#pregnancy yoga online free
alenaa12 · 14 days
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online-yoga · 10 days
Online yoga classes for expectant mothers: Embracing Pregnancy Yoga
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Pregnancy is a transformative journey that brings about numerous physical, emotional, and mental changes. As an expectant mother, it's crucial to prioritize your well-being and that of your growing baby. One of the most effective ways to do this is by incorporating prenatal yoga into your daily routine. Prenatal yoga offers a wide range of benefits, from reducing stress and anxiety to preparing your body for labor and delivery. The good news is that you can access free online prenatal yoga classes from the comfort of your own home.
The Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
Pregnancy yoga free online is a holistic practice that can be started at any time during pregnancy, regardless of prior yoga experience. It's a safe and gentle way to stretch and strengthen your muscles, especially in the back, abdomen, and pelvic region. Regular practice can improve balance and equilibrium, release aches and pains, and build strength and stamina. Prenatal yoga also prepares you for labor and delivery by teaching breathing techniques, relaxation methods, and physical postures that can be used during childbirth.
Free Online Prenatal Yoga Classes
The Womb Room offers a completely free 1-hour weekly prenatal yoga class every Thursday at 7 pm EST, which can be accessed live on Zoom. This class is appropriate for all stages of pregnancy and focuses on enhancing comfort, building strength and endurance, relieving stress, easing aching hips and back, and building skills for labor and birth. You can also find a 22-minute prenatal yoga home practice video on YouTube, suitable for all levels and trimesters
Free 200 hour yoga teacher training but highly effective practice is infused with strength, stability, and loving support, and you're encouraged to listen to your body and consult with your doctor or healthcare provider about your movement routines while pregnant
Community Support
Prenatal yoga classes, whether online or in-person, provide an opportunity to connect with other expectant mothers. This community support is invaluable in navigating the emotional and physical changes that come with pregnancy. You'll be able to bond with others who understand what you're going through, build new relationships, and find support during this transformative time.
Pursuing a Career in Yoga
If you're passionate about prenatal yoga and want to share its benefits with others, you might consider pursuing a career as a yoga teacher. Many yoga studios and online platforms offer free best 300 hour yoga teacher training and the best 300-hour yoga teacher training programs. These programs can equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to teach prenatal yoga safely and effectively.
prenatal yoga is a valuable practice that can enhance your pregnancy experience and prepare you for motherhood. With free online classes available, there's no reason not to give it a try. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, improve your physical health, or connect with other expectant mothers, prenatal yoga has something to offer. So why not take the first step today and join a free online prenatal yoga class? Your body, mind, and baby will thank you.
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canirove · 2 years
Red & Blue | Chapter 35
Author's note: We are approaching the end of "Red & Blue", but don't worry, because there is more Mason coming in November. And in the company of a certain Portuguese with arms the size of my head 👀
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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“Dear God, breathe!”
“Imf brifin.”
“No, you are not. Eat slowly, please.”
“Fine” I say. “But I am hungry, and this tastes so good.”
“I know it does. But I only want to have to take you to the hospital when that little one decides is time to come to the world, not because you’ve chocked while eating chocolate.”
“I’ll be careful, I promise.”
“Are you eating well?”
“Yes, Eliza. I am eating well.”
“Because you are planning on playing again once the baby is born, right? You are not retiring yet.”
“I am not. Besides, I live with a football player. I eat healthy even if I don’t want to, and all this will be burnt later” I say, giving my pastry another big bite.
“Pilates? Yoga?”
“Mount… Oh. Oh!”
“Oh indeed” I say with a big smile.
“Let’s talk about something else, shall we?” Eliza says, her face turning a bright shade of pink. “The announcement.”
“Yes, that.”
“What do you guys want to do?”
“We thought an Instagram post would be enough.”
“Maternity shoot?”
“God, no. I hate those, they are so… Yeah, not for me. But Mason has been taking random photos of the me and the bump, so one of those will do.”
“And the caption?”
“I don’t know. Something simple, nothing cheesy.”
“Ok. Send me some of the photos you like and the caption, and I’ll discuss it with his team.”
“Really? Is that necessary?”
“This is something huge. It isn’t like when you go somewhere for the holidays. We can’t risk posting it and then seeing that there is some underwear on the background, a grammar error…”
“I don’t make grammar errors” I say all proud.
“Just in case. We don’t want to give people any reason to be mean or send hate. Not with something like this.”
“The haters will find a way to hate, they don’t give a shit about anything or anyone. But yes, it’ll be for the best.”
