#renfaire bands
metanoianmayhem · 1 year
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feat: Wakefire at a very brisk St Pat's this year. Gnomespeed, comrades, for playing with an inch of snow on stage.
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It’s still so fucking funny that my mom insists she’s not goth. She likes the Cure more than I do, she practically kins Morticia Addams and has had her as her default online avatar since the early 2000s, she loves gothic literature (she’s even read Lair of the White Worm and you gotta be REALLY dedicated to read that one ngl. AND she owns the movie on DVD), she has permanent Halloween decorations in her house, she practices the type of witchcraft that freaks other witches out, most of her friends when I was a kid were goth, when “whimsigoth” became trendy she admitted that it’s exactly how she dressed in the 2000s... 
But she’s like “No I’m not goth, because when goth split from new wave and post-punk I stayed at the new wave and the punk clubs instead of going to the clubs all the goths were going to” 
Like mom. Mom. It’s been four decades and we live in an area where there’s no clubs of any variety. I don’t think that’s the defining criteria for which type of weirdo you are anymore
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its the year of our lord 2023 and i have to say. blackmore’s night still SLAPS
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pilferingapples · 2 months
ALSO I was at the renfaire this weekend, which means I am basically dead for the next 24 hours , my spoons are spont, I am in silverware debt, I will not be found by emails or anything else tonight or tomorrow day
but while there I was having a swell time listening to a band that specializes in music from the 9th-14th centuries when they asked if anyone in the audience knew French, because they wanted something translated before doing their next song
and I very nervously volunteered that I know a little French. I do think that is a fair claim. I have a knowledge of some of the verbs and nouns available. I can describe apples in many ways. I thought, hey , maybe they wanted to see if their audience knew what "chanson" meant, or something. (I know that one!!) The old 'check to make sure your audience is following you' thing.
...Instead I got called up to the stage and asked to translate a long sentence of a title in. Old French. Fkginvdg. Help.
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sourscratched · 2 months
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picking up the funny little guys like they’re miis in the plaza and dropping them into the fair au
extra doodles and notes etc
- josh and katrina have matching earrings designed to look like gyrfalcon feathers (they’re tiny but they’re there i swear)
- rachel of course has a wolf pendant for her hacker besties 🌙🐺
- janices necklaces are a hammer and artisanal ice
- janices “sword” is just a big handsaw (couldn’t find a way to reconcile medieval sword with coping saw in any realistic way so handsaw it is)
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(B is the one i used, you could kinda pretend it’s a sword if you unfocus your eyes)
thank you to all the beautiful people in the discord and everyone who gave me ideas for the outfits!!! 💖💖💖💖 @wheelsupin-azarathmetrionzinthos @fatestitcherr @vexillologyisenjoyable @spacetime-storytime (let me know if i missed anybody who gave design ideas!)
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(I drew the above one a few days before the discord chat about the renfaire au designs started so that’s why Josh’s outfit is weird)
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couldn’t get this out of my head, wanted to draw jester josh so bad... didn’t know what to do for lorenzo and d’artanio so i just used my old design but slightly fancier lol
and jacques and felipe from flow of the rings can be there too
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other potential ideas
- polypalooza came down dressed as their dnd characters and did some photoshoots
- brendan and his friends are of course also at the fair
zekes character is having the time of his life hanging out and taking selfies with all the Star Wars cosplayers
Jess’s character found a bunch of people to play tag with (and another group of people to act out the movie Tag while they do it)
zachs simultaneous karaoke guy maybe got into doing chants and tavern renditions of his favorite songs. and also considering the fact that the man accidentally sexted brendan in the opening number i think he probably already has the falconers contact info and is hoping to see them at the fair (lorenzo and d’artanio don’t own phones but luckily he happens to know a guy who trains carrier pigeons) (and his wife who sells stationery)
idk if byler made it to the fair, he may have been preoccupied trying to solve the mystery of how a mourning dove got mixed in with his pigeons and why it had a scrap of paper tied to its leg with “whoops wops widdly wops” scrawled on it
that evening there’s some musical acts down at the lake, including some boy band called Plato Could Never. no one’s super sure who they are but they’re local and apparently they’ve got killer harmonies
that’s all for now, thanks for reading my strange ramblings trying to connect everything for no reason at all
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Renfaire is on the horizon and my craft room is finally set up, so I'm starting to buckle down and get going on those costumes! The biggest thing that needs to be made are a pair of skirts for the two days I'll be there. I've got a pair of thrifted bedsheets with a contrasting band that I'll repurpose as the waistband for one skirt, and a few yards of clearance-rack cotton that has a nice pattern.
