#raiden kemonohito
If Briar was raised by Lona
A/N: Briar Auroria belongs to @phoenix-manga
As soon as Amare passed an old woman took care of her flower shop and her child. Though the woman cared for her, she also wished someone would take care of the child since she's too old.
On one night, a figure broke inside and whisked the baby away, once far away they brought out a mirror and passed her through.
Lona cracked her neck, another successful mission. As she walked down a old desolated road filled with roses, she heard crying. Curious and concerned, she followed.
She was dumbfounded to find a child in the center of thorns. She glanced around, seeing no evidence to how they placed the child here baffled her.
She walked away but the child cried louder, she bit her lip. Heaving a sigh, she turned back and took the child with her.
Her parents were thoroughly surprised at this but were happy.
Asami: "What's her name?"
Lona hesitated but she knew it was perfect.
Lona did her best to raise Briar but it was hard with her job, thankfully her parents were there.
At three, Briar got a little sister as present, Valerie.
It was this time Lona had to be gone for three years so both girls were raised by they're grandparents and it brought them closer together.
Briar loves her littles sister and vice versa, Briar often pulls Valerie in line if her bloodlust gets the better of her.
Since Briar looks just like Lona, everyone assumes they're related biologically.
Briar is still the same as her canon version, but has a certain deadliness that Kemonohito's are know for.
Due to Briar's narcolepsy her training is vastly different. She focuses more on stealth opposes to Valerie's soldier like training.
Briar still dislikes sushi, but the reason is because the smell nauseated her a bit.
Briar still went to regular school while Valerie was stuck in homeschool ever since the "incident." The older girls was still enraged that they still think her sister was in the wrong.
Both she and Valerie got pulled into Twisted Wonderland at the same time but landed in different schools. Valerie was in NRC while Briar was in DCA.
Briar had a better time in DCA compared to where her sister was. She was placed in Rosadormienti and a first year despite her age.
It took a while to get used to too everything, but she was enjoying herself, and even made friend with dorm leaders.
It was when Valerie was in DCA for a student exchange is when they found each other. Both girls were so happy to see each other again.
Both told their stories on how they were in they're own schools, Briar was tempted to poison Crowley.
The blonde was surprised and concerned on the amount of men she charmed unknowingly but she can see how much they cared for her. Naturally she's protective of her, seeing Valerie so oblivious.
When Diasomina met Briar, both Lilia and Malleus knew she was fae and they suspected the 'sister' don't know either.
A/N: This is all I got, I'll see if I can make a part two
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rosietrace · 2 years
🎙+ for Victoria and my Lona please
You got it!
Victoria Shard, beautiful manipulator
{ Voice Claim: Miyuki Sawashiro }
As stated in Victoria's profile, I've written that my voice claim for her is the one and only Miyuki Sawashiro!
Miyuki Sawashiro is known for roles such as: Kirari Momobami (Kakegurui), Kurapika(Hunter x hunter), Towa Akagi(Go! Princess precure), Raiden Shogun/Ei(Genshin impact), and Raiden Mei from Honkai impact the 3rd.
Notably, I chose Sawashiro as Victoria's voice claim after a resurgence of my intrigue towards Kakegurui, and playing Genshin impact.
I imagine that Victoria's voice is a mix between the soothing yet albeit intimidating tone of Kirari, and the Shogun's serious tone of voice(specifically when she's in a bad mood).
I also find it funny that Victoria's inspiration are actually Kirari and Raiden Shogun XD I didn't know they were both voiced by the same woman, and I just so happened to choose said woman as her voice claim-
Lona Kemonohito, ice witch
{ Voice claim: Miyuki Sawashiro }
Okay I'll be honest here- I was VERY surprised when I saw that Lona and Vic share a voice claim XD I think that's the reason you chose them though.
Not that I mind, I do think that Sawashiro fits both women!
For Victoria, Sawashiro would be able to bring the cold and manipulative side to her personality, while also bringing somber tones into the mix to subtly show how much she had to go through.
And for Lona, Sawashiro would be able to show Lona's aggressiveness and hatred towards the people she despises, and the people who harm her daughter. Not to mention to show her anger when Crowley slacks off.
All in all, Miyuki Sawashiro fits both women very well and I certainly won't complain about them sharing voice claims ^^
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More Villain recruiters
Here's the beginning. This is a what if when Valerie wasn't summoned in Twisted Wonderland
TW: Mentions of abandonment, attempted murder, actual murder.
It all started with Valerie coming back from the library, she was passing by the local jewelry store when she heard crying. She found a small box at back, when she looked inside it was a small baby boy with a malachite necklace next to it.
Her grandparents and mom were of course surprised, even more when she told she'll keep him. The three asked if she was sure if she want to do it, and told her being a parent has it's difficulties but she adamant with her choice.
Once convinced, her mom started to sign her up for online class so she can be in a community college.
"What's his name?" Her mother asked. Valerie glanced at the necklace in her hand.
A few months after when she first took in Malachite, it was difficult like they said but she persevered especially when she had helped.
One harsh rainy night there was a sudden knocking in front, the shop was closed for the night and Valerie finally put Malachite to sleep. Her grandfather investigated and found a baby girl in front with no letter.
This sparked another debate cause Valerie wanted to keep her too, this lead to deal if they can't find an adoption center or home by the end of the month Valerie will keep her. For the whole month they couldn't find an adoption center or home, so Valerie get to keep her.
For a name, the baby was playing with a nearby Celosia plant and giggled when it touched.
