#rascals and routines
itz-sonik17 · 5 months
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w-footix-blog · 10 months
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Bubble and Barnaby
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hippopotamus-6kids · 4 months
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aitana-4 · 6 months
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clown-wonderoos · 9 months
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soy-wynaut77 · 10 months
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Lil bro I just want you know that I’m not going anywhere
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5popplio · 10 months
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wonderoos-e-ya-pay · 10 months
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Bedtime Dance!
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Bedtime Safari Series
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soy-popplio · 10 months
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telomeke-bbs · 2 years
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PRAN: I thought you’d take me to a nice restaurant.
PAT: I want to go out and have a hot pot with you. All we can do is eat here at the dorm. So sad.
Ep.8 [2/4] 3:10
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Pran helps make Pat's dream come true at an actual hot pot restaurant...
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PRAN: Hurry up. We need to hit the supermarket after this.
Ep.10 [3I4] 19:15
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itz-sonik17 · 5 months
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I feel like barnaby would have a lot of cheezits
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autisticredhood · 2 years
send photo of kitten's wee lil baby tooth or else
(With scale)
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Wee lil baby tooth!!! & the wee little baby herself sticking her tongue out ^_^
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uuyuomi · 4 months
ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ ━ as a new dawn greets the quaint settlement of qiaoying village, you and gaming prepare for your shared morning breakfast together. but it appears man chai’s antics this morning are much more mischievous than usual. much to gaming’s displeasure. (or craving love and attention)
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gaming x reader | w.c: 879 | tags: gn reader, est. relationship, fluff
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sunlight filters through the tree leaves above; soft bright streams pouring out of every gap as a mellow summer breeze travels through the air that becomes sweeter with the passing of time.
chin resting on your hand, a brief sigh escapes through your nose as you gaze upon the unperturbed green tea fields and azure skies.
compared to the ever lively and bustling dawns of liyue harbor, mornings in qiaoying village are always so serene and full of bliss tranquility.
tea merchants rise with the sound of birds chirping in the distance, greeting them anew as they prepare for the day’s work that lies ahead. meanwhile, the locals step out of their homes one by one, preparing to either hang their washed laundry or indulge themselves in a refreshing cup of fine morning tea with savoring dim sum—much like yourself.
you watch as a faint steam continues to emit from your untouched cup of tea, patiently waiting for the heat to simmer down a bit.
although many would argue that tea is best enjoyed when it’s piping hot (much to the point of burning your lips upon first sips) you prefer to have a lukewarm tea and therefore, a lighter start to your mornings.
you feel a slight nudge on your leg, drawing your attention beneath the table and at the small critter cuddling up around your feet, purring softly.
smiling, you reach down, brushing down its fur in gentle caresses, “good morning man chai.”
“gah…that’s the third time that little rascal beats me to give you the morning greetings.”
several steps away, you see gaming who appears slightly short of breath. taking a moment to steady his breathing, he eventually makes his way over to you, wasting no time to engulf you in a loving hug, resting his head above yours.
“and good morning to you gaming.” you laugh, rubbing his arms that remained wrapped around your neck, consciously leaning back into his embrace.
“oooh is that sunglo tea i smell and…” he takes a sniff at the air once more and his face instantly brightens up as he looks down at you with expectant eyes. “steamed dumplings?”
you nod. “yup! steamed dumplings made especially for you.”
a wave of happiness now surging through him, gaming gives you another tight hug before taking a seat in the stone chair beside you, fully prepared to stomach as much as he can for today’s breakfast.
the critter from before slowly begins to peek its head out from under the table, particularly eyeing the fresh batch of dumplings in gaming’s hands.
“no way man chai!” gaming quickly snatches away the basket of steamed dumplings away from man chai’s prying paws, “first you steal my morning greetings and now you want to steal my dumplings. well not this time, buddy.”
another small chorus of laughter sounds from you. “c’mon gaming, don’t you think you’re being a little too unfair with him?”
