unqompleted · 11 months
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their bantering is so funny without context 😭😭
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kafi-farigh-yusra · 9 months
Nihari with roti <3
Nihari with chaawal>>>>>
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qomikun · 2 years
i kinda miss undertale ngl
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etaali · 2 years
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🌟 Sadakat 🌟
🔸Allah'a sadakat için Peygamber' e sadık olmalıyız;
Peygamber'e sadakat için de İmam Ali'ye; İmam Ali'ye sadakat için ruhani liderlere, Bilhassa İmam Humeyni'ye sadakat göstermeliyiz.
🔸Ve İmam Humeyni'ye sadakat için onun haleflerine de sadık olmak zorundayız.
🔸Ayetullah Hamaney, İslam Devrimi'nin lideridir.
Ayetullah Azari-Qomi🌹
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alqomis · 7 months
Maroon Soft Cotton Premium Karchupi Panjabi (P000)
পাঞ্জাবী ফিটিং না হলে কি চলে? একমাত্র AL-QOMIS ই আপনার কাস্টম সাইজের পাঞ্জাবী অফার করে। তাই দেরি না করে Cash-On-Delivery ত�� প্রি-অর্ডার করুন।    পাঞ্জাবীটি যেকোনোঃ ফাংশনে-বিয়ে/দাওয়াতে/সুন্নতে খৎনাতে/৫ মার্কের প্রেজেন্টেশন সহ সকল উৎসবে পড়তে পারবেন। এছাড়া রেগুলার ইউজ করতে পারবেন।  যদি  প্রিয়জনকে কি গিফট দিবো ভেবে CONFUSED থাকেন তাহলে  AL-QOMIS এর কারছুপির পাঞ্জাবীটি হবে  আপনার EXCEPTIONAL…
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justinempire · 11 months
(Justin Empire) The Heartbeat Of Love 
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carmenvicinanza · 1 year
Masih Alinejad
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Le parole significano: perché sono una donna, fiorisco attraverso le mie ferite.
Masih Alinejad è l’attivista iraniana col fiore tra i capelli.
Esiliata dal 2009, è la donna più temuta dalla teocrazia al potere in Iran e tra le attiviste femministe più seguite al mondo.
La sua campagna contro la dittatura degli Allatoyah, Ali Khamenei, guida suprema del paese, ha emesso una fatwa nei suoi confronti, comprensiva di taglia.
Insignita con vari premi internazionali per il suo attivismo, in marzo 2023 è stata inserita nella lista delle dodici donne dell’anno scelte da Time per “l’impatto significativo sulle loro comunità“.
Nata col nome di Masoumeh Alinejad-Ghomi a Qomi Kola, l’11 settembre 1976, è una giornalista e scrittrice. Produce e presenta il VOA Persian Service, è corrispondente per Radio Farda, collabora per la televisione Manoto e per IranWire.
Dissidente sin da giovanissima, nel 1994 è stata arrestata per aver prodotto volantini critici nei confronti del governo.
Ha iniziato la sua carriera nella stampa nel 2001, è stata anche giornalista parlamentare fino a quando, nel 2005, è stata allontanata perché aveva sbugiardato i ministri che affermavano di aver subito tagli salariali mentre, in realtà, ricevevano considerevoli somme di denaro come bonus per qualsiasi cosa, dall’adempimento dei doveri religiosi all’inizio del nuovo anno.
Nel 2008, ha scritto un pezzo molto critico su un quotidiano in cui paragonava i seguaci di Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a delfini affamati che emettono suoni e si rendono ridicoli per afferrare un boccone di cibo dal loro addestratore. Il direttore del giornale è stato costretto a scusarsi pubblicamente e prenderne le distanze.
Dal 2009 è andata a vivere in Inghilterra, in quell’estate, mentre era negli Stati Uniti per un’intervista a Barack Obama che non è riuscita a fare, ha partecipato alle proteste contro il governo iraniano e tenuto un celebre discorso a San Francisco, dove, rivolgendosi alle autorità iraniane, diceva: “Abbiamo tremato per trent’anni, adesso tocca a voi” un atto considerato una tempesta d’aria fresca.
Si è laureata in Comunicazione, Media e Cultura presso la Oxford Brookes University.
Nel 2014, ha aperto la pagina Facebook My Stealthy Freedom, seguita da centinaia di migliaia di persone in cui invitava le donne iraniane a pubblicare foto di se stesse senza hijab.
Nel 2015, il Summit di Ginevra per i diritti umani e la democrazia, le ha conferito il Women’s Rights Award per “aver dato voce a chi non ha voce e risvegliato la coscienza dell’umanità per sostenere la lotta delle donne iraniane per i diritti umani fondamentali, la libertà e uguaglianza“.
