#razzly rant
saraiisstanky · 1 year
I wanna make more Raven cycle fanart but the urge to doodle my favorite scenes is butting heads with the urge to just wait until I finish the books :/
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pastellera2video · 1 year
Bro my parents keep telling me that I have authority over my younger brothers and cousins (they’re all under the age of 13, and for the sake of clearing up confusion, I will refer to all of them as “bc” )
(I am 14 almost 15)
When I don’t have any, none of them fucking care,  BC does not care how much I tell them anything
Even if I tell him something that my parents or aunts or uncles have told them to do
They just told me I’m a party pooper :/
For the record, I don’t fucking care if I don’t have any authority of them . The thing that grinds my gears is that my parents keep expecting me to have authority over them,
My parents have told BC before That I have authority over them, and I have to listen to them
But they don’t care what my parents have to say, either , they just put up a act and pretend like they’re actually listen to my parents and say they will listen to me
And then they don’t . it’s so goddamn annoying because I’m just tired of my parents expecting me to have this power over them when I don’t have it
I’ve told them before that they don’t respect me and they just tell me to tell them, but they don’t care bc does not care 
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lifeofafrogblog · 1 year
Do you ever go to hang out with someone and spend all day waiting for them to actually notice / spend time with you? Y'all ever go to someones house to hang out and they just get on their video games w their friends for hours at a time? Do you ever nap for hours in someone else's house because you don't have a ride home until later and you don't have anything else to do but sleep??
Maybe thats just me 🤷🏼‍♀️
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lady-romanticist · 1 year
why is everyone and everything so soulless and vapid
this hyper-reality dystopia that we’re living in is so fucking unhinged istg
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willowgr33ntr33 · 1 year
first day of school review ig
I literally already hate it. The class I'm in, I have no friends so a need to make some but I don't actually know how; I have already gotten three assignments on the FIRST FUCKING DAY and I feel like all my friends from last year hate me.
I fucking hate school. All of the hate, popularity and the fucking pressure to, be not you. I hate the fact that everyone HAS to be hanging around someone all the time, like what the hell?? I don't like school. For the exact reason that everyone in the grade is almost expected to be apart of one of the three main groups; popular, freaks, sporty like what the fuck is wrong with it, I understand that school is a vital thing to learn but I hate it and I cannot wait for graduation
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