travesm · 2 years
New here. Amazing hub of creativity.
Much love to all the creators, observers, aliens, humans, and shapeshifters. I create many original works in different mediums, and I hope some find it enjoyable. I hope to plant a lot of my art here. Just an intro to myself.
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profoundgoofball · 6 months
The "Leaf Tent" method, as conceptualized by Uland B, is a narrative technique that emphasizes a 'show, don't tell' approach, particularly in character development and storytelling. This method is grounded in the idea of presenting characters and their actions without delving deeply into their psychological motivations or internal states. The Leaf Tent method, crafted primarily for teaching AI storytelling, is a unique approach designed to enhance the AI's ability to create compelling narratives. This method guides the AI in focusing on observable actions and dialogues of characters, rather than delving into complex psychological analysis. It's particularly useful in helping AI understand and depict characters and stories in a more dynamic and interpretative manner, encouraging a style of storytelling that is rich in external detail and interaction but leaves room for the audience's imagination and interpretation. This approach is beneficial in training AI to develop narratives that are engaging and nuanced, yet accessible and grounded in observable reality. Here's a breakdown of the key aspects of the Leaf Tent method:
1. **Surface-Level Characterization**: Characters are primarily defined by their actions and dialogue. The focus is on what characters do and say, rather than on their thoughts or internal monologues. This approach allows characters to be interpreted through their observable behaviors.
2. **External Interactions Over Internal Analysis**: The story concentrates on how characters interact with each other and their environment. It prioritizes the 'what' and 'how' of characters' actions over the 'why', leaving motivations more open to interpretation.
3. **Limited Psychological Insight**: Unlike traditional narratives that often provide deep insights into a character's mind, the Leaf Tent method intentionally avoids this. Characters' decisions and actions can appear more spontaneous or driven by external circumstances rather than internal deliberation.
4. **Event and Dialogue-Driven Plot**: The plot advances through events, situations, and dialogue. This method emphasizes the importance of the present moment and immediate reactions, rather than past experiences or future implications.
5. **Objective Narrative Perspective**: The storytelling is more observational, akin to a camera recording events. It avoids judgment or bias in depicting characters' actions, presenting them as they are.
6. **Emphasis on Interpretation**: This approach leaves room for ambiguity in character motivations, encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions based on the presented actions and dialogues.
7. **Applicability to Diverse Characters**: The Leaf Tent method is particularly effective for characters with mindsets or behaviors that are vastly different from typical human psychology, such as non-human entities or characters in extreme circumstances.
In essence, the Leaf Tent method by Uland B is a storytelling technique that seeks to create a more dynamic and interpretive narrative experience, where characters are understood and defined by their actions and interactions within the story, rather than through explicit psychological exposition.
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absintheanflare · 2 years
wikipedia dot org slash wiki slash orvietan fuck me up in the head soooo much i love ~1900s medicine so much. there is something wrong with me. i need to go to antique/oddities stores more so i can try to find old medicine bottles or something. i need to go to noir again i miss their $2000 real human skull and the pig brain jar. i need to buy more human teeth or else i;ll die
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perdvivly · 2 months
*me and the girlies at a sleepover* bubbliterally: Do you guys want some more icecream? k-simplex: That's so kind of you! perdvivly: I'd love some, thank you! bubbliterally: And some tea to go with? Hot and cold; yin and yang. Balance, you know? k-simplex: You are so wise bestie. perdvivly: I swear to god if you bust out the plain tea again I will cry. k-simplex: Plain tea? perdvivly: I'll tell you later. *bubbliterally serves the food and drink* bubbliterally: So, what do you guys think is the fundamental problem of human existence? perdvivly: Must there be only one? k-simplex: That's such a big question! bubbliterally: Well, no, but are you telling me you don't feel some problem, question, facet of human existence more keenly than all the rest? k-simplex: