#radio pakistan
tabileaks · 2 months
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risingpakistan · 10 months
ریڈیو پاکستان، عروج سے زوال تک
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کسی عالیشان سے عالیشان عمارت کو منہدم یا مسمار کردینا کوئی مشکل کام نہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر دنیا کے ساتویں عجوبہ تاج محل کو لے لیجیے جو بے تحاشہ اخراجات اور برسوں کی محنت و مشقت کے بعد تعمیر ہوا تھا لیکن خدانخواستہ اگر کوئی اسے ڈھانا چاہے تو دورِ حاضر کے حربوں اور آلات کے ذریعہ اِسے چند منٹ بلکہ سیکنڈوں میں زمیں بوس کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ کسی شاعر نے کہا ہے: بستی بسنا کھیل نہیں ہے بستے بستے بستی ہے یہی بات اداروں کی تعمیر و تباہی پر صادق آتی ہے۔ بدقسمتی سے ہمارے ہاں بعض تاریخی عمارتیں لاپرواہی اور عدم توجہی کی وجہ سے شکست و ریخت کا شکار ہو رہی ہیں، اگرچہ آثارِ قدیمہ کا باقاعدہ ایک محکمہ اِن عمارتوں کی دیکھ بھال اور مرمت کے لیے موجود اور مصروف ہے پھر بھی کچھ نہ کچھ نقص کوششِ بسیار کے باوجود رہ جاتا ہے۔ اب آئیے اداروں کی طرف جن میں ریڈیو پاکستان بھی شامل ہے۔ یہ وہ منفرد ادارہ ہے جس کا کسی سے موازنہ نہیں کیا جاسکتا۔ وطنِ عزیز پاکستان کے معرضِ وجود میں آنے کے اعلان کا اعزاز اِسی ادارے کو حاصل ہے، جب 14 اور 15 اگست کے درمیانی وقت یعنی نصف شب جناب مصطفٰی علی ہمدانی نے یہ تاریخی اعلان کرنے کا شرف حاصل کیا تھا۔ 
ریڈیو پاکستان کی سربراہی کا سہرا بابائے نشریات محترم زیڈ اے بخاری کے سَر ہے جنہوں نے 1947 میں کراچی کے ایک غیر آباد علاقہ گِزری میں ٹینٹ لگا کر نشریات کا آغاز کیا تھا کیونکہ اُس وقت پاکستان کے قیام کو زیادہ عرصہ نہیں گُزرا تھا اور ہر طرف بے سروسامانی کا عالم تھا۔ پھر اِسے اُس کے بعد بندر روڈ پر جو اب ایم اے جناح روڈ کہلاتی ہے مویشیوں کے علاج کے شفا خانہ سے متصل مسجد کے میناروں سے مشابہ عمارت میں عارضی طور پر منتقل کر دیا گیا جہاں یہ برسوں تک موجود رہا کیونکہ کوئی کُشادہ عمارت موجود نہیں تھی اِس لیے اِس کے عملہ کو کھپریل کی چھتوں والی بیرکوں میں منتقل کر دیا گیا۔ پھر بہت برسوں بعد ریڈیو پاکستان کراچی کے بھاگ جاگے اور اِس کے لیے ایک بلند عمارت تعمیر کی گئی۔ زیڈ اے بخاری کے دور میں یہ ادارہ ایک منفرد نشریاتی ادارہ تھا جس میں اہلِ علم و دانش کے علاوہ کسی ایرے غیرے نتھو خیرے کے داخلہ کی بھی کوئی گنجائش نہ تھی۔ 
