#pygmy date palm
jmclandscaping · 1 year
Is the Pygmy date palm an indoor or outdoor plant?
Depending on the climate and growing conditions, the Pygmy date palm can be grown both indoors and outdoors. In warm regions with USDA hardiness zones 9-11, the palm can be grown outdoors year-round as a landscape plant. Visit JMC Landscaping to purchase a high-quality pygmy date palm tree in Florida!
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Medjool Date Palm Tree Seeds BN5 Organic Premium Quality Palm Pits – Organic Non-GMO Perfect for hardiness zones 9 - 11, but are happy in containers & over-wintered indoors in colder climates Medjool dates are a variety of dates enjoyed for their natural sweetness. They're larger, darker, and more caramel-like in taste than other common types like Deglet Noor. As tropical stone fruits, they have a single pit surrounded by edible flesh Medjool dates are high in calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, protein, carbohydrates, natural sugars & fiber, and healthy fats. They are Jumbo Natural Soft and Juicy. These dates are heart-healthy and are great for an anti-anemic diet. Often used for the treatment of infertility, preventing abdominal diseases, fighting parasites in the body, as well as constipation. Not only are they said to ease anxiety, but they also lessen the chance of stroke. Eating dates, during & after pregnancy, can improve blood circulation for both the mother & baby and is helpful for milk production if nursing. Fresh, these dates are sweet, succulent, meaty & plump - also known as Rutab. I describe the flavor as that of "roasted honey" & brown sugar. Dried, they are purplish to black in color with tinges of red. Softer in texture than many other varieties of dates, they have a bit higher water content when dried. Flavor notes of honey & caramel - some even say a nuance of chocolate. Such a treat! Amazing by themselves, as snacks fresh or dried, wonderful for desserts, as well as smoothies, add them to your baking recipes, even to stuffings. Count: 5 100% Pure Non-GMO Premium Quality 100% Organic Kosher Medjool date nutrition facts Medjool dates are a concentrated source of healthy nutrients. Just 2 dates (48 grams) provide: Calories: 133 Carbs: 36 grams Fiber: 3.2 grams Protein: 0.8 grams Sugar: 32 grams Fat: 0 grams Calcium: 2% of the Daily Value (DV) Iron: 2% of the DV Potassium: 7% of the DV Copper: 19% of the DV Vitamin B6: 7% of the DV Magnesium: 6% of the DV Health Benefits Of Medjool Dates 1. Low in Fat, Rich in Vitamins 2. Meet Your Daily Fruit Requirement 3. High in Both Soluble and Insoluble Fiber 4. Natural Energy Booster 5. Regulate Blood Pressure 6. Contain 3X As Much Potassium As Bananas 7. Excellent Source of B-Vitamins 8. Rich in Magnesium and Iron 9. High in antioxidants 10. Supports healthy digestion 11. May protect your heart Other potential health benefits - Natural fuel for your body. Medjool dates offer a high number of carbs in a small serving. Carbs are your body’s main source of energy. - May support bone health. Medjool dates contain a small amount of calcium and are a decent source of potassium, manganese, and copper, all of which are important nutrients for bone health. - May protect brain health. Animal studies link dates’ antioxidants to lower levels of inflammatory markers and reduced brain plaques associated with conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Palm seeds require high temperatures for best germination. 70 to 100°F is the accepted range. 1- Soak the seeds for 24 hours 2- Put a little cleaned and disinfected perlite into a Ziploc bag. Moisten your perlite 3- Add your pre-soaked seeds. Zip the bag shut expelling most of the air 4- The seed sprouts in two to five months. You can also directly plant the seed about 1 inch deep into loose soil, with the root facing down or to the side. Cover with soil and water until the soil is just damp. Place the plant in a sunny spot and water only when the soil feels dry. http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/medjool-date-palm-tree-seeds-bn5-organic-premium-quality-palm-pits-organic-non-gmo-1
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A Natural Palm Trees which is more beneficial for human and is most used for industrial purposes like manufacturing,cosmetics, soaps etc.
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Indoor Oasis: Unlocking the Beauty of Growing Palms at Home
Growing Palm Trees as Houseplants Palm trees have long been associated with tropical landscapes, sandy beaches, and lush environments. While they are typically found in outdoor settings, the appeal of palm trees has extended indoors, bringing a touch of exotic beauty to our homes. Growing palm trees as houseplants allows us to create our very own indoor oasis, transforming our living spaces into…
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simp999 · 13 hours
Skull x Pygmy! Reader who is playing the "bully the charger" game against him in turf and is frustratingly good at it and he ends up falling for them despite his frustration
"Bully the Charger"
Coroika Skull x Reader Oneshot
Wc: 0.7k
A/N: Hello!! I like to keep my reader more open and less specified, so I just went without any specifications! I hope that's okay!