“unfair? if anything he’s the one that’s been unfair for the last three days!” gaming argues, much like a child bickering with his siblings, “maybe now he’ll think about his actions.”
though you know he’ll never admit it, you can’t help but find it adorable at how he constantly vies for your full undivided attention in small but subtle ways.
for starters, gaming has made it his sole mission to be the first person to greet you a good morning at the start of every day before he heads to yilong wharf for work. something that naturally became routine.
apart from that, he absolutely loves returning home to talk with you about any and all he’s heard or experienced on the road for that particular day. or when he’s prepared a new performance for his hobby of wushou dancing, he wants you to be one of the first ones to see it and hear your instant feedback or high praises—more so the latter.
you on the other hand, always find his cheerful demeanor and glint of excitement that appears in his eyes each time he talks to be quite endearing. and while for the most part, gaming is usually the one talking the most between you two, you’re more than content with just listening to his musings.
seeing a disheartened man chai, you give the small creature a reassuring pat on the head, offering him a piece of food from your own plate.
“there! a fed man chai is a happy man chai!” you cheer, watching him happily eat away at the food as gaming sighs with a small frown.
now in an attempt to appease an envious gaming, you slowly lean over and plant a small unexpected kiss on his cheek that catches him off guard.
“happy now too?” you ask with a soft smile.
all he could conjure up in that moment was but a small nod. however, seeing the way his cheeks slightly reddened and the way his eyes struggled to meet yours was enough to tell you he was more than satisfied with your actions.
as if sensing his pet’s antics from a mile away, gaming instantly moves to shield you, having no desire to share any more of your attention with anyone else.
“don’t even think about it man chai!”
sigh, what ever shall you do with him.
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end note: im on a streak rn of doing these late night writing sessions fr…and it’s lowkey not okay for my already sleep deprived self. BUT TBF i wanted to post something for valentines day which is now today even if it’s not entirely related to the holiday itself. i for one took this opportunity to write a little something for my son gaming :3
i absolutely LOVE his character and his story that played out during the lantern rite because as someone who had almost the exact same experience…that hit close to home. hopefully his character here isn’t too ooc and if it is well…sue me /j
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megu-meow · 11 months
Triangle - Gojo Satoru
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girldad!gojo x wife.reader
Summary: Satoru's wife and his daughter gossip about him.
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Something seems fishy. And no, it's not how fast Satoru's one and only daughter is suddenly five years old, despite all of his efforts to keep her a little baby. No, he's slowly getting over that. It's the way that little rascal and her mama, the love of Satoru's life, keep giggling every time he walks into a room. It's the muffled voices he hears as he turns away from the two of them and the whispered words he cannot quite comprehend. There's only one logical conclusion to draw here: his girls are gossiping about him behind his back.
So Satoru opts for the only reasonable solution to the situation at hand: he climbs the unsteady ladder that leads to the attic, on a quest to find the old baby monitor so that he can place it under the couch, waiting on the other end to catch his girls in the act. He's rummaging through boxes, sneezing every other second from the amount of dust, but he's determined to find the listening device. This cannot go on any longer. He's making a huge mess and a lot of noise as well, he's glad that his little mochi is at kindergarten and you are currently on a mission on the other side of Tokyo. The dust gets increasingly unbearable, Satoru has to turn on his Infinity (something he never does when he's home) so that the small particles cannot reach his nose and the white-haired sorcerer gets more irritated with each passing minute.
"Ha! Found it!" he exclaims with joy as he fishes out the pink walkie-talkie-like device from underneath some baby overalls, ones that bring tears into his eyes as he remembers his baby girl wearing them when she was an infant. However, the other end of the monitor is not in the same box and he huffs out an irritated sigh, continuing to look through the box right next to it. Fortunately, he finds it quickly and climbs down the ladder, and runs to the living room, leaving one end of the baby monitor under the couch, just like he planned. Usually, his baby girls wait for him to get home sitting on the sofa, watching cartoons, and he relies the success of his quest on the consistency of your routine. Suddenly, he senses your cursed energy and hears the excited yells of his little mochi from outside the entrance, so he runs up the stairs, getting into his hiding place in the closet connected to your shared bedroom.
The front door opens and he hears your daughter running in as you warn her to take her shoes off before getting into the living room. She obeys because she's a goodie two shoes and Gojo gets excited to finally hear what his girls have been saying about him.
"Are you hungry, sweetie?" you ask the little girl that resembles her father perfectly with her white hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.
"Yes! Can we eat mochi for dinner?" the little girl exclaims and Satoru smiles to himself, proud that his daughter has developed the same addiction to sugary treats as him.
