#princess Zenobia
artsyle · 2 years
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Zenobia if palmyra
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christophernolan · 2 years
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LORD OF THE RINGS + Art references
Albert Lynch - Jeanne d'Arc, 1903 Sergey Solomko | Nastasya Korolevichna ( Настасья Королевична) VIOLET OAKLEY - Lohengrin, Knight of the Swan book cover, c. 1910. Dante Gabriel Rossetti | The Day Dream (1880) Theodor von der Beek | Ophelia , 1901 Herbert G Schmalz | - Zenobia's last look on Palmyra, 1888 Leon Francois Comerre | Girl with a Golden Wreath Thomas Cooper Gotch | Destiny Gaston Bussière | Femme à la couronne: la princesse Celte , 1911 Romaine Brooks | Femme Avec des Fleurs, 1912. Elisabeth Louise Vigée-LeBrun | Portrait of Theresia, Countess Kinsky, 1793 Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale | The Lover's World, 1905
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thefirstempress · 5 months
Introduction to The First Empress
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(Art by @mjbarrosart)
The king is dead and so are his brothers. On a night of blood and death, Princess Viarraluca finds herself the sole surviving heir of the floundering island city-state of Kel Fimmaril. In training to be her island’s next polemarch, or high-general, Viarra instead takes up her brother’s throne as her people’s warrior-queen and protector.
However, a conversation with a surrendering enemy officer presents Queen Viarra with the opportunity to become much more than just the petty queen of a small island city. Will she save not only her own people but the people of a large but struggling hegemony in desperate need of strong leadership? Or will her maneuvering and machinations draw the attention and ire of powerful political rivals, unhappy with the presence of a new player in their dangerous game of geopolitics?
The First Empress is a 114,000-word novel based on my studies of Classical Greek history. The story is an adult Iron-Age period-fantasy that explores ancient-world politics, culture, warfare, and sexuality, including a mostly bisexual primary culture and a lesbian leading couple. The story and characters are inspired by my studies of ancient history and figures like Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, King Philip II of Macedon, and his son Alexander the Great, among many others.
Important links:
My official blog on Wordpress
About Page
A handy glossary of some of the Classical Greek vocabulary
The Tollesian pantheon
The Tollesian calandar
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impercre · 2 months
@berylcluster grows impatient {paul}
When he had been a boy, Feyd had traveled through Giedi Prime's remaining forests and he had come across a snake pit. They had all been tightly coiled together, writhing and nipping so much so that it had been impossible to tell where one serpent began and the other ended. Piter had made a comment that it looked to him like a convention of the Landsraad. The Landsraad or Arrakeen now.
Feyd Rautha's mind was also like that snakepit, he had been pacing in his cell ever since the duel. His mind a catalogue of everything he'd lost- brother, planet, name, Barony, princess and even his Uncle's blood. He hoped whatever the little Atreides bitch did was slow. When he had tried in his own clumsy attempt to kill the Old Baron he'd chosen Zenobia, when administered in the right amount the pain could last for hours even days.
He spun on the balls of his feet when he heard footsteps expecting to see a Fremen executioner. He scoffed more on instinct than anything but stood his ground. "Are you going to kill me, Atreides?" He asked spitting the name out like poison.
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grailfinders · 7 months
Grailfinders #325: Zenobia
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today on Grailfinders we’re building the proud queen of Palmyra, Zenobia! she’s a Psi Warrior Fighter to keep a couple ballistae on your shoulders at all times, as well as a Zealot Barbarian to make them shoot lasers! and also so you can fight in literally almost nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all…
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: Cinderella, ella, ella! ay! ay! ay!