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Another day, another match against the purple team.
You became Skull's main rival ever since the battle where he couldn't hit you. You irritated him with a passion- you and your (main weapon). You were even more annoying than Aloha when it came to dodging, purposefully irking him during your battles to attempt to get him off his game. You once danced right out of his range to piss him off. That became a regular thing- standing just barely out of his range, playfully squidbagging, smiling at him through the scope. He knew you meant no malice- well, maybe a little- but all in good fun.
Eventually, you began attempting to paint things like hearts just out of his range, sometimes even on the walls- with a varying level of outcomes, depending on your weapon.
You ran past his lazer, using a paintbrush this time. You drew a heart as you dodged, winking at him through his scope before stopping mid-step, only to turn around unpredictably. You squeaked as a shot rang out just behind you. These were your regular antics that he'd gotten used to, he paid it no mind.
He'd won the battle, but 'lost the war' as they say. He had yet to snipe you. Aviator pulled him aside as he waved you goodbye;
"Y'know, if you don't say something soon, I will."
Skull tilted his head in confusion, but Avi simply walked away.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The same scene played out the following day- you dodging all his attacks with dualies this time.
He admired how agile you were, more now than ever. The way you turn and flip in ways he didn't think was possible for a squid. He didn't realise how long he stood dazed until Aviator snapped his fingers in front of Skull's face, shaking his head and tsk-ing, reminding him of his words from yesterday.
Skull still had no idea what he meant.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The following day, you claimed your legs were sore, so he offered just hanging out for the day. The two of you went to an ice cream shop.
The shop was empty besides the workers, so you got to enjoy seeing him bandanna-less. You sat smiling warmly into to palm of your hand.
You offered him a spoonful of your favorite flavor of ice cream just as the bell for the entrance rang. Who was he to object. He had a small smile written across his face as he ate the ice cream, closing his eyes while savoring the taste.
Before long, the two of you were interrupted by Avi who promptly tugged Skull outside. It was almost comical- the gentle slap across the back of Skull's head that was administered by Aviator. Skull's shoulders dropped. You tried to be subtle about watching them, going back to eating your ice cream when Skull came back in- it seems Avi had left after the commotion that you couldn't quite make out.
Skull apologized to you.
"Oh, no worries! You've done nothing wrong,"
You were slightly confused, but you assumed his apology was for having to leave so suddenly.
"No- I, uh, didn't realize that this..." he mumbled the following words into his bandanna.
You hummed at him in a questioning tone, indicating you hadn't heard him. His ears turned warm out of embarrassment, sitting down across from you. He took breath in, and restated his sentence;
"I...Didn't realize that this was a date... or that you liked me,"
Your mouth formed an 'o' shape, then you began to chuckle. You reached your hand out to his and held it gently.
"Let's start over, and make this more clear,"
He tilted his head.
"I love you,"
He sat for a moment before remembering how he was meant to reply, and deciding if it was true.
"I love you too,"
He decided it was.
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dawnleaf37 · 2 years
which palm tree would you like. we have the sabal palm. the blue bismarck palm. the christmas palm. the date palm. the pygmy date palm. the banana palm. the coconut palm. the
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collectibleseedco · 5 months
The Best Palm Seeds for Indoor and Outdoor Gardens
Collectible Seed Co assists you for palm seeds. Gardening enthusiasts and landscapers are always in pursuit of unique and exotic plants to enhance their green spaces. 
Among these, palm trees hold a special place due to their majestic appearance and tropical vibe. Whether you have an indoor oasis or a sprawling outdoor garden, selecting the right palm seeds is crucial for cultivating these magnificent plants. We will guide you through the best palm seeds for sale, tailored for both indoor and outdoor gardening.
Understanding Palm Seeds
Before diving into the varieties, it's essential to understand what makes palm seeds unique. Palm seeds come in various sizes and shapes, often depending on the species. They require specific conditions to germinate, such as the right temperature, moisture levels, and soil type. Knowing these requirements is key to successful palm cultivation.
Top Palm Seeds for Indoor Gardens
Indoor gardens typically need palms that can thrive in limited space and lower light conditions. Here are some top picks:
Pygmy Date Palm (Phoenix roebelenii): This dwarf palm is perfect for indoor environments, adapting well to pot culture and low-light conditions.
Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans): Renowned for its air-purifying qualities, the Parlor Palm is a favorite among indoor gardeners.
Best Palm Seeds for Outdoor Gardens
For those with outdoor spaces, these palms can create a stunning landscape:
Queen Palm (Syagrus romanzoffiana): Ideal for adding a tropical touch to outdoor gardens, this palm grows tall and elegant.
Mexican Fan Palm (Washingtonia robusta): Known for its impressive height and fan-like fronds, it’s perfect for making a statement.
4. Where to Buy Quality Palm Seeds:
Quality is key when purchasing palm seeds. Look for reputable nurseries or specialized online stores that offer a wide variety of seeds with detailed instructions for germination and care. 
Ensure they are sourced ethically and sustainably.
5. Tips for Growing Palms from Seeds:
Growing palms from seeds can be a rewarding experience. Here are some tips:
Proper Soil Mix: Use a well-draining soil mix, ideally with a combination of peat, perlite, and sand.
Right Temperature: Most palm seeds require warm temperatures (between 70°F and 100°F) to germinate.
Consistent Moisture: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
Cultivating Your Garden Paradise with the Perfect Palm Seeds
Whether you're looking to create an indoor tropical retreat or an outdoor garden paradise, choosing the right palm seeds is the first step to achieving your gardening goals. By understanding the needs of different palm species and selecting quality seeds, you can embark on the rewarding journey of growing these majestic plants. Remember, with the right care and patience, your palm seedlings will grow into beautiful, mature palms that will transform your space. For more information contact us now!
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naturecpw · 8 months
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Date Palm Tree, while not as effective as its other palm cousins, is still very effective in lowering the concentration of chemical toxins floating around in the air.
Date Palm Tree, Phoenix Roebelinii Pygmy Tropical Palm
Roebellini Pygmy Date Palm is native to southeast Asia, is a very popular subtropical tree that is commonly used in outdoor landscaping, they can be used indoors as a potted plant as well, Date palm do not grow much larger than 5 feet in kept in a 5gal container. Although the Pygmy Date palm tree does not show the same cold-hardy characteristics as the other palm trees like the windmill or the needle palm, Phoenix palm trees are widely utilize by landscapers and designers, they are often the focal point on main entrances and corners, The dwarf nature of the Pygmy Date palm makes it easy to grow and manage with minimum care. This palm is armed with sharp spines that are often clipped off in indoors situations. It is a graceful yet delicate palm tree.
PLANT CARE • Repotting and Fertilizing, Wait 4 weeks before repotting, allow the plant to settle in and acclimate to its new environment, Plants shipped by mail are in complete darkness for several days, it can be a stressful journey, Fertilize during Spring to Fall base on label instructions. • Watering, allow the top inch of Soil to dry out, may take 3-4 days, water slowly to allow the soil to moist evenly. • Humidity, most Tropical plants can benefit from regular moisture, a humidifier or REGULAR MISTING is recommended. • Lighting, if is bright enough to read is bright enough for plants, if outdoors place in indirect sun light under Shade.
KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS • Live tropical plants for indoors or outdoors. • Filter indoor air by absorbing toxins, and removing harmful chemicals. • Boost mood, productivity, concentration and creativity. • Reduce stress, Fatigue and Allergies. • Add life to a given space, Plants are therapeutic and cheaper than a therapist.
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jimbell · 1 year
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Male and female flowers of our Dwarf date palms (Phoenix roebelenii). Birds love the flowers- common names are dwarf date palm, pygmy date palm, miniature date palm or robellini palm, native to southeastern Asia, from southwestern China, northern Laos and northern Vietnam. Birds and bees love them. The fronds have 15cm really strong sharp spines these will even go through a leather glove if you’re not careful. These palm are well over 25 years old and have only grown about 75cm in the last 20 years. #DwarfDatePalm #Palm #PhoenixRoebelenii #China #Laos #Vietnam #abcmygarden #SlowGrowing #birds # (at Belmont, New South Wales, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnEHDNyP50m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gfloutdoors · 2 years
Multi Trunk Palm Trees: Which Varieties Have More Than One Trunk?
Multi Trunk Palm Trees: Which Varieties Have More Than One Trunk?
If you’re looking for multi trunk palm trees, there are several varieties to choose from. The date palm, European fan palm, ponytail palm, lady palm, seashore palm, and pygmy date palm all have multiple trunks. While many people mistake these trees for clumps of single trees growing together, it’s not uncommon for palm trees to have more than one trunk.  Multi trunk palm trees can be used to…
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floridian-goddess · 6 years
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jmclandscaping · 2 years
Which palm tree is best known for its yielding properties?