You lecture her on how mochi doesn't classify as dinner, but you promise she can have some after eating a proper meal, and you mention how probably her father is going to bring home some sweets when he gets back. Satoru smiles again upon hearing that, you know him like the back of your hand.
Making dinner takes way too long, feeding your daughter is even more time-consuming and Gojo is getting more impatient as time passes by. He fights the urge to just abandon his plan and join the two of you, spending time with his two girls is his favorite activity after all. However, as he gets up, stretching his limbs, he finally hears his daughter ask an unusual question.
"Mama? Why did Dada change his wizard clothes?"
"Because he's the Strongest, honey, and sometimes his clothes get torn apart."
"But he looks like a triangle now, no Mama?" you laugh out loud upon hearing her words and Satoru is hurt. Deeply.
"Yes, little one, he does look like a triangle." you agree with the toddler and the giggling continues, offending Gojo even more.
"He also smells." she adds with a familiar chuckle, one that mirrors her father's perfectly. You do not disagree, you keep laughing at your daughter's words, and Satoru bolts up in frustration, he runs down the stairs with unusual force and determination, and he stops in front of you with a deep frown on his face, his hands questioningly on his hips.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK LIKE A TRIANGLE? AND I SMELL? WE ALL KNOW MY ESSENCE IS LIKE A FRESH SUMMER GARDEN?! FLOWERY, EARTHY AND MASCULINE!" he exclaims with a large smile on his face, not taking the whole situation seriously, but he pouts at the end of his monologue, urging your beloved daughter to jump into his hands as she doesn't know that her father is doing this on purpose to get limitless attention.
"I'm sorry, Papa, Mama said bad about you and I agreed to get mochi." the toddler says while kissing her father on the cheeks lovingly, a bad habit she learned from said buffoon.
"My kikufuku?! You're saying Mama doesn't love me?" he acts like he's deeply hurt, looking at his favorite girls in adoration. Your daughter just simply nods, not able to look either Satoru or you in the eyes, a clear sign of her being dishonest. If there's one thing neither of the Gojo's standing in front of you were good at, it was being able to sell a lie. They were terrible at it and you didn't mind. You stand up, walking closer to your family, embracing them in a big hug, kissing their foreheads lovingly.
"Mama only loves me!" the toddler exclaims, reaching her little arms towards you, signaling to her father that she wants to be held by you.
"You see, little one, I would have believed you when you said Mama was saying bad things about me and you only agreed to get mochi from me, but I knew you were lying when you said she didn't love me. So I win!" Satoru explains and the toddler hides her face into the crook of your neck from being caught and "deeply hurt".
"Satoru, love, you have to give her mochi now to feel better!" you chime in lovingly and your husband runs out of the living room, into the kitchen to give you the treats he bought on his way home.
"Look at his chicken legs!" you exclaim, pointing in his direction to get your daughter's attention. The toddler in your arms starts laughing loudly and the white mop of Satoru's hair appears from the entrance of the kitchen, a frown evident on his face.
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sant-riley · 2 years
[ More task force 141 × OFC! reader headcanons] [pt2]
A/N: thank yall so much for all the love on the last hcs!! I hope these live up to yalls expectations <3 please tell me which ones are yalls favorites <3!!!
CW: She/her pronouns, Codename is Teddy, Simping, crude humor, Age gaps, cursing, British slander (if I miss anything, let me know!)
If you dye your hair, Ghost helps you dye it when y'all go on extended leave. The military doesn't allow unnatural colors so when you have a few weeks to a couple of months, he'll be the one to ask. "Cm'ere, I got the bleach already."
The guys like to go with her when/if she gets tattooed. Do they know what she's getting inked? Nope, but they like to keep her company and will go get her food if needed.
Teddy vocal stims,, alot. She has picked up on "Fuckin' hell" and it has yet to leave her brain and Ghost just stares in amusement. You can hear her echo it back to them once he says it on a mission.
Teddy is her codename but her nicknames vary from who's talking about her!
Ghost: Ted, Teds, Sweetheart, Runt
Soap: Bonnie, Rascal, Barra, Lass
Price: Rookie, Dear
Gaz: Love, Darling, Hun
They get on her ASS for being an American. They will poke fun at her every fucking chance esp if she speaks in slang.
Price shakes his head and tries to teach her the "proper" way of speaking but all she does is mock the accent. He has since given up.
