#project management and business templates and forms
ecoursenotepok · 2 years
Project Management and Business Templates Plans Tools and Forms
Project Management and Business Templates Plans Tools and Forms
Project Management and Business Templates Plans Tools and Forms Photo by Nana Smirnova Project Management and Business Templates Plans Tools and Forms 9000+ Documents to Cover Any Situation With the most complete library of document templates available today, PMMilestone will cover all your writing needs Suits all industries People in all industries around the world, use it to manage projects…
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herbgerblin · 1 year
Hi Herb!! I was wondering if you had any advice on opening commissions? I enjoy your art immensely and you were one of the first people I thought of to ask since I know you do commissions on occasion
Sorry if this is totally weird, I am just at a complete loss! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
These are things I wish I had figured out when I started selling art commissions. Also, feel free to use my current commission form to pattern your own. (also if anyone >.> wants to commission me, I am open <.<)
Step 1: Write a Terms of Service
Good terms of service will manage the expectations of your clients, establish a level of professionalism, and protect you if someone tries to argue something already made clear in writing. You can keep your ToS really simple, but it's good practice to include the following:
What kind of art you will/won't do (I don't do nfts)
Estimated duration of the project (2-4 weeks is my M.O.)
Number of revisions (more than 3, I add a fee)
When and how often you will update the client
Rights that you retain as an artist/permit to the client
Note: This mainly applies to personal/non-commercial work. If you are approached to make art for a game/magazine/website, do a ton more research. You will need to write out a contract that makes things Boringly Clear, and you will want to retain all of your rights as an artist.
Step 2: PRICES (scream)
Everyone starts out underselling. I'm underselling (I'm trying to get better.) Just go at your own pace. Look at what other artists are offering, but don't just look at the quality of their work. Think about your turnaround time, your style, and your target audience. If you are a fast worker or very detailed, that's worth a pay bump. Niche communities will pay solid money for artists to cater to them. So for example, if you draw fetish art, you have more room to charge higher.
ALWAYS GET PAYMENT UP FRONT. You can offer half upfront and half upon completion. If it's a big or long-term project, it's okay to go 30/70. BUT NEVER START WORK WITHOUT SOME SORT OF COMPENSATION. I just had a client that has not paid me the 2nd half and they are blacklisted. This rarely happens but it does happen.
Once you think you've got a price chart you feel comfortable with, add $20. Do it, even if it feels wrong. You may have to pay transaction fees, or the work (often) takes longer than expected. It'll be a small mercy to yourself to account for these things. Raise your prices a little bit each year because you are growing in experience and inflation (scream) is a thing that affects the arts too.
I wish I had done this step years ago, but I slacked off, and therefore staying organized was a nightmare. The less "business" stuff you have to do manually, the more time you can focus on "creative" stuff.
Make a google form. Make it as easy for the client to input information as possible. In the settings, set it so that responses will go to an excel file. The questions you ask will be the titles of the fields, so keep them short and easy to read. Reference image attachments will save to google drive.
You can set it up so that you will get an email whenever you get a new response (you might want to make a separate email account specifically for commissions.) Prewrite confirmation responses and save them as templates so that you're not writing the same email to clients over and over again.
Set reminders for responding to clients, requesting payment, and finishing work. This can be through google calender or some other app. You are responsible for facilitating communication. Even if the email is just, "Hey, just letting you know the work is still in progress, I will send you a wip in 1-2 days." Client assurance is high priority.
I use paypal invoice for payments. It means I have to pay a transaction fee, but I factor that into my prices. It also ensures that I have clear documentation for orders, I can send reminders easily if I haven't been paid, and it just looks more professional overall. You can use whatever service feels most comfortable, just make sure you practice good bookkeeping (*stares at my taxes in horror*)
Step 4: Mockups and Descriptions
Provide examples of the work that you are going to. Make a mockup of busts/half body/full body, etc. Don't include anything you don't intend to actually produce.
Make sure that your form includes room to answer EVERY question about the commission that you might have. This will reduce the amount of back and forth you need to have with your client. You want to be able to get that request, confirm it, send that invoice, and jump on it ASAP.
Step 5: Start small, be honest, be firm
If you haven't done commissions before, have a limited number of slots available. Take break time after you've finished a certain amount. Don't languish over an art piece. At some point, it will be as done as it can be. Send it to the client, and keep rolling.
If you feel like you are getting overwhelmed, tell your client. It's bad practice to go on hiatus and not notify them while they're waiting on an update. If you genuinely forget to touch base with them, do so as soon as possible. Apologize, then finish the work as soon as you can. Refund if you think that's the most polite route, but completing the task is usually more appreciated.
Be cordial, but firm. People will try to bully you over little things, but don't give in. Ignore folks who say your prices are too high. Make it clear that if they ask for more than what is agreed, you will charge a fee. If you feel like a request is sketchy, get a second opinion.
obligatory paypal link: help me pay kravitz jr's vet bills
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kazeharuhime · 5 months
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Thanks to @authoroflight for the original template! (Though I might have customized it beyond recognizability ksdjgnsd)
2023... I got a lot of art done this year compared to past years! Though the year started out slow, between trades and commissions, the first quarter of the year somehow managed to have at least one good drawing a month, even if March's old-sketch-paintover looks a little strange next to all the creatures. XD; May and June continued the theme of painting over old, though June's original was considerably newer than May's. It also took me forever to find it!! Several of the ones I'd been going to put for June turned out to be from different months (no date on them so was going by modified date at first, oops!). And in July of course there was the Clysmia comic, August with the Choco 'comic'. September was another low but I managed to churn out another paintover. October of course had my annual flower-drawing saga with the last one featured here, and in November I got bored and drew Comet, and December held a delightful surprise in the form of a book-illustrating commission. :3 Gonna keep that one to just a preview since it's part of something that'll be published.