“And then we have you know who…” Eliza sighs.
“Oh, the conspiracy theorists that believe Leah and I are together and Mason is just a beard… I hope they don’t follow the scary route others have, and start saying this is all fake and that the baby is a doll.”
“They’ll probably say it is your baby with Leah, and that Mason is the sperm donor.”
“Or Aaron.”
“I’ll make sure to keep an eye on the comments.”
“Great. Are you gonna eat that?” I say, pointing at the other pain au chocolat on the table.
“All yours. But promise you will eat it slowly.”
“I promise” I say before devouring it in just a few bites.
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"Ay, ¡pero mírate!" Sandra says, hugging me. She and Marco have come to spend a couple of days with us in London now that La Liga is on their Christmas break. "Last time I saw you, you were barely showing!"
"And now, look" I say, caressing my belly.
"Two months left, right?"
"Are you ready for it?" Marco says, also giving me a hug.
"I think I am. Mason, on the other hand..."
"He's freaking out, isn't he?" Sandra says.
"Kind of."
Instead of spending most part of his free time playing golf or video games with his friends, he's now using that time to read books about pregnancies and babies. And when he is online, he's constantly watching videos, reading more, and searching and buying everything we may need. Or not.
"Can I check the nursery?" Sandra asks. "Seeing it on videos isn't the same as in real life."
"She's been looking forward to it since we got the plane tickets. I think she's more excited about that than seeing you" Marco says.
"Hey!" she replies, hitting him on the arm. "I'm excited because this is a very special project. It is my first nursery, and I don't usually work through facetime, I visit the places I'm decorating. I must make sure everything is perfect for the little one."
"If you say so... Ouch!" Marco complains when Sandra hits him again.
"C'mon, I'm also excited about you seeing it for the first time" I say, grabbing her arm. Since Sandra works as an interior designer, I asked for help with the nursery. I had no idea about where to start.
"Oh my God, it's perfect!" she says once we walk into the room, checking every detail. "And the wallpaper! So much prettier in person!"
"I love it. Now I kind of want the whole house to be covered on it."
"The rest of the house looks great the way it is, don't touch anything" she says, threatening me with her finger.
"The hanger with all the little shirts is so cute" Marco says.
"Mason loves it."
"He is the one who put the Chelsea one first, isn't he?"
"Yep. And when Leah comes to visit, it's the Arsenal one the one that magically shows up first."
"I can see them fighting over the shirt the baby must wear" Marco laughs.
"Oh, that's already happening. Sometimes Declan also is involved and... Yeah. So I've told them that those stay on the hanger, and the only one that gets to be worn is the England one. That makes everyone happy."
"Unless they start arguing about the name or number on the back..."
"Marco, don't give them ideas!" Sandra says.
"I knew it could happen, so I said no name or number. Besides, only Mason and I know the name."
"Which I think is very rude. Not telling your dear friends about the name... What if I want to get you something with the name embroided?" Sandra says, checking the wardrobe. "But look at all these little outfits! You better send me photos every single day."
"I will, you aren’t the first person who asks for it. I see myself making a group chat just to send photos of the outfits.”
“Baby influencer” Marco says.
“Have you decided if you will show the face on social media?” Sandra asks.
“No, not yet. Mason is dying to be able to go out and do the walk around the pitch at the end of the season like he’s done with Summer. He’s said that it is a dream he’s always had, to do that with his kids. Same if he wins something. And whether you like or not, there will be photos and videos online. So I guess we’ll see how things go, and how comfortable we feel.”
“Good” Sandra says. “Now let’s take some photos of this beautiful room. Will you allow me to post them on Instagram?”
“Of course! I know how much it means to you.”
“You are the best” Sandra says, giving me a quick hug.
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womenhealthguide · 5 months
Bump Bliss: A Modern Guide to Pregnancy Serenity
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Welcome to the ultimate guide on achieving pregnancy serenity – Bump Bliss. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key aspects of maintaining a peaceful and joyous pregnancy journey. Whether you're a first-time mom or adding to your growing family, Bump Bliss is here to empower you with knowledge, support, and tranquility. At the core of Bump Bliss is the belief that pregnancy is not just a physical process but a holistic journey. We emphasize the importance of nurturing your physical and mental well-being to ensure a serene experience from conception to delivery.
Navigating Physical Well-being
1. Nutrition Matters: Ensuring a well-balanced diet is crucial during pregnancy. Focus on nutrient-rich foods, incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
2. Safe Exercise: Consult with your healthcare provider to establish a safe exercise routine. Gentle activities like walking and prenatal yoga can boost your energy and promote a healthy pregnancy.
