#prospero's dream
keftiu · 1 year
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i'm finally looking at running Mothership's excellent module/setting A Pound of Flesh after my Songs for the Dusk campaign wraps, and the excitement got to me today - here's six pregen backstories suitable for almost any of Mothership's classes, meant to hook new PCs into the factions and power players of Prospero's Dream!
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doorp · 9 months
as much as we joke abt Annabel shitting herself during a possible divorce arc we have to remember that lenore would be hurting just as bad. lenore is just as obsessed with Annabel, just as down bad, it’s just lenore wants to let herself be happy and Annabel is a big idiot who’s sticking to what she knows- and what she knows is don’t trust anyone emotion is weakness weakness can be exploited. she thinks everyone is out to get her, she’s paranoid and clinging desperately to the only person who can actually make her feel things. But back to the point, we’ve talked abt how Annabel would feel during this but not how lenore might. This was lenore when she didn’t even remember Annabel yet-
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She knows literally nothing abt this person except that she has some weird draw to her and she’s smacking orbs out of the air and running around the academy with scissors looking for her. She can’t stand being apart from her just as much as Annabel- the first time they met lenore literally grabbed her skirt under the table when Annabel giggled at her
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Annabel Lee “would you do something for me?” Whitlock and Lenore “anything” vandernacht
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She said I will not only write you a song I will fake my death and commit fraud and we will get married - after knowing this woman for 6 months.
Miss “the world is a cruel and terrible place- omg Annabel!! I can’t be late for my midnight rendezvous with my wife!!”
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She wants to be w her all the damn time
“I’ll miss u 🥺” “even today i wish you would’ve been by my side instead.” “I wish you were here with us instead. that’s the only way this afternoon could’ve been perfect. ” “what will I do without you return to the attic?” “Im not leaving her side!”
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“How the devil haven’t we seen anyone else yet?”
“Why, you looking for somebody? 🤨”
Divorce arc lenore will be lennabel having gayass and tension filled arguments and lenore going to sleep at night having gayass dreams of memories abt Annabel and waking up and crying angry tears and throwing pillows at the wall as she goes off the walls bonkers. Both of them are going to get so much worse and I love that the plot needs to keep them separated bc otherwise they would fuck absolutely everyone’s shit up.
Lenore and Annabel quite literally make each other insane. If the deans want drama separating them at the beginning was possibly the best way to achieve that.
Lenores gonna be angry heartbroken I hate that I need you sad and annabel is going to be my wife hates me I hope I die and im going to make it everyones problem sad
Do not separate white raven or they will both go off the rails and do insane things bc they are stupid crazy uhaul lesbians
sorry if I said the same things a bunch of different ways but the point still stands !! a divorce arc might be sick!
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you know that the obsession's bad, when you start having dreams about it
so here's a recreation of a nevermore related dream i had last night:
Will is being chased by a creature that has the body of an eagle and montresor's head, while the eagle-montresor is screaming slurs at him
after some time the poor man manages to run away and ends up somewhere that looks very much like a court
what's happening there basically is:
Lenore and Annabel Lee are having a rap battle over who gets the custody of the kids after their divorse
Morella(the kids), having a drinking competition with the judje(Prospero's rats) and Ada cheering her on, while pouring more questionable liquid into the glasses
then, Pluto, in his spectre form, attacks all the rats and Duke starts shouting: "yes, mon minou, go get 'em! you can do it! "
Berenice: that's so gay
Eulalie: we're gay tho
Berenice: that doesn't make it any less gay
scene cuts to everyone sitting in the deans' office
dean Mourn: what the fuck were all of you doing?! this is an academy and not some kind of cheap, shitty circus! fifty demerits to everyone!
dean Merry: it was fun though, so five merits to all of you
Lenore goes on a long ass rant about how sick she is of all theese merits and demerits, how the deans could just give everyone 45 demerits and nothing would have changed, and how this whole system makes absolutely no sense
the deans get pissed off so they give Lenore 50 demerits for disrespect and 20 more demerits for attitude
scene cuts again, this time everyone (exept for the deans) is standing in a hall
Annabel Lee: omg, pet, what you said to the deans was so hot
Lenore: Thanks i guess
Annabel Lee: also, being divorsed sucks, wanna get married again?
Lenore: omg yes sure! i thought you'd never ask
after theese words they start making out
Montresor(looking like his normal, ugly, human self): fucking idiots
Will: I thought I was fucking idiot
Montresor: you are
theese two also start making out
eveyone else starts making out too
Prospero: i hate gay people
Prospero sings crush culture by conan gray, while wearing a long, puffy dress as if he was a disney princess
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coconut530 · 4 months
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daily-uquiz · 1 year
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croh3 · 5 months
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my weird little freak!!!!!!!!!!
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runekeepershymnal · 7 months
I'm sure it's already been said by bunches of people, but Perry in The Fall of the House of Usher miniseries has huge Kavinsky vibes. To the point that I thought "Oh, okay. I now fully get all the layers to and appeal of a substance party."
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etudiantfantome · 3 months
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep.
Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act 4 Scene 1
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conscience-grim · 1 year
@sheepbitch playlist 3 :)
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lesbiancassius · 16 days
the derek jarman tempest movie has a special place in my heart
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staffatemyblog · 11 months
Highlights from the mothership shopping session:
Alex made friends with one of the crew members we saved from ypsilon way back, started talking with her about cybermods, found out for all her rambunctious miner vibes she was actually raised space catholic.
Got a side job working as muscle on the teamster's strike on prospero's dream, where she got to menace Tempest co. stooges with her new cybernetics.