But! Let's go through all the rest. Keep reading for more on the rest of the pieces.
January - This was a secret santa for my good friend @toothpaste-dragon of her OC Baz! Love this grumpy crust of an alien. :D You can view the full pic here.
February - This was a commission from @dreagonarchives of her guy Guido! Full pic: x
March - Paintover I did of my character Sleepi from Torn Apart! Since it was done over an older pic the style looks a little incongruent from my current style 😅 But this was also almost a year a go now, so, y'know.
April - My half of a design trade with @chrystallink! Doggos are a bit of a challenge for me, but it was a fun one! Full pic: x
May - A fittingly sunny pic of my character Nola. This was another one that I think had started from a paintover and just went places from there. Still a little strange-looking, but oh well. Plus a photo of some sunflowers in the background. XD
June: Progress pic of an absolute freak. An attempt was made to sketch out a hand to keep it from hiding, but I never did get back to this pic... 😂
July: As mentioned above, a comic for my good friend Dia featuring her gal Clysmia!
August: The tail end of a final ArtFight attack against Chocobir! I had so much fun putting in on the Easter eggs, and Choco is so cute!
September: The suave business lizard himself, it's Nell! Another one that's painted over an older sketch. Overall I think I improved the face shape a bit since the sketch? Maybe?
October: The final flower from Floratober 2023! I had a lot of fun and it was so great getting so much feedback this year. The wonders of posting on places other than Tumblr! lol.
November: Comet from Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san! Whenever I need to get away and draw, Comet is there as my comfort anime. :) It's been a while since I've drawn the girl and watched the last bundle of episodes!
December: And of course, December's art! From a very fittingly snowy-themed project. :) I don't know yet how much I'll be able to talk about it, but it's certainly going to keep me busy for a while!
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jvzoousa · 11 days
GPTReels: An Innovative Tool for Content Creators.
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. GPTReels, an innovative information product, promises to revolutionise the way content creators generate and utilise short-form videos. As a content creation tool harnessing the power of AI, GPTReels aims to simplify the process of producing engaging and high-quality reels for various social media platforms. In this review, we will explore its features, usability, and overall value for content creators.
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Features and Capabilities
GPTReels boasts an impressive array of features designed to cater to both novice and experienced content creators. One of its standout features is the AI-powered video script generator, which uses advanced natural language processing to craft compelling scripts tailored to your niche. This not only saves time but also ensures that the content is relevant and engaging for your target audience.
The tool also includes a vast library of royalty-free music, sound effects, and video clips, allowing users to enhance their reels without the hassle of sourcing media from external platforms. Additionally, GPTReels offers customisable templates, enabling creators to maintain consistency in branding and style across their content.
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Another notable feature is the integrated analytics dashboard. This provides valuable insights into the performance of your reels, helping you to refine your strategy based on real-time data. Metrics such as engagement rates, viewer demographics, and optimal posting times are all accessible through this intuitive interface.
Usability and User Experience
One of the key selling points of GPTReels is its user-friendly interface. The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise. The onboarding process is straightforward, with comprehensive tutorials and support resources available to guide new users through the initial setup.
Creating a reel with GPTReels is a streamlined process. Users can start by selecting a template or creating a custom project from scratch. The script generator is easy to use; simply input a few keywords or a brief description, and the AI will generate a script in seconds. From there, adding media, transitions, and effects is as simple as dragging and dropping elements into place.
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Despite its robust feature set, GPTReels manages to maintain a clean and uncluttered interface. This ensures that users can focus on creating content without being overwhelmed by unnecessary distractions.
Performance and Value
In terms of performance, GPTReels excels. The AI-generated scripts are impressively coherent and tailored to the input provided, demonstrating the advanced capabilities of the underlying technology. The quality of the pre-included media assets is also commendable, with a wide variety of options to suit different content themes.
From a value perspective, GPTReels offers a competitive pricing model. Given the range of features and the potential time savings, it represents good value for money for content creators looking to streamline their workflow. The inclusion of analytics and the ability to track the success of your content further enhance its appeal, providing actionable insights that can drive growth and engagement.
GPTReels is a powerful tool that stands out in the crowded field of content creation software. Its combination of AI-driven script generation, extensive media library, and intuitive user interface makes it an attractive option for content creators seeking to produce high-quality reels efficiently. The added benefit of integrated analytics ensures that users can continually optimise their content strategy, making GPTReels not just a tool for creation but also for growth.
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For those in the business of social media marketing or digital content creation, GPTReels is certainly worth considering. It offers a compelling blend of innovation, ease of use, and value, positioning itself as a valuable asset in the modern content creator’s toolkit.
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taylorannnx · 5 months
Pricing My One-Page TTRPG: A Peek Behind The Curtain
I already tweeted this in thread form but I find this topic both helpful and interesting, so Tumblr you're getting it too!
You may be shocked to find a one page game priced at $4.95, so let me breakdown WHY this is. As a disclaimer, we are offering 50 and 100% discounts to make the game accessible to people with different levels of disposable income.
I didn’t have the money to pay people upfront for their work at a fair price, but I knew in my heart Chefs de Partie was a collaborative project. I chose royalty split because the whole team benefits the more sales there are, which aligns with my values of community and supporting my peers.
Math is not my strong suit, but luckily there is a blog post with a spreadsheet template by Lyla Fujiwara that helped me calculate how to do a royalty split. Find it here: https://jarofeyes.substack.com/p/money-and-collaboration-paying-people
Steps I took to choose a price:
1) Determine shares per job. PMing, layout, and editing are all intensive jobs that take more hours than writing (research, back -and-forth-ing, communication hours) so I gave them each 2 shares, and the writers 1 share each. 
2) Set a target number of sales. I chose 51 because for community content you get a best seller metal. Also if each contributor manages to convince 5-6 people (an achievable number) to buy the product we’ve hit the target number.
