#psychadelic anxiety
ashta-phoenixs · 2 years
Myself, in every situation.
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blshblahblah · 8 months
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alpalblue · 1 year
Finally saw Crumb. The only band besides SALES and Tame Impala that got me to move without panicking and just vibed :)
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bitchvania · 1 year
One of tbe brilliant things about mlp:fim is that the main cast aren't wayward children or highschool students they're just a bunch of young adults. Like. Twilight is a postgrad forced by her supervisor to go find friends. Apple Jack has responsibility of gaurdianship of her little sister. They're all employed. They pay rent and taxes. Fluttershy has to deal with her deadbeat underachiever older brother who can't seem to move out by himself when she visits her parents. She also has anxiety she hasnt grown out of since high school. Rainbow Dash spends most days getting high and goofing off on her minimum wage job. Pinkie Pie has a culinary apprenticeship and lives with an older couple after she left her small mining town when nobody there was as into psychadelics as her. Rarity balances running her slowly growing etsy fashion bussiness with going on tinder dates with the worst men you've ever seen. They all vote. They have to pick up their own medical perscriptions. These are 26 year old girlies going through first quarter life crisises. So, yea, that fanart of Fluttershy smoking forever weed is highly accurate.
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bitsbug · 1 year
i have.. so many questions about / for your ocs (VERY POSITIVE) but i will utilize self-restraint and start with one. i am very curious if any of your iterator group has animal companions beyond the purposed organisms that more or less act as cells in their bodies- my best example is, of course, SRS and spearmaster but this could also extend to include like, scavenger pals? on the other hand do any of them have particular issues with the surrounding flora/fauna
FANTASTIC QUESTION! there are multiple!!!
Curtains hordes most of the animal/purposed companions of the group, since he personally designed them. He's got like, 3 different types of purposed organism he created from scratch (he thinks simply modifying creatures is stupid and inefficient) that inhabit his superstructure.
The main one is CC/Ceaseless Convection! They're the only one of their model, and definitely the most talkative of his creations. They're made to be a data courier, capable of traveling vast distances with vast amounts of information stored in their body's giant secondary brain, derived from the same gut-stuff in the Memory Crypt's boxes. They often need to take long trips away from home for their deliveries, but they're an optimist and enjoy the adventure.
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There's also the Internal Engineers, which are made to maintain and help upgrade his inner components, as well as keep out intruders. They're made to be content with just doing their jobs & working constantly - listen ethics kinda died with the ancients - but each have their own personality. Also they talk exclusively in coding jargon. He has 3 right now.
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Finally is his constructers, which predictibly also do construction and maintenance, but on his exterior this time. These ones are the most numerous, with 25 living on his structure. When they're not assigned anything they hang out in his abandoned city, which has been renovated to accomodate for them.
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There's also Scribe but I might make a post dedicated to her -- the short version is that she's a wild animal that adventured into Curtains' chamber and demanded he teach her how to write. He complied for some reason and now she visits regularly for lessons.
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condolences TBH
The only animal companion that isn't associated with Curtains is the Influence, who was created by Anxiety Practice. They were part of an experiment involving wheel flowers, being engineered to constantly produce the karma-affecting hallucinogenic compound inside them. Thing is, their body produces the compound in excess, causing it to leak out of their face orifices. It doesn't bother them too much, but does affect their senses.
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As a result of the modification, they can't go down in karma, experience a time-slow effect like the one mushrooms cause, and are absurdly well attuned to the Cycle. They also do experience the uh.. psychadelic effects, but living with it their entire life has desensitized them. After AP finished data collection, xe didn't have any reason to toss Influence out, so they stick around as a lab assistant. They don't know how to survive in the wild, nor do they know any slugcat language.
thank you so much for giving me an excuse to infodump. good lird this post is long.
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inlocusmads · 1 month
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OK - tell me for any and all of your pairings, but I NEED to know for Trystan & Nora. :) Please and thank you!
