#regen wellness centre
healthwellnessideas · 1 month
Infrared light is a form of radiant energy that’s invisible to our human eyes but that we can feel through its heat. Naturally radiated by the sun, infrared light can penetrate our skin’s surface, offering a natural form of therapeutic warmth that triggers powerful physiological responses.
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nanomooselet · 4 months
Elendira the Crimsonnail (II)
It's within your right to care not at all about any defence I mount of Elendira in Stampede. This is profoundly not my wheelhouse and I'm no fan of the creepy little girl archetype myself - but I think she's not going to stay as she is forever, and I think she serves a thematic purpose. Whether that justifies the new backstory for her is, of course, up to you.
Right. I'll need to start with the fact that in Stampede, Knives hates women. Oh, certainly Knives attacks and kills a lot of people - after all, his stated goal is the genocide of the human race - and many of his victims are men, since they typically make up the majority of fighting forces. But with them he's eliminating a threat. He's efficient about it. They're dead or at least incapacitated before they know anything. Think the Plant technicians, the MPs in July, the patrol officer outside Jeneora Rock.
It's when he targets women that he's hateful. Rosa's people didn't have to die like that. Knives drew it out for fun and let Rosa live with witnessing it. Similarly, he hated Luida so much he went for the throat bare-handed. He didn't get to Meryl, but Knives was so determined to harm her that it took Vash a few tries to redirect his attention while she fled. Let's also not forget that his abuse of Vash is centred around trying to destroy all influence Rem, a woman, had on his brother. Knives is openly contemptuous of human women in a way he simply isn't with men - Meryl is a "disgusting parasite", Luida a "witch".
You'd think championing Tesla and the dependent Plants (whom he refers to as female) would check him some - but it doesn't! Because they're defined by helplessness. They can't argue or tell him he's wrong, nor can they leave him or hurt him or take Vash from him. I'm sure he cares about them but, well, he cares about Vash too, and we know how that works out.
And thus of Knives's closest followers, only Elendira is afforded a place among their ranks. No others allowed. I have a feeling it'll be a little more gender-balanced once Legato steps in (he's got an entirely different flavour of hang-up), but that's for the future.
So why is Elendira the exception?
For a start, she's more directly attached to Dr. Conrad than Knives himself. Conrad seems to treat her as his companion or child, though she doesn't seem terribly fond of him or inclined to respect him. She is loyal to Knives, enough to recoil from Vash for being a "traitor".
In addition, she's Knives's partial clone. Knives is extremely self-absorbed, and she does look like he did as a boy. On a creepier note, she looks like Vash, too.
She's also not human. From what I can tell, rather she's a sort of an Independent/dependent Plant, a hybrid of their characteristics. Her body has proportions similar to the dependent Plants when they're unfurled, except on smaller scale and without the "petals" - large head, big eyes, long hands/feet, slender body - and, like them, she lacks sexual characteristics (so, she's arguably not a woman either - but put a pin in that). She can survive outside her case and doesn't need to eat or drink. However, her Gate seems too weak to afford her the toughness and regenerative abilities of the twins. Which probably explains why she reacted the way she did to a relatively minor cut.
I think her genetic makeup might be why she hasn't grown beyond "childhood". She isn't a child, she's a fully-developed adult. It's just that she's got the proportions of a fully-developed adult Plant, which look childish to a human. And might explain why she flat-out murders Roberto for being unable to look past that and see the threat she represents.
Anyway, I imagine, for Elendira, the problem is that the whole fact of her existence brings with it... expectations. The most obvious:
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Elendira is almost certainly an attempt by Dr. Conrad to further his "atonement" by recreating Tesla to give her another chance at life. He probably treats her like one, anyway, even if not consciously. (Whether or not she has any part of Tesla integrated into her is an interesting question but not relevant - it's an emotional thing.)
Yet Tesla remains a silent victim. It's her tragedy. That's all she ever got to be and all that she will ever be. Elendira simply isn't Tesla - might even have come to resent Tesla, because this poor little girl no one ever got to know has overshadowed her entire life. She's a sibling El can never surpass. Forever perfect because she never got to be enough of a person to disappoint anyone. It's no wonder Elendira hates being pitied if it means being reminded that Tesla, born an Independent, is a standard she falls short of - but all the ways Tesla was superior didn't save her from the fate she suffered. She isn't Tesla. She can't be Tesla. She refuses to be.
And then there's this asshole.
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(Vash is of course the perfect precious boy, but I'm talking from Elendira's perspective.)
We don't outright hear how Knives talks about Vash to his followers, but Elendira gives us a hint. She calls him a traitor and won't allow him to even touch her. We know Knives is obsessed with his twin to the exclusion of anything or anyone else (ask Legato) - and I suspect he sought replacement in his followers… but you know how it is when you're around someone who's really hung up over an ex? (Again whether it's romantic or not really doesn't matter, he's Very Normal etc.) Knives hates every single choice his brother's ever made but it's painfully obvious that he'll never love anyone else. For Elendira, that's another sibling setting a standard she'll never reach in a game she didn't sign up to play. She isn't Vash. She can't be Vash. She refuses to merely be a replacement for Vash, who hurt Lord Knives so deeply.
So fuck all that, right?
Given the scanty details we've been given, I can easily imagine her deciding she won't play anymore. She won't be Tesla. She won't be Vash. Instead, she'll carve out her own identity. Tesla didn't get to grow up, so Elendira's an adult and nobody's victim. Vash is a sentimental idiot, so she's the woman who kills without pity.
I can also easily imagine her going to Dr. Conrad and leaning on him to make improvements after the Punisher defeated her. She already wears lipstick and colours her nails, along with wearing a pink dress - experimenting with her presentation - and uses very adult, aggressively femme body language and articulation.
In short, I get the feeling Elendira dislikes her look as much as the fans do. And she's going to try and remedy it at the earliest opportunity.
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Part I
And one more important detail.
