#pre slash sterek
audhd-nightwing · 8 months
how the scene should’ve gone
derek: i will rip your throat out. with my teeth.
stiles: …that’s kinda hot, dude.
derek: *confused silence*
stiles: anyway. to deaton’s i guess.
(stiles literally does not care that he said that bc derek is hot that’s just a fact of life. and derek is sitting there like ‘what just happened’)
derek: i will rip your throat out. with my teeth.
stiles: woah, kinky.
derek: *glares*
stiles: okay, okay, jeez. you have no sense of humor, dude.
derek: maybe you’re just not funny.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 8 months
Oh my God. 
Their faces are suddenly so close. Like, so very, very close. 
Stiles tries to tamper down his nerves (completely unsuccessfully, of fucking course) by taking a much-needed breath.
He then stammers out the words, "I've, uh, I've, I've never, um—"
Calm. The fuck. Down. 
"It's the same as it is with a girl, Stiles," Derek says, all matter-of-factly as if they're not just about to kiss.
Holy fucking shit!
"Just… hairier," the big guy adds.
Stiles wets his lips and nods and states, “Because you're a boy," oh, so intelligently. "I mean, y'know..."
"A m-man."
One of Derek's thick eyebrows slowly climbs his forehead, face looking as if the haughty display should be taken as some sort of admonishment and it is so fucking hot that Stiles's ridiculous dick jumps for joy inside of his khakis.
"Actually, I'm neither," says the dude who would put any of the Greek Gods to shame and he flashes that rare, toothy, wicked-sexy smile.
Then Derek shifts and growls, "I'm a werewolf," before licking the gasp right out of Stiles's mouth.
for @greyhavenisback (and now i really must try and go back to sleep, zoiks!)
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fic-ive-read · 1 year
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Link To The Fic
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ravewulf · 9 months
First and Last Lines
Rules: Go through your last 5 completed works and share the first and last lines without context
Tagged by @handsofred
Power Transfer (Derek/Stiles, Derek/Peter/Stiles, Teen Wolf, T)
First line: It was a pleasant evening and, in Peter’s opinion, going out for Italian was a fitting choice to get Derek and Stiles to finally stop dancing around each other (they may not have been sharing a plate of spaghetti but close enough).
Last line: It seemed they were going to have a very interesting relationship going forward.
Expanding the Church (Derek/Peter/Stiles, Teen Wolf, E)
First line: “Why did I let you talk me into this?” Derek asked as two mouths kissed and licked their way across his ass.
Last line: Maybe he should convert to their religion after all.
Fight, Fuck, Love? (Derek/Peter, Teen Wolf, E)
First line: Things were different between him and Derek after he came back from the dead - not that the others noticed.
Last line: And that’s exactly what they did.
Hollow Moon (Derek/Peter/Stiles, Teen Wolf, G, temporary character death)
First line: Derek was dead and Stiles couldn't…
Last line: It was a start.
The Shirt (Derek/Peter/Stiles, Teen Wolf, T)
First line: “What are you wearing?” Derek asked as Peter walked into the room.
Last line: With his teeth.
Huh. Not as much porn as I was expecting. I really do need to work on completing my WIPs and drafts 😅
Tagging @athenadark if you want to do yours but no pressure if you don’t 😊
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whimsicalmeerkat · 2 years
show your world to me by whimsicalmeerkat
On AO3
“I’m pretty sure no one is supposed to look that grumpy at the beach, Sourwolf.” Derek turned his head to the side where Stiles was applying sunscreen for the fifth time in three hours. Who knew the one thing that could get Stiles Stilinski to keep track of time was fear of sunburn? Derek really didn’t anticipate this conversation when the pack decided to go to the beach.
Written for the 30PlusFanfic Prompt Channel Fics collection for the prompt "crash". No beta this time.
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Hi! I saw you had an ask about feral!Derek. In case you're looking for recs, my fave feral!Derek fic by far is Wolf in the House, by JoeLawson (links forbidden, sorry); it's from Derek's POV; it has a traumatized wolf-form Derek who goes to live with the Stilinskis, a decent amount of Sheriff, pre-slash sterek (iirc it's vague enough that you can read it as romantic or friendship depending on what you like), and a fair bit of angst.