Okay I had way too much fun thinking about this so I wrote a little conversation-thingy:
Nora: This is getting out of hand. *rolls down window* *yells profanity* *rolls window up*
Nora: *calmest voice possible* Let's see if I can find a shorter way.
Trystan: *completely unfazed by the profanities* Nora, no we are not doing this, remember last time?
Nora: No.
Trystan: Because that guy almost beat us up, we are not doing this. I thought you knew better!
Nora: We've got to get out somehow. What do you want me to do?
Trystan: Look, look - let's be rational about this. *turns radio on* How -- how long does it typically take for a traffic to clear out? 20 minutes? Let's - let's look at the-
Nora: -- might as well take five hours--
Trystan: -- the facts here, the facts.
Nora: Fine, twenty minutes.
Trystan: I will gladly do you a service and switch the GPS off for you. Oh hey, this is Fleetwood Mac, right?
Nora: Charades?
Trystan: What?
Nora: We-we could play charades to pass the time.
Trystan: *jumps in immediately with gestures*
Nora: Huh?
Trystan: No- *stops himself* you would not be able to recognize that. *spends the whole time workshopping guessable prompts than actually playing the game*
(Literally 15 minutes later)
Trystan: *is out of the car, picking a fight with another driver because they slightly nudged their car and is hurling profanities*
Third person: *approaches Nora* Hey-- um- your friend is holding up the traffic.
Nora: I do not know this person, I drive for Uber actually.
Or something like that XD.
Nora's determination to get out of traffic as quickly as possible would clash horribly with Trystan's "I will start off very civilly but will spiral into an unhinged frenzy and GOD the smoke is suffocating me" principles.
Literally a pizza box of different flavours of anxiety, inclusive of the 'we play charades so horribly we literally are incapable of thinking of a new game' seasoning and 'changing the station every five seconds out of sheer boredom' flakes.
At one point they'd go through five dimensions of existentialism like two strangers who've tried their very first edible at a house party and are now friends thanks to the sheer psychadelic experience; the charades stop making sense, they make up stuff on the go, they have shared way too many personal details already (a repeat of the trapped-in-the-freezer experience) and at some point, they will consider abandoning the car and just walking to their destination (this has happened once, only to have Trystan's car towed by Captain Thompson's liege and things just went downhill from there)
Thanks for the ask Elsa! I'm pretty sure they can *stand* each other's company for two hours stuck in a confined space, except they'll make that everyone's problem.
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shleemies · 1 year
Man I'm super like. Pissed off at my ketamine clinic and I don't know what to do about it. It's taking everything in me not to cancel all my appointments and look for a new clinic. But I don't have the spoons to research a good one and I really don't want to be on a wait-list for months to get my next treatment. I've tried dozens of medications for over a decade and I've never felt relief like ketamine has been able to provide for my depression and anxiety. I have loads of therapeutic trauma but I really clicked with my psychotherapist right away they're trans and neurodivergent and while they weren't perfect they made me feel so safe and comfortable in the session which is not easy for a therapist to do for me! I found out a month ago that they're leaving and so I'll have a different PT, who I met with on zoom Monday. She seemed nice but she's only been doing this a month. Shes extremely experienced with mental health and psychadelics though so I was like you know what maybe it'll be okay. But she came to my session today to shadow since it'll only be her next time and SHE HAS WHITE GIRL "DREADS" I AM DISGUSTED 😭 🤢 no wonder she talked about psychadelics the way she did, she has shorter natural hair and had the dreads tucked behind her when we did the video call I was so taken aback and I didn't really have time to process it much because I spent the next 5 minutes getting comfortable for the infusion and in a good headspace. But then when my PT called in the nurse to hook me up to the IV they asked her to put on a mask because I request they all do and it was the same newbie nurse who stuck me wrong earlier and she was like "actually it's in the company policy I have the right to refuse to wear a mask" like damn what you were gonna be in the room for like 15 seconds no need to be a cunt
The infusion itself was fine but now I'm just getting stressed the fuck out because that was my last session with the psychotherapist I feel comfortable with plus the nurse misgendered me today but I don't want to not have access to KAP I just hate everyone else who works there 😭😭😭😭😭
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shallowseeker · 1 year
I do think there is such a thing as too meta.