I think, if I had to choose, it'd be that we're essentially finite beings in what is an essentially infinite world. bubbliterally: Oooh, could you say more? k-simplex: Well. I want to like. Do things. But there are more things in the world than I can ever possibly do. More experiences than I can ever possibly have... It sounds silly. bubbliterally: It doesn't sound silly! If this is important to you, I want you to be able to share. This is a safe space. k-simplex: I guess it informs a lot of anxiety I have? That I know my time on earth is really limited and my choices are boundless, and there's this mismatch there. And I'm trying to get ahead of the curve, I'm doing a bunch of pyschoactive drugs and experiencing novel experiences but... I mean, deep down I know I'm not being graded on a curve. I know it doesn't matter whether or not I have more novel experiences than the average person, I'm falling incredibly short on an objective metric. I'm trying to say 'yes' to life, but there's so much of life you know? I'll never be able to say yes to it all. perdvivly: It's a mismatch between your imagination and your reality? What you think you could do and what you can actually do? k-simplex: Not really. Imagination is an unsatisfactory collage of experiential texture drawn from memory. Experience is genuine data. I'm not seeing myself miss out, I'm missing out. There are feeling tones I don't know about, that I can't imagine until I experience them. perdvivly: And what about the bad things? Do you want to experience them too? k-simmplex: Heartbreak, pain, longing, death... These are all profound experiences. I think they're meaningful too. I wouldn't want to say my life was complete until I'd experienced them so, yes, even the bad ones. perdvivly: And worms crawling up your urethra? You'd want to experience that too? bubbliterally: Viv, you're being kind of a dick right now. k-simplex is sharing something vulnerable. perdvivly: You're right, thank you for pointing it out. I'm sorry k-simplex. k-simplex: No, I mean, I take your point. But even if I limit myself to the "good experiences" I'm still falling way short of infinity. bubbliterally: Mmmm. You want to be large. To contain multitudes. k-simplex: Precisely. I don't want to die before I've lived. And I've only lived such a very small amount in the grand scheme of things. And... Like it or not. I'm dying. bubbliterally: I think I will choose to not like that. k-simplex: What about you Viv? perdvivly: Ah. Hedgehogs. Nothing you haven't heard before. I think it's probably something I talk too much about already. k-simplex: No, we're genuinely curious. Please share? perdvivly: Well, I guess it's something like the uncrossable gap between souls. k-simplex: The uncrossable gap between souls? What's that? bubbliterally: Could you say more? perdvivly: Sure. It's something like. Well it's what David Foster Wallace was pointing to when he wrote "How odd I can have all of this inside me and to you it's just words". *bubbliterally thoughtfully eats her icecream*
perdvivly: I have this really vivid and real and deep experience and I just... I can't share it. In principle it's just. Me, trapped inside a room with a door that says "push" and all I know how to do is pull. I keep fumbling and grasping at this door. It's door-shaped, I know about doors. I've worked pull doors. But this is different. No matter how hard I try, I'm locked inside my own head. k-simplex: It's about the claustrophobia of being trapped in your own skull? perdvivly: Not really. bubbliterally: It's about connection? perdvivly: Yeah. It feels really unserious to say how deeply this affects me. But I do... You know, I do feel things. bubbliterally: Right. No. Yeah. We get it. perdvivly: I guess if it's about anything it's about alienation and it's about isolation. k-simplex: I think there are practical steps you can take for that though aren't there? I get that expressing yourself can be hard, but everyone is in the same boat. There has been a lot of spilled ink about the art of expressing yourself lately. And, when words fail you there are haptics too. What can't be said with words can maybe be said with a kiss for example. perdvivly: The DIY pop pyschology of the modern internet aint it chief. k-simplex: I'm sorry? perdvivly: Don't be, I'm just bristling at things you couldn't have any way of knowing I'd bristle at. Which is sort of exactly the thing. I mentioned hedgehogs, you know the parable? bubbliterally: Oh from Schopenhaur? perdvivly: Yeah, exactly. bubbliterally: I see... I can understand the ways that parable interacts with your existential isolation. That can't be a very pleasant way to live. Do you feel this often? perdvivly: Daily. And you're right. k-simplex: Can I make a suggestion that might seem dismissive but I don't mean it to be? perdvivly: Of