#princess tutu headcanon
what are your thoughts about rue/mytho from princess tutu?
The beautiful thing about Princess Tutu is that every single ship is in some way viable.
Duck/Mytho? First half of the show and she cares for him deeply even by the end (and vice versa, well, as much as Mytho can anyway).
Duck/Fakir? Endgame, obviously, and it was great.
Rue/Duck? They have some great episodes and again, both care deeply for each other, and Rue comes to view her as her only true friend. I can see the ship.
Rue/Fakir? They had their weird toxic codependence on Mytho at the same time that could make something horrible but compelling.
Fakir/Mytho? Again, a toxic codependence and uh... Mytho's complete absence of pants at all times in Fakir's bedroom.
But you asked about Rue/Mytho.
It works in that it's compelling. Mytho himself is a foil for the other characters (and he is an excellent one), so there's not much use focusing on him (especially as his ultimate reason for picking Rue was that she needed him and him alone, where Duck... didn't...) but god is Rue's story compelling.
She places her every hope, not in Mytho himself, but in the idea of the prince who loves everyone so must love her as well. This is why she's terrified when he begins to become a real person because she has a certainty that he will leave her. And in doing so, of course, she guarantees that he'll leave her (during the arc where she has poisoned his heart and thus destroyed him).
As for if it will work in the long term... The thing is that Mytho is a story, the others are not. We don't know what 'going into the story' means for Rue. I think by the nature of how the Princess Tutu universe, it will work out, in that to be in the story is to be in a kind of fantasy world that is resistant to change or complexity but it will be... difficult.
Especially since Rue is not the archetype of the fair princess that it seems Mytho's story would expect.
Basically, I'm dubious, but I want to believe she's at last found happiness and that it truly will work out for her. Her riding off into the sun in a swan boat was nice.
It's just, you know, realities like Duck being a duck again, Rue going into a book, are a bit...
Just as stories beginnings are a happy accident, let us say that a story's end is a scenic horizon at the edge of the cliff. If you keep walking, you'll fall off and be impaled on the rocks below. We could look at the bottom, but let's not.
(I like the ship because I like Rue. We should always like Rue.)
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I got a request. Princess Tutu headcanons for Mytho x S/O. Topic is Romance Headcanons.
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MYTHO adores the way you express yourself in any situation. You always put him first, not because you like him. But just because he's your friend. (In the beginning..)
"So, you wanna go check out this cool book I found? It has so many amazing dance styles. I think you could pull it off!"
"Not.. Really."
"Oh, that's okay. I'll show this to Duck later then."
"... I wanna try this with you." Mytho pointed to a specific pose in the book. You try to smile, but it was more of a awkward grin. Noticing how close the dancers were.
"Uh. Sure, I guess' we could try. Sorry in advance if I step on your toes."
"I don't mind."
You let out a chuckle, stretching your bones as you place the book down. "Uh-huh, course'." You said, knowing he was actually being honest.
He often is curious by you, you make his head become occupied with only thoughts of you. Sometimes. When he is alone and Fakir or Rue aren't by his side. He actively seaks you out, if not to converse, then just be in your presence.
If we are gonna be technical, he doesn't have many emotions and when he does.
They.. Aren't exactly positive until later on. Even so, he still enjoys your company, but also envies you.
He becomes possive of you when he has most of his heart shards. Dragging you away from a task or someone conversing with you.
"I want to dance, with only you."
You frown, knowing of how blunt and forward he was. But, this felt different from the other times he hungout with you.
"Mytho, it's break time. I really gotta-" His grip on you tightens as his golden honey eyes stare into your's intensely.
"Please, stay."
I could see him try to show his feelings for you in motion and action instead of words, dancing as one of the examples. He's a very selfless person and would protect you from any harm, he is a prince.
What good is a prince if he can't protect the one he cherishes most of all?
He would absolutely try to propose marriage to you once he has all his heart shards. As Prince of Crows or Prince Siegfried.
Is definitely a gentleman as Prince Siegfried, showers you with love and loves wooing you.
Prince of Crows doesn't treat you as much as gentleman. But places you on a pedestal and clings to you like his treasure.
"I will love you until I can no longer..."
[Thank you! SO SO SO SO MUCH! GOD, I LOVE MYTHO! Requests for Princess Tutu are open! Will also do genderbend characters too! *Wink wink* Anyway! Yay! I added a little yandere-ness oops!]
