mizgnomer · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of 42 - Part Six
Excerpt from the Doctor Who Chronicles 2007 Issue of DWM:
Torchwood lead writer Chris Chibnall made his Doctor Who debut with 42 – its ‘real-time’ storytelling gimmick having been inspired by the US thriller series 24. “Real-time is just an easy thing for people to understand, and it gives you a hook,” he said in Doctor Who Magazine’s preview of the episode. “The moment it was mentioned that this would be a 42-minute real-time episode, Russell [T Davies] said, ‘That’s the title: 42!’ Three steps ahead of us, as usual.”
Davies wasn’t ahead of the curve in one respect: that director Danny Boyle had a sci-fi movie called Sunshine ready for release just weeks before 42 was scheduled to air – about a group of astronauts on a mission to save the dying Sun in a spaceship called Icarus II.
As originally recorded, the ship in 42 was also named Icarus…
“That was a bad, bad moment, opening up that copy of Empire magazine, and reading about Sunshine,” Davies recalled in DWM issue 383. A new name for the ship was dubbed over in post-production – with SS Pentallian having been inspired by the ‘Pentalion drive’ mentioned in Revenge of the Cybermen (1975).
The design of Korwin’s slitted helmet/ mask (far left) was partly inspired by Cyclops from the X-Men, as Davies revealed in DWM: “I do love the fact that we’ve cast one of the country’s most handsome men, Matthew Chambers, as Korwin… and then covered his face with a sci-fi welding mask for the entire episode!  Oh, entire Doctor Who departments grieved over that. And some women, too.”
For more parts of this set, see the #whoBts42 tag, or the [ Masterlist of Doctor Who Behind-the-Scenes posts ]
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crawley-fell · 2 months
my controversial broadchurch opinion is that if you haven't seen S2 then you really haven't seen Broadchurch at all
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swvrn · 4 months
David Tennant is an accomplished veteran actor with many well deserved accolades and yet I can’t help but hear the words “Ten Inch Tennant” whenever I see his face.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 6 months
A Reception Worth The Miss (Broadchurch One-Shot)
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Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open
Summary: You were pretty far from where the ceremony had taken place by now and you were sure you were probably missing the opening bits of the reception.
CW: smut, daddy kink
BROADCHURCH: @clarina04 @kaylinelizabeth4004 @yeethaw13 @stevekempscocktails @go-bonkers-go-foolish @peytonpenguin37 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Alec wasn’t necessarily the riskiest of people, given that he was a copper and also a relatively anxious person. But when you had mentioned in passing that the thought of, well, semi-public activities excited you, he had seemed more interested than you had thought he would be.
You hadn’t heard anything else about it for a hot minute. Another conversation forgotten to everyone but time. You both continued on with your lives. Little did you know that the thought of fucking you dumb in a private garden, or restaurant bathroom was consuming Alec’s every waking thought from dawn to dusk.
It just so happened that the perfect opportunity presented itself to you both in the form of a wedding. One of your old school friends was getting married at some swanky acreage. It was truly spectacular, and the grounds were free for the guests to roam about after the ceremony. 
Alec thought you looked gorgeous, and he scrubbed up pretty well himself if you didn’t say so yourself. 
The ceremony went off without a hitch, and your best friend looked radiant as ever. They looked happy. Truly happy. 
Alec had asked if you wanted to take a walk, and you said yes, taking his hand and swinging it front and back softly as you wandered about the property. Green grasses, beautiful flowerbeds. It was stunning. You could see yourself getting married here sometime. Or somewhere like here, anyway. 
And then you’d stumbled into a round picnic area, hedged in and rather private. You were pretty far from where the ceremony had taken place by now and you were sure you were probably missing the opening bits of the reception. But it would be the bits you didn’t need to be at- all the mingling with people you didn’t know and conversations that you wouldn’t remember in a week's time.
Alec pressed you against one of the stone walls that broke the hedges up. Hot lips mouthed up the column of your throat, his breath sending goosebumps down your arms. You wrapped your arms around him, melting against the warm wall. It was thankfully rather soft for a stone wall, and you counted your blessings for that considering the open-back dress you were currently wearing. 
“Fuck, Alec,” you gasped, head dropping back against the wall to better expose your neck to him. 
“Alec? Who the fuck is Alec, darlin’?” 
Ah, so it was like that today, then. Alec must be feeling pent up. 