Ha pubblicato quattro libri in persiano e nel 2018 è uscito, in lingua inglese, The Wind in My Hair tradotto anche in italiano col titolo Il vento fra i capelli. La mia lotta per la libertà nel moderno Iran, che tratta del suo viaggio da un minuscolo villaggio nel nord dell’Iran per diventare giornalista e la creazione della campagna social che ha scatenato un movimento di protesta a livello nazionale. The New York Times l’ha definito un vivido ritratto dell’Iran moderno scritto con una schietta onestà, caratteristica della vita e della scrittura di Masih Alinejad.
Nel 2022 è uscito il docufilm biografico Be My Voice ed è stata insignita del Moral Courage Award dell’American Jewish Committee per aver parlato senza paura a sostegno del popolo iraniano oppresso dal governo.
La sua famiglia d’origine, rimasta in Iran, sua madre che non vede dal 2009, hanno subito persecuzioni e ritorsioni. Ella stessa è stata oggetto di un rapimento sventato nel 2021 e il Dipartimento di Giustizia Usa ha affermato che c’è stata una cospirazione per assassinarla.
Ha partecipato alla marcia a Bruxelles che ha visto 30.000 persone chiedere all’Europa di inserire l’Irgc, i Pasdaran e il Corpo delle Guardie della rivoluzione islamica, nella lista delle organizzazioni terroristiche europee, cosa già avvenuta negli Stati Uniti.
Masih Alinejad è diventata un’icona per la sua chioma riccia e “provocante” sempre fermata da un fiore, prendendo apertamente posizione contro il regime sui social network e in ogni occasione pubblica.
Attualmente, vive con il marito e il figlio negli Stati Uniti in un rifugio segreto dell’Fbi.
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nijjhar · 1 year
Punjabi - People who forget their tribal fathers are Pakkae Haraami fana... Punjabi - People who forget their tribal fathers are Pakkae Haraami fanatic devils that kill each other frantically as in 1947 Jatts killed each other under the banner of Sikh and Muslim Qoms. https://youtu.be/FRn4DXRwm4s Kachae Namak Haraami writes their names like this:- Sardar Rajinder Singh Nijjhar and Pakkae Namak Haraami religious fanatic devils like this:- Sardar Rajinder Singh - No surname or Gotra whilst the NIMAK DAR Pakkae Peo dae Puttar like this:- Chaudhry Rajinder Nijjhar no Sardar or Singh. For Namak Dar Christ Nanak said, "BEEO BEEJ PATT LAE GAYE" whilst for the Pakkae Namak Haraami applies "ABB KEUN OGHWAE DAAL" - NO SHARM NO DHARAM. SHARM DHARM SHAPP KHALOYE; KOORR - KUFFAR - PHIRAE PARDHAAN VAE LALO. To fight the KOORR, you need His Word which was provided by Christ Jesus and Satguru Nanak Dev Ji. Punjabi - Our Jatt  Qomi Tree is one and those who become Hindu, Sikh or Muslim Jatts who are not Qoms become super bastard fanatic devils. https://youtu.be/rMKyX-wlThg Punjabi - Our Qom is SIRF JATT; Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, etc. are just changeable "Shirts"; ways of life https://youtu.be/Bikb2ZNJdWw ENJOY YOUR EVERY DAY BY UNITING OUR JATTS MAKE THIS POST VIRAL AMONG OUR JATTS SHAME ON OUR EDUCATED JATTS, THEY CAN’T UNITE US. IN 1947, OUR JATTS WERE NOT EDUCATED LATTON KAE BHOOTT BATTON SAE NAHI MANTTAE SEND THIS POSTER TO YOUR FRIENDS/RELATIVES ESPECIALLY AT THE BORDER VILLAGES OR BETTER YOU VISIT THEM. PAGRRI SANBHAAL JATTA https://youtu.be/gSwPvK3B4rg BE TRUTHFUL, CONTENTED (HAQ HALLAL) AND MERCIFUL = FULL EEMAN = MUSSALLMAN = GURMUKH SIKH. https://youtu.be/7VmQG3ew19E MATT. 13V24-30:- ATOMIC WAR EXPECTED ON 14/05/2023 Punjabi - Ch. Saddam Hussein Khokhar was a Jatt of the same Calibre as our Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jat https://youtu.be/XAb1fhT3Mqk http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/UnitedJatts.htm Punjabi - Taliban - Al-Djmar Al-Aksa is best defeated by the tribal sons of Man and not by the guns. https://youtu.be/1dDW3SapKWE NAHI TO LALLON NAE AAP KAA DAMM BANDH KRNA HAE; KALI JHANDI LAGWA DO LALLON KAE. Video in Punjabi:- https://youtu.be/QJLnbgoMMkM     http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Chhotu.pdf Playlist for our Jatt Unity:-  https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwfWhnrV1UKKbBJNCbYjqI3 HAMAARI QOM, JAATI, KABEELA, ILAH, VAGAERA “SIRF JATT” HAE AUR MAZHAB AIK KAMEEZ KI TAREH/NEAYAN HAE. MAZHAB BADLA JAA SKTA HAE LAIKANN HAMARI JATT QOM NAHI BADLI JAA SAKTI. Did they use a Birshi to take over you, your family and your properties? No, but sweeter than honey KOORR KUFFAR - SHARM DHARM DOAE SHAPP KHALOYE; KOORR PHIRE PARDHAN WAE LALO. KOORR