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prof-peach · 1 year
So.. I have a Chespin. And while it is reassuring that even something like a truck can not inpenetrate his shell (I WONDER HOW THEY GOT THAT INFO THOUGH), is there any information if the shell were to be damaged? How would it heal? Not that my Chespin got in an accident or anything, I was simply curious
They got that info from seeing a number of Chespin take the same impact force as a truck from various data collected in battle. Many pokemon can put out that kind of power, and Chespin endure it with great composure, truly defence specialists.
The shell of course does have a breaking point, and also is suceptable to disease and rot too, they are not flawless. Should they become damaged the shell itself secreets a sap, the sap hardens like resin and makes way for regenerative tissues to grow and fill the damaged area. There will forever be scarring but the scars tend to be even tougher than original shell tissue.
While repairing however the shell of a Chespin will be easier to split further if targeted, so its best to allow them to rest and recover while this healing proceeds.
They tend to lose these scars upon evolving, and gain a new shell, unless that is of course, its a genetic or bacteiral infection based scar, in which case it could very well carry over through evolution.
The fleshy body however will not repair in this way, and should be protected more, if injury is sustained it's always worth going to a centre or lab to have a nurse check it over.
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
Dancing with capybara, swimming with sharks
I know that a frequent tedious gripe of some fans is that they wanted to see Amai Mask showing his stuff in front of the other heroes. You know, punching monsters and reattaching bits of himself, and that sort of thing.  Like we see below.
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When it came to looking good in front of his peers, things did not go well for Amai Mask in the manga. 
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Coming back to how the manga differs from the webcomic, this last chapter has made me realise why Amai Mask couldn't be centred on the field like he was on the webcomic.
His not looking good has been a huge blessing in disguise. He'd be dead or in Metal Knight's monster holding cells. The heroes in the manga are seriously on the case of monsters masquerading as humans.
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It’s not that the heroes in the webcomic are more stupid or less concerned with justice. However, they are very self-absorbed units. Like capybara. If it’s not a capybara issue, why should they take notice.
The heroes in the manga are not little self-absorbed units the way they were in the webcomic -- and they compare notes. It’s like swimming with sharks... safe until they change their perception of one into food or a threat. No way jose could he have been seen to do something like this and go unchallenged.
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There’s no fault in Amai Mask’s strength in the manga. The casualness with which he lifts a large piece of reinforced concrete one-handed and tosses it away attests to that.
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His regenerative abilities in the manga, are if anything, far more impressive.  No clean cuts required! It just wasn’t his day for looking good.
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As it is, Child Emperor might have seen him dismembered -- if he wasn’t entirely preoccupied with what happened to Zombieman -- but it looks like he's too ill at the moment to cause issues. He’ll get better though.
Amai Mask faces other threats.  From Iaian and his fellow disciples smelling a rat and looking to start digging into his background.  The destruction of the Council of Swordmasters and the consequent time Atomic will need to sort out their affairs will buy him some time, but it won’t last.
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And, unbeknownst to him, Do-S is still alive... and very, very keen on blackmailing him.
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The sharks are beginning to circle our shape-shifting hero. Right now, the scent of blood is very faint but the trail only leads one way.
The danger he’s in is real: we’ve seen how much stronger the S-Class heroes here are than their webcomic equivalents... and they’re on edge after the way things went down. He’s not unaware of it: he’s been looking for a hero to lead the way and he’s surely aware he needs to find that person fast.  His words to Zombieman and Child Emperor carry an entirely different weight already.
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Before it’s too late for him.
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thoughtportal · 1 day
For patients battling diabetes, a group of Chinese scientists and clinicians may offer a glimmer of hope. For the first time in the world, a patient’s diabetes has reportedly been cured using cell therapy.
The patient, a 59-year-old man who had been living with type 2 diabetes for 25 years, was at serious risk of complications from the disease. He had a kidney transplant in 2017, but had lost most of his pancreatic islet function which controls blood glucose levels, and relied on multiple insulin injections every day.
“He was at great risk of serious diabetes complications,” Yin Hao, a leading researcher at Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, told Shanghai-based news outlet The Paper earlier this month.
The patient received the innovative cell transplant in July 2021. Eleven weeks after the transplant, he was free of the need for external insulin, and the dose of oral medication to control blood sugar levels was gradually reduced and completely stopped one year later.
“Follow-up examinations showed that the patient’s pancreatic islet function was effectively restored,” Yin said. The patient has now been completely weaned off insulin for 33 months.
The medical breakthrough, achieved by a team of doctors and researchers from institutions including Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, the Centre for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Renji Hospital, all based in Shanghai, was published in the journal Cell Discovery on April 30.
“I think this study represents an important advance in the field of cell therapy for diabetes,” said Timothy Kieffer, a professor in the department of cellular and physiological sciences at the University of British Columbia in Canada.
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Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way our bodies convert food into energy.
What we consume is broken down into glucose – a simple sugar – and released into the bloodstream. Insulin, produced by the islets of the pancreas, is essential for regulating blood sugar levels.
In diabetes, this system is hijacked: either the body does not produce enough insulin, or it cannot use the insulin it produces effectively.
There are several types of diabetes, of which type 2 is the most common, affecting almost 90 per cent of sufferers. It is largely diet-related and develops over time.
Regardless of the type of diabetes, failure to maintain normal blood glucose levels over time can lead to serious side effects, including heart disease, vision loss and kidney disease.
According to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, “there isn’t a cure yet for diabetes”.
Along with losing weight, eating well and taking medication, insulin is the mainstay of treatment for some, but this requires frequent injections and monitoring.
Scientists around the world are researching islet transplant as a promising alternative, mainly by creating islet-like cells from human stem cell cultures. Now, after more than a decade of work, the group of Chinese scientists has come a step closer.
The team used and programmed the patient’s own peripheral blood mononuclear cells, Yin said, which were then transformed into “seed cells” and reconstituted pancreatic islet tissue in an artificial environment.
While preclinical data from Kieffer’s team supports the use of stem cell-derived islets for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, the report by Yin and colleagues is, to Kieffer’s knowledge, “the first evidence in humans”.
