tenowls · 1 year
Have you ever read the Saint of Steel series or Swordheart by T. Kingfisher? For some reason I really think you would enjoy them, especially Zale, one of the side characters.
i have not but they sound cool!!! i will add them to my list :3c
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cuubism · 1 year
So i burned through all your Sandman fics yesterday and just had to tell you how much I ADORED every single one!
ahhh thank you!! oh that is so sweet 🥰 i'm really glad you liked them
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Hello, I wrote a thing.
I realize it has been years.
It is silly and short but I actually wrote it and finished it and posted it so I'm taking it as a win.
Anyway, here, have a Murderbot Temeraire AU.
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Star Wars Fic Recs (Part 6)
And we’ll be together by punsbulletsandpointythings
Kix never wanted to be a part of the Resistance -
An echo in the force (a whisper in a cave) by muerarashaye
Jedi Knight Feemor is on Toprawa, having just finished a mission with the Antarian Rangers before heading back to Coruscant for the first time in years. He has a busted arm from his mission, but only fractures and some strained tendons, nothing crazy, and spends the next day on paperwork and a healing trance. Nothing unusual, in the life of a Watchman.
The next morning, his arm is worse than when he went to bed. His mission reports are entirely unsubmitted. No drafts exist. The fruit he ate yesterday is still in the bowl. What. The. Fuck.
Lightbearer by esama
After his Master's death Obi-Wan Falls. Anakin picks up the pieces. -
Composing hallelujah by mirandatam
Shmi Skywalker from eight different perspectives in the days leading up to A New Hope. Some things change, and others do not.
“You do have a habit of getting into trouble, don’t you,” the woman says after K-2 takes out the last of the stormtroopers.
“Who are you?” Jyn finally demands.
The woman raises an eyebrow. “That’s a rather rude way of putting it,” she says. “But then, I’ve been rather rude myself, haven’t I?” She nods to Jyn, something that may have been half a bow and may have just been a nod. “My name is Shmi.”
(Prior knowledge of the AU not really necessary.)
Twin suns by SWModdy
Desperate and alone, Obi-Wan Kenobi pours his ability into a ancient and forbidden technique that borders the Dark. He unsticks himself from the timeline and is reborn as Ben Skywalker, younger twin of Anakin Skywalker. With only faint memories of the future and an uncanny ability that even the Jedi do not understand to see the future, Ben navigates his brother, peace, love and war while trying to make a life again. -
Veiled in Light by esama In which Obi-Wan Kenobi dies at the age of thirteen to save Master Qui-Gon Jinn's life and Ben Kenobi still manages to find a way to cause problems on purpose.
I don’t want you to be at peace (I want you to fight) by sealure
He doesn't get to do this. He doesn't get to come back just to leave again. Because Ahsoka Tano has been alone for seventeen years and he does not get to do this. She will not let him. After almost two decades of running, hiding, grieving, fighting, she's finally found her Master again. He's back in the Light, and there is very little she will not do to keep him there. -
Frame thy fearful symmetry by asparagus_writes
Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, Fives, and Echo get captured, but the enemy has plans to make this a different kind of imprisonment. Unfortunately for them, and also Anakin, their plan goes awry.
Or, the Separatists learn that injecting the Chosen One with a Force-suppressing drug has unpleasant and dangerous side effects.
Fire to ash, present to past (who knows for tomorrow?) by blueberrywizard
"For the longest time nobody really knew what happened to Obi-Wan Kenobi. One day, shortly before his fifteenth birthday, there was an anomaly in the Force. Not a grand one, no. It was more of a deep, mournful sigh, heard only by few."
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a survivor. And the Force loves him, even if he doesn't know why.
[or: Obi-Wan is fifteen again, things are different, people are confused, but maybe there's something good at the end of the path]
Order by autonomaisa09
Fox saves Luke from what he thinks is an assassination attempt by someone with a very familiar face.
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bookgirlfan · 5 months
🌛 WIP Friday🌜
rules: post a snippet of a wip you're hyped to post
tagged by @zahnie last year, and now I am trying to catch up on everything before the new year gets properly rolling!