“Sorry, daddy,” you breathed out, trying to pull him by the hair closer to you, to pull him into your skin. When he was like this it was as though you couldn’t ever get enough. 
“Tha’s better, darlin’,” he said darkly, nipping at your throat sharply. 
You felt one of his hands trailing over your breast, giving it a hard squeeze. His fingers trailed down your dress and suddenly he was ripping your underwear off and unbuckling his trousers. You bit down on your lip, stifling a giggle. 
Alec shoved his trousers and boxers down around his thighs and split your legs apart to rub at your clit in tight, harsh circles. You were already wet from the attention to your neck and found your hips jerking towards him for more. Your insides ached with the need to be filled. 
Alec grabbed the undersides of your thighs and hoisted you up so you could wrap your legs around his hips and press back against the wall. You gasped, legs gripping on for dear life. Alec laughed, and it sounded hoarse with desire. 
He placed one hand under your ass for support and used the other to rub the head of his cock over your clit, his pre-cum spreading through your folds. You moaned, thigh twitching with pleasure as the soft velvet of his head shot pleasure up your spine. 
“Fuck, tha’s it,” he practically growled. “Y’want daddy’s cock, darlin’?”
If your head could drop back any further, it would have. You could feel the slick gathering at your entrance, and you ground your hips up against his cockhead. 
“Please daddy,” you whispered out a groan. You wanted him inside you, and you wanted him inside you now. 
Alec grunted, and any plans he may have had of teasing you died right then and there. He hoisted you up that little bit higher, and you would have been lying if you said the manhandling didn’t turn you on that little bit more. 
He lined his cock up with your entrance and brought you forward to lean against him. He slowly let you slide down on top of him, groaning with how tight your cunt was around him. 
“Och, there y’are darlin,” he whispered, pressing panting kisses to your jaw. “So good f’er daddy. Yeah, I ken it’s a lot. Doin’ so good f’er me.” 
You whimpered and finally sank down so that you were seated on him fully. Alec rested his head against your shoulder for a moment, getting used to the tight grip of you around him, and then he softly moved his hips back and forth, finding a rhythm that worked for you both. 
“F-fuck,” he groaned, hips snapping forward to bury himself inside you. “So fuckin’ tight, darlin. So tight f’er daddy.” 
You gasped, nodding in agreement. One of your hands snuck down between your bellies to rub at your clit. From the angle, you could feel his cock sliding in and out of you, pulling at your folds and at your clit. 
“Couldn’t stop thinkin’ ‘bout what y’said the other day,” he panted, managing to raise his head to look at you. You rubbed faster at yourself. “‘Bout fuckin’ y’out here. Somewhere public. God- couldn’t stop thinkin’ about it, darlin’.” 
You nodded, biting at your lip. If he continued to talk to you like this you knew you weren’t going to last very long. 
That ache inside started to coil, wrapping tight around your nerves and refusing to let go. 
“All I’ve been thinkin’ about is havin’ y’out in the woods. In the garden- f-uck- eatin’ y’er pretty pussy until y’cream for me.” 
Your hips jerked towards him and the way your cunt clenched around him made him growl out the dirtiest ‘fuck’ you’ve ever heard. 
“Anyone could come out here ‘n see us, darlin’,” he panted, sweat beading on his hairline. “See me fuckin’ y’like the little slut y’are. Mhm, such a slut f’er daddy,” he added, noting how you responded to that.
You’d always had a bit of a thing for being called names. This was a dream come true for you. And for Alec, too, apparently. 
“Fuck, Alec,” you whined, struggling to keep your fingers moving on your clit. The pleasure was expanding as you got closer and closer to orgasm. “Fuck- daddy,” you corrected once the realisation got through your haze. “Gonna cum- fuck please!” 
Alec’s hands moved to dig into your hips, fingers definitely leaving pretty bruises for you to admire later. His hips snapped against you, and with every thrust his tummy fuzz brushed against the top of your fingers as you furiously rubbed your clit, chasing that high that was so, so close. 
“Cum f’er me, slut. Daddy’s little slut, eh? Yeah, I ken, darlin’, I ken.” 
Just like that, you came, back arching away from the wall as your cunt contracted with pleasure around him. You let out a hoarse cry as Alec continued to fuck you through it, groaning and panting himself with pleasure. 
He wasn’t going to last much longer either. 