Yin said the breakthrough was another step forward in the relatively new field of regenerative medicine – where the body’s own regenerative capabilities are harnessed to treat illness.
“Our technology has matured and it has pushed boundaries in the field of regenerative medicine for the treatment of diabetes.”
Globally, China has the highest number of people with diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, there are 140 million people with diabetes in the country. Of those, about 40 million depend on lifelong insulin injections.
China’s diabetic population is disproportionately high, according to Huang Yanzhong, a senior fellow for global health at the Council on Foreign Relations.
In an article last year, he pointed out that while China accounted for 17.7 per cent of the world’s population, the country’s diabetic population made up a staggering quarter of the global total, placing a huge health burden on the government.
If this approach for cell therapy ultimately works, Kieffer said, “it can free patients from the burden of chronic medications, improve health and quality of life, and reduce healthcare expenditures”.
But to get there, he added, studies in more patients based on the findings of this Chinese study were needed.
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omni-scient-pan-da · 1 year
Hello!! I saw your tags on one of my posts, I figured I'd send you an ask with my reply since I realized I had quite a lot to say XD
I definitely agree with the idea that Atsushi is connected to The Book somehow. 
Actually, you suggesting that Atsushi was ‘made by The Book’ is something I find particularly interesting. I personally have a theory that Sigma is The Book transformed into a human form, and what you said about Atsushi fits so incredibly well with the Sigma theory in my little gremlin brain.
(I saw in one of your posts you aren’t caught up with the manga, so I’ll keep this vague to avoid spoilers)
So far, Atsushi and Sigma have been shown to have very similar personalities. With all of the mysteries surrounding Sigma in the series, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn he and Atsushi may be more connected to one another than we have been led to believe thus far. 
So considering their seemingly important connection to each other, plus my thoughts regarding Sigma, your idea that Atsushi was made by, or is in some way a figment of The Book, sounds very plausible to me and the implications of it are driving me wild!!!
The idea that Atsushi himself has used The Book in the past, and was actually the one who created abilities (I saw you talk about this in one of your posts) is also very interesting to me!
I’d say as far as probability goes, Atsushi being the one to create abilities is not unlikely. I know the manga has mentioned abilities have been around for quite a long time (at least a few hundred years), but I’ve been rather skeptical myself about whether or not I believe that. 
To me, abilities feel a lot more ‘new’ in the bsd universe than the provided history wants us to believe. 
I personally think that if The Book is powerful enough to conjure up a floating casino, and implant eight years worth of memories of that casino into every person's mind, then it is also entirely possible that abilities have only been around for 10 or so years, and all info negating that is the result of 'false memories'. 
Atsushi being the one to write abilities into existence would make the most narrative sense, as he is the main character and should be at the centre of all of this if possible. It would also explain why his ability is considered to be so powerful. 
As for my thoughts on how Atsushi creating abilities would tie into him being the one to find The Book, I’d say it’s hard to come up with any substantial theories at this point, considering how little we know about The Book.
But something that could be interesting would be a reveal that either Atsushi himself, or his tiger, is actually a human/tiger embodiment of one of The Book’s pages. This reveal would explain why Atsushi’s tiger has regenerative abilities, as one of the properties of The Book itself is that it is unable to be destroyed by abilities. 
If this is true, and Atsushi’s tiger is a page from The Book, and is thus connected to The Book himself, then his finding of The Book could result from a natural, unconscious, yearning to rejoin the page he unknowingly harbours to the rest of The Book.
And, this would tie in nicely to my theory on Sigma being The Book, as Atsushi and him shared that moment of connection during the Sky Casino arc when Atsushi saved Sigma from falling.
Also, interesting thing there- We learn that Sigma used his ability on Atsushi right before he fell to disclose the location of the page to Atsushi. But we never actually see Sigma use his ability. So, what is he never used his ability at all? What if the unconscious part of Sigma that is The Book, connected in a sense to the unconscious part of Atsushi that is a page from The Book, and the information was passed between them through the connection they share via The Book? And not Sigma’s ability?
Overall your ideas on Atsushi and his ties to the creation of abilities are super interesting to me! And thank you for the kind words you left on my post, I'm glad you enjoyed my theory on Ango!! :)
I hope my thoughts here read as coherent, though I proofread this multiple times I wrote this rather late so apologies if I don't make sense!! Also sorry for the length, I have a tendency to ramble.
No need to apologize!! This is all super well thought out and I loved hearing your take on it!! Also thank you for keeping it vauge, I have since almost caught up to the manga now? I've read all the way through Chapter 99, which is the last chapter published in Volume 22, since I prefer to read the physical manga copies rather than the version published online
I never thought about how the tiger regenerates and the book can't be destroyed... I always thought it was interesting that Atsushi was able to heal fast because of his tiger abilities? Because as far as I'm aware, there's no correlation between healing and tigers? (Unlike say... Healing and snakes, for example, with snake oil being marketed as a fake cure all, or there being two snakes around the caduceus which is somehow associated with health, healing and Apollo even though it's Hermes's staff, although both of these correlations tend to be more white/European based correlations with mythology, and so I had assumed that maybe tigers were related to health or healing in Japanese culture or mythology and my euro-centric education hadn't included it)
Atsushi and his ability being created by the book makes a lot more sense to me if the book is the reason he has regenerative abilities rather than the tiger then, and I hadn't even thought of that before you mentioned it
I also think it would be super interesting if Sigma was the book? I do think that it's interesting how Sigma could be created from nothing, with no memories of the past, like if the book is all powerful then someone must have purposefully created him with no memories? And if so for what purpose? Why would creating a fully grown adult man with no backstory be useful to someone? Him being an actual human representation of the book would explain a lot and I think you make really good points there
Additionally, the lack of explanation about where special abilities come from has been on my mind since the very beginning of the manga amxnxkskk and as I mentioned in one of my posts before, it could be because I'm used to My Hero Academia, where they explain where quirks come from at the beginning of every episode, but the lack of explanation about their origin, and also the way that Atsushi just... Never knew about the fact that he had an ability makes me suspicious about abilities' origins
Also something that just occurred to me to further back up the idea that abilities were created recently is the fact that Atsushi has never once asked the members of the ADA how they realized they had abilities? If it was a common occurrence for people to not know they have abilities until something happens, like how Atsushi didn't know he had the weretiger ability until Dazai pointed it out, I would think that Atsushi would have asked the other members of the ADA what sparked their realization that they had abilities, the same way he starts asking them what they did before they joined the ADA
Granted, this could be something brought up in the light novels, and I just haven't read them, or from a Doylist perspective maybe it wasn't brought up because it wasn't relevant to the plot (whereas asking about previous occupations is relevant to the plot because it gives a reason to reveal that Dazai used to be in the Mafia kinda thing) but taking a Watsonian approach to why it wasn't included in the main manga at least, I think Atsushi knows that it's uncommon to realize you have an ability 18 years after you've had it
Which then begs the question to the reader... How do they just know they have an ability?
