#radiodust if you squint
kalico-of-doom · 5 months
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Little warm up sketch of the soft boy getting some much needed down time~
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eggcats · 2 months
It would be really funny if, just by virtue of knowing and hanging out with Alastor at the hotel, Angel gains like notoriety and people start being a bit afraid of him because HOW is he just casually hanging out with the RADIO DEMON, like what's his deal???
Like, Angel is just hanging out and walking around with someone from the studio, and they see Alastor walking towards them and are like "Dude we GOTTA get out of here before HE sees us!"
But when Angel looks up, he's just like "Oh, that's just Al." And then calls out, "Yo, Smiles, what'cha doin' over here?"
AND THEN ALASTOR APPROACHES THEM AND JUST HAS A NORMAL CONVERSATION WITH ANGEL. Angel introduces their coworker to him, and Alastor just greets them like nothing is weird about the RADIO DEMON casually conversing with PORN STARS.
(And then suddenly Angel's friend realizes that any time Angel mentioned his friend Smiles, HE MEANT THE RADIO DEMON. This is a revelation that, when they tell the rest of the studio, makes everyone else freak out. Like, Angel, what do you MEAN the fucking Radio Demon sometimes walks your pet pig and feeds him when you're away for a while. THE RADIO DEMON?!?? WHAT.)
Slowly, word spreads that Angel Dust is somehow in cahoots with the Radio Demon, and the theories start going crazy. Like, sure, people WOULD just think they're hooking up, except for the fact that never once has Alastor ever even implied being interested in that. So. What does Angel HAVE on him. What is Angel CAPABLE of?? Is his entire persona so fake that he's secretly as powerful as an overlord?! Are we in danger?!?
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fanby-fckry · 6 months
Alastor: Would you like to hear some dark humor, Angel Dust?
Angel Dust: Sure, I love dark humor.
Alastor: Alright. :)
Alastor: *Turns off the lights*
Alastor: Knock knock. :)
Angel Dust: Turn the damn lights back on.
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qodlysinz · 3 months
Needs More Seasoning
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Alastor - Hazbin Hotel
CW: blood, mentions of torn off limb, Alastor’s cannibalism 😭😭
Tags: pure crack, Lute’s torn off arm lmao
A/N: erm so I got this idea from a post on tiktok from a comment by someone saying “alastor would debate eating the arm” and I thought it was funny and was inspired to write this LMFAO let’s also ignore the fact that Al disappeared after the battle w the angels bc I couldnt find a logical way to implement him…
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Angel Dust grunted as he pushed away the rubble, irritation and worry pricking at his mind as he searched for his beloved pig, Fat Nuggets. His jaw dropped at the sight of glowing angel blood oozing from a piece or cement, an arm crushed beneath it.
He backed away, yelping in disgust. “What the fuck?!” He exclaimed, kicking away as he had fallen back from surprise. Even in his days in the mafia had he been a bit put-off by things like this. Sure, he shot bitches and dumbasses who wronged his family, but a fucking limb?
“Angel? What’s—oh…” Charlie’s voice murmured, her nose scrunched up, slowly holding out her hand and reaching for his. “Vaggie, can you come here?” Charlie called out to her girlfriend. Vaggie walked over, wiping blood from her nose. “Uhhh…” the former exorcist hesitated.
“Whose arm is that?!” Angel pointed at it, “what is Fat Nuggets ate it? It’d upset his stomach!” He then remembered the pig, sighing in relief as Fat Nuggets ran to the sound of his voice and leaping into his lower set of arms. “It was Adam’s lieutenant’s. The psycho bitch must’ve pulled it off herself when the building fell on her.” Vaggie replied, “I’ll throw it off the side.” She added, poking it with her spear and holding it in front of her, nose wrinkled in annoyance.
Alastor appeared before the shorter, humming as he poked at the discarded arm. “Well, now! What’s this you have here?” He asked her, tilting his head to the side curiously. Vaggie groaned, “move it, Alastor! I need to throw this—thing out!”
“Haha! I’ll dispose of it if you wish, my dear.” He politely said, ignoring the blood dripping from his chest as he examined the arm closely. “Fine, whatever, I don’t want to… what are you doing?” She watched as Alastor plucked it from her spear, shifting the arm around and poking it with his free hand and sticking the finger to his tongue. “Oooh, tasty!” He enthusiastically sang. Charlie shuddered, “thank you… Alastor… I’ll go.. uh.. help my dad!” She quickly said, grabbing Vaggie’s hand and running away with her girlfriend, sparing a glance at the cannibalistic Radio Demon.
Angel stared at him, blinking at him weirdly. “You’re weird as shit, Al.” He mentioned, his eyes widening as his jaw dropped when Alastor bit into the arm. “Hmm, could use some seasoning. Do you have any recommendations?” Asked Alastor, wiping the golden blood from around his mouth with a handkerchief. Angel backed up, “yeah, don’t eat Fat Nuggets and use oregano, rosemary, sage, and garlic. I’m sure it’d… um.. satisfy your freakishness.” Mumbled the spider demon before rushing away, saying something about wanting to make sure his hidden drug stash (or sex toys, Alastor didn’t hear him very well) wasn’t destroyed, Alastor didn’t care and he continued to nibble on the arm.
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One of my old fics from 2020 seems to be getting a lot of attention again so I figured I'd put it up here too
If you ignore the new information we learned about Vaggie this was peak angst back in the day
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purplestars222 · 3 months
Hazbin hotel headcannons!!!!
just general stuff i think the characters do!!
(radiodust, staticmoth, vees are poly, chaggie, pentniss, little bit of radioapple if you squint, also one sided huskerdust/angeldusk)
characters: Alastor, angeldust, lucifer, charlie, vaggie, husk, sir pentious, arackniss, baxter, niftyz cherri bomb, the vees.
cw: nsfw!!! valentino
Minors do not interact.
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definitely vapes. since he has to stay sober, i think he would vape to take the edge off a bit :)
in an attempt to get alastor to actually like him, he lays off the flirting a little, and cooks for him from time to time, he mainly just makes different pastas
He teaches alastor italian, and alastor teaches him french
Hates arackniss most of the time, but loves teasing him about being a bottom with pentious (hes a switch)
he cooks for others to show he cares
i dont think he'd be a fan of imps ir hellhounds, idk why i just get that feeling
hes curious about arackniss because hes the opposite of angel, so they have drinks together sometimes- alastor always asks questions about angel
he doesn't believe that he likes angel at first, but angel starts letting his walls down, and alastor realises hes actually an interesting individual!
she just wants her dads to get along!
she ok puts together trust exercises specifically for alastor and lucifer to get closer but it drives them apart
She loves taking care of vaggie, it makes her feel useful. Whenever vaggie isnt feeling well, she only lets her leave bed when necessary. She gets everything she needs.
hes a switch but prefers to bottom, lillith 100% pegs him.
Cooks breakfast at the hotel on weekends for the main guys- alastor started helping too out of spite, trying to make his food taste better.
Always does things to prove hes better than alastor, hes mainly just trying to get als attention but he pays him no mind.
If anyone looks at charlie the wrong way or touches her without consent she goes fucking beserk. If she ever finds out about what valentino did, she'll kill him herself.
has a pretty close relationship with lucifer! they play board games together and lucifer sometimes vents to her
they shit talk alastor together
vaggie vents to him aswell
him and angel watch movies together sometimes and cuddle! alastor does not approve, but him and angel arent together so he cant really do anything, because it makes angel happy.
