#press x for doubt
lossis · 4 months
When the Hits keep increasing but the Kudos are standing still:
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hey-hermy · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped u fuckin Mess
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astrangertomykin · 5 months
Gale's the type that when you are having feelings of inadequacy about your relationship and how you fit into it, uttering "Gale, I'm no Goddess" whilst turning your head away, that he would cup your face with his hand and bring your eyeline back to his, and whisper "No. You're so much more." right before he pulls you close to kiss you as gently, with a reverence, just as you deserve
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Alright to Spare OP of the Clown Motel Post
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a Horror Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
It is based on the idea in the post that is linked above.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Also the majority of the brainstorming is happening in the replies if you're so inclined.
So I have 4 possibly 5 ideas so far:
1) Middle of Nowhere Nevada or Alabama or Nebraska outside the Gundam Fight Zone - No Gundams To Save You Now Boys
2) This is Post-Divorce for Domon and mere months before the next Gundam Fight.
3) Domon and Chibodee were exhausted and possibly close to a confession before the terrifying clown music kicks in.
4) Only One Bed - Used for Commedic and also Horrific Effect when SEVERAL Clowns pop out of said bed (it was not immediately visible that they were there.)
Is it a trap door to the underground lab they're being produced in? Did the guys not notice a misshapen pile?
I can't decide if the clowns are Ghosts, Aliens (Like IT), or DG related somehow. Like someone got ahold of some samples and are using then for nefarious purposes -namely to build an army of deadly mindless clowns operated via mind control that have gone rogue somehow.
I will say I didn't initially picture Kyoji having anything to do with this but he is my favorite darling meow meow and thus I'm happy to incorporate him into any G Gundam thing I do.
5?) Maybe Kyoji is along for the ride trying to help them research whats going on? Maybe they get separated when Kyoji is dragged off
Or a noise startles Chibodee and he bolts with Domon hot on his heels trying to stay together but they didn't notice Kyoji was trying to read something on the counter and when he looks up he's alone like "You've gotta be fucking kidding me"?
Tagging mutuals I was brainstorming with already that may want to write something with this:
@thedragonchilde @amplexadversary
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rebouks · 1 year
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Previous // Next
Oscar: Are we sleepwalking? [Robin shakes his head, gazing toward the attic inquisitively] Oscar: What’s up? Robin: What’s in there? Oscar: Nothing much-.. junk, mostly. [Robin doesn’t seem particularly satisfied with that answer, squinting at his father in disbelief] Oscar: C’mon, it’s bedtime. We’ll explore tomorrow. Robin: I heard someone. [Oscar hums dubiously as he cocks his head to one side, listening…] Oscar: It’s just the wind, buddy.. papa still needs to fix the roof. [wind rattling] Oscar: See? Old houses make weird noises sometimes, it’s nothing to worry about. Robin: Oh-.. what’s it saying? Oscar: [chuckles] It’s not talking, just creaking with age; like grandpa’s knees when he peels himself off the couch. [Though content to be carried back to bed, Robin can’t help but stare over Oscar’s shoulder with unsatiated intrigue]
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Uh pretty sure that's still going to take quite a bit of practice for you Tim.
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rirren · 8 months
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silver-horse · 6 months
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hmmm... sorry steam. I am pressing X
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ex-textura · 8 months
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I didn't get the sex dialogue with Astarion on this run until the party, so now I'm getting the party dialogue in the underdark 😂 Astarion my boy you're so confused.
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Someone has probably already pointed this out but it's kind of fitting that Cassandra tried to warn her followers what would happen and they didn't believe it.
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cerealbishh · 2 months
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"Maria and Rhett knew each other way back when, they went to high school together. (...)Yeah, I think the spark is immediate because I think they maybe, secretly, always wanted to be together."