This is a great one!
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Wolf in the House by JoeLawson
(1/1 I 33,481 I Mature I Sterek)
“What? It’s totally an improvement. He’s not scowling, or dating bad guys, or slinking around in unsanitary places. Still a bit paranoid, but what can you do. At least he’s a lot easier to get along with when you can buy his affections with ear rubs.”
“And you always wanted a dog,” Sheriff added wryly.
“And I always wanted a dog.”
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aleisha-potter · 1 year
So, I had to write some fix-it. I had to write my head canon out... make this fuckery make sense. And this was born. Just a drabble. Just a beginning but I have plans to expand. To go more in depth into my head canon of where Eli comes from as well as how we're gonna bring Derek back and make Sterek endgame. 🤣🤣 but for now, here is a hopeful little start. Warning: mpreg (but no underage sex! No developed sterek relationship... call it pre-sterek lol)
Once More Into the Abyss
Stiles stared down at the phone in his hands.  His dad's text and subsequent phone call were still running circles in his head. He had been rushing back to Beacon Hills as soon as the word Nogitsune had made it down the grapevine to him.  But he hadn't made it in time. He sat at his old childhood dining table.  The house was quiet, everyone still on their way, and he was thankful for a few moments to gather his thoughts.
His mind wandered.  Back to the beginning… or the end, really.  
When is a door not a door?
Let me in, Stiles…
He shook his head to clear the voice… the one that still sometimes haunted his sleep.  Had they known exactly what that open door would let in, would he have done anything different?  He looked down at the screensaver on his phone, an old pic of him and his dad.  He looked up at the mantel, the pictures there.  His eyes zeroed in on one he hadn't expected.  Derek and Eli with the Jeep.  No.  He wouldn't have done anything different.
They should have guessed the Nogitsune wouldn't have been the only thing that came out of Jennifer's reign of terror.  No, it could never be as simple as one ancient bad guy, there always had to be something else.  He let his mind wander while he waited for everyone.
They should have expected it.  He shouldn't have been surprised when his symptoms didn't disappear fully after they trapped the Nogitsune.  His body still ached.  He was exhausted.  He couldn't eat, couldn't keep anything down.  He had trouble sleeping.  Of course this nightmare wasn't over.  But what Deaton and Melissa figured out?  It sent his head reeling.  It messed with him even more than possession by a 1000 year old fox demon.  Because the answer? Wasn't black and white.  Excising the thing growing in him wasn't an easy choice.  For once… the thing in him wasn't evil.  It just was.  And the look on Derek's face when Deaton told him?  Stiles knew it would haunt him for the rest of his life if he let them rip it out.
Stiles's phone dinged, a text from his dad that they were about 15 minutes out.  Good.  He'd wasted enough time.  He stood up and moved to the kitchen, digging around for something to make to keep his hands busy while his mind wandered again.
Jennifer Blake, though evil and psychotic, had apparently had a small speck of morality or heart in her.  Had she wanted to carry Derek's child out of love or as a way to insure control of the Alpha, who knew, but in the end, she had at least not allowed the child she carried to perish at the Nemeton with her.  As she lay bleeding and clinging to the Nemeton, as Peter slashed her throat out, her magic had surged and found a willing host clinging to the same roots.  Stiles often questioned why him, why not Allison or Melissa… hell, why not Issac? But really, he knew that answer.  Jennifer's magic knew.  It knew Stiles was the only one who would hesitate when the choice came to purge the thing growing inside.
Stiles finished stirring the tea and set the pitcher on the table along with some glasses, his eyes straying up to the picture on the mantel again.  
The sheriff had pulled his gun, Derek had looked horrified, his hands up in defense, or maybe surrender, but he hadn't made any move to stop the sheriff if he had decided to shoot.  Probably his always present guilt that screamed that even if he hadn't touched Stiles, this was still his fault.  There had been yelling and demands.  Stiles had had to say it three times to be heard.  "Leave it alone…"  The shocked look his father gave him, the painful confusion from Derek, and the knowing peaceful look from Deaton should all have been expected.  But it was the shot of yearning in Derek's eyes when Deaton had told them that Stiles would never be able to forget.  And it was that look that had him telling his dad, yes, he wanted to go through with this.  Derek yearned for family… for pack.  And Stiles could give him this.  He could carry Derek's disturbing love child he and his psychotic girlfriend had created.  His body had been stolen and used against his will to take life… now it could be used to give life.
