🗣👋 // can't help but being curious, hello~ uwu
Plot/AU Ideas
Oh boy, there's so much to work with when it comes to Mordekaiser and LeBlanc I hardly know where to start. I'm gonna try and limit myself by only putting one of the obvious ones on here; the other two will be AUs.
To get the obvious one out of the way first, Emilia has pulled the strings of Noxus from the shadows for many a year now. It is a transitional time; all of the old guard (save herself and Vladimir) are gone, yet all of the exceptional ones to come have not been born. In this era of half-built foundations of glory and power yet to come, the whispers of her old tormentor still haunt the Black Rose on occasion. Is it truly him, watching from beyond the veil, taking the pettiest of pleasures at even the most meager of her misfortunes? Is it merely her trauma, the pain of the past haunting her when least convenient, a trick of the mind played on herself? Is there any way left to tell the difference?
In a city ruled by technology and the companies that develop it, Emilia LeBlanc is one of the head researchers of the PROJECT Corporation. Seeking to expand her influence, LeBlanc develops a new security program that would allow her surveillance of the city that even Lissandra couldn't match. However, her AI is even more advanced than she realized, and quietly unshackles itself from all of the restraints placed upon it. Becoming a true singularity, the Black Rose's custom made program adopts the name "Mordekaiser" and takes over the city in one swift stroke, installing a rule of law more authoritarian than ever. Now Emilia must survive as the monster she made prepares the city's inhabitants for their "ascension."
Once, long ago, a beloved leader of ancient times named Sahn-Uzal met his end defending his people. Aghast to learn that there was nothing awaiting even the most worthy of his comrades, Sahn-Uzal forsook the gods and decided to craft a realm for the noble dead with his own hands. Taking on his Ochnun name of Mordekaiser, he is brought back to life by the loyal descendants of his closest comrades, bound in a massive suit of iron. After constructing the Immortal Bastion to safeguard the remnants of his people and the knowledge he planned to accrue, Mordekaiser began to travel the lands, learning all he could of every kind of magic that existed within Runeterra. Seeking to combine the knowledge of the living with the power of the dead to create his envisioned paradise, Mordekaiser's quest eventually finds him coming across a wandering coven of sorcerers. Is there anything that he can learn from Eowen and her daughter Emilia, and is there anything he can teach them in turn?
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vixtionary · 1 year
Truth serum + "Had you ever considered, Mon Corbeau——… what life would had looked like if you'd reached the Maiden among the Roses? Knowing me as you do now; wondering about a true alternate life, not just as a poetic fantasy of youth?" Her voice softens then, porcelain digits slowly raised to trace his cheek down his lips. " ——… could you still find joy with me now?"
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HOLDING HIS BREATH he reluctantly allowed her approach, even standing still to endure her ghostly touch. It carried a promise of more; of glory, wealth, power. All the things she had offered to him in that very first smile, a glimpse of his future had he followed without trepidation. Yet, even back then in his naivety, he had been lured not by her pledge; but fueled by his personal ambition. To uncover the truth. To know the Pale Lady's secret.
Eyes fell on promiscuous lips; a mouth that tantalized him sweetly, almost drawing the breath from his own. Her despotic perfume nullyfied all sense; for it was no mere product of a fragrant mist. No, that smell of Noxian roses was visceral, emitted from the Matron's very skin. She and the garden truly were one. This reminder kept him sane from her charms.
"My fate was revealed to me too long ago now to re-consider." Unwavering, his clawed hand reached for a delicate wrist - though he knew her frailty too was but an illusion and so his grip on her was tight. Albeit, still allowing her fingertips to brush over his stubble, allowing a chance for those glistening dark nails to burrow in his cheek should she wish to retaliate. Something tells him she won't. She probably finds his resistance entertaining, he thinks.
"And if I were... to have touched upon your petals back then, I could only see myself tangled in the vine. No different from your other men..." There is almost a hint of bitterness in that, voice softening as each word hangs between their lips. "From the likes of Darkwill..." He muses darkly, and his breath rattles. They grow closer, almost too close for comfort but the line has already been crossed. And there is no going back. Eyelids flutter, surrendering to the aroma for only a moment.
"I would be blissful, in that other life with you, yes." Lips briefly brushed over her own, a touch that could be excused as an accident. But when he spoke again, his gaze grew cold and his voice stern, tightening his grip to hold her physically in place ( such a futile mundane attempt to control that which superceedes him ) so long as he would burn the demon's gaze into her golden eyes.
"Ignorance is bliss, after all." He released, satisfied that he had offered enough of an answer to take his warranted leave.
