#pre-fall overwatch
realsablinhours · 2 years
Gabriel: handcuffed to a pipe in a men's restroom "Is this magisterial enough for you all? This charade? This is a lavatory!"
Angela: "Well, you should feel at home then, shouldn't you, you little coil of shit?"
Jack: looking at Ana's portrait on the wall "Fuck me, Amari's eyes really do follow you around the crapper. It's weird."
Cole: "Why'd they hang a picture of my grandma in here?" laughs
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wanderingmirror · 2 years
The Black Oni
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Arthur woke up strapped to a chair. He found his limbs bound tightly along with any joint that could allow him movement. He tried to move and was quick to realize he was unable to. He went blank faced when a man entered the room with a toolbox. He sat the toolbox on the ground beside the chair and opened it. The man took out a scalpel. "You know I'm not going to talk right?" He asked. The other nodded and slowly got into a position to start cutting.
"We don't need anything from you. Your teammates already talked, and they were rescued over two hours ago. Apparently, they're saying you were already shot and killed before they could get to you in time. So now we can do with you whatever we want." The man grunted as he started removing Arthur's vest and undershirt. Arthur hissed as he was cut along the side. The other didn't seem too concerned with the injury and kept going. When the last piece of cloth was torn away from his chest, the man put the scalpel away and took out a sharpie. He began to mark along Arthur's body in different ways.
"The hell are you doing?" He snapped and the other man sighed softly. "You really need to hold still. If you don't and I make a mistake, it could kill you or severely injure you. What I'm doing is marking your skeletal structure. So, hold still and maybe you won't die from unnecessary injuries." He said as he continued along his sternum. Arthur paled at that knowledge and forced himself to breathe slowly. If they were planning something for him, he had to do as told in order to keep from dying.
When two other soldiers entered the room, the other backed off to let them untie Arthur around the waist and shoulders. They held him down and let the man do the rest of his work silently. When he marked up his spine, Arthur shivered. The man snorted and then capped his sharpie. "What's so funny, asshole?" Arthur asked. The other simply shook his head and the soldiers retied him to the chair. They all left Arthur to himself. The male felt his body started to gather adrenaline into his system.
But since it had nowhere to go, it only caused him to pant and sweat. He stayed like that for a while before a nurse came in with scissors and an old-fashioned razor. She said nothing as she cut his hair and shaved it as close to his scalp as she could. When she was done, she came around to his front and pulled the earring from his left ear. Arthur jerked to get it back. "You will get it back once Doctor Murphy decides you can have it back." She said as she walked out of the room.
Two other male nurses entered the room with a gurney and untied him from the chair. They were quick in getting him on the gurney and restraining him to it. He arched up to try and get loose but one of the orderlies hit him in the stomach. He coughed and went limp the rest of the way to the new location. When they entered a sterile looking room, they moved him to the table. Then the two male orderlies left, and another nurse entered with a needle. She found a pressure point and injected him with the liquid in it.
"This will numb you. And a tube will be placed down your throat to help you breathe. Once the process has begun, you will be sedated and won't wake up for the remainder of the program." She said as she picked up a tube, he assumed was going to help him breathe. When a machine started below him, he felt the pressure but not the pain. Blood began to leave his body and he felt lightheaded. She pushed the tube down his windpipe, and he coughed again at the pain. When she pulled away, his eyes began to flutter shut and his world began to fade away.
The nurse injected him with the sedatives and then the world around him went dark and Arthur felt no more.
The Subject was sedated, and his pressure points located. Then a needle was pressed into the skin above each area containing a vein system. Anywhere that would cause massive bleeding otherwise. Doctor Murphy, the man behind this new program, smiled as he went over to the one-way mirror. He watched as the nurse pushed the machine that would wipe him clean of his past memories to his skull. She activated it and the Subject's body arched up.
The doctor was thought to be the same as the old one. The one who made the only successful Widowmaker. But he was not like that. He would make sure he had no memory of his past, no emotions to remember, and no anchor to pull him from his new programming. Code words will be installed to make sure no one can permanently damage his conditioning. The machine he was currently dealing with would erase any memories he may have.
Another machine would suppress them and allow the code words to take hold. He gently picked up a needle containing the serum given to one Gabriel Reyes. Though it was killing the original blood cells, he did not need them. He only needed the serum itself. He entered the room and stood next to the Subject. Doctor Murphy lifted one of his arms and injected the serum into the Subject's blood stream. Black began to take over the veins that were once blue.
Doctor Murphy moved to his head and opened one of his eyes, the sclarea went black and the iris into red. The Subject once had beautiful green eyes and brown hair. Sadly, his eyes did not fit the design of the Assassin he had in mind. The Subject's hair, once brown as the earth, went a pure white. When it grew out, Doctor Murphy had no doubt that it would be beautiful. The skin turned a dead grey. But the doctor knew the Subject was still alive.
He injected another serum similar to Jack Morrison's. That serum would prevent the other from killing the Subject. Yet it would leave whatever abilities gained unharmed. Doctor Murphy smiled a bit as he turned to the door. He motioned towards himself and Widowmaker entered the room. "Come, my dear, come see your new partner. He isn't ready for action, far from it, but I would like you to see him for the first time." He said as her eyes wandered along the Subject's body.
Doctor Murphy patted the Subject's left leg. "Soon enough, my dear, he will be the one to take on the assignments you could not. He could even take down those pesky super soldiers Moira was telling me about." He smiled when the woman looked at him in a blank manner. But he could still see the surprise buried deep in her eyes. After some time, Doctor Murphy motioned her out and he followed. This process would take time to complete.
The process of erasing the Subject's memories took four days with him sedated. The serum could not heal the damage fast enough to save them. The Subject was moved to another room to begin the second phase of Doctor Murphy's program. They slowly but gently amputated his lower legs and left arm. The legs were replaced by robotic prosthetics along with the arm. The Subject's lower jaw was carefully removed and replaced with a metal one.
The connection points along his jaw were connected to his nerves and a synthetic skin was placed over the jaw. His eyes were given a new serum that would enhance his sight. His left arm was replaced with a robotic one that gave him enhanced technopathic abilities. His right arm was left alone to allow normal activities. His spine was removed to give way to a new one with a longer connection. This connection would allow the Subject to get data from any omnic or robotic data core. It came down to his knees when extended.
The Subject was redressed with new bullet proof armor. The metal an alloy made from omnic remains found in the old warehouse near the base. The process of adding code words took longer with the new enhancements given to the Subject. And by the time they were, the news of Overwatch's destruction had reached all around the world. This did not deter Doctor Murphy and Talon as they worked to make the perfect assassin.
Reaper was introduced to the Oni after he recovered from the explosion that nearly killed him. He found the red mask and white hair to be unnerving. The black armor was sleek and easily able to blend in anywhere. The red eyes watched him silently as he circled the other. The Oni did not look as though he had a weapon. But Reaper was aware that Talon had made him the weapon.
The Oni's creator, Doctor Richard Murphy, stood over at the door of the room. He was smiling as the Oni was inspected by this Champion of Death. Reaper got into the Oni's face and looked into his eyes, finding no emotion or even a hint of anything in them. He stood back and gave a slow nod. "And you're sure he can handle Morrison?" The hooded male asked. "Of course. My creation was made with the threat of super soldiers in mind. Along with anything else that may threaten Talon or those in it."
The Doctor watched as the Reaper lifted his hand to the mask covering the Oni's face. He removed the mask and looked over the face of the man underneath. "You used him? We all thought he was dead." Reaper said as he slowly placed the mask back on the Oni's face. Doctor Murphy chuckled and shook his head. "Well, my friend, now he is. Now all that is left is the Oni. And when he is released to the world, no one will remember who he was before. Just who he is now." The Doctor approached and gently placed a long katana onto the Oni's back.
The doctor adjusted it to fit along his spine without getting in the way of the tail. "Is there a way to deal with him if he gets out of hand?" Reaper asked. Doctor Murphy nodded and showed him the book containing the Oni's many enhancements and the very code words in all languages. "My assistant was very careful with her work. Making sure anyone could read his code words should he get out of hand." The doctor said as he walked with Reaper to the door. The other scientists in the room got the Oni prepared for his final wipe and cryo preparation.