Ancestry & Background
Zenobia’s a human, specifically a Palmyrene (yes I did have to look that up), but it seems the only thing FGO really knows or cares about her history is the siege and the sadomasochism, so we’re going to make her a little Stensian to help toughen her up. she’s under siege by romans, they’re under siege by vampires, it’s practically the same thing tbh. she gets +1 Strength and Charisma, as well as a Daunting presence for free proficiency in Intimidation. yes… that’s why she’s dressed like that. of course. she’s also Tough, so she gets a free +2 bonus HP per level!
you’re also a noble, so that’s some proficiency in history and persuasion! history’s always a freebie for servants, and good golly can you be persuasive! or maybe just distracting?
ability scores
your highest score is gonna be constitution, you got a guts, your whole schtick is how ya like not quittin, it just makes sense. after that is dexterity- you can wear heavy armor, but your whole thing is not doing that. also, even though you use a sword most of the time people might want a lil archery in their archer build. third up is strength, bc we need it for multiclassig and also bc you smack people around with a sword most of the time. your charisma is also pr good, bc again, distracting. that means your intelligence is a lil low, i know royals probably had tutors and all that, but it’s not needed for the build. that means we’re dumping wisdom! do I really need to explain why fighting people while chained up is an unwise decision? (also you straight up slept through a combat encounter? wild.)
class levels
1. Fighter 1: okay, we know zenny doesn’t use her heavy armor that often, but it’s still something she can do, so we need to start as a fighter to make it happen. speaking of stuff we can do, unarmed fighting! it’s a fighting style that’ll make your punches and kicks do up to a d8 of damage! you actually don’t use your sword all that often, it’s kind of weird…
you can also spend a bonus action to heal with a second wind once a short rest! healing helps you not die, and not dying helps you win a siege! basic maths.
you get proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, plus Acrobatics and Insight to tell whether or not this weird princess idol can be trusted.
2. Barbarian 1: okay, enough of that nonsense, we need to get naked, now. thankfully, with Unarmored Defense you can do that without turning it into a death sentence by adding your constitution to your AC. furthermore, you can Rage once you’ve psyched yourself up enough to deal extra damage with strength-based attacks, have advantage on strength saves and checks, and you resist physical damage for up to a minute as long as you aren’t wearing heavy armor and keep fighting.
3. Fighter 2: okay, now that we’re nakie, let’s get back to getting those shoulder-mounted guns! at second level, a fighter can action surge for a second action in a single turn once a short rest! that’s like, twice as many attacks as before!
4. fighter 3: a level three you finally become a psi warrior, so now you can float up some crossbows to keep on hand! these shots are represented by psionic dice- you get two times your proficiency bonus in psi dice per day, and you can also recharge one die per short rest. you can use these in three ways- you can spend them on a protective field to further reduce damage, or you can float an object with telekinetic movement. for the latter, the first time is free, so just don’t let your crossbows fall and you’re good! mechanically it’s a lot less of a headache to just say they’re there, and add extra damage with psionic strikes, dealing a psionic die of damage to someone you’ve attacked this turn. it says this has to be immediately after you attack, but I’d let you walk away first, really get that “samurai slices up an enemy and sheathes her sword” vibe goin.
5. barbarian 2: at level two a barbarian can make reckless attacks, giving yourself advantage on all melee attacks for a round, at the cost of everyone else having advantage on attacks against you. thank goodness u also have danger sense, giving yourself advantage on dex saves against stuff you can see! wait, those two don’t cancel out at all! at least you have a ton of health!
6. barbarian 3: at level three you gain primal knowledge, making you proficient with perception! you gotta be able to see stuff to shoot it, after all. also you’re a zealot now.
thanks to your subclass, you have some divine fury you can toss on your attacks, dealing an extra bit of radiant damage on the first hit you land each turn. boom, laser crossbows.
you’re also a warrior of the gods, so you can be revived for free. we’ll get a guts later, but if you need a revive you need a revive.
7. barbarian 4: first asi! bump up your strength to punch stuff deader.
8. barbarian 5: at fifth level barbarians get an extra attack each action for up to four attacks in one turn with your action surge. some times you just gotta beat people into the ground, i get it.
you also have fast movement, increasing your speed by 10’ while not wearing heavy armor. yeah your np looks cool, but you’d probably have a much harder time doing spinkicks while wearing it.
9. barbarian 6; sixth level zealots have a fanatical foucus that lets you reroll failed saves while raging once per rage. roman emperors are known for trying wisdom save bullshit, so don’t let them get all buddy-buddy with you.
10. barbarian 7: seventh level barbarians have a regal/ feral instinct for danger, giving you advantage on initiative rolls, plus you can ignore being surprised by going full queen mode turn one. you got ambushed by like 40 guys that one time and still got to go first, remember?
11. barbarian 8: another asi, so bump up your strength again to hit more gooder.