Even as your pleasure plateaued and you came back down, Alec fucked himself into you, chasing his own orgasm now. You stopped rubbing at your clit but the pleasing ache that came with being fucked after an orgasm kept you pliant and moaning for him. 
You offered Alec your soaked fingers to suck on, which he took into his mouth gratefully, tongue laving at the digits to suck every last drop of your taste off them. 
Alec grunted and his hips snapped against you as he came. His mouth dropped open in a moan, and you slid your fingers from his mouth and cupped his cheek. The residue of his saliva was left to cool on his skin as your hand dropped to his shoulder. 
“Fuck, I love y’darlin.” 
You grinned as he finally let you down onto the ground and found your footing once again. 
“I love you too, Alec. I think we might need to do this again sometime. I’m particularly interested in your thoughts on eating me out in the garden.” 
Alec’s cheeks flushed just a tad, and you laughed. 
“Tha’ can be arranged, darlin’.” 
It certainly could.
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skinnyscottishbloke · 5 months
DT projects I’ve watched and not watched under the cut
Takin’ Over the Asylum
Broadchurch s01-s03
Doctor Who s02-s04.5, 50th anniversary, 60th anniversary
DW video diaries/bts
Much Ado About Nothing
Good Omens
Secret Smile
Jessica Jones
The Decoy Bride
What We Did On Our Holiday
Fright Night
Nativity 2
LA Without a Map
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
HTTYD universe
Mary Queen of Scots
HP & the Goblet of Fire
The Five(ish) Doctors
Around the World in 80 Days (s01)
Einstein and Eddington
Spies of Warsaw
Richard II
Bright Young Things
The Escape Artist
Chat/comedy show appearances
Nevermind the Buzzcocks DW special
QI appearance
Friday Night Project host (both times)
Red Nose Day special w/ Catherine
Children in Need with 5th Doctor
Children in Need pre 60th
Catherine Tate show Xmas special
Graham Norton
Who Do You Think You Are episode
Good Omens on repeat
Staged s01-s03*
Inside Man
Single Father
Duck Tales???
There She Goes
Deadwater Fell
Bad Samaritan
Mad to Be Normal
The Politician’s Husband
St Trinian’s 2
Rex is Not Your Lawyer
Sarah Jane Adventures
The Rivals
the ones with question marks….idk if I’ll ever watch because I just have no interest in them. or if I do it’ll be a long time from now.
the ones with asterisks I kinda wanna watch first.
if anyone has any suggestions I’d love to hear them!!
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13thdoctorposts · 1 year
I love how the Doctor can now be a hot fashion icon simply because RTD is show runner again, even though the thing that probably goes against tradition the most is the doctor being a hot fashion icon. lol.
Even the more stylish outfits the Doctor has worn some might raise an eyebrow too. It's even shown in the 13 scene in the charity shop when Ryan and Yaz are with her and they are thinking WTF is she wearing?
imagine if Jodie and Chibbs instead of playing down Jodies attractiveness and sex appeal, just let her be as Jodie usually would be as we've seen her in interviews and shows. the Fandom would have been like she can't be the Doctor because not only is she a woman but she's also too attractive and fashion forward to be the Doctor. It would have been the sin of sins the Doctor no longer being their slightly nerdy, awkward unfazed by fashion selves.
And the excuse I've seen floated around is because RTD is a 'good' writer its allowed and people trust him so it's great but because Chibbs is a 'bad' writer no one trust him and so he shouldn't, as show runner, been allowed to change things.
I know theres people who didnt like his writing style and like to point out plot hole or inconsistencies... pretending as if RTD has none and Moffatt maybe has 2 one with each Doctor because people find it hard to be honest about Doctor Who pre the woman Doctor. But here's the thing Chibbs isnt a bad writer, he was held in high regards before Doctor Who, anyone remember that critically acclaimed show called Broadchurch that had an international spin off call Gracepoint that funnily enough starred the 10th Doctor?
Did David work for Chibs for years because he was a bad writer... was David so hard pressed to find work, there was no 'good' writers an actor off David caliber could have gone to work for? Clearly not, and a lot of the Doctor Who writing is very similar to Broadchurch.