Sir pentious
He loves angels chest fluff and sometimes purrs into it when they're cuddling. angel teases him for it, but in a cute way
he practises magic tricks with angel when they're having a movie night.
him and angel sometimes fuck, for angel is just sex with a close friend but husk really likes him, husk just knows alastor likes angel too and he does NOT wanna fuck with alastor.
when angel and alastor get together he hides away in his room for a few days, he only tells charlie what happened
Autistic. Most autistic guy in the show (until we get baxter at least)
Doesn't understand why niss doesn't say hes only half a bottom when angel teases him about it
when angel asks about his sex life with niss (as a joke) his whole face turns red and he screams "Itss none of your businessss!!" and slithers off as fast as he can, angel thinks its fucking hilarious to get him flustered
Proudest dad of his egg bois, he sometimes makes little outfits for them and they out on mini plays for him and arackniss about very random stuff, they can never tell if the plays are based on true events or not.
he has a giant heat lamp in his room, he lays under it and reads
She plays with dead bugs, her favourite thing is playing with corpses of dead bugs in front of other bugs
She has a pink bed and her room is always spotless
she loves alastors cooking, she refuses to eat lucifers food if alastor has cooked something too
straight, during pride she puts an excessive amount of pride flags everywhere, every different type too, the hotel is covered in them.
him and angel tease each other alot. arackniss mainly teases him for being in love with a red deer.
he confesses first to pentious, and pentious is a flustered mess.
hes overprotective with the egg bois, he kinda freaks if one is missing
smokes in the hotel lobby even tho charlie hates it, vaggie yells at him all the time for it
he always needs pentious' tail wrapped around at least one of his legs to sleep, the contact gives him comfort
he loves tying pentious up during sex
Cherri bomb
if you touch anything in his lab he will have a meltdown- everything has its own perfect place and it cannot be adjusted.
he accidentally blows up his lab alot, it causes alot of hotel damage
he uses his little light to read at night
definitely believes in some crazy ass conspiracy theories
only at the hotel to research the whole redemption thing.
he loves leviathan
tells people to eat spoonfuls of vegemite as a prank, when alastor enjoys it she doesn't find it funny anymore and stops
when people piss her off she speaks with a real hardcore aussie accent and uses alot of slang, also talks fast.
she is aboriginal :3
she secretly watches bluey with angeldust
she absolutely loves making people try australian snacks like fairy bread, jaffas, pavlova, sausage sangas, smiths chips on a sandwich ect
pentious and her are besties!
(i love my aussie girl <3 none of you are allowed to disagree with me because these are my headcannons)
glitches when hes about to cum
gets overheated during sex sometimes so he has to stop to cool down
his penis is robotic and it can pop off and back on. he has a bunch of different ones he can use, val can choose what one he uses.
listens to musicals and sometimes performs them with val, specifically heathers
hes really jealous of angeldust, he wants val's attention as much as he can possibly get it
Vel & val play video games on vox's screen sometimes. Velvette always beats him at whatever theyre playing cos that fucker is blind
Prefers having sex with women, only man she really ever fucks is vox, most the time she just fucks her models.
practices makeup on valentino, also constantly makes fun of him for being blind & bald
she does drag with valentino and they out on little fashion shows for vox
He can only see 3 metres in front of him
Vox and vel have to help him with paperwork
Vox gets mad at him because of how many cords he has lying around
has the most insane sex toy collection, he has everything.
he vents to vox's sharks sometimes. he knows vox can hear him but he just pretends he doesnt know
ty for taking the time to read!!! drink water and eat today darling!!! <33
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zaebeecee · 1 month
To Sever a Loveless Bond
••RadioDust Soulmate AU••
Part 4/?
First chapter | Previous chapter | Next chapter
Read on AO3
Chapter art by @fletchingbrilliant
CW for some light cannibalism I guess? Nothing graphic.
There were three facts about Alastor that anyone who knew him on more than a cursory level understood. First, he disliked any form of contact whatsoever unless he was the one who initiated it, and to him, the only personal boundaries that mattered were his own. Second, he adhered rather strictly to a bizarre etiquette structure, and he generally expected others to do the same (but was more flexible on this point as long as it didn’t grow crass). Third, he was incredibly punctual, to such a hilariously specific degree that you could count down the seconds to his exact arrival if he had a time in mind.
It was because of the third point, with a bit of the second, that Angel Dust began preparing to go out a little after noon. Alastor was a social creature and frequently went out around the city doing the devil only knew what, but he had never once asked Angel to come with him. That wasn’t really that odd—he asked Niffty most frequently, because of whatever bond they had, and occasionally Husk, and had asked Charlie once only because of the war effort—and even though it was for a thoroughly unpleasant reason, Angel was legitimately looking forward to it.
He realized, as he was putting on his makeup, that this was the first time someone who wasn’t Cherri actually asked him to go somewhere social with them in… well, in years. Valentino demanded his presence whenever they went out together, and every other time, he wasn’t being asked so much as he was being purchased. He thought back to the odd little flutter he felt when Alastor had so casually said ‘it’s a date’, and he wondered when he had gotten so absolutely pathetic that he was giddy over the idea of going out with someone for the express purpose of learning how to break a soul bond.
Angel was at least proud of his own foresight, because he ended up obsessing over his wardrobe and needed every second he had to get ready. He didn’t remember the last time he had actually been so invested in making a good first impression, but Alastor didn’t refer to a lot of people as his actual friend, so whoever this was, she had to be a big deal. And since Angel had already determined it probably wasn’t Mimzy, he was out of guesses, so the person they would be meeting could have been anyone. Eventually, he decided on one of his cuter and more casual outfits—less revealing than a lot of them and gave him a chance to wear his white high-waist shorts—and made his way down to the lobby at 3:25. Being a little early was better than being late, but it also meant Alastor wouldn’t be there for another five minutes, so he headed to the only place he was certain to have someone to kill time with: the bar.
Husk barely looked up as he approached. “Going out?”
“Yeah,” Angel said, hopping onto a stool sideways and leaning one elbow on it.
Husk raised the glass he was holding towards the ceiling light and squinted at it, probably looking for damage from the last time someone had either dropped or thrown it. “Early for you.”
“Judgmental ass.”
“How was it yesterday?”
Angel hesitated, then shrugged; he knew Husk was asking because he always asked now, not because he actually suspected anything out of the ordinary had happened. Angel would never admit it, but he actually did like the fact that Husk asked how his work went every time. Gave him a chance to vent when he needed to, and if nothing else, it served as a reminder that someone understood what kind of bullshit he went through.
“Fine,” he said at length. “I mean, y’know, Val was in a bad mood so I had to put up with that. Then I had kinda an impromptu meetin’ with Vox.”
Husk actually looked up at that, one eyebrow quirking in unison with a single ear. “Vox, huh? What’d he want?”
Angel waved the question off. “I dunno, his usual shit about hearin’ the rumor mill goin’ off and wantin’ to make sure nothin’ was gonna fuck with VoxTek’s precious public rep. I swear, he should just drop the sleazy fake PR shtick, he’s gone off on air enough times that all of Hell knows what a basket case he is.”
“People believe what they wanna believe,” Husk said. “And I’m pretty sure the guy died in the fifties. You missed that decade in life, right?”
“He reminds me of the news anchors of those days.” Husk put the glass away, then picked up another one. “Pretty brilliant scheme, if you ask me. People had been so used to getting all their news from papers that having the same guy in your living room every single night, talking to you face to face… it got, what’s the word… when people feel like a celebrity’s their friend?”
“Yeah. It got parasocial real quick,” Husk said. “There were some news anchors that could say anything, and a ton of people would believe them just because they trusted that the anchor was their friend and wouldn’t ever lie to them. Vox has mastered that. Doesn’t matter that he’s psychotic, most of Pentagram City is convinced he’s more honest and reliable than any other overlord.”
Angel shook his head. “Fuckin’ crazy,” he muttered. “Didn’t work on you?”