3) Look at minimum wage for each job. For writing, it should be $0.10/word. For copyediting, it’s $0.02/word. I didn’t take into account layout hourly rates at the time, which in retrospect is a mistake and I will rectify this going forward.
(I cover the math later though!)
4) Word limits. This was influenced by space on the page but also feasible pay. Recipes were capped at 100 words. All writers would be paid the same whether they were under or over and submissions that were over were cut down to 100 (+/-10%) for space and fairness.
5) MATH. If writers are paid $0.10/word with a target of 51 sales to fully pay them, they need to earn $0.20 per sale.
The math is the same for editing thanks to 2 shares and word count limits/contributor numbers.
My workings: Writer: 0.2/sale x 51 = 10.2/100= 0.10/word Editor: 0.4/sale x 51 = 20.4 /936 (final manuscript word count) = 0.02/word
Thanks to Lyla’s handy spreadsheet, I was able to figure out that pricing the game at $4.95 allows everyone to be paid fairly within 51 sales. And that number grows! With 100 sales, the writers and our Mari earn $0.20 and $0.04 per word!
Is it more expensive than average? Yes. But it’s fair, which was my goal.
This pricing, however, comes with two main failings. The first is not taking into account the cost for layout. If my layout artist spent 15 hours on layout, by 51 sales they’ve only earned $1 per hour spent. That’s not enough. (I have discussed this with them and rectified it privately.)
Secondly, I didn’t take into account my own wages for both project management and writing. The core rules are 260 words long. It’ll take 65 sales before I’ve earned $0.10/word for the writing alone. /11
I’ve put 12+ hours into management, from creating documentation to communication to marketing/promotion (writing this thread took 2+ hours and is technically promotion)
At my current rate it would take additional 1176 sales before I paid myself for 12 hours (1241 sales total)!
Games, even one-page ones, are EXPENSIVE to make. Is Chefs de Partie overpriced? No. It’s fairly priced (to the editorial team at least) considering we’re an indie team with no business backing. $4.95 feels like a lot for one page, but the hours put into it make it worth every penny.
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stranomavero-o · 1 year
I’ve got you covered
Vedendo l’altro giorno un reel su instagram mi è venuta in mente una cosa sempre sul tema CV e candidature per lavori... la temutissima Cover Letter. Quella cosa orrenda che non si capisca assolutamente a cosa serva ma che tantissimi chiedono, e che ogni volta dici “madonna vi ho messo il CV, ho passato 20 minuti a compilare i vostri form di merda rimettendo tutte le info che comunque ci sono nel CV, e ora pure sta cazzo di cover letter? ‘Na fettina di culo no?”. Quindi ho pensato di agevolarvi un piccolo template da seguire per creare la vostra cover letter di rito in cui sostituire ogni volta solo il nome della posizione per cui vi candidate e il nome dell’azienda in cui mandate la candidatura, e così in 2 minuti avete pronta pure questa ulteriore fettina di culo. Ovviamente è super generica e dovete metterci la sostanza, è solo il canovaccio per darvi uno spunto se non sapete da dove partire (in inglese perché ce l’avevo così, sorry).
Dear Hiring Manager,
I would like to express my strong interest in the position of XXXXXXX in COMPANY. I firmly believe that my education, skill-set and experiences make me an ideal candidate for this opportunity.
Currently I’m working as YYYYYY in Company-name, where I’m responsible for this and that. In this role I had the chance to develop a strong ability to *skill*, skill* and also *skill*.
I have always been interested in *this things that the job posting is asking* since starting my career in YEAR at COMPANY, working as ROLE after completing my degree in SOMETHING. In fact I keep developing my knowledge of these topics through *courses, business publications, other*.
During the course of my career I also learned how to be effective in communicating clearly and listening to customers/colleagues in order to ensure the success of the *project/activity/thing* and work effectivly as a team.
Please, have a look at my enclosed resume for detailed information about my work experiences and education. Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards
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softgridcomputer · 5 months
Unlocking the Potential of Your Online Presence: 
WordPress Website Development Services
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Today's era, a strong online presence is essential for businesses and individuals looking to establish their brand, reach a wider audience, and achieve their goals. 
WordPress, the world's most popular content management system (CMS), has revolutionised the way websites are built and managed. However, to truly unlock the potential of WordPress and create a professional and impactful website, engaging the services of a WordPress website development company is highly beneficial.
Why Choose WordPress Website Development Services?
Expertise and Professionalism: WordPress website development services provide you access to a team of experienced professionals who specialise in creating and optimising websites on the WordPress platform. These experts have a deep understanding of WordPress and its features, allowing them to develop websites that are visually appealing, functional, and tailored to your specific needs.
Customization and Personalization: While WordPress offers a wide range of themes and templates, a WordPress development company can customise and personalise your website to reflect your brand identity and unique requirements. They can create custom themes, design unique layouts, and implement advanced functionalities, ensuring that your website stands out from the competition and aligns with your brand's image.
Advanced Functionality: WordPress website development services can extend the functionality of your website beyond the basic features provided by the CMS. They can integrate and customise plugins, add e-commerce capabilities, implement advanced forms, and incorporate other tools to enhance user experience and meet your specific business needs.
Responsive Design: With the increasing use of mobile devices, having a responsive website is crucial. WordPress development services ensure that your website looks and functions flawlessly across all devices and screen sizes. They employ responsive design techniques, optimising layouts, images, and content to provide an optimal browsing experience for your visitors, regardless of the device they use.
SEO Optimization: A website without proper search engine optimization (SEO) is unlikely to reach its full potential in terms of visibility and organic traffic. WordPress development services have SEO experts who can optimise your website for better search engine rankings. They conduct keyword research, optimise meta tags and headings, improve website speed and performance, and implement other SEO strategies to enhance your website's online visibility.