3. Essential Prenatal Vitamins: Discuss with your doctor the essential vitamins needed during pregnancy. Proper supplementation contributes to your overall well-being and supports your baby's development.
Maintaining Mental Health
Mindfulness Techniques: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. Deep breathing exercises and meditation can help manage stress and promote emotional balance.
Stress-Relief Strategies: Identify stress triggers and implement strategies to alleviate them. Surround yourself with positivity, engage in hobbies, and seek support from loved ones.
Building a Support System: Connect with other expectant mothers through local groups or online communities. Sharing experiences and advice can be immensely reassuring and comforting.
Navigating the Challenges
1. Physical Well-being: Learn about proper nutrition, safe exercises, and essential prenatal vitamins. Our expert advice ensures a healthy pregnancy for both you and your baby.
2. Mental Health: Discover mindfulness techniques, stress-relief strategies, and tips for maintaining emotional balance throughout your pregnancy.
3. Building a Support System: Bump Bliss emphasizes the importance of a strong support system. Connect with other expecting mothers, share experiences, and create lasting bonds.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Can I exercise during pregnancy?
A1: Absolutely! With your doctor's approval, engaging in gentle exercises like walking and prenatal yoga is beneficial for both you and your baby.
Q2: How do I manage pregnancy-related stress?
A2: Practice mindfulness, indulge in activities you enjoy, and consider seeking professional support if needed. A calm mind contributes to a healthy pregnancy.
Q3: What should I include in my prenatal diet?
A3: Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Your healthcare provider can provide personalized recommendations based on your needs.
Embrace the journey of pregnancy with confidence and serenity. Bump Bliss is more than a guide; it's your companion, offering valuable insights and support. Feel free to share this blog on social media platforms and help spread the wisdom of Bump Bliss.
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healthtunnel-app · 10 months
In the digital age, the demand for accessible and convenient healthcare services is on the rise. With busy schedules and the need to maintain social distancing, individuals are seeking a platform that can meet all of their healthcare needs from the comfort of their own homes. Enter Health Tunnel, a one-stop solution for all healthcare needs, offering a wide range of online services and partnering with 100% trusted and genuine healthcare products to provide Hassle – free Services to your doorsteps.
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Health Tunnel allows users to order medicines online, making it easier to get prescribed medicines delivered to their doorstep. With a user-friendly interface and a vast network of partner pharmacies like Apollo 24/7, Amazon pharmacy, Netmeds, TATA 1MG etc. patients can comfortably manage their prescriptions and receive medicines on their prescribed time.
Book Health Checkup:
Health Tunnel provides a variety of health checkup packages for people of all ages and medical conditions. Individuals can schedule these packages and receive a full health report to track their overall health.
Home Healthcare Services:
For individuals requiring medical attention at home, Health Tunnel connects them with qualified healthcare professionals who can provide various medical services in the comfort of their own surroundings.
Maternity/Fertility Clinics:
Health Tunnel gives access to exceptional maternity and fertility clinics such as Cloudnine and Bloom IVF for pregnant women and those seeking fertility treatments. Individuals can look through a variety of healthcare providers to select the one that best meets their needs.
Online Lab Tests:
Health Tunnel offers the convenience of scheduling and conducting lab tests online. Users can book appointments for various diagnostic tests, blood test, urine test, pregnancy test, Diabetes test and many more etc. receive timely results, and access their reports securely through the app.
Online Doctor Consultation:
Through Health Tunnel, users can consult Expert doctors online. This service facilitates quick medical advice, diagnosis, and prescription, enabling individuals to seek medical assistance without physically visiting the Hospital. Health tunnel provides you with the best and 100% Expertise Doctors In the country. Health tunnel partnered with SECONDMEDIC, ICLINIQ, APOLLO 24/7, TATA 1MG, DOCS APP etc. you can choose the desired services like Gynecology, general physician, cardiology, pediatrician, Dentistry, ENT, Nephrology, Orthopedics, Endocrinology, Cosmology, pulmonologist and many more.
Book X-rays and MRI Scans:
Health tunnel simplifies the process of booking X-rays and MRI scans at partnered diagnostic center HEALTHIANS, THROCARE, APOLLO 24/7, TATA 1MG. This efficient approach will save time and effort while ensuring 100% accurate and timely reports.