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صرف بڑے بڑے پڑھے لکھے اور پختہ کار صدا کاروں کے لیے اِس میں گنجائش موجود تھی۔ جس کا ش، ق درست نہ ہو اُس کا مائیکرو فون تک جانا ممنوع تھا۔ریڈیو پاکستان کا یہ معیار بخاری صاحب کی رحلت کے کافی عرصہ بعد تک قائم رہا اور رشید احمد، قاضی احمد سعید اور سید سلیم گیلانی جیسے مایہ ناز براڈکاسٹر اِس کے ڈائریکٹر جنرل مقرر ہوئے۔ ذوالفقار علی بھٹو کی وزارتِ عظمٰی کے دور میں ریڈیو پاکستان کی اہمیت اور قدر و منزلت کو مدِنظر رکھتے ہوئے پارلیمنٹ کے ایک تاریخ ساز ایکٹ کے ذریعے باقاعدہ ایک خود مختار قانونی کارپوریشن میں تبدیل کر دیا گیا جس کا نام ہے پاکستان براڈ کاسٹنگ کارپوریشن (پی۔بی۔سی)۔ یہ اور بات ہے کہ لوگ اِسے ریڈیو پاکستان کے نام سے جانتے ہیں۔ اِس ایکٹ کا مطالعہ کرنے سے بہت سی باتیں اور نکات معلوم ہوں گے اور واضح ہو جائے گا کہ یہ ایک قطعی خود مختار اور خودکار ادارہ ہے جس کا باقاعدہ ایک بورڈ آف ڈائریکٹرز ہے جو اپنے تمام معاملات خود طے کرے گا۔
وطنِ عزیز میں کیونکہ اثر و رسوخ اور سفارش کلچر عام ہے اس لیے یہاں سب کچھ ممکن ہے اور قواعد و ضوابط دھرے کے دھرے رہ جاتے ہیں۔ یہاں جس کی لاٹھی اس کی بھینس کے قانون کا چلن ہے۔ گُربہ کُشتَن روزِ اوّل کہ اصول پر عمل نہ کرنے کا یہ انجام ہوا کہ باگ ڈور پی۔ بی۔سی کے بورڈ آف ڈائریکٹرز کے ہاتھوں سے نکل گئی اور اب حالت یہ ہے کہ اب پچھتاوے کیا ہوَت جب چڑیاں چُگ گئیں کھیت۔ نتیجہ یہ ہے کہ پی۔ بی۔سی کے ملازمین اور پینشنرز کو تین ماہ کی تنخواہ اور پینشن نہیں مل سکی جس کی وجہ سے وہ اور اُن کے اہلِ خانہ انتہا سے زیادہ پریشان ہیں۔ اب اُن کی سمجھ میں نہیں آرہا کہ وہ بیچارے اور بے بس کیا کریں؟ کسے وکیل کریں کس سے منصفی چاہیں؟ ہم انسان دوست سینیٹر عرفان صدیقی کے ممنون اور شُکر گزار ہیں کہ اُنہوں نے انتہائی جرأت مندی اور حق پرستی کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے پارلیمان کے ایوانِ بالا میں پاکستان براڈ کاسٹنگ کارپوریشن (پی۔ بی۔ سی) کے حاضر ملازمین اور پینشنرز کی داد رسی کرتے ہوئے صدائے حق بلند کی ہے۔ ہماری محترم صدیقی صاحب سے استدعا ہے کہ وہ اِس معاملہ کو یہیں تک چھوڑ کر مطمئن نہ ہو جائیں بلکہ اُس وقت تک فالو اَپ جاری رکھنے کی زحمت گوارہ فرمائیں جب تک یہ مسئلہ بالآخر ہمیشہ کے لیے حل نہ ہو جائے۔
شکیل فاروقی 
بشکریہ ایکسپریس نیوز
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apptworadioapps · 1 year
Radio Pakistan All Stations FM & AM + Radio Online - (Radio Android Application 🇵🇰📻)
 Sure, here's an article about all radio stations in Pakistan:
Radio has been a staple of the Pakistani media landscape for many years. From the early days of Radio Pakistan to the modern era of digital radio, radio stations in Pakistan have always played an important role in providing news, entertainment, and cultural programming to listeners across the country. Today, there are dozens of radio stations in Pakistan, broadcasting in a variety of languages and formats. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the most popular radio stations in Pakistan and what they have to offer.
