#rbd 2020
haruosaki · 2 years
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rbdnet · 10 months
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aun hay algo
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possession1981 · 2 years
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some of my absolute best work
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imaslave4u · 2 years
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Christian Chávez for People en Español (December, 2020)
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bidgen · 2 years
ninjago is back . every 1-2 years that this happens with me its like im sorry…it will happen again
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frecklystars · 10 months
KERI have u seen that one sonic fandub clip of shadow looking off in2 the distant stars n then he says 'maria.' n an explosion happens out in the horizon ? cuz im just imagining megatron looking out into space, eyes narrowed n hands behind his back n then he says 'keri.' n some faint explosion happens in the distance [this all came 2 fruition after i saw that post u rbd from 2020 w that whole 'ask my f/os!' thing u did jdjdjdjjs]
Anon I LOVE you!!! Not only did your ask make me burst out laughing in the middle of my shift (I didn't know the video previously so I had to look it up and I was in STITCHES while restocking the gummy bears) but also, your ask made me feel so happy. It has been so long since I've genuinely believed any TF characters would love me or even rly pay any attention to me whatsoever, and you giving me this prompt... god it made me so happy to think of Megatron thinking of me, I actually felt motivated to doodle a Transformers F/O for the first time in so fucking long 😭😭💙💜💙💜💙💜
I drew this on the back of one of those tiny ass 50% sales signs during my shift when there was a lull in customers:
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happylikeasadsong · 5 months
"About the Blogger" meme
Thank u sm for tag @cruciomione!!
Star Sign(s): Cancer sun, Libra moon and Leo rising (i couldn't explain it i you asked, tho)
Favorite Holidays: Christmas and New Years i love how crazy people go about decorations and seems like there's no end to imagination. Also it's that time of the year i have the most delicious food and share quality time with my family. And New Years's so special bc i get to celebrate with friends and usually the parties are lit.
Last Meal: A strawberry delight crepe as a 'well done' gift from me to me or not dying during my exams and finishing them all, yayyy
Current Favorite Musician: i always find it hard to just mention one, so here goes my top three rn: coco jones, the maine and rbd (latin pop band).
Last Music Listened To: back to life by lawson. this one scratches my brain like no other.
Last Movie Watched: me and one of my closest friends do this list of christmas movies every year bc we love christmas movies, no matter how awful and cringe they are. last night i watched 'exmas' with leighton meester and robbie amell and i was surprised that it wasn't the worst, so it's a win in my book.
Last TV Show Watched: it was this week's episode of fellow travelers. jonathan bailey and matt bomer are breaking my heart in a million little pieces, but i think it worth it?? it's so so so sad and tragic but they do such a great job portraying hawk and skippy's story.
Last Book/Fic Finished: i wanted distract myself from my daily problems so i reread 'remember me, remebering you' by amiera_saphire on ao3 last weekend.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: i prefer the term 'hiatus'. i have a jatp fic that i never really finished and the thought of it hunts me.
Currently Reading: a very boring article on managerial finance i have to write on by friday (my last assignment of the year, yay!). i hated it, so i came here to get enough endorfins to go back to it.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ships in the 1800's, also dresses of that time period so i can better my shitty description in my period fic. i only had an idea and a dream on that one.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: uhh i think it was back in the cursed years (2020, eww) and after i watched julie and the phantoms i found some really good people here and on twitter. our day consisted in checking every news outlet about the show and pics, videos about them. also the fics were so incredibly good!! those were fun times.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: arrowverse when it was good, maybe? idk but olicity had a choke on me in a concerning way. but then it went bad, so bad, and i suffered through until arrow ended and stopped watching the shows.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: felicity. it's mainly bc it's such an old show and bc of that, no one is really talking about it anymore, but it was my shit when i 'discovered' back in college.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: i'll quote @cruciomione about the multi chapter fics, i feel you! one shots are better for me bc i can just write my idea down.
i've been working on a multi chapter about a second chance/lovers-to-strangers-to-lovers. i love the angst i have panned out in my head lol maybe during the break it could revisit it.
loved doing this!!
tagging some ppl to do this too, only if you want!
