tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years
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[ID: A colored manga panel from Tokyo Ghoul:re, showing Tsukiyama and Kaneki facing each other with neutral expressions, edited against grey-romantic, quoi-romantic, nebula-romantic, rainbow, larkspur gay, polyamorous, MLM, 5-stripe queerplatonic, and yellow heart queerplatonic flags. END ID]
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as21-7 · 4 years
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Hidekane! I hid a trans flag on Hide too hehehe. I love this ship so much. 
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years
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[ID: Three manga panels from the same scene, with portions of a tumblr post by @/pride-mons edited onto them.
Image 1: Touka in her Anteiku uniform from the shoulders up, with a slightly startled expression. The tumblr screenshot has an aromantic green border and reads: “Aro: No Romo.”
Image 2: Kaneki in his Anteiku uniform from the chest up, with a nervous expression on his face. The tumblr post has a bi purple border and reads: “Bi-ro: Double Romo.”
Image 3: Hide sitting at a table in Anteiku, with an uncertain and slightly annoyed expression. The tumblr post has a quoi green border and reads: “Quoi-ro: Dunno if romo but like maybe romo?? but might be platonic-omo possibly?? like what even is romo, is romo real?? is it just a coincidence that everyone else seems to know-mo what  a romo is????? in this essay-omo i will.” END ID]
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years
Headcanon: Tsukiyama and Kaneki often discuss how nebulous and confusing the different types of attractions are, and they can get really poetic describing their feelings
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years
Aspec Solidarity Headcanon: Nebularomantic Kaneki & Quoiromantic Tsukiyama
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