Security and Maintenance: Website security is a paramount concern in today's digital landscape. WordPress development services implement robust security measures to protect your website from potential threats. They ensure that your website is secure, regularly updated with the latest security patches, and backed up regularly. Additionally, they provide ongoing maintenance and support services to ensure your website remains secure, optimised, and functional.
Choosing the Right WordPress Website Development Services:
Portfolio and Experience: Evaluate the portfolio and experience of the WordPress development company. Review their previous projects, assess the quality of their work, and determine if they have experience in your industry or niche.
Client Reviews and Testimonials: Check for client reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the company's reputation and customer satisfaction. Positive feedback from previous clients is a strong indicator of the company's reliability and professionalism.
Services Offered: Consider the range of services offered by the WordPress development company. Look for a company that provides comprehensive services, including website design, development, customization, SEO optimization, and ongoing support.
Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication is crucial throughout the development process. Ensure that the company has clear communication channels and is responsive to your queries and feedback. Look for a company that emphasises collaboration and involves you in the decision-making process.
Pricing and Budget: Consider the pricing structure and ensure it aligns with your budget and expectations. Request a detailed quote and clarify what is included in the pricing package.
Engaging the services of a WordPress website development company can transform your online presence and help you achieve your digital goals. With their expertise, customization capabilities, advanced functionalities, and SEO optimization, they can create a website that represents your brand, attracts visitors, and drives conversions. By carefully considering the factors mentioned above and choosing the right WordPress development services, you can unlock the full potential of WordPress and establish a strong and impactful online presence.
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chris-kuchanny · 1 year
What Are the Three Impact Analysis Stages?
Using impact analysis, businesses may detect and evaluate the possible effects of accidents and interruptions on their operations. Also, it enables individuals to plan and prepare for potential outcomes and take action to lessen any harmful repercussions.
This is crucial for software since modifications to software modules might impact many areas of the program and result in unpredictable behaviors. Developers can reduce risk and avoid system failures in the future by doing an impact study.
A proper method that can provide a lot of information about a suggested change is a business impact analysis (BIA). Although it's no secret that alterations to a company's operations may be intimidating, a BIA can arm your team with the knowledge they need to choose wisely.
To carry out the finest BIA possible, you must first and foremost assemble a group of knowledgeable stakeholders. Project managers, product managers, software engineers, and other essential team members should be considered. Consider incorporating a subject-matter specialist to provide direction and advice. The procedure will be more effective, and you'll probably obtain better outcomes if you have a committed team. Lastly, always utilize a reliable impact assessment template to ensure you remember all crucial information. The template can also assist you in identifying the metrics that are most crucial to your company's success.
Understanding the effects a change has on your system is an excellent method to reduce the risk because many things may go wrong in the company. An impact analysis does this.
You must collect a lot of information in the initial phase. This may include colleague interviews, precise research data, and other things.
The next step is to examine all of this information and formulate a hypothesis on the effects of the changes. This will serve as your foundation for assessing the modifications and making choices.
Determining what and who is affected by a change may be challenging for complicated projects with thousands of artifacts. Thankfully, this procedure can be automated using requirements management software, making it simpler to keep track of all the connections between requirements, specifications, design components, and tests. As a result, it is simple to list every item that will be impacted by a change and to offer precise data for impact analysis.
An impact analysis is a procedure to assess the effects of a project or intervention. It is a valuable technique to ensure that an intervention accomplishes its intended aims and can be used as a formative or summative assessment.
All parties engaged in the program or intervention will typically participate in the assessment during the planning and analytic phases. This is crucial because it gives the results the validity they need to be used in future choices and policies.
The theory of change explaining how an intervention is anticipated to have the desired effects should be examined in a critical assessment, and this theory should be tested using data. The context of an intervention, including its social, economic, and political surroundings, should also be considered.
Each business process should include impact analysis as a crucial component. It aids businesses in recognizing essential procedures and formulating plans to avoid issues in the future.
They may use the crucial information it gives them to react swiftly and successfully to an interruption in business. They may better preserve their technological and financial assets by identifying key activities and pinpointing opportunities for improvement.
Many experts utilize software solutions to increase the procedure's efficiency because doing it manually can take several hours.
Managers can put the adjustments the team suggested into effect once the team has finished an impact study and gotten permission for their conclusions. This can save expenses and aid in business expansion. It also enables the creation of novel goods and technology.
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etceterabd · 1 year
Are you aware of the top marketing tools out there that not only help you get your job done better, but are completely FREE? There are a number of excellent free marketing tools, and we’ve compiled some of the top in the categories that help you master your marketing. Whether you add all or a few to your marketing toolbox, you’ll reap the benefits of these resources right away and work smarter, not harder.
Project Management: Trello
Lead Generation: Hubspot
Design: Canva
Content: Answer the Public
SEO: Google Free Business Profile and Google Analytics
Social Media Management: Buffer
This highly visual organization tool is a master at project management. It lays everything out intuitively on “boards” reminiscent of an old-school desk blotter and designed to manage projects, workflows, and tasks, from the big picture down to the finest detail. With the free version of Trello, you can create unlimited boards that contain a project or process, lists encompassing all tasks and divided into “To Do,” “Doing,” and “Done” (or your own custom process), and smaller, movable “cards” with the information you need to accomplish these tasks, tied to deadlines and assigned doers. 
Trello helps you boost your productivity. It keeps everyone moving, with spaces to comment on the cards, and add files and checklists. It also integrates with Slack, Dropbox, Outlook, Gmail, Salesforce, and more, with “power-ups,” or plug-ins, that expand your capabilities. The free version gets you unlimited cards, built-in automation, due dates, mobile and desktop apps, unlimited activity logs, templates, and unlimited power-ups. Then if you find you’re needing more, it’s a reasonable jump in monthly rate for more robust options.