12. barbarian 9: at level nine you have some brutal criticals, adding another die of damage to your critical hits! so now on a critical punch you can get 3d8+7 bludgeoning + 2d6+4 radiant + 2d6 force damage in one critical combo, between your fist, your laser crossbow, and your regular one. turns out shoving like three different attacks into one blow is good for damage!
13. barbarian 10: now that we have your combo game down pat, let’s get a skill- with fanatical focus you finally have yourself a charisma, using your bonus action to give up to ten other creatures advantage on all attacks and save for a round once a day. the cooldown’s rough but with the right army behind you, you can end a day’s combat right then and there.
you also get more primal knowledge for some athletics proficiency. obviously  zenny’s proud of her abs, just look at her outfits!
14. barbarian 11: eleventh level barbers get their first guts in relentless rage- if you’d drop to 0 hp while raging, you can make a constitution save to try and stay up instead. the first time’s a dc 10, and then it goes up by five every time after until you finish a short rest. it’s not quite siege material, but it’ll definitely help in a battle!
15. barbarian 12: another asi means another chance to- surprise tough feat! that’s right, the thing from the start of the build wasn’t a feat! it was just something stensians can do! with the tough feat added that’s another +2 hp each level, and it’s retroactive, so you get 30 bonus HP right now!!!!
16. barbarian 13: this level’s easy, just another bit of brutal critical-ing for a second extra die.
17. barbarian 14: as a fourteenth level zealot you can now siege like nobody’s ever sieged before, since you can rage beyond death! with this, dropping to 0 hp won’t knock you out while you’re raging. you still have to make death saves like usual, but that won’t take effect until you finish raging- and even then, getting any kind of heal will keep you alive!
of course you still need to stay raging, so this won’t be much good after a fight.
18. barbarian 15: just kidding! with persistent rage you can keep your rage going right up to the minute mark through sheer force of will! now you’ve five minutes a day where you literally cannot die unless you will it.
19. barbarian 16: you get one last asi, and we’re putting it in charisma. tbh it’s been kind of low this whole build, but we didn’t really have a chance to punch it up until now since we had to get your other stuff.
20. barbarian 17: another brutal critical die! it’s a bit anti-climactic, but you also get a sixth rage each day, that’s cool!
Pros & Cons
you basically cannot die. you’ve got just shy of 300 HP, rage resistances, six minutes of “I literally cannot die” time, and you’ve got a proficiency on your save to avoid death a couple times even before that. you are 100% equipped to deal with a siege, no bones about it.
you only attack a few times a turn, but you’re built to deal big damage in single attacks, really banking on that increased chance to crit from reckless attacks. barbarians don’t usually put big damage numbers on the board, but you can defy stereotypes.
while you’re definitely not built for it, you can make ranged attacks if you need to. you know how so many of our builds list flying as a big pro? its because people don’t do this.
your AC is bad even before we start giving people free advantage, and your rage doesn’t cover anything other than physical damage, so you could burn through that health faster than you’d like in magic-heavy encounters.
you’re also bad with your soft stats, which is mostly just awkward but it does also hamper your damage from psionic crossbow.
you don’t have much to do aside from hit stuff in a fight. don’t get me wrong hitting stuff is like 90% of a fight, but other builds have more options on how to deliver it. your two extra features are “everyone else hits stuff better”, and “I hit stuff a little bit more this turn”. not exactly Zhuge Liang here.
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havenroyals · 8 months
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We are gearing up for the noble wedding of the summer. Miss Hartley Beaumont and Lord Leon Serapion are ready to walk down the aisle. The bridal party has assembled in Haven to kick off the festivities. The ladies have been spotted on a shopping trip, and the people are fawning over the photos.
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We're used to seeing our Crown Princess, Countess Zenobia, and Miss Hartley out and about. Now, there's a beautiful new face in the group. Nevaeh Christian-Ramsey, the daughter of Simerican doctors Ethan Ramsey and Harmonie Christian, has been included as a bridesmaid. Due to their mothers' friendship, sources say the two have a cousin-like bond. The young lady is set to walk the aisle with Lord Serapion's cousin on his mother's side.
