotify Playlist
update as of 09/18/23 bc I'm a f** scrub with commitment issues clearly
1. Thanks, I Hate it Here:
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The 2nd album by release order, but first in chronological order of when they played them live. Yes, Gojo was feeling himself in his classic FOB phase real hard on this one lol. I find the evolution of FOB's discography IRL to be really fascinating, so I wanted to emulate it in the fic. This album is almost entirely FOB because Gojo realized flopping around bands and genres was difficult for the rest of his band, so he decided to first focus on one kind of ‘sound’ until they got used to playing together. 
Critics will later call it a bit unpolished and juvenile in comparison to the refined sound, themes, and quality production of later albums, with it's younger and simpler narratives. Thematically it tends to resonate more with a younger crowd, which people accredit to Ru-kun's assumed age of writing at the time (late teens). In other words, it becomes the quintessential 'middle school glory days' playlist for an entire generation of No Scrubs fans.
A Loaded God Complex - (Sugar We're Going Down) FOB
Reinventing the Wheel to Run Myself Over - FOB
In Too Deep - Sum 41
Homesick at Space Camp - FOB
A Little Less Sixteen Candles - FOB
Dance, Dance - FOB
2. Good News For People Who Love Bad News
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This was No Scrubs' first album ever released on a streaming platform, but it compromises songs more from their 2nd live setlist chronologically. A cult favorite amongst the fans, this album is fun and bratty with a combination of punchy pop punk lyrics, theatrical narratives, and catchy hooks that become unanimous with the band's dramatic flair. No Scrubs always had a rep as an underground alternative band with petty delinquent vibes, but this album definitely solidified them as the patron saint of all the edgy and misunderstood goth punks.
At this point the band had been together for a few years and Gojo definitely felt satisfied with the way the band was coming together and wanted to throw in some more famous mid 2000s pop punk bands into the mix.
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner - FOB
I'm Not Okay (I promise) - MCR
In One Ear - Cage the Elephant
But It's Better if You Do - Panic!
I Write Sins not Tragedies - Panic!
Jesus of Suburbia - Green Day
3. Death Before Decaf
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After playing up the 'pop' quite a bit in the last album, No Scrubs digs deep into some gritty grunge roots with their third album, full of noisy amped up rock anthems. Thematically it was considered their strongest album at the time of release, with intense vocals and lyrics covering dark and personal topics beneath the guise of their distinctive and iconic instrumental riffs. The juxtaposition between the catchy sing-along hooks and the depressing deeper meaning to the words made this album an instant classic. It remains a fan favorite of music critics for Ru-kun's scorchingly honest handling of raw and deeply personal themes like suicide, depression, and substance abuses. After the identities of the band members became public, it became a hotly debated album amongst No Scrubs fans, who consider it a cathartic outlet for a lot of the trauma that turned Ru-kun into a villain, but also a worrying one full of suicidal ideation, alcoholism, drugs, and child abuse.
On his part, Gojo was feeling nostalgic for his youth and felt it an affront that the likes of Nirvana and Weezer had never been experienced in the MHA universe. He gets asked about these songs a lot, specifically about Today, Semi-Charmed Life, and Say it Ain't So, which all seem to allude to a dark history. He often tells people Semi-Charmed Life is one of his favorite songs ever, which doesn't help matters, and also alarms several psychologists, who worry he's romanticizing what was clearly a very unhealthy time in his life.
My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
Today is the Greatest - (Today) Smashing Pumpkins
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Come As You Are - Nirvana
Say It Ain't So - Weezer
Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
4. Glass Onion Heart
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Aka the "Baby boy who hurt you???" album inspiring sexuality crises across the world
Glass Onion Heart feels like a wild card of metamorphosis from No Scrubs' prior albums, with the addition of more electronic, pop, and synth instrumental mixing. Combined with the explosive and flashy tour that accompanied the album's release, it felt like a radical departure from the band's classic garage-band sound, into a more streamlined, pop format.
The album was met with divisiveness from fans, not helped by the news of the band's breakup following the album release and subsequent tour. While many adored the new direction, long-time fans mourned the loss of the quintessential indie and underground 'No Scrubs' aesthetic, especially when faced with the thought of their final album. Nonetheless, it was the band's most popular album at time of release by a wide margin. It certainly helped the album's popularity that Ru-kun did the entire tour in drag.
At this point fans the world over became intrigued by No Scrubs and their burgeoning fame, prompting Gojo to name the album 'Glass Onion' after the Beatles song of the same name, because there is no deeper meaning to any of his songs, he's literally ripping them off from bands that don't exist. Fans spend way too long trying to figure out who this album was inspired by - who could have possibly broken their precious Ru-kun's heart?? - and as we enlightened No Scrubs fans know, it was no one. Literally no one. Gojo just really liked this femme fatale vibe, and decided to cross dress the entire tour because of it.