Radio Pakistan
Let's start with the granddaddy of them all: Radio Pakistan. Founded in 1947, Radio Pakistan was the first radio station in Pakistan and remains one of the most important media outlets in the country. It broadcasts in a variety of languages, including Urdu, English, Punjabi, Sindhi, and Balochi. Radio Pakistan offers news, current affairs, music, and cultural programming, as well as educational content for children and adults.
FM 101
FM 101 is a popular commercial radio station that broadcasts in a variety of languages, including Urdu, English, and Punjabi. It's known for its lively morning shows, featuring music, news, and talk segments. FM 101 also offers a range of other programming, including interviews with celebrities and politicians, cultural events coverage, and sports updates.
City FM 89
City FM 89 is another popular commercial radio station that broadcasts in English. It's known for its eclectic mix of music, featuring everything from pop and rock to jazz and world music. City FM 89 also offers a range of other programming, including news, interviews, and cultural events coverage.
Radio FM 91
Radio FM 91 is a commercial radio station that broadcasts in Urdu and English. It's known for its mix of news, talk, and music programming, featuring everything from Bollywood hits to Pakistani pop and classical music. Radio FM 91 also offers a range of other programming, including interviews, cultural events coverage, and educational content.
Samaa FM
Samaa FM is a relatively new commercial radio station that broadcasts in Urdu. It's known for its focus on news and current affairs, offering in-depth coverage of political and social issues. Samaa FM also offers a range of other programming, including talk shows, interviews, and cultural events coverage.
Mast FM 103
Mast FM 103 is a commercial radio station that broadcasts in Urdu. It's known for its focus on music, featuring a mix of Pakistani and Bollywood hits. Mast FM 103 also offers a range of other programming, including news and talk shows.
There are many other radio stations in Pakistan, each offering their own unique blend of programming. Whether you're interested in news, music, or talk shows, there's sure to be a radio station in Pakistan that meets your needs. So next time you're in the mood for some quality radio programming, tune in to one of the many great radio stations in Pakistan.
✔✔ GOOGLE PLAY STORE: ▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apptwo.radio.pakistan
✔✔ AMAZON APP STORE:  ▶ http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=com.apptwo.radio.pakistan
✔✔ SAMSUNG GALAXY STORE: ▶https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.apptwo.radio.pakistan
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sadiasabir · 2 years
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#RJ #SadiaSabir in the programme #EveningDriveTime  Sunday 12 June, 2022 from 4pm to 6pm.#staytuned  #FM101Sialkot *Radio PK Channel*.Call us at 052-4297101.SMS us at 4471.[Type 101S <space> Your Name  <space> Your City <space> Your Message and send it to 4471]
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drnakhodas · 11 months
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acne scars treatment in Pakistan
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drasadonbrown · 1 year
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The broadcast will occur on
Sunday, Feb 26 at 10 am (EST) / 8 pm (GMT +5).
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upheavalofmemory · 9 months
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Intuitive PAC: What is your next partner's appearance?
Hi guys! Here is a simpler, intuitive pick a card today about what your next partner's appearance may be.
Now go ahead and pick a pile 💖🎻🪿
Disclaimer; remember that people are very vast & unique, meaning that there's a chance that this reading won't resonate. Just make sure you use discernment and let go what doesn't resonate 💖.
Also, the PAC's intentions was to be for your next partner, but it is possible to ask for your future spouse/there is a possibility they may be your future spouse, but take what resonates as it's different for everyone.
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Pile one is the silver & pink tiara, pile two is "baby", pile three is the hello kitty radio, and pile four is a heart.
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Pile One
♡ Brown hair and blue eyes.
♡ Somewhat of a shaggy hairstyle. Their hair may touch slightly below the ears (regardless of gender). Might have a blue or teal streak in their hair or previously had one (or will have one in the future).
♡ Baggy clothes, streetwear. Might also have somewhat of an interest in cyberpunk.
♡ May have a unique facial feature (ex: uniquely placed freckles, moles, or skin dis/coloration). Might also have acne marks or scars that you find to be attractive.
♡ I'm seeing paler skin, although darker skin is a possibility. I'm seeing that you find their skin very attractive regardless. Their skin has somewhat of a natural glow. Vitiligo may be in the picture.