I generally post anything I'm really hyped for as soon as I finish writing it, and currently I don't have any of those, so I went for oldest WIP instead! At least, oldest I can currently find.
So here's a snippet of something I'm not sure I'll ever finish, because it's been sitting on my hard drive since August 2019.
“Erica, you know we don’t sell ice cream anymore, right?” Robin asked, leaning forward against the counter to look down at her. The video store counter was taller than the one at Scoops Ahoy, barely short enough for Erica to see over.  Erica rolled her eyes. “And you know that two plus two is four? If we’re going to be checking for idiots here.”  “I already tried telling her that,” Steve said to Robin, leaning against the counter beside her to hang over her shoulder.  “She doesn’t care.”   Just because you lame brains managed to get yourselves fired–“  “We weren’t fired, the mall burned down!” Robin objected.  “–doesn’t mean I’m forgetting about your child endangerment,” Erica continued, completely ignoring Robin’s interruption. “I was promised free ice cream, and I am getting free ice cream.”  “Erica, you know we don’t sell ice cream anymore, right?” Robin asked, leaning forward against the counter to look down at her. The video store counter was taller than the one at Scoops Ahoy, barely short enough for Erica to see over.  Erica rolled her eyes. “And you know that two plus two is four? If we’re going to be checking for idiots here.”  “I already tried telling her that,” Steve said to Robin, leaning against the counter beside her to hang over her shoulder.  “She doesn’t care.”   Just because you lame brains managed to get yourselves fired–“  “We weren’t fired, the mall burned down!” Robin objected.  “–doesn’t mean I’m forgetting about your child endangerment,” Erica continued, completely ignoring Robin’s interruption. “I was promised free ice cream, and I am getting free ice cream.” 
tagging @lilolilyr, @punsbulletsandpointythings, @violetemerald and anyone else who might be interested!
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I posted 3,107 times in 2022
That's 306 more posts than 2021!
19 posts created (1%)
3,088 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,876 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#rad art - 184 posts
#batman - 134 posts
#trashcan (affectionate) - 130 posts
#danny phantom - 129 posts
#tiktoks - 105 posts
#dc comics - 94 posts
#for partner - 92 posts
#asdfghjkl - 88 posts
#amazing - 84 posts
#tumblr biome - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#not me turning on bittersweet symphony to experience whatever the fuck emotion you experience when you listen to bittersweet symphony
My Top Posts in 2022:
✨get to know me✨
tagged by @listen-to-the-inner-walrus​, thank you darling. <3
last song: The last song I listened to period was something new Big Band-y that my partner had playing, but the last song I listened to on PURPOSE was The Highwayman by Loreena McKennitt.
last show/currently watching: Uhhhhhhhhh great question. I THINK the last thing I watched was Bridgerton, technically? But I binge things and then forget about them halfway through, so. Could have been something else.
currently reading: Mostly fanfic because my brain is fried lol, but I’m somewhere in the middle of Mortal Arts by Anna Lee Huber. I should honestly restart it.
current obsession: Danny Phantom and Batman, plus dp x dc crossovers. Would probably be more invested in sewing/cross stitch if I had more energy.
I’m tagging @transthaumaturge, @sunsetcurvecuddles, @a-tomb-with-a-view, @bibogbanshee, @dyoniisus
12 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
ok, no, i think my favorite thing about the magical misfits is that you can’t safely piss off any single one of them. like these motherfuckers took “you mess with the goat, you get the horns” to a whole new level.
even setting aside the fact that if you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them, who are you gonna piss off?
evan? the dude literally chock full of demons who’s packing at least three improvised weapons at any time and knows exactly where to hit you?
k? the wizard who can summon literal hordes of rats and birds to tear you to shreds while verbally eviscerating your entire life from behind one of the strongest shields you’ve seen on a school-aged kid?
sam? the girl who could probably blink and know each and every one of your insecurities ON TOP OF WHICH she’ll tilt her head and make you feel bad for attacking her in the first place?
whitney “mcrib” jammer? jammer, the guy who acts as personal coach to all of chimeron, who could absolutely body your ass wand or no, who’s probably halfway to stealing your entire squad and getting them on his team as we speak?
not to mention that even sam, who refuses to run, is in physically better shape than most of the school and all four of them could absolutely rock your world even without a wand. so go on.
fuck around and find out.