Soon the Oni was placed into storage until he was absolutely needed.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
saw you were accepting requests for overwatch sooo... can i get some dating genji headcanons??
genji has been the love of my life since 2017 so absolutely i will write this. decided to include both pre and post hanzo almost killing him just for fun :)
tws: death , grieving
dating genji shimada headcanons
genji is known to be a bit of a playboy. he's flirted with a lot of people and it mostly hasn't gone anywhere. he does want a serious relationship at some point but it isn't a huge priority for him until you come along
of course, he acts all smug around you— trying to impress you with anything and everything to get your attention. you're different from the other people he's messed with in the past
he falls for you really quickly, even if you try to ignore his advances and obvious adoration for you. the more you reject him the harder he falls, honestly
he's used to people being right at his feet as soon as he shows any type of interest in them, and you're a breath of fresh air in that sense
genji really does like you, even if he tries to play it off as just messing around. he knows he isn't, and it scared him, especially if you don't show any interest in him
he tries hard to get closer to you— beginning to flirt less as time went on. he knows that his feelings for you are genuine, and he wants to prove that to you too
it shocks you when he tones it all down and you worry about it, wondering if something happened. he's asking you about your interests, how your day was— taking the time to get to know you
you'd be lying if you said that his sudden kindness didn't make your heart flutter. he always played around as if he liked you, but you assumed it was just something he did with everyone
as soon as he dropped that act though, you began to open up more to him
he was so happy actually learning more about you. he's asking you if you want to learn the ways of the blade (he thinks you'll look cute)
he'll eventually let his crush on you slip to hanzo. he knew all along about his feelings for you, stating that it was obvious to him. genji swears it wasn't, but all hanzo does is shrug his shoulders
he asks you out on a proper date after a few months of hanging out as just friends. he'll take you to that arcade in hanamura that he loves so much, buy you dinner— trying not to overwhelm you with everything
he's shocked that you even said yes in the first place, but he's grateful for the chance you're giving him
unbeknownst to genji, you fell for him hard. you tried your best to hide it from him but as soon as he asks you out the "yes" flies out of your mouth faster than your brain could think
he abandons his playboy thing entirely after he meets you. he puts all of his effort into trying to form a real connection and relationship with you and it is the sweetest thing
he'll give you flowers and sweet gifts as a way to show his love and appreciation for you <3
he asks you to be his partner on your third proper date. it's all very rushed but he can't hold back on his feelings anymore. he sees a future with you, away from his families criminal dealings
you say yes. of course
he's the definition of a malewife in this part of your relationship. everything you do, he'll make sure you know he's proud of you
he tells you he loves you not too long after you get together officially. it slips out casually while you're laughing about something, and the room goes silent. you return it after a few moments and the smile on his face is so big
he kisses with so much love and passion. he can be a bit rough with it sometimes but you never mind it. he'll hold your face in his hands, his lips moving so gracefully against yours as he cradles you against him
his hands definitely wander a bit......... they do. he doesn't even think about it, either
okay getting into a little bit of angst...
when you find out about what happened with genji and hanzo, you're beyond devastated. you regret rejecting him so many times in the beginning, you regret every time you didn't tell him you love him. you regret so much
you find hanzo and you're screaming at him through sobs, smacking at his chest with every word you say to him
his face is unreadable the entire time until he finally breaks down, his body wracked with sobs
your heart drops as soon as you see him on his knees, face in his hands— crying out for his lost brother
you sit there with him for awhile, hugging him. crying together. you knew hanzo was the one who committed the act, but you knew who was really behind it
you mourn him every day, thinking of every moment you shared with him as soon as your eyes open in the morning
during overwatch
if you meet genji after his cyberization, expect him to be incredibly distant. he has trouble trusting people at first, afraid of them getting hurt because of him
you're a new overwatch recruit assigned to blackwatch. you're a talented medic and warrior, and you were specifically brought into blackwatch because you offered something none of the other members had (soldier's words)
you have to initiate conversation with genji. he isn't too keen on making friends or getting attached to people and he doesn't want anyone in more harm than they already are
you continue to talk to him even through his unenthusiastic responses, and eventually he manages to warm up to the thought of you becoming a real friend outside of missions
he'll become more interactive with you, friendlier and nicer, too. it's nice to see him come more out of his shell and you can't help but to wonder why he's so standoffish in the first place
it takes a LONG time for him to actually consider you as a friend. he trusts you and cares for you a lot by this point
skipping forward
you develop feelings for him relatively quickly. after all, he's mysterious— tall, intimidating, you can't help but to be curious
it takes him a lot longer to realize his feelings for you. he only realizes when you save him in battle, your hand extended for him to take with a warm smile on his lips
he feels his heart skip a beat, even through the cybernetics that keeps him alive
he acts differently as soon as the realization comes through. he avoids you hoping to make it go away only for it to completely backfire
he doesn't want to give in to these feelings he has for you. it scares him. what if you don't like him? what if you're afraid of him? do you even think of him as a man?
when the fall of overwatch happens, genji leaves. he says goodbye to you, his heart breaking at the thought of never seeing you again
YEARS go by before you see him again. the two of you first reunite quickly after winston's recall
you're met with a happier sounding genji, one who seems content with his cyborg body and what it came with
you can't help but hug him as soon as you see him. his body is still cool to the touch, but your heart pounds and your face heats up
not a day went by where you hadn't thought of him, and those feelings you had for him remained tucked away in the back of your mind— hanging onto him and the memories you shared
you have a lot of catching up to do and he tells you all about zenyatta and how he helped him accept his body. he informs you of how he had so much conflict within himself during the days of blackwatch and it was part of the reason as to why he was so distant then
you eventually meet zenyatta and you thank him over and over for the peace he brought to genji. ever humble, zenyatta only laughs and insists to you that he was the one who made it this far
you rekindle your "relationship" after a little bit. his feelings for you hadn't gone away in your years apart. he still had his doubts and worries about confessing to you, scared you'll reject him
you don't, of course
you're pretty much inseparable. you go everywhere together. you train together, especially. he teases you a lot by telling you that you need to be quicker to catch up with him
it takes him a while to feel ready to show you his face
he worries about not being attractive enough for you, or scaring you away. he'll have to give himself a pep talk. he wants to kiss you so badly it's really getting to him
as soon as he reveals his face to you, your heart melts. it's covered in scars, but his eyes are a deep brown— warm and filled with love. the corners of his lips are turned upwards in a small smile as he stares at you, waiting for you to say something
you can't find the right words, and all you can do is extend your hands to his cheeks, your thumbs caressing them as gently as possible
his skin is incredibly sensitive, but he had been yearning to actually feel your touch for years. it's worth any discomfort
one of his love languages is quality time. he knows he isn't the most comfortable to hug or cuddle with, but to make up for it he spends a lot of his time with you even when he has something he needs to do
he'll buy you gifts every now and then or find something while out on a mission to bring back and give to you as a way to show his appreciation for you
it's very sweet
you can't believe this is the same man who was once so intimidating and distant all those years ago. he seems so different
he's happier. you're helping him though a lot more than you realize you are
he still has his anxieties, scared that you'll wake up and say that you deserve better— say that you want someone who can give you everything he can't— but you never do
you stare at him in adoration, and he feels his face heat up underneath his mask whenever he catches you
he's incredibly protective of you even though he knows you can handle yourself
you make him the happiest he's ever been
he never intends to let you go :)
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omgcatboi · 14 days
Hitori , he / him , pan, demi, ace, 26, smells like jojoba. 5'4ish pre / no OP transmasc. This is a kink blog. No minors.
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Media interests for ice breakers: Overwatch, Witcher, skyrim, ash vs evil dead, school spirits, the good place, the orville, what we do in the shadows, Trailer park boys !!!!!!!!!!!! , Sonic the hedgehog lore, classic halo / lore.
Artistic skills: digital art, traditional art, creative writing, lore building, character development.
I'm single and open to dating. However, I prefer someone who is compatible within a reasonable distance. I'm specifically lookin' for a feeder / fat admirer. And if you're here, you fit that criteria, babes.