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lucydoodlessometimes · 3 months
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p... princess eater? soul tutu??? what if mytho was a weapon literally. what if princess tutu was soul eater. anime that rewired my brain
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diathadevil · 9 months
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Gets this out of my head like the sleep deprived maniac that I am.
Make of these headcanons what you will.
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lesbianfakir · 1 year
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Happy pride month to them specifically!!
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anarchy-bay · 4 months
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yall rocking with my princess tutu delusions???
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illeaadante · 1 year
I think that if Fakir were to write Duck back into a girl, or actually any other scenario post canon, Duck would never say "I love you."
It's not that she doesn't feel it, we know this girl, she feels everything and feels it with her who self. But. I think there will forever be this lingering fear of actually saying the words. This niggling in the back of her mind that maybe, just maybe, that bit of Tutu stayed with her. Drosselmeyer is a tragedian after all, and that would be fitting parting shot from him. So she'll never say the words. She'll never write them down or mime them in earnest, as herself.
But Fakir doesn't care, because he knows her. Her love language is acts of service and quality time, just like his. And once she finally admits her fear to him, they develop a system. Like that one post about the couple who tap each other three times as a way of saying 'I love you', an acknowledgement and a reassurance that's just for them.
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 10 months
saiki all "i'm so different from the people around me i may as well not even be human" meanwhile the relief when he figures out he's just genderfluid and that's a perfectly natural thing to be is gonna be immense
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emfisketch · 1 month
So we all know how sometimes when you treat crows well, they'll repay your kindness by bringing you trickets, loose change, etc? I'm imagining Rue randomly chillin' on her bedroom window sill when one crow swoops down from the murder constantly following her with a random heart shard it found in its beak.
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yourfaveisafearavatar · 4 months
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Fakir from Princess Tutu is an Avatar of the Web.
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bezierballad · 5 months
Hc that Mytho is absolutely precious and adorable when he laughs.
And since he's been living without emotions for so long, his other three friends (mostly Ahiru and Rue but especially Rue) just do anything to make him laugh. Jokes, stories, even tickling.
My boy has likely gone years without laughing properly just give him the happiness he deserves ffs
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I saw your revolutionary girl Utena post, and I’ve seen you also like princess tutu. Now I’m wondering what would happen if Duck switched places with Bella when she arrived in Forks. Would she survive the yandere simulator? Are her powers of therapy and friendship strong enough?
Anon's referring to this post.
Well, as you note, Duck also is beloved/loathed by the gods (e.g. Drosselmeyer) and is given bullshit powers that transcend what we see vampires do.
Being eaten by Edward wouldn't be enough suffering for Duck to please Drosselmeyer (who apparently has gotten into the fanfiction game, with Twilight of all things, Wilkomen Herr Drosselmeyer, bring me superb fanfics please).
What will happen, then, is that it will be Duck's task to save Edward from himself, only in the end to realize Edward doesn't want to be saved and that he will never truly love her as he's in love with his own self-loathing.
Not helped, of course, by the fact that Duck is secretly a duck, a terrible secret Edward can never know. (There are many hilarious/terrible scenes in which Edward almost accidentally eats Duck because she's an animal.)
But Duck ain't playing that game.
Somehow, through the power of dance, Tchaikovsky, and Prokofiev in the background, Duck does manage to inspire not only the Cullens but the Volturi as well.
Aro immediately offers her a position in the guard.
He doesn't know what this dance bullshit is, but he knows he wants it on his payroll.
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(Ready for another. This time, both of the boys)
Mytho and Fakir x S/O.
Topic: Parenting Headcanons
[Characters are aged up]
MYTHO as a father would be interesting. I could very much see him as a quiet parent.
He is a good dad, listening to the woes or exciting things that his child would tell him. Does spoil their kid.
Teaches them how to dance as a way of bonding.
"I did it! Did you see that, father!" Your child proudly exclaimed.
"You're doing great, little one." Mytho said softly, patting his child's hair. You watch from the sidelines, smiling stupidly at the heart-warming scene.
FAKIR, honestly, another quiet dad. But enjoys hanging out with his own kid.
Is very protective of his child, more than Mytho or most parents. Fakir still gives his child enough freedom though.
He gives the best advice. Life changing advice!
"Father, what do you think?" Your child asks, holding up a blank book with a few pages written inside.
"I wrote down some of the tips you told me on how to wield a sword so I can study it! Maybe once I become a grand sword user, the pages will be full!"