25 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Team Phantom continues to vibe. Danny pretends he is not going to be the Ghost King, even while handing out political titles to his best friends. So what! They deserve them!
Rating: T (for swearing)
Relationships: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Danny and co are just chilling, but also, Danny is fully prepared to abuse his position of power to give his friends cool titles.
71 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
Manson, Foley, and Fenton were different, junior year. And Casper High doesn't really know what to do with that.
Rating: T (for swearing)
Relationships: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Team Phantom, including Valerie and Wes, centric fic because you know at some point they just got ripped over the summer and no one knew how to react.
100 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
24-year-old Danny isn't sure what, exactly, is going on when he stumbles on newly-formed halfa Jay in the Ghost Zone. Unfortunately, Jay can't really remember enough to give him any hints. Oh well, who needs to know their past anyway? This is Gotham; no one cares about your past here.
Besides, Jay just got adopted by the weirdest trio of people he's ever met, so he's got more important things to focus on
Well, I did it. I finally fell into crossover hell. Based on this prompt.
@roseinbloom02, since you specifically asked for a tag.
191 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
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redeim · 2 years
I was tagged by @alohdark to answer a Get To Know You meme~ thanks for tagging me!!
Favorite color: purple
Currently Reading: ... nothing really. The last thing I read was a Stray fanfic set after the game is over
Last song: Stop by Stray Kids is currently playing
Last series: uhhhhhhh Eldest Princess Above if we’re only counting things I’ve watched all the way through
Last movie: All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 cause I was checking out Tubi
Currently working on:more trying to start Task 2 for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
The 9 people I’m (no pressure!) tagging are...
@punsbulletsandpointythings, @harleyquincess, @lesbianhanguangjunji, @iridescentspacewhale, @mzminola, @imnottechsupport, @rapokemon, @catboyjunhyung, @guzhu-furen, and @greenteaocean
please let me know if you don’t want to be tagged in this sort of thing! ^^
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mischieffoal · 2 years
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I posted 2,228 times in 2022
That's 1,203 more posts than 2021!
5 posts created (0%)
2,223 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,021 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#gays in space - 267 posts
#no anakin no - 236 posts
#tolkien - 207 posts
#dw - 134 posts
#lotr - 108 posts
#professor layton - 81 posts
#pokémon - 68 posts
#art - 55 posts
#animals - 52 posts
#fave - 43 posts
My #1 post of 2022
So. Sansûkh. Indeed Sansukh Week 2022. Thank you  @fishfingersandscarves​ for prompting me to actually finally record this damn song, edit and post it!
Day 7 of Sansukh Week, celebrating a year since the fanfic was completed, is about endings. This song is about the ending of the fanfic, and the emotions it gave me. I wrote it whilst I was ill with COVID, about a week or two after Sansukh finished. I then forgot about it. Did some editing. Forgot about it some more. Asked @oakwyrm @hobbitsoupbowl and @fishfingersandscarves if I could use their art, they graciously said yes, I forgot about it. Now it is here!!!
This video is a) an emotional retelling of a weird emotional; b) a massive thank you to @determamfidd; c) a joke that I mainly did because I thought of the last line and it made me giggle.
See the full post
64 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
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shadowetienne · 2 years
Tagged by @catboyjunhyung​  to shuffle my playlist and share the first 10 songs (then tag others to do the same), going to use my sort of generic top songs playlist for this, so there is potential for mood whiplash here.
2. “Placebo” by Stray Kids
3. “New World” by Ateez
4. “LA DI DA” by Everglow
5. “Mixed Up” by Enhypen
6. “Singing In The Rain” by Joochan and Bomin of Golden Child
7. “Under Cover” by A.C.E.
8. “Fireworks” by Rocket Punch
9. “Off angel” by OnlyOneOf
10. “Snap Shoot” by Seventeen
That did a remarkably good job of representing groups that I like! There are some faves that aren’t there, but overall, pretty good.
