#ranting into the void
biteable-pink-pixie · 5 months
Just watched a women throw a half full glass bottle of coke in the rubbish bin. That's wasteful you bitch and also glass is recyclable! The recycling bin was right next to the rubbish bin. You fucking selfish dumb cunt.
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i genuinely believe those who glorify "the grind" and take pride in working 40+ hours a week are the most mentally fucked up among us, actually. the way we exist isn't normal, necessary, or healthy. credit scores are the same age as taylor swift. it's all made up bullshit. it hasn't "always been like this," nor does it have to continue. ask yourself why it does; who does it benefit to maintain the sinking ship that is the status quo of our society?
none of this is sustainable. the majority of us are beyond burnt out and barely getting by. the 1% doesn't care. i really think one of the first, most instrumental steps to change has to be a collective refusal from the working class to continue reframing workplace exploitation as being a "hard worker and loyal team player." this gaslighting rhetoric needs to be rejected. people need to re-read oliver twist and pay heed to the themes.
these multi-billion dollar corporations are reporting record profits while paying poverty wages to the employees building their fortunes. they could easily pay livable wages and the higher ups would still make more money in a week than some of us could ever fathom seeing in our own bank accounts after a lifetime of toiling. these companies don't pay poorly and force us to live paycheck to paycheck because an alternative isn't perfectly possible.
they do so because they see the working class strictly as labor - not as lives equal to their own; deserving of comfort, fulfillment and free time. stop glorifying this. stop enabling them by parroting manipulative mantras they popularized to begin with. you aren't "on your grind." you've just been trained to romanticizing your own exploitation, and even take pride in it.
you should be furious. you should be devastated. we only get one, fleeting lifetime. how have we gone so wrong as a society that we've normalized the majority of us wasting it away like this? we were not born to be the human equivalent of cattle for the ultra wealthy. life should be more than this.
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iamchaos1234 · 23 days
[spoilers for all of The Owl House]
Short version: I love found family
Long version:
Eda, King, and Luz. The original three. One a witch, one a titan, one a human. Maybe King and Eda have always been close, since Eda found him on that island. But the progression of the three's bond throughout the series made me cry when I thought about it. It starts out as Luz just being a random human, a pawn they use to get back King's crown. Then Luz decided to stay, and it's quite clear Eda doesn't really care at the start. You can see how she clearly ignores Luz's wishes. But you see as season 1 goes on, Eda starts caring for her wellbeing and starts actually bonding and caring for Luz. But you really only see the full extent of Eda's newfound care for Luz in Agony of a Witch. Eda goes to save /her/ human from Lilith, despite knowing the dangers, despite knowing it was a trap, despite knowing her curse is getting worse and worse. And as her curse takes over, she thanks Luz. For being in her life. Luz fights ferociously to save Eda, stopping at nothing to save her Boiling Isles mom. Season 2, episode 1 Eda states that she uses the money they have to get special food for Luz instead of her apple blood, which she is shown to stop at nothing to get. You see the three's bond grow so much in season 2. Luz helps King through his identity crisis, and tries her very best to help him figure out who he truly is. At the end of season 2 Eda's concern for her two children is so great, she just wants them to be safe. They shouldn't have to go through this, since they are just children. But Luz is so desperate to help, to fix her mistake, to redeem herself for her part in this horror. In Clouds on the Horizon you can see Luz's concern for Eda and her plan. Both King and Luz are terrified, because Eda talks like she may never come back. After the Day of Unity when the Collector is taking King you can see just how desperate Luz is to save her found family, her brother and her mom, she wants so badly to save them, just to make sure they are okay. You can see how emotional both are, King thanking Luz, then for her wellbeing shoving her through the portal. Throughout Thanks to Them you can see all of that sadness and want and guilt well up in Luz, not even knowing if her owl mom and little brother are alright. Then, there is Watching and Dreaming. When they all reunite, they are so happy, just so thankful to see the others okay. Then there is the battle with Belos. Eda and King can only watch, as Luz saves the Collector from Belos. Which kills her, and she can't even get the words to tell them as she fades away. In the in-between realm, her inner thoughts say she should have thanked them. Just as they had to her. The absolute fury and anger from Eda and King is insurmountable. They went from a ragtag group, to a family. A true family. Their anger is so great they shift to forms we never have seen or see again, only showing themselves in their absolute despair over Luz's death. When Luz is revived their extreme joy and relief is so great, and it shows.