The first time they see her off duty, it's shock. She looks so different when she's not in uniform, (if you have it: dyed hair, makeup) her normal civilian clothes. Soap is almost convinced it's not Teddy until she smacks him upside the head and calls him an asshole.
Being the first one to see Ghosts face because you're having a breakdown about all the murder and bullshit you've gone through, crying profusely and no one knows how to help bc everyone just shoves it down and represses it.
He trusts you, he knows he does so it doesn't take him much to take you into a secluded room and expose himself. He will say that seeing you silently stare up at him with awe made his feelings grow for you. He will not, but his heart definitely would.
Soap actively teaching you how to curse in Gaelic bc he thinks it's funny with your accent. Too bad you can barely understand when he tries teaching you so you're just kinda staring at him dead eyed.
Soap plays with your hair, alot. It soothes him to run his fingers through it or simply to yank it bc he's a little dickhead. He's the kind of person who'd let your hair routine and learn how to help you take care of it.
Ghost and Price straight up rustle your hair and thinks it's funny when you shove their hand away and get all huffy lmfao.
HELPING SOAP SHAVE HIS MOHAWK, there's no barber on base so you're the next best thing he has. Many of the team have walked in with Soap sitting between your legs bc he's way too fucking tall for you to cut his hair comfortably. Ghost walking in with you holding a razor to Soap's neck and just turning around and walking out immediately.
Price has given you a cigar to smoke, he knows for a damn fact you cannot handle it and laughs his ass off when you sputter. Top 10 favorite moments of his.
Gaz likes to give you British foods to try, he knows for a damn fact you will not like it.
"C'mon love, just one bite?" "I am not fucking eating beans on toast, you're insane." "It's a good meal!"
He gets so fucking mad when yall go to Las Almas and you devour the food there. Literally pouts bc he sees you with Alejandro and Rudy eating food and laughing together.
You play video games alot when on leave, please imagine trying to teach Ghost on the newer games that are out now. You make fun of him calling him an old man but he actually fucking wins potg/apex most of the time and looks at you smug as hell.
No one knows why you're called Teddy, so they all make up their own stories but you neither confirm nor deny. Soap says it's bc you're cuddly and cute like a teddy bear while Ghost says its bc you can maim someone like one. Duality of man.
Speaking of cuddling, it's not uncommon to have to huddle for warmth on missions. They all manhandle you to them and they all slightly do it differently.
Ghost sits you front to front with your chests touching While he sits up, arms around your waist with him playing with his knife, staring past your head and at the wall.
Price presses you into his side, a arm wrapped around your shoulders as he tells you stories about missions gone wrong, the smell of cigar smoke flooding your senses.
Soap also sits you on his lap with your back against his front while he buries his face in your hair. He tells you stories about his childhood and growing up with his mom, he wants yall to meet one day.
Gaz is usually the best prepared and has either a sleeping bag or a blanket, so he wraps it around yall making sure you're more covered than he is and sits close, yalls legs intertwined.
They worry so fucking much about you, you're young and while they have come to love and appreciate you, they can't help but wish you were anywhere else but here risking your life.
"You're too young to be here Kid." "And you weren't?" Ghost has to swallow down how much he wants to scream that he just wants you safe but he knows that's not his place, he isn't your boyfriend or husband.
Alejandro has doubts when everything goes to shit if they can trust you, since he hadn't seen much of you like he had with Ghost and Soap. But then he sees the way they speak about you and how these two burly strong men get a tender look in their eyes. He finds it funny but also feels great respect to you. It is not easy to get task force 141 to care so much about a new member but hey, you did it.
Alejandro takes you out dancing and drinking when you go back to visit Las Almas. He knows how to dance so fucking well and it's always a good time. He always has his hands on your waist and always makes sure you're okay with it. Perfect gentleman 10/10
Now Graves thinks that you're just some stupid kid but realizes quickly that while you can fight your own battles, you never need to. Just one look at Ghost staring daggers into his forehead is enough for him to swallow his tongue less it gets cut out.
Laswell treats you like her own kid, especially when she finds out if you have a bad home life. She always makes sure you're stocked up on necessaties at the base and invites you for lunch along with her wife often. She is the first one you call when you have anything personal to speak of and she is the mother figure you have while on missions.
Taglist <3 (If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!)
@tamayakii @teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel @marsbar127xx
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