Ask for roleplay. Ask about digital art commission pricing. Ask for Discord ( most active there. )
Hanzo main, feel free to shoot me a dm if you wanna play! ( I also play Warframe, portal 2 *, fall guys, SWBFCC * , fortnite ( groan ) Avatar, the quest for balance, and stardew ( these are all the online multiplayer games that I currently have. " * " Marks switch games that are not cross play. )
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Disabled, fat and queer.
Anon hate gets insta blocked which also blocks your IP. I have a degradation kink and WILL get off to your bullying before the initial block takes place lol.
Pic is me.
Soft kinks: feedism ( feedee ) , breeding, pregnancy ( TM / F / TF ), vore, voyrism, T4T, Hucow ( any gender or lack thereof ) stuffing, inflation, BDSM, weight gain, restraints, power play dynamic ( where ur the one with all the power teehee ), bullying / teasing ( receiving ), anything belly related.
Hard limits: age play, animals, anyone or thing that cannot consent, bug catching, bodily fluids ( blood is ok in roleplay maybe ? )
Hard kinks ( trigger warning 🧍‍♂️ )
Popping ( inflation ), digestion/ ect ( vore ), death feedism, autassassinophilia which takes play in all mentioned.
Enjoy your stay!
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custom-emojis · 2 months
I know this is super random but this is my biggest tumblr acct with the most followers and reach so I’m asking here-
Does anybody in my followers have narcolepsy and if so, would you mind explaining your experience with it and how quickly it developed and if you have sleep paralysis as a symptom? (Btw. I’m asking abt sleep paralysis bc I know it is a common symptom but I. Do not have it! So I mostly wanna get a baseline on if you can definitely be narcoleptic without that symptom)
And any info on how you experience cataplexy if you have type 1.
I am having a bout of very concerning worsening symptoms and want to get some info from a place other than web md before I go to my doctor, but I am quite concerned with how things are currently going.
I’m now gonna explain my current symptoms I’m worried about- I’m not expecting anyone here to diagnose me but it would help if anyone narcoleptic let’s me know if this resonates with their experiences pre diagnosis.
Anyways. I’ve always had sleeping problems, though it’s always leaned far more towards insomnia. Except for the past month or so… I’ve been getting so so tired in the day despite having slept my normal amount. And I’ve started nodding off at seemingly random times witn seemingly little correlation to how tired I am. I have literally fallen asleep while playing overwatch and continued “playing” (albeit walking directly into walls). This is all very odd and a lot of the time I’m not even aware I fell asleep until I wake up and my boyfriend tells me it’s been an hour or so.
Edit: I also have had hallucinations while falling asleep ever since I was a kid, and apparently that can also be influenced by narcolepsy? So. Something to add
I do not know if I get cataplexy at all, though I know it isn’t a requirement. I do not get sleep paralysis, but I also am hyper paranoid about it and preventing it so I’m not sure if that influences it. I’m probably gonna be going to my doctor regardless to get a sleep study done but I’d really appreciate any input from narcoleptics on how it transpired for them. I’m only 24 so it feels a little late to develop something like this but the internet has told me it can technically develop at any age and can develop quite rapidly- and currently it does seem to only be getting worse :/ so im. Worried! Anyways. Thank you for reading and any insight you can give
(Feel free to drop answers in an ask, DMs, or as a reply)
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darling-answers · 2 months
I BEG YOU Ana Amari with a injured reader, maybe she sick or dying of a illness idk just make it angst, I saw that talk about wanting more Ana Amari fanfic so idk I feel like letting people suffer and cry.
“ oh Gibraltar were had the time gone?”
This will be pre-fall I would like to say when Overwatch was still in best working order, just right after the omnic crisis
Warning! There may be inaccurate deceive of AML, I have done my best at researching the topic but doesn’t me my accuracy on knowing aml is good because I have never experienced before. Ana may be a little off topic because no matter what, you should always respect the choice of someone body. Death! Is implied and mention. this isn’t a happy ending. Blood! Is mentioned, noise and mouth bleeding Mentions, Oppression and violence. There also mention of symptoms of cancer effects with chemotherapy, chemotherapy is mentioned multiple times. Fainting is mentioned
Thank you for all who reads my stories and showed there support i appreciate it greatly
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The warning signs were there but you couldn’t expect it to get this bad? how could anyone know how bad it gotten when it just happened. Being a overwatch agent and putting civilians as your top priority before your own health problems wasn’t uncommon. It comes with you being a soldier and wanting to do what right. Sticking up for the weak even if it comes with your own life. So why must this situation be different.
The First warning sign happen when you were out on a mission to help civilians who may have been lost or trapped under the rubble, it was going according to plan, nothing seem out of the ordinary until the next thing you had known was blood was coming from your nostrils and mouth. Wiping it off on your sleeve painting it with fresh blood made it easy to forget about, it could happen to anyone so why must your situation be different, there still civilians need help, so pick yourself up soldier and help the others, You tell yourself over and over again.
Helping civilians get to safety and back to there family had made you smile, but the comfort of the ship that would be leading you back to your home and the people you call family is just a different feeling. When sitting down in your designated seat, Reinhardt was right infront of you, talking (yelling.) about how well his mission did, talking about the tiny children who he got to flex his arms to. Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes carried on their conversation about the on going crisis in the rest of the world, torbjorn talked about his family showing Reinhardt picture of his newly born daughter Brigitte but always the mother hen Ana had taken notice of the blood.
“ habibati, where did such blood come from? Had there been anyone seriously injured? On the catalog I did not seen any reports of very serious injuries?” She mumbles setting her sniper down, the way the sniper aim was up relaxing in the wall of the aircraft, safety was on and the eye of the pistol was up. She leans over to grab the coat of your overwatch outfit and taken a look of the sleeve.
“ I’m fine Ana, I promise, there is nothing to worry about just some blood no need to fuss.” She gave you a serious look Almost crinkling her brows. “ you tell me if anything is wrong. Alright? I want you to be alright.” She looks serious pointing a finger before she lets go from the topic when she felt satisfied.
The Second warning came when in training with Cassidy, you felt you’re whole body zap out of energy, the room was so dizzy and fussy, your brain felt slow and sluggish, you’re arms and legs felt like a ice about to melt into a puddle. Your body gave up and slammed itself to the ground. Waking up in the infirmary with Angela Ziegler talking about your body and health, noticing the way your body seems to be weaker than before. You lost incredible amount of weight which for a normal person would feel happy about it, the weight your body was dropping was to dangerous to not start trying to figure out what was wrong with you.
“ i thought you would’ve told me if something was wrong. The fact you tried hiding it makes me think it might be time i took over your position and put you’re mission on hold until i feel everything is better.” Ana mumbled kissing your forehead as she gently placed her hand on the top of your head.
Angela returned with a chart, writing your vitals and simple questions she have asked you such as, how long have these symptoms been going on, how severe have these conditions been. She clicked her pin shut as she looked up from her notes. “ if you don’t mind I would like to request and recommend we run a few test on you. I’m thinking running a Blood test on you, we will be analyzing it using a microscopic evaluation of the blood, or by using flow cytometry to try and figure. This will all be done if we get your consent so would you mind if we do this?” Angela tilt her head at the last part as she hears the exact words she needs to hear to start preparing for the blood samples.
After gathering the blood sample, she sends you and Ana on your way as she tells you the test results will need 2-3 weeks to be able to fully confirm the diagnosis. Ana made sure throughout the week to make sure that you would rest and not strain your already fragile condition. Every night Ana would lay in bed making sure her arms were around your body and start whispering stuff in Arabic. More symptoms started popping up which caused Ana to get worried even worse than before. Bruising would form out of nowhere not even you could remember how you got those bruises, night sweats became one of the worse causing the lack of sleep, hot flashes and the urge to not eat anything were evidence that something definitely wasn’t right.
“ Oh, how I know it hurts habibati, let’s try and get some rest.” She would mumbles as she made sure the bed only have loose sheets. The way you could barely hold down anything or even get out of bed made her concerns grow even worse. Sometimes you would wake up with her right besides you and other times you were alone in bed. Days and nights started to blur in your memory as you laid in bed, not being able to fully move or walk without assistance.