A witch, a titan, and a human. A mother, a son, and a daughter
Titan I love found family 😭 don't even get me STARTED on Hunter-
This has been a Chaos rant, thanks for reading ;)
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toaster-trash · 3 months
I’m not even THAT dysphoric about it like I’m fine when I’m alone and not binding it’s mostly just irritating because my movement’s restricted in a different way (ie. I still want them GONE) and not because I’m that dysphoric about my chest but OTHER PEOPLE MAKE IT WEIRD??? FUCK OFF LET ME BREATHE AND EXIST IN PEACE DUDE LIKE WTF. Also just in general why the fuck is it a sexualised thing to HAVE tits like??? Whether you’re a woman or not they’re for feeding babies, like that’s why they’re there, why the fuck is it now a sexual thing I SHIT YOU NOT ONCE I HAD A CIS GUY FRIEND DESCRIBE BOOBS AS GENITALIA??????????? WHAT THE SHIT KILLING MYSELF WHAT😭
Anyway both cis women and pre-op trans guys should be allowed to be shirtless in the exact same circumstances that cis men are thank you and goodnight and also go fucking top yourself if you’re one of those people who comment on peoples posts when the person in question is going on about a completely unrelated topic and happen to not be wearing a bra in that video, and you’re one of those people who point it out. Go look at some classical artwork of women and stop watching porn for five fucking minutes, cheers.
Also while we’re at it EXTRA fuck you and go top yourself if you’re one of those people who point out EVERY FUCKING TIME an afab person HAS body hair. Once I deadass saw a video from like the 1890s and the woman obviously didn’t shave her underarms bc it was the fucking 1890s and the WHOLE COMMENTS SECTION was about that, use your fucking brain and pull your head out of your ASS. IT GENUINELY PISSES ME OFF SO FUCKING MUCH BECAUSE GENUINELY WHY WOULD YOU EXCLUSIVELY WANT WOMEN WHO COMPLETELY SHAVE EVERY INCH OF THEMSELVES??? They’re fucking grown ass women, not children, “it’s a preference!” my ass, do you want a woman or a fucking sex doll? “It’s unhygienic” then wax your balls, Steve. Also it genuinely isn’t, not washing yourself makes you unhygienic, and shaving yourself 100% bald is 10x more likely to, that hair grows for a REASON my guy. Cheers pt2.
The fact that the vast majority of people I know would call this shit woke makes me want to kill myself
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chiosblog · 14 days
ok so i watched kfp 4 and I have to say something cause of reasons, under the cut
This movie had the potential to be a masterpiece after what we saw with the last Puss in Boots film in term of visuals and story but what we had was a tiepid oc fanfic that would have been ideal on streaming or tv
Fuck I read waay better fics than this
Its so sad to see my favorite characters treated so poorly, erasing all the potential they had. I know many people liked the third film but i cannot help but dislike it cause they were soo close to perfection with the concepts and original plot ideas (from what I read on the artbook - especially that ONE scene with Tigress and Po my god I'll never forgive them for cutting those scenes damn) and then dediced to turn it into an half baked comedy sketch for the most part with a few interesting scene casually put in the mix, throwing in the garbage all the prestine story work they did with the first two movies.
It could be worst, i know that, but this one really seem like a tv movie more than anything. It seems to me they did a better job handling the recent tv shows (and thats kinda embarassing for a major dreamworks release).
On a positive note: my wife is BACK for 20 seconds god. I missed her so much, i (kinda) take back what i said on kfp 3 cause not having her at all in the whole film is pain gaaah
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liveasbutterflies · 3 months
I am afraid that I have fallen into another kdrama slump…
Well, I guess it’s time to rewatch Extraordinary You for the 10000 time. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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wyrddogs · 1 year
I love receiving unsolicited advice on how I should be raising my puppy.
Four days into owning an 8-week-old puppy, two of which were spent driving: "You need to trim his nails."
I'm still getting this thing settled in. I have plenty of time to introduce nail trims.
On an 8-week-old infant whose ears are still developing: "You're going to want to tape his ears."
They stood up on their own two days later.
On a 10-week-old in a new environment, who was nervous and was requesting comfort from the humans cooing over him: "Does he know sit? No? You need to teach him. Like, immediately."
I have been doing so much goddamn impulse-control work with this puppy. Working on it every single day. He offers sit all on his own, so it will take me about two seconds to train it. I have a bunch of other things that I think are more important to train immediately, and have been working on those. Also, you called him over and then got mad when he was excited about it. This is a 10-week-old. At this point I want him to know that humans are safe.
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gothalite · 5 months
Hi, I accidentally deleted my old blog!
I was clearing out my blogs and deleted my whole account so we are back from scratch!
I used to go by Gothalite and made a big mix of content from creepypasta / Marble hornets / mlp / jojo and many of those things, ill be slowly posting my posts back the best i can.