Low pressure tag (do it if it seems fun) for: @redeim, @punsbulletsandpointythings, @ginaeyo, @kellyren92, @qaz-the-great, @faeymouse, and anyone who thinks that this looks like fun!
Thank you for the tag!
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the-dragongirl · 2 years
*shoves fic at the world and runs away*
Here is your bribe, @punsbulletsandpointythings!
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everythingcanadian · 2 years
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I posted 3,789 times in 2022
That's 2,316 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (1%)
3,763 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,077 of my posts in 2022
Only 19% of my posts had no tags
#queued up - 2,136 posts
#art - 226 posts
#vid - 180 posts
#cute - 174 posts
#funny - 168 posts
#photography - 160 posts
#txt - 120 posts
#food - 75 posts
#tf2 - 70 posts
#downton abbey cast - 59 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#jimmy is content now. mind now longer a mess and mudle while he was in service. hes had time to think and become himself again. no lady a
My Top Posts in 2022:
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What the fuck does tumblr think my interest are????
6 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
So thommy right?
But make it soft
Jimmy and Thomas sitting across from each other before the fire in the servant’s hall in those rocking chairs. Ankles side by side or even crossing each other. Jimmy is slouched in the chair, near asleep as the clock ticks on the mantle. And Thomas is softly reading to him from a collection of Christina Rossetti poems. His words flowed like music and Jimmy bathed himself in it.
But also think one eye cracking open when Thomas stopped reading, seeing the man rubbing at his eyes at this late of an hour and Jimmy is sitting up. Disentangling their ankles and hearing his spine pop. He needs to get Thomas up to bed, they need sleep. And so they both make their way up the stairs after curbing the fire and coals. Before departing to their rooms they have a small moment of saying goodnight. All sleepy and sore from the day.
Thomas has Jimmy plastered to his front, yawning and hugging him around the middle. And Thomas smiles, hums richly in his chest and returns the goodnight hug. It's affection and they both bask in it. Being touch starved is for tossers. Having a healthy appreciation for it is for them.
They're open and welcoming to each other. And it's evident in their teasing and their downtime.
13 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Looking at how people talk about Thomas as a character it is easy to see a separation of eras for him.
Pre Jimmy, during Jimmy, and post Jimmy. Then the darker, breakdown era within the post Jimmy era.
I will not elaborate but we all know it.
28 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Too all the people who created fan content for RT AH and seeing what is coming out.
Too all the people who spent countless hours working on fan content and are seeing this shit show.
To all the people who feel like they wasted days, months, or years creating stuff for a YouTube company that is shattering.
I feel for you as I am along side you. But what was not wasted was the hours spent honning your work to be better than before.
Take the knowledge of betterment and move on from this train wreck. Use the skills gained from this to your advantage. Do not give up be it art. Edits. Writings. Or even simple cutting of audio/video.
Keep going foreward and breath a bit easier that it was not wasted. At least not entirely.
246 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Dublin and her teef.
279 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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bookgirlfan · 8 months
WIP Game
Tagged by @zahnie!
Rules: Make a new post and post the latest line in your WIP & tag as many people as there are words or as many as you feel like:
Most people in the Swamp were perfectly happy to shoot first and ask questions never when it came to a black man putting his hands on a white. 
From a Benjamin January Mysteries fic that may never see the light of day. As much as I love these characters, they're very hard to write well!
Tagging @imaginationpheonix, @punsbulletsandpointythings, @lilolilyrae and anyone else who would like to do it!
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lacefedora · 2 years
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I posted 4,028 times in 2022
That's 454 more posts than 2021!
58 posts created (1%)
3,970 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,053 of my posts in 2022
#ofmd - 132 posts
#ofmd spoilers - 86 posts
#blackbonnet - 63 posts
#fashion - 39 posts
#laces art - 24 posts
#arcane - 24 posts
#gentlebeard - 22 posts
#nandermo - 19 posts
#edward teach - 19 posts
#wwdits - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#dude if you go to thrift stores in the high end places of vegas like summerlin or henderson you can come out with so much designed shit on t
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I spent an hour looking at a screencap I took from Act of Grace and figured I should draw it for many hours instead. My first time trying to work with his beard I’m fairly pleased with it. *marge voice* I just think he’s neat.