If abilities were created recently and merely implanted false memories of people having had them for a while, it would make sense that the characters have just "always known" they've had an ability because the book would have implanted that knowledge in their heads and no one would have thought anything of it, and if Atsushi's ability was created separately in a way that makes him/his ability different than the others, it would explain how he's the only one who wasn't born with the knowledge that he had a special ability
Anyways I don't think I really had too much more too add to this post, I'm mostly just elaborating on ideas that have already been stated but these were just a few more things that occured to me to back up a few more of these points because it's something that's been scratching at the back of my head this entire time skxnakskwkw
Thank you so much for your ask! I really enjoyed it and I'm interested to see where the manga goes from here!!
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rottenkadaver · 1 year
hellohellohello oh my gosh i came here from turmeric cookie post please tell be about them (also have you designed/planned the other two champions, and if so i would like to hear about them also)
hello there anon!!
The Crème and Parfaedian champs haven't been designed just yet but when they do, you won't be disappointed!
Turmeric Cookie is a gifted child from Scovillia. He was chosen to be the next Champion by Capsaicin Cookie's personal recommendation! Which was a high honor for him, seeing that Capsaicin is admired as not just a past student but also a God. Not even the fabled Fire Spirit Cookie could match his heat.
The championship tradition OFFICIALLY happens every year. It's mostly seniors that get picked for the challenge but there were rare occasions where juniors and sophomores got picked and competed as well.
Not much is known about Turmeric's upbringing. All that is known is that his parents were notorious warriors and his siblings all aspired to be like them, to the point where they'd go out for days, sometimes weeks just to get an achievement as big as their parents' own.
Turmeric is a junior student at Scovillia, special because well... he's not that spicy.
Though, he does demonstrate immense speed and agility, spectacular skill with fire themed weapons and interesting regenerative abilities.
Back at home, he was beating seniors in fights left, right and centre. Some even reported some of the stronger students couldn't even touch him.
Turmeric's only setback is his anger management issues. He's very easy to aggravate and he isn't very emotionally intelligent. If he gets too angry, he'll exert too much energy and eventually pass out from exhaustion. This was a habit he couldn't break... Or at least, one he's finding it hard to break.
Though at the end of the day, he's a very passionate kid, determined to win what those who came before him couldn't. He doesn't have many friends, outside of Capsaicin Cookie of course, though that's where the list starts and ends... But he doesn't seem to mind.
He has to go up against Acai Berry Cookie, an actor and magician in training from Parfaedia and Chouquette Cookie, a junior Paladin with twin swords.
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hjellacott · 1 year
Tumblr wouldn't let me respond to you so here it goes @oswalish #oswalish since you've blocked me.
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"Adamantly". Well all I'm doing is staying in a fandom that has meant a lot to me since I learned to read, that promotes love, respect for people, friendship, standing up for what you believe in, confronting injustice and hatred, and diversity, sending messages such as we're all better because we come in all colours, forms, shapes and sizes, and we're all valuable, special and have a place in history. I know that if any of my money goes to J. K. Rowling, it'll go straight into organisations such as Lumos, which protects institutionalised children and helps them find a forever, or into Beira's Place, which helps victims of sexual abuse, or perhaps into donations Rowling makes to help women in oppressed countries such as Afghanistan to get them lawyers if they've been imprisoned, and be freed and sent back home, or into donations Rowling makes to help Ukrainian refugees, and so on. Or perhaps my money will go to Volant Charitable Trust, which uses its annual budget to combat poverty and social inequality, with a particular emphasis on women and children, and which additionally funds major disaster appeals as the focus of the Trust's international support, or into her regular donations to Medicines Without Borders, or into the money she puts in things like when she helped create Edinburgh University's Centre for Regenerative Medicine, or her donations to Scotland's Multiple Sclerosis Society, or The Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic at Edinburgh University. You can read more about her charity work here: https://www.borgenmagazine.com/facts-about-j-k-rowlings-charity-work/ I mean she doesn't have the Order of the Companions of Honour for nothing, she has it because she does so much for so many, and I am very happy to give whatever money I can afford to give to someone that I can trust to put it where she thinks it'll be more necessary, contrary to politicians.
Hogwarts Legacy was a game bought by a dear Jewish relative to me for Christmas (because I wasn't brought-up very religiously and we don't do Hanukkah, but Christmas is more popular where we live). She's elderly and couldn't understand the whole buying it online, so she gave me the money so I could buy it for myself, out of the kindness of her heart, and knowing all the causes Rowling supports and hoping some of my 50 pounds would go into that. And she also did it because she knew my late father, who was such a Harry Potter fan and with whom I bonded over our mutual love for Harry Potter, would've loved to get me the game and remind me of all those days reading Potter together when he was still alive, so she kind of did it for him as well. And I play when I don't work or study, in my few spare hours, knowing some of the money will go into charity, and exploring the world I fell in love with through my dad and thinking about him as I do, which is very especial to me.
