muxas-world · 4 months
I fear we dont talk enough abaut pecco and his litle dogy son turbo
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hirik0 · 7 months
Back to you
Yuri looks at the ceiling of the bedroom in his new appartment in well it's not a new city he just moved back to Saint Petersberg two months ago. He stopped looking at his old phone for a text message that will never come, his soon to be ex husband probaly didn't even notices that Yuri moved out of what ones was there appartment s long time ago. Moving back to Russia as a gay man feels like a failure but its the closest think to going home he has. Its not like he will start dating anytime soon again and when he feels ready to do so he can pack up and leave again. Saint Petersberg changed in the 5 years he was away but is still familiar enough to stay and try to put the broken pieces of himself back together. He is hiding in his nice appartment for two months and it is time to go out and meet new people or old friends. So he gets up the bed to take a quick shower. Trying not to look in the mirror to see the shell of the person he ones was, he knows he lost a concerning amount of weight, has gigantic shadow under his eyes, his eyes are red from crying and he is in need of a hair cut, hating how long his hair is now. He is exhausted his marrige failed, his husband used him as a doormat for 5 years and destroyed the person Yuri ones was. He honstely still don't know how he made it to pick himself up and move countries in this state, but he made it work, with the help if some very understanding now former coworkers. He dresses himself in a boring blue jeans and a boring dark t-shirt looking absolutely ordinary. A look he needs for the place he wants to go, a place he happily left 5 years ago, a illegal fight ring, he needed some time to figure out its new location and even longer how to get entry with out a member card. To night is a very rare open night for people intressted to join as a fighter or as a spectator. He leaves both his new and his old phone, everything that could identify him at home only taking his keys, his cigarettes, a lighter and some money to maybe bet or more likely by alcohol. He puts on a dark leather jacket and dark boots before leaving his flat.
Finding the right part of the harbour was a bit more complicated the Yuri though it will be, not because he dont has a phone to navigate there but because the discretion of the location was purposefully vague. Trying to enter the wrong part of the harbour can get you in big trouble, but he makes it. They let him into the old indoor dry dock with out problem. If you make it till here you clearly belong at least for to night. "Fighter or spectator?", someone at the entrenc asks. "Spectator", Yuri answers his russian now with a English accent, he hates the most abouthis current self, but they let him in. It's so stupid how familiar this feels even after all these years it down even matters that it's not the same location anymore. He looks around the dry dock is the fighting arena, the spectators would stand at the edge that is thankfully secured with a temporary fencing, that could easily be pushed over, but hopefully won't because the fall is likely deadly. He remebers when he did the books for this place to finance his IT degree. He feels a pair of eyes on him when he walks to the bar, it's unlikely that someone from back then would reconices him especially in his current state. He still looks around seeing a shadow disappearing in the crowd that is waiting for the first fight. He trys to not pay it to much attention, their is not even any prove the shadow was hiding from him. People are swarming around the betting table while Yuri buys himself a drink and goes to a spot with a bad view on the fighting, he is not here to bet on anyone he is here to do something that his familiar to him. He dont notices the person following him.
Makarov could not believe his eyes from his overlook when he realises who is entering his fighting pit. Yuri, here? He must be mistaken Yuri left 5 years ago to life a non criminal lifestyle. But he would reconice theses grey nearly silver eyes everywhere. They are a lot sader and lifeless then he remebers them so he lefts his spot to spy after his person of intressted. When Yuri turns around to look in his direction he hides in he masses that are slowly gathering around the pit. Sees Yuri buying a drink and then slowly moving away from the masses to a very bad place to watch any of the fighting. He slowly is aproaching the other man, who seems to look into the air deep in thought. "What a intresting guest we have to night", he says when he is standing right next to Yuri, delightful seeing how the other is flinching Yuri is not moving his head to look at him, smart man lokking at the wrong person here can mean death, looks like Yuri still knows how to move in the criminal circels if Saint Petersberg. "Can say the same about you being here", Yuri answers the shock still in his voice. Makarov notices how uncharacteristically thin Yuri is starting to worry about his former best friend. "Always helps to see the potential new fighters", Makarov says vaguely giving a lot of room for interpretation. "Isn't it against your professions ethics to be here or some shit?", Yuri asks referring to Makarovs law degree, slowly srinking his drink. "Nope", Makarov answers letting the p pop, he don't even has a license to practise, using his knowledgeto get away with crimes more easily. "Shouldn't be suprised by this answer", Yuri atmids shrugging, still strickly not looking at Makarov. "Why you are here?", Makarov asks being able to keep his worry out of his voice. "Nostalgia shit", Yuri answers oddly deffensiv, but the thighting of hus grip on the glass is telling to Makarov. "So he let you go out here?", Makarov refers to Yuris husband, Yuris grip on the glass is now to strong his knuckles are turning white. "Don't know how he is suposed to stop me to go here when he's fucking himself through half Liverpool by now", Yuri answers not able to hide the hurt in his voice, taking a big gulps of his drink to wash the hurt in his voice away. "You're divorced?", Makarov asks having to hold back his exitment over the news. "He should get the papers on Monday", Yuri answers him and a satisfied smile is shortly appearing on Makarovs face before he can hide it. God these are some fucking great news. But this pit is a bad spot to catch up, to try to lure Yuri back to his site to where he fucking belongs. Makarov pulls out his phone texting his right hand man he sails the ship now. He knows its very unusual for him to not pick the new fighters himself, but Yuri is more important. "Let's go", he tells Yuri who is now looking at him confused. "Will your boss be fine with this?", Yuri aks sounding concern making Makarov huff amused. It's cute how naive Yuri sounds right now, finding his way to his pit and not knowing who owns it. Makarov leans towards Yuri so he can directly wisper into Yuris ear "Good that I'm the boss then, now let's go."