Stiles stepped closer to the mantel, his eyes glued to the teen who stood in front of the Jeep Derek was working on, a playful smirk aimed at the camera.  God… he looked like him.  But then, he and Jennifer had shared some physical similarities.  Maybe another reason her magic chose him…
He didn't look like Jennifer.  He didn't even look much like Derek.  When they laid Eli (Stiles refused to think too much on the name Derek had chosen) on his chest right after he was born, his body still aching and burning from something it shouldn't have been able to do, he had been shocked by how much he looked like him.  Deaton and Melissa had been messing with something between his legs he refused to think about as he had just stared down at the red body squirming on his chest.  His hands had come up to curl around the small baby.  The one good thing that had come from the nightmare of the last year.  New life.  Untouched by the evil that haunted Beacon Hills.  Derek's large hand had moved to cover the baby's back and Stiles could see how it trembled.  The moment had lasted barely any time at all before Melissa was covering Eli with a blanket, rubbing him and picking him up (when had the cord been cut?) and handing him to Derek and Stiles felt a moment of panic.  But that was the plan.  Had always been the plan.  He was 17.  The whole concept of carrying a baby was enough of a head rush without even contemplating anything beyond that.  Eli wasn't his either.  He was Derek's.  Stiles was just the magical incubator.  For eight months though, he had talked to the thing growing inside of him.  There was a bond there, even if Stiles was trying to forget that.  Magic had turned his body upside down and inside out to let it do this.  Maybe it conjured these feelings, too, and they would fade as the magic left his body now that Eli was safely delivered into his father's arms.
Stiles jumped when he heard the front door slam.  He turned and his stomach twisted when his dad walked in.  He was covered in blood and mud and soot.  The smell of ash and burning flesh was heavy around him and it made Stiles's stomach churn.  
"Hey Dad," he choked out, years of fear for his dad making his feet rush across the room to throw his arms around the sheriff.
"Hey, kiddo," his dad greeted, his voice full of grief.  The pain stabbed Stiles straight in the chest.  He heard the door open again and glanced up, feeling his stomach turn as Eli walked in next, looking so lost and alone, followed by Lydia, Jackson, Peter and Malia.  Good.  They had all come.  Or at least the ones he needed.  (Minus Jackson.  But that lizard always seemed to be around when Lydia was so… whatever)
He pulled back from the hug and turned to face Eli.  He had seen the kid a few times since Derek left Beacon Hills right after he was born, right before Stiles's senior year.  His dad sent pictures sometimes, little snippets.  But Stiles's feelings about that were… complicated.  Eli wasn't his… but sometimes… sometimes he felt a pull he couldn't explain.  Looking at him now, the messy hair, the plaid shirt.  His face… the smattering of small moles… maybe they should have done the genetic testing.  Maybe some part of Stiles had been given to the baby inside of him.  Maybe he hadn't just been an incubator.
He nodded, then looked away.  There would be time to think about that, to deal with it later.  His eyes zeroed in on Lydia.  She swallowed.  That was another issue he wasn't ready to touch on.  But regardless of his feelings and how that particular nightmare ended, he needed her.
He turned and walked back to the dining table, nodding at the tea that he was sure no one really wanted.  "We need to talk," he started as the small pack of people circled the table.
He looked right at Lydia again.  "The ritual you used to bring back Allison.  To bring back Peter. How does it work?" He asked, no beating around the bush.
"Dude.  You're not actually thinking about…"
Stiles snapped his glare to Jackson, shutting him up mid sentence.  
"You got to come back.  Peter got to come back.  Fucking Kate Argent and Adrian Harris got to come back!  Derek gets to come back," he told him, his voice firm and resolute.  His eyes strayed back to Lydia's, passing Eli on the way.  He didn't miss the grief stricken look of hope the kid was giving him.