@imliterallyjustablackgirl, @ethxocore, @laryssamedeirss, @vacationship, @ruethrills
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rbd-world · 1 year
RBD foi uma banda mexicana de pop, que ficou mundialmente conhecida com a novela "Rebelde", que foi exibida entre 2004 e 2006. O grupo era formado por Anahi, Alfonso Herrera, Dulce Maria, Christopher von Uckermann, Maite Perroni e Christian Chávez. Algumas das músicas mais populares de RBD até hoje são "Sálvame", "Solo Quédate en Silencio", "Nuestro Amor" e "Así Soy Yo".
Apesar de terem se separado oficialmente em 2009, o grupo fez uma reunião em dezembro de 2020, com apenas 4 integrantes - Anahi, Maite, Christopher e Christian - na live "Ser o Parecer". De acordo com o portal Terra, cerca de 2,5 milhões de telespectadores assistiram ao show virtual. Um pouco antes do evento, o RBD também divulgou a música inédita, "Siempre He Estado Aquí".
Há especulações que o RBD pode se juntar novamente para realizar uma turnê presencial, passando em locais como o Brasil. Porém, algumas polêmicas envolvendo Christopher von Uckermann e seu posicionamento negacionista frente à pandemia do coronavírus atrapalharam os planos dos produtores.
Ao longo de sua carreira, o grupo lançou cinco álbuns completamente em espanhol - "Rebelde" (2004), "Nuestro Amor" (2005), "Celestial" (2006), "Empezar Desde Cero" (2007) e "Para Olvidarte de Mí" (2009) -, com milhões de vendas internacionais e certificados de platina e realizou diversas turnês pelo mundo. Um dos maiores shows da carreira do RBD foi no Maracanã, no Rio de Janeiro em outubro de 2006, que originou o DVD "Live in Rio", lançado no ano seguinte.
A banda mexicana acumulou diversas indicações importantes, como seis ao prêmio Billboard Latin Music Awards (com duas vitórias) e duas indicações ao Grammy Latino para "Melhor Álbum de Grupo ou Duo".
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tinty1986 · 2 years
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Precocemente Mãe - Notas (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/936180336-precocemente-m%C3%A3e-notas?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=CntiaSantos5&wp_originator=2aos%2FFYi7El8%2F8I%2BoDrwc0B5bLS6y1DYhW3hJQ8wVpq8ZQF2w4BMRHJ51%2BTn6pqlJflpAcA3uIPpkP4DJvo%2BV8NsiOYkBM2L2V%2BeDr9p4AZzRfjz6WkkI7Yce35Xq8CN +18 | Dulce Maria é a garota mais popular da faculdade de Artes Cênicas mais famosa da América Latina. É muito meiga e doce, namora Ucker desde pequena e é extremamente apaixonada por ele. O que ela não sabe é que o amor de sua vida vive traindo-a embaixo do seu nariz, com várias garotas. Ucker ama Dulce, mas não sabe dar o devido valor a ela, acha que Dulce não se importava em perdê-lo, pois era virgem e não queria se entregar a ele. Depois de muita insistência ela cede e os dois acabam transando, porém depois de um tempo Dulce descobre que está grávida e sozinha. "Às vezes as pessoas que amamos nos magoam, e nada podemos fazer, senão continuar nossa jornada com o nosso coração machucado." ⚠️ História de minha autoria. Não autorizo adaptações, NÃO PLAGIE! 🥇#1 em vondy (24/03/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em ucker (27/03/2020) 🥇 🥇#1 em angelique (31/03/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em dulce (14/04/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em maite (15/04/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em dulcemaria (19/05/2020)🥇 🥈#2 em musica (20/05/2020)🥈 🥇#1 em poncho (03/06/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em ficçao (06/06/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em rbd (06/06/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em alfonso (06/06/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em traiçao (08/06/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em ponny (09/06/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em rebelde (22/06/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em gravidez (04/08/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em belinda (14/08/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em anahi (19/08/2020)🥇 🥇#1 em dulcemaria (19/09/2020)🥇
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urfavcrime · 1 month
(i hope this doesn’t sound creepy ;-;)
— hi. you probably don’t know me and never will know me but i . was such a big follower of your blog in freshman year…….. i used to check your blog every day after i woke up (i lived in india so timezone diff) and read through all the posts you rbd in online school…… i was sending you all the positive vibes and silent support whenebr you talked abt your home life…. i wasn’t allowed to have a tumblr account so i couldn’t follow you fr but . you genuinely made my 2020. you were my main source of regular dsmp content, and i spent sm time on your blog. i’m glad to see you’re doing well, even if your interests have drifted from mine. i’m proud of you. i hope your life is filled with love and light and laughter. take care.