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As of this morning I have all the skirt pieces for the floral skirt cut out and ready to sew! I'm using a skirt pattern with a hidden lace-up waistband and huge historical pockets, so there are more pattern pieces than a simple circle skirt.
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I'm making good progress on everything, and out of seven garments that I'm planning to make, only two haven't been started! With a month to go, I think I'm making good time!
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wanton-votaress · 3 months
I think I’m succumbing to that trashy teen girl trope of wanting to date a guy in a band. The catch is instead of playing bad rock, all their gigs are at renfaires
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bluravenite · 1 year
So i hadn't seen the original post since I try not to be too active here but... Im going to list off references just as a reminder 🫶 !!
A tumblr user in the ghost fandom posted about their opinion that people shouldn't write or draw dewdrop and copia as trans or emotionally complex characters. Their reasoning being:
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Here's the link to the og post as well as a great reply from media nocte, which i think VERY well sums up the general argument here. "Get fucked OP."
Also this wonderful response by leafy, my love...
As well as syringe's post which even lists Tobias Forge's opinions, which OP said the papas were 'his super secret fight club level identity' which if it were true, he wouldn't be accepting Ghost band awards as himself nor with his family, nor openly interviewing about it... If it was so secret...
Tobias has even been open about other characters of his (such as Mary Goore, as mentioned per an interview) used they/them pronouns even if not INHERENTLY trans or non-binary.
He's always been openly accepting of people regardless of their gender or sexuality (this isn't to idolize him, just stating my knowledge of his values.)
My last point to op?? Here's what those "trans" people think about mine and other works.
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I know i have more personal conversations with people where we have discussed how validating it can be for trans and non-binary people to write, read, explore these characters.
A reminder. Tags exist. Read the fucking tags on a fic, chances are the author wrote trans!dewdrop or "usage of cunt" in the tags or notes, and if they didn't?? It takes 3 seconds to comment "could you please add a trans character content tag please?"
As an artist myself, who originally stuck to the "stage representations of the characters" i the slowly started exploring the way i perceive their stories, how i can make MY OWN ART out of these characters that relates TO ME and MY FEELINGS and likes and opinions and such because THAT is what creativity is about. Taking what the world gives you and making it your own.
I am not trans, i am barely even nonbinary... Labels are scary, half the time i don't know who i am okay? I don't always feel like a girl, i don't always hate my body, sometimes i feel like if i live in this body for just a second longer I'll have to scratch all the skin off and crawl out of it myself... Sometimes i wish i could bind, be flat, have a deeper voice, be more masculine, sometimes i want to wear skirts that are way too short and the pretty corset from renfaire that makes my chest look so puffy and pretty... Sometimes it's nobody's fucking business... And sometimes my characters reflect what i am, what i wanna be, what i am not, and what i may never be. And just like my gender and my body?? It's nobody's fucking business.
In all my niceness and honesty. (Which are starting to run lower every time people say stupid shit in this fandom...)
Get. Fucked. OP.
Now let me get a bit more personal for a moment op... I've the posts saying you "went to a Catholic school"
As someone who grew up going to an All-girls Catholic private school, as my whole family before me had done, here's a little bit of insight.
All the shit they told you?? Yeah it causes trauma, it causes resentment and repression. Feeling disgusted and surprised when this "male character" has "female" genitals? Please ask yourself how you feel about your body first. Your mind. Why do you want to read "gay/bi men doing those activities" but not a trans man enjoying himself just as much? Would it be different if if were a ghoulette? Would it be different if the ghoulettes were the ones doing it?
OP please evaluate yourself before you OPENLY SPEAK for a community that you are not a part of, and if you ever do decide to explore your own repression, sexuality, and gender? Know that you deserve a chance at fucking up and learning about yourself. I say this from personal experiences. Making catholic school your whole personality internalizes that "sinful" feeling. That's probably why you enjoy ghost too... Not to psychoanalyze a random person on the internet but...
Get help.
Thank you.