"Lydia, the ritual. Now," he demanded. Amd she began to talk.
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crab-instruments · 8 months
Snippet of a potential fic
Just This One Time
Teen Wolf x Supernatural crossover
a/n: It's been a long time since I've really written anything, even with ideas floating around. I've been rewatching Teen Wolf and it's my current, stupid obsession. Reading other people's fics, I kept thinking about how I would want a crossover to play out, but never finding one I liked. Hell, I don't even care about Supernatural but I found myself researching Polish rock bands for Dean and Sam's identities for a scene where Stiles would point out they can't say the Polish names right, so I started to just write. I don't know if I'll actually finish this but I am posting it more for myself as accountability (though if people like it, that would be encouraging). Not sure of a pairing and if there is one, it'll likely be pre-slash but Sterek since Stiles will be one of the main narrators.
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Stiles knew something was up the moment he laid eyes in the two men dressed in suits, parading around the sheriff’s station as FBI agents. He didn’t need werewolf senses to know these two were sketchy. Sheriff Stilinski, his very cruel flesh and blood, had kicked Stiles out of his office when the two had arrived and introduced themselves. It was like the Sheriff didn’t trust his own son with information about high priority cases.
The officers in the room ignored Stiles as he sank quietly to his knees in front of the door, pressing his ear against the door. They were quite used to Stiles snooping and it was always better to ignore the teenager because dealing with him was much more work.
While he was uncomfortable in the position, Stiles didn’t dare move. He didn’t want to create any noise that could bring attention to himself, forcing the Sheriff to kick him out further. It was at moments like this he really envied his furry friends, unable to hear much through the door. The teenager focused a little harder and his efforts were rewarded.
Agent Ciechowski and Agent Ciesielski.
Stiles barely heard the names through the door but it was hard for him to mistake Polish names. Not with an abomination like his first name. Other phrases like ‘animal attacks’ and ‘claw related injuries’ seeped through the door. He couldn’t hear anything else though, as Deputy Parrish yanked him away from the door by the collar of his shirt.
“Hey! Hey! Don’t stretch the shirt out, man! Come on!” The sound of his sneakers squeaked in the bustling room and his arms flailed wildly as he attempted to stand under Parrish’s grip.
“Stiles, I heard the Sheriff tell you to go home, so you should get going. You’re already on thin ice.” Deputy Parrish was young, competent, and well acquainted with the teenager’s shenanigans. He heard enough from the Sheriff and observed the rest with his own eyes.
Stiles faced the deputy, trying to convey his uneasiness with the several expressions flittering across his face in seconds. His brain worked quickly to figure out how he could convince Parrish to help him. “But…! Parrish, don’t they seem weird? They don’t give off an ‘FBI’ vibe. Something is off about them.” To drive the point home, Stiles shifted his weight from foot to foot, uneasy.
Parrish considered the words for a moment, deciphering if this was Stiles’ instincts hitting the mark once again, or it if this was Stiles’ usual brand of bullshit and he was just trying to stick his nose where it didn’t belong. “Why do you think that?” He questioned, lowering his voice and leaning into the teenager’s space to make the conversation more private.
His mouth in a thin line, Stiles eyes scanned the room for answers. “Well, it’s just… I have a feeling.”
“A feeling?”
“Yeah. A feeling. Can’t you see it? About their…” Stiles gestured wildly with his arms, “everything?”
The deputy frowned, almost disappointed in the kid. He expected a better excuse. Parrish straightened his posture and put his hands on his tactical belt. “Go home, Stiles. I’ll keep an eye on them, and I promise, if I see anything suspicious—“
“You’ll tell me?”
“—I’ll talk to your father, the Sheriff of Beacon Hills and my boss, and I’ll share our concerns.”
An exasperated sigh escaped the teenager. Without Parrish on his side, there wasn’t much else he could do at the station. Stiles would have to go do research on his own, possibly give Danny a call and somehow bribe him to break the law again. Had Danny hacked the FBI database before? Maybe if Stiles presented it as a challenge, it could work.