♡ Taller, more lanky (regardless of gender).
♡ This is the shortest pile, spirit/the universe/whoever you believe in may not want you to know specifics about this person.
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Pile Two
♡ Muscle man. Might have somewhat of an appearance of those strong guys from circuses ? (Unsure of the name, but a very stereotypical, burly & muscular man with a full beard/mustache and tattoo combo).
♡ Might have lengthy hair. Their hair may reach past their hips.
♡ I keep seeing/hearing body hair, they have a lot of it (I'm seeing this regardless of gender. Women may feel more comfortable letting their body hair grow OR may constantly be complaining about it/shaving it. She might shave in some areas and not shave in others (ex: regularly shave her legs, but her arms are unshaved)). Might have something characteristic like sideburns or a unibrow (ladies w a unibrow: btw I love you you're so pretty ily genuinely)
♡ Brown hair or darker colored hair.
♡ This particular person might be Asian, specifically hearing Middle Eastern or South Asia (Pakistan? India?). Also possibly Egypt or North African.
♡ They have medium toned skin. Obviously, the countries listed are a lovely spectrum of skintones and there is not one particular skin tone for one region, but they are more than likely brown versus being white or black.
♡ lovely voice I heard, not particularly a physical characteristic but you'll love their voice.
♡ might have very nice...feet? You'll like their feet, something about them is lovely in a foot model way but also sturdy, or they may have a certain gait or way of walking you find to be attractive.
♡ may smell distinctly of roses or some other flower, like jasmine. A very pungent, beautiful flower that you don't forget (I'm being reminded of night-flowering jasmine, which in my household is known as "lady of the night").
♡ People here are more than likely asking for a woman. If you're trying to find out about a dude, they might have a goatee ?? They may appear to have somewhat more feminine traits; his eyelashes are beautiful holy shit !!!!
♡ lovely, lovely eyes. May be very dark but you almost get lost in them, very beautiful. Or they can be a unique shade of brown or green, you love them regardless.
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Pile Three
♡ excellently fashioned. Specifically said. You might really like their fashion taste. Best dressed (being brought to the best dressed game on animal jam, they may model or just have top notch fashion, always on top of trends or may wear things that are classy, chic).
♡ may be genetically French. Not seeing them being from France (obviously if you are in Europe this is more likely, take what resonates), but a similar appearance to Pile One's person.
♡ stronger, square jawline.
♡ I'm being brought to an image of some tiktoker, but his female version for videos? She usually has freckles from the filter & longer brown hair.
♡ might dress in blue a lot or blue is their favorite color.
♡ pale af. Nothing wrong with pale people but they're pale lol. Whatever you consider pale is them.
♡ might be well off, as seen with the first choice, might come from old money OR they might be a tiktoker and making bank (infinite money glitch was the exact phrasing).
♡ might look very good in gold jewelry, they dont think silver isn't really their color BUT I'm seeing that they probably have a cool/green/blue undertone.
♡ very nice nails, regardless of gender they always look very nice.
♡ might be tall, 6'0-6'4
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Pile Four
♡ darker skin, brown locs
♡ might have colorful extensions, you'll find their hair style very beautiful and unique, "fresh"
♡ lemony fresh, might have somewhat of a fresh & clean feel to their essence and appearance
♡ bluish brown vest, might like wearing vests or layering their clothes. Somewhat of an academia look.
♡ might wear glasses or might have contacts, might change out the color occasionally just for fun.
♡ might own a pair of pink contacts
♡ aura is very friendly and "fruitful", they have a really nice aura to them that shines in their physical appearance.
♡ skin, nice skin.
♡ has very nice teeth, they might be eerily perfect. Whatever you consider to be nice or perfect teeth for a partner is what they'll have.
♡ if you've been manifesting or trying to script a perfect partner, they might be the exact replication of your desires.
♡ "fantasia", something important for someone out there.
♡ "ET" (the song), women might somewhat have a similar appearance to Katy Perry, or this person might embody the music video in some way. Fringe & chrome.
