#pushing my jegulily agenda once again
trohpi · 1 year
my marauders era hcs
hes polyamorous & bi
absolutely enamored with lily & reg
the entire potter familys indian
looks exactly like euphemia but with fleamonts wild hair
refuses to use sleekeazy no matter how much his father begs him bc he says his hair adds character
actually really good in the kitchen and cooks for lily & regulus often (acts of service is his love language)
has the highest transfiguration marks of his whole year
genderfluid!!! her pronouns r she/he/they
hopelessly in love w/ remus
^^ extremely oblivious to that fact
fluent in french and hates it, tries not to speak it when he can
remus introduces them to muggle music and clothing which they immediately love
absolutely entranced by muggle movies and begs remus to take him to the theater every break
calls mcgonagall “minnie” to her chagrin
pansexual & welsh
in love w/ sirius for years & thought it was unrequited bc hes oblivious as well
best friends with lily
secretly plans most of the marauders pranks
uses his prefect privileges for pranks
has study dates w/ lily, peter, & regulus
close with his mother
his father is gone a lot for work but they have a good relationship
token cishet friend
gets embarrassed super easily
him & mary are really close friends
favorite subjects are herbology & charms, and he gets the highest marks out of the marauders in these classes
bisexual & polyamorous
irish w/ vitiligo
her hairs more auburn than red red
dating james & regulus
her & mary dated briefly in 5th year
has a bit of a temper and is easily angered
way taller than all her friends but still wears heels cuz they look good on her so fuck what everyone else thinks
shes welsh & yemeni
her real name is actually maryam
lesbian queen
thinks quidditch is dumb but goes to every game to support her friends
tells peter everything
fluent in arabic and welsh (her & remus like to gossip in welsh)
theyre genderqueer, pronouns are they/he
super close friends with sirius
^^ marls kissed sirius once and then quickly realized hes aromantic
in a qpr with dorcas <3 (before that they were quidditch rivals)
theyre gryffindors seeker
dyes his hair blonde religiously
theyre filipino & were adopted by their gay muggle dads when they were 3
didnt know they were magical until they got their hogwarts letter bc of the adoption
polyamorous, pan, and ace
dating pandora & xeno my beloveds
in a qpr w/ marlene
her mom is pureblood, her dad is muggleborn & the ancient runes teacher
has an older nby sibling named aster
in the same year as the marauders
one of the slytherin beaters
1000% a polyamorous pan trans man
dating lily & james
first befriended lily in the slug club
best friends w/ pandora
fluent in french and embraces it, mumbles to himself in french and slips french words into conversation
originally forces himself to dislike the marauders bc they “stole sirius” but begrudgingly starts liking them
hits it off w/ remus bc of their similarly dark & sarcastic humor
the hat originally wanted to sort him into ravenclaw but he asked for slytherin
shes a brazilian muggleborn
bisexual & polyamorous, dating xeno & dorcas :)
wears super chunky jewelry and huge glasses
hangs in the kitchens with regulus and is very friendly with the house elves
in the same year as reg but in ravenclaw
loves learning about everything magical she can, including “fake” creatures like nargles and blibbering humdingers
lovegood is her maiden name, xeno took it when they married
5th year prefect when the marauders were in 1st year
gryffindor quidditch chaser & captain until she graduated in 1974
friends with emmeline, frank, gideon, fabian, & bilius weasley
bisexual & dated narcissa for a few yrs until narcissa broke it off bc of her arranged marriage to lucius
her mom and dad are pieretta and florean fortescue, she helps them run the ice cream shop during summers
has a little sister named edith whose in a year above the marauders
very very short
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