Tokyo - The Wombats
Dance Floor Anthem - Good Charlotte
Thanks for the Memories - Fall Out Boy
I'm the Leading Man - (This Ain't a Scene) Fall Out Boy
Moving to New York - The Wombats
Misery Business - Paramore
5. Infinity on High
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Hailed as a return to the unfettered, unabashed, anti-establishment garage-band jam-session appeal that had people flocking to No Scrubs in their heyday, this album made an intense splash as No Scrubs' Comeback Album. Despite the return to their signature gritty rock sound, this album was in fact the most produced of any of No Scrubs' albums. This album marks both the return of No Scrubs as well as their launch into global superstardom.
Ironically, Gojo named this after his favorite FOB album (I mean it IS called Infinity lol) despite not including a single FOB track. Fans widely consider "Island in the Sun" to be specifically about Hawks, which Gojo never confirms or denies (although he definitely did think the similarities to their island mission were amusing). In reality, the song that reminds him of Hawks - and himself - the most is Mayonnaise, which might be why it's one of his favorites.
Holiday - Green Day
Cherub Rock - Smashing Pumpkins
Cool Enough - (Mayonnaise) Smashing Pumpkins
1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
Island in the Sun - Weezer
Wake Me Up - (Wake Me Up When September Ends) Green Day
Bonus: Don't You Know Who (I Think) I AM? Acoustic Album
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The first of Ru-kun's unexpected - and according to Makoto, utterly unplanned - acoustic albums, this bonus LP was met with delight and excitement from fans after Ru-kun had teased its release on Twitter. The intimate and personal nature of the simplistic mixing gave this album a cult following, and brought in a new segment of music fans that No Scrubs' music normally didn't appeal to.
Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner - Fall Out Boy
Grand Theft Autumn - Fall Out Boy
My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon - Fall Out Boy
Notion - Rare Occasions
No Such Thing - John Mayer
Bonus: Take (Me) With a Grain of Salt
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Despite the critical acclaim this acoustic album (and the full band versions eventually released afterwards) it was met with a lot of incendiary response at the time of its release. No Scrubs had finally achieved global stardom and was regularly topping hit charts across the world with the release of their album Infinity on High - and while music critics unanimously praised the EP as a worthy contender for Album of the Year, it was generally acknowledged truth that the album's popularity was owed in no small part to lead singer Ru-kun's sudden infamy that coincided at the same time.
The unfathomable depths of Ru-kun's new celebrity status in parallel to the band's brand of off-label, anti-establishment themes created friction within the fanbase. Many accused them of taking advantage of the current media coverage to promote sales, which bassist and band leader Makoto clapped back as 'just doing smart business'. In general, consensus was positive towards the sentiment; capitalizing on Ru-kun's fame and releasing an album in parallel to his identity reveal was just genius marketing.
However the timing of the release of Ru-kun's second acoustic album kicked up the discourse once again, with fans decrying the release as 'a fake sellout' aimed to exploit current gossip trends. However the album's drop was sudden and unexpected - with little to no pre-release marketing - lending credence to the narrative that Ru-kun wrote this album under the emotional duress of his personal life at the time.
Due to the staggering popularity of the acoustic album, the band eventually recorded and released a B-Side with full band versions.
Disenchanted - MCR
Stay Together For the Kids - Blink-182
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
How's It Going To Be - Third Eye Blind
All These Things That I've Done - The Killers
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I am transhet, MLW, and I wish there was more rep for us and people would stop debating our sexuality just because we are secure in ourselves. I see men and can acknowledge they look good, and I get envious and want to be them, but others see that and try and make me think I am attracted to them when I am not. It is just very tiring.
Submitted April 23, 2023
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
WASHINGTON — The House voted on Friday to expel Republican Rep. George Santos of New York after a critical ethics report on his conduct that accused him of converting campaign donations for his own use. He was just the sixth member in the chamber's history to be ousted by colleagues.
The vote to expel was 311-114. Expulsion requires support from two-thirds of the House, a purposefully high bar, but a blistering House Ethics Committee report that accused Santos of breaking federal law proved decisive.
As it became clear that he would be expelled, Santos placed his overcoat over his shoulders, shook hands with conservative members who voted against his expulsion and departed the House chamber.
House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., soon took the gavel, quieted the chamber and solemnly instructed the House clerk to inform the governor of New York that Santos’ former House seat was now vacant.
Santos had fought the expulsion effort, leading his own defense during House floor debate and in conducting a news conference and interviews.