Husk snorted quietly. “I had my whole life to learn not to trust men like him. Not about to unlearn that now.”
Before Angel could ask what he meant, a shadowy hole opened up in the floor a couple of feet away, and Alastor emerged looking as chipper as he ever did. “Good afternoon, Angel Dust, Husker.”
“Alastor,” Husk greeted, whatever semblance of friendliness he’d given to Angel gone the moment he saw the Radio Demon.
“Hey, Al,” Angel said, just before he noticed Alastor giving him a somewhat appraising look. “…what?”
“Simply impressed at your punctuality,” Alastor said, offering a hand out. “Shall we, then?”
Before Angel could move, Husk set the glass he was holding onto the wooden bar top with a hollow thud. “Hold on. Angel, you’re going somewhere with him?”
“Yeah,” Angel said as he cautiously took Alastor’s hand and let the other sinner help him to his feet. “It’s okay, Husk,” he added, hoping his friend would catch his meaning in light of their previous conversation.
“Why, of course it is,” Alastor said brightly, definitely aware he wasn’t helping the situation. “There is no cause for alarm, Husker, I have no intention of letting any harm come to the hotel’s lucky spider. Really, you do worry too much.”
“Maybe because you do a bunch of worrying bullshit,” Husk countered with narrowed eyes.
Alastor laughed. “Nonsense! I’m not worried at all, and neither is Angel Dust. Are you, my dear fellow?”
“Worried?” Angel asked. “Nah. Ain’t the word I’d use.”
“Fabulous! Let’s be off, then, can’t be late for tea. In the interest of punctuality, I don’t suppose you would be interested in a swifter form of travel? Provided you have the constitution for it, of course,” Alastor said as he offered his arm to Angel.
Hesitantly, Angel took the offer, squinting a little. “I got great constitution. Why?”
“Well, you see, this has a tendency to be a bit rough on those who are unused to it, and I would absolutely hate for you to be made uncomfortable or, heaven forbid, unwell.” Contrary to Alastor’s words, his eyes narrowed and his smile sharpened.
Angel looked his face over for just a moment. “…you are such a liar.”
“And you are so very astute! Must be that sixth sense of yours,” Alastor said in a rare display of candid sarcasm before the shadows opened up below them. Angel could have sworn he heard Husk say something, but the blackness closed around them the next moment, and then it felt like the entire world died.
It was what Angel imagined being submerged into intensely deep water felt like to the living. In an instant, all light disappeared, and he was bathed in a cocoon of empty and oppressive cold that seemed to stretch on for a black eternity. It was pressing in on him on all sides, strangling and pulling at him, and everything felt at once so big he would never find the end and so close that it was like being buried alive. The sounds were at once the low, dull, thrumming nothingness of empty pressure, while also holding so much noise that he felt like his eardrums might burst. It was almost like screaming, but at the same time, it wasn’t anything Angel had ever heard before. The only semblance of solidity that existed was now Alastor’s arm, and though he couldn’t see him, Angel clung into him like the survival of his soul depended on it.
When reality returned, it was all at once, ground suddenly forming itself beneath Angel’s feet a single breath before his senses caught up with him and he was hit with the force of every sensation of Hell all at once. To say he was lightheaded was an understatement, and Angel collapsed to his knees, two of his hands hitting pavement to keep himself up. It was only by pure reflex developed through years of drug abuse that he didn’t puke immediately, but he did dry heave once before he could start catching his breath.
“You didn’t pass out! I’m impressed,” Alastor said somewhere above him. Angel, still gasping for air, flipped him off without looking up. Alastor and his radio audience laughed. “You must admit, there was no way to prepare you for that.”
“So… you let it… blindside me?!”
“It would have anyway, and this maximizes my entertainment!”
Alastor’s laughter died down rather quickly when Angel laughed as well, his shock and irritation both giving way to simple relief that he survived at all. “Okay, whatever, you’re welcome for the silver linin’, jackass.” Angel squinted up at him with a faint smirk, and he saw Alastor looking down at him with distinct and clear confusion. It was only then that Angel noticed he was still clinging onto Alastor’s arm, which explained why he hadn’t gone face first into the pavement. His first urge was to let go and apologize, but considering how much entertainment Alastor had just gotten at his expense, he wasn’t about to get an apology too. “Come on, help me up, my legs are made of water here.”
He released Alastor’s jacket and, surprisingly, the Radio Demon pulled him to his feet without complaint. “There you are, no harm done. We can always walk back after tea, if that was too much for you.”
“Hm…” Angel shrugged. “We’ll see.” He winked at Alastor and watched his eyebrows shoot up a little, but he took a couple of steps away to test that his legs were still working and glanced around. It was the cleanest, nicest outdoor place he had seen in Hell, almost unnervingly so. No one had paid them any mind when they arrived, and they were all… “Is this Cannibal Town?”
“It is indeed!” Alastor stepped up next to him and they began walking, Angel letting the other man take something of a lead. “One of my favorite places in the ring to visit. Lovely scenery, fine dining, incredibly polite citizens for the most part… never been before?”
“Ain’t never had cause to,” Angel said as he looked around. “Pretty fancy digs, not exactly a place that people like me hang out.”
“I have no idea what you mean. Here we are!” Alastor stopped in front of a cute store with a sign that read ‘Franklin and Rosie’s Emporium’, which was interesting, and it looked like a combination of a boutique and a small cafe. Alastor opened the door and guided Angel through, following behind him. “Hello, Rosie dearest!”
Angel’s mind stopped contemplating the little cannibalism-themed tchotchkes and baked goods behind glass, the bespoke dresses and suits on sale, and the few customers milling around, and he had just a second to think oh is he friends with THAT Rosie before the woman everyone knew as the overlord of fine dining and the leader of Cannibal Town swept around from behind a counter and hurried towards them.
“Alastor, darling, what a delightful surprise! I was just about to take tea.” She seemed to be just about as tall as Alastor himself, her smile sharp and her eyes very expressive for how large and black and empty they were. She stopped with her hand a scant centimeter from Alastor’s shoulder, then pulled back as though she had actually touched him, and he didn’t so much as flinch. “You should have called, I had no idea you were coming today!”
“Well, I will admit, it was something of a last minute decision,” Alastor said. “I do hope you don’t mind.”
“Mind? Oh, no, of course not, why would I mind? You know I adore our little chats.” Rosie’s smile sharpened at that, a moment before she registered Angel’s presence. “Oh, my,” she breathed. “You must be Angel Dust. I’m Rosie. Pleasure to meet you, sweetheart.”
“Ah, yeah. Nice to meet you too,” Angel said uncertainly, taking her extended hand with one of his own. “Didn’t take you for a fan.”
“Fan?” Rosie blinked a couple of times before she laughed, covering his hand with her other. “Oh, yes, you’re the porn star, aren’t you? Can’t say I’ve seen your films, but I do love the modeling work.”
Angel felt his face flush a little, and he smiled. “Uh, thanks.”
“Come, come, both of you,” Rosie said, releasing Angel’s hand and motioning for them to follow her. “We’ll go to my parlor. Much quieter. Much easier to talk.”
Angel followed behind Alastor, watching both of them, and he wondered… if Rosie had forgotten that he was a celebrity, and if Alastor hadn’t told her that they were coming, why the hell did she say ‘you must be Angel Dust’ like she was expecting to see him? Even if Alastor had mentioned him before—and he probably had, nobody loved gossip more than the Radio Demon and he probably delighted in talking about everyone at the hotel—that didn’t explain her expectation.
It didn’t explain anything.
Rosie led them to a cute little private parlor with a small, round white table and a large bay window overlooking Cannibal Town’s square. A young cannibal boy was hurriedly rearranging the table and setting out two more cups, and he smiled at Angel with his empty eyes before he began scurrying out of the room.