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adhdemongirl · 7 months
So I have an earworm right now of a song I really like and I can't hum it right now or ever and I fucking hate it and I'm going to explain why:
So I went to a lot of renfares with my parents as a kid (bare with me). They were cheap and not gentrified completely yet and germans go absolutly nuts for them (we also knew a lot of Heerlager people). Anyway, a lot of folk, folk-punk and "medival" bands here got their start on renfairs in the early 2000 and I still listen to some of them occasionaly because they were part of the background noise of my early childhood. One of these bands is Saltatio Mortis. They have two kinds of songs, type 1 are your typical dance and drink songs, type 2 are heavy on the politics, often criticisms of capitalism. The song I'm talking about here, "Augen zu", falls into the latter categorie. The lyrics of the song are fine, it's about how we'te way to ready to ignore issues like poverty and facism. The melody almost got me into a lot of trouble though.
You see, Saltatio Mortis sometimes like to reuse some well known melodies in their songs to make a point. They've got a song called "Wachstum" for example, that's about how the idiologie of endless growth is bad, that incoroprates parts of Germanys national anthem, specificaly the first stanza (the one we can't sing anymore). It's honestly a banger and you should listen to it.
So I had been quietly humming "Augen zu" absentmindedly when working for a while now, including in school, when I reread the lyrics out of boredom and noticed that they reminded me of something else. My heart skips a beat. I do a little bit of further research and learn, to my absolute horror, that I had been humming parts of the melodie of the fucking Horst-Wessel-Lied for over a week and I'm so lucky that nobody noticed.
For those that don't know "Die Fahne hoch", also known as the Horst-Wessel-Lied, was written by SA member Horst Wessel and later became the anthem of the NSDAP, the fucking Nazi party. It's actualy illegal to play it or even it's melodie here. I honestly don't know how they managed to publish the song.
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switchblade-guy · 1 year
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I am working on a hyena mask for renfairs right now. I have run into the issue for the mask being too heavy for the attached rubber band so i orderd thicker ones. I HOPR that will solve the problem.
A few details will be added as well such as bones and more feather as well as a few beads and more fur bits to the back.
And once thats done i ll paint on a few last details and finish the eyes. I am not sure if i want to add mesh in front of the sockets or not yet though. I koght have to open them uo6 a little more before that though.... Yaaay
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metanoianmayhem · 4 months
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I made these :3
Anyways, go check out the band Wakefire, they're a fun romp live and go places like Dragoncon, Michigan Renfaire and Festival of Legends
They have music here
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When I get bored, I do weird stuff.
Like try to memorize the General Prologue for Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Because it’s there.
So I got to thinking, while I was doing this, about what the pilgrims would be doing in modern times, given enough seed money to get started. Came up with the following, would enjoy discussion.
1. The Knight- Out of his depth. Way, way out of his depth. Used to getting automatic deference and respect, and used to religious warfare as a norm - would consider religious tolerance an abomination. Or...maybe not, maybe he has some of the same sort of respect for those he faced on the battlefield as Richard I and Saladin seem to have had for each other. Might be a massive danger to Muslim and Jewish populations in his neighborhood if given knowledge of and access to modern weaponry. Might even go full terrorist, while remaining eerily soft-spoken and polite. Or might hire himself out to Renfaires to give demonstrations, or join the military and work his way up to officer ranks.  Or might have a television show/YouTube channel where he talks about what the military of today is Doing All Wrong. One never knows. He would need careful watching.
 2. The Squire - Becomes handsome and charming celebrity, showing off his musical skills by writing/performing love songs that make young women swoon. Is constantly in the tabloids having passionate relationships with beautiful women. May end up as frontman for a boy band.
3. The Yeoman - Probably ends up doing wilderness survival training, or has a bowhunting show on TV. If he gets overconfident and if he ends up in the Americas, he might die by moose or polar/grizzly bear. Otherwise he should be fine.
4. The Prioress - Joins a convent that does substantial charity work with orphans and/or rescued animals. Is relieved to be a simple nun with simple duties she enjoys, instead of being out of her depth in the Prioress position (my theory is that she is a young half-educated girl shoved into that position because of personnel shortages related to the Black Death). Dotes on her charges with all her might. Lives relatively happily. Hopefully meets enough actual Jewish people to realize how wrong her anti-Semitic assumptions were.
5. The Monk - Immediately leaves the monastic life and is aggravated to discover that hunting is no longer so available or easy in modern England. Moves to America, probably does die of moose or bear.
6. The Friar - Becomes a television evangelist. Makes millions. Fathers several dozen illegitimate children. Retains a large fan base no matter how many scandals he gets involved in. Lives the good life, at least by purely physical standards.
7. The Merchant - Learns about the stock market. Either makes a fortune or loses his shirt or both. Probably both, multiple times.