“I will not stand by quietly,” Santos declared as lawmakers on Thursday evening debated his removal. “The people of the Third District of New York sent me here. If they want me out, you’re going to have to go silence those people and go take the hard vote.”
Of the previous expulsions in the House, three were for disloyalty to the Union during the Civil War. The remaining two occurred after the lawmakers were convicted of crimes in federal court. Santos made his case for remaining in office by appealing directly to lawmakers who worry they are setting a new precedent that could make expulsions more common.
Johnson was among those who voiced concerns about removing Santos, though he has told members to vote their conscience. Others in leadership agreed with his reasoning and opposed expulsion. But some Republicans, including Santos' colleagues from New York, said voters would welcome lawmakers being held to a higher standard.
“I’m pretty confident the American people would applaud that. I’m pretty confident that the American people expect that," Republican Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, whose district adjoins Santos', said before the vote.
Santos warned lawmakers they would regret removing a member before they have had their day in court.
“This will haunt them in the future where mere allegations are sufficient to have members removed from office when duly elected by their people in their respective states and districts,” Santos said.
The expulsion was the final congressional chapter in what was a spectacular fall from grace for Santos. The first-term lawmaker initially was celebrated as an up-and-comer after he flipped a district from Democrats last year and helped Republicans win control of the House. But soon after, troubles began. Reports began to emerge that Santos had lied about having Jewish ancestry, a career at top Wall Street firms and a college degree. His presence in the House quickly became a distraction and an embarrassment to the party.
In early March, the House Ethics Committee announced it was launching an investigation into Santos. Then in May, the U.S. attorney’s office for the Eastern District of New York indicted Santos, accusing him of duping donors, stealing from his campaign and lying to Congress. Prosecutors would later add more charges in an updated 23-count indictment.
The indictment alleges he stole the identities of campaign donors and then used their credit cards to make tens of thousands of dollars in unauthorized charges. Federal prosecutors say Santos, who has pleaded not guilty, wired some of the money to his personal bank account and used the rest to pad his campaign coffers.
Meanwhile, Ethics Committee investigators spent eight months investigating Santos and interviewing witnesses. When their work was complete, the panel said it had amassed “overwhelming evidence” of lawbreaking by Santos that it sent to the Justice Department.
Among other things, the committee said Santos knowingly caused his campaign committee to file false or incomplete reports with the Federal Election Commission, used campaign funds for personal purposes and violated the Ethics in Government Act with his financial disclosure statements.
Arguing against expulsion during debate on Thursday, Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., said that while he respected the committee, he had concerns about how the Santos case was handled. He said he was troubled that a Republican-led committee would submit a report that was so judgmental and publicized.
“The totality of circumstance appears biased," Higgins said. "It stinks of politics and I'll oppose this action in every way.”
While the committee does have a Republican chairman, its membership is evenly divided. Rep. Susan Wild, the top Democrat on the committee, reminded members that the decision approving the investigators' findings was unanimous.
“As the Ethics Committee's report lays out in thorough detail, Mr. Santos has repeatedly, egregiously and brazenly violated the public's trust,” Wild said. “Mr. Santos is not a victim. He is a perpetrator of a massive fraud on his constituents and the American people.”
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crowdvscritic · 1 year
round up // NOVEMBER 22 + DECEMBER 22 + JANUARY 23
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Ah, the holidays…the season of almost indiscriminate consumption of holiday treats! In my quest to complete as much 2022 viewing as possible for my St. Louis Film Critics Association ballot, I had to put many other items on my to-do list on pause. (More on that ballot coming in a future post.) I watched 7 of my top 10 of the year in these three months, plus another 7 of my honorable mentions, which means I could’ve just made this entire post a rehash of my Best of 2022.
You will find my Best of 2022 in this Round Up, but you’ll also find a few movies that just missed the cut. You’ll also find a classic sitcom, sketch comedy, a buzzy docuseries, staged musicals, the start of my 2023 viewing, and more. Like I said, it’s the season for almost indiscriminate consumption, and that includes pop culture. These are my faves from this season in roughly in the order I experienced them…
Holiday Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Cheers (1982-93)
Add this to my list of uninteresting opinions: Cheers = not overrated! After years of viewing on-and-off a lá Sam and Diane (thank you, ever-changing streaming service libraries!), I finished all 11 seasons. And after laughing through almost 300 episodes with Cliff, NORM!, Carla, Rebecca, Woody, Coach, Frasier, and Lilith, I’m almost certain they know my name, too. 
2. SNL Round Up
You’d think the SNL gang would know my name name by now, too. These are the sketches that made me laugh most in these three months.
“Soup” (4805 with Amy Schumer) - I have been Amy Schumer in this scenario too many times
"Jurors” (4805) - “That is not a song from Midnights!”