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...and so much of "teehee we/our mains were the real monsters all along," "it was all a dream," "it's ac-shually all a dissociative state of chatacter x/y/z," "it's all a trick," "main character a/b/c was really the one true god all along," isn't just a tired trope...it's bad in that fourteen year old "I just had deep thoughts, man," kind of way.
I'm old and crunchy but I am sympathethic, because I think every precocious young writer I meet discovers psychadelic psy-pop in that 12-15 year old range (25 ish at the latest), no lie, and they'll all enamored with it for a hot second.
Here's the thing. Characters can struggle with what's real (especially soldiers returning from war). They can struggle to identify what they want. Or who they want. Or what others are to them. They can struggle with boundaries with their loved ones, walking that tightrope of independence and safety, esp when faced with life and death and danger. Families esp can struggle with these roles, especially those topics of caretaking, independence, protectorship.
Main characters can struggle with the idea of god, with making the wrong choices and living with consequences of them. Characters can act as "false gods," but typically in that "heroes Vs force of nature" kind of way, or in a "heroes vs self," "power corrupts" kind of way. So long as it's challenging the characters and changing them, it's fine. Grappling with power is tough, because it tends to be too big for individuals, even when intentions and motivations start out good. The fact of it is that parents can't simply just "turn kids loose," and there is an element of guardianship that naturally and healthily limits independence, at least for a time. Partners give and take, and support and lean, and those support needs change weight in response to the magnitude of the life events. Godly characters are only so good as the actual "reality" that they inhabit; that is, they precipitate existential crises in the real, solidified characters and challenge them to find meaning in their lives.
But there's a reason "it was all a dream" is bad in real life writing execution. It's cheap, arrested development. It's misunderstanding the struggle inside every character to develop identity and relate to others through the painstaking development of empathy and wisdom.
It's getting wrapped up in Doylist mechanics to the point where cleverness becomes absurdity.
Furthermore, every single damn audience member knows they're reading/watching a story. You can cheekily wink at them now and again, but when you get smug over them caring and seem to undermine them for the sake of a "twist" or belabored "cleverness," you've lost your own game.
It doesn't get ripped to shreds in every book and workshop ever because good writers are contrarian. It gets ripped because it's cheap. It's bad. That's how I feel about it. 🥰 I like in stories when these these worries can be fears and anxiety but they cannot be the baseline truth.
Sometimes, the aufience can feel these cheeky tactics feel as a distinct lack of narrative confidence and committment, like the writers are too cowardly to own up to their own truths and instead pretend not to care as a means of shrugging it all off. There is a trend in modern entertainment towards frank cynicism, as if our time is uniquely absurd in all of history and all of time. In fact, this cynicism is usually a spiteful shield thrown up in an act of cowardice--the writers' version of Melania Trump's: "I don't really care, do you?"
@spnjellyfishtempura - Relevant to what you asked me!
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corytrincilla · 7 days
Psychadelic Cognition: The stimulation of an Alzheimer's Patient's Brain via Psilocybin
Enough talk about Alzheimer's and Psilocybin as individuals. Now, we integrate the two. I named this blog "A Trip down Memory Lane" because with the 'trip' effects of Psilocybin, the memory cores of the brain are stimulated in Alzheimer's patients. Because of its neurogenic qualities, psilocybin encourages the development of new neurons in the memory centers of the brain. In addition to helping to maintain cognitive function, this neurogenesis may be able to mitigate the neuronal loss that is linked to AD. The development of Alzheimer's disease is linked to chronic neuroinflammation, which worsens neuronal damage. Psilocybin has the potential to reduce neurodegeneration and delay the course of disease by inducing this inflammatory response. Also psilocybin targets the brain's 5-HT2A receptors and is a strong serotonergic agonist. According to the study, 'Psychedelics as a Treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia' by Allison O'Kelly, "Specific 5HT2A-R polymorphisms impair verbal memory recall and object recognition and reduced 5HT2A-R density in areas of the brain responsible for key memory processes are associated with worse cognitive performance (Schott et al., 2011). Pre-task 5HT2A-R activation in mice enhances post-task hippocampal long-term potentiation and enables the re-consolidation of fear conditioning in the amygdala supporting a critical role in neuroplasticity (Catlow et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2013). This effect can be reproduced in rats and rabbits by very low dose psychedelics but is abolished by higher doses" This basically is saying that in very low doses, these rats were able to have higher cognitive function due to Psilocybin. A person with AD may exhibit changes in serotonin exchange, which can result in symptoms like anxiety and depression. Serotonin is an essential neurotransmitter and mood regulator. Because psilocybin modulates serotonin pathways, it is actively able to lessen these mood disorders and improve the general quality of life and well-being of those with AD.