Medical Loan and Health Insurance: Best health insurance in India
Acknowledging the financial aspect of medical treatment, Health Tunnel interacts with best financial institutions in the country, BAJAJ FINSERV, ANDEROMEDA, LOAN TAP etc. are the partners of Health tunnel they provide medical loans and health insurance policies, making medical treatments more reasonable and accessible.
Organic Food, Yoga, and Wellness: Diet plan for weight loss
Health Tunnel promotes a balanced approach to Health- conscious individuals by providing organic food options for health-conscious individuals. Health tunnel partnered with Healthy Buddha and Auric which provides 100% genuine and Organic products to the individuals.
It also provides online yoga and wellness classes to enhance mental and physical health at Healthtunnel we only look for the individual Health by providing them Advanced healthcare services with best and trusted Healthcare Brands.
Download The Health Tunnel App to enjoy the advanced Healthcare services with Hassle- Free doorstep delivery and 100% trusted and genuine products.
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englamorous · 1 year
Maintaining good physical fitness is important for overall health and well-being, and this applies to women just as much as it does to men. In fact, women face unique challenges when it comes to fitness, such as hormonal changes, pregnancy, and menopause. However, there are many ways for women to stay fit and healthy, and in this blog post, we'll explore some of the best strategies for women's fitness.
Cardiovascular Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise, also known as cardio, is any type of exercise that raises your heart rate and gets your blood pumping. This type of exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of heart disease, and improving overall health. Women should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can also be effective for cardiovascular health, and can be done in shorter periods of time.
Strength Training
Strength training is an important component of women's fitness, as it helps build and maintain muscle mass. This is particularly important as women age, as they tend to lose muscle mass more quickly than men. Strength training can be done with free weights, weight machines, or bodyweight exercises, such as push-ups and squats. Aim for at least two strength training sessions per week, focusing on all major muscle groups.
Yoga and Pilates
Yoga and Pilates are great options for women who want to improve their flexibility, balance, and core strength. These exercises can also help reduce stress and improve mental health. Both yoga and Pilates can be done in a class setting or at home with a video tutorial. Many gyms and fitness centers offer yoga and Pilates classes, and there are also many online resources available.
Healthy Eating
Maintaining a healthy diet is key to women's fitness. This means eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats. It's important to avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive alcohol consumption. Women should aim to eat a variety of nutrient-dense foods to ensure they are getting all the vitamins and minerals they need.
Rest and Recovery
Rest and recovery are essential components of women's fitness. It's important to give your body time to recover after exercise, and to get enough sleep each night. Aim for at least seven hours of sleep per night, and take rest days as needed to avoid overtraining and injury. It's also important to manage stress, as chronic stress can have negative effects on both physical and mental health.
In conclusion, women's fitness is an important topic, and there are many strategies that women can use to stay fit and healthy. By incorporating cardiovascular exercise, strength training, yoga and Pilates, healthy eating, and rest and recovery into their lifestyle, women can achieve optimal physical and mental health. So, start making fitness a priority and reap the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.
You can Read this type Blogs articles On ENglamorous
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ayushmanyog · 4 months
Prenatal Yoga Certification Online: Nurturing Life One Breath at a Time
Pregnancy is a magical time in a woman's life, accompanied by various physical and emotional changes. Prenatal yoga provides a gentle yet effective way to support mothers-to-be through this transformative period. Ayushman Yog's Prenatal Yoga Certification Online stands out as a beacon for those who wish to guide and empower expectant mothers on their journey towards motherhood.
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vsb2124 · 5 months
Empowering Women Through Yoga: Finding the Perfect Yoga Classes and Teachers Near You
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In the fast-paced world we live in, finding moments of tranquility and self-care has become increasingly essential. Yoga, a practice that unites the mind, body, and spirit, offers a rejuvenating escape from the chaos of daily life. If you're a woman on the lookout for yoga classes tailored exclusively for you, this blog is your guide to discovering the perfect blend of serenity and strength.
The Rise of Women-Only Yoga Classes:
In recent years, there has been a surge in demand for women-only yoga classes. These classes provide a safe and comfortable space for women to practice yoga without the presence of male participants. This preference stems from the desire to create an environment where women can focus on their well-being, free from any potential discomfort or distraction.
As awareness about the benefits of yoga continues to grow, so does the need for specialized classes. Women are seeking yoga experiences that cater to their unique physical and emotional needs, fostering a sense of community and empowerment.
The Search for Yoga Classes Near Me:
For many, the search for the right yoga class begins with a simple query: "Yoga classes near me." With the advancement of technology, finding local yoga classes has become easier than ever. A quick online search can provide a list of yoga studios and instructors in your vicinity.