Yuri nearly frezzes when Makarov tells him that but quickly follows him. They make a stop at the bar where Yuri puts his empty glass and Makarov drops of the phine he used a few moments ago. Yuri has questions, but he keeps them to himself better not risking anything, not with Makarovs confession about being a mob leader now. They walk out a site door where a very ordinary looking black limousine is waiting with a running motor. Makarov opens the back door and enters the car and Yuri follows him closing the door. Makarov knocks at the privacy screen three times and they leave the harbour to who knows where. Yuri don't asks questions and strictly looks forward doing his best to ignore where they are driving, towards a richer neighbourhood. One false move and Makarov will kill him old friends or not and he knows this. They stop in a parking garage and exiting the car. Yuri walks over to the elevator while Makarov is saying something to the driver before walking up to him. Something is very strange about seeing Makarov in a to big hoodie and jeans when Yuri is pretty sure he usaly wears tailored suits and shit especially in the parking garage if a building with luxury apartments. They step in the elevator and Yuri has no idea why they could not stay at the pit, is Makarov luring him away to kill him in his own four walls? Makarov of course presses the button for the penthouse, but Yuri don't comment it, he knows being successful in crime pays very good, even better if you're the boss. When they reach the top of the building the walk down a short halway and Makarov opens the door to his penthouse. Yuri wants to ask why the elevator don't directly give access to the penthouse but that is probably a security risk. Makarov directly leads Yuri towards his office. Yuri looks at him with a raised eyebrow at this, why his office the room is not even easyto clean if Makarovwould want to kill him."Sit", Makarov tells him like he's a dog before leaving the room, is this a test? Yuri looks around, the wall with the tall bookshelves filled with what he asumes are fake books, the mordern desk made out of glass in front of the window front with a laptop on it, the two crouches with a table in between them and the very ugly and probably expensive painting next to the door. He sits down and lights up a cigarette after noticing the ashtray on the table. Makarov takes his time to come back and Yuri has to supress the urge to snoop around if this is a test failure would end with his death.