Theres a difference between 'bad' writing and 'different' writing and the writing style of Chibbs may not fit with the online fandom, but that doesn't make it bad. All tv shows have plot holes and inconsistencies from time to time, every season/series of Doctor Who has that, just because you like a camper version of Doctor Who over Chibbs more naturalistic version doesn't make it 'bad' just different
So rounding back to my first point I don't care if the Doctor has different clothes every episode, I don't care if he's wearing wigs to fit in, I don't care if he never has a distinct style thats iconically his and just has a bunch of regular dude suits and period outfits. If the doctor is a hot fashion icon now so be it embrace the change, lol, I do care about hypocrisy that a man who wrote an era of Doctor Who that lots of people do love is given the most barbaric treatment online for doing his job, for trying new things, while the current show runner is allowed to do as he pleases and its the greatest thing ever despite no one seeing anything yet, and somehow Chibbs still get pulled through the mud.
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modrntravlr · 3 months
Alec Hardy
i drew curtains closed (Alec Hardy x Reader)
Doctor Who
Tenth Doctor
amongst the stars (Tenth Doctor x Reader) 18+
Takin' Over the Asylum
Campbell Bain
pre-canon campbell bain headcanons
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I’ve been getting back into Doctor Who lately after just over a decade of not watching, and when I tell you it was a jumpscare to see a pre-Broadchurch Olivia Colman getting a one-scene bit part with CGI alien fangs…
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stevishabitat · 1 year
Felt in the mood for a period drama for the first time in ages, and since I recently took advantage of Britbox's holiday discount, I thought I'd check to see if I'd saved anything last time I had a subscription (back in pre-pandemic times).
Sure enough, I'd saved a show called Cranford. I didn't remember much about it, but over the first few episodes I did remember watching some of it.
But I definitely hadn't seen the second series at all.
And now I'm having the discombobulating experience of watching Lady Mary from Downton Abbey play badminton with The Doctor from Doctor Who, and Loki from the MCU. And I think that Loki fancies The Doctor... or possibly Lady Mary does. It's a very weird dynamic.
And the guy who was Jodi Whittaker's husband in Broadchurch is there, and Mr. Carson from Downton Abbey, and the whole thing is too silly to be a drama, but too serious to be a comedy. Plus it's all presided over by Judi Dench - who just narrowly missed getting married to Dumbledore from Harry Potter.
Like, I know the joke that there are only a handful of actors in the UK, and all of them are in everything, but this is kind of outrageous.
Also... Tim Curry??? Wtf
This was made in 2007-2009... Before Downton, before Thor, back when David Tennant was piloting the TARDIS the first time, and Michael Gambon was still headmaster at Hogwarts.
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mel-loves-kdramas · 1 year
Your Exo-L Secret Santa checking in/replying! I have your gift all queued up although I might add some finishing touches.
Ohh the Xfiles fandom is old school. I've watched a couple seasons always meant to get back to it. Are you still active in those fandoms? I was on tumblr as a high schooler primarily for doctor who, harry potter, star trek. That was quite long ago although I still follow doctor who sometimes.
I have a couple friends who are big BTS fans, and I was super into classic rock at the time and they both sent me the Dynamite mv which IS a great way to hook a 70s fan into kpop. Since then I've gotten into a whole bunch of groups: SHINee was probably first. I'm also big into WayV (veryy excited for their new comeback the teasers look gorgeous!) Pentagon, Day6... Do you follow/listen to any other groups?
I can’t believe you saw SuperM in concert!!! that’s amazing. I have been to one kpop concert (BTS) and it was SO much fun. ugh to see Baekhyun live… but yesss you're right he is almost back! (and we're just not gonna talk about kai and sehun enlisting) Do you think Exo is going to have a comeback soon then?? Trying not to get my hopes up too much haha but I think it's what the world needs.
I really liked Grey Suit too! (Morning Star made it surprisingly high in my spotify wrapped, but Hurdle was the favorite for me). I will definitely check out the live session MVs! I love anything that highlights their vocals (and any time they lean into the superpowers).
Favorite Baekhyun songs are probably Amusement Park, Betcha, Privacy, UN Village. My favorite Exo solo album overall is probably Kyungsoo's though.
When I had covid, I luckily never fell ill, but I tested positive and this was pre-vaccine so there was (understandably!) even more precaution. But no symptoms! I just stayed inside and binge watched tv and tried to learn how to play guitar.
Last optional Q for the present, what are a few of your overall favorite music albums? (doesn't have to be exo/kpop!)