“Big Dumb Hat” (4805) - I have been cured of keeping these hats in my consideration set
“Monologue” (4808 with Steve Martin and Martin Short)
“A Christmas Carol” (4808)
“Father of the Bride” (4808)
“Blue Christmas” (4809 with Austin Butler)
“NFL on Fox Cold Open” (4810 with Aubrey Plaza)
“Weekend Update: Colin Jost Interviews Rep. George Santos” (4810) - I’ve yet to tire of jokes at the expense of Santos
“Weekend Update: April Ludgate and Leslie Knope on Working for the Government” (4810) - My heart!
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3. Enola Holmes 2 (2022)
On my long list for the Best of 2022. This murder mystery sequel is just as charming as the original, and this one helped me realize Daniel Pemberton is one of my favorite modern composers. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8/10
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4. Double Feature - Unconventional Holiday Treats: The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special + Violent Night (2022)
If you like your holidays with a dash of quirky humor and and a dose of Kevin Bacon, the Guardians of the Galaxy have made the holiday special you’ve been waiting for. And if you like ‘em doused in blood, well, Violent Night is here to drench it on ya. Read my full review for ZekeFilm to see how it compares to its inspirations, Die Hard and Home Alone. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 5.5/10
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5. Harry & Meghan (2022)
Not the ninth Harry Potter movie. After gobbling up this six episode Netflix series, I watched with rapt attention a second time because my family wanted to check it out over the holidays. Whatever your feelings on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex (my hope is always #TeamFamilyReconciliation), you can’t argue with their ability to tell a story or that the British media makes for a cinematic villain. These articles from The Atlantic and The New York Times helped me process the series, too: 
“What Harry & Meghan Still Doesn’t Say About Race,” NYTimes.com (2022)
“Harry, Meghan, and the Men Who Hate Them,” TheAtlantic.com (2022)
“Why Has America Fallen So Hard for Harry and Meghan?” NYTimes.com (2023)
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6. Double Feature - 1997 Volcano Action Flicks: Volcano + Dante’s Peak
Calling this a double feature is debatable since, um, they’re just the same movie. The hero (Tommy Lee Jones or Pierce Brosnan) is supposed to be on vacation but gets roped into managing a volcanic disaster—don’t you hate it when that happens? Jones teams up with scientist Anne Heche and rushes to save his daughter Gaby Hoffman, and Brosnan teams up with small town mayor Linda Hamilton and rushes to save her kids. Both are fun disaster spectacles, and since, um, they’re just the same movie, they’re getting the same scores. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 7/10
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7. Six National Tour
While I do wonder about the longevity of lyrics like, “You said that I tricked ya 'cause I didn't look like my profile picture,” I can’t get the pop perfection that is the Six soundtrack out of my head. The Broadway sensation about the six wives of King Henry VIII has more songs than story, but their clever lyrics, diva solos, and accompanying over-the-top costumes are some of the most fun I’ve had at the theater in months.
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8. Triple Feature - Heist Action feat. Corrupt Cops: Ronin (1998) + Out of Time (2003) + Man on a Ledge (2012)
Pick your setting: Europe, Florida, or Manhattan. Pick your cast: Robert De Niro and Jean Reno; Denzel Washington and Sanaa Lathan; or Sam Worthington and Elizabeth Banks. Pick your vibe: globetrotting conspiracy, Double Indemnity, or edge-of-your-ledge-seat thriller. Whether you choose Ronin (Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 8/10), Out of Time (9/10 // 7/10), or Man on a Ledge (9/10 // 7/10), you’re in for an exciting ride.
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9. Shotgun Wedding (2023)
If Jennifer Lopez just made wedding rom-coms the rest of her career, I wouldn’t be mad about it. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6/10
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10. Double Feature - Late ‘80s Comedies: Twins (1988) +The ‘Burbs (1989)
In roles they were born to play, Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger are Twins (Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 7/10) who reunite as adults to search for their parents. In The ‘Burbs (8.5/10 // 6.5/10), Tom Hanks, Carrie Fisher, Bruce Dern, and Corey Feldman suspect their new cul-de-sac residents of murder and they search for evidence in creative ways. With those high concepts, both exceed their low bars of success with jokes and silly set pieces galore.
Holiday Critic Picks
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1. The Best of 2022
Recurring themes and plots of the movies of 2022: class warfare, murder mysteries, musical biopics, taking down predators, and meta commentaries on entertainers’ careers. Read my fully redesigned year in review at ZekeFilm as well as my review of my top film of the year. 
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2. Hadestown National Tour
Inspired by the Greek myths about Eurydice, Hades, Orpheus, and Persephone, this relatively new Broadway show’s outside-of-time setting evokes A Streetcar Named Desire in its set and costumes. The songs feature some of the beautiful voices and melodies I’ve ever heard and some of most inventive stage lighting I’ve ever seen. 