wow. this is so touching thank you so much for sending this youve really made my day. though i dont like what the fandom became and what the ccs were revealed to be i look back fondly on those days because of the ppl i met and the friends i made and this really solidfied that for me i hope youre doing well. Thank you for the best wishes for my home life. Youre gonna make me cry eith those last two lines i know i dont know you but having someone say theyre peoud of me especially when these past two years have been verg difficult for me mentally i just. Thank you im glad i was able to bring light into your life and that you decided to give that light back through sending this ask
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jacobsonhowell92 · 11 months
Vat Methodology Evaluation 稅務專業月刊
我沒有拒絕他偶爾來找我 在這種情況下,他和我��起練習打字機和英語 不挑臉不摸口罩,真的有幫助! 如果您必須將其取下,例如因為流鼻涕,拿著繃帶,而不是面具。 此外,蒙面人的出現讓每個人都意識到不對勁,他們應該做出相應的反應。 它還不斷讓你意識到觸摸你的臉是危險的。 貝拉米 外燴 原則上,如果您不能遵守不觸摸或伸入面罩下方的基本規則,就會出現這種情況。 注射後是否發生了您認為可能與疫苗有關的奇怪情況? 醫生、藥劑師、任何衛生專業人員都可以報告可能的副作用,您甚至可以自己報告,從而幫助檢查疫苗安全性的專家的工作。 由於疫苗接種提供的保護的持久性仍在研究中,目前我們只能推測它們能保護我們多久。 然而,如果保護不能永遠持續,也沒有理由恐慌——有許多疫苗不能提供終身保護,但我們仍然成功地使用了它們。 但是,我們知道微生物對其他病原體的作用,由此我們可以推斷出它對冠狀病毒的作用。 微波爐加熱兩分鐘可殺死普通廚房中 99% 的細菌,微波爐加熱時間稍長則可殺死流感病毒、禽流感、禽冠狀病毒和許多其他病毒。 在露台等空氣流通暢通的地方,感染的風險總是要低得多,因為病毒會被氣流帶走,無法像封閉的房間那樣在空氣中繁殖。 因此,如果和別人一起吃喝,最好找個外面的地方。 當你和其他人在一個房間裡時,你分享同樣的空氣。 如果大多數人都容易感染病毒,而裡面有人是病毒攜帶者,那麼在密閉空間裡,一個人呼出的病毒被另一個人發現的風險就會增加。 你在那裡越擁擠,時間越長,傳播病毒的風險就越大。 正如他所說,委員會提出的增值稅改革提案可以削減這一數額的很大一部分,該提案的主要目的是遏制逃避共同體稅收規則的欺詐行為。 在運營檢查中,NAV專家主要檢查貿易商和服務提供商是否定期開具發票和收據,他們是否正確使用他們的在線收銀機,以及企業是否對他們的員工進行登記。 10人 外燴 和在廣州陪伴丈夫43年的妻子完美無缺 由於他對中文有相當的了解,他可以用中文說出很多有趣的事情 輝瑞和阿斯利康疫苗已經證明了這一點,但其他疫苗也很可能也是如此。 Delta(以前稱為 Indian)變體在冠狀病毒的刺突蛋白和稱為 RBD(受體結合域)的蛋白質部分中包含多個突變。 這就是病毒在感染我們時用來附著在我們細胞上的 ACE2 受體上的東西。 這種突變會影響病毒的傳染性和我們對病毒的免疫反應的有效性。 所謂的“delta plus”或Nepali variant,也就是delta突變體的意思,它拼接了一個額外的K417N突變體。
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成員國有許多例子可以幫助和推動電子發票的普及。 在一些成員國,電子發票已成為公共採購的強制要求。 在這些成員國中,在公共採購程序中應用的強制性電子發票也需要在其他交易中使用電子發票。 夏季稅收方案將商業住宿服務的增值稅稅率從 18% 降低到 5%,可從 2020 年 1 月 1 日起適用。 同時,這些服務將從即日起納入旅遊發展貢獻。 台南 外燴 雖然提供包材不等於裝貨,但是 照顧包裝材料是難以想像的。 難以想像他不會從餐飲店帶東西回家 多年來,如果客人不想給小費,那就給吧 他也不給,不管主人怎麼暗示。 那麼他無論如何都會把它留在桌子上。 還建議 5-11 歲兒童接種兩劑疫苗,根據臨床試驗,對症狀性疾病的保護效果約為 91%。 基於 RNA 的疫苗與傳統疫苗的不同之處在於我們不使用滅活病毒,甚至不使用蛋白質。 相反,將製造冠狀病毒蛋白質所需的代碼 RNA 引入體內。 這種蛋白質是由我們自己身體的細胞“製造”出來的,免疫系統會對其做出反應。 該技術本身仍然很新,這些是第一批投放市場的基於此原理的疫苗。 匈牙利的製藥當局 OGYÉI 已經接受了 Szputnyik 疫苗,因此該疫苗也可以在我國使用。
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thebobby1432world · 1 year
