#professional book reviews
apagebookclub · 4 months
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chicklitcafe · 5 months
The Pianist's Only Daughter by Kathryn Betts Adams - Chick Lit Book Cafe Review
The Pianist’s Only Daughter: A Memoir by Kathryn Betts Adams The Pianist’s Only Daughter is a sometimes humorous, sometimes heartbreaking memoir that follows two creative academics—a pianist and a poet—from their youth, in love and full of vigor and artistic self-expression, to their poignant efforts to hold on to their unique gifts and maintain their humanity in old age. First-time memoirist…
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 months
The dichotomy between what's popular according to booktok (from what I've see) from the most blandest books imaginable to the most taboo erotica you can think of is kinda wild.
I think that what gets me with taboo books recommended by BookTok is that they're usually very poorly written. And if the writing is poor, you're not really getting the full "shock" value.
Like, when you read Sierra Simone's Thornchapel series, the scenes read as really intense because Sierra is an excellent writer. In contrast, a book like Hooked (that one dark romance~ modern Captain Hook book, a concept I was very open to and wanted to like, for the record) is very badly written. There's taboo content and a horrible hero, but like... It just reads juvenile.
I'm about 65% through A Kiss at Midnight by Anne Stuart, a historical romance that is QUITE dark, but the writing is frankly fabulous. Because Stuart can write, the darkness (which is not like, the corny "oh he's so bad he's in a motorcycle gang" torture sequence stuff--it's TRULY intense and pretty accurate for the era) is balanced out by emotional progression and honestly? A very dry, at times dark humor. If a lesser writer handled this plotline, it would just seem like shock factor after shock factor layered on just to get people talking. Very 2edgy4me.
And I'm gonna be really real here. Some fanfic authors are made to transition to actual published books. I think Ali Hazelwood writes a really solid contemporary romance. I really enjoyed You, Again by Kate Goldbeck, and that's based on a fic I actually read. The Hurricane Wars works as a book. (And mind you, let's not take away from the work the editors and authors did to rework fics into actual books here.)
Some fic authors are meant to stay fic authors and to excel at that. I personally think that one of the reasons why we have so many blaaand romance novels right now is that a) some of them are written by less-equipped fic authors trying to write real books and b) some of the authors have read less actual books than they have fics.
There are some tensely plotted, exciting fics out there. But personally? I think the standout nature of those fics--fics like Manacled, which... I think.... is not.... for me. However, bland it is not lol--makes people think that is the NORM for fic, when it's not. The norm for fic, and what I think a lot of more casual fic consumers and people who read more fic than they do books (compared to a lot of romance readers who turn to fic to supplement their reading habits) is very plotless slice of life stuff.
And that's not meant to be derogatory. It works, especially when you're writing about characters a lot of people know and love and are PROGRAMMED to know and love. Even if it's AU and they're basically other people, if you're writing a modern, sedate romcom about Katniss and Peeta and she mentions going to archery classes and Peeta being a baker, people are like aawwwww and they enjoy the nicely written scenes that are just people being people.
That.... ultimately creates a bland story when you're writing a book about original characters nobody has a preexisting investment in.
#romance novel blogging#lol idk sometimes i feel like fic gets this sweeping pass bc we're not supposed to critique the work#and not critiquing the work is fine i'm not here to tell y'all a thing someone is doing for free is bad when they don't want feedback#BUT... i think it's fair to critique the way fic has been uplifted and held on this pedestal compared to books#and EQUATED to books#which is my biggest complaint always#it's not better or worse it's different and if you think you can transition from fics to books#without reworking your products and your style#and frankly often putting a lot more work in#... idk man that's just so low effort and i personally think that's one reason why we see subpar books where nothing happens#they've always existed some people just do that lol but some of it i read and i'm like#this is like someone wrote a review 200k word fic about absolutely nothing changed the names and bit publish#(and another thing--one way you CAN tell there is a different type of work being done with fic is the wordcount dif#the standard for say a historical romance#which is often given more room traditionally in terms of word count than a contemporary romance#is 100k words#contemporaries often have landed between 80k-100k#then you have these 150k contemporaries and they're bloated as hell#but that wordcount is not unusual for fics#and fics are nORMALLY if edited at all being edited by amateur beta readers who do not professionally edit work#and often only look for typos or scene/character issues versus things like overarching plot and structural weakness#ADDITIONALLY! when you read a fic you're usually reading someone writing in real time#whereas if you are reading a well-done actual book you're reading someone's like... billionth draft that's been worked over by#multiple eyes. and i include indie in this bc the really good indie books have usually been professionally edited#on top of critique partners proofers etc)#ANYWAY. MY RANT.