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teyamsatan · 7 months
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The Grief of the Pasha
Painting by Jean-Léon Gerôme
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The Silent Voice’
Painting by Nick Louras
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Zenobia's last look on Palmyra
Painting by Herbert G Schmalz
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Death of the Princess de Lamballe
Painting by Léon Maxime Faivre
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A boy meeting Death
Painting by Hans Andersen Brendekilde
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A Huguenot, on St. Bartholomew's Day
Painting by John Everett Millais
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The Acrobats
Painting by Gustave Doré
omg bestie i am OBSESSED WITH THESE!!!
i think my favourites are a boy meeting death and death of the Princess de Lamballe!! they're so beautiful and evocative! thank you so much for sharing them with me, i feel a lot more cultured all of a sudden <3
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theizzifromosaka · 5 days
Monster Never Cry
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Been a while, huh? I’m back for another Monster Girl review, I feel this time more than any other I need to introduce what I’m reviewing
Monster Never Cry is a Gacha game whose premise is you are the recently defeated Demon Lord, tasked with rebuilding her army and retaliating against the warriors who got you. There’s also a weird meta aspect to it where the whole thing is an MMO, but it’s a mobile game. Who’s playing this for the story? Nah, like most mobile game players, I’m here for the PNGs. Like actually, I would never have given this game a shot if not for the whole monster thing. We got a lot of monsters to cover this time, I’m reviewing every fem presenting monster available in this game, so I’ll be going through each entry quickly.
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So she’s like an archer crow lady? Not really a monster is she? That artwork doesn’t really do her favors, but the alt skin looks pretty nice.
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Not exactly an original idea but it’s executed pretty well here. Rich fancy vampire princess, what else can I say?
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This design is great, among my favorite in the whole game. It’s a shame it’s stuck on a mid tier monster, in terms of gameplay. Creepy animated dolls are what got me to try out Bloodborne, we don’t see enough of them and this one is among the best I’ve seen.
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I think she’s a water elemental or a minor deity or something. It conveys that idea well enough, and the harp angle is interesting but it’s just not really for me.
This does give me the opportunity to address what I’ve referred to in the past as the “paint her blue” problem. Monsters in this game have a small chance to be shiny like in Pokémon, and in many cases the shiny has a more human skin tone. I previously expressed distaste for this trope but this game’s monsters make me reconsider my opinion.
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This game has a few plant girls and they all have the same problem, they’re all pretty much just girls with plant bits on them. This one’s pretty good though, and I like the Mario reference in her shiny, intentional or not.
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I think this one’s supposed to be a Djinn? Her title implies she’s some sort of mage and in game she acts like a merchant, so I’m not sure. The design is pretty busy, and I think the shiny should have been the default. Something about Genie girls with purple hair just feels right, couldn’t tell you why.
Unrelated, I’m real excited for Risky Revolution. It’s crazy that it’s actually getting made now.
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Basic spider girl, and it’s not really trying to be anything else. It’s pretty good for what it is, though I wish they’d committed to giving her extra eyes instead of those weird red patches.
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For a mid tier monster her design is very busy. You see a design like this and immediately think it’s gonna be a rare strong monster, that’s not just me right?
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The one exception to the weak plant girl designs in this game, and it’s on a low tier monster. Cactus cowgirl is way too good an idea to waste on a low tier in my opinion.
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I think she’s a forest nymph? It’s a fun design, if a bit basic. Butterfly-winged forest fairy ladies are kinda a dime a dozen so I don’t have strong opinions.
Why is her name Siren though?
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“Boxing Champion”.
It’s a good rabbit girl design, though I’m obligated to point out: That’s not a monster, it’s just anthro.
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“Forest Priest” is about as helpful as “Boxing Champion”, though it at least gives us a habitat. My headcanon is she’s a Duende. It’s a passable design, cute little girl stands out in this game.
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Another Frankenstein girl has appeared in this series, and honestly? I like this one a lot. The eyeball theme is a bit incongruous.
...“Mech Maiden”? In what way?
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I think she’s supposed to be a succubus, which is kinda funny as she’s one of the least malegaze-y designs in this game. The alt skin amends this, and considering Succubi are sex demons honestly I think it’s fine. Pretty good design, all things considered.
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Dragon Girl with a sleek design. The outfit here is an absolute disaster but if she was wearing full armor or even a t-shirt and khakis she would be completely fine, pretty good even.