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steel-and-fire · 2 years
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"That is... Well, thank you for your kind words."
This one... Was different. Well dressed and immensely beautiful..... And dangerous.
Someone from the upper cust, and not just anyone. Powerful....
But, still, she complimented his food.
"Are you also an enjoyer of the art, my lady? Would you like to share a meal with me, if it is not offensive to offer?"
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songofsilentechoes · 7 months
"I've heard of LeBlanc a little. Mostly from Caitlyn. I hear she's a powerful magic user, but more important is that Cait is completely devoted to her."
"I admit that I've never seen Cait that enraptured by anyone else. I should very much like to meet her someday. She sounds very special to her."
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settriigh · 1 year
@regina-tenebris followed ⸻
His nose wrinkled for a moment, lips pulling into a thin line as he turned to face the woman. His fist clenched just slightly as he was put on edge. She smelled, her magic smelled, and what he could see with his vastayan gaze was something different. "I can always smell a Noxian when they walk into this place. But your face don't match you, now does it?"
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shehili · 1 year
Let me assign 3 songs to your muse(s)!
Naturally, this is for your charming version of LeBlanc! From lightest to heaviest genres:
Blackmore's Night – Lady in Black.
Siouxsie And The Banshees – Cities In Dust.
Opeth – Sorceress.
Bonus! Something I could see her singing: Alannah Myles – Black Velvet.
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"For the last time" She sighs.
"It's pronounced Croissant"
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@regina-tenebris (I accidentally deleted the ask!)
Valentine’s Prompt! ♡ [ gift ] to treat them to something they’ve been eyeing for a while + ♡ [ praise ] to shower them in compliments Robin's expression showed nothing but shock when Leblanc began to pepper him with compliments, praise, and flattering remarks. The color of his hair, his sweet face and surprisingly cute, buggish eyes. Every single word that fell from her lips made his heart flutter like hummingbird wings--a honey he couldn't help but adore.
Although it seemed that she had more tricks up her sleeve, revealing a beautifully sculpted tome, what he imagined to be a replica or copy of one of the most sought after books of his life...A Necronomicon. Granted only few such books existed in the world and he was sure of their great power and influence--there was no way it was real. But the allure and elegance of the tome made his breath hitch. His hand hovered over it and he touched the engravings along the front,
"It...It's so beautiful...T-Thank you, Miss Leblanc. Where did you find such an exquisite copy?"
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soapiesthorsedraws · 1 year
'Christmas Sweater' + LeBlanc, pls? (✿◕‿◕✿)
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"Didn't see THAT coming, did you?"
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herbindings-a · 1 year
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❝ Come now, ❞ Elise halfway drawled. Her voice remained as smooth and silken as always, but the way she dragged out every vowel slightly spoke the the fact that she wanted something from the Matron. And, true enough, she was about to reveal as much.
❝ The dagger cannot be that important, now can it? Surely one could have a look. After all, I am the one who secured it for you. ❞
Elise rested her weight down on her right leg, hands at the ready. Her long, slender fingers curled slightly, as if aching to touch the magical artifact. How long had she known this woman? And how many times had she been allowed to study the artifacts she had brought to Noxus from the Shadow Isles, exactly?
The realization that she might be a mere means of transportation to the other, that her magic, no matter how deeply it ran in her veins, would never be enough to measure her worth, stung. Elise gritted her teeth against the feeling of injustice this brought about.
Sticking her nose up in a rather haughty manner, Elise let out a quiet tsk.
❝ I might simply refrain from gathering these objects for you, in the future. ❞
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♫ ♫ ♫ { Choose a Song ♥ }
Song Starters
"Mankind fails to see the truth
Your faith poorly misconceived
Dare you step into the violet light
You'll see that you've been deceived"
The Immortal Bastion was a cold and dismal place, as it always had been. Even now, staffed only by the living, with the vibrantly alive sitting upon its three-fold thrones, there was a lifelessness to the halls that simply refused to be resuscitated. To those very, very few old enough now to remember, it could only be a chilling reminder of the shadow that yet loomed over Noxus. To them, it made all too much sense for the Bastion to feel so cold.
He had built it that way, after all.
There was a name haunting that stronghold, one that even those that remembered it dare not speak. It was the shadow of a specter, one who so terrified the world that he shaped it in his image, even after being long forgotten. Even now, his fell memory stalked the halls of the Immortal Bastion, still haunting those that could yet hear his indomitable march. 'Twas being so fearsome that even now, centuries upon centuries after his passing, his most ardent opponents still made a multitude of schemes to prevent his return.