“Don’t forget the coffee, dear!” Rosie called to his retreating back, and he said something affirmative before he disappeared.
“Thank you,” Alastor said gratefully. “I still don’t understand how you drink tea every single day.”
“Simple, darling, I haven’t destroyed my taste buds with nothing but raw game,” Rosie said as she sat, gesturing for the other two to do so as well.
“Not a fan of tea?” Angel asked, smirking at Alastor.
The Radio Demon’s lip curled. “If I wanted to drink hot leaf water, I have plenty of recipes for health tonics that taste better.”
“Ah,” Angel said with a sage nod. “Coffee snob.” For some reason, that got another laugh out of Alastor, one that was short and closer to a giggle than most of his others.
In minutes, they had been provided with a cart bearing a tea pot, a carafe of black coffee, and plates of various little pastries and finger (hah) foods. Rosie served them, and both she and Alastor encouraged Angel to try the food; on the one hand, he really wanted to refuse because ew, but on the other… he couldn’t deny curiosity.
“So,” Rosie said once they were settled and pleasantries were out of the way, “don’t think I don’t know this isn’t just a social call, Alastor. Here, sweetie, try this one, it’s very mild,” she added as she held a small plate with little triangular sandwiches out to Angel.
The spider demon took one gingerly as Alastor sighed. “Can’t keep anything from you, can I?” he asked with obvious fondness. “I’ll tell you, on one condition.”
“I’m listening.”
“You are not allowed to… gloat. I know you too well.”
Rosie placed her hand against her chest, even as her smile widened once more. “Me? I would never. Go on, do tell, do tell.”
Alastor’s smile twitched as his eyes fell halfway shut. He then sighed and stood, unbuttoning his coat and letting it fall over the back of his chair before he sat again. He unbuttoned his cuff, then deftly rolled his sleeve up, far enough that Angel could once again see the little spider on the inside of his elbow. It was no longer glowing, but much like Angel’s own mark, it had turned a painful-looking purplish red and seemed a bit raised in texture. Wordlessly, he held his arm out across the table for Rosie’s inspection, his clenched fist the only indication of his discomfort.
“Oh,” Rosie breathed, eyes wide and her smile vanishing. “Oh, shit, Alastor, when did this happen?”
“A few days ago,” Alastor said, looking down at it as well. Rosie reached out towards it but, once again, did not touch him. Just as before, he didn’t flinch, like he knew she wouldn’t make contact. “I would have told you earlier but, well. You’ll forgive me for being out of sorts.”
“Hm…” Rosie looked at Angel. “So, then… you too, dear?” Angel nodded. “May I…?”
Angel twisted his body to extend his leg for her, unfastening his thigh high from its garters so he could push the fabric down past his knee. She looked his mark over as well, murmuring something under her breath. Angel bit his lower lip as he watched her, waiting for her to say something.
Or, possibly, turn him into a meal for being her best friend’s soul mate.
“Well, I assume the two of you haven’t come to inform me about an upcoming wedding or handfast,” Rosie said.
Alastor looked a little taken aback. “Certainly not. You know me better than that.”
“Hence the assumption, don’t get your back up.” Rosie frowned between the two of them before focusing on Alastor. “So then… why are you here?”
“Who would know better than you how to break a soul bond?” Alastor asked as he began righting his clothing again, Angel taking the cue to do the same. “I know such a thing is possible and you know more about relationships than anyone I’m aware of.”
“Small sample sizes will do that, darling,” Rosie said before she drummed her nails on the table a couple of times. “Break a soul bond… yes, of course it’s possible, but… why?” She looked curiously between the two of them.
“Rosie,” Alastor said, irritation creeping into his voice. “Do you honestly believe I wish to be saddled with a romantic entanglement for the rest of my existence here in Hell? I don’t do that kind of thing, and you are well aware.”
Rosie threw one hand up, looking exasperated. “Why is it that whenever the subject of soulmates comes up, everyone assumes you have to immediately rip each other’s clothes off? I swear to the devil, no one has ever been in an actual relationship before.” She then looked at Angel, soundly cutting off whatever Alastor was going to add. “What about you, dear? You want to break it as well?”
Angel opened his mouth, then closed it, because he realized that if he tried to just say ‘no’ the absolute wrong thing was going to come out and he didn’t want to deal with that in front of Alastor, not with how vehemently against the whole idea he was. “…if I don’t break it, Valentino’s gonna intervene. Probably all of the Vees.”
“Ah. Now… that makes sense,” Rosie said, nodding once to him.
“But… wait,” Angel said, before the two cannibals could start bickering again. “Whaddya mean about… what you said about soulmates? What does bein’ in an actual relationship have to do with anythin’ like this?”
Rosie tilted her head. “Have you ever…” She looked like she was reconsidering her words. “…been courted?” she said finally.
Angel felt himself flush slightly at both the implication of his position and the very idea of it happening at all, and he laughed, a single sharp burst. “What? No.”
Rosie nodded a little, possibly only to herself and her own thoughts. “A soulmate is one that, for whatever reason, you are meant to spend your entire life with. Now, yes, that usually means in a romantic sense; most people who actually find their soulmates and decide to pursue anything usually end up handfasted, in the very least. But a soulmate is whatever they need to be in order to be the best compliment for your life. They could be anything from your lover to simply your very closest and dearest friend. Everyone’s heart is different, darlings, and the two of you should know very well that no one fits in the same box.”
Angel hadn’t thought about it that way, and he looked into his tea cup, taking a bite of the sandwich without really thinking about it. He was halfway through it when he remembered he didn’t know exactly what (or who) he was eating, but… well, it was good, and he was in Hell, so what did it matter?
He thought he felt Alastor looking at him, but when he glanced up, the Radio Demon was looking at Rosie. He seemed oddly contemplative, his smile a little more subdued. “So, then… what do we do?”
Rosie sat back in her chair, touching her own chin. “There’s a ritual… somewhere that I’ll need to hunt down, but it shouldn’t be too difficult. I can use it to break your bond. The only problem is that your soul marks aren’t fully activated.”
Angel and Alastor exchanged confused looks before Angel asked, “How d’ya figure?”
“They’re open,” Rosie said. “But soul marks have stages of development, and until they’ve settled, you won’t be able to break them. They’ll just come back eventually, because it’s physical evidence of your soul itself settling.”
Angel shook his head. “Look, I’m a dummy, I need easy words.”
Rosie laughed, and Angel thought he heard Alastor do the same. “What I mean, sweetheart, is the two of you need to complete your bond before it can be broken. I’m guessing you’re both pretty reluctant, which is probably why it’s not taking, so both of you have to work on being less stubborn.”
Alastor made a weird growling noise, his ears flicking back as his lip curled. “I am not stubborn.”
“Uh-huh. So, that’s the deal. You two complete your bond, and I’ll find the ritual, and we’ll take care of it!” Rosie said brightly. “Now, here, Angie. Try this. It might be more to your taste.”
The conversation picked up as though the interlude hadn’t happened, but there was a strange pall hanging over the table that Angel knew wasn’t exclusively coming from him. Alastor seemed particularly thoughtful, and Angel finally saw what Husk and Niffty meant when they said he was acting obviously odd; he kept responding to things with an inordinate level of volume and enthusiasm, like he was trying to cover the fact that his mind was elsewhere. It wasn’t completely unpleasant, though, and Angel decided he really liked Rosie. He got the feeling she liked him, too, but damn was she hard to read.
Eventually, Alastor retrieved his pocket watch and took note of the time. “I suppose we should be going,” he said.
“Do you have an appointment?” Rosie asked, and even Angel could tell she sounded overly innocent.