“ we have gotten the test results back and it might be best. If you sit down ana this is difficult for both of you.” Angela pulled up a chair and sat down in a chair crossing her legs as she looks over at Ana then comes back to you. “ after throughly examining the changes in you’re body we have confirm the diagnosis of you have a form of leukemia that is very hard to treat. It is called Acute myelogenous leukemia. It a common aggressive form of leukemia that affects your bone marrow and blood.”
The face of exhaustion from you and the horror of Ana Face was like no other, how long had it been since you see Ana so hopeless..? This isn’t what you wanted to see.
“ There is good news and bad news, we may be able to start treatment to help fight off the leukemia but with the illness being around the bone marrow most medicines may not be able to reach the place the leukemia is resting, it may be long and hard but you have some chance of survival if you would like to start that I can get it prepared.”
“ What are the chances of me surviving..? I don’t want to live my life in fear that this illness will come back, I don’t want the exhaustion and agonizing treatments, I don’t want to be stuck in a hospital wasting away the only time I get pure entertainment is if someone come visit me. Please Ana, i’m scared and I don’t want to leave you alone but I don’t want to deal with this heartache.” She clutched her wife hand as she leans over weakly giving a kiss to her wife forehead as she comes to rest her sweaty face on that of her wife.
“ I have seen a lot of people survive AML and I also scene some who not, a man in December survive the AML with a few rounds of chemo and some rehabilitation and now he living his life with a wife and few kids. I’ve also scene some people not wish to fight this agonizing battle. So why I might not suggest not taking treatments I will accept whatever you would like us to do.”
Angela Zeigler nodded her head towards you before looking at Ana, Ana somberly looked at the hands which were neatly folded in her. The struggle to make the choice or even express agreement or disagreement weigh ever on her shoulders. “ if you would not like to start chemo and pass away in your home with me and our family by your side I will respect your wishes. I’m so sorry you were even given these choices.” Ana closed her eyes and cried in her hands chocking out her answers as she leans to rest her head on your shoulder.
“ don’t cry Ana, this battle has been long and hard, I was given a purpose on earth and that was to protect the people around me, I made my choice and now I may be rest in the peace of the afterlife knowing I have saved lives. You have to be strong for Pharah and Overwatch.”
The weakly smiles that adores both you and Ana face made it way to accept the idea more easily. The decision to not go and do chemo was not selfish in the eyes of Ana, she knew of the effects of chemo, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, Hair loss, Skin dryness and rashes the effects almost seem limitless.
“ so if I’m to confirm You ( state your name.) are refusing to take chemotherapy, which may have help you live a few years longer. You understand the negative side effects that may come with this. You may also always come back to wanting to do chemotherapy but the more you wait the more will not be likely to have the cancer be eradicated.”
Ana looked over and nodded at you, “ I will accept whatever you say or think. Please speak what you need to.” Ana looked into your eyes. “ I accept to refusing treatment for chemotherapy and know the harms and risk that may come and the outcome.” The weakly sound of coughing finishing off the statement.
“ alright, I will notify strike commander to take you off of all mission briefs and when you are ready please notify whoever you would like about what the future is going forward.” Mercy nodded politely leaving you and Ana alone in the room. Ana looked over at you, brushing your cheekbone as the weak sound of raspy breath came in and out. “ Thank you for letting me have a choice, I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t sure the outcome would be the same.”
Ana nodded to your words helping you settle in bed. She weakly clutches the clothing near her heart as she looks at you. She tried to take a deep breath as to not let the tears follow but it getting harder looking at your weak state. She started walking towards the door to give you room only to be stopped by the croak of a voice. “ Ana…” Ana turned around and looked at you walking over and kneeling down near your bed side.
“ I love you and Pharah so much.” You mumbles as Ana whisper some words of praise before getting up and leaving the room. Days become even more of a blur as your visited by most of Overwatch agents besides a few. Even Moira O’Deorain made her presence known as she commands great respect and recognition for how you saved lives and great combat skills.
The day came, one year and a day after you first got the symptoms of something wrong that you passed peacefully by your besides, laying beside you was Ana who was on your left. Pharah who birthday just came a few weeks ago making her 10 and one of your best friends who also supported you think through thin, Reinhardt. A day that would’ve been sad wasn’t sad, they knew you would of beat there ass if you found out they weren’t lighting up the party with some shots as you’re lowered into your casket. Your funeral which played one of your favorite songs, “Dreaming of you” by Selena Quintanilla was a mother and daughter dance for ana and pharah.
You were given a gravesite with the soldiers who had fallen in the war adored with flowers and so much love and care from military units all across the world. Some left Quarters, some left penny, dimes and nickels. You were known around the world and a statue as a memorial in your home town was placed to honor the dedication you had to fighting for what right and standing up for communities who may have been oppressed.
As time gone on and the state of Overwatch went into shambles Winston recalled woke up a different side in Overwatch agents, instead of doing stuff how Jack Morrison would do, the Overwatch hero’s knew who to look up to in the end.
Pharah looking up into the sky hoping that maybe she would see you there looking down and protecting her.
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ermazula · 5 months
Angela: i hate Doctor O'deorain
everyone pre-fall overwatch:
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n0wav · 28 days
My Miku Obsession...
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Hello chatters!!!
I am currently coming at you guys from my pc in which i use to play video games such as, overwatch, fortnite, destiny 2, league of legends (i feel off fr on that game) and good ol' roblox and minecraft.
if anyone wants to play any of these games with me (mostly fortnite) please dm me and we will play at any point you'd like!
Now back to the topic at hand
she has blue hair, blue eyes and she hides in your wifi...
Now my story starts aaaaaalll the way back to the year 2010, I was age 5 in my daycare/pre-school. Now my time in that daycare has many many many stories, but i will not be talking about those at the moment. Now as a child i did not enjoy nap time at daycare. I was not able to sleep thanks to my ADHD, so instead I was allowed to stay up and like draw or play with toys and stuff. At this daycare, maybe at many more I've only been at the one, they had highschool interns working there and helping the main teachers take care of and control the little children.
There was one high schooler who, instead of just making me draw, she would take me to the office and watch youtube, and majority of the youtube videos were miku music videos. As a little 5 year old i was automatically hooked, to the point to where I would beg our roommates (we lived with another family for a large part of my life) to let me use their computer so I could keep watching more and more videos over and over all day long.
Now through the years I stopped watching many of the videos mostly because i was scared people would think i was weird for watching them so in middle school i basically fully stopped and ended my love for miku.
up until high school in my freshman year where i came across a random miku video and decided to click on it....
I was then hooked again.
i kept it a big secret however, not even telling my close friends.
near the end of highschool i kinda stopped again mostly because i was going through a whole lot and i just really could't watch much things anymore so I had a small break.
Recently i've been falling back into miku and its been awesome and i now remember why i loved her so much. I cannot stop wathcing videos and listening to songs and once i have money i will spend it all on plushes and figures!
we love miku
miku is our everything
here is a miku song i suggest yall should listen to
thank you all for listening tomorrow i will make another post where i will do an analysis of a band and it will be very very good and def wont be another rant :3
last note this is the best miku song (joke)
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loser-xx · 10 months
im very friendly sometimes, go ahead and reach out!
PLAYLIST REQUESTS OPEN! (6-12 songs, any fandom, any mood, any genre!)
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Im 22
I like critically analyzing movies and tv shows
Im autistic
Im engaged and in a polyamourous relationship
Im panromantic/graysexual and genderfluid
i have 2 cats
Favorite Topics/Special Interests: Cats (which can range from the animal to the musical to the entire Warriors book series.) Lord of the Rings (long time love), Overwatch, and Undertale/Deltarun (and now fish maybe?) Please engage with me on these topics if you want!
Some minor interests: Terrifier 2, Far Cry, Hollow Knight, Lost, Once Upon a Time, Borderlands, Bioshock, Vampyre (game), Zombies (the monster in general), Don't Starve, True Blood, the Owl House, Gravity Falls, She-Ra, Kipo, Dishonored the list may be infinite I'm a media driven boy, please ask about your favorite media and I will probably have seen it and analyzed it lol
I have many kins so i dont really have a comprehensive kin list atm, but currently my main ids are Moira from Overwatch, Galadriel from Lord of the Rings, Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5/New Dawn, Cardinal Copia (ghost band), Shawn Spencer from Psych, Desmond from Lost, Harold Finch from Person of Interest, and Ghostface (specifically from Dead by Daylight, although my canon pre-entity's realm is a lot different.)