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shojoboy · 6 months
going off duloxetine has made me so vehemently anti-medication it's funny. like yeah i guess it's better than killing yourself. but i feel like i want to beg on my knees to people that if they can do anything, anything, ANYTHING else to mitigate depression and anxiety they should. anything else. it should be a last resort. but they don't even try...therapy is privatized and expensive and despite the massing scientific evidence backing up what indigenous people have known forever, psychadelic therapy is not commonly used. instead they give out drugs like candy to people who don;t have the strength to refuse or the knowledge of why they should.
i dont have the energy to make a researched PSA but PLEASE if u see this and you are on antidepressants or considering them; research what you are on. research all side effects. look at the worst case scenarios and decide if you could live with them. believe people's testimonies; doctors are not up to date, do not care, do not know what really happens to people who take antidepressants. they truly do not give a shit
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alyfuckinj · 7 months
i'm starting to feel that funk again, and the one where i need to go inwards and just sit. i'm scared of what lies within but i know the fear of not knowing is what i feel. i think i need to go to psychadelic therapy, i need to continue to nourish my body properly and weed out the people in my life. i need to continue to take care of myself and hold myself accountable. i think i really need to just sit alone because everything i touch just turns to ash and breaks j feel like. i feel like im not a problem until i start becoming an inconvenience and that's the love ive only known for the most part. i feel the way im loved now and i do feel it. sometimes i think i make myself too sad to feel things. sometimes i have to change that narrative. i've spent so many months working on myself and my food intake and weight and perspective and anxiety and depression and although those things have not been balanced but rather like a spider web that changes everyday with different parts growing and others not so much for the day, it changes tomorrow and the shorter parts lengthen and the longer parts lose a little bit of height. to be patient like a spider and be okay with the changes of life, be okay. to open the door of my heart wide open and let the world consume me, but to do that is so vulnerable and brave i think i really need to talk myself up to that confidence level. i am so scared for my future in so many ways but also to have all this war and shit like can we just realize these borders are the only things that separate us and hate is learned and a teacher to crime. i'm scared for people i love, im scared for me, i am scared for everything right now a
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xmystophalesx · 1 year
Best New Heavy Metal Releases Week of November 18th, 2022
The Heavy Metal train just keeps rolling and week after week with more and more great releases. I started doing this because I was so insanely annoyed with people that were absolutely insistent that nothing good had come out since 1992. I would contend that more of the albums being released now are hands down better than the “Glory Days”. What is being done today on a shoestring budget is simply stunning. So let’s look at a few of these stunning albums. Man, perfect segue…:)
Hellfuck-Diabolical Slaughter (Thrash/Speed)**{sept 9th}
I just came across this and although it was released on September 9th, I just had to put it on this list. If I would have heard this during the week of release, it would have made a serious push for the album of the week. If you even slightly like aggressive Thrash Metal this will put a huge smile on your face. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE!
Candlemass-Sweet Evil Sun (Epic Doom)**
Does anyone today create Doom Metal as good as Candlemass can? I seriously doubt it. This is yet another gem from the Doom Metal masters.