Alastor squinted at her. “…why?”
“If you did, you would have said yes,” Rosie said decisively before she got to her feet. “Angie, could I talk to you in private for a moment?”
“Uh.” Angel blinked twice at her, then looked at Alastor, then back at Rosie. “…you gonna eat me?”
“Oh, no, sweetie, not unless I really don’t like what I hear.”
Alastor rolled his eyes with a huff. “Fine, just don’t keep him all afternoon.”
“We’ll be right back. You can wait in the main room or out at the gazebo, whichever suits you.” Rosie hooked her arm around one of Angel’s and pulled him to his feet, taking him out of the room before he could protest. She led him down a hall, the opposite direction from the front, and through to what seemed like a private sewing room. “You can sit if you’d like, honey. I promise, this won’t take long.”
“Okay,” Angel said hesitantly, sitting down on a bench along the back wall. Rosie sat next to him, hands in her lap, and Angel resisted the urge to hug his knees. “So… uh… what’s up, your overlordship?”
Rosie laughed and waved him off. “Just Rosie, please. What I wanted to ask…” Her expression turned more subdued and she lowered her hands again. “You didn’t really answer my question, and I want to know what you really think.”
“…about what?”
“I asked if you wanted your bond broken. You said the Vees would intervene if you didn’t,” Rosie said. “But… I want to know what your answer would have been, if the Vees weren’t a factor.”
Angel stared at her for a few seconds, then felt that odd stinging behind his eyes and turned his face downwards. He didn’t want to cry again. Crying in front of Husk had been bad enough, that night so long ago. “…you won’t tell Alastor what I’m gonna say?”
“If I intended for Alastor to know, I would’ve pressed you in front of him.”
Angel nodded once. “Right. That… yeah. That makes sense.” He cleared his throat, trying to figure out exactly what he wanted to say. Words weren’t cutting it. Angel closed his eyes and shook his head, and he heard Rosie exhale just a little.
“I see.” The overlord shifted a little beside him, but she didn’t stand up. “I knew I would be meeting you one day, y’know.”
“You did?” Angel sniffed a little. “Why?”
“Because Alastor talked about you.”
Angel frowned and looked up at Rosie again. She was looking at the window. “Doesn’t he talk about everybody?”
“Oh, he’s terrible about it,” Rosie agreed with a small laugh. “But it was the way he talked about you. Everyone else, he always keeps that very light Alastor tone, you know the one. But over the months, you seemed to… oh, frustrate him, I suppose.”
Angel snorted. “Frustrate him?” he asked doubtfully. “Is it ‘cuz I ignore his five foot rule?”
“Oh, I’m sure that’s part of it!” Rosie smiled at him. “But it isn’t just that. Alastor has a bad habit of judging people immediately and never changing his opinion unless he’s forced to, but he always sounded like he was attempting to figure you out. I don’t think he realizes it, but you interest him.”
Angel shook his head. “I’m… no, that… I don’t. Couldn’t. I’m a porn actor. He’s… Alastor.”
Rosie shrugged. “He doesn’t seem to care about your career. Never mentions it. I think what’s more important is what I saw today.” She smiled at him. “You like him. I mean, as a person, you like him. And you aren’t scared of him, are you?”
“…dunno why I should be,” Angel said.
“He’s dangerous.”
“Most people in Hell are dangerous. If he doesn’t decide to hurt me, I ain’t got a reason to be scared. If he does, probably ain’t nothin’ I can do about it, so bein’ scared won’t get me nowhere.”
Rosie looked at him in silence for a long moment. “…I see why you interest him,” she said. She didn’t explain. “Alastor likes people. Always has. He’s a violent, murderous cannibal, sure, but he’s also quite social. And I’m sure you’ve noticed how people in Hell tend to respond to him.”
Angel thought for a moment, back to every time he’d seen Alastor outside the hotel. He hadn’t thought about it much, since Alastor reveled in both fear and suffering, plus the fact that he was the infamous Radio Demon, but… “People avoid him,” Angel said. “They’re scared of him.”
“And they have good reason to be,” Rosie agreed. “But to someone like Alastor, someone so outgoing and who enjoys casual conversation, it can be… well, it can be very difficult. I’m sure you know the feeling, with your fame. And it gets worse the longer it goes on, doesn’t it?”
“…yeah.” Angel didn’t like the way so many people would look at him like he was a worthless piece of trash. Sure, he’d pop them if they said shit to his face, but they usually didn’t. It was the weight of looks, of whispered words, of the other kinds of things they said to imply everything they weren’t saying. It wore on him every day, every week, every month, for years. For decades. “It’s exhausting.”
Rosie nodded. “You’re someone he can talk to who doesn’t have that fear. That avoidance. …I wanted to ask a favor of you, but I dunno if it might be too much.”
Angel frowned. “Too much? More than all this shit already is?”
“Well… yeah. Since breaking the bond is something you have to do, not something you want to do.”
Angel winced a little. “You’re real blunt. Guess that’s why you and Alastor get along.”
“He needs it,” Rosie said firmly.
“…look, okay, point taken. Tell me what the favor is and I’ll let you know if it’s too much.”
Rosie looked at the window again, smiling once more. She took a long moment before she spoke again. “While you two are forming your bond, I’d like you to spend time with him, however that works best for the two of you. Alastor needs to remember what it’s like to have people he can just… exist with. I’ve been trying to show him he’s capable of making friends, having meaningful connections, but I know my friendship alone isn’t enough. Someone in the hotel, someone who could get him to open up to everyone else, would be a big step for him I think.”
Angel looked at the window too. He could see the citizens of cannibal town wandering around, enjoying the weather, some of them with little flecks of blood on their skin and their beautiful clothing. There was something beautiful about it. “You just want me to… be his friend?”
“Yeah. If you would.”
He wasn’t sure he could. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but it was complicated, and there were so many other factors, and he didn’t know what Alastor himself would expect. But the thought of Alastor struggling under the weight of loneliness was hard for Angel to bear, even if he knew the Radio Demon brought it on himself. “…I’ll try.”
“Oh, thank you,” Rosie said, taking one of his hands in both of hers. “Don’t worry about him, I’ll talk to him and make sure he knows the score, so he shouldn’t be resistant to your company over the next few weeks. He’s a pain in the ass, but he can be a real doll if you get past all of that.”
Angel smiled a little. “I’ll believe it when I see it. Cookin’ with him was pleasant enough, at least.”
Rosie’s eyes widened. “…cooking?”
“You cooked with him?”
“Alastor. Let you cook with him. Let you… actually work on the food he was working on.”
Angel raised an eyebrow at her, leaning back slightly. “Did I say somethin’ wrong, or…?”
“Oh, no, not at all, it’s just…” Rosie trailed off thoughtfully. “This was before your soul mark activated?” Angel nodded. “Angie, sweetie, Alastor doesn’t let anyone cook with him. Ever. Not even me.”
Angel stared. “…oh,” he said, because he couldn’t think of anything else to say. “What does that mean?”
“I wish I knew. Now, come on,” Rosie said, rising to her feet and pulling him up too. “Let’s go make sure he hasn’t broken anything in his impatience.”
They found Alastor sitting on a swing bench outside, one arm across the back of the bench, his legs crossed, and his microphone resting across his lap. Angel didn’t see him in Hell’s sunlight all that often, and he watched for a moment as Alastor looked out across the square, the blood-scented breeze tousling his hair gently, making his right ear twitch just slightly at irregular intervals.
He really is handsome.
I’m surprised he waited for me.
“Alright, Alastor, we’re done,” Rosie said as they approached, drawing his attention. “Your patience is much appreciated.”