People have accused me of being anti-Semitic even though I belong in the Jewish community and actively support it and have gotten into dangerous situations for protecting Jews. People have accused me of being transphobic even though I've been campaigning for transgender rights for the past decade, going to protests and voting and talking to politicians and everything, and am very good friends with several transgender people. But I don't care any more. I know the things I do and the activism that I do and my heart is at peace. And I realise that the people who accuse me of shit without knowing anything are the same ones that do the exact same with Rowling. They accuse her of transphobia because she stated that sex is real and that you can't change biology (which is a medical fact) even though she's supported by plenty of transgender individuals who I've seen speaking out and thanking her for giving them a voice when their own collective is bullying the shit out of them. They accuse her of anti-Semitism because she used goblins in her stories, when 1, goblins are a big part of European folklore (and particularly of Rowling's, since she lives in Scotland, which is one of the places with the strongest links to celtic folklore) and everyone uses them, and 2, even the Jews stand in support of J.K. Rowling.
And additionally, I am not going to let a mob of violent jerks give me any lessons on morality. They're bullying children for linking a fandom or a videogame, making them self-harm and want to die, and telling them to kill themselves for liking Harry Potter. There is no way I'm ever going to stand in support of those people, ever. And they're bullying transgender people as well, particularly detransitioners, and supporting horrible things like transmaxing, or like children having life-changing surgeries without needing to see doctors first to be clear about the impact of it, and when people like me begin trying to inform possibly transgender children that if they have surgery, there really is no going back, and there could be chronic pain and boobs don't grow back, and all those things cannot be fixed later, they call us transphobic as well, even though what we're trying is to make sure people are properly informed before making any decisions.
So yeah, I sleep well at night, my conscience is very calm, and I am baffled at the oppression, aggression and authoritarianism displayed by supposed supporters of the transgender collective. They're behaving like Nazis and trying to give lessons about anti-Semitism. Well, the irony.
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solidandsound · 1 year
After I finished Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold, I was craving more of that Etrian Odyssey goodness so much that I went ahead and jumped into Etrian Odyssey IV, even though I'd told myself I'd hold off on starting anything new for a while. One aspect I wasn't sure I'd get much out of, though, was creating my own party rather than experiencing a set story mode. That was, of course, foolish; I am having a blast. I put a lot of thought into the backstory and dynamics of my crew and have come to love them deeply. So, indulge me for a while, as I introduce... Guild Trefoil!
Guild Trefoil, from the Latin ‘trifolium’, meaning three-leaved plant. This is another name for the clover plant, and also refers to various clover-inspired designs, such as those on heraldic crests. At the core of the guild are the three childhood friends Clover, Calyx, and Patrick.
Ship: Oxalis, another clover-like plant, colloquially known as a false shamrock. In EOIV, all airships are imitations of an original that fell to the ground long ago.
Clover, Sniper: Trefoil’s leader from the back. A fairly serious person. Orphaned at a young age when her parents set out to be Yggdrasil explorers in Armoroad and never returned. She was raised in a small village, at an orphanage for children left behind by explorer parents. She does not blame her parents; as world economies centre more and more around these mysterious labyrinths, other opportunities dry up. Her parents were doing all they could. However, she does hold a certain distaste for those who treat Yggdrasil exploration like a fun past-time, and for those who seek to profit from it at a higher level. She now sets out for Yggdrasil herself in the hopes of sending funds back to the orphanage. As someone with a high level of attention for detail, she is also in charge of the map.
Like the plant, Clover is small but resilient. (Portrait: female, pink.)
Calyx, Fortress: Clover’s carefree best friend. She, too, grew up in the orphanage for children whose parents died as explorers. Growing up surrounded by other children with competing needs led her to become patient and reluctant to complain. However, she is also slow to advocate for herself, something which Clover is quick to remedy. Calyx feels deeply indebted to Clover for all of her support throughout their lives.
Calyx is the collective term for sepals, a part of a plant that functions to protect the flower in bloom. (Portrait: female, redhead.)
Patrick, Dancer: childhood friend to both Clover and Calyx, also an orphan. Gay, maybe a little slutty. Definitely likes to have fun. Developed in a different way from Calyx in response to their environment; because he lacked discipline growing up, he isn’t too responsible and doesn’t tend to take things seriously. To everyone’s surprise, it was his idea to head for Tharsis and seek Yggdrasil. Although he pitched it to Clover as a way to help the increasingly poverty-stricken orphanage where they grew up, his real reason is tied to the boy he likes, Leif.
Patrick is named for Saint Patrick, who is strongly associated with the shamrock, a type of clover. The shamrock may have also been associated with the regenerative powers of nature; as a Dancer, Patrick is the party’s only healer. (Portrait: male, purple hair.)
Leif, Nightseeker: with a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other, Leif is Trefoil’s deadliest member. He seems to have had some training in combat before the beginning of the journey. However, his background is shrouded in mystery. He came to Clover’s village badly injured, barely kept alive by his sister, Kura. As he was tended to by Clover, Calyx, and Patrick, he became especially close with Patrick, and disclosed that he and his sister were on their way to Tharsis to seek out Yggdrasil. However, he would not explain why. He shared that he intended to head out again once he was healthy; Patrick did not see this ending well and offered to accompany him, soon roping his friends into it as well. Leif is a stoic figure, but occasionally lets his guard down and shows his true tenderness and sensitivity. He grows closer with Patrick by the day, but is nonetheless still guarded with him.
The name Leif is most closely associated with Leif Erikson, a Norse explorer who sought new lands. It also recalls a leaf, in keeping with our plant theme. (Portrait: male, red coat.)
Kura, Runemaster: Leif’s sister, who is even more taciturn than he is. Her greatest show of emotion seen by the party thus far was in the moments they first met, when she begged them to save Leif’s life. Since then, she has shown nary a smile. That said, she is very perceptive. This aids her in combat, as she is talented in reading the enemy, but she can also glean a lot about a person’s nature just by watching them. Like Leif, she comes to the group with prior training, showing great prowess with elemental magic. Also like Leif, she refuses to share anything deeper about herself. She shares her brother’s goals, but will not reveal them.