The human skintone on the shiny makes me uncomfortable, probably because it accents just how awful that outfit is.
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I’m not sure what she’s supposed to be. I guess she’s like Ursula from Disney’s The Little Mermaid? So she’s a Mermaid? Mixing vertebrate and invertebrate features is always a risk in my opinion and I don’t think it works here.
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Like straight up? This game’s also got “Dracula” so I guess so. Another otherwise good design ruined (in my opinion) by a weird outfit. I do really like how this game does animals though, with those Rareware-style googly eyes. It really helps this game’s designs stand out where they show up.
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Another Mermaid, assuming Octasia is, in fact, a mermaid. This one’s name shoulda been Siren. Mostly naked is par for the course for Mermaids so I can’t really fault this design for that, but I will once again complain about it being busy. Weird for a design with almost no clothes.
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That Mesoamerican deity is eating a girl. That’s brutal.
Jokes aside I would like this design drastically more if the girl aspect was removed and it was just the winged serpent part.
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This design scratches the same part of my brain as Aigis from Persona. Not really sure what’s up with that floating head but I can’t help but like this one. Creepy doll girls, I’m telling you.
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Pretty good design for a Beegirl, but once again, that’s not a monster, that’s just anthro. Hold on, why is the Succubus named Vespa and not the literal Vespid?
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It would’ve made more sense if Sylph, the man-eating plant girl, was named Venus, as most man-eating plants are styled after Venus Flytraps. It still works for a thorn girl, but the same issue Sylph had is present here. She’s got thorns and flowers coming out of her but she is essentially just a girl.
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Anthro Jellyfish girl. Mixing Vertebrate and Invertebrate features like Octasia. Just like with Kukulkan she’s kinda just a girl attached to a monster, and like Zenobia she’s got a stupid outfit. Really a showcase of every design decision I don’t like this game has made, but interpreted instead as a jellyfish themed outfit it’s actually not bad.
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This character has not been added to the game yet and I cannot begin to guess what kind of monster she’s even supposed to be. Maybe a Satyr? Angelic Beast? Dragon Girl? This one’s just bad, sorry. I hope they reconsider the direction they’re taking these designs in.
The Demon Lord
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Arachne was just A Spider Girl, The Demon Lord is THE Spider Girl. Kinda an interesting choice to make the leader of the Monster Forces a spider. It’s an alright enough design, reminiscent of Kumoko from So I’m A Spider, So What?, specifically in how a girl pops out of the spider’s head eventually. Didn’t like it there and I’m not huge on it here either, though the girl pops out pretty early here and replaces the spider’s head.
I’m overall kinda surprised at the quality of the designs here, even when the designs are weak there’s usually at least a good idea in there. Is it worth putting up with a Gacha game for? Probably not, though I think I’m gonna stick around at least just to see what new characters they add.
Previous review:
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zeravmeta · 1 year
Top 5 Fate blorbos NOT including Limbo.
this one made me laugh bc like, yeah limbo is my special little princess but also he is one of my many special little princesses, like i love limbo but im not The Limbo Guy, if that makes sense (i have many guys)
That said there are simply too many fate blorbos i have and no easy way to list them in a perfectly objective top 5, so I shall do something fun instead, listing them in tiers. As expected, the list expands as it goes on (not every servant listed obvs)
5. Characters who I am passively aware of. This is for characters who are somewhat relevant enough for me to like. think about
Gilles Saber, Caesar, Paris Hektor, Circe, Lu Bu, Spartacus, Eric Bloodaxe
4. Characters who I have a light inclination towards. Maybe they were useful for farming or I read their profiles and was satisfied
Jason, Billy The Kid, Oda Nobukatsu, , Tristan, William Tell, Medusa Lily, Janta Lily, Tawaru, Achilles, Wu Zetian, Cleopatra, Darius III, Kiyohime