Have a lovely week! <3
Hi Santa,
Yay! I am quite excited to see what you have created for me.
Omg, how lucky you are to have seen BTS in concert! Trying to get tickets are always sooooo crazy! A friend of mine tried to get tickets once and couldn’t.
Besides EXO, I really enjoy TVXQ, NCT and all their subunits.
Maybe us fans can manifest a EXO comeback after Baekhyun comes back from his military service. Crossing fingers!
I am so glad you didn’t have bad symptoms of covid. I also loved Kyungsoo’s solo album, but second to Suho (of course, hahaha) I loved Kai’s first solo album. His 2nd solo album was good, but I really enjoy his first one.
It’s hard for me to choose certain albums for a few of my favs so I hope you don’t mind me going off their greatest hits albums. Some of my fav artists and their greatest hits albums are Bruno Mars, Keith Urban, Maroon 5, and for Taylor Swift her two albums: 1989 and Midnights.
I was very involved in the Arrow/Olicity fandom when the show was on air, but not very much these days. As for The X-Files I still love all the fandom creations (gifs, edits and fanart). They will always be my OTP of fandoms.
Were you excited about the Dr Who’s David Tennant surprise return? I think it might have broken tumblr when it happened. Hahaha! I loved him in BroadChurch.
Have a wonderful week too!
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dambit-like-gambit · 2 years
🧡 September 2022 Hyperfixations 🧡
I thought it might be fun to keep track of these things!! Why? Well, because my brain is changing so often, I feel like I lose so much of what I actually enjoyed and how quickly things changed. This is my way of documenting it for myself, but also in a fun way for the like 2 people who actually enjoy my stuff and not just the things I reblog 🤣 Anyhow, on with the content!
This was a “slow month” because it was full of yard work and homework, but, in being neurodiverse, of course I still had obsessions/hyperfixations ✌️
Good Omens by Sir Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Takin’ Over the Asylum (1994)
Doctor Who (9th and 10th specifically)
Good Omens (2019)
Broadchurch (UK version) - didn’t get far
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Attack of the Clones (2002)
Revenge of the Sith (2005) - I refused to finish this one because it’s too sad
David Tennant
Michael Sheen
Hayden Christensen
Ewan McGregor
Other Updates:
I decided to explore my gender identity / expression again!!
I “blink and you miss it” changed my name lol; I still like the name Anakin, but idk if it’s an every-day kind of name? We’ll see
I quit a job I hated after going through a long, long process of application, interview, background check, etc. for a job I think I’ll really like! It starts the first work week of October, so the initial review will be in next month’s post
For the first time since I graduated high school, I had enough money in my bank account that I actually felt proud instead of disappointed in myself
I started a new medication, and messed around with dosages, without having an anxiety attack over it (I did have attacks, just not over THAT lol)
I got a new diagnosis that actually makes sense for a lot of aspects of my existence: BPD, or BPD traits (my psych and I are of differing opinions on severity atm). So, now we’ve got GAD, ADHD, and BPD … lots of D’s for an afab person (I know, I think I’m funny)
Started a cosplay project while obsessed with Star Wars… I hope to finish it because Halloween is coming up and idk who else to be except the person I spent over $300 to look like (*cough* ALMOST-NAMESAKE *cough* ANAKIN *cough*)
Cut my hair… this should not be surprising to people who know me offline. This occurs once every 2 or so years. This time I still love it EVEN MORE nearly a month later!! That’s the new part! And, so what if it’s a mullet? Fuck off, if y’all lust after Obi-Wan while he had a mullet, why can’t someone do the same for me? 😡
Lost more weight, in a healthy way! Well… mostly. For a time I lost like 10-15 lbs in a week because I wouldn’t/couldn’t eat, but that was due to thinking I was going to lose my job, so that doesn’t count. Otherwise, I lost fat-weight and gained muscle-weight by doing yard work all month!! Yay!! (Except for the yard work part; landscaping in a desert climate sucks)
Got my wisdom teeth taken out FINALLY!! And saw a dentist for the first time since Pre-pandemic!! Woah!! — I got the teeth out because it was perfect to do so during the transition between jobs, and now I can start my Invisalign journey once I’m fully healed!