Stiles made his way to his Jeep in the parking lot, but stopped abruptly when he saw a vintage car he didn’t recognize parked a few spots away. Beacon Hills wasn’t that big; he’d have recognized that car if he had seen it before. The only black, noteworthy car in this town was Derek’s Camaro. Therefore, this had to be the car the FBI agents rolled up in. Looking around to make sure there wasn’t eyes on him, Stiles pulled out his phone and took pictures of the car, making sure to get the license plate number to check out later. He noted that the plates were from Kansas and there was nothing signifying that this was a government vehicle.
The Jeep pulled out of the parking lot quickly, much on the teenagers mind.
Opening his laptop, Stiles typed in the first agents name, Ciechowski, into Google. The name sounded familiar, possibly from his mom telling stories of her Polish friends. When the results popped up, Stiles squinted. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it sure wasn’t the bio of a Polish rock star. The band, Republika, sounded familiar but Stiles couldn’t place why.
Digging a bit more, he found the band’s website. Stiles opened the page and couldn’t stop himself from playing one of the songs, Bikini Death.
The staccato notes from the guitar played through his speakers and Stiles realized why he recognized the singer. The band Grzegorz Ciechowski was a part of was one his mom used to play for him when he was younger, to connect him with his heritage. She had told the story of how she saw them live once and cried when Grzegorz had died.
The memories of his mother ripped a scar open inside his chest, but he couldn’t stop now.
It all came together when Stiles read the names of the band members. One in particular stood out.
Sławomir Ciesielski.
The FBI agents had taken their identities from the Polish rock band. It was what Stiles needed to confirm his suspicions.
These two men were likely hunters checking up on the werewolf population of Beacon Hills.
Here's a link to the song, Bikini Death by Republika. There is a Polish version, but I like this remastered version. The title is a line from the song. Mamona and Psy Pawłowa were runner ups.
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My gods, it's been weeks, so sorry. I've been running and re-reading fics I've recced here several times, so I figured I would wait until I had something new.
So here we go!
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*Tantrum- ClewingforLooks
23k, 8/8, Drag Queens, Sherlock in heels, Johnlock, Cool Donovan, Awesome Greg Lestrade, Drag Club, Hurt/Comfort, Uncle Rudy, TW: HOMOPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA though minor and not graphic
As gay men turn up dead in the West End, a serial murder case takes a personal turn that exposes a hidden part of Sherlock's life and leaves John reevaluating their relationship.
*A Dogmatic Pursuit - sapphosappies
4k, 1/1, Angst, Fluff, Child Abuse, Christmas, Pre-Slash, Dogs, Implied/Repherenced Homophobia
A case turns personal, forcing Sherlock to confront his feelings regarding John, dogs, Christmas, and himself. (Featuring Sherlock finding himself a new furry flatmate!)
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*Silent Watch - clouds_in_jars
12k, 12/12, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Peter Hale, Laura Hale, Alternate Universe - Hunger Games Fusion. A MASTERPIECE
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5... The boy from Ten is hunched on a pedestal two spaces to his left. Isaac, he recalls. One of the few names he remembers.
*On the End of the Line - darkmages
2k, 1/1, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Phone Calls, STUNNING
After Derek left, Stiles tried to call just to check in. When he didn't get an answer, he kept calling anyway.
*The One Where They Adopt a Selkie - mikkimouse
7k, 1/1, Sterek, Selkies, Kid Fic, Domestic, Scott McCall, SO SOFT
"That's a kid," Stiles said.
Derek growled. "It's a selkie."
"It's a selkie kid," Stiles pointed out, because really, they did not need to be arguing semantics right now. "Do selkies just go around leaving their kids sleeping in caves on the beach?"
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thebigoblin · 2 years
🥰 #10 "I give you permission...." for Sterek please!!
Hey! Thank you so much @princecharmingwinks for the prompt ❤️ Sorry for having taken so long (and I promise to others that I'm working on your prompts too, it's just slow going progress!), but I hope you like this!!!
This is written for my 300 followers celebration thing, from this list I believe. (I saw the “I give you permission” and I ran with it... it wasn’t until I was finished that I realized that wasn’t the prompt at all! I’m going to write that one too tho, because the prompt is so sweet, just not sure when). 
This has also been posted on AO3 (for registered users) if that's more your style.