3. Characters who I just like. I look at them and go "its the guy :)"
Senji Muramasa, Fergus, Robin Hood, Leonidas, Enkidu, Nezha, Anne-Bonny & Mary Read, Bartholomew Roberts, Red Hare, Scheherazade, Anastasia, Kyokutei Bakin, Charles-Henri Sanson, Assassin Emiya/Kerry, Ushiwakamaru, Gray, Huyan Zhuo, Penthesilea, Kijyo Koyo, Asterios
2. Characters who I love. This one is a substantial jump upwards in quality and they only have like 1-2 things missing (to me) that prevent them from being numero uno
Altera, Bedivere, Okita, Beni Enma, Sigurd, Saito Hajime, Artemis-Orion, Emiya, Atalante, Baobhan Sith, Cu Chulainn, Romulus (and Quirinus), Caenis, Vritra, Melusine, Boudica, Marie Antionette, Mandricardo, Habetrot, Dobrynya Nikitich, Hans Christian Andersen, Mata Hari, Charlotte Corday, Katou Danzo, Koyanskaya of the Light, Tezcatlipoca, Sen no Rikyu, Kriemhild, Koyanskaya of Darkness
My special little princesses. Play this song while reading
Mash Kyrielight number one forever, saber classes artoria pendragon nero claudius siegfried void shiki miyamoto musashi ibuki douji barghest archer classes david arjuna oda nobunaga artoria pendragon archer swimsuit james moriarty tomoe gozen calamity jane nightingale santa sei shounagon zenobia lancer class scathach artoria pendragon lancer artoria pendragon lancer alter brynhildr tamamo no mae lancer minamoto no raikou lancer swimsuit ereshikigal elizabeth bathory rider class medusa francis drake artoria pendragon santa alter astolfo sakata kintoki rider quetzalcoatl artoria pendragon rider alter swimsuit leonardo da vinci rider murasaki shikubu rider swimsuit caster class mephistopheles cu chulainn caster tamamo no mae nursery rhyme helena blavatsky xuanzang sazang nero claudius swimsuit nitocris leonardo da vinci shuten douji caster ascelpius chen gong artoria caster assassin class phantom of the opera jack the ripper mysterious heroine x ryougi shiki assassin shuten douji scathach assassin first hassan nitocris assassin osakabehime okada izo yu mei-ren kama berserker class sakata kintoki vlad III caligula tamamo cat nightingale cu chulainn alter minamoto no raikou mysterious heroine x alter hijikata toshizo atalante alter jeanne d'arc alter berserker swimsuit xiang yu arjuna alter mori nagayoshi salome miyamoto musashi swimsuit brynhildr swimsuit morgan sei shounagon swimsuit ibuki douji swimsuit ruler class jeanne d'arc saint martha swimsuit sherlock holmes qin shi huang quetzalcoatl samba santa artoria pendragon swimsuit ruler himiko leonardo da vinci swimsuit james moriarty lily iyo avenger class edmond dantes jeanne d'arc alter angra mainyu gorgon antonio salieri demon king oda nobunaga space ishtar kama avenger swimsuit nitocris alter alter ego class meltryllis passionlip sessyoin kiara okita souji alter ashiya douman xu fu larva tiamat mooncancer class bb bb summer sessyoin kiara swimsuit archetype earth foreigner class abigail williams katsushika hokusai mysterious heroine xx voyager van gogh mysterious idol x alter kukulkan pretender class oberon beast class draco nero
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sebastianshaw · 1 year
get to know the mun.
what's your phone wallpaper: My late mouse, The Fat Queen
last song you listened to: Gangnam Style by PSY
currently reading:  Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay
last movie: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
last show:  BBC’s Marie Antoinette
what are you wearing right now: Blue t-shirt, black shorts, guinea pig pattern socks
piercings/tattoos?: Two in each earlobe
glasses/contacts?: Glasses
last thing you ate: Banh mi sandwich and a handful of Chex cereal
favorite colors: Pale purples, soft pinks, white/black combos, cerulean blue
current obsession: Sadly, this guy right here -.-
do you have a crush right now?: Eternally in love with Ajak the Eternal. Also have many shameful thoughts about Haven >.>
favorite fictional character: Okay besides the fuckin OBVIOUS Marvel ones all y’all know I love already, I also really love Princess Irulan (Dune), Sara Crewe (A Little Princess), Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon), Dolores Haze (Lolita), Big Jack Horner (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish), most Disney Renaissance villains, and several women and girls from Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles (Akasha, Maharet, Claudia, Baby Jenks, Eudoxia, Zenobia, and also Petronia who is only a woman sometimes but my love all the time). Also, honorable mention to Lucrezia Borgia and Haseki Hurrem Sultan, they’re not fictional characters, but they’ve had a lot of media made about them. 