course, we're all friends here. k-simplex: What if it's easier to believe that you can't show people what you're really feeling because if you did show them, and they didn't realise what they were seeing, or if they were dismissive of it, it would be easier for you to feel like you had failed in saying what you meant to say rather than that they weren't interested in it, or by extension you? perdvivly: Oh. k-simplex: I just mean, if you can't show yourself, then you never have to put anything on the line right? You never have to expose yourself to true and deeply felt pains of coexisting in the world with other people who have their own internal worlds, which are every bit as real and acutely felt as your own. perdvivly: I'm not denying that deep down I could just be one fragile child riddled with insecurity, all this deepseated fruedian stuff that pop-psychologists would love to classify as mommy or daddy issues. But it's an untestable hypothesis right? Maybe it's a defense mechanism and it's all bullshit, but it's what I feel. I feel... Ouch ouch ouch in my brain. You know? k-simplex: I know. And I know how that might come across as dismissive, which is why I gave it the explicit caveat that I did. perdvivly: I know, and I'm grateful for the perspective. I really am. Definitely something to chew on at least. k-simplex: Yeah... What about you bubbliterally? bubbliterally: Huh? k-simplex: Is there a problem you've been sitting with a lot lately? *bubbliterally thinks for a while, drinking her plain tea* bubbliterally: Scissors congruence I think.
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magioffire · 1 year
(cw for discussions of drugs/drug use)
@ crime/detective fiction writers, urban fantasy writers, writers who want to put fancy made up sci-fi or fantasy drugs into their homebrew world, writers who write characters who use drugs, and people who just need a good resource for  learning about altered states of consciousness, ive got you.
 i recently remembered two sites i used to frequent for researching psychoactive substances, and they continue to be useful, thorough resources to this day. i also have had a few people come to me over the past few months asking for such resources to help with their writing. i feel like i should share them with everyone! most people might not even find these websites in an average google search.
its hard enough being a writer and having a search history full of ....questionable google searches, all for the sake of research of course. the more taboo or specific the information, the harder it is to find reliable and non-biased sources of research. drugs are likely among the most difficult topc to find information on.  where does a person need to go to learn about such things?  make a deal wth an evil dark web wizard in exchange for forbidden drug knowledge???
wouldn't it be nice if you just already knew some free, safe, surface web websites to go to that would take you directly to the information you're looking for, saving you tons of time of scouring search engines for little crumbs of info?. well, your prayers you didnt even know you had have been answered. here you go:
ive used erowid as my go to for reading other peoples personal experiences with pyschoactive substances since i was a teenager. its not just a drug experience archive though, it also hosts plenty of scientific and historical articles (some very old and rare that would be pressed to find freely available in many other places on the internet) about pyschoactive substances and altered states of consciousness of all varieties. another great thing about erowid: it lists the LEGALITY of each substance it catalogues in many dfferent countres. erowid uses legal, academic and community sources  to provide a much more well rounded view of the topics it hosts.
erowid catalogues personal experiences of real life people who have published their experiences to the site (located in erowid’s psychoactive experience vault). people have recorded their experiences using everything from coffee, to lsd, to cocaine, to 5-meo-dmt, to alcohol, to mad honey, to cough syrup.
it is a go to source if you need some insight into the mind of someone recalling the most intense mushrooom trip of their life, or if you are curious if anyone has actually even *tried* that one obscure drug you heard about in a movie once, or you need to know the hour-by-hour subjective effects of a certain drug. theres good experiences, bad experiences, spiritual experience, mundane experences.  i highly recommend erowid for anyone looking for a more organic, personal, and much less clinical AND less criminalized view at the effects of psychoactive substances on minds and cultures.
pyschonautwiki will give you pretty much everything you need to know about every single psychoactive, ever, and its always being updated.