♡ high cheekbones with fuller cheeks.
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Thank you so much for reading! As usual, feel free to check out my masterpost with more readings, or you can support me by purchasing a reading by clicking here. Thanks for the support, let me know which pile you picked and if it resonated or not :)!
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artbyeritza · 5 months
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“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
― Desmond Tutu (Foreword)
I might have no platform as an artist or writer but I'm not a d!ck. I'm an IR grad and I watch current events to stay updated. Human rights are not up for debate. Honestly, I separate myself from any country personification media, pop culture, or fandom who claims to like "history" and "historical events" but is radio silent about genocide. Remember "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor..." Sources: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2023/12/5/israel-hamas-war-live-israeli-attacks-on-southern-gaza-reach-new-depths https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/12/mining-of-cobalt-copper-in-drc-leading-to-human-rights-abuses-report https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2023/11/8/afghans-fleeing-pakistan-lack-water-food-and-shelter https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/11/26/sudan-aid-workers-risk-kidnap-and-rape-experts-warn
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thisisabernieblog · 3 months
International Court of Justice Rules That Israel Must Stop Killing Palestinians
World BEYOND War
The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must cease its warmaking in Gaza — cease committing and inciting genocidal acts — and that the case charging Israel with genocide must proceed.
By 15-2: Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent all acts within the scope of Genocide Convention article 2
15-2: Israel must immediately ensure that its military does not commit acts within the scope of GC.2
16-1: Direct and punish all members of the public who engage in the incitement of genocide against Palestinians
16-1: Ensure provision of urgently needed basic services, humanitarian aid
15-2: Prevent the destruction of and ensure the preservation of evidence to allegation of acts of GC.2
15-2: Israel will submit report as to how they’re adhering to these orders to the ICJ within 1 month
This is Article 2 of the Genocide Convention:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Therefore, Israel must cease killing Palestinians.
This was a make or break moment for international law, or rather a break or make-a-first-step moment. There is hope for the idea and reality of international law, but this is only a beginning.
The president of the International Court of Justice, who read the ruling, is Judge Joan Donoghue, former top legal advisor under Hillary Clinton at the U.S. State Department during the Obama Administration. She previously was the lawyer for the United States in its unsuccessful defense before the ICJ against charges by Nicaragua of minining its harbor.
The court voted for portions of this decision by 15-2 and 16-1. The “No” votes came from Judge Julia Sebutinde of Uganda and Ad Hoc Judge Aharon Barak of Israel.
The case presented by South Africa was overwhelming (read it or watch a key part of it), and Israel’s defense paper-thin. And the case just grew more overwhelming during the bizarre delay (yes, courts are slow, but this genocide is swift).
People all over the world built the pressure to move South Africa to act and other nations to add their support. Over 1,500 organizations signed a statement. Individuals signed a petition by CODEPINK, and sent almost 500,000 emails to key governments’ United Nations consulates through World BEYOND War and RootsAction.org. Click those links because more emails are needed now. While several nations have made public statements in support of South Africa’s case, we need them to file papers officially with the International Court of Justice. To reach out to additional national governments, go here.
Governments that have made statement in support of the case against genocide include Malaysia, Turkey, Jordan, Bolivia, the 57 nations of the Organization of Islamic Countries, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Maldives, Namibia, and Pakistan, Colombia, Brazil, and Cuba.
Germany has backed Israel’s defense against the charge of genocide, which has been denounced by Namibia, victimn of a German genocide. Prominent Jews have denounced Germany’s shameful action.
Mass demonstrations in the streets of the world have continued in support of peace and justice, and to a far greater extent than major media outlets have reported.
Here’s a discussion of this campaign for justice with Sam Husseini on Talk World Radio.
Prior to today’s ruling from the International Court of Justice, the U.S. government pointedly refused to say whether it would comply with ruling, despite insisting that other nations comply with rulings by the ICJ.
Hamas said that it would cease fire if Israel does, and release all prisoners if Israel does
Germany, to its credit, reportedly said that it would comply.