164 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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just worked my a** off on this because there isn’t enough art of Vampire Guillermo for me HE DESERVES IT! Also it’s so nice that I can just choose whatever light color I want in this fandom! Can you tell it’s Nandor’s hand? I tried to put his giant ring on there
192 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
OFMD drabble- On some level I think I always understood
Inspired by @fishfingersandscarves‘s animatic when I watched it for like the twelfth time. Might have a part 2 at some point?
Stede’s breath hitches, the blade is sunk deep in his stomach, the right side, and he’s quite sure that Ed meant to do that. How many times had he been stabbed now? Ed’s face… beautiful, precious face, was rapidly changing from fury to panic. Stede couldn’t have that. He touches his face, hissing when the blade drives a little deeper at the movement. But he wouldn’t let it stop him. He’d rehearsed it so many times, but when he opens his mouth, something entirely different comes spilling out.
“It’s okay… really. On some level I’ve always understood that I was… wrong… That there was something wrong with me.” Stede breathes through the pain. His mouth tastes like copper, that can’t be good. “I never knew quite what it was. But everyone saw it. The other boys in school… My father, My wife, children.. Even the crew. Did I tell you they were going to mutiny and kill me just a few weeks before we met? It doesn’t matter. They could all see it. The Wrong. 
The only person that never saw it… Was you, Edward. You looked at me and all you saw was, well me. You saw me and I didn’t annoy or disgust you. You seemed delighted.” A smile spreads across his face. He wipes at tears that are dripping down Ed’s face, smearing the kohl. “No one’s ever…” he coughs a little. “No one’s ever done that for me. If I die like this… don’t worry. You’ve already given me the greatest gift I could ever ask for, just by seeing me. I love you so much, Ed. I’m so sorry… I was so afraid I could spread my Wrongness to you, weigh you down, an anchor… But what a self-centered thought; I couldn’t do that. You’re perfect.” He says fervently. His own tears are falling, hot as the blood spilling from the wound.
He watches as Ed’s face twists, His eyes close tightly for a moment and when they open anger is back, but it’s different. Determined.
“You will live, Stede Bonnet. No one dies on this ship unless I say so.” Ed abruptly lets go of the sword but doesn’t pull it out yet. He puts both hands on Stede’s face, holding on tight. “You selfish fucker. You don’t get to die.” He eases Stede to the deck and Stede is certain he’s never been handled so gently. 
“I’ll do my best.” he says, but he can feel consciousness rapidly slipping from his grasp. But then Ed’s hands are still on his face and now shaking him, calling for a surgeon, snarling at someone (Izzy? Stede can’t focus on anything but Ed and the pain) when they try to object.
“You don’t get to leave me again.” Edward insists and there’s something vicious in his voice and Stede deserves that, but it also feels good, to be wanted…
“Well then I promise.” He says and he suddenly brings up his numb hand to try to stem the bloodflow, the other has fallen to Ed’s shoulder. “I like the new look by the way. Very fierce.”
Edward actually laughs, though it looks like it pains him. It’s the most beautiful thing Stede’s ever seen. “You’re insane.” He tells him and then Stede is kissed for the second time in his life by someone he loves. “I’m still pissed at you.”
“That’s fair.” Stede agrees, but he can’t stop smiling.
317 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
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biig Blackbeard project I’ve been working on, based on that one Taika picture, you know the one. Bearded Ed has a teacup representing the Kraken. And Kraken!Blackbeard has a teacup representing the lighthouse, because this fandom is nothing without a healthy dose of symbolism.
lol I worked so hard on this. maybe I should make prints?
>>Prints are now available in my shop!<<
389 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I just saw one picture of Taika smiling and looking gorgeous and then this happened. (look real close at his neck and you can see his Stede Bonnet tattoo based on Stede’s signature on the act of grace!)
credit to @lonicera-caprifolium for the robe pattern again lol I’m far too lazy to paint all that myself
682 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
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markwatnae · 2 years
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I posted 8,772 times in 2022
That's 275 more posts than 2021!