However, when looking for yoga classes exclusively for women, the search becomes more specific. Using keywords like "yoga classes near me only for ladies" can narrow down the options, ensuring you find a class that aligns with your preferences.
Connecting with a Local Yoga Teacher:
While finding the right yoga class is crucial, the impact of a skilled and supportive teacher cannot be overstated. When searching for a "yoga teacher near me," consider the qualities that resonate with you. A good yoga teacher not only possesses expertise in the practice but also creates an atmosphere that encourages growth and self-discovery.
Local yoga teachers often have a deep understanding of the community's needs, making the classes more personalized and relevant. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced yogi, a knowledgeable instructor can guide you on your journey to holistic well-being.
The Convenience of Online Yoga Classes:
In today's digital age, the world of yoga has expanded beyond the confines of physical studios. Online yoga classes have gained immense popularity, offering flexibility and convenience. When searching for "online yoga classes near me," you can access a plethora of options that allow you to practice from the comfort of your home.
For women with busy schedules or those living in areas with limited access to local yoga studios, online classes provide a gateway to consistent practice. Many reputable instructors and studios now offer live-streamed classes, ensuring that the sense of community and connection is not lost in the virtual space.
Tailored Wellness for Women:
Women's bodies undergo unique changes throughout their lives, from adolescence to pregnancy and beyond. Tailored yoga classes for women take these differences into account, offering sequences that address hormonal fluctuations, stressors, and the overall well-being of women at different life stages.
When exploring yoga classes exclusively for women, consider whether the instructors incorporate practices that align with the specific needs of the female body. This might include gentle sequences for menstrual health, prenatal yoga for expectant mothers, or postnatal classes for women in the postpartum period.
The Empowerment Journey through Yoga:
Yoga is not just a physical practice; it's a holistic journey that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. Women-only yoga classes provide a unique space where participants can connect, share experiences, and foster a sense of empowerment.
These classes often incorporate themes of self-love, confidence, and embracing one's authentic self. The supportive environment allows women to explore their strengths, both physically and mentally, leading to a profound sense of well-being.
Testimonials and Reviews:
When narrowing down your choices for yoga classes and teachers, it's beneficial to read testimonials and reviews from other participants. This firsthand feedback provides insights into the atmosphere, teaching style, and overall experience of a particular class or instructor.
Look for reviews that specifically mention the inclusivity and supportiveness of women-only classes. Positive testimonials can be a strong indicator of a yoga community that aligns with your values and goals.
In the quest for well-being, discovering the right yoga class is a transformative step. For women seeking an exclusive and empowering experience, the keywords "yoga classes near me only for ladies," "yoga teacher near me," and "online yoga classes near me" can be powerful tools in the search for a practice that resonates with your needs.
Remember, the journey of yoga is not just about physical postures; it's about self-discovery, connection, and empowerment. Whether you find solace in a local studio or prefer the flexibility of online classes, the world of women-only yoga awaits, ready to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.
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Embrace motherhood in confidence with Pregnancy 101
Pregnancy is a new journey for the woman to nurture her and her baby. Do not feel worried at all! Pregnancy 101 is here to motivate you to embrace yourself the way you are. For every woman, this experience is different. However, with us, this journey will be smooth. We are here to empower you to believe in yourself – You are stronger than ever. In this stage, it’s critical to keep your mind and body happy. Be stress-free and enjoy each day and each month to the fullest. Indulge yourself in the benefits of a rich diet and yoga. From offline to online classes, Pregnancy 101 has been crafted for your flexible schedules. Now you dont have to compromise on your comfort. “Pregnancy is a journey that teaches you to be patient, to be nurturing, and to put someone else’s needs before your own.” — Angela Kinsey.
Pregnancy exercise classes – Throughout centuries, yoga has proven to be a boon for mankind. Developed by ancient gurus, it is deeply rooted in providing healthy harmony. It not only helps with growth but helps to release happy hormones also called endorphins Each class is created that meets your needs and requirements. Led by trained teachers, they will support you in every stage. We focus on your mobility and flexibility and improve your cardiovascular health, muscle and fitness goals. Stay active and fit for healthy labor and natural delivery.
Prenatal yoga online classes –
We understand it might find it difficult to travel to our physical classes. Don’t worry, we got you covered. From the comfort of your home, you can enjoy the effectiveness of yoga and other exercises that will keep you energized. Step into the online prenatal exercise classes and immerse yourself in gentle movements – Keep you and your bundle of joy safe. Be prepared for your delivery day with adaptive yoga postures custom-curated for you. Join our classes at any time from anywhere.