8. The Clerk of Oxford - Goes home to Oxford, gets a position where, in exchange for some office hours every week spent serving as a primary source and letting historians, theologians, philosophers and other scholars pick his brain, he gets a simple living space, food, health care, a modest stipend, and full access to the Bodleian. Walks into the Bodleian, and either has a heart attack immediately and haunts the Bodleian forever as the Bookworm Ghost, or simply falls to his knees in awe, sobbing with joy at the sight of So Many Books. In either case, refuses to leave until forced, and comes back as soon as it opens again. May need some therapy once he finds out just how much the scholarly mindset has changed since his era, especially wrt religion - might also have trouble dealing with female scholars on equal terms, but then who knows, Heloise and Hildegard of Bingen and Catherine of Siena existed. Is assigned a grad student to remind him to eat and sleep on a regular basis.
9. Sergeant At Law - ends up teaching modern law students about the history of English legal practice in his day. Becomes a solid respectable citizen, thanks to his excellent memory.
10. Franklin - becomes a food critic, gets his own food and travel documentary, learns about all different sorts of cuisine, and delights in them, probably eventually dies of cardiac arrest from overeating. Becomes good friends with Guy Fieri.
11. Guildsmen - Become historical craft demonstrators. Or run for office, not sure which.
12. Cook - Gets treatment for that sore on his shin. Does cooking demonstrations for historical reenactments, teaches people what things like "blancmange" and "mortreux" are. May get his own cooking show.
13. Shipman - has his own YouTube channel featuring pirate stories (sometimes with him doing the piracy, sometimes with him fighting the pirates- he went back and forth in his day) and lots of sea shanties sung happily with vigor and verve. May run a tourist boat.
14. The Doctor of Phisik - is absolutely refused any possibility of returning to the practice of medicine until he updates his knowledge _substantially_. Finds out he needs no official qualifications whatsoever to become an astrologer, so does that instead and becomes well known and famous in astrology circles. Genuinely believes in the accuracy and effectiveness of his readings, no matter what evidence is provided him to the contrary. Makes a fortune.
15. The Wife of Bath - has a grand old time. Discovers feminism. Approves highly. Clothmaking skills plus an eye for beauty and desirability make her an excellent fashion designer - quality stuff, well-made, attractively-cut especially for larger women (she is not ashamed to be a Woman of Mass and Substance and is shocked to find that anyone would be), and with POCKETS. Travels extensively. Has lots of affairs. Gets a hearing aid. May market her own line of sex toys. Has absolutely no shame, and needs none. May marry again, may not, but either way it's on her own damn terms.
16. The Parson - may have to go through seminary again, may not. Becomes a quiet Catholic parish priest. Well, _probably_ stays Catholic, but just might convert to Anglicanism or another Protestant sect - he does seem to have had some Wycliffean leanings. But then, he'd probably approve of Pope Francis, who is in fact a solid ethical improvement on the popes of Chaucer's day. At least there's only ONE Catholic Pope and he's in Vatican City and not Avignon. In any case, does good work among the poor and homeless, is a trusted advisor and counselor to his flock, keeps his conscience clean, focuses on caring for others and teaching good behavior and religious devotion by example first and preaching later. Generally does just what he would have done back then, except in a somewhat different setting. Does not get involved with politics, except to benefit the poor, hungry and homeless. No matter how much people demand it of him. When he dies, his funeral is attended by a massive crowd of people genuinely mourning him, startling those who thought of him as just a simple parish priest.
17. The Ploughman - learns a modern trade, perhaps construction work. Works hard, helps others, is generally genial and friendly, pays his union dues as faithfully as he once paid his tithes, lives a comfortable peaceful life and is quite popular at his workplace and in his neighborhood. We find after his death that he was one of those people who lived simply but secretly gave away, bit by bit, what amounted to a fortune in charity. His funeral is as well-attended as his brother's.
18. The Miller - Goes into pro wrestling. May end badly if he forgets it's supposed to be fake and accidentally kills someone. His schtick involves bagpipes. Somehow.
19. The Manciple - Goes into the stock market. Is a quiet genius at it, despite lack of instruction. Does MUCH better than the Merchant. When asked his secret, simply replies, with a shrug, "I buy low and sell high."
20. The Reeve - becomes a CPA, manages money for the billionaire crowd (especially for the children of billionaires who inherit their money but haven't a clue how to properly handle it), does solidly  well for his employers and gets extremely wealthy himself through mostly-legal means. Mostly.