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illogicalhusbands · 5 years
cute Bill/Alec hcs
Alec is a hopeless flirt, he’s ridiculously bad at it, meanwhile Bill is about as dense as a brick wall— they never get anywhere
Bill periodically calls Alec to check up on him, of course he doesnt make it obvious that he constantly worries, “arent you a gynecologist?” “i’m a doctor” “a women’s health doctor, i’m not your patient” “im still a doctor”
Alec cant drive so Bill often picks him up to drive him to work, he says its “in the way” but Alec never brings up the obvious lie
this sometimes also happens on the way home, depending on the schedule
Alec is a picky eater, Bill chastises him because he’s already lanky and “tea isnt actually food Hardy, shut up and eat something”
Nights when Alec cant sleep and he doesnt want to bother Ellie he phones up Bill just to get away from his thoughts, Bill hardly brings up why but he lets Alec scold him for not being asleep yet
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trashboatprince · 3 years
No one asked, but I’m in the mood to write something for that Martin/Hardy au I was talking about a while back.
Just a little thing, mostly just the earlier stuff in the case Hardy is involved with and how much he doesn’t trust Martin.
Since this is through Hardy’s pov, he doesn’t know Martin’s real name, he just knows him as Clare Montgomery.
Warning: discussion of a murder, implied content of what happened but nothing really detailed or said, hints to the events of the finale for Prodigal Son (super vague though, so I’m not spoiling for anyone), pre-relationship so Hardy does NOT like Martin at all 
On with the fic!
The sight of store-bought blond locks had Hardy very tempted to just turn right back around to the car, but that wasn’t professional of a detective inspector. And Miller would just grab him by the collar of his shirt and drag him back to the crime scene.
There were already officers there, blocking off the area from the public. While they were doing this, another officer was quietly talking to Montgomery, who seemed too excited to having been the one who apparently found the body. At least, that is what Hardy was suspecting, since he doesn’t see anyone else around that wasn’t involved in the investigation.
His suspicions of the mysterious American just went up.
Ever since they first met, he didn’t trust Clare Montgomery. Which was normal for Hardy, he didn’t trust many people, but to meet a man who just moved to Broadchurch, someone who gave off an air of ‘trying too hard to be normal’, only for a brutal murder to happen shortly after his arrival?
That sure set off warning bells.
But Hardy was a professional, he was good at his job, despite the comments he had dealt with for years. He got cases solved, he did his work to the best of his abilities, and he lived under the rule of ‘everyone is a suspect until proven otherwise’. 
And that went for weird American’s with terrible choices in hair dye.
“Ah!” Montgomery turned, seeing Hardy and Miller approaching, all smiles and joy, even though the situation was not that. “Detectives! Good morning! Now, I know this looks bad, but I would like to put it out there that I am not involved in this at all, outside of having been the poor soul to stumble upon the young lady.”
“You do know that most people don’t say things like that with smiles on their faces when trying to prove they’re innocent, yes?” Miller asked, raising an eyebrow. Sometimes she was the blunt one out of the two of them, and Hardy could appreciate it. 
“Ah, well, that is true, sorry. It’s not every day you stumble upon a body while taking a morning walk, but then again, you never know what will happen in your life.” Montgomery shrugged, glancing off to where the body of the victim was.
Hardy frowned deeply. “You didn’t approach her, did you?” He asked, trying to keep level-headed about this. He was not in the mood for this cheery stranger’s weirdness today.
Or any day, really. Montgomery made him feel weird, and he didn’t understand why. Bad vibes, Daisy would say, probably. She probably has some young person term for this.
“Of course not!” The fake-blond scoffed. “Look, I’m not a novice when it comes to this sorta thing!”
This earned him a look and it seemed that Montgomery realized what he had said. “That is to say that I know not to get too close, to contaminate a crime scene. Come on, I’ve seen the television shows, and I... know a profiler.”
A look crossed Montgomery’s face, his hand twitched, shaking, until he gripped his wrist with his other hand.  
This caught Hardy’s attention, it looked bitter, the expression on the other’s face. Bitter and hurt, yet... respectful? How odd.  
“You know one?” Hardy asked, a bit curious of this.
“Yes, but rather, knew would be a better word here. We didn’t exactly part on... good terms, last we saw one another. Bad blood between us now... anyway!” The look was gone, the smile returned. “Is she another victim of your mysterious killer? Often times a killer will not just stop at one, especially if the first was planned!”