736 posts created (8%)
8,036 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,291 of my posts in 2022
#the sandman - 72 posts
#bruh - 26 posts
#obi wan kenobi spoilers - 24 posts
#tbobf - 24 posts
#tbobf spoilers - 23 posts
#oh my god - 15 posts
#dreamling - 10 posts
#markwatnae fic - 9 posts
#yes - 9 posts
#shut the fuck up - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#just imagining stitch and jumba tossing that bomb back and forth until it explodes and saying 'happy birthday' 'merry christmas' 'happy hanu
My Top Posts in 2022:
what is the strangest animal that you love for no reason?
mine is crabs
102 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
I’m not done rambling about the perfect tragedy of Fear Street.
The Shadyside killers are as much victims as their victims are. They didn’t snap and kill people knowingly. There was no malice or intent. They were completely and totally incapable of fighting the possession. But no one knew that until Deena reunited Sarah’s hand with her body.
Cyrus, Tommy, Ryan, Harry, Billy, Ruby. None of them made the decision to kill; they had that taken from them and they were forced.
These people were reviled for decades, centuries even, as murderers, criminals, scum of the earth, when they were the first victims of the Goode family.
Tommy was kind and funny and sweet but he wasn’t remembered that way. He was remembered as a cold-blooded murderer who killed children at summer camp with an axe.
We don’t know much about the other killers but I imagine they were much the same.
Heather and Ryan were friendly, maybe not friends, but Heather died thinking Ryan had just snapped and killed the other mall staff before stalking her through the mall and attempting to gut her. He brought her a smoothie and was going to give her a ride home less than a minute before he was possessed. He had no intention of hurting her until Nick Goode made him.
123 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
Ok like I LOVE Hob being the more protective and dominant partner and always taking care of his pathetic sopping wet boyfriend I really do
But I also love Dream being his usual overbearing self and taking charge of everything always and Hob is so chill he just goes along with it and loves it
The best is these two things coexisting together seamlessly
377 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
“You’re a fair bit quieter today than usual,” Hob says, soft and coaxing. “Can I do anything?”
Those four words make the back of his throat sting. He grits his teeth.
Hob knows. He always knows. He clocked Dream in 1389 and he’s only gotten better at reading him in the past 637 years. Dream couldn’t hope to hide anything from him now.
Dream looks down at his lap. Hob’s attention doesn’t waver.
“I lost Jessamy today,” he says. “One hundred years ago.”
“Oh, darling,” Hob breathes. “I’m so sorry.”
Dream shakes his head. He’s not sure why. It just feels right. Perhaps a last ditch effort to deny his greatest loss in the last century.
766 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
we have like negative amounts of information on Jessamy but there is one piece that is driving me insane:
she was inside Dream’s coat
1,170 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
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redeim · 1 year
Tagged by @shadowetienne to post my receiptify.
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I mostly use Spotify for my rock music playlist and it sure does show... ^^;
Low pressure tagging @alohdark , @atinystraykid , @punsbulletsandpointythings , and uh...
Who ever else wants to do it. I just woke up so my brain has never followed anyone ever.
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I posted 1,964 times in 2022
51 posts created (3%)
1,913 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 900 of my posts in 2022
#for queue and for ruin - 468 posts
#critical role - 132 posts
#cr3 - 41 posts
#cr spoilers - 40 posts
#critical role spoilers - 24 posts
#ashton greymoore - 21 posts
#gravity falls - 21 posts
#exu calamity - 17 posts
#star trek - 15 posts
#orym of the air ashari - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#my first fanfic was a johnny tremain fix it au dictated to my mother who wrote it out on her electric typewriter in like 1999ish
I sent 2 gifts in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
City? Falling
World? Ending
Dick? Out
Loquacious Seelie gasps back to life. 
124 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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Finished Ashton’s boots for my new cosplay! Now I just gotta make everything else XD
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124 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
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I made this SO FAST yall
232 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Look. All I'm saying is that EXU:Calamity needs to be creeping, chilling horror where the PCs are picked off one by one until only one remains.
And for maximum effect the last one standing needs to be Travis.
403 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Me: today is "happy evergiven anniversary day" and I'm enjoying the remembrance posts
My father, currently the funniest man alive: ah, our memories are Evergreen
1,158 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
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