Makarov just can't hold back the need of shower after the pit, not wearing his usal attire to blend in better, had him left without gloves and he had to directly touch people. He trys to be quick not really bothered that Yuri will leave is office or snoop around. Yuri is to smart to make a mistake like that. He puts on a pair of sweatpants and a simple t-shirt Yuri may be in his office but this is not a buisness thing, no need to put on s suite. On the way back he pulls some glasses and a expensive whisky out of a cabinet. Yuri is sitting on the couch with the back to him, smoking and Makarov has to fight to urge to run his hands through Yuris unusal long hair. He puts the glasses and the botel down and sees the amused smile on Yuris face. The sadness can't be fully covered and Makarov hates it. "What's so funny?", he asks after sitting down. "You just need a track suit jacket and a gold chain and you look like a expensive version if a wannabe mobster", Yuri tells him after taking yhe last drag from his cigarette. Makarov gives him a unimpressive look before filling up the glasses. "You expected a full suite Yuri?", Makarov ask him while pushing one of the glasses to him. "Don't know you were gone for a while", Yuri answers vaguely, feeling a bit out of the water. He logically knows that Makarov changed in the last 5 years, but this feels so extremely out of character. Makarov drinks from his drink waiting for Yuri to do the same, but Yuri is just playing with the glass avoiding to look at him directly. "What did he do to you?", Makarov finally asks, when it's clear that Yuri won't relax anytime soon. Yuri nearly pushes the glass over in his shock of the question from all the things he expected it wasn't this. Makarov sees the change in Yuris posture, how he starts to sooth himself with rubbing his hands together, how he lokking at the floor, trys to hide in the couch. "He...", Yuri starts needing to empty his glass in one go to force the nausea down. "You want to writte it down?", Makarov offers, he usaly loves seeing such reaction in other people, but this hurts makes him want to use the scraps of empty he feels to make Yuri feel better. Yuri shakes his head reaching for the bottle filling up his glass again, Yuris hand are slightly shaking. At this point Makarov is sure he wouldn't even mind if Yuri would just drink out of the bottel. "He forced me to open our marriage about a year ago. He stopped any contact with me 6 months ago", Yuri says voice empty of all emotion staring a hole in the floor. Makarov knows what anger feels like how it helps him to crush his enemies in calculated brutal moves, but this? This wants him to just rip Jack Robert Miller in to tiny pieces he can flush down the toilet and this somehow still feels like a to good of a death for Yuris shitty soon ex husband. This is not anger this is the poor need to murder the man that hurt his former best friend like this. The blood that is rushing in his ears nearly dont make him hear Yuris next sentence. "He knew he could do it, that he broke me down so much that I was thankfull that anyone even lowers there standards so low to stay with me." Murdering Jack will not be enough he needs to destroy ever aspect of his life honestly killing him would be to nice the other needs to suffer for as long as possible. "He was wrong. You left and you filled for divorce", Makarov says suprised by himself to keep the ice cold rage out of his voice. Yuri looks up to him, with teary eyes and a experience of being in absolute pain. Makarov knows he is the worst person to comfort someone else, especially some as hurt as Yuri, but well he is the only other person in the penthouse. He brought Yuri here for the privacy and now he has to deal with this choice he also should have brought tissues.
Makarov trys to rember what other people would do in this situation. He changes couches now sitting next to Yuri. This ends with Yuri throwing himself against Makarovs chest. Makarov awkwardly closes his arms around a sobbing Yuri, feeling how Yuri tears are soacking his T-shirt. He roboticly starts to run his finger to Yuri soft hair. Makarov don't know what to say so he just lets Yuri cry, while he plans his next moves into getting Yuri back into organised crime and how to drop a nuke into Jack's life. He can't just ask Yuri to work for him, Yuri will likely say no. So he need to give Yuri a opening. Littel does Makarov knows that Yuri never truly left crime behind. Committing cyber crime by offering malware for sale in the dark net, Makarov even bought from Yuri more them ones. He is so occupied with planing that he needs 10 minutes to realise that Yuri stopped crying. "Yuri?", he asks carefully getting no reaction, that's when Makarov notices how evenly Yuri is breathing like he is asleep. "Great", Makarov states, carefully moving Yuris head to get the confirmation the other man cried himself to sleep. That was not planned, he just wanted to know what happened with the divorce and then drop Yuri at home. It would be so easy to learn where Yuri lives, but well Yuri had other plans. Yuri cheeks are still wet from crying and Makarov has the realisation that this is probably not the first time Yuri cried himself to sleep. But now what? Should he wake Yuri up? How can you even look sad when you're sleeping? Does he looks when he sleeps? It's not that Makarov don't has woman stay at his place over night, but they are often prostitutes and most don't leave this place alive. He can't kill Yuri, with his IT knowledge he is a valuable asset for cyber crime. He dont even has a functional guest bedroom, he made one spare bedroom into the office they are in the other is a private gym. He can work through the night and Yuri can sleep in his bed. He can kick Yuri out before his workday starts at 9 am. He's just a old friend helping out, no big deal and also this can be beneficial to his plan to get Yuri to join his organisation, rebuilding trust.
The first thinks he notices is how fucking light Yuri is when he caries the other man to his bedroom. Yuri is pressing his face against his neck and it iritates him. He dont does this out site of sex, would never let someone be this close to him, but Yuri well he can do it no problem no question asked. He opens the door to his bedroom and well usally he would just throw the person on the bed and rip their clothes off. Can't really do this with a peacefully sleeping Yuri, so he carefully lays him down. When he trys to walk away Yuri is reaching out for him, clinging to his T-shirt. "You can't be serious", Makarov mutters to himself getting annoyed by this. He looks to the door and back to the sleeping Yuri. Maybe if he can get his laptop and work from here. "I'm right back", he tells Yuri who is loosening his grip. He walks back to his office angry at himself it shouldn't matter to him that Yuri wants him to stay or that he even is willing to work from bed so he can stay close. And still he grabs his laptop and the charger to carry them back to his bedroom. The whole thing didn't even took him 5 minutes but that was enough time for Yuri to take up as much space as he could in the king size bed and still Makarov can't help himself having a soft smile on his face. He trys to tell himself its because of the chance of Yuri working for him and not because the feeling of triumph that even after how bad their friendship ended after the wedding, Yuri came back to him.