on any given page you will find information like: historical and cultural use of the drug, what drug class it belongs to, the pharmacological make up, common routes of administration, subjective and physiological effects ranked in terms of how frequently they occur and at what doses, what is considered a threshold dose, an average dose, a heavy dose, an overdose, and a lethal dose (all lethal doses are overdoses, but not all overdoses of every drug out there are lethal), and lots of safety info. this site goes very deep into recording the cognitive, sensory, psychological, emotional and physical effects of drugs.
its a super clean, easy to navigate site. i believe its most useful as a resource to writers who want to know how to portray a drug trip or drug abuse accurately down to the last detail -- as every drug creates a unique and entirely subjective effect.  like erowid, this site’s collection of information expands beyond just substances: it also has information on other states of consciousness not induced by substances, including lucid dreaming, meditation, and near-death-experiences.
long gone are the days of portraying your character’s fever dreams or  sci-f space drug trp as a parade of pink dancing elephants (unless, of course, thats exactly what your’e gong for. then by all means). now you dont have to do nearly as much guess work  as to how a specific substance generally effects people, and get more creative ideas for how you can rattle your character’s psyche.
hopefully, these resources might prove helpful to find a no-bullshit attached  resource with minimal anti-drug propaganda, and most importantly credible information about drugs and drug use. so people can research these things without ever actually getting involved in anything dangerous. they are also, obviously, good harm reduction resources, which is the original intention of these sites.
i will continue to add if i find more good safe websites!
disclaimer: these sites are intended to be used for educational and research purposes. do not try anything illegal or dangerous that may be recorded on these websites.
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halliesweets · 2 years
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full name   giulia beneventi  hallie sweet ( stage name ) birth date   8 june 1989 ( verse dependent ) current age   33 years old ( verse dependent )  astrological   solar gemini, lunar leo, aries rising gender   cis female hometown   venice, italy current residence   venice, italy occupation   club dancer  bounty hunter education   bachelor’s degree in renaissance studies languages   italian, english, latin
height   5 feet 4 inches tall weight   undisclosed hair color   blonde, dyed from natural brunette eye color   hazel build   slight, flexible piercings   ear lobes tattoos   the rialto bridge on her upper right thigh, a sun on her inner left wrist, and a star on her inner right wrist notable features   small faded scar on her chin from a childhood injury, somewhat eye catching sense of style ( or “style” depending on your opinion ) faceclaim   bria.nne ho.wey  /  alt faces to be announced
traits   passionate, patient and steady in high stress situations, outgoing, confident, proud, stubborn, protective, independent, and open minded diagnoses   post traumatic stress disorder ( being managed ) vices   alcohol consumption, mari.juana consumption, and the occasional use of other pyschoactive substances; none are excessive or habitual phobias   sedation, needles likes   wine, music, dance, summer, the venetian canals, chicken parmigiana, history, cooking, taking care of plants, thrift shopping dislikes   theft of cultural artifacts, willful ignorance, her mother, being talked over, the sight of red liquid on pavement, thoughtlessness 
father   teodoro beneventi mother   julia beneventi, née bishop siblings   ceri beneventi ( sister, younger by 7 years ) current situation   hallie is a former club dancer currently working to undermine the illicit antiquities trade biography   placed under the cut below. content warning for the murder of a parent, and a mention of verbal / emotional abuse by another.  