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3. Network (1976)
In ep. 131 of SO IT’S A SHOW?, Rory is taking her fashion inspiration from the classic Network. What is its legacy, and what do these inspirations mean for a journalism panel Rory is participating in? Faye Dunaway, Robert Duvall, Peter Finch, and William Holden make a stellar ensemble for a satirical script prescient of the media-driven world we live in. Pair with A Face in the Crowd for a thrilling, thought-provoking evening. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 10/10
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4. Kiss Me Deadly (1955)
An explosive film noir! (And this year's putting up the tree movie?) After P.I. Ralph Meeker picks up a desperate hitchhiker (Cloris Leachman), his career and his life tailspin into a series of murders and a hunt for a mysterious package. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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5. MOSS by Maya Hawke (2022)
The best kind of intimate, vulnerable, and sweet indie pop, especially for the clever lyrics on “Backup Plan” and “Sweet Tooth.” 
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6. Rocky II - IV (1979-85)
Rocky II (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9/10) is the plot inverse of Rocky but just as thoughtful. Rocky III and Rocky IV (both 9/10 // 7/10) are exciting adventures with larger-than-life villains in Mr. T, Hulk Hogan, and Dolph Lundgren. Cue ‘em up to pump up for Creed III in March!
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7. Hustle (2022)
Speaking of Rocky, this Philadelphia-set dramedy imagines Mickey at the center. Adam Sandler’s latest made my long list for the Best of 2022, and yes, it was partly because of those Rocky-style montages. Basketball isn’t my sport, but when I watch a good movie about it like this one, I always think for about 5 minutes I should really get into the NBA. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 8.5/10
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8. What Price Hollywood? (1932)
If Hustle is a spiritual sequel to Rocky, What Price Hollywood? is the spiritual prequel to A Star Is Born.  This romance features a wide-eyed Hollywood hopeful and an alcoholic movie veteran, though the plot details are rearranged from the standard plot structure in the 1937, 1954, 1976, and 2018 versions. Constance Bennett's wardrobe is *chef's kiss*, and this melodrama would pair well with either of Damien Chazelle’s La La Land or Babylon. (Keep reading for more on Babylon.) Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
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9. The Last of Sheila (1973)
After so many comparisons to Glass Onion, I had to check it out—and it totally rules! James Coburn, James Mason, Ian McShane, Raquel Welch, and more assemble a year after a mutual friend’s death, and what begins as a pleasure cruise tuns into a crime scene. I have a deeper appreciation now of Glass Onion as both a riff and a twist on this film (though it still works as a standalone movie that just happens to have a Stephen Sondheim cameo), but I would’ve loved this morally gray whodunnit even without the introduction from Benoit Blanc. Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 9/10
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10. The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
And now I’ve finished Wes Anderson’s feature directing oeuvre. (Bring on Asteroid City and The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar!) Adrien Brody, Jason Schwartzman, and Owen Wilson are at their funniest and at their most self-absorbed as they process their father’s unexpected passing on a train ride across India. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 9/10
Also this Holiday Season…
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever has all the ingredients for a successful sequel—it just gets the measurements wrong. Read my full review for ZekeFilm. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 8/10
I didn’t care for Damien Chazelle’s Babylon, but I’ll never forget it. Read my full review of the uncouth, unending, uneven, unforgettable epic for ZekeFilm. Crowd: 5/10 // Critic: 8/10
Plane is enjoyable, but it’s one of Gerard Butler’s more forgettable action vehicles. Read my review of yet another movie where an everyman Butler saves the day for ZekeFilm.
On SO IT’S A SHOW?, Kyla and I investigated Danny Bonaduce’s transition from Partridge Family star to wrestling star, the real Paul Anka, and the forgotten ‘70s sitcom Chico and the Man. 
Photo credits: Six, Hadestown, Maya Hawke. All others IMDb.com.