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There are various varieties of palm trees present in the world but the date palm tree Florida is famous for its yielding properties. Not only the sweet fruits of this palm are useful but also the other parts yield product of economic importance. Therefore, the date palm is a common and wealthy palm among others. For more information, visit our website today!
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petcareadvisors · 3 years
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Ranking plants because I work in a greenhouse part 1: palm tree edition
I spent a lot of time caring for a large assortment of palm trees in recent history. I’m talking probably about 34 hours total so enjoy:
Majesty palm: a little boring tbh. Honestly felt more like a slightly flimsy oversized fern. Points for not causing me physical harm tho. 6/10
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Pygmy date palm: I don’t know why but something about the way it is shaped in its youth just makes me uncomfortable. Didn’t really cause me harm but not exactly easy on the eyes. 4/10
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 4 years
Fanartist Appreciation Day
Hello, I just wanted to spend some time on FAD (I’m too lazy to spell it out again) appreciating all the artists in just this fandom but all fandoms. I thought I would do an art reclist. These are all some of my favorite artists. Make sure to leave comments/likes on all art you love, if you can. Maybe check to see if they have a kofi or send a nice ask. Appreciate in any way you can 🥺
@scarlet47  Harry being smitten for Draco  Domestic Drarry Cute SNS Drarry Titanic Au
---- @sirene312 Veterinary Draco Fantasy Au Goth and Jock Boyfriends Duelist Draco ---- @celilasart Moonlit Drarry Creep inspired Drarry Mpreg Drarry with text by @sassy-cissa Fluffy 8th year Snape dealing with Dobby 
----- @zigster-ao3
Besotted Harry for Draco  Stunning long haired Harry Drarry reunion Bearded Harry -------
@zurka-durka Lazy mornings Draco cat comparisons  (sjks didn’t know what to call that one) Angry Draco  Palm kisses and soft intimacy -------
@aeshsar Lazy Sunday  Wolfstar first date Drarry Game of Thrones Au Aurors Harry and Ron -----
@potter-art A Lover’s Curse Harry and his snake animagus boyfriend Silly Christmas Sweater Wolfstar Draco in a choker  ------
@mad1492 Masquerade Drarry Lazy Weekends  Wolf star and baby Harry Golden Trio -----
@aceveria-art Himbo Harry Crop top and joggers Draco Hercules Drarry Au Mean Girls Crossover
@ano-ka-ba Royal Engagement  Kid Draco and his pet Goldfish  Domestic fun Drarry Halloween Drarry with baby Scorpius (Captive Prince Crossover)
@julcheninred  Art for Rough Magic  Jolly Holiday Art for Mooneyed Bisexual Visibility Day 
@m4g0rtz The day Draco was saved Stunning Draco   The Teal Suit collab with @pygmy-puffy Frank
@pygmy-puffy Soft Drarry Everyone we need to win the War  Soft boys chatting Harry sneaking into the Manor
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kemetic-dreams · 4 years
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The Baka people, known in the Congo as Bayaka (Bebayaka, Bebayaga, Bibaya), are an ethnic group inhabiting the southeastern rain forests of Cameroon, northern Republic of the Congo, northern Gabon, and southwestern Central African Republic. They are sometimes called a subgroup of the Twa, but the two peoples are not closely related. Likewise, the name "Baka" is sometimes mistakenly applied to other peoples of the area who, like the Baka and Twa, have been historically called pygmies, a term that is no longer considered respectful.
Baka people are all hunter-gatherers, formerly called Pygmies, located in the Central African rain forest. Having average heights of 1.52 meters (5 feet) in average as well as a semi-nomadic lifestyles, the Baka are often discriminated against and marginalized from society.
The tropical rain forest in Gabon, Central Africa where some of the Baka reside
They reside in southeastern Cameroon, northern Gabon and in the northern part of the Republic of Congo. In Congo, the Baka people are otherwise known as the Bayaka.Some Baka are also found in southwestern Central African Republic.Although the Baka people are located throughout the Central African rain forest, they are mainly concentrated in Cameroon as the Baka community of Cameroon represents roughly 30 000 individuals.
The Baka are a semi-nomadic people, like other hunter-gatherers such as the Bagyeli and the Twa. However, they are slowly becoming a more sedentary people due to the intensive deforestation of the Central African Rainforest.[6] Pressures from their taller and more dominant neighbors, the Bantu, have also slowed the Baka people’s mobility.