Maite Perroni Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Maite Perroni Wiki: Maite Perroni Beorlegui is a Mexican actress, singer, songwriter, and producer who is known for her amazing roles on TV and in movies. She gained international fame in 2004 as a member of the Latin Grammy-nominated Latin pop group RBD and went on to be named the "New Queen of Telenovelas" by Univision in 2009. Maite Perroni WikiMaite Perroni Height, Weight, Physical Stats Maite Perroni’s Net Worth Perroni has since won the Premios TVyNovelas for Best Actress of the Year for her work in Antes muerta que Lichita in 2016, starred in Rebelde, the Netflix series Dark Desire, and signed a contract with Warner Music Group in 2012.
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Maite Perroni Wiki Eclipse de Luna (2013), her first album as a solo artist, started out at number three on Mexico's main album chart, the Amprofon Top 20. It went on to reach number nine on the Billboard Latin Albums chart and number two on the Latin Pop Albums chart. Maite Perroni is dating well-known producer Andrés Tovar. She used to date Chilean musician and producer Koko Stambuk from 2013 to 2020, as well as Guido Laris and Eugenio Siller in 2005 and 2008, respectively.
Maite Perroni Wiki
NameMaite PerroniFull NameMaite Perroni BeorleguiNet Worth$7 MillionDate of Birth9 March 1983Age40 Years OldBirth PlaceMexico City, MexicoAddressMexico City, MexicoProfessionActress, Singer, Songwriter, Model, and ProducerDebutTV Series: Rebelde (2004) Music Video: Tú y Yo (2013) Film: El arribo de Conrado Sierra (2012)Years Active2004 – PresentFamous RoleGuadalupe “Lupita” Fernández in the TV Series Rebelde (2004)NationalityMexicanReligionRoman CatholicEthnicityMexican DescentHometownMexico City, MexicoZodiac SignPiscesSchool/High SchoolElite Way School in Mexico Centro de Educación Artística de Televisa in Mexico City, MexicoEducation QualificationHigh School Maite Perroni Height, Weight, Physical Stats HeightIn Centimeters: 157 cm. In Meters: 1.57 m. In Feet Inches: 5'2"WeightIn KG: Not known In Pound: Not known Maite Perroni’s Net Worth Estimated Net Worth in 2023Under ReviewPrevious Year’s Net Worth (2021)Under ReviewAnnual SalaryUnder Review.Income SourcePrimary Income source TV Actress (profession).Net Worth Verification StatusNot Verified Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. Read the full article
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pinkchaosstories · 1 year
sorry i saw you rbd my oc post and i just LOVE frigga and razi and would love to know more ab them
Thanks for the ask @tenpixelsusie 💖
Luckily for you, they have a whole-ass novel of their beautiful shit-show haha. (Insert shameless plug for my novel here)
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Frigga Thorneheart and Razi Wood are a result of my need to write about a femme4butch relationship and I first came up with them back in 2020. Their story is pretty classic, I would say. Fall in love, one of them gets forced into an arranged marriage so they have to find a way to be together or die trying.