Tagged by: @hexsreality
Tagging: honestly just do it if you want
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kovadocia · 2 years
Prompt 2: Bolt (Cenodocia)
Ala Mhigo, 1555
Her father says she is lucky that the bolt of levin did not stop her heart. It does that sometimes, tearing through innards like a knife through jam.
But she’d been lucky, standing in a circle of runes that defused the levin’s might, wielding a wand calibrated for a child’s volatile aether, wearing robes of dampening sigils. Most young learners cannot afford such a wand, making due with rods or staves meant for larger, older hands. And most grown thaumaturges cannot afford such robes, but she is from a family full of them, and enchanters besides, and so she has robes of gold and mythrite threading, stitched carefully for a child of eight. She is lucky, a lucky girl.
“Zenobia,” her father tells her, his stern voice cracking on the last syllable of her name. “Rhalgr does not suffer fools.” The words are harsh, but the sting is lessened by how he crouches, hugging her tight.
She is lucky, very lucky, for while she felt the spear of levin as it entered her arm, it escaped just as swiftly, leaving her whole. Her heart beats. Her eyes see. All that is left is a mark on her arm (thin red swirls that dance towards her shoulder, branching and branching into twigs too small to see). The mark will fade in a few months, her father tells her. Lucky.
She tells herself this at night when she cannot sleep, whenever she closes her eyes to see only the light arcing towards her. She tells herself to breathe until her heart stops pounding like Rhalgr’s thunder, and then she reaches for the book to read. The book—her favorite book—about a princess of Ishgard named Cenodocia Véridique. No one has told Zenobia of Ala Mhigo that Ishgard has no princesses. 
When not learning of Rhalgr’s ways, she swings a blunted practice sword and imagines herself as Cenodocia, smiting dragons like a hero of old. Fast and fierce, like Rhalgr’s own lightning.
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rhikasa · 1 year
A, F, Z, and E for the OC alphabet soup ask game.
( @angsty-prompt-hole )
Thanks for the ask, @angsty-prompt-hole! ♥️ Since I don't have an OC whose name begins with an F, I chose the letter that follows it.
He is the son of King Kyllen and Princess (consort) Avalynn and the younger sibling of Rosalie, but he never got to meet his family since his kingdom was taken over by another, leading to the deaths of his father and sister. He was separated from his mother for his safety, but she died before the two could reunite.
Arlen became a ward of House Garnett, where he met his best friend Isladine, and his identity was kept a secret until he was of age.
He has an undiagnosed heart condition that didn't cause him issues until he was older. In the history books, he has the shortest reign and lifespan of any king, dying at the age of twenty-four to a heart attack about six years after he reclaimed the throne.
She is the last of six children total born to King Talieisin and Queen Vietna, and she is the twin sister of Aeris. Being born a woman, she was excluded from the line of succession and therefore was never expected to become the monarch.
Elisven is curious by nature and yearns to learn what her brothers are taught, but growing up she was only educated in "accomplishments" such as singing and playing instruments. Her brother Aeris luckily let her in on what he was learning, and she even got a seat in his classes for a time, taking notes for him when his arm was broken.
She becomes the first queen regnant in her kingdom's history, but this doesn't come to her easy.
He is the oldest brother of Kaylien (Radan's mother). Although he's more of a minor character in the story, he's one of my favorites.
Gareth was dutiful, and he was also loving and devoted towards his family, especially his younger siblings. He was rather protective of them, but never in an overbearing sort of way.
He was the rock of the family, and Kaylien's biggest supporter and confidant. She was utterly distraught upon learning of his death.
She was one of the archangels originating from either the first or second age (not quite sure yet, but she's older than most of those around during Guinevere's origin life).
One of the greatest archangels in history, she surpassed nearly all others in terms of power and beauty. She was an exemplary fighter, though this did not come to her naturally.
She is one of the few archangels to ever consider having a romantic relationship with a mortal, and she had many lovers throughout her lifetime, including the founder of the ancient House Harper.
Send me a letter of the alphabet A-Z, and if I have an OC starting with that letter, I’ll tell about them.