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lollymiah · 2 months
Charlie Manx x oc
Ally stand outside, near a old house , she telephoned with him. She couldn't understand his voice,because he speaks so quiet. It was hard to understanding the meaning of his words. She speaks back, talks about random things and he listens her carefuly and after a moment she hang up and make her way to the place, where she could find him. It was at the Peter pan bus station. She enters the empty terminal and sits next to him on the old , dirty seats. He watches her a moment, before he took her hand in his own. Ally looks at a bus , that stand behind the glass of the large window , before she reconice that the bus would drive to a little village outside from providence , rode Island. Many people came out of the bus and walks around the terminal. She loves to travel. She has been in Italy , Berlin and Vienna so far , but with a bit hope she and Charlie would travel together in two months , to Vienna again. Ally loves the city. She smiles a bit and wishes she could travel now. Charlie and she spend the afternoon at the terminal , looking at flyers and pictures and imagine how it would be at these great places to visit. She discover one with Vienna and she looks at the pictures of the sea , of the high , colourful buildings and of the amusement park , that was behind the bus stop there.Ally visit it once and loved it there. Charlie and Ally talks about diffrent places that they would like to visit there. It was a pleasend afternoon. Ally couldn't await to travel with him at these great place.
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golldenvallion · 2 years
4town fan interaction headcannons.
-Aaron T once had a dance of with a fan at a bus stop for shits and giggles.
-If Tae meats a fan and they mention they have a pet he always asks if they have pictures and asks if he could see them.
-If the pet is with theire owner at the moment (when Tae meets fans when he's just walking around town or sum) and the fan asks for a picture Tae asks if the pet could be included.
- Robaire git his shoe stolen once at a concert while performing but the fan was ashamed that she gave it back and Robaire didn't make it any bigger than it had to be.
-Jesse and Robaire once went to a bar and encountered an older and slightly tipsy guy who reconice him and asked them for an autograph because his daughter was a huge 4town fan. After he got an autograph he proceeded to tell about his daughter and how much she loved them and how proud he was of her and Jesse, who was also a little tipsy started talking about his kids in return. At some point Robaire was just looking at two proud dads bragging about their kids all night.
- T was so pumped after his first concert that he was high on life and ready to do anything and when a random woman said she liked his ear ring he just took it out and gave it to her and thanked her for coming. she didn't know who they were because this was at the start of their career and they weren't as populair yet but was was like '..... OK. Cool man thanks' and they both went there own way.
- Z isn't a fan of sweat things but when this little boy walked up to him and offered him a basketball themed cupcake that his mother made you bet your ass he enjoyed that shit.
That's all I have for now but I want to make a part 2 if I can think of more stuff.
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serafrepier · 1 year
First and formost i would like to say that i love the wayhaven games. However after playing three diffrent routes i would like to make my opinion known about 2hat comes next. The following sceens are pure fan fiction and i expect none of it to actually happen but i have hope.
I want the mole in the agency to be an actual mole supernatural and i want them to be unapologelically evil. Like comically so. Like he is so evil no one belives it. Mostly because he is really good at his job and everything he does can be easily explained away so everyone just thinks he is weird. For the sake of the story we are going to have Adam, Nat, Ferah, and Mason. The MC is also a girl.
The sceen starts in book 4 with the MC and co walking through a facility and just happen to pass the mole. Upon seeing the mole the MC stops and just stares at them for a moment. Before calling out to them because they just seem evil.
MC: Your the mole arn't you?
Mole: (sounding super evil) I am a mole yes.
MC: No i mean you are the mole who is leaking info about the agency to our enemies.
Nat: MC! I thought better of you! Just because he is a mole peron does not mean he is a mole.
MC: im sorry but just look at him. He looks comically evil. Like the only way he could look any more evil besides a neon sign pointing at him saying "I'm evil". Would be if he had a handlebar mustach and was twirling it.
Ferah: i mean he does look like a bad guy from cartoons. Talks like them too.
Mole: (sounds proud) Thank you!
Adam: Apperances dont mean anything when your actions speak much more loudly.