The Baka have successfully maintained their language, also called Baka. Unlike their neighbors’ languages (Koozime, Bakoum and Bangandou) which have Bantu roots, Baka comes from a different language family, Ubangian.
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The oldest reference to "pygmies" dates back to 2276 B.C when Pharaoh Pepi II described seeing a "dancing dwarf of the god from the land of spirits", in a letter to a slave trade expedition leader.In the Iliad, Homer described the "pygmies" as dark skinned men in warfare with cranes. They were as tall as a "pygme" which meant that they measured the length of an elbow to a knuckle, or about one and a half feet long. About three centuries later (500 B.C), the Greek Herodotus reported that an explorer had seen, while travelling along the West African Coast, "dwarfish people, who used clothing made from the palm tree".
In 1995, Joan Mark wrote The King of the World in the Land of the Pygmies, an interpretive biography of Patrick Tracy Lowell Putnam, the anthropologist who spent 25 years living among the Bambuti "pygmies" in Zaire. Mark writes that Aristotle, in 340 B.C, was the first to relate, in his Historia Animalium, the small men Homer accounted for in the Iliad, to those seen previously on the African coast. He goes on to explain that, due to the chasm that existed between Europe and Africa after the collapse of the Roman Empire, most Europeans living in the 18th century believed "pygmies" to be mythical creatures.
In 1890, the Welsh journalist Henry Stanley gave, according to anthropologist Paul Raffaele, the first modern account of the existence of "pygmies". In his book, In Darkest Africa, Stanley described meeting a "pygmy" couple. Stanley writes of them: "In him was a mimicked dignity, as of Adam; in her the womanliness of a miniature Eve".
In 1906, a Congolese "pygmy" Ota Benga, was exhibited, among apes, at the Bronx Zoo in New York City. According to The New York Times, Ota was 4 feet and 11 inches. This episode is still extremely controversial today as a The New York Times article was written about Ota more than 100 years later. According to the Times, black clergyman and superintendent of the Howard Colored Orphan Asylum in Brooklyn, Reverend James H. Gordon, deemed the exhibit to be racist and demeaning. "Our race, we think, is depressed enough, without exhibiting one of us with the apes," Mr. Gordon said. "We think we are worthy of being considered human beings, with souls.
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The Baka worship the forest spirit called Jengi (also known as Djengui or Ejengi).The spirit plays the role of the mediator between the supreme being, Komba, and the Baka people.The Baka thus compare Jengi to a protecting father or guardian. They strongly believe and revere Jengi as they believe that he is the only way to Komba. The Baka people believe Jengi to be omnipresent within the forest allowing him to punish transgressors within the confines of the forest. Ultimately, the Baka worship nature as it is Komba, not Jengi, that resides in it.
After hunting successfully, the Baka worship Jengi with songs of thanksgiving and dancing in a ritual called Luma.These rituals are necessary for Jengi to appear before the Baka, as they believe that he only shows himself when harmony reigns among the villagers.Jengi also appears during the important ceremony, Jengi, where a young man goes from being a boy to a man.During these ceremonies, young Baka men volunteer to be initiated by Jengi. Once they are initiated, they have the right to live and walk freely within the sacred forest.This secret ceremony was studied by anthropologist, Mauro Campagnoli, who claims having been able to partake.Journalist Paul Raffaele describes his experience with Jengi:
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"Emerging from the shadows were half a dozen Baka men accompanying a creature swathed from top to bottom in strips of russet-hued raffia. It had no features, no limbs, no face. "It's Ejengi," said Wasse, his voice trembling. At first I was sure it was a Pygmy camouflaged in foliage, but as Ejengi glided across the darkened clearing, the drums beat louder and faster, and as the Pygmies' chanting grew more frenzied, I began to doubt my own eyes."
Death is considered to be a misfortune for the Baka. They deem the death of one of their own to be a representation of spiritual discord. Each tribe, having witnessed the death of one of their own, is required to pray to Jengi and dance around the debris covered corpse for an entire night. The dance performed during the death rituals is called the Mbouamboua. After a long night of dancing, the villagers depart from where they were stationed, leaving the corpse behind, and set out to move somewhere else in order to flee the curse
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Traditional Baka medicine mainly involves herbal remedies. Various plants may be brewed or mashed into a pulp to treat various illnesses or infertility. These remedies are often used on children, as the areas where they are most used have high child mortality rates. While the efficacy of these remedies has not been proven, this traditional medicine is so renowned that even non-Baka seek out their healers for treatment.
Many Baka people have had Ebola but none have been reported to have displayed any symptoms
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