Named for the kura clover, or Trifolium ambiguum, a type of clover that is mostly white with red underneath, a similar colour scheme to her portrait art. (Portrait: female, short blue hair.)
(EOIV portraits can be viewed here, for reference.)
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what is shiemi’s path from now on? Is she able to return to her friends? how will her reunion with rin look like?
Hi there! Thanks for the question.
Shiemi's path is still unclear, but I predict a positive outcome.
Just to hash this all out. Shiemi was originally created to be a body to Lucifer by the Uzai. Lucifer made a deal with them to martyr the girl in exchange for Assiah's survival.
But luckily, Mephisto has been actively helping Shiemi to live beyond that fate. He encouraged her out of the exorcist shop and into his exorcist school to make new friends and experience the world.
Yet, from the very beginning, we know there is something off about Shiemi.
She isn't from the original Uzal descendants. I believe that Shiemi is a Lucifer clone and was made to become Lucifer's new perfect body. That clone was placed in proximity to the crystalized Shemihaza to inherit a regenerative/healing temptaint, creating a body that can channel Lucifer's power and heal from it.
But even more, is required to become an ideal vessel for demonic possession. The body must be strong yet possess a weak mind and spirit.
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The Uzai wanted Shiemi to be weak-minded and thought she was a puppet.
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Young Shiemi seems devoid of any personality and was most likely brainwashed by Jeremiah Uzai. The child was deemed unworthy of the Shemihaza line and raised isolated at the exorcist shop with her surrogate mother. Sheimi is shy and awkward emotionally. She doesn't interact with other children and is almost non-verbal. This isolation puts Shiemi in grave danger, making her perfect for Lucifer.
But something wonderful happens. Mephisto.
I don't say that very often, but the demon gave Shiemi a second chance, and I think Granny Shemihaza was working with him. (Is that why she was killed? Unknown.)
Mephisto repeatedly sends Yukio to tutor the girl, and she gradually comes out of her shell. This emotional growth becomes more apparent after she meets Rin and goes to Mephisto's exorcist school. She makes friends, faces challenges, learns to think for herself and gains confidence. Shiemi develops quite a strong personality, and it's decided by the Uzai that she can indeed become the new Shemihaza.
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By going to exorcist school, Mephisto saves her life...so far. Whenever Jeremiah tries to knock her confidence, all Shiemi needs to do is think about Rin, which centres her. (And Rin needs Shiemi to keep him sane as well.) Jeremiah claims Shiemi hasn't changed, but it's all a lie. She is now a powerful young woman, not the same girl from the past.
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She's grown so much that she can even stand up to Amaimon's gas-lighting and proves she's worthy of taming the Earth King.
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But who is the poor slob that becomes Lucifer's new vessel?
It has to be Angel.
He is a Lucifer clone, powered by a Lucifer temptaint, raised by the Uzai and no doubt near the Shemihaza crystal.
He lacks empathy and can react very much like a demon. He's easily manipulated by the people around him and doesn't change or learn new attitudes, which Mephisto continues to allude to throughout the manga. Angel seems dim-witted by choice and has other people (like Lightning) do the critical thinking for him. It doesn't matter if the truth stares him directly in the face. Angel's life is a lie, and he believes the lie. When Jeremiah leads him astray, Angel falls for it.
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This is another complicated theory that I have.
Do Rin and Shiemi end up together?
That depends. Are they brother and sister? Are they cousins...or are they unrelated?
Rin and Shiemi...as far as I'm concerned, are not biologically related. First off, the demon kings are not biologically brothers, but they "identify as brothers." They have a kinship with each other because they are made up of the stuff of Gehenna, and they are high-ranking in power. Technically all humans are made up of the stuff of Assiah, and by that decree, does that make all of us genetically different siblings? Yeah, no, and it sounds weird. And technically, all the stuff of Assiah and Gehenna is part of Satan, which according to the manga, makes all of humanity Satan's children as well. It's well...trippy.
Plus, Shiemi isn't the true heir of Shemihaza.
but Rin is.
This is unproven and theory-based.
Rin is the biological son of Yuri Egin and Shiro Fujimoto. He inherits Satan's temptaint, gaining his powers.
Yuri Egin, I believe, is the biological offspring of Uzai. Her mother was a Shemihaza descendant and somehow caught Amaimon's demonic temptaint.
This is possible as the Shemihaza offspring recharge their powers at the crystalized source of the goddess. Which we learned in later chapters is intertwined with Amaimon's powers to control him. The two power sources are "married together."
That means Shemihaza's offspring can inherit temptaints from both demons. This is why Yuri wound up banished and homeless. She took on the wrong characteristics to be a successor.
Moving on.....
This makes Rin biologically Shemihaza and Azazel, thus the true heir of Shemihaza. He has temptaint from both Amaimon and Satan....and because he has the Koma sword, possibly Mephisto. That's why Rin regenerates with leaves and vines, as seen in later chapters.
Shiemi, meanwhile, is biologically a Lucifer clone with a Shemihaza temptaint.
So does that make them family? I'm not sure.
Shiemi and Rin have been purposely pushed together and then apart by Mephisto. Rin is never allowed to consummate his love for Shiemi; the timeline always changes at the right moment to stop a kiss from happening. Amaimon either turns up, etc., etc.
That being said, Shiemi wasn't ready to be in a relationship, and sometimes young love (hell...all love) can cloud a person's judgment. And Shiemi needed time to learn who she was and be herself before she could be a good mate for Rin.
They might need Rin and Shiemi to fall in love because Shemihaza Line is dead.
The line of descendants has watered down. The latest Nephilim has no powers or merely a trickle of power. Mephisto, however, has been working on a plan to rejuvenate the family.
Shiemi is a powerful Lucifer clone with Shemihaza temptaint, and Rin is a Shemihaza descendent with Satanic temptaint. If these two ever did get together, they can create a very powerful new line of Nephilium to keep the balance of good and evil intact.