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mediamonarchy · 2 days
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/20240610_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Communication, burning inside and the age of the understatement + this day in history w/congressional war crimes and our song of the day by The Resonars on your #MorningMonarchy for June 10, 2024. Notes/Links: Kick Out the Scams, Magajabbers! Revolutionary punk rock band releasing new album for first time in 53 years https://www.masslive.com/entertainment/2024/06/revolutionary-punk-rock-band-releasing-new-album-for-first-time-in-53-years.html MCA: Shining the Spotlight on the Octopus’s Hollywood Tentacle https://covertactionmagazine.com/2024/05/14/mca-shining-the-spotlight-on-the-octopuss-hollywood-tentacle/ US Supreme Court Justices Report Hundreds of Thousands in Book Deals; Several U.S. Supreme Court justices reported payments related to books they’ve published or intend to publish, according to disclosure forms. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/us-supreme-court-justices-report-hundreds-in-thousands-in-book-deals-5664749 Lovely One A MEMOIR By Ketanji Brown Jackson https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/737094/lovely-one-by-ketanji-brown-jackson/ ‘The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court’ – Jeffrey Toobin https://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/23/books/review/Margolick-t.html Video: US Supreme Court justices disclose receiving gifts (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC3n8eAE_Vk INXS – “Communication” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/1589567-INXS-Welcome-To-Wherever-You-Are // https://www.allmusic.com/album/welcome-to-wherever-you-are-mw0000083089 // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUmEJZ9uNzc Trump’s doc requests reveal VP short list https://www.axios.com/2024/06/06/trump-vp-short-list-top-contenders Biden Signs Order to Limit Asylum at Southern Border; The president is taking executive action to turn away asylum requests once the average daily border crossings exceed 2,500. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/biden-to-sign-order-to-close-asylum-processing-when-daily-illegal-crossings-average-2500-post-5661645 Biden apologizes to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy for holdup on military aid https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/biden-apologizes-ukraine-zelenskyy-holdup-military-aid/ Russian warships to arrive in Havana next week, say Cuban officials, as military exercises expected https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russian-warships-havana-nuclear-powered-submarine-caribbean/ Putin says America is ‘burning from the inside’ and U.S. courts are being used by Trump’s rivals https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/06/putin-says-trumps-enemies-are-using-the-courts-against-him.html Video: Cuba says Russian nuclear sub to dock in Havana next week (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMO3SF0JRBA Ministry – “Burning Inside” (Audio) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burning_Inside_(song) // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epDFHOVbhWk Millennial sparks debate over Gen X managers’ treatment of ‘fragile’ Gen Z employees https://nypost.com/2024/06/04/lifestyle/millennial-sparks-debate-over-gen-x-managers-vs-fragile-gen-z-employees/ Boomers are setting up a showdown with millennials, aging in place and plunking down hundreds of thousands on renovating their homes https://finance.yahoo.com/news/boomers-setting-showdown-millennials-aging-171906960.html College students are getting blackout drunk on ‘BORG’ drinks — Why the Gen-Z trend is so dangerous https://www.koat.com/article/health-concerns-borg-alcohol-drink/61009052 There’s a fight for phone calls in the workplace — employers are hiring pros to combat Gen Z workers’ ‘telephonophobia’ https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/lifestyle/theres-a-war-on-workplace-phone-calls-thanks-to-gen-z-fears/ Survey: 26% of Gen Z respondents brought parent to job interview https://www.newsnationnow.com/business/26-of-gen-z-applicants-bringing-parent-to-job-interview-survey/ Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32568274/ Video: Rep. Thomas Massie explains how e...
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thelearningcat · 10 months
I think a debate between Vivek, Nikki, and one of these white dudes could be a bit interesting.
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littleharpethcrossfit · 6 months
Sunday, 24 December, 2023.
I was blowing the rain puddles off the mats again this morning, even though it was still drizzling. Optimism reigns over rain.
20 Light KettleBell Swings EMOM X 5
Deadlifts: 3 Reps EMOM X 10 Minutes
Begin Light And Progress Heavier
Tom=225 Warren A=215 Coach=205 Kayla=145 Linda=105 Lew=95 The Goodrich Clan failed to Post
4 Rounds
50 Double - Under's (100 SU)
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/75/55)
25 Sit-Ups (GHD)
15 Push Presses (95/75/55)
Run 400 / Row-Ski 500 / Bike 1000m
Lew=22:29 Coach=22:30 Warren A=23:27 Kayla=25:57 Tripp=27:09 Tom=27:35 Linda=30:39 (5 rounds) Faith (The Kid)=37:40 WG and Elisa=did it.
The Goodrich Clan (Warren, Elisa, Tripp, and Faith The Kid), Tom, Big Lew, Warren A, Kayla, Miss Linda, and I were in attendance.
FORTUNE SMILED ON US !! Miss Esther just went to the Barn and sent me a picture of the results. It wasn't on WhatsApp so I wrongly assumed it suffered a premature erasure.
The Schwartz Clan did 12 Days of Christmas at the Beach and were more reliable sending in their results than Warren A. It's a sad sign of our presently disturbed times that a sweet Jewish family has to disguise their Shabbat CrossFit on the beach.
Kayla was 60 pounds below her Deadlift PR and could not be provoked to lift more. She said she was too cold and, besides, her usual Coach Cheri wasn't here.