 21. The Summoner - gets treatment for his skin disease, remains an alcoholic. Turns his propensity to speak in Latin when drunk into "speaking in tongues" and runs a faith-healing ministry with the Pardoner.
22. The Pardoner - joins the Summoner in his ministry, using his "relics" as magical items that he claims will heal and bring prosperity - in exchange, of course, for donations. They learn about Gospel music, and sing duets enthusiastically, with great fervor and reasonable harmony. Maybe they even put out a couple of albums. Eventually they get caught in bed together, and melodramatically claim it was a trick of the devil. This may or may not end their career. (I don’t think either of them are honest enough to come right out and support gay rights, sadly.)
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ckret2 · 2 years
I'm getting real tired of going,
*finds new metal band with female vocalist*
*looks at publicity photos; it's one individual woman in elaborate high goth/renfaire costume surrounded by 3-6 men in t-shirts*
*reads their wikipedia article: "The band was founded by three guys who have been friends since high school. They hired their vocalist."*
*"The same guy's been playing guitar the whole time. This is their fourth vocalist."*
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
I'm stuck between shipping you with Eddie and Jonathan!
Could you ship me with a ST character please? I thought I sent a request but now I think I wrote it out and never sent it like I tend to do lol
I'm tall, auburn hair, blue eyes, a bit on the thick/curvy side, 20s. Woman, she/her.
I love music. I'm never NOT listening to music. I love rock, heavy metal, Gothic metal, new wave synth pop from the 80s, psychedelic rock, folk (especially 60s/70s protest songs cuz why not), grunge, nu metal... the list goes on.
I love movies. Horror movies, thrillers, fantasy, sci-fi, etc. You name it. I'm a big fan of your darker cult classics like The Crow, Sweeney Todd, Lost Boys, etc. I also love comedy like Monty Python, Wayne's World, and satires like Scary Movie, Hot Shots, Robin Hood Men In Tights, etc.
I wear mostly band tees, flannels, ripped jeans, Converse, Vans or whimsigoth dresses with Doc Martens and textured tights. I usually have tons of accessories on.
I like to rollerskate, cosplay and go to renfaires in my free time. I'm an elf when I go to the faire, usually wearing a flowy dress, corset, flower and amythyst crown and elf ears.
I love to write fanfics or original fantasy. I read a LOT. Those genres plus horror, mystery, etc.
I love all things witchy, Halloween-y, etc.
I love animals and nature and tend to be outside if the weather holds up for it.
I'm sarcastic, awkward and introverted (when I'm not online lmao) but I'd do anything to help people and am fiercely loyal to my friends.
Thanks for your time!
ahh honestly I’d take either / both, thank youuu!! <3
ooh I’d definitely ship you with Eddie!! <3
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- hope
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devilswalkingstick · 2 years
I have never before so completely eradicated my spoons and had this much fun doing it. I need to do renfaire again.
plus lots of people loved my cane and I love to show it off 🥰
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[id: a mirror selfie of my outfit: a white poet shirt, blue banded pants, a brown belt with a clear handled dagger hanging from it, brown boots, and a clear plastic cane with lights and blue, pink, and white silk roses inside. end id.]
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technomaestro · 14 days
maple, bonfire, and cocoa
autumnal asks
maple - is there a hobby / skill that you’ve always wanted to try but never did?
This is tough, since I've sampled quite a few hobbies over the years. ADHD and pretty severe clinical depression make it tough to stick with things and I'm bouncing around trying various things looking for that dopamine fix. One thing I'd love to return to is actual music mixing, not just playing it on an instrument but like, making original songs, using stuff like Garage Band or Fruity Loops. But I've also been really intrigued by Buhurt. Y'know that thing where you dress up in full plate armor and go whack other people in full plate armor. Growing up a Renfaire nerd, I always loved the knight fights so it'd be fun to try and investigate that love again.
bonfire - describe your dream house.
Frankly, a simple A-Frame house in a woodlands with a view of the coast, with a hot tub / spring and a fire pit to relax by. A nice little gaming lounge/theatre, a library, a nice kitchen and cozy bedroom. Something peaceful, where I could kick back and relax without the worries of civilization for once. I'm so tired some days that escaping to the wilds just feels right.
cocoa - if you could have any type of hair, what colour and cut would you have?
Honestly I really love my current hair. I wouldn't mind a bit bushier of a beard and a mustache that would cooperate for a change though.
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