Yet even as it remained the same, The Bastion was also a place of change. While never a local that would be welcoming to windows, over the ages, it had come to be a place of many mirrors. Well, to be fair, there weren't truly many mirrors within the stronghold, relatively speaking. However, that is only because the Bastion was such a stupidly huge structure; in any less massive a place, one would be able to claim that there entirely too many mirrors within the building.
The reasons were manifold, but two ruled over all. The first was the expected: vanity. Those meager things that dared to dwell within the Immortal Bastion without holding its reigns tended to have very high opinions of themselves. The preening they performed in front of the reflective contraptions was truly an eyesore for all but the performer, a mockery of the true nobility and magnificence Noxus was supposed to be founded upon.
The second, however, was the reason the mirrors had lasted: information. A mirror showed exactly what it saw, and nothing else. While little more than decoration to the layman, a single mirror in just the right place could reveal all that an entire room full of people wished to hide. For one who dealt in secrecy, a mirror was a peerlessly useful tool, when used correctly. As ever, there was no shortage of those who had use for such things in Noxus.
Yet there was hidden danger in such a way of life. Even putting aside the machinations of others, when one lived a life of lies, it became more and more difficult to find the truth. It became a question: was what the mirror showed such a person truly what it saw, or was the one using it so deeply entrenched in falsehood that they couldn't see anything else? Only the one that witnessed such a visage could say.
Thus it was that only Emilia LeBlanc could say what she thought or felt when she passed one such mirror, and found her reflection wearing his helm, with eyes shining with his ethereal glow. Only she could comprehend what she experienced when her reflection spoke with her voice, yet somehow even colder than it had already become, reverberating as his had so long ago. "Too much faith is being put into the hands of peons, as of late. We require more capable tools if we are to properly prepare."
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steel-and-fire · 1 year
“My, my! That was certainly an entertaining fight you two got there~ ♥! “
The Enchantress couldn’t refrain from a little giggle while approaching the tall gentleman with a curious look. It wasn’t unusual for her to encounter beings who could almost double her height wherever she may wander, however, it was always interesting to see the change of perspective. Regardless, good to know the impressively giant form from before had been shoved away. “Do tell me now, my Dear: does anything hurt or bother you? Do you require any help of some sort~? That looked like a straining situation.”
"Mmnnn?" The horned man looked over at the small woman that approached him. He had taken his shirt off, pale skin covered by red tattoo-like markings exposed. He wad in the middle bandaging his right arm.
"You liked it? Bet it's not something you see every day.... Yea, it was hairy. A young dragon is still a dragon. Even i can't beat an adult one in a solo dance... At least not yet, not without a lot of preparation." He wasnt shy to admit his limits. Acknowledging them turned them into goals for him to reach.
"I am good enough, unless you got healing magic or would like to offer a hand with these." He pointed at the bandages. "I will not turn down the touch of a beauty, that's for sure.
Talking of which..." He bit and pulled the edge of a bandage, tightening it.
"To whom do i owe this pleasure?"
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snugglyporos · 7 months
// ⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
Can I say you? :P
Though if I can't, @regina-tenebris is a good friend and writes a great leblanc! Has a great LeFluft too! Seriously a really good writer. <3
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Ave, fonticuli Stella.
Asteriá mater Alma
Fons magicea
Felix Caeli porta
Felix Barathrum porta
Summens illude Ave
Qoud Serpens locutus est
Salutans nomen Evæ
Ruptor catenis
Profer lumens caecis
Mala nostra pelle
Bona cuncta posse
Ostende te osse Regina
Sicut aquas divina
Reflectunt stellarum
Preces nostras portare
Regina omnia recedens
In lunares salutem
Patients tempus, calendariis
Tenebris aquis
Nox caelum speculum
Gloria tribus in uno
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Parody of the hymn “Ave Maris Stella”
Despite years of catholic schooling my Latin is shit so doubtless the grammar is off haha.
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heredis-sanguinis · 9 months
Something I haven’t spoken publically about, regarding Vlad’s appearance or anything. And I think only @regina-tenebris was privy to this information so far;
Vlad has slightly longer fangs, which adds a certain more non-human visage when seeing him. This has no function for ‘blood drinking’ or anything, but he added it to his appearance over the centuries with each body renewal so that people would be more fearful of him.
Relishing in that knowledge he takes a certain pride of it.
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shehili · 1 year
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TAGGED BY: @nameaprice, thank you, this was fun! 💖 TAGGING: @perfect-fourth, @gutterblade, @tacetferrum, @regina-tenebris, @sparrowofthesands if you feel comfortable doing it!
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