Hubspot is known for many things to many marketers. It’s a robust CRM platform with highly effective marketing, sales, and service tools. The software is king at lead generation. It helps marketers attract potential visitors and leads through inbound marketing, ushering them through the buyer’s journey, and converting them into customers. 
While HubSpot’s capabilities are wide-ranging and complex, you can take advantage of its CRM tools in a free suite that includes email marketing, live chat, forms, pop-ups, ads, landing pages, reports, and more. This version has some very helpful features; marketers can add more information about incoming leads with data gleaned from the internet, populating charts with social profiles, job titles, where they came from online, and what they viewed before they filled out their form. You’ll be able to track these potential customers when they return to your site as well, and since each action is mapped, you can track timing too. The free version of HubSpot also provides analytics so you know which of your pages, offers, and traffic sources are pulling the highest conversions. You’ll see the number of visits before customers buy and identify other trends in site navigation so you can optimize your site. 
Hubspot also offers paid subscriptions, but these free capabilities are highly effective, so you can always add on later if you’d like:
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In the way that self-publishing content through social media has revolutionized the media industry, Canva has similarly given people a free platform with which to create beautiful brochures, business cards, banners, infographics, cards, logos, designs for promotional items, social media images, posters, newsletters, videos and so much more. Started in 2013, the platform offers many tools for free, including 250,000+ templates, 100+ design types (social media posts, presentations, letters, and more), free photos and graphics, additional team members, and 5GB of cloud storage, plus access to easy tutorials and other great resources, including a robust blog for marketing, design, and branding. You can level up to Pro and Enterprise for more features, which are free for classrooms and nonprofits.
Canva offers excellent tools for laying out and designing professional-looking  pieces even if you’re not a professional designer. With this design tool, you can create postcards for your upcoming sale, Instagram images for branding, or a flyer with your services. Its intuitive interface has made good design more accessible for all of us.
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This content-generating tool is so simple that you’ll want to play with it for hours. It makes a great party game too, especially since it’s powered by a perky robot. The premise is simple: just enter the topic you’re interested in covering for your content strategy, and it will (within seconds), deliver an elegantly charted image containing more search terms than you can possibly use. The way it works is by collecting the autocomplete data from the 3 billion+ daily Google searches and mapping them out into “what,” “how,” “where,” and more.
You get an unfiltered look into the minds of searchers, to learn the information that they’re really seeking—and sometimes it’s surprising. You can leverage this content to create the next headlines and search terms for your blogs and social media posts. If your audience feels like you’re reading their minds, it’s because you pretty much are.
With Answer the Public’s free version, you can conduct more than 500,000 searches a month; if you need more you can also upgrade to their other plans:
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The Google Free Business Profile is a no-brainer. If you have not yet completed this one-time task, head there right now and get your business set up. This tool will direct all users who find you on Google to the critical information they seek: your phone number, website, address, hours, ratings, description, posts, health and safety measures, women-owned/Black-owned/veteran-owned and other status, and more. It includes a map so users can see your location at a glance and a spot for product and services photos. You can create offers, respond to reviews, send and receive direct messages, and post FAQ answers. Since people will be looking for you on their phones and other devices, this first impression is crucial—and it’s 100% free.
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To track how well your website is performing, Google Analytics is an excellent tool. It measures real-time traffic and lets you set custom goals like purchases or signups. You can delve into revenue, return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS). When you link it to Google Ads, you can track ad performance and use their advanced machine learning capabilities to optimize advertising campaigns, based on cost per acquisition (CPA), ROI, or ROAS. With this information, you’ll learn which channels are performing best, see where your customers are coming from (devices and geographically), and use this information to optimize your site. Not bad for a free tool! 
Related: 6 Metrics Your Boss Actually Cares About
Who has the time to continually post on social media? You do, now that you have a free tool that does it for you! With Buffer, you can schedule your social media posts across social sites in advance, so they’re set. 
Their free option gives you up to three channels and their profiles, with ten social posts per queue (and no monthly or yearly limit), basic publishing tools, and a landing page builder for you to send leads to. They even shorten links automatically to save you characters. Buffer is a great way to manage the posts you’ve been meaning to post but haven’t gotten around to yet. It’s your social media assistant, automated.
If you like working with Buffer (and you will), you can opt for their next available plan, which lets you look at analytics, use their engagement tools, build a shopping landing page, and integrate with other apps:
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These free marketing tools are all so helpful, and their paid versions often include even more helpful capabilities. We recommend trying them for free and if you find they’re really working for you, they may be worth an additional investment since they’re providing a strong return. Check them out and let us know how you do!
And if you need help integrating any of these tools or would like more marketing muscle in your toolbox, reach out to our team. We’re suckers for time-saving tools, and we love to help make marketing easier, smarter, and of course, better.
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digitaltrend2 · 10 months
How to Earn Online Money In the USA
There are various ways to earn money online in the USA. Keep in mind that like any other form of income, online earning requires effort, time, and sometimes initial investment. Here are some legitimate methods to make money online:
Freelancing: Offer your skills and services on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, or Toptal. Depending on your expertise, you can find opportunities in writing, graphic design, web development, digital marketing, and more.
Online Surveys and Market Research: Participate in paid surveys and market research studies on websites like Swagbucks, Survey Junkie, and Vindale Research. While this won't make you rich, it's an easy way to earn some extra cash.
Content Creation: If you have a passion for creating content, you can start a blog, YouTube channel, or podcast. Once you gain an audience, you can monetize through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
Online Teaching: If you have expertise in a subject or skill, consider teaching online. Platforms like VIPKid and Teachable allow you to create and sell courses to students worldwide.
Selling Products: Start an online store using platforms like Shopify or Etsy to sell physical or digital products. You can also leverage Amazon's FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) to sell products without the hassle of shipping and handling.
Stock Photography: If you're a photographer, you can sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock or Adobe Stock.