Self-ships: Kingpin from Daredevil, Ben Linus from Lost, Zaheer (and the rest of the Red Lotus gang) from The Legend of Korra, Grima Wormtounge from Lord of the Rings, Adar from Rings of Power, Alric from Wolfbloods, Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda, and Detective Lassiter from Psych.
I have a passion for music and making playlists that work like soundtracks, my spotify can be found here https://spotify.link/YBXue5SznCb
Im a hybrid vampire and certified cannibal
Icon by @taylaedraws
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nitewrighter · 4 months
Hello (there is a prompt at the end of this I promise)
I had a dream about Gency and it reminded me of you bc I used to love love LOVE Gency (still do!) and your fics are so well written and I am so sad that Blizzard fucked up overwatch (and it’s lore kinda?) over the last couple years :(
Also the way they removed a bunch of Gency interactions and are kinda like..changing their relationship dynamic? And the line in the biography story mode thing about how mercy was genjis cyberneticist?? even though she previously was never mentioned to like… do that stuff and that kinda reframes how they interacted pre-fall and its a minor thing but it really just grinds my gears :(
(I pretend it is not canon because i know overwatch better that the current OW2 writers 👍)
And pushing more Pharah/Mercy stuff after literal YEARS of gradual Gency buildup in OW1?
and also the way some Gency artists literally don’t feel SAFE to post their ship art (of a ship that actually has a decent amount of support and is based in canon, mind you) on Twitter.. but that’s more a Twitter thing than anything
i wanted to be into this games lore so bad and i used to have such a good handle on it and now every so often i get this huge wave of nostalgia when i look back over fics from years ago and get sentimental and mad over what was and what could have been (just in general) if blizzard didn’t fuck it up :(
admittedly I haven’t examined what’s going on in the lore of the game too much over the last couple months, so if they revived it somehow or Mr. Developer looked us in the eye and said “Gency is real” then throw this whole thing out the window 😭
Anyways there was a really cool plot to the dream and i was gonna give you a prompt so you could write something akin to it if you ever wanted but I now forgot the plot ☹️ but I love your writing and i hope even in your creative, non-overwatch-related endeavors, all goes well
hmmm but here’s a prompt idea (I don’t know if this would actually be in line with the canon for your overwatch prompts now, it’s more of a what-if):
what if Genji and Mercy crossed paths after the fall of overwatch? Before they started sending each other letters, before the recall, by pure coincidence—maybe before or while Genji was under Zenyatta’s teaching—either way, he isn’t at peace with himself yet. Would Genji try to hide his identity? Would he feel like he isn’t good enough to face her? Or guilty after she goes, missing a one-in-a-million opportunity to connect with her again? Or maybe they do talk, but are obscured and don’t know who the other is until too late? Or maybe they fully know who the other is—what do they say? What do they do? I am super interested to read your take on this prompt if you ever want to write something akin to this!
I am going to. binge all your Gency fics now. Goodbye
First of all... WOW! Thank you for taking the time to write all this! And also thank you for reading my gency stuff. I still love them too, for all my disillusionment with Overwatch and its overall storytelling. I definitely share your sentiments with regards to the fact that the revolving door of writers has basically lead to Overwatch no longer giving a shit about continuity and actual storytelling and just defaulting to what they think will suck the dicks of fanon in the most satisfactory manner. And it's not just writing Gency out of existence either--it's about erasing the tragedy of Widowmaker and the complexity of Reinhardt. It's about reducing Gabriel to a shitty radicalized cop. It's about bringing in characters who make no sense chronologically and have fuck all to do with anything and honestly just heighten the truth of the "stereotype+fetish" joke of Overwatch character design (Yes, I'm talking about Kiriko and Illari). It's about bringing in Mauga 4 years late and acting like they're the cleverest damn people in the world for doing it. It's about expending an absurd amount of narrative and advertisement funding and energy on fucking ASHE of all members of the cast.
Okay--okay--I'm calming myself down.
With regards to your prompt, I'm just going to say, I played the general timeline out between Genji and Mercy the way it played out with very specific reasons. The truth was, as far as character development goes, for all of his love of Mercy (as far as my fic continuity goes) Genji simply wasn't in the mental or emotional space to have a healthy relationship with *anyone,* let alone Mercy. And that's also why I have him mentioning hooking up with Cassidy during his time in Blackwatch in the broad general fic continuity, because it's this very fucked up emotional period for both of them and they have this *very strong link* for a time but as they progress to healthier mindsets they both sort of outgrow each other. Genji moves on to Angela and Cassidy moves on to Hanzo and that's *good* because that indicates they've both grown into their own respective people past being in a really painful codependent state.
The *whole point* was Genji getting away from Overwatch, hallucinating Mercy at his lowest point, and realizing *he* needs to be the person to get himself out of his most fucked up mental corners, and then meeting Zenyatta so that he can develop the right mental tools for that. I'm realizing this is a very western interpretation of this, but then again Overwatch slotted in Robot Jesus with Aurora so fuck it, but if I had to break it down into a solid narrative, it's a Divine Comedy where Genji is Dante, Zenyatta is Virgil, and Mercy is Beatrice. You can have your idealized love and your most beloved mentor, but ultimately YOU have to claw YOUR OWN way out of hell.
If he met with Mercy or made contact with Mercy at any point before Zurich exploded in my fic continuity, that wouldn't give catharsis for ANYONE. The only position they would be in, would be for angst wank. And like, YEAH, I *can* write Gency angst wank that doesn't actually go anywhere and doesn't contribute anything to the characters beyond making them feel sad, but honestly I'd rather write my Anarky-Assassinated-President-Lex-Luthor fic. That's a nice fatty mutton bone I can chew on.
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leorawright · 1 year
Ok so quick pre(r)amble: I’m really into dnd, and I’ve always had the idea of a ln Overwatch hero who can like summon creatures from the Monster Manual.
So what about Genji, Zanyatta, Lucio(bc of course), and Reinhardt with a teen-aged friend who usually rides an Owlbear into battle?
Maybe for extra tidbits the Owlbear is really protective, but very sweet and snuggly(like a Saint Bernard that thinks it’s a lapdog)?
Oh and for reference, Owlbears look like this and are 10ft tall on average(on all fours- these guys are HUGE)
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That... looks... SO DANG COOL I LOVE IT!
Overwatch with s/o who rides an OwlBear into battle
You've made his day when you introduce him to your owl bear
He's just in awe staring up at this huge creature
Expect to be bombarded with questions as Genji excitedly circles the owlbear to observe it
Let him ride with you into battle he'll be absolutely estatic
Him and the owl bear simultaneously vibe check each other
Zenyatta finds the owl bear quite beautiful and majestic
The height of the creature is also intimidating especially when compared to Zenyatta's 5ft 7in
He's not a fan of riding the creature into battle but seeing you looking so majestic and powerful would make Zenyatta smile if he could
He treats your owl bear exactly like he would a dog without even realizing it
Sometimes when you and Lucio are cuddling and your owl bear joins Lucio is completely swallowed by the owl bears' fur
I mean he's only 5ft 3 inches
Lucio would definitely ride with you and your owl bear into battle but he's not falling off so expect him to cling to your waist
Reinhardt is very impressed by your owl bear
Unlike the others he isn't completely drowned in fur when your owl bear decides it wants cuddles
Reinhardt would definitely want to ride with you and your owl bear into battle
Reinhardt's desire to protect you paired with your owl bear basically guarantees that nothing is gonna hurt you in battle
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
All the fandoms I'm doing and taking a break from. Always up to date, check often :)
Last Edited: 2/1/24
Bold -> Written Before
Not Bold -> Hasn't been written before.