Alastor got to his feet, straightening his coat. “Well, I did promise Angel to see him back to the hotel. It would be rude to do otherwise.” He looked at Angel. “Would you like me to maul her a little for you? She would be fine, I assure you.”
Angel grinned at him. “Maybe later.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Rosie warned. “Now, you two run along. Angie, so good to meet you,” she said, leaning forward and kissing the air next to his cheek.
Reflexively, Angel returned the gesture. “You too, Rosie.”
Alastor offered Angel his arm, his eyes on Rosie. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yes? Another one of those damned meetings.”
Rosie laughed. “Oh, I look forward to it.”
Angel took Alastor’s arm, and the Radio Demon turned to him. “We can walk, you know. It might be considered unreasonable to put you through this twice.”
“I can handle it,” Angel said. “Besides… I know what I’m getting into now.”
Alastor tilted his head, and they looked at each other for a moment. Angel wondered if Alastor thought he meant something else. He himself wondered if he meant something else. Alastor nodded. “Alright, then.”
The shadows opened up beneath them, and once again, reality vanished.
It wasn’t anywhere near as terrifying the second time, but Angel clung to Alastor’s arm anyway. Maybe he was imagining it, but he thought it seemed like Alastor didn’t mind.
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Angel, Wearing a Tiny Witch Hat: Spooky day is almost upon us! Toil, toil, boils and bubbles!
Alastor, Laughing His Ass Off: That isn't how the saying goes!
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🍁 - go on a scenic autumn walk
Angel hadn't been aware that it even got chilly in Hell but here it was, scarf and jacket weather as leaves crunched under his and Alastor's feet. Hell was surprisingly beautiful in a terrifying sort of way during Fall. "I neva' thought Hell could be this pretty..." He murmured as he walked beside his companion.
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gothamopossum · 4 years
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There’s a New Kid in Town
Song: Rock You Like a Hurricane by The Scorpions
Hell on Wheels Playlist
Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb head out to the track to practice for an upcoming race. Alastor, the track’s newest patron, introduces himself the only way he knows how.
Apart from Husk and Nifty, Alastor NEVER lets anyone touch his car without permission
He’ll still probably say no, though
Alastor is the flashiest guy on the road
He’s partially sponsored by Lucifer *wink wink*
Angel Dust has NO idea who Alastor is
He also doesn’t know about Alastor’s reputation
Alastor’s Reputation ™: He’s known in the industry to have mysterious accidents or crashes happen around him when he’s racing. Nobody (as of yet) can prove it’s his fault, though.
He has even been banned at a few other tracks
Probably why he has resorted to racing at Happy Wheels
Following the DEAL 2.0 (see Part 2), the track has now been renamed Sinner’s Circuit
Prior to his racing career, Alastor had a successful time as a radio host and all around media mogul, giving him the funds to race for himself
Alastor has a Duesenberg SJ
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kalico-of-doom · 1 month
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What if Al’s radio stations get mixed up when he’s drunk?
(Personally, I imagined him drunkenly twirling an amused Angel Dust around the room while I was drawing this 🤭)
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*grabby hands* gib found family fic recs
*recommends you my unpublished fics because secretly I’m an asshole*
lakldkfsdkhfjash just kidding, naturally. (But also once I publish it I’m never gonna shut up, so get prepared.)
I... do not have any saved in my bookmarks. Because I am lowkey very picky about what I bookmark and they were not That Good, though hopefully/maybe I just haven’t found the Really Good ones yet. When I have time, I’ll go through both by bookmarks and kudo-d fics to create a master list of fic recommendations based on genre and ship and etc.
If anyone’s curious, here are the 9 Hazbin fics I do have bookmarked (yes, only 9 out of roughly 2500. I am That picky.). I’ll do a separate post one day for the FFnet favorites:
“Afterlife” series by Jadeile, first one is “Shit, the Radio Demon is a Part of my Afterlife”
(shocking, I know)
anything by Jadeile
the “YDSTM” series by pmastamonkmonk, first one is “You Do Something to Me” 
The first story in the series has a tw for slightly graphic mentions of nsfw and torture/murder/violence, but the second one is pretty close to found family fluff.
“@voxofficial snapped lmao” by ckret2
Radiosnake flavored crack featuring the Triple Vs, cw for sexual humor
“You’ve Got a Face for Radio” by ckret2
acearo Alastor exploration
“Bringing Home the Bacon” by Starlight1395
Alastor done fucks up but it gets better
“Death’s Own Song” by WeAreMisfortune
Bonding a la Murder and eldritch vibes
“The Deal” by lokidiabolus
tw for suicide
“Nightmares” by boa_bec
Alastor and Husk
darkfic, Alastor deals with nightmares and intrusive thoughts
“Radio and Nawlins” series by wifidelis, first story is “Radio Tried to Kill the Video Star”
Alastor and Husk, Radiohusk if you squint
so soft 
Husk helps Alastor after a battle gone wrong
“Now” by wifidelis
soft Radiohusk
yes I’m weak for it shut up
Also, if anyone knows the fic where Alastor decides to deal with his feelings by cutting up and eating a conscious but drugged Angel Dust only to change his mind halfway through when he realizes he’s actually in love with the surprisingly witty but abused spider demon... let me know cause I can’t find it sdjkhfskhf
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hibisha · 4 years
Hello, a friend of yours said you might be able to recommend some radiodust fanfics, and it can be anything im not picky
RadioDust fanfics you say? Alright *cracks knuckles* here we go.
1.) The Charismatic Cannibal’s Guide to Self Care
Rating: E
Summary: Alastor chuckled around a hand. Angel would never get over how shark-like he could look. Fangs were the norm here, but Alastor’s had a certain animal quality that fit strangely in a humanoid face. Too big and too many. And right now they were tinged with a hint of red from his choice of drink.
“So what,” he said, “would liven up the place for you, sport?”
You might assume that Angel Dust is the bad influence in every situation. You would be wrong.
The Radio Demon has plans for Hell, and plans for Angel. And they aren't pretty.
Will contain gore/cannibalism/murder and plenty of fun, bad people. Please read the tags and content warning. Plot now, smut to follow.
Personal thoughts: It only one chapter so far but I really like the premise.
2.) Their Arrangement
Rating: E
Summary: Alastor and Angel Dust have come to an agreement after Angel pushes the Radio Demon's buttons a little too far and inadvertently awakens the long forgotten urges buried under decades of bloodlust.
Personal thoughts: One of my literal favorites. Alastor and Angel’s evolving relationship from sex friends to ‘oh shit I have feelings’ *chef’s kiss*.
3.) Absolute Territory
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust is an absolute terror for Absolute Territory.
Alastor never knew he had a thing for stockings until Angel decides to flaunt a pair, matched with a pleated skirt and an oversized sweatshirt.
Personal thoughts: Have some good ol’ smut.
4.) Heart Between His Teeth
Rating: E
Summary: So maybe there are better things to life than being drugged and fucked so hard you can't even think for yourself.
5.) Angel Dust’s Not So Illustrious Life
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor isn’t sure why he’s become Angel’s primary target, but the more he attempts to dissuade Angel’s advances, the more fervent they seem to become.
And maybe Alastor likes that...maybe...Yet it seems there’s more to Angel than innuendos and a quick romp.
Personal thoughts: I kinda love this fic a lot where Angel and Alastor respect each other’s boundaries.
6.) Caught In His Own Web
Summary: "So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never. Because the dance with the devil might last you forever."
Redemption is hard when you don't want to do it. Redemption is even harder when a certain Radio Demon keeps enabling your sinful behavior.
Personal thoughts: My favourite trope, bad people being worse together.
7.) I Thought I Knew You 
Rated: M
Summary: Angel Dust can't ruin the hotel's reputation if he can't go outside. Or, at least, that's what Alastor says. Of course, it's all a ploy to torture Alastor's least favorite spider demon, but maybe he doesn't know Angel Dust as well as he thinks he does.