Arming a genocide is complicity in genocide. While Israel gets most of its weapons from the United States, other weaponry comes from Germany, Italy, the UK, and Canada — at least some of which nations also provide parts to U.S. weaponsmakers that provide weapons to Israel. Italian opposition demanded an end to it. And then the Foreign Minister claimed Italy had stopped shipments on Oct 7. Meanwhile, Canada is coming under pressure to cease shipments and prevarications. In Canada, Members of Parliament are among over 250 people hunger striking for an arms embargo on Israel.
People in the United States can tell Congress to stop arming Israel here or here.
President Joe Biden already faces a lawsuit for aiding and abetting genocide in Gaza. In November 2023, Palestinian human rights organizations, along with Gaza- and U.S.-based Palestinians, filed suit in a U.S. federal court seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against the Biden Administration for failing to prevent genocide, and for aiding and abetting genocide. The plaintiffs seek an order to end U.S. military and diplomatic support to Israel. A hearing to address the government’s motion to dismiss will be held at 9 a.m. PT / 12 noon ET today, Friday. The hearing will be webstreamed to the public. You are encouraged to tune in and witness the U.S. government’s attempts at avoiding accountability and justify its support for the genocide that is happening in Gaza.
Handed down on Invasion Day (26th Jan in Australia)
How fitting ❤️ 🇵🇸 ❤️ 🇵🇸 ❤️
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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B-1 bomber accident in the USA. Crew ejects safely
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/01/2024 - 08:56in Aeronautical, Military Accidents
A U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bomber crashed on the night of January 4, while trying to land at Ellsworth Air Base, South Dakota.
All four crew members were able to safely eject from the aircraft and survived, Ellsworth Air Base said in a statement.
The incident occurred during bad weather and sub-zero temperatures, with dense fog limiting visibility, according to local weather reports. Radio traffic from local rescuers said there was an "active fire" after an "explosion".
“An Air Force Lancer B-1B designated for Ellsworth Air Base crashed at approximately 5:50 p.m. today while trying to land at the facility,” the base said. "At the time of the accident, he was on a training mission."
The news began to circulate on social networks and local news that some kind of incident was occurring at the base, with some reports claiming that a B-1B had fallen there. The base was later closed to air traffic. The weather at the base is currently bad, with dense freezing fog present.
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The air base was closed for flight operations, according to a Notice to Aviators/Air Mission Notice (NOTAM) issued shortly after the incident.
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Located in Black Hills, South Dakota, Ellsworth Air Base is close to Rapid City. It is one of only two B-1 bomber bases. The 28ª Bomber Wing, which is there, operates more than 20 B-1 aircraft, according to the base. USAF has 45 B-1 jets in its inventory
A typical B-1 crew consists of two pilots and two weapons system officers, all with ejectable seats.
The aircraft was initially designed to operate as a supersonic bomber with nuclear capacity and variable sweeping wings. But the fleet has been widely used in the last two decades in the Middle East, after being converted into a purely conventional bomber. The aircraft is known to have a low mission capacity rate.
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Ellsworth is scheduled to receive the first operational B-21 Raider stealth bombers, which are scheduled to fully replace the B-1.
“A council of officers will investigate the accident,” Ellsworth's statement said.
Tags: Aeronautical AccidentsMilitary AviationB-1B LancerUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Venba my beloved
What you expect: Cooking game based on South Indian dishes.
What you get: The story of a couple moving from India to Canada. The struggles they face and the company they find in each other and home cooking.
From Venba's mother's cookbook.
And their son on distancing yourself from your culture, having an identity crisis when your older.
And falling in love with your culture and wishing you'd embraced it more as a kid.
Going to the mother land and feeling like a tourist.
Venba holding a hand out to comfort her now grown up so.
And him just resting his head on her lap and 😭🥺my heart.
The team really put their hearts into this game. My only wish it was longer but God I'm so happy this game exists.
The art style is so sweet.
The music reminds me of tunes my uncle would play on the radio in Pakistan.
The sounds of cooking sound just like when my mum is cooking.