Relevant Tags: Angst With a Hopeful Ending, Pre-Slash, Self Love, (not the sexual kind), Flower Symbolisms, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Stiles Stilinski Is a Nice Thing
Achingly Infinite
Never let it be said that Stiles Stilinski is prone to giving up easily.
Derek has known Stiles for, fuck, nearly six years at this point, and still he is entranced by Stiles' entire being. Every time he sees the human — now with a magical prowess that matches Derek's own level of comfort in his wolf skin, and he's a born werewolf — there is something new to behold. Skill, idea, movements, tattoos, a new facet of his personality — Stiles.
He's so much, means too much, and Derek is scared of the day he'll lose him.
Derek knows he's not relationship material. Unless he's being exploited, he's not worthy of being loved, and he believes this so wholeheartedly that when he sees Stiles look at him with that look, the soft look with his eyelashes fanning over tawny eyes, lips stretching into a smile, face and scent lighting up with happiness... he bolts.
He only has enough time to register the beginning of the souring of Stiles' scent before he's far away from the diner he and Stiles were supposed to meet at for lunch. Only then does he relax, and unlike normal people who would be ecstatic at knowing their love is reciprocated, he tries to come up with ways he can make Stiles hate him.
It's either that, or him destroying Stiles' life. And given any circumstance, he'll always, always choose the former.
Even though it will hurt. Will make him want to claw and cry and curl up in his bed. But that's the kind of love he has for Stiles — protective, overbearing. So much and so achingly infinite that his pain barely feels like pain when it's Stiles he's saving. Caring for, even in his own backwards way.
Derek isn't stupid. He knows this isn't healthy, isn't okay for him, but this is for Stiles.
For Stiles.
Derek manages to avoid Stiles for exactly a week before he's being cornered at the Sheriff's station, John himself standing guard outside his office while Stiles makes Derek stay with a flick of his hands. It's like being in a mountain ash circle, except there's no grey powder, or a circle.
"I thought this was an emergency," Derek utters when it's clear he's lost, that he's going to have to face this song if he wants the chance to dance the way he's planned meticulously over the past seven days.
Stiles fixes his steely, purple eyes on him. "It is," he agrees, "My Alpha isn't talking to me. That's a cause for concern, isn't it?"
Derek tries his best to not give anything away. Before he met Stiles' observant eyes, he used to have a mask so absolute he could have won billions in a poker game, but with each second spent with Stiles, he's lost it. Or perhaps Stiles has just gotten good with reading Derek, just as Derek has gotten good at reading Stiles.
He hopes to anyone listening above that he manages to pull the words, "Maybe he got sick of you," out so convincingly that Stiles will be hurt, will start hating him again, like he did when they first met. But all Stiles does is laugh, a hysterical, unbelieving sort of laugh, and Derek is confused. But he doesn't let it show. He scoffs. Says with enough contempt, "This. I tell you something, anything, and all you do is mock me. Ever think that's not what I need? That I need someone who respects my decisions and does exactly what I say?"
Stiles stops laughing abruptly. His eyes are their usual color now, a bright golden in the streaming sunlight from the window, his hair a wild mess, like he's been stressing out, pulling on his hair all day long.
Stiles says, "That's not what you want," and Derek bares his teeth.
"You don't know what I want, Stiles." I want you. But I can't have you.
"You want me." Startled, Derek lets his half-shift fade away, cursing himself mentally for being stupid and saying it out loud. He's been so careful these past years but now—
"Relax, you didn't say it out loud. And no, I didn't read your mind. I can't do the Charles Xavier thing, and you know that, Derek."
Derek rolls his eyes, and before he can stop himself, says, "If you wanted to, you could." Stiles smiles at him, and it's the first one since Stiles captured him in his father's office. The realization makes Derek's gut churn with anxiety, of having given up on his master plan to make Stiles hate him so easily.
Whenever he's with Stiles, his walls turn to dust, but this is ridiculous even for his standards.
Stiles seems to catch each one of his thoughts, because his smile keeps growing until it's a legitimate grin, so beautiful and breathtaking that Derek has trouble moving his eyes away. He just stands there, near the windows, in his jogging clothes — yoga pants and a tank top — staring at Stiles.