Metalian-Beyond the Wall (Heavy/Speed)**
I have been a fan of this band for quite some time and I swear they just seem to get better and better with each release. This band would be an absolutely perfect addition to the Hell’s Heroes lineup in Houston. Just listen to track 2 “Motorhorse” and if it doesn’t just make you instantly crack a smile and start making you bang your head, you may not actually like Heavy Metal and you may need to reevaluate your life choices.
Istarn-Eschatology (Melodic Black)**
Came across this one late on in the weekend and worried that I wouldn’t find a highlight Black Metal album. It was down to the wire but Istarn showed up to continue the streak of yet another excellent Black Metal album. This genre has been absolutely fantastic over the last couple of years. If you haven’t given this genre a chance in a while, look into it. You may be surprised.
Rising Steel-Beyond the Gates of Hell (Heavy)**
A slab of good old-fashioned Heavy Metal but with a slightly more aggressive slant. If you know the American Power Metal band Cage, this band feels like a more aggressive version of them. Great riffs all over this album that will get that head banging.
That will do it for another week. Can’t believe we are almost at the end of the year. Now starts the anxiety of trying to set my top 30 albums of the year. Ahhhh first world problems. Always remember that music is the passion of the soul. Until next week, and as always,
All worthy of a listen if you like the genre
*= standout in that genre
**=best of the week regardless of genre
Best of the Week
Candlemass-Sweet Evil Sun (Epic Doom)**
Aggression-From Hell with Hate (Thrash)**
Hellfuck-Diabolical Slaughter (Thrash/Speed)**{sept 9th}
Metalian-Beyond the Wall (Heavy/Speed)**
Rising Steel-Beyond the Gates of Hell (Heavy)**
Istarn-Eschatology (Melodic Black)**
Fatal Punishment-Age of Madness (Thrash)**
Unhallowed Creation-Edge of Existence (Melodic Death)**
Standout in their Genre
Wizards-Seven (Heavy)*
Disinter-Breaker of Bones (Death)*
Freternia-The Final Stand (Power)*
Virtual Symmetry-Virtual Symmetry (Progressive)*
Desert Dragon-This Side of Heaven (Hard Rock)*
Titan’s Rage-Never Surrender (Heavy/Traditional)*
Threshold-Dividing Lines (Progressive)*
17 Crash-Stamina (hard Rock)*
Blood of the Wolf-IV:The Declaration of War Eternal (Death/Black)*
Grimner-Urfader (Folk/Viking)
Rise to the Sky-Stay With Me When You’re Gone (Death/Doom)*
Terrible Sickness-Flesh for the Insatiable (Death)*
Witchunter-Metal Dream (Heavy)*
Well Seasoned Christ-Sanguine (Thrash)*
Airstrike-Power In Your Hand (Heavy/Thrash)*
Enemy Eyes-History’s Hand (Heavy)*
Guapa-Myriad (Psychadelic)*
Worth a listen if you enjoy the genre
Robot God-Worlds Collide (Stoner/Psychadelic)
Ueldes-Foreverer (Atmospheric Black)
Encyrcle-Deeper (Heavy/Speed)
Crypt Rot-An Ancient Summoning (Brutal Death)
Raskasta Joulua-Viides Adventti (Heavy/Hard Rock)
Allagash-Dark Future (Heavy/Thrash)
Medusa Touch-Insaniteyes (Heavy)
Dead Earth-Et Disperdam Illud (Melodic Black)
Rat Rod-Four on the Floor (Hard Rock)
Kamra-Cerebral Alchemy (Atmospheric Black)
IBUKI-My Life (Power)
Rebel Souls-Dawn of Depravity (Death)
Risingfall-Rise or Fall (Heavy)
Scars of the Flesh-In Darkness Alone (Death/Progressive)
Visceral-The Tree of Venomous Fruit (Death)
Cortege-Vandari (Death)
Leatherwolf-Kill the Hunted (Heavy)
With an impressive 5 winter fucking sucks out of a possible 5, Metalian takes pick of the week with yet another outstanding release!
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anestheticrage · 3 years
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Best Best Girl
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cosmiclover232 · 3 years
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Bye 🍄 👋🏽
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