MC: Yes, actions. From the way he dresses, talked, stands, HELL even the stale lighting of the facility makes him look evil!
Rebecca: MC... This gentalmen has been a great help with the agency for many years. He has done an admiral job in many fields from reconicance, record keeping, supply transport, and many things in between. You should show more respect to this dutiful agent. Even if his mannerisms seem a bit strange.
Mole: (still sounds evil) You should listen you your mother MC. With my constant assistance everything going on in the agency is going swimmingly. (Evil laugh)
Mason: Let it go MC. We all have beter things to do. Besides if he was the mole that would be stupid. I mean who would trust someone who looks and acts so blatently evil to actually be that open about betraying everyone around them without getting caught?
Ferah: And besides a mole as a mole? A bit on the nose isnt it?
MC: but? (Sighs and points to the mole) Im not forgetting this.
Mole: (smug smile)
Sceen close
Its at this point that the player needs to choose if they let it go or plan to look into the mole more. This choice will be important but wont be touched upon in the same book. In fact it should be left alone until late book 5 or early book 6 when the chamber asks the MC to look into the mole because things are just getting out of hand. Like wayhaven is almost a supernatual capital at this point with 5 or 6 major problems croping up bringing more and more supernaturals to the town to live. Many major operations againt the ageny's enemies like the trappers or the rouges have gone horribly wrong almost like they knew the agency was comming. And several of the great units such as unit Alpha or Victor are just gone or crippled. This is where that choice matters. If you let it go then when the MC investigate the MC will have an aha moment and yell "I called it!". However if you didn't let it go then when the chamber asks the MC to look into it the MC would look at them, tell them to wait, leave, come back like 20 minutes later with a usb, and start giving a powerpoint presentation called "I WAS RIGHT!!!" that is because if you didn't let it go the MC spent a lot of their free time looking for evedince againt this mole. And it works. This next sceen will be taking place in the timeline where the player let it go.
A later sceen will open with with everyone in unit bravo except Rebecca being captured in an anti supernatural cage or something. And the mole having capured them giving a villain monolouge
Mole: (super cocky evil voice)My tresonus plans have layed undiscoved for centuries! (Monologues)
Ferah: How could this have happened?
MC: Because he is evil!
Nat/Ferah: But how did you know that?
MC:....... (says nothing but gives a look that says "Are you F ing kidding me?!")
Mole: (still talking)
Adam: Evil or not we need a plan to get out of here.
Mason: How? all our powers can do jack all while we are in this stupid cage.
Mole: (still gloating)
MC: By buying time for my mother or other agents to get here and help.
Nat: How do you suppose we do that?
MC: (stares at the mole still talking about his plans and actions up to this point) By convincing him to go into more details about what he is saying.
Adam: Do you really think it will work?
Mole: (still talking)
MC: (nods) Just follow my lead. (Caughs loudly) excuse me but can you please go back to when you were talking about WW2? I want more detail of how you helped the rouges in WW2? I'm curious to know how they were connected to the germans?
Mole: (sounds more excitedly evil) Oh that? Thats simple! For you see!.....(goes of on a tangent)
Mason: ...Holy shit that worked.
Ferah: Hopefully Agent Rebecca can save us before he runs out of things to say.
And sceen
This is where your relationship with Rebecca really matters. If your relation is below 30% then she wont save you. She would be sad and doing something else not knowing you are in danger. If its between 30% and 70% she would be gathering forces and or planning to save you solo depending on how good or bad things are. At 71% or higher she is already drop kicking the mole moments after the plan is made while other agents are rushing in to get you out of the trap.
Now once again I would like to say that I expect none of this to happen especially since it seems wayhaven is getting a bit more serious with each book but if even one of these things does happen then I will be happy because that would be hilarious.
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shapeshiftingcloud · 1 year
Wooooi hi
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The first villains for my TMNT AU! Yokais hidden as humans. I think that if you watched rise then you'll reconice two of them.
Big mama and Draxum! But in my AU there nothing but mere lackeys that obey the fox lady.
What do you think?
Ah I love them!
Is Draxum still a warring warrior scientist? (I don’t know if I remember that correctly) does he still have his two little gargoyles? And does Big mama still have the hotel?
Regardless I love them, the fox Yokai looks like a mob/crime boss with that cane of hers, does she have any powers?
Hi :D
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pikselis · 1 year
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Even though it was really quet on the bar that day Wilhartti wasn't the only one showing their face around the establishment.
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Calista was once again loitering around the bar. Maybe she thought that nobady could reconice her? This town really needs a better teenager hanging spot...