Beginning its journey in the lands of Australia, today Pregnancy 101 has expanded its pathways to the cities of India. We have opened classes in Chandigarh, Ahmedabad and many other parts of this beautiful country. Founder Rita Singha has always wanted to build a wholesome community where mothers support other mothers and share their experiences. Prenatal and postnatal pregnancy classes are more than labor and childbirth it is about preparing your mind and soul for the entire journey.
Join our classes right here in Ahmedabad, made for you. It is a way to escape the hustle of the modern world. Whether you choose to enroll in physical or virtual classes, we never compromise on the quality of our sessions.
Improve Your Pregnancy Wellness with Pregnancy 101 – Your One Top Solution. We address all the problems you might face during this phase.
source: https://amazonseoservices.com/embrace-motherhood-in-confidence-with-pregnancy-101/
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addonhealthcare · 8 months
🤰 "Due Date" - Your Complete Pregnancy Guide 🤱
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👶 Welcome to the journey of a lifetime, expectant moms! 🌟 From the moment you see that positive pregnancy test to holding your little one in your arms, this guide will be your trusted companion. Let's dive in! 📘
📆 1. Understanding Your Due Date 🗓️ Your due date is a special day to look forward to! It's calculated as 40 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. But remember, it's just an estimate, and your baby might arrive a bit earlier or later.
🤔 2. Signs of Labor 🏥 How do you know when it's "go-time"? Watch out for signs like regular contractions, your water breaking, and the mucus plug. It's time to call your healthcare provider when these happen.
🍏 3. Nutrition for Two 🍼 Eating well during pregnancy is crucial. Focus on a balanced diet rich in nutrients like folic acid, iron, and calcium. Don't forget to hydrate!
💪 4. Staying Active 🏃‍♀️ Regular, moderate exercise is generally safe during pregnancy. Yoga, walking, and swimming are great choices to keep you fit and prepare your body for labor.
😴 5. Sleep and Self-Care 💆‍♀️ Getting enough rest is essential. Invest in good sleep and practice self-care to reduce stress. Pamper yourself—you deserve it!
🏥 6. Prenatal Care 💉 Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are a must. These visits help monitor your baby's growth and ensure you're both healthy.
📸 7. Document Your Journey 📷 Capture those precious moments and baby bump growth. Create a scrapbook or digital album to cherish these memories forever.
📣 8. Community Support 🤝 Connect with other expectant moms. Share experiences, ask questions, and seek support from friends, family, or online communities.
Remember, pregnancy is a unique journey, and every mom's experience is different. Stay informed, stay healthy, and embrace this beautiful time in your life. 🌈
Got questions? Feel free to ask in the comments below! 👇 .
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alenaa12 · 14 days
Embrace Motherhood with Online Yoga Classes for Pregnancy in India
Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and taking care of your health during this time is essential. Yoga can be a wonderful way to stay fit, relaxed, and prepared for the arrival of your little one. If you’re in India or anywhere else, online yoga classes for pregnancy are a convenient and effective way to practice.
Why Choose Online Yoga for Pregnancy?
Online yoga classes for pregnancy offer flexibility and comfort. You can join classes from the comfort of your home, fitting them into your schedule without the need to travel. This is particularly beneficial for pregnant women who might find it challenging to commute.
Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga
Physical Well-being: Helps in maintaining fitness, improving posture, and reducing common pregnancy discomforts like back pain.
Mental Health: Promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and prepares you mentally for childbirth.
Flexibility and Strength: Increases flexibility and strengthens muscles, which is beneficial during labor.
Breathing Techniques: Teaches breathing techniques that can be very useful during labor and delivery.
Online Yoga Classes for Pregnancy
There are numerous online platforms offering specialized pregnancy yoga classes. These classes are designed by experienced yoga teachers who understand the unique needs of pregnant women. Whether you're a beginner or have practiced yoga before, there are classes tailored to different levels.
Pregnancy Yoga Classes Online
When choosing pregnancy yoga classes online , look for the following:
Qualified Instructors: Ensure the instructors are certified and experienced in prenatal yoga.
Flexible Timings: Classes that fit into your daily routine.
Interactive Sessions: Live sessions where you can interact with the instructor for personalized guidance.
Variety of Classes: Options for different trimesters and fitness levels.