So my final thoughts are....
Like the entire timeline, events can tip from one way or another.
Shiemi could live or die.
But I'm predicting she lives on and finds happiness with RIn.
At the end of all of this, she gets to be with her friends, who live through it.
Rin gets to see sexy grown-up Shiemi, and is even more turned on. They start a family, and they become responsible for Amaimon. Hence why it's so important that Rin can beat the Earth King, and Mephisto keeps making them fight. Both Rin and Shiemi are being tested.
Angel, meanwhile, won't be so lucky.
Some people will die.
And I still haven't figured out this Yukio, Shura thing.
None of that is making a lick of sense yet.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 year
Well, we all know how drift x ratchet worked out. But how would the relationship turn out between drift and Perceptor in your original au ?
Ha! Well it wasn’t fully developed, I was still dipping my toes into the M/M relationship field then!
But I do remember it being centred around the whole concept of Percy being a non-combatant who felt like he had to take up arms because all this time the idea was that medics/non-combatants would be protected, but he learned the hard way that this wasn’t the case, and his initial mentor/mentee relationship with Drift who is/was a career mercenary (who better to learn from really, esp an ex-Con) and who becomes friendly/protective over him in time.
They work EXTREMELY well together, and would’ve teamed up often with Drift coming in as the blades saboteur and Percy having his back from a sniper’s view.
There is a bit of friction/drama in the fact that Drift feels HEAVILY responsible for what happened to Percy in an indirect manner (it doesn’t help that quite a few Autobots do not approve of Percy’s change), and Percy suffering memory loss/cognitive issues due to his head trauma that makes him doubt his ability in the lab and his use to the cause (it’s partly why he picks up the rifle bc logically if he’s no longer 100% in the lab, he has to adapt), though Drift always makes it clear that Percy’s valid as a person and not just for his brain, while Percy makes it clear that Drift saved his life, not ruined, and that Drift is helping him lend his hand to the cause in different ways. (Perce was also the first Autobot to actually see Drift as a person instead of a ex-con/reduce him to his old symbol)
Like OP did for Ratchet, Drift gave some skin grafts to Perce when Perce was still healing from the injuries.
(Perce was almost entirely out of it during this period but did notice that Drift hung out near his regenerative tank and spoke to him for quite a bit, which Drift did bc he had no friends on the team/no one to vouch for him except for Kup then, and he figure that Perce was better company than everyone else looking for him to fuck up just once so they can tell Kup he’s clearly not a good fit for the team)
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healthwellnessideas · 5 months
PEMF therapy makes use of electromagnetic fields to improve both overall health outcomes and individual cellular function. In recent times, its popularity has continued to grow, in large part as a result of its non-invasive approach.
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ubaid214 · 11 days
Healing from Within: How Exosome Drips are Transforming Health in Kobe
Recently, the lively city of Kobe has embraced a progressive therapy in the subject of regenerative medicine: exosome spill therapy. That cutting-edge approach is getting popularity because of its potential to improve therapeutic, promote anti-aging, and increase overall health at the mobile level. But what precisely are exosome drains, and why are they becoming the go-to treatment for many in Kobe?
Knowledge Exosome Trickle Treatment Exosomes are small, extracellular vesicles secreted by various mobile types, including base cells. These vesicles play an essential role in intercellular connection by transferring meats, lipids, and genetic product between cells. Basically, exosomes behave as messengers that aid the fix and regeneration of tissues.
Exosome drop treatment involves the intravenous infusion of these potent vesicles, based on carefully processed and processed cells. This approach guarantees that the exosomes may journey through the human anatomy, offering their regenerative payload right to the areas in need. エクソソーム点滴神戸
The Research Behind Exosome Drips The appeal of exosome spill treatment is based on their capability to control the normal healing energy of the body. Unlike old-fashioned therapies that usually rely on drugs or unpleasant techniques, exosome therapy is targeted on improving the body's intrinsic fix mechanisms. This is specially good for conditions that include infection, structure injury, or degeneration.
When administered, exosomes may reduce irritation, promote structure restoration, and induce the production of collagen and elastin, important components for skin health and elasticity. That makes exosome drips a favorite choice not only for medical applications but in addition for cosmetic applications, such as for instance anti-aging treatments.
Why Kobe is Enjoying Exosome Treatment Kobe, noted for its sophisticated healthcare services and progressive medical techniques, has turned into a centre for exosome trickle therapy. Many facets lead to this tendency:
Medical Expertise: Kobe has a high awareness of experienced healthcare experts and experts focused on discovering new frontiers in medicine. Their expertise ensures that exosome therapies are administered safely and effectively.
Cutting-Edge Services: The city's state-of-the-art hospitals and hospitals are designed with the latest engineering, allowing specific running and administration of exosome drips.
Health-Conscious Citizenry: Residents of Kobe are noted for their practical way of health and wellness. The charm of a treatment that will increase vitality and promote long-term well-being resonates clearly with this particular health-conscious demographic.
Benefits and Applications Exosome drip therapy provides a wide range of benefits, which makes it ideal for numerous programs:
Anti-Aging: By selling collagen and elastin manufacturing, exosomes help reduce wrinkles and increase skin structure, creating them a sought-after therapy in the wonder industry. Healing and Rehabilitation: Athletes and individuals coping with accidents may take advantage of the accelerated therapeutic and paid down irritation supplied by exosome therapy. Chronic Conditions: For those experiencing chronic conditions such as for instance arthritis or autoimmune diseases, exosome drains offer a encouraging alternative to old-fashioned treatments. A Bright Future for Regenerative Medicine Since the reputation of exosome drop treatment continues to grow in Kobe, therefore does the potential for more developments in regenerative medicine. Researchers are regularly discovering new approaches to control the power of exosomes, seeking to develop actually more efficient therapies for many different conditions.