🔪Fandoms I am currently writing for🔪
- Adventure Time
- Arcane
- Assassination Classroom
- Attack on Titan
- Avatar (Movies)
- Beastars (Season 1 + 2 of the anime)
- Bionicle: The Journey To One
- Black Clover
- Blue Exorcist
- The Boys
- Carmen Sandiego (Netflix show)
- Death Note
- The Devil is a Part-Timer!
- Ducktales 2017
- Fire Force
- Game of Thrones
- Gravity Falls
- Halo RvB/Red vs Blue (All seasons)
- Happy Tree Friends (Anthro Animals or Hybrids/Humans [Like my OCs])
- Haikyu!
- Hazbin Hotel
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Invader Zim (Original series and Enter the Florpus)
- House of the Dragon
- Monkie Kid (Lego)
- My Hero Academia
- My Little Pony (FiM and a New Generation)
- Murder Drones
- Naruto
- Ninjago
- Noragami
- One Piece
- One Punch Man
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Puss in Boots
- Rick & Morty
- Saiki K
- Spooky Month
- Star Wars (Movies + Clone Wars)
- Steven Universe
- Solar Opposites
- Terminator (All movies)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Media (2003, 2007 movie, 2012, 2014/Bayverse, 2018/ROTTMNT)
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
- Treasure Planet
- Trigun Stampede
- Umbrella Academy
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Walking Dead
- Watchmen
- Wednesday
- The Witcher (Show)
- X-men Evolution
- Apex Legends
- Arknights
- Assassin's Creed
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Bioshock (All games)
- Borderlands (Including 1, 2, Pre-sequel, and 3)
- Call of Duty
- Criminal Case
- Cookie Run
- Cult of The Lamb
- Danganronpa (Games only)
- Dauntless (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Darksiders
- Dark Deception
- Dark Souls/Souls-Like games
- Dead By Daylight (All Survivors and Killers along with costumes)
- Dead Space (1-3)
- Detroit: Become Human
- Devil May Cry
- Deltarune (Both Chapters)
- Disney Mirrorverse
- Don’t Starve (All Survivors and Costumes)
- Dying Light
- Evil Within
- Evolve (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Fallout
- Far Cry
- Fear and Hunger
- Five Nights at Freddy’s (All Games, Books, Fluffy AU) (Animatronic or Android)
- Friday Night Funkin (Base game)(?)
- Final Fantasy (Primarily anything past 7)
- Gears/Gears of War (Yandere Fics)
- Genshin Impact
- God of War
- Half-Life
- Halo (Reach, CE, 2, 3, 3 ODST, 4, 5, Infinite, Wars 1+2)
- Hollow Knight
- Honkai Impact
- Human Animal Crossing
- Identity V (All Survivors/Killers and their costumes except Hastur and younger characters are depicted as Platonic)
- Killer Frequency
- The Last of Us
- League of Legends
- Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
- Legend of Zelda
- Lobotomy Corporation
- Mario Franchise
- Metal Gear Solid (All games, although I like Revengeance the most)
- Metroid
- Minecraft (Experimenting)
- Mortal Kombat (9 through 11)
- Mystic Messenger
- No More Heroes
- No Straight Roads
- Obey Me!
- Outlast
- The Outer Worlds
- Overwatch (All characters/Costumes)
- Payday 2
- Persona (3-5)
- Portal (1 and 2)
- Pokemon (Just Trainers Right Now) (All games)
- PvZ Garden Warfare (Mostly Platonic but we'll see)
- Ratchet and Clank
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Resident Evil (All Games)
- Red Dead Redemption (Mostly 2)
- Roblox DOORS (?)
- Silent Hill
- Skyrim
- Street Fighter
- Team Fortress 2 (All Classes and characters like Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale)
- Twisted Wonderland
- Undertale
- Warframe
- We Happy Few
- Xcom
- Halo Books (Fall of Reach, The Flood, Contact Harvest, The Cole Protocol, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Cryptum, Broken Circle, Hunters In The Dark, Last Light, New Blood, Envoy, Retribution, Smoke and Shadow, Bad Blood, Renegade, Point of Light, Divine Wind)
- Jujutsu Kaisen (I read the manga)
- Bungou Stray Dogs (I read the manga)
Fits in more than one category
- Alien vs Predator (Just Alien movies or Predator movies are also included. Also books and games.)
- Black Butler
- Creepypasta/Gaming Creepypasta (Not everyone, it depends)
- Cuphead (Game/Show)
- Cyberpunk 2077 (Anime/Game)
- DC Comics (Comics, Games, Movies) [Injustice and Arkhamverse mainly, but let's discuss]
- Demon Slayer
- Hiveswap
- Homestuck
- Madness Combat (Game and Series)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (Up to Endgame)/Marvel Comic Universe (SPECIFY WHAT COMIC PLEASE-)
- SCP (Not everyone, it depends)
- Slashers/Horror in general (Please say what movie your slasher is from)
- Sonic (All games + The Paramount Movies + IDW Comics. All characters are aged up except characters Classic! Tails, Movie! Tails, Cream the Rabbit, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and Classic Amy, which are Platonic as I can't see them as aged up.)
- South Park (All aged up of course, Show and games)
- Splatoon (Manga/Games)
- Transformers (Animated, Cyberverse, Earthspark, Generation 1, IDW comics, Prime, Robots In Disguise, War for Cybertron)
- Yandere OCs I have (Look at this list)
🚫Fandoms I am taking a break from🚫
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lovingoverwatchguys · 6 months
I try not to harp on Code of Violence too much here, because I know people have heard it enough from both me and others. But every time I think about this story, the worse it gets. And every defense of it that I see only puts it in a worse light.
I've called it a 'character assassination' before. I want to expand on that a little.
If I put aside the troubling social implications about cops and police violence, the character is still done badly. Simply put, Code of Violence makes Reyes very unlikable. Not even because "he's evil". It's for things that aren't even based on him being a villain now, and a lot of it has to do with context from other parts of the plot.
There's this whole bitterness Reyes has about being a 'scapegoat' when Overwatch is being insulted for bad behavior/corruption, which is part of where his initial resentment apparently comes from. I don't think this is untrue. But, with the way it's presented, it comes off really stupid. First of all, Reyes being scapegoated was not unique. Jack, Cassidy, and others all got tons of hate from the public and the law. Angela basically lost her career. Not only that, but a lot of the hate that was directed at Jack and Cassidy and others was sometimes because of things Reyes did. What gives Reyes the right to be mad at other Overwatch people (which he is supposed to be, despite the story never mentioning his 'list') for making him a 'scapegoat' when they were actively trying to take the fall for him?
You could argue that Reyes got it worse, and that's fair, but he never acknowledges their issues at all, even when he's still normal-Reyes. All it does is make Reyes look like a self-centered manbaby. I don't think that's what he's supposed to be! I think he's a nuanced guy with a lot of trauma and pain that's gone down a bad road. But this story makes him into one.
This is only made worse by the fact that he never even thinks about Cassidy or Ana in this entire story, or the way he never puts a second thought into the fact that he's working with his dead friend's brainwashed wife (even though he's so fixated on his own lost wife). His friends still care about him, but Reyes seems to think nothing of them. It's all about his ex-wife.
If I'm supposed to accept that Doomfist + his own bad experiences have changed Reyes' moral code, I still think that's far-fetched, but I can try to work with it. But his own personal relationships are failed very badly here.
I've seen many people say that there's some chemical manipulation going on from Moira. And yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. But I don't think it excuses his whole perspective being so badly written, especially in the pre-Reaper parts.
I hope they find a way to fix this mess. But honestly, I'm not holding my breath.
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bonemoisturizer · 18 days
I don't think I even know who you are but fuck it. For your Star Wars OCs: 🌨️, ❗, 🔅 and 🐸?
Haha, yeah, I'm not even sure why I follow you, but we're here now! Gonna do this for Adin, Cardinal, and Sunshine.