The way it's mostly just eyeballing the recepies because that's how we cook lol.
In a way it's like coming home.
Highly recommend, show it some love.
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apptworadioapps · 1 year
Radio Pakistan FM & AM + Radio Online + (Radio Android Application 🇵🇰📻)
Pakistan is home to a vibrant and diverse radio landscape, with a wide range of stations offering news, current affairs, music, and cultural programming in multiple languages. Whether you're looking for the latest Bollywood hits, in-depth political analysis, or regional news, there is sure to be a radio station in Pakistan to suit your needs.
One of the most well-known radio stations in Pakistan is Radio Pakistan. Founded in 1947, Radio Pakistan is the country's national broadcaster, with stations operating in all major cities and regions. The station offers a range of programming in multiple languages, including Urdu, English, and regional languages like Punjabi and Sindhi. Popular shows include "Subah Pakistan" for morning news and entertainment, and "Khabarnama" for in-depth current affairs coverage.
Another major player in the Pakistani radio landscape is FM 100. With stations in Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, and other major cities, FM 100 offers a mix of music and talk shows in Urdu and English. The station is popular for its music programming, with shows featuring both local and international hits.
Pakistan is also home to a thriving community radio sector, with stations run by volunteers and focused on specific communities or issues. For example, Radio Mashaal is a Pashto-language station operated by Voice of America, providing news and cultural programming to Pashto-speaking audiences in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Similarly, Saut ul Quran is a community radio station that focuses on religious programming, broadcasting recitations of the Quran and other religious texts.
In addition to these stations, there are many other broadcasters and programming options available in Pakistan, catering to a range of interests and languages. With a rich cultural heritage and a vibrant media landscape, Pakistani radio offers something for everyone.
To listen to Pakistani radio stations, you can use a variety of methods, including traditional FM radio, satellite radio, and online streaming. Many stations also have their own websites or apps, which can be used to listen to live broadcasts or catch up on previous episodes. So why not tune in today and discover the rich diversity of Pakistani radio?
✔✔ GOOGLE PLAY STORE: ▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alexto.radio.pakistan 
✔✔ AMAZON APP STORE:  ▶ http://www.amazon.com/gp/mas/dl/android?p=com.alexto.radio.pakistan 
✔✔ SAMSUNG GALAXY STORE: ▶ https://galaxystore.samsung.com/detail/com.alexto.radio.pakistan
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sadiasabir · 2 years
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#RJ #SadiaSabir in the programme #EveningDriveTime  Sunday 29 May, 2022 from 4pm to 6pm.Don't forget to tune #FM101Sialkot *Radio PK Channel*.Call us at 052-4297101.SMS us at 4471.[Type 101S <space> Your Name  <space> Your City <space> Your Message and send it to 4471]
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"London (England) - Calcutta (India) - London (England)"
This bus service from London to Calcutta (Kolkata) is considered to have been the longest bus route in the world.
The service, which was started in 1957 and operated by Albert Travel, was routed to India continuing after the UK, to Belgium, through Europe via (then) Yugoslavia, Türkiye, Iran, Afghanistan, and West Pakistan.
After entering India, it eventually reached Calcutta via New Delhi, Agra, Allahabad (Prayagraj) and Banaras (Varanasi).
This route became known as the 'Hippie Route.'
It took about 50 days for the bus to reach Calcutta from London.
The voyage was 32,669 km long and was in service until 1976.
By then, the cost of the trip was £145, including food, travel and accommodation.
The bus was equipped with reading facilities, separate sleeping bunks for everyone, and fan-operated heaters.
There was a kitchen with all equipment and amenities.
There was a forward observation lounge on the upper deck of the later version of the bus.
The bus provided radio and music system for parties. It had time to spend at major tourist destinations along the way, including Banaras and the Taj Mahal on the banks of the Ganges.
Shopping breaks were organized in Salzburg, Vienna, Istanbul, Kabul and Tehran.
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To all the new people in the country...