Virtual Assistant: Offer virtual assistant services to businesses and entrepreneurs. Tasks may include managing emails, scheduling, data entry, and more.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services through affiliate links, and earn a commission for every sale made through your unique referral link.
Online Investing: Consider investing in stocks, cryptocurrencies, or peer-to-peer lending platforms, but always remember that investing involves risk.
Online Gaming and Streaming: If you're skilled in gaming, you can earn money through live streaming on platforms like Twitch, YouTube Gaming, or Facebook Gaming. Additionally, some games offer opportunities to earn money through in-game items and currencies.
Dropshipping: Start an e-commerce business without holding any inventory. With dropshipping, you sell products to customers, and the supplier ships the products directly to them. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce can help you set up your online store.
Remote Work: Many companies offer remote job opportunities. Websites like Remote.co and FlexJobs list remote positions across various industries.
Transcription Services: If you have good typing skills, consider providing transcription services to convert audio or video content into text. Websites like Rev and TranscribeMe offer such opportunities.
Online Consulting: If you have expertise in a particular field (e.g., business, finance, marketing, health), offer consulting services online via video calls or email.
Rent Out Your Space: If you have extra space, you can rent it out through platforms like Airbnb for short-term rentals or use Peerspace for events and meetings.
Online Surplus Sales: Sell items you no longer need on online marketplaces like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Craigslist.
Language Tutoring: If you are fluent in multiple languages, offer language tutoring or translation services through websites like italki or Verbling.
Remote Programming: If you're a programmer or software developer, you can find remote coding projects on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Stack Overflow Jobs.
Online Data Entry: Some companies offer data entry tasks that can be completed remotely. Look for opportunities on job boards or freelancing platforms.
Social Media Management: Help businesses manage their social media presence and create content for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Create and Sell Printables: If you have design skills, create printable templates or digital products like planners, calendars, and artwork to sell on platforms like Etsy or your website.
Online Gaming Tournaments: If you're a skilled gamer, participate in online gaming tournaments that offer cash prizes.
Remote Customer Service: Some companies hire remote customer service representatives to handle customer inquiries via phone, chat, or email.
Virtual Events and Webinars: Host virtual events or webinars on topics of interest and charge attendees for access.
Remember that success in online ventures often requires consistency, dedication, and adaptability. It may take time to build a sustainable income stream, so be patient and keep learning and improving your skills. Always be cautious of scams and never invest money you can't afford to lose in any online opportunity.
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techogamo · 1 year
website tools idea
Here are some website tool ideas that you can consider:
Logo Maker: A tool that allows users to create custom logos for their businesses or personal projects. It could provide a range of design options, fonts, and icons to choose from.
Website Builder: An intuitive drag-and-drop website builder that enables users to create professional-looking websites without coding knowledge. It could offer various templates, customizable elements, and integrations with popular platforms.
Color Palette Generator: A tool that generates harmonious color palettes based on user preferences or uploaded images. It could provide options for different color schemes, including complementary, monochromatic, or analogous.
Infographic Creator: A tool that helps users design visually appealing infographics by providing templates, icons, and data visualization options. Users could input their data and customize the design elements.
Social Media Scheduler: A tool that allows users to schedule and manage their social media posts in advance. It could support multiple social media platforms, provide analytics, and offer content curation suggestions.
Resume Builder: An online tool that assists users in creating professional resumes or CVs. It could offer various templates, editable sections, and import/export options to streamline the resume creation process.
Survey/Forms Creator: A tool that enables users to create customized surveys or forms for data collection. It could provide various question types, logic branching, and result analysis features.
Photo Editor: An online photo editing tool that allows users to enhance, crop, and apply filters to their images. It could provide basic editing features like resizing, adjusting brightness/contrast, and adding text or stickers.
Domain Name Generator: A tool that helps users find available domain names for their websites or businesses. It could provide suggestions based on keywords, extensions, and availability.
Password Generator: A secure password generator tool that creates strong and unique passwords. It could allow users to set the desired length, character types, and generate multiple passwords at once.
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ecoursenotepok · 2 years
Best project management documents knowledge base
Best project management documents knowledge base
Best project management documents knowledge base Photo by Gabrielle Henderson Best project management documents knowledge base. 9000+ Project Management and Business Templates, Plans, Tools, Forms and Guides for Engineers, Project Managers, Business Owner, GMs and Construction Employees Save Time and Effort… Why create project documents from scratch when you have an entire suite of tried and…
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akhtarkincaid · 2 years
Sap Bpc 10 1 S4hana 1610 Bpc Embedded Planning Optimized
 This as an utility, SAP purchased BPC software program from Microsoft after which output soft they kind of merged into BW answer so the backend was BW and the software works like a entrance finish kind of factor.  So they'll look merged to both of them and then they offered planning and consolidated functions part of the BPC that is called Business Planning and Consolidation or SAP BPC Embedded Corporate Training. SAP Enterprise Learning is a learning management system, for big and medium-sized enterprises, from SAP, and it incorporates a digital studying room function powered by Adobe Connect.
About 20,000 employees are primarily based in Germany and about 19,311 staff are based within the United States.
Ecorptrainings is an interactive and progressive method of evangelizing us toward various courses.
You will handle work standing and in addition launch actions from Analysis for Excel.
I began implementing SAP FI/CO in version 3.1h and completed greater than 20 initiatives over the past 18 years, normally as the technical or functional lead. Data Mining in SAP has been a specialization of mine ever since my first introduction to BW (SEM BPS, BPC traditional and Embedded, BI-IP). Blog Read up on the newest matters around SAP, training, studying & improvement. Needs to evaluation the safety of your connection earlier than continuing. "Conversion of legal form to European company permitted – SAP shareholders elect Jim Hagemann Snabe to Supervisory Board of SAP SE".