DOBAE POOR AS IN THE PARTITION AND 1984 sectarian SHANKAR VARNIYAE riots. To survive and live in Peace, you need to be the sons of your tribal fathers, Ilahs and such sons of Man, BANDAE DAE PUTTAR knows our merciful Supernatural Father Al-ilah - AWALL ALLAH NOOR OPAYIA; KUDRATT DAE SABHH BANDAE. NOOR ALLAH DAA KUDRATT http://www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Riots.htm Kabah is the Temple of Shiv and has nothing to do with Allah. Punjabi - No son of Brahma, a Hindu, no son of Parbrahm, a Sikh but Shankar Varniyia Super Bastard Fanatic Devil, a TERRORIST. https://youtu.be/PMMG99nMANk Bhagat Namdev Ji:- Hindu is spiritually blind, Munn Mukh Sikh, Turkoo, is very crafty whilst Gurmukh Sikh, Giani, is sealed to serve God wiser than both. https://youtu.be/GDqOcARj4Po Punjabi - Satguru Angad Dev Ji was the "Kiln" in which the Mitti Mussallman ki, sons of Man were baked. Or their "Ego" of them was burnt making them the most humble Bhagats. https://youtu.be/aMBUhvacOAw WHY TEN LIGHTS? Nanak wasn't a Moral Teacher, a Brahmin Guru but Satguru = Christ of the highest order that Preaches the Gospel to one's mind, Munn, Nafs, etc. https://youtu.be/HquVBRjtXF8 www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/tenlight.htm Punjabi - Nirmallae Sants learnt the Scriptures from Kanshi and then, they Preached the Gospel. They do not handle money or they are the sons of Satan. https://youtu.be/chiRrKtEqLg https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWwYKeFSCQNc6dOGm92fk4A4      A Video on Atomic War:- https://youtu.be/qDU964t_0i0 Playlist on Jattistan:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWxsONN55F1ZZGdM-SMvjrmg Punjabi/English - A new type of political robber was predicted by Bhagat Kabir Ji called Al-Djmar Al-Akasa/Kubra. That also tells us in Haume how stupid our Jatt politicians are? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWz9zwqDMqorcpkSUgi8NJqX We need a singer to sing this song in honour of our Pillar Ch. Chhotu Ram Ohlyan Jatt www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/ikchor.pdf Our Ch. Navjot Sidhu Qom Jatt by replacing his Jatt Qom with Sikh Qom became a SUPER BASTARD FANATIC DEVIL. Navjot's Video:- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LZXvCL3rR8 By proclaiming Sikh Qom. https://youtu.be/O0iERZu_TyU Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf
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rivaltimes · 1 year
Iran appoints new ambassador to Afghanistan after his predecessor was accused of criticizing the Taliban
Iran appoints new ambassador to Afghanistan after his predecessor was accused of criticizing the Taliban
The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced Hassan Kazemi Qomi as the country’s new ambassador to Afghanistan once his predecessor, Bahador Aminian, has finished his mandate, who would have issued harsh criticism of the Taliban regime, which appeared in a leak of classified information published by a group of ‘hackers’. Aminian will return to Iran at the end of his three-year term, as…
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unqompleted · 10 months
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hardcustomcase · 5 years
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Stay Quiet Vivo Y91 / Y93 / Y95 Custom Hard Case IDR: Rp109.000 SPECIALIZED CUSTOMIZABLE SMARTPHONE CASE Pusat pembuatan dan penjualan aneka cover hard case, TPU hybrid (soft rubber side) case, clear / transparan case, dan flip case. Bisa pasang gambar apa aja, foto, gambar design sendiri, gambar favorite kamu dll. Proses cepat gak pakai sistem po 1-2 hari jadi / siap kirim. Bahan terbuat dari material high quality plastik policarbonate. Diprint dengan teknologi thermal printing. Gambar di cetak full body Case ( belakang - samping kanan dan kiri ). Gambar yang di hasilkan di jamin awet dan tidak akan terkelupas. Available: Gambar ini bisa dicetak buat apple, asus, htc, huawei, infinix, lenovo, LG, meizu, nokia, oneplus, oppo, samsung, sony, vivo dan xiaomi Nb: Jika ingin custom gambar sendiri silahkan untuk kontak pesan Contact Service: Santoso Ajiyasa (Kota Bekasi) WA: 081331949191  »»» http://boleh.click/wa/cshardcustomcase BBM: DDD044CF  »»» http://boleh.click/b/cshardcustomcase Line: hardcustomcase  »»» http://boleh.click/l/cshardcustomcase Luar kota bisa kirim via JNE Ongkir sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh pembeli #hardcustomcase #qimiasupplement #qimi #qimiq #qimianutrition #qimicase #qimo #qimanji #qimar #qimaam #qimat #qimarmurah #qom #qomrah #qomikin #qomishu #qomi #qomia16 #qomia #qomiha #vivo #vivoy91 #vivoy93 #vivoy95 #case #casecustom https://www.instagram.com/p/BvY7ByXnujA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wakypostmaq4