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Mrs. Taitava was also seen peeking inside. She was probably looking for her husband who actually haven't visited the bar for a while now. Hope he is ok.
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youcancallmenoob · 2 years
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I think im a medic main now days. I do take medic every time i want to be a problem for the others. its all fun still.
you can reconice me in game as YouCanCallMeNoob
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taystrashwriting · 2 years
Possible Obi-Wan X Reader
Working on an Obi-Wan Kenobi fic, might make it an x reader and post it here. It’s about going on an undercover reconicence mission to a ball filled with Siths. You have to pretend to be a couple and end up confessing feelings, which may turn into a two part with smut, who knows. Obi also has his padawan braid and ponytail cut for changing his identity. Oh yeah, you’re both padawans under Qui-Gon. Anyone intrested? 
I might or might not post it, who knows.
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gender-mailman · 1 year
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:0000000 omg! Who are they, i dont reconice them <:)
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winter-redcurrants4 · 2 months
Nos4a2 fanfic
(Charlie, Millie , Wayne )
It was night, everyone from the children went to bed , sleep with their stuffed toys and dream about their great and fun expericences they made this day at christmasland. It snowing outside , like so often at night. The lights where on , lights up the other houses. The room , in where the children sleep , where dark and large. It rooms around sixteen beds inside. But two beds was empty. Wayne stand outside , look up to the large , white moon on the night sky , surrended by many little stars. He stayed for a week at this beautiful place, but all seems so unreal to him , but he also feel that he was at home here. He hears steps, coming to him , he looks in the direction and reconice the beautiful girl , Millicent, who cames to him and after a moment she stand besides him in the snow. Her right hand touches the sword and following his look to the moon. Then she looks to the gates and sadness shines in her eyes. Wayne had understand that their father, Charlie, never stay long here, because he drives again away , to find new friends for them , to play with. Wayne wishes he could stay longer , even a bit. It was almost a week that Charlie was stayed gone, it was not unusual , but he's afraid that he didn't came back to them. The snow falling at them , but they feels no cold. He was tired, but he doesn't want to go sleep, until he knows that Charlie was save. Millie steped a bit near to the gates , hops that they will open themselves. Wayne was also hungry , the whole candy , he ate during the day , didn't help much. Millie looks back to the houses , make sure they where alone. She was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. She was nice to him and the others , wants to keep them save , like Charlie. He asking himself if the other children also are hungry like him. They haven't eat normal for a few days, only sweets. Wayne looks again to the moon , the white face was calm , the eyes closed , the lips showed a peaceful smile. On the top of the head wears the moon a red sleepyhead. Suddenly the gates opens themselves, the wrait drives inside , the doors closes and the car stopps. The door swings open and Charlie steped outside , closed thd door , goes to the trunk , open it , put something out , closed the trunk again and comes to the two , with the food. The man looks around , then Charlie pack him, hold him and bite him in the neck. Millie and Wayne watching him , as he stills his own hunger. Then he let go of the man, puts him down to the ground. "Hello Children," greeding he the two as he wipes away the blood from his lips. The two came to him , hugs him. Wayne was glad that he has returned. Charlie wistles and suddenly the other children comes across the house , to eat the late meal their father has brought them. He let go of Wayne and Millie, as the others hugs him , some other went to the food and starts to eat. Wayne joins them. The flesh and blood tasted somehow sweet , but he don't care about that now. After a moment the hunger was gone and he let go. He feels sleepy now. The others finished their meal and return in the house , into their beds, returning to sleep. Wayne and Millie follows them , with Charlie behind. After they lay in bed , he wishes them a good night and leaves the room. Wayne smiles and closed his eyes. After a moment he was asleep.
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muxas-world · 30 days
☕️you're jorge martin hate
Idk whats more to say really i really try to like him cause he has some moments (even as hater my mind can reconice a bad bicht and he has some moments like his brakdwon after qatar so funny)
But as fangitl cant stand his ass last seasom cause i was new im the fandom I have to eat my words cause the amaunt of media atacks pecco recibe cause jorge imply sabotage from ducati , his bicht as coment abaut pecco etc is mostly cause you know I have to stan being shut up abaut him and know i just dont care that much especially cause now i know he really is a ugg person so yea dont whish him death or anyting , honestly hope he stay in the grid cause hi is funny and sasy and love to hate on a bad bicht
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hirik0 · 8 months
In his shadow part 4
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
Price POV
Everytime they are picking up a new information packed from Nik there is a chance that Niks cover is blown and the Russian dead. But every bit of the rare pieces of information Nik gave them was from unspeakable value. Price looks at Kate who is setting across him. "We need to pull Nik", she sudenly speaks her thoughts sounding worried. "Why?", Price asks concerned a knot forming in his stomach "It's getting to dangerous, they are planning something big and he will get caught", Kate tells him, what she can in vague terms. "They want to sacrefice him", Price speaks out the obvious, the knot getting bigger as Kate nods. "Should mean they would give a fuck about such a high value informant", Price says disgusted. The Russian looked like he know this is his death sentence 4 months ago. "Hes unless for them the moment he's out", Kate explains voice empty. "What are your orders?" Price ask having a feeling what the answer is sacrefice Nikolai. Kate face turns sad and its all Price needs as an answer.