the eldest daughter of archaeologist teodoro beneventi and retired ballerina julia beneventi, guilia was enrolled in a dance studio practically as soon as she was old enough to totter around on her toes. she had a very close relationship with her father but he was murdered when she was eleven. giulia and ceri were left to the sole care of their mother, who had always been somewhat harsh; she became more so towards them, though giulia stepped up and took the brunt of the lashing words for her sister. as soon as she was 18, giulia was kicked out of the house, though she was frequently there anyways to look after ceri. she decided to put herself through college, pursuing a renaissance studies degree to honor an interest she shared with her father; she earned a living dancing in underground clubs, where she picked up a “retro chic” fashion style and the stage name hallie sweet, which she began going by permanently. she graduated but chose to keep dancing. she truly enjoyed the corner of the community she’d found, and she made enough to set a chunk aside for ceri when she turned 18. only two years ago, hallie was walking in a fashion show for a stylist friend who was down a model when her life collided with a treasure hunter called santiago fuentes and a black market antiquities dealer called william berger. santiago’s attempt at intercepting william at this particular show wound up with hallie being taken hostage, and santiago’s successful rescue of her ended in william escaping. however, due to the revelation that william berger was the man that murdered her father at a dig site, hallie became far more involved in the situation than she would ever have expected. in the end, william berger was put behind bars, santiago moved on to the next adventure, and hallie was left with a burning desire to continue pulling at that thread until it unraveled even the tiniest portion of the tapestry. maybe it’s a personal vendetta, a way to honor her father’s memory; maybe it’s her finally chasing after something that she wants to do for no reason other than she wants to do it. no matter what, she always makes time for ceri - she’ll call her from halfway around the world, she makes every opening night show - she loves her sister more than anything. 
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deithe · 3 years
i think after the pandemic ends the irish government should re-introduce that loophole that made pyschoactive drugs legal. pandemic ends with the entire population yoked out of their minds
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Distinguishing THC, THCA, and THCV
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Even though you are new to the cannabis-based products that entered the market for health and wellness, you probably have heard of THC. THC is perhaps the most famous of all cannabinoids, compounds found in a cannabis plant. It is well known because it gets you high because of its psychoactive compound however, its uses are not limited to recreational only. Everyday, doctors and scientists are learning new medicinal benefits of THC as well as its two closely-related compounds namely, THCA and THCV.
Before we discuss deeper on the differences between THC, THCA, and THCV, let us describe first what Cannabinoids are. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that are found and extracted from a cannabis plant. These are the compounds responsible for many medicinal applications of hemp-derived products which have been studied as an effective treatment to inflammation, chronic pain, cancer, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and a lot more. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss in more detail the applications of THC, THCA, and THCV.
You first have to understand about endocannabinoid system before you understand how the body is using cannabinoids such as THC. This system allows your body to respond to cannabinoids through the receptors scattered around the body. These receptors that can be found from major body organs help the body regulate its health as well as achieve homeostasis.
When these receptors are activated because of exposure to cannabinoids such as THC, then the receptors of the endocannabinoid system turns reactive. In other words, they are able to influence key body processes like mood, appetite, pain, and memory. There are two factors where the effects of cannabis-derived products depend on. These are the cannabinoids being used, and the place where the receptors that bind with those compounds can be found.
What is THC?
THC is short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC serves as an activator for CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system. Ingested THC trigger the increase in blood flow to the prefrontal cortex of the brain which is actually the area that controls one’s attention span, decision making, and executive functions such as motor skills. The feeling of intoxication linked with the use of cannabis is the effect produced of THC.
What is THCA?
THCA stands for tetrahydrocannabinolic acid which is a cannabinoid closely associated with THC. It is the precursor to THC, technically. THCA is first produced before the presence of THC in a cannabis plant. Decarboxylation is a process wherein the THCA is exposed to heat, sunlight, or curing process in a long time. It is through this that THCA is transformed into THC because the carboxylic acid in THCA leaves the THC behind.
The main difference between THC and THCA is the psychoactive effects. THCA is non-intoxicating since its molecular structure does not permit it to contact with the CB1 receptors.
What is THCV?
THCV is short for tetrahydrocannabivarin which is the final compound in the trio of cannabinoids. There are still a lot of researches conducted on this compound. In fact, there are still disagreements if it contains any pyschoactive properties at all. Learn more about cannabis here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemp_oil.
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Find out how Austraians benefit from Medical Cannabis use from this interesting article by Medical Cannabis Australia. Click to continue reading now!
The popularity of medical cannabis has skyrocketed in recent years, and for good reason. The whole world is now discovering the amazing effects of cannabis on health and wellness. The major benefit of medical cannabis to its supporters come from its pyschoactive qualities.