Personal thoughts: I really like this one especially since it feeds into my “Alastor is a dick in all AUs.”
8.) Sex, drugs and radio host
Rating: E
Summary: For some ungodly reason, Alastor decides to keep Angel safe and sound - meaning no sex, prostitution and certainly no drugs. Of course, this wild idea is met with more than a little resistance. But... no one ever cared if Angel was safe. And sometimes, all he would like is a hug. Sex sure is nice, but he is more than willing to explore the possibilities.
The trouble is, it doesn't seem like Alastor is offering anything specific. Keeping things strange and vague is not helping, especially when a new guest catches Alastor's attention.
Personal thoughts: Its cute and theres feelings involved is all I’m saying.
9.) Gentleman's Wager 
Rating: None
Summary: Sick of listening to Angel Dust's crass and vulgar language, Alastor makes a bet with him. If Angel Dust can remain absolutely silent for one whole week, he'll give in and kiss him.
10.) Triggered 
Rating: None
Summary: Angel Dust had never really thought too much about the static hum surrounding Alastor wherever he went... until now anyway.
Personal thoughts: It's a very good fic about ANgel dealing with PTSD. Def check it out.
11.) Dinner and Drinks 
Rating: None
Summary: Alastor and Angel Dust can barely tolerate each other and Charlie seeks to fix that.
Personal thoughts: Again, a slow development of Angel and Alastor’s relationship.
12.) You Do Something to Me 
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor's radio signals go both ways, and for the past few decades he's tuned into the most beautiful voice. What a surprise to find the source in the Happy Hotel right under his nose.
A relationship that grows through music.
Personal thoughts: AGAIN, PLEASE READ THIS IT IS CUTE HECK AND WILL CLEAR YOUR SKIN. Also, its part 2: No One Knows Anything But Us 
13.) 1932
Rating: M
Summary: The 1930s are the for perfect time to nurture any up-and-coming radio host or serial killer alike. Alastor is no exception.
Set in New Orleans in 1932, Alastor is living his best life. Broadcaster by day and home chef by night, he's learned that Jumbalaya is best served with a side of human liver and a still beating heart. That is until he brings the wrong meal to his table, a member of the Italian mafia, and ends up biting off more than he can chew.
With his latest meal escaping the table and his identity running the risk of being found out, Alastor faces his biggest hunt yet. The streets of New Orleans are his forest and this time, it's his head on the platter.
AKA Alastor screws up and now has to fix his mess in Dixieland while balancing his day job, cannibalistic hunger, and learn how to be a decent human being for once along the way. Should be fun.
Personal thoughts: I absolutely adore this fic. Please give it a shot.
14.) Contracts and Deals Series
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust, Hell's number one porn actor.
Alastor, Hell's most renowned overlord.
The two cross paths.
Angel makes a deal with Alastor to get out of his contract with Valentino. One thing leads to another.
Personal thoughts: It’s a good series that eventually gets really fluffy.
15.) Good Management
Rating: M
Summary: Alastor thought he had Angel Dust filed away into his niche box in the Hotel. He was wrong. But he's a good enough manager to fix his responsibilities.
Personal thoughts: Its AngeliaDark. You know it’s good.
16.) Anything for you
Rating: M
Summary: Valentino faces the consequences of hurting someone that Alastor deeply favors
i.e. Val fucking dies
Personal thoughts: Any fic where Val dies is a good fic.
17.) Predator and Prey
Rating: M
Summary: Every couple of years, Angel Dust goes through a change that makes him a lot less tolerable to be around, for many more reasons than one. The staff of the Hotel are about to learn that the hard way, none more so than Alastor.
Personal thoughts: Okay so, slight dubcon, would recommend checking the tags before going into it. Though I love how it tackles on the story of Alastor being a deer which is technically a prey animal and Angel being the predator for once. Absolutely love it.
18.) Good Tidings 
Rating: T
Summary: A Christmas party in Hell isn't the big selling point for the Happy Hotel (For Hazbins), but Charlie feels that the holiday season is just what her friends need to open up to and help one another.
So what better way to do it than with a Secret Santa?
When Angel Dust draws none other than his crush, the Radio Demon, he knows he has one shot to not eff it up.
Personal thoughts: Really fluffy, a good read. Highly recommend it.
19.) Vanilla Bean
Rating: T
Summary: Alastor decides to try his hand at pet names and inadvertently offends Angel Dust. Rated T for swearing and there's suggestive content if you close one eye, tilt your head, and squint.
Personal thoughts: Okay so i loved this one because of how badly these two handle communication.
20.) For Auld Lang Syne, My Dear
Rating: M
Summary: Alastor's solitude is interrupted by Angel Dust who has just escaped a rough client and the two spend the last moments of 2019 together.
Personal thoughts: Love love love this. I just love Angel and Alastor dancing together okay.
21.) I Like It Better When I'm With You 
 Rating: M
Summary: Angel deals with feelings. Alastor deals with feelings. Just a whole lot of pining.
Personal thoughts: Summary says it all.
22.) Technical Difficulties
Rating: M
Summary: The hotel is running relatively well. Relationships between Alastor and the rest of the staff are budding surprisingly smoothly. And then the rainfall starts up, threatening all of it.
Alastor's out of tune.
Personal thoughts: I love how this is written. Slowburn but worth it.
23.) Lurking in the Shadows 
Rated M
Summary: 5 instances where a curious and head-over-heels shadow follows Angel Dust around and 1 time where Angel decides to follow it instead.
Personal thoughts: It’s very cute how Alastor’s shadow pines after Angel.
24.) Crossroads
Rating: M
Summary: A mafioso’s and a murderous radio star’s paths collide in New Orleans in the winter of 1933.
25.) Needle Through a Bug
Rating: E
Summary: Angel wakes up in a hospital after a party. His doctor is very strange, worryingly so. Still, he can't help but be intrigued.
Personal thoughts: Doctor AU. Alastor is insane. I love it because Alastor manages to be as creepy as possible while saving lives.
26.) My Roommate's a Demonic Deer 
 Rating: M
Summary: Don't you hate it when you "accidentally" summon a demon to fix a problem within your home, only to find out that they don't do that, so now you're stuck with a cannibalistic demon that constantly tracks blood onto the floor, brings other unholy beings into your apartment, and makes amazing jambalaya? It's amazing insanity!
Personal thoughts: Lmao I love demon summoning gone wrong so this was really an amazing read. Angel being a true himbo is always the best.
27.) Human Hazbin Roommates AU series
Rating: E, M
Summary: A series of porny RadioDust one-shots depicting modern human AU roommate life.
Glimpses into the human lives of insufferable roommates.
(AKA This was supposed to be a practice at writing present tense smut and it devolved into sex and feelings)
Personal thoughts: Dive in for the smut, come out with the feels.
28: Darker Side of Hell series
Rating: E
Summary: Follow Charlie and later Alastor as part of my Story for the Hazbin hotel... It ain't pretty, so enjoy!
Personal thoughts: Not everyone’s cup of tea so i suggest reading the tags but I really love this series a lot. Angel being awkward and in love is the best shit ever. Its an amazing series.
29.) Scorched, Uninhabited, Rejected
Rating: M
Summary: When Hell suddenly loses all working functions, and angels start dropping from their overhead perches to attack the underworlds population, Charlie has no idea what to do before she's suddenly face to face with a Archangel. Though something, clearly, isn't right about the air the angel assures her to keep those who are dear tucked tightly by her side as the disaster struggles to fix itself.
But nothing is as it seems, Overlords' powers are dwindling and even her own is becoming strained as she struggles to protect her beloved hotel and friends from the Exterminators outside.