If this oc had a day free from all their responsibilities, how would they spend it? Well Cardinal and Sunshine would probably go hang out tbh. They're buddies and all. In a universe kinder than the one I've placed them in they would play viddy games. Call of Duty, Overwatch, Minecraft. On their own, Cardinal would draw birds, and Sunshine would read. Without responsibilities, they both have a very quiet life. Adin would go clubbing <3
❗- What are the highest priorities to this oc (at a point in their life of your choosing)? Funnily enough, pre fall, all of their priorities are the same. Survive. Lead well. Keep their men alive. POST fall... things diverge. Adin's new priority is being in control above all else, a frantic, obsessive need. Sunshine wants to live for the first time. Cardinal has stopped caring, really. His priorities are purely automatic survival instincts.
🔅 - How does this oc deal with physical pain? Adin laughs to the point of hysteria. Cardinal tries to force it down and gets snappish and irritable. Sunshine goes very quiet.
🐸 - What’s this oc’s sense of humor like? Sunshine has very dry humor. Adin is snarky and self deprecating. Cardinal's cynical
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s1rcus · 3 months
The Future Generations [4/?]
Rating: Mature
Words:   2203
Fandoms: Overwatch
Relationships: Moira O'Deorain/Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Characters: Moira O'Deorain, Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Additional tags: Trans Angela “Mercy” Ziegler, Pre-Fall of Overwatch, Kid Fic, Eventual Sex, Fake Science, POV Moira O'Deorain
Summary: Angela comes to Moira with an interesting proposal one late evening which makes the two start working closely together in secret.
Story below the cut or in AO3 here
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter
Moira managed to avoid Angela as well as a person can avoid a coworker for four days before her hand terminal pinged with a message from Reyes.
Conference room 3. ASAP
As she arrived she saw that both Morrison and Reyes were present along with Amari, Angela and Lindholm. It was basically all of her higher-ups and she felt like she'd been called to the principal's office if it wasn't for the mood in the room. The mood was somber in a way.
"O'Deorain, perfect, take a seat," Morrison spoke.
Morrison and Reyes were seated at the other side of the table to Angela and Lindholm. Amari had decided to stand it seemed as she stood by Morrison's side. Moira pulled out a free chair from the other side of Angela and sat down giving her a quizzical look. Angela just gave her a sad smile. 
"Doctor Ziegler says you could have some good input to her current assignment. We know you have your own work and prefer to work alone so we wouldn't have asked you to come here, if Angela wouldn't have convinced us that your input really would benefit her," Morrison continued after she was properly seated.
"Fair enough. What is this about then?" Moira asked.
"You might've heard of the rumours going around about Amelie Lacroix for the past few weeks. We're sad to announce that they've been true and we got her back a few days ago. Last night though she attacked her husband as he slept and fled. Gerard has been in critical condition ever since," Morrison explained.
Jeez. That explains the odd mood.
"Why don't you just resurrect him with the staff?" She asked.
"It's not working. Or well the healing isn't working on him so I doubt that would and we'd need to let him die first and if we do that there's no coming back," Angela explained.
"What do you mean it's not working? That thing is supposed to be fool proof."
"I don't know. She clearly did something that blocks it from working. First we're gonna save Lacroix and then we're going to figure out what it is that's making my staff not work and fix it." Angela sounded desperate. This really was serious.
"So what's your plan?"
"I don't really have one. But I do know that I need you. We'll have to first figure out what's stopping the healing process. It seems like his system disables nanites or something. If Talon has this sort of technology we need to figure out a way to surpass it before it becomes a problem."
Morrison cleared his throat and both women fell silent again turning their attention back to him.
"I take it both of you understand that this is a sensitive matter and it can't reach the ears of anyone outside of this room and the select few medical personnel who have been assigned to work with Angela on this."
Moira nodded in response.
"Alright. Dismissed."
Both Moira and Angela got up from their seats. Moira gave one last glance at Reyes. He gave her a very minimal head shake. She was not going to be able to get out of this and this was to be her top priority for now. Morrison seemed deeply worried and for the first time she felt like she was seeing Reyes show any emotion as he placed a hand on his shoulder. She turned around and followed Angela out of the room. 
Angela was already halfway to the lift when the door clicked shut behind Moira. A deep breath to calm her irritation over the situation and Moira caught up with her easily with her long strides.
Angela fidgeted with her sleeve as she waited for the elevator. This had clearly taken its toll on her and Moira wanted desperately to ask how she was doing. It wasn't her place though. Moira had made it clear to Angela she wanted to keep their relationship professional and asking Angela if she was doing alright would be something she wouldn't have done before.
"I know you have some sort of plan. You always have some idea. So what are we going to do first?" She asked Angela instead as they waited for the lift. 
“We have to identify what they've done and find a way to neutralize it. I've done a couple of tests but nothing has come of them. I was hoping you'd have some ideas.”
“I might. Let me take a look at him and what you have so far. I'm sure I'll figure something out.”
“Thank you. These have been some of the most stressful 8 hours of my life.”
“Of course,” she said even though it's not like she could've done anything else but to comply.
As they worked together, Moira found herself accidentally slipping back into their old habit of flirty bickering. It seemed to be an easy way to get Angela to relax and as much as Moira hated to admit it, she was very concerned for Angela's (and the child's) well-being. So getting Angela to relax was important for both of their health. Moira just hated to blur the lines between their personal and professional lives again.
She grabbed a syringe and walked out of the lab with a quick “I need another sample from him”. She needed to get away from Angela for a minute. What she really needed was to go out and smoke but she knew Angela would disapprove of that and then that would be a whole nother thing she would be complaining about to her. So busying herself with Lacroix was the only way out of that lab for now.
Lacroix was situated in one of the small medical rooms they had behind a set of narrow corridors. Arriving at the door, Moira swiped her card and pressed her forefinger onto the reader. The door unlocked with an audible click. From inside the room looked even more sterile than the medbay. A small bed, that Lacroix laid on, was in the middle of the room against the wall. There was numerous medical equipment and lines to various drips hanging around Lacroix’s lifeless body. Only the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor was a reminder of him actually being alive.
The nurse who was currently keeping an eye on Lacroix lifted his gaze from his tablet towards Moira. She nodded to him as a greeting and he did the same before dropping his gaze back to his tablet. Moira scoffed. That was one way to spend your working time but she hoped he at least occasionally glanced at the other screen in the room. Well at least she doesn't need to partake in more human interaction for a little bit.
Moira moved to the left side of Lacroix to be as far away from the nurse (who's name she probably knew but couldn't remember) as she possibly could. She took the blood sample from Lacroix while taking as much time as she possibly could with every step of the process. After she was done with the blood she moved to the cabinets looking for a scalpel. Taking a biopsy and watching what actually happens when she introduces nanobiotics to it should tell her more than just examining some blood. And Angela wasn't around this time to tell her no. She took out a scalpel and suture kit when she found them and laid them out on a nearby table. Then she looked for a petri dish and opened it next to them. After which she tied a mask on and moved to wash her hands.
“You do know how to suture, right?” She asked the nurse.
He raised his gaze from his tablet again and gave her a rough “of course”.
“Great. Then get yourself gloved up and close this after I'm done.”
He grumbled in response but started doing as he was told.
Moira rubbed her face. She was getting tired and her test results kept being inconsistent. Maybe Angela could make some sense of them. She looked towards Angela who was reading through all their data again. She suddenly jerked and Moira realized she must be tired as well. Moira closed her computer and raised up from her position to stretch. Her back let out an audible pop. Then she gathered the sample she'd been working on and closed the lid on it before taking it back to the refrigerator.
Moira looked at Angela again. The blonde had lifted her glasses on top of her head and she was rubbing her eye with her left hand. Moira sighed, as stubborn as ever it seemed.
“I think it's time we head to bed,” she said more softly than she'd ever admit.
“But-” Angela protested. She'd lowered her glasses back to her nose and was gesturing towards the screen.
“No. Angela, you have to take care of yourself. Now more than ever.” She made her way towards Angela and leaned against her table. Facing the other woman.
“I– alright.”
Moira reached towards Angela's face and for a split second she imagined cupping her cheek and pressing a kiss on top of her head. But instead she grabbed onto Angela's glasses softly and slid them off her face. She folded them and slipped them into the breast pocket of Angela's lab coat. She took Angela's datapad from the table and helped Angela up to stand.
“Alright let's go.”
