#preparing for pregnancy
szykyyw · 1 month
​Preparing for pregnancy is more than just 'doing the deed' – here are some little tips you should know
Chinese Lunar New Year has arrived, and the warm spring is not far behind. Many couples who are relaxed in body and mind quietly begin to prepare for pregnancy. So, what should be paid attention to during the pre-pregnancy process, and what are some small tricks to increase the chances of conception?
01 What should be noted during the pre-pregnancy process?
To conceive a healthy baby, it is recommended that both husband and wife prepare for pregnancy when they are in good physical and mental condition. During the pre-pregnancy process, greet the new life with a calm and healthy mindset. Both partners should maintain a balanced diet, engage in moderate exercise, maintain a regular lifestyle, and balance work and rest.
At the same time, avoid exposure to harmful physical and chemical stimuli such as smoking, alcohol, radiation, decoration pollution, pesticides, electromagnetic radiation, medications, etc.
During the three months before pregnancy and the first trimester of pregnancy, take 0.4mg-0.8mg of folic acid tablets daily, which can help prevent fetal neural tube defects to a certain extent.
Avoid getting pregnant when ill, and seek timely medical treatment for any illness (including during pregnancy), and be sure to use medications correctly under the guidance of a doctor.
Therefore, undergoing pre-pregnancy examinations can objectively assess the physiological and psychological conditions of both partners, help choose the appropriate time for conception, avoid conceiving when ill, and better achieve eugenics.
02 Check out these fertility boosting tips!
So, what are some small tricks to increase the chances of conception during the pre-pregnancy process? Director Wu Xiaoli will share some tips with the young couples:
Effectively utilize the fertile window
After a woman's ovaries ovulate, the egg is picked up by the fimbriae of the fallopian tube and transported to the ampulla of the fallopian tube for nurturing, where it generally survives for 1-2 days. If the egg is not fertilized within 24 hours after ovulation, it will gradually age.
For women with regular menstrual cycles, ovulation generally occurs 14 days before the first day of the next menstrual period. Therefore, the 5 days before ovulation and the 4 days after ovulation are considered the fertile window. It is recommended to arrange intercourse 2-3 times during this period to ensure that there are enough and continuous sperm waiting in the body for the appearance of the egg.
Prolong sperm retention time
After intercourse, women should not get up immediately. It is recommended to lie in a supine position with a pillow under the buttocks for 20-30 minutes, giving the sperm sufficient time to swim towards the uterine cavity, allowing the egg and sperm to meet quickly and effectively increasing the chances of pregnancy.
Healthy lifestyle
During the pre-pregnancy process, both partners should engage in appropriate physical exercise, maintain a healthy and balanced diet, have a regular daily routine, and ensure good quality sleep. This can effectively relieve psychological stress, allowing couples to have better physical and mental states and a harmonious sex life.
During intercourse, especially during sexual arousal, the position of the uterus changes and rises, making the cervix closer to the seminal pool, which is more conducive to sperm migration. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle is also crucial for increasing the chances of conception.
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harmeet-saggi · 7 months
The Importance Of Preconception Care: Preparing For Pregnancy And Ensuring A Healthy Start
Are you planning to start a family? Are you aware of the crucial role that preconception care plays in your journey to parenthood? In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the significance of preconception care for women and couples looking to bring a new life into the world. We'll explore essential topics such as preparing for pregnancy, pregnancy planning, pre-pregnancy check-ups, prenatal vitamins, increasing fertility, and more. Join us on this enlightening journey to discover how to ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy.
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Title: "Boost Your Baby-making Mojo: 6 Natural Ways to Improve Your Fertility!"
How do rabbits stay so fertile? They multiply like crazy – they're the experts in the field!
Hey there, future mamas and papas! If you’re reading this, chances are you’re on a mission to grow your family. But, if you’re struggling to conceive, don’t lose hope! There are plenty of natural ways to improve your fertility and increase your chances of bringing a bundle of joy into this world. Here are six science-backed tips to get your baby-making mojo on point! Get Physical: According to…
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merakiui · 3 months
Breeding box for goldfish riddle and his darling?
YES YES!!!! EXACTLY!!!!! You have read my mind, lovely anon. <3 goldfishie Riddle who keeps nudging you because the eggs are packed so tightly inside you, and they're stuck and it's causing you such discomfort. >_< he doesn't know what to do. He's trying to help in the best way he can (by chasing and attempting to breed you).
The researchers take notice of this and thus the breeding box is installed into the tank to isolate you from Riddle. He's so distressed with the separation, but he's soothed somewhat since the box still allows him to see you even if you're now separated by a wall of glass. Researcher [insert twst character here, but for me it will always be Azul LOL] gets into the box with you to help you in laying the eggs. Gently massaging your gravid belly, pressing down softly...... orz orz you're clinging to him and crying relieved tears because it feels so much better with his help. Riddle knows the researchers are helping you, but he feels so useless simply watching from the other side. He's your mate! It's his job to help and care for you, and yet he couldn't do that this time. Aaaa he feels like he's failed his duties as a mate.