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talestobetold · 1 year
i think killing cringe culture necessarily requires being unpretentious about what cringe things you take joy in and let others take joy in. it can’t just be the freedom to watch kids shows or read self-indulgent fanfic. it has to apply to things like reading YA lit or being a sports fan or watching blockbuster movies (yes, Marvel too)
you’re not better than the guy whose biggest life goal is to come back and coach for his high school football team. you’re not better than the people who only listen to pop hits or classic rock. it’s awesome that you’ve found Higher Joys or whatever but that’s no reason to shit on people having fun with their Lower Joys
if you need a thesis or therapist’s note explaining why a guilty pleasure is actually vital to the human soul, you’re not killing cringe culture, you’re just resetting the boundaries around your interests
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uh-velkommen · 6 months
Also I find it funny that people argued over Joe being casted and now they're like "THAT's Charlie Spring" They argued over Kit being casted now it's all "THAT's literally golden retriever Nick Nelson" Y'all got mad at Aled being changed, y'all probably complained about Tao being tall and Elle being black and I just wasn't here when that happened. Y'all complain every time and then come to love the characters and actor's portrayals, can't y'all just let casting directors do their jobs? Y'all don't trust them? You cant infer that an actor is gonna be terrible at their job just by looking at a picture of them??
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sashi-ya · 8 months
So do you remember the "postmail lost my package" situation? it was all a lie, the bitch never sent it. It made me look like a fool with the mail service, lost time calling them, etc. Can you all believe this? why are people so SO fucking disgusting. I am trying to recover my money somehow, but... you know how it works. Now I don't have a good cosplay for the con, nor time or money to create a new one. So, it is either using something I already have or nothing. I know it might sound like "you are spoiled, just used another cosplay again" BUT IS NOT FAIR. To big cons we always plan on wearing new and more elaborated ones. So yeah, now I don't have my Shizuku-tan cosplay, and definitely not Gojo-kun's cosplay either. I wanna cry.
I miss him and he doesn't seem to do shit to get better. I just hate my career and I don't want to study no more, my brain is fried. my stupid skin is getting worse and worse. my stupid lupus won't stop. my stupid bank is not giving me back the 110 usd they scammed me for a pair of shoes, the stupid country is going to hell.
I just really need things to go well for once, like just one of the things at least? cause Idk for how long I will manage my anxiety, depression and stress at this point.
I swear this is the start of my villain era.
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myeyesandheartadjust · 11 months
Bit of Rant Poetry
I said my goodbyes
I've left it all behind
for good
Have I done the right thing?
I don't know
Time to find out
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notanotherzerofan · 1 year
Still figuring stuff out
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So, I'm obviously still new to both Tumblr and Pillowfort and pretty much haven't been on any other sites beside DA until recently.
Unfortunately, I still don't know what I really want to make of either of these accounts. Neither site is really set up specifically for art or artists (I realize Tumblr has some themes that change how posts are displayed, but that's not a full replacement in my eyes).
Also feels kinda weird to do an image post one moment, then plain text, then reblog someone else's content after that. Just feel's kinda whiplash-y. :/
Then there's the other issue of not really being able to work on stuff too much more beyond sketches at this time (don't have a proper setup atm, nor can I do color because I can't calibrate my screen).
Probably just gonna end up reposting mostly old stuff from DA or sketches for now, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I dunno, I'll figure this stuff out in time.
Also, gettin' real sick of seeing porn bots. :/
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jemandrr · 3 months
accidentally browsing a (very niche) female-dominated gaming space and seeing people TEAR into people who want an option to change the player character's pronouns to he/him or they/them without changing anything else because it'd invite men to invade a safe space. For a game purely about dating men. Like, I've been through plenty of female-dominated spaces where queer people and similar-interest straight men are welcome (in this case it'd be bi men but yknow), so it's just this one community, but jeez. The amount of fear that anyone who isn't explicitly a femme female would come in and A. hit on the faceless women there or B. taint the game by making the devs add designs of men who they don't want to date?
I got such a strong terf-y rhetoric from that community, like we can't have anything in common with people who aren't like us going on. All about taking 'our' things. And a lot of people contradicting one other but not trying to find out what the truth is because they have the same conclusion. Like two people saying A>B or B>A and no argument arises and no one shows interest in which is true because both people conclude C.
A lot of people even saying that, likewise, things that appeal to female or queer audiences should NOT be added to mainstream media just like queer content should not be added to female-oriented media. These hard walls around what belongs to who is like...they were raised by toy companies or something.
Like what is (paraphrasing so it isnt searchble) "I would never come into a male dominated community because I feel like I would be invading their safe space, so I don't get why men would want to come here and talk about liking men." At least the people who are scared of sexual abuse are warranted, I've seen tons of abusive language towards people they think are women in male dominated online spaces, but what is this fear of even...sharing interests with men? I know we've been in a new era of gender role enforcement with the tradfem movement, but jeez. And as for these last two points, they both are ones that were contradicted. People also said they do believe in diversity BUT just *this* shouldn't count.