Price dont even knows when he starts caring for Nik in the last 4 months. It is probably when the blood soaked information arrived. The Russian clearly had to fight to get this information to them. His job today is to make sure Nikolai gets his news orders, which means telling him to stay put and die. He notices the men that is predenting to read the papers, but is watching the dead letter box. There first dead letter box is compromised, he changes to the one that is the furthest away, nervously playing with the chalk in his jacket pocket he needs to leave a sign for Nik to look for new instructions. He is about to walk to the dead letter box 4 when he gets the feeling he is being watched. Another compromised dead letter box. That 2/6 if two more are compromised they have to assume Nik was discovered, tortured for information and sold them to the enemy. Instead of directly going to one of the next letter boxes he goes into a book store, predenting he is intresteted in some of the books hoping to get a look at who ever is watching him, while planning with is the next spot he should go. From here he has to go through some small alleys, perfect to get away. By know the CIA and MI5 where able to give most members of the group a name and face, but Price dont reconices the man that is walking past him to the history section of the book store. Price grabs a random books to buy, to keep up his cover. The cashier, an man in his 40s, looks a bit strange at him when he gives him the book. "For your mother?", he asks him making conversation and Price has no idea what kind of book he picked. His russian improved but he did not look at the book at titel when he grabed it. "Yes", Price answers hoping that is the right answer and the cashier nods the strange look disappearing. "Not many sons would so openly buy this for there mothers", the cahsiers says while finshed the purchase. What did he just buy, Price is asking himself. "I'm a only child", he lies this being the only thing he can came up with and well if he thinks at the stage of his family this is maybe a half lie. "It's her birthday soon?", the cashier asks further and Price nods. "Hope she enjoys the book", the older man says to him and Price takes the book and walks out of the shop.
The man from the book store is not following him, but this don't means he that the next box is not also compromised. He is sudenly pressed against a wall a pistols against his head. "What's the SAS doing here?", the man asks him and holy shit how does he know. "Can't I go on a vacation?", Price asks back, a bad lie. "Oh and you always go to dead letter boxes when on vacation?", the Russian asks, pressing the weapon harder against his skull. "Don't know what you're talking about", Price says. "We know that you are having dead letter boxes all over this small village, don't lie do me. Watching you guys for 2 months now." Price is trying to figure out the time line of when Nik cover blow, but they just got the bloody information 6 weeks ago. "I can bring you to the police as a foraget agent", the man says and now Price is understanding that this man is from the FSB. "What do you know?", Price aks him, having to figure out what the Russians know at least a littel bit. "That you have 6 dead letter boxes you leave information we know about 2 you revive information, but they are well.. worthless to us. Price knows this is a gambel not giving up to much information but giving enough to share a bit to stay alive. "We have a informant in the region", Price admits something the FSB likely knows already. "Tell me something we don't already know", the Russian is growling clearly not impressed with such a obvious information. "I just know where the drop of areas and where to put the marks, it's need to know that's all I need to know to do this", Price lies hoping the agent is believing him. "How long?" He hears a clicking sound knowing if he gives the wrong answer he's dead. "5 months", Price answers his heart racing, the weapon is removed from his head. "Nice talking with you", FSB is sating before walking away. He survived, still he's in trouble for telling something true. He places his message, the agents clearly having left there observation spots, he still his hyper aware of his surroundings. Same at the spot for the marking.