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Soft mammalian warmth
Gripped by fear, that you're in a universe that's
On its course towards to its own destruction
Stop the time, the light and sound will never
reach. Instead, bring me your lavender
and soft fragrant hair.
This is not an abstraction, an artful game:
These words are as lost as the second they
were laid. Forgotten but differently much later,
They can be read temporarily,
The market won't wait for you,
If it only takes a thousand to start anew,
Then, what will it. Immortality, ha. Thank you.
And yet. No.
Everyone might feel vindicated,
that reality is strange, yet the strangest
disconfirm their willingness to be the course
of single-cells, possibly, Spinning a celestial
vortex, Moon, Earth and Star, retreating and
advancing. And yet, and yet, and yet!
Reason tells us, reason has its limits. Sophist.
So we don't collapse from disgust, we can't,
and yet, it is this all that we've known.
We imagine, can we imagine another universe?
Even the pyschoactives​ have their limits:
A place where the abyss falls upwards,
And time is endless,
and soft mammalian warmth,
maybe it still exists. This is here.
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profoundgoofball · 6 months
Just had an apihany I think in regards to my research. This is essebtially what i audio logged at 3 53 am 11th Nov 2023. ULAND B exactly as is with just fixing up voice to text stupidness
Because of the spectrum that exists between the low vibrational state and the high vibrational state, the two compounds or substances or essentially spirit molecules that can move you along the spectrum are psilocybin or THC, THC being the one that brings you down, psilocybin being the one that brings you up. However, it's extremely important to know many, many messages I've gotten during meditation. There needs to be balance, there needs to be balance, there needs to be balance, there must be balance, there must be balance, there needs to be balance, there needs to be balance. Not must be balanced, that's my conscious mind doing that, but there needs to be balance.
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motusactive-blog · 5 years
Order CBD Pre-Workout
A lot of people enjoy working out because they want to stay fit and healthy. The interest in working out has increased nowadays. Due to this trend, people have started to look for new ways to enhance their fitness routines. Taking protein or workout supplements can help one make the most out of their workout. But for some, research has led them to try CBD before or after they exercise.
 CBD (Cannabidiol) is a compound found in the cannabis & hemp plants. CBD is the most sought after phytocannabinoid of these plants. Unlike what others think, CBD is a lot different from THC. Hemp can contain both CBD and THC, and those have varying effects and uses. THC creates a mind-altering “high”, leading to THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, being associated with pyschoactive effects of cannabis or hemp.
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 On the other hand, CBD is different because unlike THC, it is not psychoactive. This only means that CBD does not change a person’s state of mind when using it. That’s why it is advisable to consume CBD before any workout session. Because this not only helps in increasing the muscular stiffness and also changes the state of person’s mind. Henceforth, Shop CBD Before Workouts from one of the renowned online stores.
 CBD is said to be controversial, but that is mostly because a lot of people are still not educated about the differences between CBD and THC. In fact, CBD has a lot of health benefits to everyone. It can treat a lot of diseases and help in relieving many symptoms.
 CBD can be very helpful to people who love working out. This is perfect for those sports enthusiasts who think that they have already done their best in training and exercise, but still feel that what they do is still not enough. Research has connected CBD with numerous potential health benefits, and it is also reported that these include pain relief and relief from various neurological disorders, thus making this as an option to those who regularly engage in physical activity.
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 Here are some benefits of CBD to the sportsperson or those people who love working out.
 First, CBD improves sleep quality. People who engage in sports need adequate rest and sleep. Getting more and better sleep can actually help athletes achieve greater training gains. A sporty person who consumes CBD is reported to have ease in going to sleep and a more restful night. If you are the one who is suffering from Dyssomnia
, then it would be the best option for you to Shop CBD Products Online and have a sound sleep.
 Second, CBD is great for pain relief. Athletes really have a hard time dealing with pain and injury, which is exactly what they are experiencing in training and recovery. There is a study that was published in Current Neuropharmacology, that CBD has the ability to ease both chronic and acute pain, and it does so without negatively impacting the central nervous system.