Free Online Pregnancy Yoga Classes
If you're on a budget, there are also free online pregnancy yoga classes available. These can be found on platforms like YouTube, or through specific yoga websites that offer trial classes or free resources.
Discover Pratham Yoga's Pregnancy Yoga Classes
Pratham Yoga offers comprehensive pregnancy yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. Their courses are designed to support expecting mothers through every stage of pregnancy with safe and effective yoga practices. You can learn more about their offerings here.
Online yoga classes for pregnancy in India provide a wonderful opportunity for expectant mothers to stay healthy, relaxed, and prepared for childbirth. With the convenience of practicing from home and the guidance of experienced instructors, these classes are an excellent addition to your pregnancy journey.
Embrace this beautiful phase of life with the help of pregnancy yoga, and enjoy the benefits it brings to both you and your baby.
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online-yoga · 10 days
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mxxxsworld · 1 year
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Once Maril... I mean a monkey wrote this 'Where I am'. Now she wanna share it with the intention of not losing herself. She's afraid her inner self might disappear from her heart and mind. She loves her words, that's why she protects them with a hug; sometimes she'd love to dive into her words and swim in them for like... ever.
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How important her writing is for her and producing it is therapy.
Hopefully sharing this reflexions on life the ones who read them get some benefit from them.
Here it is the 'Where I am' note edited:
At the moment I don't have a job, but I'm an English teacher and a masseur. For fun I sing, exercise, yoga and dance a little... when I don't feel down, I used to write a diary but it became hard to do since a lot of shit happened months ago.
Anyway, being pregnant isn't a fairy tale either, I can't do exercise as I used to, changes on my mood are challenging and really overwhelming, trying to handle them isn't as easy as theory. Not complaining though cuz I already love this little one growing inside of me.
A new life.
I gotta be the best I can for her.
My daughter.
My daughter, my loved one !!! 🥹🥹🥹
Alright, talking about loved ones, I've got my sisters and my mother, the closest ones to me, who I trust, laugh and share with. Then, of course I've got my boyfriend who's living at his mom's.
He is working for the sake of getting together and live with our baby the three of us. It's a pitty not living together right now but hopefully... soon.
Well, to finish I live at my parents' with them and my siblings, not working, getting fat cuz of the pregnancy, anxious for the birth and what comes next. I spend my days knitting, exercising, reading, taking courses online, spending time with my sisters, doing housework... but to be honest most of the time I'm too fucking tired that I just fall asleep. It's funny that I sleep along the day and get insomnia at night, shit.
The end.
Now, read carefully people! and answer.
Have you ever felt so anxious that... pff of course you have, and if you haven't lucky you 🥺
The real question is:
If you have any other answer or if you wanna add more to your chosen one feel free to open up and to write it down, NO JUDGMENT HERE 😉 we're all sinners.
This monkey says bye with a big hug 🤗
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yoga-cliff · 1 year
Elastic Exercise Resistance Bands Back Stretch Belt Fitness Workout Set
Great offers, huge discounts & free delivery across USA.
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Visit our store for latest offers & discounts -> www.yogacliff.com
These Exercise resistance bands Workout Sets are often used for sports and fitness; physical therapists love these physical therapy bands to help them rehabilitate their patients. Our stretch bands work for people suffering from leg, knee, and back injuries.
***ADJUSTABLE RESISTANCE LEVELS: You can adjust the tension intensity to achieve personal goals by applying a single band or combining multiple bands, perfect for beginners or professionals, men, women, teens, or children.
***EXERCISE AND REHABILITATION: Not only for daily fitness workout and burning fat, but these bands are also widely used to rehabilitate people suffering from leg, knee, and back injuries, helpful for recovery from MCL, ACL, knee replacement, patella, perfect choice for women who are looking to keep their bodies in shape after pregnancy and birth.
***LIGHTWEIGHT & PORTABLE: These exercise bands are lightweight & easily fit into your backpack or briefcase, so you can do a workout at home, gym, office, or traveling.
Yoga Cliff is an online store for yoga and Fitness Caring People. Here people will find unique Yoga products, Yoga Mats, Yoga Leggings, Yoga Balls, Yoga Balls, Yoga Sports Footwear, Yoga Stretchable Bands.
Yoga Cliff is offering FREE SHIPPING for all USA based customers. Yoga is a lifestyle, not just a practice.
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pritiblog1992 · 1 year
Prenatal Classes
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Prenatal Classes
What topics do the prenatal classes cover?
The online prenatal classes cover Pregnancy,Childbirth, Postnatal Recovery, Breastfeeding and Babycare advice.