You're kept in the box for a few days to recover. The researchers check in on you, bring you your meals, calm down a very irritated Riddle, and eventually you're back to feeling like your usual self. Sadly, this clutch isn't fertilized. Riddle fully intends to help you the next time you have eggs, but this time he'll be the one helping you to lay them and, of course, fertilize them so you can start a family hehe.
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softerhaze · 1 year
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varying reactions to new baby news in the abrams household 😬
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secretlyaraven · 8 months
Astarion being a father is on the mind, again. Anyway, conversation I had with a friend the other day was that being a vampire is not effective birth control
Can you imagine after the events of bg3, Tav and Astarion are somewhat settled (or as a settled as they can be), and Tav notices something is off. Gets checked out and finds out they're pregnant
Upon breaking the news to Astarion
"I can count on one hand the amount of times we've slept together, and you're telling me one of those got you pregnant?"
I think shocked would be an understatement
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wolveria · 2 months
Do you have any SCP 049 headcanons that you can share where Reid is pregnant with his child?
You've heard the term mother hen, now get ready for father hen.
You thought he was protective before. He reaches a whole new level of territorial.
Thankfully, he's a doctor... of a sort... which means Reid gets free healthcare. Kind of. She gets daily examinations, at least, though she wonders if it's necessary at that frequency, or if he's just looking for an excuse to feel her up. (He is).
049 doesn't really understand why he keeps making their bed into a nest, but Reid has given up trying to fix it, especially since it is very comfortable being surrounded by blankets and pillows.
049 gives amazing massages, though it was something he had to learn given he couldn't touch anyone before. But he's studious and dedicated to his craft with his hands, in all aspects...
There seems to be a correlation with how big Reid is getting and how tactile 049 is, which leads to Reid getting wound up, and no matter how far along she is, he's taking her to the nest. If they can get that far.
Despite pregnancy aches and pains, it does nothing to dampen Reid's libido, and somehow the two of them are even worse while she's pregnant. Some days they simply don't leave the nest, but 049 wouldn't prefer it any other way, using it as an excuse to dote on her when she would otherwise protest.
049 points out that perhaps next time he should refrain from knotting her, but Reid is having none of it. She always finds a way to get stuck on his knot anyway, even when he's consciously trying to polite about it.
Most likely, it won't be long before chick #2 is on the way.
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for those wondering:
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still alive….still very pregnant…
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bridgeportbritt · 6 months
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Willington Palace | Sage, SimDonia
??? on Soom: As long as changes are minor, we should have ample time to have everything ready by next week, Your Royal Highness.
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Gerhard on Soom: Everything seems to be coming together so well that I doubt there will be any, but thank you, Anne. Thank you all for your hard work. I’m excited to see the gym tomorrow.
Anne on Soom: We're excited for you to see it in person. I believe you will really like the facility.
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Diana: Let’s go see if Daddy is ready for night-night, Parker.
Parker: Daddy!
Diana: That's right, Little Prince.
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Diana: Look! There he is.
Gerhard on Soom: It was great speaking with you all. See you tomorrow, Anne.
Diana: And it looks like we caught him at a perfect time.
Parker: Daddy, daddy!
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Gerhard: What a nice surprise! My two favorite people. Happy to have you home again.
Diana: Happy to be home. I practically beelined it to Parker's room.
Gerhard laughs: I'm sure. Busy week, you must be exhausted. After the games, I'll be right there with you. Here, I'll carry him.
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Diana: Oh, thank you! Watcher, he's getting big!
Gerhard: That's my boy! Ready for night-night, Parker?
Parker sleepy: Story?
Gerhard: Of course, we'll read your favorite, Little Prince.
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Diana: It seemed like your work call was going well. Everything in order?
Gerhard: Yes! Everything is surprisingly going off without a hitch!
Diana: Aw, that's great. I wish I could be there to see it. Everyone's packing everything onto my schedule before maternity leave.
Gerhard: Aw, don't worry, dear. I can feel your love no matter where you are.
Diana: Are you excited?
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Gerhard: I am tremendouly excited! I truly believe that this is something that’s really going to make a difference.
Diana: Aw, I'm so proud of you, honey. I certainly believe it will because you make a difference in our lives and for our country every day.
Gerhard: You're too kind, honey.
Parker: Story, story!
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Gerhard laughs: I guess we better get the boss to bed!
Diana laughs: And swiftly!
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dark-mnjiro · 7 months
Shinichiro would 100% constantly lay his hand on your stomach while you’re pregnant so he can hear and feel your baby move.