In summary, exosome spill therapy represents a substantial leap forward in the area of regenerative medicine. Its capacity to market therapeutic and restoration at the mobile stage makes it an invaluable software for increasing wellness and well-being. With Kobe at the front of the medical innovation, citizens and guests equally can look forward to a future where cutting-edge therapies like exosome drains become an integral element of healthcare and wellness.
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priyablog26 · 3 months
Orthobiologics Market  to See Massive Growth | 3M, Elantas, Kyocera 
Orthobiologics Market  to See Massive Growth | 3M, Elantas, Kyocera 
Global Orthobiologics Market  , Orthobiologics Market   Demand, Orthobiologics Market   Trends, Orthobiologics Market   Analysis, Orthobiologics Market   Growth, Orthobiologics Market   Share, Orthobiologics Market   Forecast, Orthobiologics Market   Challenges, Orthobiologics Market   Opportunity 
At Intellect Markets, published a new research publication on "Orthobiologics Market   Insights, to 2030" with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting Market associated stakeholders. The growth of the Orthobiologics Market   was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world. 
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://intellectmarkets.com/report/orthobiologics-market/request-sample     Some of the key players profiled in the study are:  Elantas GmbH (Germany), Axalta Coating Systems (the U.S.), Von Roll Holdings AG (Switzerland), Hitachi Chemicals Company Ltd. (Japan), 3M Company (the U.S.), and Kyocera Corporation (Japan).    Scope of the Report of Orthobiologics Market   :  The Orthobiologics market represents a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector within healthcare, driven by advances in biotechnology, regenerative medicine, and orthopedic surgery. These biological materials hold promise for improving patient outcomes, reducing morbidity, and enhancing the quality of life for individuals with musculoskeletal disorders and injuries.    Market Drivers:  The Orthobiologics Market   market is being driven by growth in the healthcare sector. 
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Orthobiologics Market   Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://intellectmarkets.com/report/orthobiologics-market/enquire  
The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below:  By Product (Demineralized Bone Matrix, Allograft, Bone Morphogenetic Protein {BPM}, Viscosupplementation Products, Synthetic Bone Substitutes and Others), by Application (Osteoarthritis & Degenerative Arthritis, Spinal Fusion, Fracture recovery, Soft Tissue Injuries, Maxillofacial & Dental Applications) by End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Centres, Research & Academic Institute, Dental Clinics) 
Global Orthobiologics Market   report highlights information regarding the current and future industry trends, growth patterns, as well as it offers business strategies to helps the stakeholders in making sound decisions that may help to ensure the profit trajectory over the forecast years. 
Region Included are: Global, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, Middle East & Africa    Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc. 
Finally, Orthobiologics Market   is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.    Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://intellectmarkets.com/report/orthobiologics-market  
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get region wise report version like Global, North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe, South America, etc 
About Us: 
Intellect Markets, a leading strategic market research firm, helps businesses confidently navigate their strategic challenges, promoting informed decisions for sustainable growth. We provide comprehensive syndicated reports and customized consulting services. Our insights provide a clear understanding of the ever-changing dynamics of the global demand-supply gap across various markets. 
Contact US:   Intellect Markets,  Unit No. 4, Lakshmi Enclave, Nizampet, Hyderabad, Telangana, India - 500090  Phone: +1 347 514 7411, +91 8688234923  [email protected] 
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sophsummerskvb222 · 8 months
Week 11 - Presentation Week
During week eleven Arlo completed two digital renders of the project and then we both considered the logistics of our project together. 
I think we both realised we went into the art-making process and just made what we wanted, we did discuss the effect and general hopes for the project however we did not yet think critically about the work. As we began our PowerPoint, I focused mainly on the rational and material analysis. 
Our Initial draft of both: 
Our project created for ‘Regenerate: (Victoria Park/ Barrambin)’ aims to create a calm and mystical space for people to pause during the busy ‘Green Heart Fair’. As artists and practitioners, we hope to envision a place that reflects the beauty that Victoria/ Barrambin Park has to offer to its daily users. When we initially visited the set the sense of serenity and sanctuary was a core part of the site. After finding four trees that are grouped together we find a reflective understanding that we need a green space to promote positive mental health. We aim to use 80 percent recycled matters of green waste donated by the park and other recycling centres. This will extend the natural life cycle of these materials. With a key need to form regenerative practices within the arts, we hope to plant tube stock in the ground for the duration of the event to then be transplanted to necessary areas of the park. This aims to prolong the artwork as these beautiful native plants last long after the exhibition. 
Material Analysis:
Green Waste Materials are everywhere around the world, it is composed of most pruning or landscape waste. By recycling green waste correctly, it gives communities an opportunity to decrease, unusable landfill, and unwanted gasses. Recycling and utilising these materials allows to extend the lives of green waste before it is turned into compost, shredded, or used as mulch. After these materials are used within the artwork itself they can be returned to green waste centres to further it recycling process. With this in mind over 26 percent of household rubbish is green waste, during this Green Hearts festival we aim to remind people of the need, for seemingly useless weeds. 
I really enjoyed the beginning research of understanding the large-scale effect we are trying to have on viewers. Drawing attention to the recycling of green waste and the key need to recycle properly as well as the idea of mental health and taking time away from the business of the world or in this case the festival. 
After our presentation, some key consideration we need to take to further our project is: 
Considering the traditional owners of Australia and how they impact the site and work. 
We need to place softeners underneath the rope to protect the trees against markings and harm. 
How will the audience interact with the work and how do we protect children, especially from climbing on the work? A suggestion was to have people monitoring the work during the festival.
Adding insurance costs to the budget 
The strength of the artwork during the festival. 
Making it clear in the concept that we plan to begin the art-making process earlier than the festival in terms of weaving sections for easy installation 
I was really happy with how our presentation went and how we linked our work to two other artists Will Beckers and Patrick Dougherty (who I talked about in my last assignment). I think it was important for us to contextualise the work within the art world and other art practices. I know Arlo and I wish we could make something just as grand and vast as these works. 
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During next week we aim to start a new iteration and talk through the questions raised after our presentation.
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