"You want me," Stiles repeats, and moves closer. Derek is frozen in his spot, sweaty palms at his side, his own heartbeat a war cry in his ears. "You've wanted me for a long time, Derek Hale... perhaps as long as I have you. But you already knew that, didn't you?" Derek doesn't nod, doesn't do anything in response to the fact. Stiles has stopped just a little away from him, enough that he's not encroaching so much on Derek's space. He continues, "I respect you. I don't always respect your decisions, because frankly sometimes they're just too careless, but I respect you, so I didn't say anything for the longest time. I figured you would come to me when it was the right time for you, but... it's been so long, Der." Stiles' voice breaks at those words, and instinctively, Derek brings up his arms to hug Stiles close to himself. Stiles doesn't resist.
Derek thinks about how to reply to that. To the newfound knowledge that not only Stiles loves him back, but that he's known for who knows how long that Derek loves him back, too. And Stiles has been waiting for him to further their relationship into the romantic territory, because it's Stiles, the one person who knows Derek best, especially his relationship with boundaries in general. He thinks about it, replaying the words Stiles spoke just now over and over, and finally, comes to a reply that is satisfactory, at least to him.
Stiles pulls back just as Derek opens his mouth, his face expectant and a little embarrassed.
Derek says, "I think you just answered your question."
Stiles' scent had never truly lost the tinge of anger, and at his words it rises again, like a wave in the ocean, rising with the pull of the moon. "What?" Stiles shouts, mouth twisting. "What the fuck does that even mean? Here I am, pouring my heart out, and you're pulling a Deaton!"
The comparison makes Derek's lips quirk upwards, but he pushes the feeling down, instead letting his eyes wander down to the wooden flooring of the Sheriff's office. He can still hear John's heartbeat outside, as well as a few officers, and he wonders what excuse John has given his officers in regards to all the noise coming from this room.
"Don't you smirk, douchebag. Answer me! I didn't plan this ambush for nothing, and unless I get some—"
Taking in a deep breath, his eyes still downcast, he says, "You said, 'your plans are careless,' and that's true. And that's where your answer lies." He looks up, and finds Stiles' confused face just inches from his own, the spark having moved forward further in his anger. Licking his lips, he explains, "You know me better than anyone, Stiles."
Stiles' face goes through a lot of expressions as he parses the meaning of Derek's unsaid words; confusion, more confusion, thoughtful, sad, anger, more anger, then sad again, livid, and the most damning of all... heartbreak.
"Derek..." Stiles says, voice so low it's almost impossible to hear. They stare at each other for who knows how long, and when Stiles finally unfreezes enough to come forward further, Derek steps back. Stiles' magic isn't stopping him, so he moves as far away as possible, stands at the door to drive home the point that he's done with this conversation.
He stares at the blindingly bright sky visible through the window as he says, "I don't deserve good things, Stiles."
As he leaves, he's grateful Stiles doesn't follow him.
Let it be said again: Stiles does not give up easily.
The day after the ambush at the police station, which he isn't exactly sure how either of the Stilinski’s pulled off, Derek gets a bouquet of flowers delivered to the Hale house. At first he thinks it's for one of the betas, so he picks it up from the porch — the smell of the daffodils overpowers the scent of the human, and it's so strong that Derek sneezes twice — and puts it on the center of the dining table. It looks good on the mahogany table, and after searching it for any cards at all, which he doesn't find, he shrugs and heads for his daily jog.
It's the one thing that takes his mind off of things easily, so he doesn't dare miss it. As he leaves he calls out to Boyd and Erica, "There's a bouquet here for you!"
They call out in confusion, but Derek doesn't turn back around. He figures it must be for Isaac or Cora or Jackson.
He doesn't realize how wrong he is until he's picking up the fifth bouquet of daffodils off of his porch on the fifth consecutive day, the gifts devoid of any name of the person who is sending them. But by the fifth day, Derek has a pretty good guess who it might be.
He hasn't been to Stiles' house for days now, for good reason, but he's a wolf on a mission. So he swings inside Stiles' bedroom through his perpetually unlocked window, takes one whiff of the room, and flashes his eyes red at the spark sitting innocently on his desk chair, arranging the sixth bouquet.