As Moira guided Angela to the elevator and into it she realized how terribly tired Angela was. In the short time it took for the elevator to arrive she leaned against her side and closed her eyes and the same happened again in the elevator itself. She decided to walk with Angela to make sure she actually got to bed and didn't decide to sleep on the first even surface she saw after getting to her room. When Moira turned with Angela towards her room the blonde let out a questioning sound. 
“I'm taking you to bed.” Angela turned to look at her surprised. “Not like that. I'm just making sure you actually make it to bed. You clearly need a good rest and you won't get that if you crash on your own couch.”
They made their way through the hallways slowly and Moira prayed no-one would be around to see her escorting Angela. If there starts to be rumours she actually has a heart Reyes would never let her forget about it. She's already on thin enough ice with Reyes when it comes to her relationship with Angela. He's been giving her weirdly vague threats on not getting attached to anyone. Hypocrite, she says.
Angela had basically fallen asleep against her by the time they made it to Angela's door. Moira has no clue how on earth the woman walked with her the whole way. She balanced Angela against her side while she tried to unclip the key card with her other hand from Angela's lab coat’s lapel. It would probably be easier if Angela wasn't situated against her dominant side. She still managed to finally get the card and to open the door, which happens to be easier when her free hand was the one by the locking terminal. She toed the door open and half dragged Angela towards her bed, turning on the light on the way. 
Angela immediately collapsed into her bed when they got to it and showed no intention to do anything else. Moira stared at her for a while before starting to unlace her shoes. She pulled the shoes off her feet and placed them neatly next to each other by the door. She turned back toward the other woman, Angela was already sound asleep. Moira glanced around the apartment. It was bigger than hers, not that she was surprised. Angela did outrank her. There was what Moira assumed to be the bathroom past a door near the bed. Opposite the wall from the bed was a small kitchenette. Rest of the space was taken by a small wardrobe, a desk and a chair, a sofa, a TV and a coffee table. The TV also sat on a small bookcase that seemed to be mostly filled with medical journals. There were multiple photos of friends and family littered across all the surfaces. Her gaze dropped back to the sleeping form of Angela. This wasn't going to work and she knew it. She returned to remove her lab coat as well. 
“Goodnight,” she whispered and after a brief thought tentatively placed her hand on Angela's stomach. “To you as well.”
She knew the fetus wouldn't be able to hear her. It was way too small for that. It may be that she wasn't built to become a mother but she couldn't help but to think that this child would be the only one she'll ever have. She was going to be emotionally attached to them no matter what and she knew she'd be so proud of them in the future.
Feeling silly over what she'd just done, Moira pulled the covers over Angela and turned around to leave. She hooked the lab coat to the hook near the door on her way out.
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noctiseclipse · 11 months
Yeehan week day 4: coming home
Here’s another drabble for day 4! This piece was written from Hanzo’s perspective instead of Cole’s. It was fun experimenting with another voice!
If you want to read this on AO3 instead, you can do so here!
Hanamura is beautiful in the spring.
Cherry blossom trees are still the main tourist attraction in the area, and it shows in the crowds in the parks; their paths overrun by enthusiastic Americans and European travelers.
Hanzo walks through the falling petals, dodging small children darting across the pink cast of the pavement. It’s a familiar path to the archer – this park was once part of the Shimada castle grounds, though with the loss of family money and notoriety, they were forced to surrender it back to the local government.
Regardless of possession, the paths remain unchanged since the days of Hanzo’s youth, and he follows them with the muscle memory of daily walks of the distant past. Several small bridges lay between Hanzo and his destination. They’re wet with the mid-morning dew and the footsteps of other travelers, but he does not let his steps falter.
It has been six months since his last contact with any other agents from Overwatch. Going to ground was always an inevitability of covert operations, though Hanzo did not expect to feel the loss of the company of his fellow agents so keenly. He never meant to form connections.
Who is he kidding – he misses one agent so very badly.
Cole Cassidy blew into Hanzo’s life like a typhoon; sudden and dangerous and destructive. In the beginning, the archer told himself his involvement in Overwatch was only incidental – was only atonement to his brother.
Cole changed that.
The cowboy, strange in his own traditional ways, got under Hanzo’s skin so suddenly and unexpectedly that he was powerless to stop it. He ruined every wall Hanzo had erected in the past ten years; every defense between him and the rest of the world.
He was the one who forced Hanzo to come out to team meetings; forced him to run combat drills with others instead of alone and challenged him to do better; to be a better person. Genji was the initial draw, but Cole made Overwatch family.
Walking away from Cole for safety was the hardest thing Hanzo had been forced to do in years, made worse by the briefness of their intimate connection.
It’s embarrassing, but their actual relationship was only three months strong when the call was made by Winston that the base would be shuttered, and operations stopped. They were together for half the time that Hanzo has been drifting since. So unsafe was contact between agents that, aside from a single dead drop two short weeks ago with co-ordinates for this very meeting, Hanzo has not heard from anyone in Overwatch since his departure.
He’s not sure if it’s because their separation was so sudden, or so painfully unwanted by both parties, but the solitude ached so much more keenly this half a year than it had for the ten years he evaded his clan alone.
Since that last meeting, Hanzo has filled his time with contracts, but he has learnt that a return to his previous life in the time pre-Cole is impossible. He finds himself bored on stakeouts – once unshakeable concentration disrupted by imagining what his cowboy would say while observing the crowds for marks in Japan with Hanzo. It was… concerning, in a way, to learn years of conditioning has been broken so thoroughly that he is half the weapon he used to be.
And yet.
To move beyond his status as a weapon; to be seen and appreciated and understood for his humanity instead of his abilities is so sharply gratifying it almost makes Hanzo weep.
He refocuses his attention to the path ahead; it would not do to get so distracted he makes a mistake steps before the finish line. The path he takes drifts from the cherry blossoms that draw the tourists in and the crowds thin as the falling petals do. It matters not to Hanzo – his reward for walking this path is more important than the nostalgia of the gardens around him.
There was no name left with the co-ordinates and the date and time left at the dead drop for Hanzo, but he knows: Cole is the one who called him here today.
It’s mere steps now – the light foliage of the gardens darkening with denser tree coverage, moss creeping slowly onto the path underfoot. This area is rarely visited by locals and almost never by tourists; the picturesque views provided by the more public areas consumed instead by old growth and the barely tamed plants.
Hanzo stops before an all too familiar clearing. This area, the place where he is to meet the deliverer of the dead drop, was his personal favourite place in the gardens as a child. He takes a moment to remember the times he would come out here, both for training and to escape the stifling control of his family, even in his youth.
Once, this section of the gardens was his first secret. It was as close as he could get to the feeling of inner peace, of home. Now, it’s familiar but distant in the same way his family name is; as the hours he spent training with the katana are. It’s the reason why he’s so unafraid, enthusiastic even, for mystery co-ordinates from a mystery sender.
Almost no one knows of Hanzo’s visits to this spot as a child. Only one person knows of the significance.
He takes a deep breath in. He adjusts the sleeves of his kimono, making sure they lay perfectly smoothly. It wouldn’t do to look disheveled for this meeting.
Finally, finally, he takes one, two, three steps forward, around the wall of foliage that has blocked his view. A man stands in the clearing, back to Hanzo, gazing up at the sun coming over the top of the dense trees. An achingly familiar cowboy hat sits on his head, an only slightly worse for wear serape hides broad shoulders from Hanzo’s gaze.
The archer remembers to add sound to his steps, not wanting to startle the other man. Leaves crunch against pebbles underfoot, and Cole turns around to greet the noise.
Cole’s ever-present smirk morphs into a genuine smile as Hanzo greedily drinks in the familiarly of every wrinkle, every hair on his face. He reaches a hand out as Hanzo approaches – the organic one, same as always. He quickens his pace, suddenly struck with how urgently he needs to touch this man.
Hanzo slips along the extended arm, forgoing the casual touch of a handshake to wrap Cole up in his arms. He breathes in the familiar scent of leather and cologne and something so distinctly belonging to the cowboy. Cole’s arms settle around his broad shoulders and for the first time in six months, Hanzo feels settled; a buzz that existed under the surface of his skin suddenly extinguished.
“Heya darlin’. I missed ya somethin’ fierce.”
Hanzo smiles.
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