Personal thoughts: *vibrates* Can’t say much without spoilers so I’m just gonna beg ya all to read this.
30.) The Thin Line
Rating: None
Summary: Studies say it takes fifty hours of interaction before you consider someone a casual friend and two hundred to be a close friend. Alastor and Angel Dust manage to skip right past close friends to something more without either even noticing they've crossed the line.
31.) La Vie En Rose
Rating: G
Summary: Alastor learns that Angel is afraid of thunderstorms, and Angel in turn learns about the Radio Demon.
32.) falling 
Rating: M
Summary: "You're hot as fuck, be my boyfriend."
That was perhaps the worst thing he could've possibly said from that standpoint.
A college setting where Angel gets suddenly awful at flirting when it comes to the face of his crush, a cute library assistant that goes by Alastor.
Personal thoughts: COLLEGE AU COLLEGE AU. 
33.) Old Habits Die Hard
Rating: G
Summary: Angel decides to bring back a little habit of his after having a rough time.
Personal thoughts: Hella soft, please read.
34.) Handwritten 
Rating: None
Summary: Alastor imagines Angel must be lonely in heaven, he writes to keep him company.
 A series of letters addressed to Angel.
Personal thoughts: Hi, do you like crying into your pillow at 2 AM? You do? The look no further, this is the fic for you! Now, with extra heart wrenching feels!
35.) Relapse and Recovery
Rating: T
Summary: Going clean was never going to be easy, but easy was something Angel Dust never expected going into this anyway. At least he has a good support system to help him along the way.
Personal thoughts: I just really like AngeliaDark’s fics okay.
36.) Catalyst
Rating: T
Summary: All couples have their downfalls, and an event that should have been celebrated only drives Alastor and Angel Dust apart.
Personal thoughts: Love love love this. It’s very well written, reads easy and you’ll feel fluffy for days.
37.) Dinner Date: A RadioDust Tale
Rating: E
Summary: Angel Dust finally finds a way to get Alastor to agree to a 'date'. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Sometimes literally.
Personal thoughts: One of my favourite stories about RadioDust.
38.) This One's Dedicated to [static interruption]
Rating: M
Summary: A couple of years since the hotel's opening, the residents have settled down into a fairly tolerable routine. Recently, some of them have begun experiencing peculiar symptoms which become more noticeable as time passes. To his dismay, the Radio Demon finds that he is not immune.
A chance encounter with Angel Dust propels the two demons together as they attempt to answer what's behind the unusual phenomena, while rediscovering all the things they thought dead and buried along the way.
Personal thoughts: Slowburn but definitely worth it. I love the story and how it’s progressing with a certain mystery surrounding the whole plot.
Also slight self plug I guess:
39.) 14 ways to say “I Love You”
Rating: T
Summary: Just a collection of small drabbles I’m writing on based on single word prompts.
Please check it out if you’re a fan of odd AUs.
Wowee, that’s a lot. I’m gonna call it a night and say that’s all for today. I hope you enjoy these! 
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faemytho · 5 years
I know you just did one of these recently but I am so gay for this ship so don’t mind me- Alastor x Angel Dust ; “Maybe hell isn't so bad“ (I’m not entirely familiar with their personalities yet so sorry if it’s a bad prompt thing)
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im cackling i got three radiodust requests from when i asked for requests the other day
the most requested ship i got out of all of them, i love yall
figured i better get them all in one
triple whammy it
dont drink, kids
"Maybe hell ain't so bad, y'know what I'm sayin' Al?" Angel slurred, draped across the bar. Husk stood behind it, swaying on his feet and looking positively miserable. Alastor sat stiff and rimrod straight in his seat beside Angel, and yet, his eyes were lidded and downcast over his ever present smile.
"I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what you mean," Alastor spoke, the radio tin to his voice thicker and full of static. Husk groaned and slid down to the floor, while Angel lifted his head, squinting at the other demon. It was harder to understand Alastor than usual, considering their inebriation.
"Y'know, being here," Angel murmured, the words sliding into each other as his mouth struggled to form the correct sounds. His lower set of arms banged up against the underside of the counter, and he winced, letting them rest across his lap. Definitely going to feel that later. "We got whiskey, you got gin, I got fucks and... whatever else the fuck I got, life's good."
"But, but Angel," Alastor mumbled, his head nodding forwards. Angel scooted his stool closer to the other, and Alastor didn't seem to notice. "Angel, we don't... life. We don't have it."
Angel nodded along, his thoughts hazy and unformed. He blinked slowly, trying to make sense of the overlord's words. "Fuck, you're right, Al. Absolutely. We ain't livin', we're... afterlivin'."
Alastor seemed satisfied with that, the edges of his permasmile ever sharp even as he let his eyes drift closed for a moment. "Husk?" He asked, his eyes opening a crack. The bartender gave a discontented snort, and there was a thump behind the bar.
"Bastard's out of it," Angel giggled dumbly, letting his head fall against the bar. He closed his eyes for a moment, smacking his lips against the bitter, almost putrid, burning taste in his mouth. "Y'know, I don't think I ever seen you drinking before."
"I don't... make it a habit," Alastor murmured, his mouth closing over his sharp yellow teeth as he hummed an unfamiliar tune. "I don't habit... drinking. With people. Usually."
"Yeah I can tell. You ain't even putting words together right," Angel scoffed, lifting his head up to stare at Alastor. He folded his upper set of arms on the bar and leaned on them, forcing Alastor to look down at him on the bar.
The radio demon shook his head, deer ear tufts swaying with the movement. "Dear, if I wanted to speak eloquently, I could. It just requires thinking. Too many of it."
Angel snorted, inhaling spittle up his nose and coughing out his laughter. "Yeah, a couple'a glasses a' that shit's hard ta think with, ain't it?" He managed to say, lifting a pink gloved hand to cough into it. He pretended not to notice Alastor's lazy stare.
"Indeed," Alastor agreed, but he sounded vague and uncertain of something. Angel rested his head back on his arms and raised a brow, waiting for Alastor to speak again. "... I must admit, you are quite nice company when you are not making... perverse jokes. Moreso than I expected."
Angel stared, a stupid grin breaking itself across his face. "Aw Ally, are you complimentin' me?"
"My name is Alastor," the demon corrected automatically, though he did not elaborate further on his previous words. Angel took the opportunity to slide closer.
"Ya like me, ya know it," he purred mischievously, and Alastor's lip upper peeled back to bare his dangerous smile.
"I said no such thing," Alastor sniffed, turning his face away from the other drunk demon. As though he'd suddenly remembered it was there, he lifted the small glass he held in his clawed fingers and tipped back every last drop. "Nor will I ever say any such thing."
Angel scoffed, his head whirling. He wasn't going to remember it when they woke up sober, because he could hardly remember his own name at the moment right then. But he still had enough sense to not touch the radio demon, moving back in his own personal space.
"Here's to you never saying any such thing," he exclaimed, raising the unfinished shot glass in front of him. With a flourish, he downed the glass, slammed it down on the counter, and promptly passed out.
Alastor sat alone with his thoughts, fingers splayed on the wood of the countertop and the empty glasses in front of him clouding his mind. With nobody around who was conscious to hear him, he muttered, letting his eyes fall shut once more.
"What a stupid thing to toast to."
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gothicmorrighan · 4 years
Fanfic Discords?
So uh, are there any fanfic discords that have writers and beta readers I can reach out too? I wanna pitch an idea... fair warning it’s kinda gore-y and the primary ship is RadioDust but there's Chaggie and others too if you squint..
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petitprincess1 · 5 years
Alastor: What did I tell you about lying to me?
Angel Dust, sadly: It only works on Vox and Val.
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