Frigga is My Girl. Her family is the First Family of the local coven, making her the heir to the noble position. She's a smart, smol magic baby, freshly home from school abroad. She's kind hearted and intelligent, but a TOTAL DOORMAT. No spine whatsoever. A people pleaser. And that leads to some pretty dark moments throughout the story, including agreeing to an arranged marriage to the coven's benefactor's son 😬
Razi is a commoner, an employee of Frigga's aunt. She's responsible for baking the bread and maintaining the grounds of the Thorneheart Manor but in her spare time she likes to flirt with girls in town. She's got a small gaggle of them that might pay her a smile (or a something else) for an evening if she asks nicely. Razi tends to be slow to commitment, but once you've got her loyalty, she'll do anything for you, even if it means trusting shifty vampires and their golden retrievers.
I don't know what else I should say, so I'll leave it here for now. :) Thanks for the ask, love!
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12nb34 · 1 year
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In the current study, researchers document the results of screening conducted in Italy between December 26-29, 2022. Moreover, a total of 556 passengers from China arriving at Fiumicino Leonardo da Vinci airport in Rome and Malpensa airport in Milan were screened.
Of the 556 screened passengers, 61 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Whole genome sequencing revealed Omicron variants, which included sub-lineages BA.5.2, BF.7, and BQ.1.1, each with additional mutations. This observation was in line with data released from China.
The BF.7.14 sub-lineage, which contains the BF.7 mutations in addition to ORF7a:H47Y and S:C1243F, requires particular attention. BF.7 is characterized by the S:R346T immune escape mutation, which makes it resistant to cilgavimab and tixagevimab and sensitive to bebtelovimab and convalescent plasma from vaccinees.
To date, COVID-19 waves have been driven by SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC) linked to significant changes in the spike protein's receptor binding domain (RBD). However, immune evasion is unlikely to be driven by mutations in the S2 subunit of the spike protein, such as C1243F.
ORF7a is an accessory cysteine-rich, zinc-binding type I transmembrane protein structurally conserved in various SARS-CoV-2 VOCs. An N-terminal signal sequence, an ectodomain with an immunoglobulin (Ig)-like fold, a short transmembrane domain, and a C-terminal cytoplasmic tail constitute the separate domains of ORF7a. Notably, ORF7a interacts with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-I heavy chain, potentially limiting cell-mediated immune responses.
The ORF7a:H47Y mutation was previously reported in Oceania and North America in 2020. More recently, this mutation was reported in the BF.5 lineage, which was dominant in Japan at the end of 2022. In addition, many other mutations, such as S44P in BA.5.11 and T61S in XAY, around the F59 position, have also recently emerged.
The BF.7 variant has been circulating in Inner Mongolia since September 2022 and in the United States and Europe since August 2022. The high prevalence of BF.7.14 in China is possibly due to the founder effect.
In China, the contribution of previous infection-elicited immunity is less relevant, which limits the ability of BQ.1* and XBB* to become dominant circulating strains in this nation.
📆 17 Jan 2023 📰 On four flights out of China in December, 22% of passengers were SARS-CoV-2 positive 🗞️ news-medical.net
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vozfmradio · 1 year
 #mexico #cdmx #musica #noticias #gente  #radiostreaming #radioonline  #usa #nyc #atlanta #colombia #venezuela #guatemala #instragram #tictoc #fans  #vozfmradio #nj #jerseycity #northbergen #rbd #PonchoHerrera
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