"I think that it's one of those relationships that never happened and never was but it was almost. And, I think, spending so much time apart, one can tend to fantasize what could be. (...) All of that ease of them seeing each other again is right there and it's almost as if they never left each other's side." - Isa and Lew on Maria and Rhett in an interview with Down and Nerdy(x)
"I also love that I get to tell a story about love in this really crazy, scary world(...) and we really want to root for them!" - Isa in an interview with SciFi Vision(x)
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strqyr · 28 days
If I may; where does your "cinder is a branwen" theory come from? What lead you to that potential conclusion?
okay, so, some context: this is during the hiatus between V5 and V6. it's middle of the night, and i'm neck deep thinking about raven's "family. only coming around when they need something." because while that fits yang, it hardly fits qrow; that was raven seeking him out, not the other way around.
the sensible part of me was having a wonderful time connecting this to summer—i.e. summer found raven because she needed help with her mission—however, the gremlin in me that revels in chaos went welllll... cinder & co showed up days later, needing something from raven.
now. this is also during the time when i'm already thinking it's a bit suspicious that words such as "dead" and "killed" were avoided when talking about summer (directly or in-directly), so to nib this chaotic thought before it had a chance to bloom, i had to check if the word "need" comes up at any point during raven's talks with qrow, yang, and cinder & co.
unfortunately for me, it does. qrow says it: "i don't know where the spring maiden is, either, but if you do, i need you to tell me." yang says it, too: "i just need you to take me to her." and finally, cinder says it not just once, but twice: "and now, all we need is the key to the vault." // "we just... need... the relic.", while watts doesn't.
so with that little thing established, the gremlin was free to roam as it pleased, creating a perspective that made certain other things look a little bit different, such as:
the parallels between cinder and yang that were at their peak during V4 and V5, including their interactions with raven
raven knowing 'fall' isn't cinder's original last name but one she chose (something something last name denotes family connection and cinder chose hers, essentially hiding hers), as well as describing emerald and mercury as "two children you've tricked into following you", implying that she has been keeping an eye on cinder even before beacon.
the feathers in cinder's brooch are described as "iridescent feathers (dark green & black)" in her concept art, pretty much what you'd expect from feathers of corvids (especially ravens and crows)
this brooch also sticks around for all of cinder's main outfits, perhaps implying it's important in some way (e.g. ruby's brooch was more than just an emblem, it belonged to summer)
raven's portals and cinder's explosions (that she creates with her semblance) look extremely similar—if not exactly same—outside the change of color; and being real here if summer's semblance also emits rose petals like ruby's does but white, i might just lose it here lmao
this is more funny to me but like. you can't go "you sound just like your mother" and then have both raven and cinder say similar things, e.g. some variation of "it's nothing personal", or even just raven being smug and referring to qrow as "little brother" only for cinder to come in moments later, smugly referring to qrow as "little bird". what is a poor soul supposed to think at that moment when i'm already preoccupied with "they never said summer is dead -> summer is alive" 😭
cinder's backstory revealing that she started from an orphanage obviously didn't help this matter, either
anyway, having said all that, i honestly don't expect this to lead into... well. anything. like if it did i would be surprised myself and i would never theorize about anything ever again, it would just be downhill from there lmao
ngl tho, it's great fuel for AUs.
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toweringclam · 5 months
Had a line from Gideon Nova, book 2 of the Novaverse AU, just pop into my head. The bubble scenes would have a very different feel to Harrow's bubble
That night, you had a dream. You were completely certain it was a dream because, despite everything that had happened recently, you were in full control of your faculties and not at all going mad.
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pocket-notebook · 7 months
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this is the first time I've drawn in a bit. I've been going through a horrible art block that's been several months long now ughhhgfh. I just wanna make art and have it be good!
Anyway, here is him :) sorry it's been so long
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makenna-made-this · 1 year
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My Bebe Nephew is obsessed with the Puffin Rock cartoon and you would not believe how hard it is to find little puffin figurine toys, so for his bday I made him a custom set out of sturdy poly clay. (Fudged the baby puffling's colors a bit to match his fav character in the show shhh don't take my Bird Nerd license from me :P)
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drainbangle · 5 months
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healer swap NPC doodles
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