A smile forms on the former knights lips. Holding your waist tightly as a small chuckle left him. "I bet it will be."
[Alright-y! More 👏 Requests 👏 Thank you! Princess Tutu Requests are open!]
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ira-hydrangea · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Princess Tutu AU (Heartslabyul Part)
Becoming a so-called magicless student is not a part of Yuu's plan. But still, it is a perfect disguise for them and thanks to their necklace, their magic power has been sealed. 
Now the next part of the plan is searching for another blot monster. The monster from the dungeon has this dark energy that is just perfect to be harvested. If they can collect at least 5 more dark stones from Blot monsters then the Raven can be resurrected. The problem is where to find it.
-Riddle Roseheart-
You didn’t think much about this short young man but oh boy, it’s so hard playing an innocent victim. Their cheek hurt from all the smiling, they need to give.
Until this young man gives them the invitation to the Unbirthday party. Of course, as kind students, they accepted it.
The days go as usual. Smiling, laughing, and helping.
When the unbirthday party started, they must admit that the clothes of Queen of Hearts are perfect clothes for Riddle. It goes fine until Ace shows up the tarts that they make from the chestnut they collected.
Yeah... Riddle just smashes it into the ground. And this student's eyes go wide.
‘I want to curse hi-’ That is what they thought until they caught on to the dark energy that swirling around Riddle. That is the sight they hoped to see. You smirk. The target has been locked.
And so at night, Using their true raven form (Similar to Rue aka Kraehe transformation). They go among the flock of Raven towards the Heartslabyul.
Unsurprisingly, Riddle can’t fall asleep. So he decides to take a walk.
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Riddle has been walking down the hallways with a scowl on his face. Lately, he caught the students that try to sneak around in the kitchen. Of course, it was [OFF WITH THEIR HEAD]. So now, under the pretext of patrolling. Riddle decides to roam the hallways and the garden.
He starts to hear some noise around the lake in the garden. Thinking that it was a student, he fumingly start to walk down towards that area. But he soon stops on his track as he notices someone in ballet clothing dancing around the lake. He soon got hypnotized. By the way, that person moves. So elegant and charming.
But soon the person's pace starts to get closer to the lake. Panicked, he want to remind them about that until his heart stop when the person just casually dancing on the surface of the water.
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“What th-”
“Finally letting yourself out, young Queen?” A soft voice comes out from the person and Riddle notice that he has already stepped out from his hiding place.
“Um, this-”
“Hehe~ Relax, young Queen. I’m not going to scold you for watching me dancing.” The girl/boy starts to get closer to Riddle.
“Did my dance captivated you?”
“No. I mean Yes. I mean who are you? How dare you step inside this dorm-”
“My poor Queen. To think that your hard work to maintaned your kingdom is not been noticed. They mocked you. Your subject blame you for their incompetence and for their misfortune. It’s not that hard for them to follow the rules. But they break it so many times... Isn’t that right, my queen?”
“Shh... I mean no harm. Just try to enjoy my night in these lovely surroundings. Did you want to join me, My Queen?”
They ask as they offer their hands toward Riddle. No words can be utter from Riddle as he accepted the invitation. Soon the two-person start to dance around on the lake's surface.
Riddle absentmindedly followed the dance and answered, “Yes.”
“You remind them so many times. But instead of listening, they decide to rebel. Isn’t that what have been happening? One cards decide to try their luck to become a queen. He challanged your authority.”
Riddle gulp as each word sinks in towards his mind. He can’t look away from the person's eyes that look at him with gentleness. They still dancing and didn’t care if someone will come to see them like this.
“But fret not, my Queen. If you manage to show your absolute authority this time. No one will dare defy you again. Show them what happen if they challanged your authority. And then... nobody will dare questioning you again.”
Still in the daze, the dance soon comes to an end. As Riddle still standing in the land looking at the person's face. The person just smiled and give them something. A necklace with a bright ruby stone.
“A little gift from me, my Queen. For soon, you will need its power.” They whisper as strong winds start to come out from nowhere.
“Wait! What is your name?” Riddle shouts while shielding his eyes from the winds but the last thing he remembers is just a small smile from the person before they disappear.
Skip to the days of the duel. Riddle still can’t get forget the dance that he shares with that mysterious person. He looked towards the arena while clutching the ruby stone that he wore in his necktie.
That person's words still ringing in their minds and when the duel starts. Riddle just swiftly ended it all. Showing his absolute authority.