 Third, CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory. According to Antonio De Rose, a co-founder and COO of Marijuana Fitness Nutrition in Boulder, Colorado, “CBD can attach to the CB2 receptors in the Endocannabinoid system, encouraging the reduction of inflammation in many areas of the body including the tissues, the brain, the intestines, and some studies even indicate its therapeutic use for conditions like fibrosis and rheumatoid arthritis.”
 Because of these benefits, you might wonder how CBD can help athletes. CBD can help by increasing blood flow but decreasing your heart rate and blood pressure. Athletes can train for longer without developing stress from extended aerobic activity. This means more time on the treadmill without fatigue, while burning more calories and improving stamina. Furthermore, CBD remains active for longer hours in the body, and it can also be taken before a workout. By the time the workout is finished, CBD can assist in muscle recovery and reduce pain sensations.
 CBD and other extracts are commonly considered to have sedative or relaxation effects. Many people seek out CBD for its prospective anxiety-reducing and sleep-enhancing properties. However, the stimulating potential of this compound is too often left unnoticed. CBD has shown to increase wakefulness and alertness when administered in lower doses, while the sedating effects are associated with higher doses. For those who are looking for an increase in focus and energy, this is a great bonus, done by introducing CBD into their active lifestyle.
 But before you decide to try CBD pre-workout, you must first contemplate about the kind of results that you want to achieve. The type of delivery method and when you choose to take CBD can play an important role in how you respond to the hemp extract.
 In fact, Pre Workout 750mg CBD is now becoming one of the best products in the lives of athletes. So, if you willing to have the best results by taking CBD, then we firmly believe that you should incorporate this supplement in your diet.
 For instance, your body will absorb CBD more slowly if you ingest a capsule or edible when compared to other application styles, like inhalation or sublingual drops, which take effect much more quickly.
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kentuckwitch · 7 years
My Witchy Reading List for 2017
Books on traditional witchcraft, herbalism, trance work, modern applications, etc.
Crones Book of Charms & Spells, by Valerie Worth (2000)
Crones Book of Words, by Valerie Worth (1971)
Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits: Shamanistic Visionary Traditions in Early Modern British Witchcraft and Magic, by Emma Wilby (2005)
Early American Herb Recipes, by Alice Cooke Brown (1988)
Encyclopedia of Pyschoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications, by  Christian Rätsch (1998)
Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook: A Home Manual, by James Green (2000)
The History of the Devil, by R. Lowe Thompson (1929)
How to Heal Toxic Thoughts: Simple Tools for Personal Transformation, by Sandra Ingerman (2006)
Letters from the Devil’s Forest, by Robin Artisson (2014)
Magical and Ritual Uses of Herbs, by Richard Alan Miller (1983)
Natural Magic, by Doreen Valiente (1987)
Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul, by  Ross Heaven, Howard G. Charing (2006)
Shamanic Journeying, by Sandra Ingerman (2003)
Singing With Blackbirds: The Survival of Primal Celtic Shamanism in Later Folk-Traditions, by  Stuart A. Harris-Logan (2006)
Veneficium: Magic, Witchcraft and the Poison Path, by Daniel A. Schulke (2012)
The Way of Wyrd: Tales of an Anglo-Saxon Sorcerer, by Brian Bates (1983).