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miyuzarry · 1 year
New question round! What are your OCs' favourite painting/mural/sculpture/any piece of art?
Hi! :D
Theodora's favourite piece of art is the Portrait of Crown Prince Nicodemus of Dyarvall. She loves the art style and colours used.
The painting itself is hanging in the National Art Gallery of Elthonia in Moryk. (Moryk used to be the capital of Elthonia.) It was a gift of HRH Crown Prince Nicodemus himself for HM The Queen at that time, Queen Mary, mother of Queen Beatrice. They were lovers, and didn't bother hiding that. xD
Mary's husband definitely wasn't a fan of that guy but couldn't really do anything about it. No one really knows if the Prince Consort really is the father of Queen Beatrice, and the Royal Family never allowed DNA testing, so this will stay a secret I suppose xD
Worst part is, though, that Mary had her husband executed to be with Nicodemus, but since he was heir to the throne of his kingdom, he didn't gave up his title to marry her. Instead, he became King of Dyarvall and married a noble woman to carry his heir and spare. (big yikes) Crown Princess Zenobia (also known as The Queen that never was) and Prince Ophelius Argrastos of Dyarvall. He had several affairs and his wife hated him so much that she tried to poison him several times. The last attempt failed so bad, because the plates were switched, that she died herself. (Bigger yikes)
Mary and Nicodemus then realised that they still love each other and well ended up marrying, and becoming a United Kingdom. (But no one calls it that) New Dyarvall is now a big city in Elthonia. (Dyarvall as a kingdom wasn't really big, so that works well lol)
So yeah! A beautiful portrait of a guy whose had a messed up life... o-o
Thanks for your ask 💖
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impercre · 2 months
@astraldestiny grows impatient
He had been pacing in his cell ever since the battle of Arrakeen. His mind a catalogue of everything he'd lost- brother, planet, name, Barony, princess and even his Uncle's blood. He hoped whatever the little Atreides bitch did was slow. When he had tried in his own clumsy attempt to keel the Old Baron he'd chosen Zenobia, when administered in the right amount the pain could last for hours even days.
He stopped his agitated pacing when he saw him, the Atreides upstart. His body visibly tensed, ready and eager to fight. Great mother let me die fighting, he thought. Don't let me die on my knees.
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"What do you want, Atreides?" He asked hissing out the words as if they were poison.
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naruwitch · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday: 11/27/2022
Lelouch’s eyes narrowed calculatedly as Zarkon’s main base, and several other battleships appeared before him and Zenobia. The ploy had worked. Now he just had to keep the Galran tyrant here.
“Princess, Zarkon took the bait. He’s here!” he alerted Allura on the screen. “Begin the operation.”
“Right! Good luck, and be careful, Lelouch!”
Lelouch nodded, disabling the comm link. With a flash of her rockets, the Black Lion charged toward the fleet, her jaw blade already brandished and slicing through the closest battleship in their way.
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havenroyals · 10 months
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The time has come! Royal fans and watchers rejoice. Our Crown Princess has welcomed her first child. A change from past royal baby arrivals, the new addition made her public debut a week after her birth. Delvin Palace has released an official statement and a beautiful photo of the two heirs. The announcement is written in part below:
Their Majesties, King Liam & Queen Freya, and the whole Haven Royal Family are proud to welcome our newest princess. Welcome to the world, Her Serene Highness, Princess Odette Zeena Leona Hart Rhys. A bright new light burst into the world, taking our hearts with one sweet cue. Both princesses are healthy, happy, and well and thank you all for your well wishes.
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Wow! What a name. Here's the breakdown for those who may be scratching their heads:
The new little one's first name comes from her Grandmother's - Queen Freya's - middle name. Zeena is a variant of Lady Zenobia's - best friend and godsister of the Crown Princess -name. Leona is a tribute to Prince Leo and Prince Drake; Leo is the twin's middle name. Hart is for Miss Hartley Beaumont, another bestie and godsister.
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The new photos were taken by the Duchess of Harkne, Lady Rayna. The aunt and uncle shared their own congratulatory message with a simple: "Welcome to Parenthood." Prince Max spammed all the posts with emojis from his private social media and the message, "I need more arms to carry all my nieces."
How sweet. Congratulations, Crown Princess, and welcome to our kingdom Princess Odette.
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