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jedaos · 1 year
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just finished reading the shadow of what was lost
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gardenofwordss · 1 year
We have only four thousand weeks to live, and we can easily get lost in activities that bring no meaning to our lives.
Time management is not about doing more in less time; it's about doing the right things in the time we have.
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goatsandgangsters · 9 months
the good news is that I finished a book and it got me out of my reading slump where I would start things, not finish, switch to something else, not finish
the bad news is that "yes daddy" by jonathan parks-ramage is one of the worst written books I've read in a whiiiile. bland expositiony prose, flat characters, a bunch of weird plot detours. Written like a 200-page Wikipedia summary instead of an actual book
the worst news is that it has such intensely favorable gushing reviews on goodreads, and the people who hated it mostly hated it for a different reason, and so I'm left alone like oKAY BUT THE PROSE WAS SHIT, HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THIS
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having the like bi-monthly urge to remove "Starr" from my bios all over the Internet so everyone HAS to call me Castor and give me gender euphoria but alas, branding
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tiffireads · 2 years
so I had to take a few days to process due to things in my personal life BUT GOD THE ENDING
emilia getting her happy ending
vittoria getting HER happy ending
sharing magic between spouses?????? i had to stop reading bc i was crying even though we knew it was coming
I think the friendship between emilia and envy is probably the greatest thing to ever happen because they're gonna cause so much chaos for shits and giggles and nobody will be able to do anything but smile and pretend they don't want to commit violence
GOD I love a good ending
I do wish we found out what each of the princes lost to the curse though 👀
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raffaellopalandri · 5 months
Book of the Day - Real-World Mindfulness for Beginners
Today’s Book of the Day is Real-World Mindfulness for Beginners, written by Brenda Salgado in 2016 and published by Sonoma Press. Brenda Salgado is an American writer, and expert in Meditation and Mindfulness, nonprofit management, movement building, women’s health, and environmental and social justice. She has degrees in Biology, Developmental Psychology, and Animal Behavior. Real-World…
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Barbara Sloan's New Book Dares To Suggest Service Industry Professionals Deserve Financial Stability Too
Barbara Sloan’s New Book Dares To Suggest Service Industry Professionals Deserve Financial Stability Too
Last year at the EconoMe Conference in Cincinnati, Kitty and I were excited to meet many a cool human. Much to our general shock and consternation, many of those cool humans were excited to meet us too! And not just because we were like “Hi we’re friends with Paula Pant.” This is where we met Barbara Sloan, founder of Tipped Finance. Barbara is a veteran of the tipped workforce: a former…
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
Okay so horror / mystery / thriller / drama fans I do highly recommend the movie “I See You” it’s actually one of the most interesting & creative movies I’ve watched in a long time. And I REALLY recommend you go into it with as little knowledge as possible like I did. It’s just one of those movies that’s good specifically because it takes you for an unpredictable ride.
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roguelibrarian · 10 months
i've been taking pretty extensive notes about books i've been reading this year and then putting those notes together into like, idk book reviews i guess that i've mostly just been keeping on my computer and i'm now wondering what people would think about/if people would be interested in me posting some of them here.
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in-the-stacks · 10 months
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An interview with Polina Marinova Pompliano, author of Hidden Genius, the July MyLibrarian book club pick.
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radioactivememe · 2 years
Thinking about the book “one of us is lying” (forgot the author). It was a very interesting read. At first I genuinely thought It’d be a cliché highschool murderer mystery with bland stereotypical characters. I forgot what drove me to pick up the book in the first place but I read it. And every page of this thing proved me wrong. There were four main seemingly cliché characters you’d find in a highschool setting: the nerd, the jock, the bad boy, and the prep. But the more you read the more depth these characters get. The more you realize these characters were forced into these roles by their situations in life. The nerd isn’t the goodie you’d think, and she was pressured into being the “smart kid” by her family. The Jock? Gay but not in a flamboyant over the top way. No, a genuinely good and accurate gay character. The “bad boy”? Struggling with poverty and a deadbeat parent. He’s just trying to survive. The prep? Told she had to be that way because it was the only way to get a man, hates the preppy lifestyle and (good for her) eventually breaks free of it. I didn’t even realize this in my first read how prevalent the idea of stereotypes are within this book. 9/10 good read worth checking out. (Oh and trust me I left plenty of mystery left to be discovered in these pages)
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true love to me is when someone will sit down and read through my book review journal
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
This is professional fussiness but I’m looking a little askance at everyone boasting about having a Nona ARC because like. those are primarily for librarians booksellers and major reviewers to make purchasing and promotion decisions. They’re not for ‘I want to read this book early’
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