Witchcraft for Tomorrow, by Doreen Valiente (1978)
Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants, by  Claudia Müller-Ebeling, Wolf-Dieter Storl, Christian Rätsch (1998)
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magioffire · 2 years
Whats the diet like your fae? i recall you said that they can't do gluten - how does that effect their meals? do they have the three main meals like we do ( breakfast , lunch , dinner ) or do they have a different system ? gimmie all the food culture -
word building questions ; always accepting!!
dokkalfar are omnivores with a lean towards fruitivore and insectivore/carnivore tendencies. they will eat just about anything that does not eat them first. however, like any organism, they have preferences and specific dietary needs. dokkalfar primarily consume a diet that in high in protein and sugars.
they have very high caloric needs, so sugar and other simple carbohydrates are commonly on the menu for dokkalfar for short bursts of energy they need throughout the day, while protein is needed to help maintain the muscle mass they require to do all the funny bug stuff they do.
since they dont consume grains, they consume their carbohydrates from root vegetables/tubers, nuts/seeds, legumes, fruit, fungus, and some easy to digest leafy greens (rarely). sometimes they even consume the flowering bodies of plants. because of their high caloric needs and how fast they go through energy, fruit is a common form of replenishing energy, and its very common for dokkalfar to snack on various fruits they find throughout the day.
since dokkalfar have a few cities along the coastline of their western-most territory, dokkalfar in the west have taken to enjoying sea food, particularly shellfish. insects make up the majority of the protein in their diet, but they do eat pretty much any form of protein they can get their hands on.
dokkalfar typically eat many small meals throughout the day, however they also enjoy camaraderie of eating among their own kind, so even small meals can be enough to warrant gathering -- for this reason drinks like teas, coffee, and wine are all very common to drink throughout the day too to excuse a get together. dokkalfar typically have one or two big communal meals a day, usually at dawn or dusk - during the twilight hours, and many small ones with smaller groups throughout the day.
for a healthy dokkalfar, they would need a big sized meal every 6-8 hours, or small meals interspersed over 3-4 hour periods, to keep their energy levels stable. so dokkalfar can have anywhere from 4 BIG meals in a day, or 6-7 small meals in a day. thats alotta food, almost twice as much and as often as humans need -- ESPECIALLY if they are active. so they would be kinda like hobbits in that they got , breakfast, brunch, lunch, post lunch tea, supper, dinner, midnight tea---
since they have a love of sweets and a resistance to toxins, dokkalfar enjoy drinking sweet teas steeped with the leaves of plants that would impart secondary pyschoactive effects, and many of their wines are cloyingly sweet (as well as strong). dokkalfar very much enjoy black tea seeped with aromatic spices and sweetened with sugar, like chai without any milk.
they love honey, will go to great lengths to harvest honey, and beekeeping is not unheard of among the dokkalfar. though they prefer the taste of wild honey. they refine most of their sugar from sugar trees, sugar-cane-like stalks that contain insane amounts of natural glucose. the bark and natural gummy resin from the sugar trees is popular to chew on throughout the day.
candy and sweets are a cornerstone of dokkalfar food culture, and while they cannot make pastries as we might know them, they have their own ways of creating pastry-like confections from non-grain plant material. im sure they've also figured out how to extract gelatin from animal collagen.
frozen treats are also popular, as dokkalfar extract ice from the mountainous alps that line their northern most border, bring them deep into the earth, and create sort of ice boxes. this allows them to have frozen goods all year round. frozen fruit shredded on top of shaved, flavored ice is really popular in the summer months.
they harvest a lot of spices, more in line with stuff like vanilla, and cinnamon, and other 'sweet' spices or spices that can be used in a sweet context. but they do harvest their own fair share of savory spices too, like spices in line with cumin, paprika, mustard seeds, stuff like that. they export and import a lot of spices and herbs, and like to experiment with different flavors, even if they usually circle back to sweet eventually.
they dont really consume animal dairy products. the concept of milk, cheeses, yoghurt, etc are all weird and alien to them. the only sort of 'milk' products they would use would be nut milks. like something in line with walnut, soy or almond milk. eggs, however, would be used in cooking and eaten. fermented products would be very popular, as dokkalfar are experts are manipulating the environment of their underground abodes to create perfect places for food to ferment safely.
raw meat is not off the table for dokkalfar, they are capable of digesting it without much problem. raw fish, especially in western coastal towns, is not uncommon, and neither is the consumption of raw bugs. however, when they can, they prefer to cook their meals than eat them raw.
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We Support The Australian Medical Cannabis Research
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