#realistic overpowered/serious comedy test
pockymllk · 3 years
Pocky’s manhwa recs for hopeless romantics <33
Do you enjoy..... strong female leads? villainess characters? heart throbbing romance? reverse harem stories?
Look no further fellow reader! These are a few of my fav manhwas that contain those genres <3
*in no particular order*
1) It looks like I’ve fallen into the world of a reverse harem game
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When I opened my eyes, I was in a different world. I had become the game’s villainous princess who was feared by all. Not to mention… Completely naked men I didn’t even know were approaching me left and right!  Just how the hell am I going to get out of this freaking game?!
- This manhwa does have the typical isekai trend with a reverse harem genre but I absolutely adore the FL in the way she holds herself and the decisions she make
-The romance and relationships between her and the other MLs are super realistic in terms of the pacing and dialogue too! (she actually works her way to making them respect her instead of a sudden 360 change just because she has a different personality) 
- In terms of her power/strength, she isn’t afraid to use it appropriately but she does have her own flaws too (the consequences of her actions etc). 
- If you are looking for a manhwa with a no nonsense FL combined with 5 equally drool worthy unique MLs, this one is definitely for you! Plus, it’s filled with some of the best romance scenes I’ve read too hehe
Overall rating : 4.5/5.0
Bonus thoughts : the art is absolutely stunning btw, one of the best I’ve seen! You can take my word for it 
2) I tamed a tyrant and ran away
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God gave me a chance to relive my life. Before the rebirth, I had been used for the past 400 years as the empire’s sword. And so, I swore to destroy the empire. I found the young prince of the country and became his teacher. I taught him how to become a tyrant and asked for the country.
- Superrrrr strong FL (slightly overpowered imo) with a tragic backstory. ML is a power bottom distrustful of the FL at first but I detect some yandere vibes from him in the future
- The first few chapters of this manhwa does have a slower pace but gradually picks up speed in terms of plot if you stick with it. Personally, I think there is a good reason for the slower story thus I stuck with this manhwa (ngl there are some scenes that drag out abit too long) 
- Right now, it only has 20 ish chapters so I can’t tell how the story is going to progress but depending on how it is right now, I think it will become a wonderful story to enjoy in the long run. 
- The romance is definitely not the main genre for now and the story does get rather dark and gritty for a shoujo manhwa (due to the FL’s thoughts and flashbacks, the ML is also rather dark) but I like it better this way because both leads are establishing their relationship base before progressing on, it’s also quite fun to see them test each other through mind games
- It’s a fresh read from the typical romance stories that you typically see
- Recommended if you want to see a super strong FL and how their relationship blossoms through the chapters! Or if you want a break from the usual to try something darker and more plot heavy, this is 100% for you! 
Overall Rating : 4.0/5.0
3) The Young lady I served became a young master
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Four years have passed since the original heroine ended her life as a maid. A handsome man came to visit. That too, a man who looks like the lady I used to serve. “I’m here to keep my word, Blair. You said you’d be with me forever.”
- This is probably the cutest manhwa I’ve ever read 
- I know many people may not consider the FL to be ‘strong’ but I absolutely love her stubborness and loyalty to the ML(?) Even after being pushed away countless times, she still preserves in her work and builds up a relationship with the ML
- Once you get past the first few chapters, the two of them have such an adorable relationship oh my gosh, the way she’s utterly oblivious to her actions and the ML is an absolute tsundere for her
- I find myself smiling like an idiot whenever the two of them interact (they have the super friendly vs super cold trope), the plot is fairly simple and the story is definitely more focused on the characters rather than the plot so you feel more attached to the FL + ML 
- Occasional dark/angsty moments but nothing too serious
- Recommended if you like fluff and heart warming scenes! Or if you just want a light read without too much hassle, it’s an excellent binge read over the weekend
Overall Rating : 4.0/5.0
4) Beware of the Villainess!
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I became the villainess of a novel! Do I hate it? No! I find it rather nice. A duke’s daughter = a jobless rich person. How I can miss out on a chance like this?! This is the best chance to just enjoy life. I should throw out the main plot and just live life how I want to!