“What makes you think that this could be tied to the Thomas case?” Miller clucked her tongue, making her way towards where the body laid just off the walking path they were on, probably to talk to OSCO if Hardy had to guess. Miller was better with them anyway, Brian still didn’t care for Hardy, even after all these years.
Shitface was still used in the office, even when they knew he was within earshot. 
“Hmmm...” The American pondered, glancing once more in that direction. “If you’ll allow me, from where I’m standing, which has been the distance since I found her, you can clearly tell that she was attacked, in a similar manner to the previous victim.”
Hardy wasn’t thrilled that Montgomery knew this, but then again, the press had found out and leaked it into the news. The first victim, Sarah Thomas, had been found left off the side of a road, clearly having been attacked, with the killing blow being to her neck.
“I can see from here that her clothes are askew, and she’s covered in dirt and grass. Looks like her arms and hands show evidence of defensive wounds. I think she tried to escape.” Montgomery frowned, looking at the poor girl, only three or so meters away. 
“And from the angle of her neck, I do believe that wound is what did her in. Looks very deep, one good slice too so it had to have been with a very sharp blade and a very good hand. But this is just an assumption from someone standing a distance away, I’d be able to give you a more detailed analysis if I was allowed a closer look.” 
The DI glowered, crossing his arms. “You sound so confident that this is what happened, Montgomery.”
Montgomery turned, a knowing smile on his face, his hazel eyes bright. “Again, I knew a profiler, we talked cases together! And, if it helps, I was once a doctor, detective, the things I’ve seen could fill a few academic journals. Oh, and please, call me Clare.”
“Alright then.” The other shrugged, but his tone suggested he was going to insist that Hardy would call him that one day. Not bloody likely. “I suppose you want to get a statement from me as well, since you two are in charge of this, especially if it’s tied to the previous attack?”
Hardy didn’t like how much of this seemed so familiar to the so-called doctor. There was something about Clare Montgomery that had Hardy’s hackles raised, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
Maybe one day this will get made into a full fic, I’m really into it (though I know it will not have a happy ending).
If anyone wants to see more, you guys can request stuff of me, I’m always happy to write drabbles and one-shots.
(This has been sitting in my drafts since July, I tweaked a few things, but this is mainly what was written from start to finish. I actually still like this idea, maybe I could do more one-shots in the future, maybe a doodle or two, this ship barely had any content for it and that’s a shame!) 
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sexydeathparty · 2 years
Jonathan Bailey: 11 Roles You May Not Have Known He Played Before Bridgerton
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After capturing our attention (and, let’s be honest, hearts) during the first season of Bridgerton, Jonathan Bailey is about to blow up big time as he takes the lead in the hit Netflix show’s second season.
It’s safe to say that the British star is having a real moment right now. Not only is he taking a central role in Bridgerton’s second season, but you can catch him in action on stage in the West End in a revival of Cock, having previously won an Olivier for his performance in Company just a few years ago.
But don’t go thinking Jonathan is some kind of “overnight sensation”. The acclaimed actor has been putting in hard graft for years now, popping up in all kinds of shows you might not have realised.
Here are just a handful of roles he played before Bridgerton came calling…
Baddiel’s Syndrome (2001)
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Jonathan made his start as a child actor, playing David Baddiel’s on-screen son Josh in the short-lived Sky sitcom Baddiel’s Syndrome.
Definitely one to be filed under the “has not aged well” category, an ongoing plotline saw the central character “worrying” that his son is gay based on his “interests” and the fact he’s “delicate” and “sensitive for his age”. 
Five Children And It (2004)
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After roles in the TV movies Alice Through The Looking Glass and Bright Hair, Jonathan crossed over to the big screen in 2004, when he was still in his teens.
He shared the screen with Kenneth Branagh, Zoe Wannamaker and fellow child star Freddie Highmore in the family film Five Children And It, playing Cyril.
Doctors (2007)
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Like pretty much every other future A-list actor in Britain, Jonathan made an appearance in the daytime soap Doctors. In his episode, he played a teenager with a heart condition who was feeling smothered by his overprotective mum.
And if you want more thing to cross off your “obligatory British TV shows” bingo card, he followed this up a year later with a short stint in The Bill.
Leonardo (2011)
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One of Jonathan’s first leading roles was in the CBBC series Leonardo. As the title suggests, he played a teenage Leonardo DaVinci growing up in 15th-century Florence.
The show ended in 2012 after two seasons. 