Additional prenatal classes include Maternity leave planning, transition back to work and a guide for spouses on how they can support the pregnant spouse throughout pregnancy, birthing, and after. (Coming soon)
We are constantly adding new topics as per feedback from our early users.
When I sign up for a prenatal class, what will I have access to?
Every prenatal education class/module comes with:
1) High quality research-led, curated information for each phase of your early motherhood journey
2) Engaging Multimedia Content designed by medical, perinatal experts and prenatal educators.
3) Videos and audios as step-by-step guides for prenatal and postnatal yoga, labour support etc..,available for future reference
4) Downloadable and interactive resources – booklets, planning templates, journals, checklists, shopping lists and many more
Note: If you are accessing Veira Life as part of your corporate benefit, you might have free or discounted access to some or all of the online prenatal classes. Check the welcome email you received on registration under the corporate benefits programme. Alternatively click on the Corporate Benefits page in the top menu when you log in.
How are the Veira Life prenatal classes different?
Traditional prenatal education is offered face-to-face and requires one to travel to the venue and sit in for many hours of lecture-style classes over a few days or weeks. (Let’s be real…they’re often incredibly boring). With COVID, a lot of these classes have moved to online delivery, which is often recorded or live video of the same lecture-style classes.
Our prenatal classes are:
available at your convenience (on-demand on any device)
based on content from expert sources, further vetted by doctors, doula/midwife and childbirth educator. A conscious effort has been made to keep the content unbiased and cover all options available to you at each step.
designed in partnership with educational experts to cater to diverse learning preferences (aka make them interesting!).
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vishnudigiwork · 1 year
Garbh Sanskar Book In English Online
Garbh Sanskar is an ancient Indian tradition of pre-birth education that has been passed down from one generation to the next. It is based on the belief that a woman's body and mind are like clay and the mother has the power to shape them through positive affirmations, music, yoga, and other activities. Garbh Sanskar Book Pdf in English provide parents with an easy way to practice these traditions with their growing baby. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best Garbh Sanskar book PDFs in English so you can make sure your baby is raised in a healthy environment filled with love and positivity.
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What is Garbh Sanskar?
There is no one answer to this question as there are many interpretations of what garbh sanskar is. In general, it can be described as a set of teachings and practices that aim to promote the health and well-being of an unborn child. This includes things like nutrition, yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda.
The goal of garbh sanskar is to create a healthy and balanced environment for the developing baby. This means providing the best possible physical, mental, and emotional care during pregnancy. By creating a supportive environment for the baby, it is believed that they will be better equipped to handle the challenges of life after birth.
Garbh sanskar is not just about the physical health of the unborn child, but also their mental and emotional development. It is believed that by promoting positive thoughts and feelings during pregnancy, the child will be able to develop into a happy and well-adjusted individual.
There are many Good Spiritual Books available on Vishnu Mane, which can be helpful for expectant parents who want to learn more about this ancient practice.
What are the benefits of Garbh Sanskar?
There are many benefits of Garbh Sanskar which include:
It helps in the development of a healthy baby:
The techniques of Garbh Sanskar help in the development of a healthy baby both physically and mentally. It also helps in the prevention of birth defects.
It enhances the bonding between the mother and child:
The techniques of Garbh Sanskar help in enhancing the bond between the mother and child. This is because these techniques help in creating a positive environment for the developing foetus.
It helps in the development of a strong immune system:
The techniques of Garbh Sanskar help in developing a strong immune system in the baby. This is because these techniques help in exposing the baby to various immunity-boosting substances like amniotic fluid, colostrum, etc.
Best Garbh Sanskar book PDF in English
Pregnancy is the gift of life and the start of an incredible journey. Good spiritual guidance helps to foster a strong connection with the unborn baby and enhance the overall experience for mother and baby. The Vishnu Mane offers a unique selection of  Good Garbh Sanskar Pdf Free Download  in order to support mothers through this special period. Sourced from around the world and extensively tested by authors, these books provide accurate advice and are highly sought after in India today! Our collection is hugely beneficial for new mothers, so don't miss out on the chance to get your hands on them now!
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Garbh Sanskar Course in Online
Garbh Sanskar books are invaluable resources for expecting parents and can provide them with the necessary information to ensure a healthy pregnancy. We hope this article has helped you find the best Garbh Sanskar Book in English Online. Whether you’re just starting out or have been looking for some time, these books can be an essential part of your journey into parenthood and will help ensure that your baby gets off to the best start in life.
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