- A perfect manhwa that balances out hilarious comedy, action, romance and dark scenes 
- Most of the time, this manhwa is rather hilarious due to the FL’s disgust with the other shitty male characters but I really like how it can be absolutely serious when it needs to be and you realise that this manhwa is more than just a typical shoujo romance
- FL is unapologetic and does things her own way!!! Both the ML and the supposed ‘MC’ are super whipped for her (for good reason) Also, the story is rather unique in sense that the MC (the blonde girl) actually has her secrets of her own and she absolutely detests the other male characters too
- I always find myself refreshing the website for a new update, this manhwa is just a top recommendation of mine. Personally, I think it’s a great read for anyone as long as you like strong female leads, the plot is not the strongest but the pacing is perfect
- I also sense future character development from the other characters once they regain their senses 
- Super wholesome and hilarious read! Read it if you are bored this weekend <33
Overall Rating : 4.8/5.0
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lets-get-fictional · 6 years
Hi there! I was wondering if you have any tips for writing a character that is very smart, optimistic, cheerful, and kind, without making them seem too childish or overly happy/positive to the point where it becomes annoying? I absolutely adore this blog, and I hope you’re having a great day!
Hi, dear!  Thanks for your question, and for following us :)  We hope you’re having a great day, too!
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I love this question, mainly because I love these characters.  Optimistic, uplifting, generally just nice – those are the people I want to surround myself with in real life, as much as I want to read.  By that logic, then, writing these characters shouldn’t be half as hard as it actually is… but it is.  Why?
The main problem, in my experience at least, is making these characters realistic.  When a character is bright, and kind, and overall just likable, it makes it more difficult to give them the flaws and variety they need.  Without that third dimension of personality, sunny-side-up, half-glass-full characters become these unattainable superhuman sunbeams, and that becomes annoying quickly.
A few questions to ask yourself while fleshing out this character:
How do they handle negative feelings?  No matter how optimistic a person is, they still experience a full range of emotions.  A sunny disposition is their lens, not their whole picture.  Think of how your character handles sadness, anger, hurt, confusion, doubt – and whether or not they’re able to stay optimistic anyway.  It may be that your usually-peppy character can get nasty when they’re truly hurt, or sulk into despair at the death of a loved one.  Whatever it is, allow them that variety; it makes them human.
What is their outlook on life?  What’s their philosophy, their concept of morality or life and death?  Do they think about heavy things very much, or do they dwell on the lighter aspects of life?  When they are, inevitably, faced with serious situations, are they emotionally capable of handling them?  If they do have real depth behind that bright disposition, readers won’t mistake them for childish.  If not, that’s a great opportunity for character development!  Sticking a happy-go-lucky person in a terrible situation really tests the strength of their spirit.
What is the motivation behind their demeanor?  Kindness can be fostered through parenting, both good and bad – it can be inspired by a deep empathy for others, which will affect other areas of the character’s life.  Kindness can be learned as a polite or necessary treatment of others; kindness can make a pushover of a character, too.  Likewise, optimism can be rooted in religion, or naivety, or wisdom, or pain.  Optimism can be a natural worldview, or a constant choice.  Use this background to endear them to the reader.  Any explanation is better than, “They’re happy just because.”
How do the other characters view your character?  Are they annoyed by your character’s disposition?  Decide this strategically: it can be good to have a minor character dislike your upbeat character, so that they don’t seem to be smart, kind, beloved by all, and basically blessed to death.  At the same time, it helps to have a friend of your character – someone who holds them in high regard.  It’s the power of suggestion.
Is their attitude useful to the plot?  If a character is used to their strengths – in this case, that could be to create comedy, to brainstorm or provide hope in the face of problems, to inspire other characters to work harder/change their outlook, etc. – then readers will be less likely to think of them as annoying.
Are they overpowered?  The most irritating characters are those with too many positive traits, and too few flaws.  Don’t let your character become unnaturally smart, kind, and optimistic – after all, everyone has their limits.  If you’re struggling to find flaws, look to their strengths and find the point where they become negative.  Examples include: being too trusting, having low self-esteem, living in a daydream, being irresponsible or flaky, avoiding sad or difficult situations, failing to empathize with others’ negative emotions, lying to themselves or others so as to paint a better picture, etc. etc. etc.  
The main trouble with these positive, smiley characters is that they so often come off as underdeveloped, unrealistic plot devices.  The more you develop your character – give them a reason for their worldview, and limitations to their patience – the more likely you are to get a Phoebe or a Leslie, instead of a Jar Jar or a Spongebob.
I hope this helps you, love!  If not, the inbox will be open again as soon as possible to take further questions.  Until then, happy writing!
– Mod Joanna ♥️
If you need advice on general writing or fanfiction, you should maybe ask us!
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