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ananke-xiii · 2 months
One thing that I'll always find funny is the scene in "The Future" where Sam is showed in deep lore-research mode and start scribbling numbers on the world-map table like so:
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Dean even calls him "Beautiful Mind" so it seems like something super duper difficult (which, in a way, it is) and then...
basically he's found out *somewhere in Loreland* that Nephilim don't need 9 months to get to full term (but doesn't say how exactly they need but okay) so what's he doing? does he have a pregnancy wheel? does he know kelly kline's last period? he probably knows the conception date since radio angel gossiped about it and cas smashed 2 good cups of coffee + had a massive migraine because of it, but other than that? we don't know! but we see numbers and magically sam has come up with a date, "around may 18th". okay!
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palaceoftears · 4 months
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I know right :c? R.i.p my daughter concubine Mei, she will be SO missed!
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jokeringcutio · 6 months
By the way, I accept 'imagine if...' prompts for slashers on the topics in the tags
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anto-pops · 1 year
hiii:) i was wondering if would you ever write a part 2 to end of the line?? maybe where MC is pregnant/ they have kids and it’s a lot of seb fluff and maybe some smut👀
Hmm I’m definitely tempted to ! Sebastian in dad-mode has an appeal to it that I can’t overlook. I’ll see if I can come up with some additional ideas for a continuation, I just apologize in advance if it takes me a while to get to it ;;
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tvreadsandsleep · 1 year
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» Domestic!Attoye || Attoye Prompt Drabbles || Master List «
Attuma was moping. Okoye could see him from her reclined position on the couch, though, he would have been hard to miss from anywhere in the house—his long, broad body stomping about the kitchen as it was. She wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing, yet his dejected mood tugged at her. She’d been trying to ignore him, but that was something he’d always made difficult. Even before they’d gotten together. Well, especially then as he’d strutted around her—flexing and prodding, until she’d been compelled to act, fulfilling his desire for her attention.
Presently, that wasn’t his aim. His upset at the gruff words she’d said was genuine, and enflamed her sense of guilt. Of late, her hormones had been raging, the first trimester of her pregnancy bringing, in addition to the gift of constant nausea, the boon of uncontrollable mood swings. Hers hadn’t been of the teary variety (at least not yet), but a mix of anger and bone deep annoyance at those around her, even her adoring husband who’d only made the grave mistake of doting on her.
That morning, she’d woken up feeling more refreshed than she had in days, the queasiness that had been plaguing her a barely noticeable hum (as opposed to the thundering drumbeat it had been). She’d taken that as a sign her morning sickness was nearing its end, and indulged in a heavy breakfast, rich in flavor. It was the exact opposite to the bland toast and broths she’d had to eat to help ease her nausea.
Going down, the food had been heaven, her spirit happy as she did a jig in her chair. When it all came back up, less than a half hour later, Okoye had been sure she was in hell, her body’s heaving a clear punishment for past transgressions.
Attuma had tried to help, rubbing her back while she hunched over the toilet. It had felt nice. The warm expanse of his palm soothed some of the tension from her muscles, and the cool cloth he’d held to the nape of her neck was refreshing. If that had been all he’d done, she would have remained thankful for his presence, but he’d had to open his mouth.
“My love, I cautioned you against eating such heavily seasoned meat. You should have heeded my warning.”
While what he’d said had been true, he’d chosen the most inopportune time to say it. She’d made that abundantly clear, using the most colorful of language.
She remembered calling him a bullheaded, peacock of a man and knew that she’d cursed his existence before ultimately kicking him out of the bathroom, but recalled little else of what she’d yelled between bouts of vomiting. It must have been awful to have actually chased her husband away.
Rising from the couch, her body having recovered from the complete expulsion of her stomach’s contents, she approached him. She kept to the kitchen’s doorway and rung her hands, watching as he fell still and kept his back to her.
“I meant what I said to be a compliment,” she hesitantly joked, attempting to lighten the mood.
Attuma’s only audible response was a sigh as he moved to resume his activities.
“I’m sorry!” Okoye exclaimed, stepping into the room as her eyes began to water. (So much for her fluctuations in mood not involving tears.) She propelled herself forward until he was within arm’s length. Touching her fingertips to his spine, she sniffled.
“Please don’t be angry with me. You know, I don’t actually mean any of what I said.” Had she not been desperate for his forgiveness, she would have been mortified by the sniveling that could be heard in her voice.
Embracing him from behind, she pressed her face into his hair, which hung in waves over his shoulders. Her arms encircled his waist, coming to stroke along his belly, her fingers catching on the shark teeth embedded in his skin. Her demeanor calmed, eyes drying, as he relaxed in her hold, his head tipping back to barely just rest on hers.
“All is forgiven, my love. I could never remain angry at the mother of my children.”
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whentherewerebicycles · 2 months
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