Me And Mrs Jones (2012)
Around this time he appeared in the BBC comedy Me And Mrs Jones playing the son of Gemma Jones and Neil Morrissey’s characters.
Check out the above clip to watch him and The Umbrella Academy’s Robert Sheehan trying to chat up a pre-fame Emily Atack.
Broadchurch (2013)
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If you’ve been wondering for a while where you recognise Jonathan Bailey from but you’ve never quite been able to put your finger on it, there’s every chance it’s from Broadchurch.
Like fellow cast members Jodie Whittaker and Phoebe Waller-Bridge, he was part of the the ITV police drama just before making it big. He played Olivia Colman’s nephew, the ambitious reporter Olly Stevens, in the first two series of Broadchurch.
W1A (2013)
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Jonathan has appeared in all three series of this cult BBC comedy, which takes the form of a mockumentary set at Broadcasting House.
His character was initially a supporting role, but was bumped up to the main cast for the most recent two seasons.
Doctor Who (2014)
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That’s right, Jonathan Bailey was actually in an episode of Doctor Who, too. 
He portrayed “augmented” human Psi during the eighth series, sharing the screen with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman.
Crashing (2016)
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Just a few short months before Fleabag took the world by storm, Phoebe Waller-Bridge starred as Lulu in the Channel 4 sitcom Crashing, which she also co-wrote.
The show centred around a group of people living together as “property guardians” in a disused London hospital, with Jonathan playing Lulu’s sexually-charged friend Sam.
Chewing Gum (2017)
When Chewing Gum returned for its second season in 2017, Jonathan joined the cast as the seemingly-suave Ash, a new love interest for Tracey, played by Michaela Coel, who also created and wrote the show.
However, Ash eventually gets his comeuppance when Tracey discovers that not only is he married with children, he’s going out with her to fulfil a fetish.
Final Fantasy XIV (2019)
And finally, it’s not just appearances in film and TV that Jonathan can boast.
In 2019, he voiced G’raha Tia in the Final Fantasy expansion pack Shadowbringers, and even reprised the role for the 2021 follow-up Endwalker.
Later this year, you’ll also hear him among the all-star cast of the new video game Squadron 42.
Bridgerton’s second season will be available to stream on Netflix from Friday 25 March.
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What's New On Netflix In March 2022? Here Are Our Top 10 Picks Of Shows And Films To Watch
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Jonathan Bailey Reveals The Unexpected Prop Used In Bridgerton Sex Scenes
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Lorraine Kelly Left Red-Faced After X-Rated Blunder During Bridgerton Interview
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spill-that-anxietea · 2 years
Hey. Fellow Whovians, help a girl out.
I LOVE Doctor Who, okay? I love it SO much. I have for years.
But, I haven’t kept up with it. Fell off about half way through Capaldi’s run. Just didn’t have the time. School, life, the works. I’ve finished Twelve’s series now, but.
I’m absolutely terrified to start Jodi’s run. Not because I think Jodi will be a bad Doctor or anything, I’ve seen bits and pieces and I occasionally stick my nose in the fandom just to see what’s going on, and I genuinely think Jodi does a good job with the character. Plus, I love her from Broadchurch. Jodi is great and I have the utmost confidence that she will deliver.
What I am afraid of is Chibnall’s writing. I’ve heard whispers of him fucking up the lore. Someone in a comment section said something about a “Pre-Hartnell Doctor” what the fuck does that mean? What the FUCK does that mean?
I didn’t like the addition of The War Doctor in the 50th, but I begrudgingly accepted it, because for the most part it didn’t screw with the established canon (50 years worth of fucking canon). But, I’m literally terrified of Chibs deciding he can do whatever the fuck he wants and just pull Doctor incarnations out of his ass. Hartnell is the first. He will always be the first.
Can someone please explain/defend this whole Fugitive Doctor situation to me, please? Can you explain to me how this doesn’t ruin the canon? Can you explain to me that it’s worth watching? Can you tell me it doesn’t absolutely decimate almost 60 years worth of lore. Please. I’m open to change my opinion, but I need someone to help me understand.
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the-obsession-ship · 4 years
Why don't I ever see anyone on here talking about Blackpool? It features a pre-broadchurch David Tennant that mostly eats and sweeps a house wife off her feet, it even includes the characters breaking out into (occasionally awkward) musical renditions! I fucking love it!!!
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