Enterprise Reporting
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Developed budget and forecast reviews on HANA views, pulling plan information from BPC by activating HANA external views setting. Experience in Interacting with CFO/CIO/Assistant Controller/Finance Analyst/ VP FP&A/purchasing director/Sales Director to understand the requirements & ship reporting answer. As with any project, it is essential to know where we are headed and we will begin off with the useful necessities of our application. People who need SAP BPC data for a personal or enterprise project like for getting Basics level of understanding on SAP BPC. People who already knowledge in SAP BW/Data warehouse tool expertise, but wish to be taught about the SAP BPC. Embedded mannequin helps SAP BW Queries that you could execute instantly within the SAP EPM add-in for Microsoft office.
What Is Epm In Sap? [newline]bpc Administration
In July 2017, allegations have been made that SAP had been involved in business transactions with the controversial and politically influential Gupta family in South Africa. SAP was accused of paying CAD House, a Gupta-controlled firm, R100 million in order to secure a Transnet deal. SAP denied the allegations, claiming that the money was paid as "an extension of the gross sales force", despite CAD House having no prior SAP expertise. SAP TechEd is the company's extra technical convention, aimed toward SAP's ecosystem of consultants and software development companions. SAP makes use of a two-tier structure of boards, with an govt board and a supervisory board. In October 2019, Jennifer Morgan and Christian Klein were appointed as co-CEOs of SAP.
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Achieved detail degree planning by adding customized member line item and implementing feedback to track explanations. Delivered different planning resolution - cost middle opex planning, revenue middle revenue planning, and capex planning by implementing SAP BW IP/BPC Embedded Model on S4HANA. Requirement gathering from business users, developed Blueprint & getting signoff, configuration in BPC 10.1 and so on. World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics presents more PowerPoint templates than anyone else on the planet, with over four million to select from. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. sap bpc online training 'll give your displays a professional, memorable appearance - the type of subtle look that today's audiences anticipate.
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okay I slept nine hours again last night but it’s fine I’m telling myself that I’m just aggressively resting up now in case the coming semester is super stressful. 11 business days and counting with no reply from the foundation (not even an out of office reply??) which is driving me insane because I have such a limited window of time to do all this fall semester planning if we do indeed move forward with recruiting a new cohort. I am loath to waste these last couple weeks of break revamping the whole syllabus and prepping training materials for a new hire if we’re just going to get a no from the foundation, but I also don’t want september to be a living hell for me if I don’t do the work now while I have the time. agh! I think I’m going to try to use syllabus replanning as a chance to concretely apply what I’m learning from this learning & development research book. that way I can tell myself I’m prepping for my new job by practicing with a real world example, and I can get at least a chunk of the initial work done for the program. okay okay. I can do this.
here’s what I’ve done so far this morning:
I rewrote my learning objectives based on the book’s advice to set aside separately defined abstract goals and focus instead on the practical real world skills that I’ve noticed students need to successfully complete their projects. then I subdivided those complex bundled skills into different sub-skills I’ll need to explicitly teach them + made notes on what type of instruction would be most effective for each one. I have started loosely using that list to plan specific seminars but I am leaving that a bit more open for now… that’s going to be more sustained work.
since we are probably going to have to start a couple weeks behind schedule, I think I’m going to require them to attend a paid one-day weekend retreat where we can do some intensive cohort bonding and lay a foundation for the semester in a more deliberate way. I mapped out a rough schedule for that event.
I downloaded some templates for Asana and Notion to experiment with. I’m going to need to use more structured project management tools this year since I’ll be supervising a grad student employee, so I need to teach myself how to use them + also create replicable templates tailored to our program.
to save time for faculty and to get better recs I think we’re going to use a recommendation form instead requiring a rec letter. I sketched out a very rough version of that form though again will put off actually creating it until we have more info.
I mapped out a calendar of deadlines for august and sent it to my boss, then nudged her to nudge the dean about reaching out to the foundation again today.
I am going to pause program work for a bit and get back to reading my L&D book. I have 70 pages left so I might try to finish it in the next hour or so, depending on how dense the last sections are. then I will take a break and do podcast editing for a bit, as I find it soothing. I think a good strategy for this week is to spend 2-3 focused hours each morning on course prep then firmly set that work aside. that way I can feel like I’m making solid progress but I’m not wholly giving over my last precious weeks of vacation time to work that might not even turn out to be necessary.
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thavince1 · 2 days
Comprehensive Web Development Services: Building the Future of Digital Business
In today’s digital age, a robust online presence is essential for any business aiming to succeed. Web development services play a crucial role in creating and maintaining websites that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user-friendly. From startups to established enterprises, leveraging professional web development services can transform your digital presence and drive business growth. This article explores the various aspects of web development services, their benefits, and the key components that contribute to a successful web project.
Understanding Web Development Services
Web development services encompass a wide range of activities involved in the creation, deployment, and maintenance of websites and web applications. These services are provided by skilled professionals who specialize in different areas of web development, including front-end development, back-end development, and full-stack development. The primary goal is to build websites that are optimized for performance, scalability, and user engagement.
Key Components of Web Development Services
1. Front-End Development
Front-end development focuses on the visual and interactive aspects of a website that users interact with directly. This involves the use of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a responsive and engaging user interface. Front-end developers ensure that the website is accessible, easy to navigate, and visually appealing across all devices and screen sizes.
2. Back-End Development
Back-end development involves the server-side aspects of a website, including database management, server configuration, and application logic. Back-end developers use languages such as PHP, Python, Ruby, and Node.js to build the infrastructure that supports front-end operations. They ensure that the website is secure, stable, and capable of handling user requests efficiently.
3. Full-Stack Development
Full-stack development combines both front-end and back-end development skills. Full-stack developers have the expertise to manage all aspects of web development, from designing user interfaces to managing databases and server-side logic. This holistic approach allows for more streamlined development processes and better integration between different components of a website.