"Celosia or Cece."
In another few months, Valerie took her children to a park when she was suddenly approached by an old lady. She implore her to take the child in her arms, saying the boy had no family and no one wanted him.
At first she refused, since she already has two kids. But looking at his sleeping face made her heart melt and accepted him. The woman thanked her and turned away.
"Oh, by the way. His name is Vincent."
A year passed, Valerie graduated online and got into a nearby community college, she even took up another part time job in a convenience store near her home. She was lucky the owner was kind and let have the nearly expired items for for free.
She was with her family at the park for the Hanami festival when they heard crying, it was near them and her grandmother found a baby girl. They first took her to the authorities, wondering if they left her by accident, a few months passed before the police said they had no leads, leading to the conclusion the child was abandoned.
They asked if they want the baby, and Valerie said yes. Before leaving, they told her they did some background search and found in a name in her blanket.
"It said Nadia."
This time, her entire family was in there regular camping ground. She was playing with her kids, when her mom came back bloody and with a baby boy, she explained that someone tried drown baby, but she was able to intervene in time, she got rid and bury the body.
Valerie happily took the baby to her arms and introduce him to his new siblings. When asked about his name.
"Joseph or Joe, I don't know, it just feels right"
By this time her grandparents and mom accepted that Valerie might be part European fae because she keeps adopting and they can't stop her.
Another year passed and she finally graduated community college. Valerie took job as a gymnastics coach, which earned good money.
She was heading back home, when she was approached by a couple, they handed a little basket. Peeking inside it was a baby girl, they explained that they'll pay her a large sum of money if she was to keep her. As tempting as it was, she already had too much kids, but they were persistent and offered to double the amount. She finally relented.
"Thank you, her name is Zuri."
The same thing happened a few months later, she was closing the diner when a hooded figure approached her. They handed a basket with a baby boy in it, they explained they'll pay her to keep him. She didn't refuse.
Valerie loves her children very much, and would do anything to keep them safe.
She was thankful for the regulars and employees at her grandparents diner, they sometimes bring them gifts.
Her mom went back to her old job to help her, Valerie had to double the cleaning detergent.
Of course, they are some people who will judge but she doesn't mind the criticism, she loves her kids too much.
As they grew up, she taught them how to be independent and how to fight.
The kids always try to help they're mom in everyway they can so she won't be as tired.
When they turned eight her grandparents died, so she had to run the diner until it stopped receiving customers.
Things were looking bleak until she was offered to be a teacher in a combat school in L.A.
Because their tight on money, the seven all had to enroll in school late.
Tagging: @blackbutlerfandomnerddomain, @jinxthejubilee
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Swap Briar ver #2
A/N: Briar Auroria belongs to @phoenix-manga
The house reminded Briar of the Foxtwills, small but cozy.
She could hear voices downstairs, finding the stairs the voices grew louder and she slid the door open.
She came upon a bustling kitchen. Everyone around her were preparing for the day, her nose wrinkle at the smell of fish.
"Lona!" A masculine voice called out.
She turne d to find an elderly couple, both seemed nervous.
"You okay, hun?" The woman asked. Unsure on what to do, Briar nodded, they looked relieved.
"Good to know>" The man awkwardly placed a hand on her shoulder.
"We know your trying hard to find her, but you need to rest too. You can't continues to search for her if your burnout."
Concerned on what they said, she opened her mouth only for a bell to ring.
"First batch! Come on, let's rock and roll people!" The woman's voice was loud and authoritive.
Everyone hurried with their tasks, some went out and other stayrd in.
"Lona get your ass in front!"
She was pushed to the front, it was already filled with people waiting.
Pulling herself together she walked to the nearest table. Taking out her pen and pad, she got to work.
The rest of the morning flew quickly. At first she fumbled a bit and got a few order wrong, but she found a rhythm and did her work as efficiently as everyone else.
What baffled her is that the employees and most of the customers looked at her with stunned expressions, as if unused at the sight before them.
She heard whispers, but they were unlike those in the palace.
"Is this really Lona?"
"I think so, no one has eyes like her."
"Did hell freeze over? She's smiling!?"
"Who the hell defrosted the Ice witch?"
Briar could tell that these words were more of concern and shock, obviously Lona was very closed-off and didn't show much emotion despite working in such a lively place.
It was nice compared to back home. These people were not used to seeing this woman, who they seemed to know well, so warm and friendly.
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👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 for anyone
Lona Kemonohito (mother): I can sense a strange aura coming from that Asahi boy, that at least he treats Valerie right and I'm impressed with his military knowledge, albeit wary.
Asami Kemonohito (grandmother) He reminds me a lot like Lona, but he's good in my book. I'm pretty sur he's my number one fan with all the desserts I feed him.
Raiden Kemonohito (grandfather) What fuck has that kid been eating to get that tall!? But yeah good kid, won't hesitate to shoot his brains out if her hurts Val though.
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👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 For Akio?
Lona Kemonohito (mother): He balances Valerie which is good, cause I know that girl be..Too much sometimes. Though there's something odd about him. My sakura is growing up.
Asami Kemonohito (grandmother) I feel like I'm seeing another version of Lona, but ruder and less bloodthirsty. Good kid though, maybe he can help us around the diner and cover up our crimes. I'm happy to know he's treating my little sakura right.
Raiden Kemonohito (grandfather) This kid is great! He takes no shit from people and won't hesitate to call them out too. I brought him to the shooting range and he shot like a machine gun! Valerie picked a good guy, though there's something with him
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