But just like the story goes, another start to show the same rebellious behavior. And soon a riot happened. Anger is all Riddle feels. Especially when the magicless student starts to follow suit.
“You are only an useless student that can’t do a single magic! Who are you to question my authority!”
“Riddle-senpai, that is not what I mean-” Yuu tries to explain.
Feeling a sudden burst of power, the stone around his tie starts to glow, and soon he is embraced inside the burst of red light. And from that light, a True Queen of Hearts has been born.
(Let me skip it. The fight scene is pretty much the same. The group manages to defeat Riddle with the help of Yuu.)
After the overblot:
You manage to see Riddle's memories and can feel a pang in their hearts. They saw how the young Riddle had been treated and forced and how Riddle feel.
‘Somehow... I can’t help but feel-’ They slap their face hard. No. They didn’t have time for these human feelings. This will only become an obstacle for them in the future. Acting like a human makes them weak. They must be searching for the next stone so that their mission will end soon. That is what Yuu thought as they watch the rest of the memory with cold eyes.
Riddle manages to wake up after the overblot and start crying while saying the story. The so kind Prefect offers them a tissue. And the issue soon is finished with no more damage.
“Btw, Riddle-senpai. What is the glow that appear before your overblot? They seems coming from your stone?” Ask Deuce curiously.
“Ah,I didn’t know- Wha- Where is the stone gone too?!” Riddle looks around franticly, trying to find the stone.
“Maybe it accidentally destroyed when you run amok earlier. Why? Is that a special stone?” asked Trey. Riddle stays silent for a while before shooking his head.
“...Forget it.”
Meanwhile, Grim is founding another black stone but before he manages to eat it. A raven swoops in and takes the stone from him. Yeah... he pretty much acts grumpy soon as a stupid bird manages to take his food. He will remember this.
To be Continue ⏩
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diathadevil · 6 months
Do you ever think about how Fakir, after him and Ahiru finally broke everything that kept the town of Goldkröne in the ghostly hands of its writer, after they finally have some air of peace over the town finally being able to live in its intended early 2000s environment, that Fakir still feels at times like it's not real and that for a while he fears that if he closes his eyes it'll be back in Drosselmeyer's control. Like it just doesn't feel real to him during that first year of calm, until he feels the dull pain on his recovering hand injury and Ahiru who follows him without a pendant anywhere to be found.
He doesn't feel it's real, the calm finality of this town, but he makes sure to feel the scar on his hand. And he makes sure to hold the little duck and realize that she is who she has always been. Him and the town are finally living peacefully.
#dia talks#princess tutu#He probably starts planning on writing Ahiru into the world mayyybe like 3-4 months into his recovery#he doesn't know what a cell phone is yet but he sure as hell can look at a bookstore and ask for a notebook and pens#i bet that first year in Goldenkröne must be hell because trading deals bring all sorts of new things into the town#Just Fakir going “what the fuck is a scooter?? Wait what's a CAR---”#he ends up having to read a bunch of newspaper articles about “Goldenkröne booming in German tourism!”#Actually does he even know his country's name... Did they all even know they lived in Germany and not JUST a city????#Drosselmeyer would've really pulled one on them for only talking about the city and its outskirts and NOT the country it resided in#But let's assume they did know. Fakir would have to figure out so much has changed in 2002 Germany compared to whatever time they were in#My god just thinking about the thought of Fakir learning what a television is... or a radio for that matter has me howling internally#local amateur writer is put into a coma after hearing for the very first time german rapper Sido#alternatively: local amateur writer's brain explodes after hearing german Happycore artist Blümchen and dance pop group No Angels#ptutu spoiler#i know its a +20 old show but just in case people wanna watch it i love it enough to tag the post show headcanon#ptutu analysis#ptutu headcanon#ptutu post canon#Also sorry i keep jumbling between Goldkröne and Goldenkröne in the writing its 4 AM and the german part of my brain is a mess lmao#(its supposed to be Goldkröne but for some reason I keep making it into the attribute word Golden so dont mind the mistake)#(if you do i will sob please be gentle towards my polyglot self)
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
Ok so aven was founded in 2001 and the earliest known usages of the term “aromantic” originated on aven in 2005 BUT I need someone with lived experience. How likely are you to stumble upon the term aromantic in like roughly 2007? I’m imagining you’d have to be doing some niche research/actively seeking it out but even then you have to find the right forum post at the right time. Anyways people who are older than me, when did you first become aware of asexuality/aromanticism as a recognized identity with a definition
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