4. Content Management Systems (CMS)
Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal enable businesses to manage and update their website content easily. Web development services often include the setup and customization of CMS platforms to meet specific business needs. A well-configured CMS allows non-technical users to add, edit, and publish content without needing to understand coding.
5. E-Commerce Development
E-commerce development services focus on creating online stores and shopping platforms. These services include the integration of payment gateways, shopping carts, product catalogs, and secure checkout processes. E-commerce developers ensure that the online store is user-friendly, secure, and optimized for conversions, providing a seamless shopping experience for customers.
6. Web Application Development
Web application development involves creating dynamic and interactive applications that run on web browsers. These applications can range from simple contact forms to complex business systems. Web developers use frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js to build scalable and high-performance web applications tailored to specific business requirements.
Benefits of Professional Web Development Services
1. Customization and Flexibility
Professional web development services offer customized solutions tailored to the unique needs of your business. This flexibility ensures that your website aligns with your brand identity, goals, and target audience. Custom-built websites can include specific features and functionalities that are not available in generic templates.
2. Enhanced User Experience
A well-designed website enhances the user experience by providing intuitive navigation, fast load times, and responsive design. Professional web developers use best practices to ensure that your website is accessible and easy to use, resulting in higher user satisfaction and engagement.
3. Improved Performance and Scalability
Professional web development services focus on optimizing website performance and scalability. This involves using efficient coding practices, optimizing images and resources, and implementing caching strategies. A high-performance website can handle increased traffic and provide a seamless experience for users, even as your business grows.
4. Security and Reliability
Security is a critical aspect of web development. Professional web developers implement security best practices to protect your website from vulnerabilities and cyber threats. This includes using secure coding techniques, SSL certificates, and regular security updates. A reliable and secure website builds trust with your users and protects sensitive data.
5. SEO Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for improving your website’s visibility in search engine results. Professional web development services include SEO best practices such as optimizing site structure, improving page load speeds, and ensuring mobile-friendliness. A well-optimized website attracts more organic traffic and enhances your online presence.
6. Ongoing Support and Maintenance
Web development services often include ongoing support and maintenance to keep your website up-to-date and running smoothly. This includes regular updates, bug fixes, performance monitoring, and security patches. Ongoing support ensures that your website remains relevant and functional, providing a positive user experience.
Web development services are integral to building and maintaining a successful online presence. By leveraging the expertise of professional web developers, businesses can create websites that are visually appealing, highly functional, and optimized for performance and user experience. Whether you need a simple informational site, a complex e-commerce platform, or a dynamic web application, investing in comprehensive web development services can drive digital success and position your business for long-term growth in the competitive online landscape.
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workflowdesign · 2 days
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Workflow Apps for Your Business
In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency and productivity are key factors in determining success. One way to streamline operations and enhance productivity is by leveraging workflow apps. These powerful tools automate tasks, improve collaboration, and optimize processes. However, with a plethora of options available in the market, choosing the right workflow app for your business can be overwhelming. To help you make an informed decision, here's the ultimate guide to selecting the best workflow apps for your business needs.
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Identify Your Business Requirements: Before exploring workflow apps, it's crucial to identify your business requirements. Determine the specific tasks or processes you want to streamline, such as project management, document approvals, or task delegation. Understanding your needs will narrow down the options and help you focus on solutions that align with your objectives.
Consider Integration Capabilities: Integration with existing tools and platforms is essential for seamless workflow management. Look for workflow apps that integrate with your current software stack, such as project management tools, CRMs, or communication platforms. This ensures smooth data flow and eliminates the need for manual data entry across multiple systems.
Evaluate Automation Features: The primary purpose of workflow apps is to automate repetitive tasks and streamline processes. Evaluate the automation features offered by different apps, such as task triggers, conditional logic, and approval workflows. Choose a solution that offers robust automation capabilities to save time and reduce human error.
Assess Collaboration Tools: Effective collaboration is vital for team productivity and project success. Look for workflow apps that offer built-in collaboration tools, such as real-time chat, file sharing, and commenting features. Seamless collaboration capabilities facilitate communication and ensure all team members are on the same page.
Review Customization Options: Every business has unique workflows and processes that require customization. Choose a workflow app that allows for flexible customization to tailor the system to your specific needs. Look for customizable templates, form builders, and workflow automation rules that can be adapted to match your business processes.
Check Scalability and Pricing: As your business grows, your workflow management needs may evolve. Consider the scalability of the workflow app and its pricing structure. Opt for a solution that can accommodate your growing business without incurring significant additional costs. Look for transparent pricing plans with flexible pricing tiers based on usage or number of users.
Prioritize User Experience: A user-friendly interface is essential for widespread adoption and user satisfaction. Prioritize workflow apps with intuitive interfaces and easy navigation. Conduct user testing or request a demo to evaluate the user experience and ensure it meets the needs of your team members.
Review Security and Compliance Features: Data security and compliance are paramount when choosing a workflow app, especially for businesses handling sensitive information. Review the security features offered by the app, such as data encryption, access controls, and compliance certifications. Choose a solution that prioritizes data security and compliance with industry standards.
Seek Customer Support and Training: Effective customer support and training resources are essential for successful implementation and ongoing usage of the workflow app. Look for providers that offer comprehensive customer support, including live chat, email support, and knowledge base resources. Additionally, inquire about training options, such as onboarding sessions or video tutorials, to ensure your team can effectively utilize the app.
Read Reviews and Get Recommendations: Finally, leverage reviews and recommendations from other businesses to inform your decision. Research online reviews, case studies, and testimonials from existing users to gain insights into the pros and cons of different workflow apps. Additionally, seek recommendations from colleagues or industry peers who have experience with workflow management tools.
By following these steps and considering key factors such as integration capabilities, automation features, collaboration tools, customization options, scalability, pricing, user experience, security, customer support, and reviews, you can choose the best workflow app for your business. Investing in the right workflow app can significantly improve efficiency, productivity, and overall business success.
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