There is much debate as to what the stink is at the Barn. Some say leaking Propane, some say dead animals due to the success of all the rodent poison I've dispersed at the Barn. So far, the vote seems to be 50::50. If it's dead animals, the stink should dissipate in a few days. It will take longer if the animal is an Armadillo, Raccoon, or Possum.
Warren A campaigned for recognition today, so I must point out that he did a lot of the clean-up chores today. He even bravely searched the Barn attic and declared that there were no dead animals up there.
The next workout at LHCF is Tuesday at 4 PM. Finally the Christmas season will be over and I can quit being a Scrooge.
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truck-fump · 10 months
<b>Trump</b> leans on Hill surrogates as he skips first GOP presidential debate | CNN Politics
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/23/politics/republican-trump-allies-first-debate/index.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw04SQ2RmGfstLAKnltE5hQn
Trump leans on Hill surrogates as he skips first GOP presidential debate | CNN Politics
The day before former President Donald Trump announced he would not participate in the 2024 Republican presidential primary debate, GOP Rep.
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Sharing these comics doesn't constitute an endorsement, but they are shared here for you to reflect upon. They're a ⬆️ MUST READ, because these strips lay out important questions that need answers.
Charlie Baber is the 🌈🥜 "Peanuts" (popularity stature) cartoonist of ⛪ same-sex United Methodist churches.
At the end of Part 1 is a LINK to Part 2, through to the end.
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Yesterday at our Church, 📚 Psalm 133 and Monty Python were referenced.
Self-determination is a topic gaining momentum, and will NOT soon go away.
🕎✝️🙏 Father God, help 🌉 bridge the divides. Teach us to be even BETTER listeners.
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There may soon come a time when you'll lose rights to 🆓 speech 💬. THIS ⬆️ could be the debut of weaponization.
Children of God hold MANY Theological interpretations, but we share a common 👿 enemy. SEEK 🫂 common ground.
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Who will speak for you, on a global 🌎 stage? As of NOW, 🇺🇸 we have no head of State.
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MUST 👁️👁️ SEE❣️
Interview that aired Sunday, April 23, showing a better list of accomplishments, 🆚💤 sleepwalker-mafioso joey.
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Where does the buck STOP?
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White "House of cards" WILL FALL. Truth 🕎 shall prevail.
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pashterlengkap · 1 year
Congress to vote on federal bill requiring schools to out trans kids to their parents
The House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill that could restrict materials available in school libraries and require schools to get parental consent before referring to a trans or nonbinary child with the correct pronouns and first name. H.R. 5, the “Parents Bill of Rights Act,” would require schools to list all “books and other reading materials available in the library” on a website or another place that parents can access. The provision echoes debates in school board meetings over the past several years over books by LGBTQ+ authors and about racism that many conservative parents have sought to ban, but the bill does not call for banning any book in particular. --- Related Stories School district slaps warning labels on books with LGBTQ characters Even the innocuous picture book “Everywhere Babies” got a warning label “like something you might see on a cigarette package.” --- The bill contains a list of information that schools must provide for parents in “an understandable format.” The list includes a “right to know if a school employee or contractor acts to change a minor child’s gender markers, pronouns, or preferred name; or allow a child to change the child’s sex-based accommodations, including locker rooms or bathrooms,” which would effectively require schools to out trans kids to their parents if they asked to be addressed with the correct pronouns or name. Schools will lose federal funding under the bill if they don’t obtain parental consent before using a student’s correct pronouns and name. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) introduced an amendment requiring schools to alert parents if a trans student is allowed to use girls’ facilities or join a girls’ school sports team. The long list also includes a few broad demands on schools, like that they make “the curriculum” of the school available to parents, as well as “any professional development materials” and “any plans to eliminate gifted and talented programs.” “Republicans are making a mockery out of parents’ rights and parent voice,” said National Parents Union President Keri Rodrigues, which opposes the bill. “This Republican bill is asking the government to force the outing of LGBT people before they are ready,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said in a floor debate on the bill, which she called “the Republican party’s attempt to take some of the most heinous legislation that we are seeing passed on the state level to attack our trans and LGBT, as well as people from marginalized communities’, right to exist in schools.” The bill “includes two provisions that require schools to out trans, nonbinary, and LGBT, even if it would put said youth in harm’s way,” she continued. “One of the highest rates of youth homelessness is in the LGBT community from parents who want to kick their children out.” AOC: I think we are seeing here today is the Republican party's attempt to take some of the most heinous legislation that we are seeing passed on the state level to attack our trans and lgbt, as well as people from marginalized communities right to exist in schools pic.twitter.com/bcpULa5zx2— Acyn (@Acyn) March 23, 2023 She brought up similar legislation passed by some states and said that opening up schools to more challenges to books in libraries and the curriculum, which she said led to a proposed ban on a book called The Life of Rosa Parks. “This apparently is too woke by the Republican Party,” she said, referring to how the book was banned in Duval County, Florida, possibly because it described racism faced by Black people in the United States. AOC: The Life of Rosa Parks. This apparently is too woke by the Republican Party pic.twitter.com/vvI9YJw0hQ— Acyn (@Acyn) March 23, 2023 While the bill could pass the Republican-controlled House, it is not expected to pass the Democratic Senate. The only LGBTQ+ member of Congress to come out in support of the bill is Rep. George Santos (R-NY), who is a co-sponsor of the bill. http://dlvr.it/SlV97r
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the-music-keeper · 1 year
Spring break to-do list.