Oh, and one of the other party members spent 100 credits on an edible arrangement as a starting bonus for Alex agreeing to be their bodyguard.
Good shit, I love playing goon muscle!
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Nu er vort spil forbi. Og de som spilled,
var lutter ånder, som jeg nævnte før,
de er forsvundet i den tynde luft;
og ligesom disse syners lette spind
skal himmelhøje tårne, gyldne slotte,
højtidelige templer, hele kloden
og alle, som bebor den, svinde hen;
alt skal, som dette legemløse optog,
gå sporløst bort. Vi er af samme stof,
som drømme gøres af; vort korte liv
skal krones med en søvn.
Ja, jeg er rystet;
bær over med min svaghed og den uro,
min gamle hjerne mærker;
lad det ikke forstyrre Jer.
Gå I nu ind i cellen og hvil Jer, hvis I vil;
jeg går en stund og ser om det kan dulme mine tanker.
Enjoy 😈😈
now i am being haunted soundly
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coolseabird · 6 months
Every Literary Reference Gale Makes When Selected in BG3 (That I Could Find)
"Oh, what a tangled Weave we web!" -
A play on words referencing the famous quote, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive," from Sir Walter Scott's poem "Marmion."
"What fools these mortals be." -
A quote from William Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream," spoken by the character Puck.
"All the world's my stage and you're just a player in it." -
A reference to the famous Shakespearean line, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players," from "As You Like It."
"No rest for the wicked" -
A phrase that originates from the Bible Isaiah 48:22 There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked.
"To hold the world in the palm of one's hand" -
I believe this is a reference to this part of the poem Auguries of Innocence by William Blake: To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.
"'Doth thy mirror crack?' Apparently not." -
I was so sure this was a quote from some Shakespearean play but nope lol. This is a Waterdhavian phrase that was mentioned in a DnD companion book at some point.
"Seek and you shall find me." -
From the bible. Specifically Matthew 7:7–8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
The path less travelled. -
A reference to Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken," which includes the line, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by."
"Creator. Destroyer." -
This is a reference to the Lord Krishna's words in the Bhagavad Gita. O Arjuna, I am the creator, maintainer and destroyer of all created objects, such as the sky. Of all knowledge I am knowledge of the self, and in logical debate I am vāda, the philosophical principle that asserts the conclusive truth.
"A rough tempest I will raise" -
I found the explanation behind this quote from a reddit post: "Shakespeare - Tempest, - this is a mash-up of two quotes: In Act V, Scene 1, Prospero uses the phrasing "when first I raised the Tempest". In the same scene, he recites a soliloquy about the great works of magic he has accomplished, before finally renouncing magic altogether: " … But this rough magic I here abjure" https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/17uher2/literary_references_in_gales_selection_remarks/ (this person came to the same conclusions as me for many of the prior quotes but I only used their post for this one haha)
I almost certainly missed a few! If there are any others please feel free to reblog and add them!
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thenightling · 1 year
You know, The Sandman Netflix series using the song "Shattered Dreams" by Johnny Hates Jazz for the scene when Hob realizes Morpheus has "stood him up" seems to accidentally foreshadow something hinted at in The Sandman: The Wake.
"You said you'd die for me." is said at least twice in the lyrics.
One prevailing theory about Morpheus's death is that he is now spending his afterlife in Hob's dreams as a dream entity.
For starters "It's never just a dream." is said repeated in The Sandman. And that was even Neil's response when asked if Hob's dream is more than just a dream.
We see Destruction in Hob's Dream and Destruction really was visiting The Dreaming during The Wake.
The dream is set on a shoreline and in The Tempest Morpheus says to Shakaspeare that unlike his Prospero character that he (Morpheus) would never escape his Island. In Shakespeare's The Tempest play the sorcerer Prospero destroys his magical tools to escape his island that he had been trapped on.
Morpheus surrendered his power and tools to another aspect (piece) of Dream of The Endless, Daniel.
Hob had even previously said that he keeps people alive by remembering them- by dreaming of them.
Hob is immortal and will live indefinitely. So long as Hob refuses to die, there will be someone who would definitely dream of Morpheus, giving him reason to exist as a dream entity.
As Dream of The Endless Morpheus is dead but as a dream entity he is free.
And he chose his afterlife in the dreams of his friend.
"You said you'd die for me."
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your-decadent-madam · 1 month
Annabel Lee asking Prospero to be friends?!
Prospero saying yes?!
Her saying she doesn't know how to proceed because she's not familiar with the process of friendship and Prospero saying he neither does?!
I'm most surely be dreaming; I have no more words.
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bodhrancomedy · 10 months
Summing up Shakespeare Plays in six words or less Part 1
Romeo & Juliet: It’s a comedy! SIKE.
Macbeth: Badassery, but evil. (Ambition is bad…)
Hamlet: Hamlet do something! NOT LIKE THAT.
Midsummer Night’s Dream: PUCK, NO. You forgot the play-with-a-play.
King Lear: Fucked up so badly, France is heroic.
The Tempest: Ariel deserves better. Prospero’s a dick.
Twelfth Night: Everyone’s gay and winning! Except Malvolio.
Much Ado About Nothing: Haha, funny romance – MEN ARE TRASH.
Antony and Cleopatra: She’s actually a really complex character.
Julius Caesar: Who’s the hero? Up to you.
Love’s Labour’s Lost: Five men can’t control their dicks.
As You Like It: This is Shakespeare’s fluff piece.
Henry V: You know the speech. That’s it.
Henry IV: Henry V: how did we get here?
The Merchant of Venice: Antisemitism! The play! (Even if unintentional)
Othello: Don’t believe what you hear. Also, racist.
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