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qomikun · 8 months
So like… where do i go to find fiber art friends bc i recently became addicted to crochet and embroidery and no one around me does that o(-(
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So, in Brazilian I-dare-you-mess-with-Muhammed and Gay Jesus news, an Iranian Sheik named Alí Qomi has recorded a 43-minute-long video calling Brazilian comedy sketch The First Temptation Of Christ the "blasphemy of the century", saying that the Muslim community should "react rationally" to the film, unite with Christians "for the love they have to Jesus", and calling for the death penalty for Porta dos Fundos's members (the comedy group that produced the Christmas special). “We love the most holy Jesus with all our hearts.", he says in the video. "We love him, we love the Blessed Virgin Mary. That is why we do not admit that anyone will be lacking with respect to such important people. We do not allow anyone to insult, blaspheme or slander these holy people." Qomi is the son in law of Mohsen Rabbani, who is accused of being the architect of the attacks on the headquarters of AMIA (Mutual Israeli Argentine Association) in 1994 that killed 85 people.
Furthermore, the National Association of Islamic Jurists say that the Brazilian Constitution "makes clear the protection and respect for the Sacred" and imposes a "relative character" on free speech when it foments “aversions or aggression to religious groups”, and that Muslims need to be in solidarity with the "Christian brothers" since God says in the Koran "to help us in virtue and godliness and not in sin and hostility." “All good citizens”, therefore, are called to denounce the videos, “regardless of religion, because freedom must be for everyone without exception, because tomorrow the wronged will be us”.
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(Remimder that he does not represent all Muslims, Muslims aren't all fanatic terrorists, Muslims are less than 1% of the Brazilian population, much more victims of prejudice and attacks than perpetrators, etc etc etc)
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kokchapress · 3 years
Taliban'ın iktidara gelip tanınma arayışının üzerinden yüz gün geçti
#Taliban'ın iktidara gelip tanınma arayışının üzerinden yüz gün geçti. #Afganistan'da Taliban'ın iktidara geldiği ilk günden bu yana, altı ülkeden diplomatik temsilciler Afganistan'a gitti.
Afganistan’da Taliban’ın iktidara gelmesinin üzerinden yüz gün geçti ve bu süre zarfında yetkililer ve liderler, özellikle ülkenin Emirhan Mutteki liderliğindeki diplomatik aygıtı, ülkenin iletişime ve işbirliğine açık olduğuna dünyayı ikna etmeye çalıştı. İlk 100 gün boyunca, Taliban, bölgesel ve bölge dışı seyahatler, Asya ve Avrupa ülkelerinden yetkililerle görüşme ve hatta döviz rezervlerinin…
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wordsinpersian · 2 years
Salaam, I have a question! I grew up in the U.S. and learned Persian from my Shirazi family. When I got older I took Persian lessons with a teacher on italki and I mentioned cooking with kalame sang (کلمه سنگ) and she said she had no clue what that was. I have a friend from Orumiyeh who also has no idea what it is. Is kolrabi/kalame sang a regional thing??
This is definitely a regional name for that vegetable, though unfortunately I haven't been able to pinpoint the region, so I can't confirm that it's actually the Shirazi name. It's likely that every region of Iran has its own name for it lol.
The "standard" Persian name for it is کلم قمری (kalam-qomri), a type of cabbage known as kohlrabi in English, but it's also colloquially known as کلم قمی (kalam-e qomi), "the cabbage of Qom", as it's notoriously farmed in Qom.
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😂😂😂تا آخر ببینین . @mix_qomi @mix_qomi @mix_qomi . . . . . . . . . . #قم#قمی#ایرانگردی#میکس_قمی#طنز#دوستی#ماشین#دپ#خیانت#خنده#استقلال#پرسپولیس#فوتبال#فیلم#واینر#qom#qomi# #خودرو#لیگ_برتر#رل##اینستاگرام #لایک #فالوور #عشق #ایران #تهران #عكس #ویدئو #فالوبک #فالو https://www.instagram.com/p/B3SD5bQhVW3/?igshid=c2noo5348e3l
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