Not much of a break, huh?
Schumann Seminar
1. Study the poetry of Frauenliebe und Leben. (I think this is a lovely set of poetry. Would I rather it have come from a woman? Sure, but it's still lovely.)
2. Listen to Frauenliebe und Leben. (Great, now I'm sad. UGH.)
3. Solie reading. (The landmark feminist attack on Frauenliebe und Leben.)
4. Muxfeldt reading. (This is a great response.)
5. Guralnick reading. (THIS ONE MADE ME WANT TO CRY.)
6. Rosen reading. (Extremely short and sweet, if a bit redundant.)
7. Finson reading. (Oh, look at that, Finson agrees with Muxfeldt. And by extension, me.)
8. Prepare to debate! (This is either going to go really well or really poorly.)
9. Start on my final project. (I really need to start sifting through possible songs I could use and start finding some sources.)
Baroque History
10. Hill reading. (Got her done this afternoon!)
11. Score study. (Mostly short pieces, but there were a couple concertos in there too.)
12. Listening. (I was right to be excited!)
13. Again, start on my final project. (I'm worried about how much material actually exists on my topic, so I need to go find some sources.)
Musicology Colloquium
14. Download some things to my laptop. (And make sure I bring the laptop to colloquium!)
Piano Practice
15. Choral rep. (The kids had a grand old time tonight!)
Research Assistantship
16. Reread chapter 1. (Finally got something done!)
17. Reread chapter 2. (Trucking along.)
18. Reread chapter 3. (Done!)
19. Laundry. (Got it done earlier than anticipated!)
20. Write a cover letter. (I applied for a room in the Catholic mission down the road from where I currently live, and they want me to write a little cover letter telling them about myself.)
21. Keep looking for a new job. (Didn't get as much done as I wanted to on this front, but any progress is better than no progress.)
22. Get a Metro pass for March. (Okay, so that's done.)
23. Pay a lab bill. (Thankfully it wasn't a giant chunk of change.)
24. Buy a train ticket home. (Ticket acquired!)
So. Lots to do! But I should be able to get a little bit of a rest, too.
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40leslie · 1 year
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 Bill to change Jackson judges looks 'like Jim Crow,' Mississippi lawmaker says This removes the voice of city residents, Rep. Robert L. Johnson III says By ABC News February 23, 2023, 1:04 PM ET • 7 min read  Mississippi House minority leader on alleged ‘modern day Jim Crow’ lawABC News’ Linsey Davis spoke to Democratic Mississippi House Minority Leader Robert L. Johnson about a new law that would allow unelected judges to preside over parts of Jackson, Mississippi.Sean Pavone/Getty Images The Republican-led Mississippi state House of Representatives passed a bill on Feb. 7 that would form a court system of unelected judges and prosecutors to preside over part of the capital city of Jackson and expand the Capitol Police force, a move that is drawing the ire of civil rights groups. Several elected officials, including state Rep. Robert L. Johnson III, the Mississippi House Minority Leader, have sounded off against the bill, contending that it would remove the voice of city residents, the majority of whom are Black. Johnson spoke with ABC News Live Wednesday about the bill and his concerns.  Mississippi State Capitol building in downtown Jackson, Miss.Sean Pavone/Getty Images  ABC NEWS LIVE: So I want to start by reading part of your joint statement about these bills. You say HB 1020 and SB 2889 are "an insult and a distraction, taking power away from the citizens of our capital city while we waste critical hours sitting around and letting hospitals close and our people die." You go on to say, "These bills are what modern-day Jim Crow looks like." Explain to us how this bill even got this far along in the process to begin with. REP. ROBERT L. JOHNSON III: Well, we have a supermajority-led House and Senate and a Republican governor. And as I described them, from time to time, they are kind of new to this process and they don't have any respect for the rules, procedure or tradition of the legislature. There aren't even opportunities to debate some of these issues. They've just decided that they're just going to run roughshod over the whole process and have what they want. MORE: Video Mississippi House minority leader on alleged ‘modern day Jim https://www.instagram.com/p/CpELeO1ANdj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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