Some people even said it's not fair that they get pushed to be more inclusive when mainstream media never does. Which makes me wonder if they're so deep in their niche 'I only experience content made by and for exclusively straight women' content that they haven't noticed any of the movements in media going on over the last 1.5 decades. Like it's true that we haven't made that much progress, but how do they think that no media gets pressed to increase diversity? The more rigid/right-leaning male audiences of tons of media have been complaining about forced diversity for years in exactly the same way (and sometimes, when it really WAS forced diversity, everyone complains because it's not representing anyone really but yknow). But I guess they wouldn't know that if all of them avoid mainstream media?
Also...what is the fear that gay men like men in a 'wrong' way...(and again, the unargued contradiction being plenty of people saying that they also like media about gay characters, but just they shouldn't make these characters gay)
And like I do get it, in the sense that being marginalized makes you skeptical and fearful of things you don't understand in its own separate way from how being in a privileged class makes you skeptical and fearful of things you don't understand. There's a lot more fear of exploring things different and new because the possible retribution feels/has been higher.
Honestly, this post isn't actually about a couple hundred to low-thousand women in a small community for niche games. Not like, I think it's important, I want to actively make them change. It's not that big a deal, not that surprising in the grand scheme. It's similar rhetoric to things i've seen before (Tradfem/terf). I've seen screenshots of, like, facebook mom groups before. And I've seen way bigger communities be way more open and welcoming, it's just a little outlier.
I'm just writing this because I'm a bit shellshocked because I forget how much that those kinds of people are not just the older, tech-illiterate generations, and not just shallow influencers who will say anything for the clicks (or because someone behind the scenes is funding it), their views behind the camera up in the air. Like I think I cultivate the people I interact with a bit too well. Too many of the people I actually interact with or witness the thoughts of regularly are queer and have flitting relationships with gender and then I remember the other side of the coin has people who think they're being progressive by suggesting that everyone who is different be segregated and therefore safe from each other with no room for intersectionality.
#for the record in other communities talking about the same game i saw several people sharing tips for making androgynous or slightly butch#characters which is the wholesomeness on the other side#ranting into the void#is this one of those situations of like#'the celebrity you call ugly will never see this but the person you know who shares those features will?'#but with 'The men who want to invade your safe spaces will never see this but the he/him butch and other queer people who are otherwise#generally your advocates in political and social spaces will'#also ngl being gay admittedly does make this so much easier#but i cannot imagine having the idea that#categorically#'you and your partner cannot have any interests in common' but so many do#And honestly I would have trouble believing that any women who says they're scared ofplaying or discussing a videogame#with a gnc or gay person- would say that irl they're not a terf and they would let gnc and trans people into the same public bathroom#like i can believe it because people hold lots of contradictory ideas but#if more than 20% of them said it i would think that was legitimately virtue signalling#because while i think trans panic is waaaaay less common than the media thinks#inside a community with those beliefs when they can talk anonymo usly#itd be a tough sell for me. I have to imagine most of those women are the kind who would find out their partner was bi#and start feeling uncomfortable about the state of their relationship- with the way they talk about how men can't enjoy female things like#dating men and such#ALSO there are more women than men#wtf do you mean mainstream media is only for straight men#straight adult men is#like 30-odd percent of the us tops#they got more purchasing power cus of sexism and homophobia and so on but#its so self defeating to think of mainstream media as exclusively the purview of straight men
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liveasbutterflies · 6 months
Mini rant here because Twitter is a cesspool of fcking immature assholes who think it's fine to take my gifs then copy & paste them into a video editor, zoom in to crop my watermarks off and then slap on some bgm.
If you don't have the capcity to create your own fcking gifs, don't fcking steal mine and claim that as your own you fcking shit stain.
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What’s worse is that I messaged them privately to take down the video but they went ahead and blocked me, went private, then started talking sht. Wtf.
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salemdrawsitgay · 1 year
school smh
lmao I hate when teachers don't let u go to the bathroom. Or put like a strict time limit. Like " be back in 2 minutes " but with the trip there and back u have like 30 seconds to actually use the bathroom. But the bathrooms are crammed during passing periods- so like WHATS A GUY SUPOSSED TO DO-???? I'm afab.and above bleeding on a chair and leaving it there for a janitor to clean up. I AM HOWEVER NOT ABOVE BLEEDING ON THE CHAIR WAITING TILL EVERYONE ELSE LEAVES and then making DIRECT EYECONTACT with the teacher. While cleaning it and tearfully explaining " I'm so sorry. I can't hol blood in. I didn't mean to " and crying while apologizing like I did when I bit into a raw egg at a friend's house! I did that in middle school once. Guss who got to use the bathroom un restricted in the strict teachers class.
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