The people of the United States of America do not hate you or dislike you, well most of us anyway. What we hate is how our politicians have deceived us by how they made your presence in our nation possible. Please read on and think about why you are here in the first place, and I don't mean your reason for coming to the USA, I mean the reason why so many people were allowed in from a certain date in time all of a sudden.
Let me explain. Please read on.
About 30 years ago our nations elected leaders did something that they don't even speak about anymore. They intentionally stopped manning the border, and pretended that it was an invasion of the southern border. Literally they cried "the Mexicans are crossing the border and we can't stop them!" It was all over the media. The greatest nation in the world and strongest most powerful military could not defend our southern border and they announced it on every tv station and every radio station. No internet or cell phone 30 years ago.
"The Mexicans are invading the USA and we cannot stop them" and "the Mexicans are taking our jobs and we can't stop them" were all we were hearing almost the exact same time that it was announced there would be mass layoffs all across the United States. Another thing that started almost immediately was the "dial 1 for Spanish, 2 for English" that quickly changed to "1 for English, 2 for Spanish" because the citizens were getting ready to riot.
Lots of things changed and quickly. Many of us were confused. Many of us were losing our jobs and businesses were closing up, and those who stayed open were replacing the workers with people who didn't even speak our language. It was happening so fast and more cries of "THE MEXICANS ARE STORMING OUR BORDER AND WE CAN'T STOP THEM!!!" Seriously (said sarcastically and truthfully.)
And who were the Mexicans? The Mexicans were every Latino from central or south America who came into the country regardless of what nation they came from. And every politician and media called all Latinos Mexicans, long before Trump was ever in the picture.
And was it only the southern border? Of course not silly. We were told only about the Mexicans so that we wouldn't pay attention to the massive amount of people coming in from India and Pakistan, on planes on the east and west coast. And there were almost as many Indians and Pakistanis as there were Latinos.
Any other nations coming in? Nope. Only Latinos down south and Indians and Pakistanis on the east and west, but no other nationalities. Europeans, very little, a few Russians, Oriental Asians only to work at businesses owned by Asians, and never many Africans. Israelis always had an open door, but not many Arabs at all because they were considered our enemies and not allowed in the USA. About 99% Latino or Indian only, with a 60/40 to 70/30 ratio being Latino. "THE MEXICANS ARE STORMING OUR BORDER AND WE CAN'T STOP THEM!"
Nothing racist said, I hope you see that. We The People were being deceived big time. I say this because most of the people here now don't know what happened. And that has been used to the politicians advantage. Most of the people who lost our jobs have all died by now. And our families were destroyed. Our people will never recover from that time period. But we do not blame you. It was our very own elected public servants in the White House, the Senate, and Congress who did this to us, not you, the people who came into the USA to have a better life for you and your family.
Now you understand why the Great Divide in this country from it's beginning.
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Yes, unfortunately it looks like Louis' casual cancellation of his Asian tour has really burnt his bridges in that market. His original venue in Jakarta was 15k capacity and this new one is only 2k. People aren't travelling to see him like they did in 2022.
Some Asian fans have been hurt twice. They rebooked accommodations and travel plans because FITF Asia 2023 was suddenly cancelled with no explanation.
Louis apologizes in person to Europe and USA fans for small inconveniences, but he delegates Chris Frewin to ship 50 vinyls and CDs to Indonesia and call it a day? What the fuck is that move?
There will be no FITF concerts for fans in Turkey or the Middle East. Louis talks big but offered no concerts for India or Pakistan. All of Asia got fewer seats than the smallest venue in rural USA. Louis doesn’t bother to come online to explain or apologize because Asian fans are background noise anyway, aren’t they? Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia… who cares. This is the Australian leg, after all.
Asian fans stream, make projects, get the songs on international radio, and what they get is 1. no merch, 2. night club type venues, 3. last minute cancellations, 4. Louis ignoring them until they disappear.
Tbh Louis has knocked all the wind out of the Asia sail.
All of his festivals are in Europe except one in Mexico. It’s reasonable to think that Louis prefers Europe, USA, Aus and Latam. The rest can shut up and stream.
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