Price is standing in the office the polish base leader lended them for their stay, wanting to fusion with chair is sitting in. The look the Captain is giving him is the worst nearly unbareble, Price never saw the man that angry. "Tell me what happened", the Captain finally says after 10 very long uncomfortable silent minutes, after Price reported his return and the mission being compromised. "The FSB knows about 8 of our 10 drop of points with Nikolai. They likely saw our last drop from Nik, but because of how spare the informations are we get they couldn't figure it out. So they put people on all the compromised boxes. One cornered me in a ally and asked me some things", Price starts the first part of the what happend, he squirms on the chair knowing he has to tell what he gave up a important information. "He let you go", the Captain just says, the why is silent. "I... told him the operation is 5 months long so I don't die, they also know I'm SAS", Price says, looking at the floor, mentally preparing himself to be told they expected more from Coronel Prices son. "That you came back alive to tell us the FSB is now involved don't weights out the information you gave them. But we also don't think that Nikolai can do his job much longer and thanks to him we have some promising leads and potential intel hiding spots. I will talk with MacMiller about your punishment. Good to have you back alive", the Captain tells him and Price cant believe it, not one word about his father when he fucked up this bad? A miracle honestly, so now he can fully worry about Nik.
Kate brought the bad news only 30 minutes later. "He got compromised", she tells him. "The whole operation is compromised now", Price sighs. Kate sliddes a piece of paper over the table.
In Saint Petersberg for a while
That's not how Niks messages work, at all, but it is his handwriting. "Fuck", Price wispers at this looking at the price of paper, turning it around in his hand. Kate is telling him something but he dont listen really to focused on a strange smell for a piece of paper. "John?", Kate asked him when he smells the paper. "Does the paper smell like lemon?", Price asks giving her the paper back. She also smells it aswell, before slowly nodding. "I think it does", she agrees. They look at each other before leaving the room together to go test their theory in Kates office. Kate turns the desk lamp upon before holding the paper as close as possibel to it. Slowly parts if the paper turn brown, revealing a second message.
Kaliningrad 14.10 weapon delivery
More like messages Niks leaves them, but it still could be a trap. Kate turns the paper in case on the lower half is also a secret message.
Some numbers apear and Price is starting to analyse what they could mean. "They made him writte this, so he was alive till today atleast", Kate speaks what they are both thinking, staring at the piece of paper. "They got him with the last one", Price agrees his face pale, did he had his problems with the Russian sure, but he gave them information about an organisation that wasn't even on their radar and he deserved better.
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juliaridulaina · 3 months
Reconèixer bondat//Recognize goodness//Reconocer bondad
Quan reconeixem les virtuts del altres i els les fem notar, estem reconeixent les nostres pròpies virtuts, o, si més no, aquelles que ens agradaria tenir. El món s’omple de colors d’esperança quan podem fer l’exercici de veure claror on abans hi veuríem negror. When we reconice virtudes from the ohers and we remarke these virtudes to them, we are reconiced our own virtudes or, at least, those we…
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sweedy2705 · 9 months
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i am now rebuilding the whole sims 4 world. I want too show the family's who are going too live there. Some of the family's you will reconice others you dont know yet but you will! I also want too share all the other buildings i am going too make.
have fun watching!
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butch-enjoyer · 10 months
Actually good DND ideas
Player character compcept
Amala Argenta
An high-elves born and raised by her rich family, who owns silver mines for generations. The craftsmanship and the purity of the silver their made make them an extremely popular supplier for other elves' armies and rich dwarfs.
No matter how many marriages prospects did her family show her, she only had eyes for a young wood elf boy she grown up with. Normally, her family wouldn't let a simpleton like him married her. He doesn't even own the farm on which he work. None the less, she disobeyed their orders and always try to sneak up to find her true love.
It was all fun and inocente fun until she started to notice her father being more and more absent, the refining chimneys going to overdrive, and the quality of the export resources degraded too. War was looming over.
A few months passed, and gut-wrenching news arrived at her. Her sweet lover is drafted. She spendend all the time that they had together until the recruitment officers arrived to take him. After saying goodbye, she barricade her self in her room, crying and weeping for him. Week and month passed, and she still mourned his departure, but unfortunately, the consequences of her love are showing now, and she can't hide it with clothes anymore. Hopefully, her maid helps her hide everything from her parents.
At the moment of giving birth, she panics and runs away alone into the woods. Run and run until she finds a weird abandoned farm, where she prepares herself to give birth alone and afraid. With some make shift rags, a bed, some pillow, and a weak healing spell that she learns at school, she pushes and pushes by herself. After 4 exosting and agonizing hours of childbirth, she mothers a big and healthy baby boy. As she looks into that little thing eyes, she reconice it has the same eyes as his father. Her overwhelming happiness is starting to mix with fear and anxiety as she realizes that she will be outcast by her own family if they ever find out. Her mind start racing and nothing can stop it. Guilt, shame, anger, fear and hopelessness all run through her head restlessly over and over again, until she commits the unthinkable and kills her own first born, causing her to run away from her home for good to find her lover for good.
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