"I told you—"
"You told me, and I quote, 'I don't deserve good things, Stiles.' And see, I can't just accept that. You should know, because as I've also told you, I love you." Derek looks away from Stiles' beautiful face, and Stiles tsks. "Oops. I said I wanted you, right? Eh, same thing. I want you, I love you. I love you, I want you. Anyways. What was I saying?"
Stiles says the words as easily as he's breathing air. Like loving Derek isn't a chore, isn't a part of a well executed plan that he needs to play perfectly for some ulterior motive. Like loving Derek is just... a thing that happens, one Stiles loves that it has happened.
It's too much, so much for him, and he just wants to leave. Wants to push Stiles away so that he doesn't end up making Stiles bleed with him. But he's transfixed, as he always is when he's watching Stiles; his fingers work quickly, deftly as he plucks away the extra leaves on the stems, the little blue bow adjusting nicely on the bunch as Stiles lowers it inside the little plastic, then the vase.
Derek takes said vase numbly when Stiles hands it to him. "Since you're already here," Stiles explains.
Derek wants to ask why Stiles loves him. How can he love him? Doesn't he see how Derek destroys everything he loves? But instead of all that he asks, "Why flowers? Daffodils, specifically?"
Stiles beams and excitedly tells him, "Daffodils symbolize new beginnings! And I wanted you to start a new journey. It seemed fitting. So." Stiles shrugs, like it makes perfect sense.
"Stiles," Derek says, pained. "I can't—" I can't ruin you, is what he wants to say. "I can't."
Stiles' beam turns into a small smile; a little sad, a little encouraging, and all Stiles. "I know," he says like he heard what Derek couldn't say, "I know. I had other plans for you, actually."
Stiles' heart stays steady, so Derek forces himself to ask, "What did you have in mind?"
Stiles' hands wrap around Derek's, both their hands wrapped around the vase. New beginnings, Derek hears in Stiles' voice, at the same time Stiles says, "The most important journey is the journey of loving one's own self. I want that for you, Derek. I want you to love yourself, so that one day—"
"I can love you and not be afraid of it?"
Stiles' smiles brightens as he admits, "I'd like that." Derek can't help but smile at thought: In a distant future, when he'll be Stiles' and Stiles will be his, and he won't feel bad about it. "But more than that, I want you to love yourself because I want you to see that you deserve good things. Things that you want."
They stare at each other for a moment, Derek's eyes following Stiles' tongue as it darts around to wet Stiles' lips. In that split second, Derek thinks about leaning forward, the vase being crushed between them as they kiss. He thinks of not waiting for who knows how long for the day he can call Stiles his, for going in right now and never resurfacing. But then he flicks his gaze back up and into Stiles' eyes, which are earnest and fond, bright and beseeching.
Stiles wants Derek, but he wants Derek to believe he deserves Stiles in the first place. Because if Derek is being honest, Stiles is the nicest thing he can have — if only Stiles will have him back in return.
And Derek wants whatever will make Stiles happy.
So he says, "Okay," and cradles the vase carefully in his arms.
"Is that you giving me permission to do whatever it takes to make you love yourself?"
Derek doesn't know what the future holds, but he does know that Stiles won't ever lead him astray, so he agrees readily. "I give you permission to do anything to make me love myself." He frowns. "But no Disney movies marathon. Last Christmas was more than enough."
Stiles' laughter follows Derek all the way home, the vase of Daffodils held gently against his arms.
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Down the Rabbit Hole
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52374565 by awrenawry Stiles knows his dad can't see the body from this angle, but it'll be only a moment longer before he comes around the side of the Toyota. There's no time to hide it, no time for anything. It's a unicorn, sure, and unicorns aren't werewolves or kanimas or witches—oh my!—but Stiles knows that if they pull this one brick out from the wall of reality, his dad will see right through all his lies. No. Not like this. In which Stiles discovers the value of honesty. Or something. Words: 5805, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Underage Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Magic!Stiles, Sheriff finds out, Sterek Pre-slash, Coming Out, Underage Drinking, and its inevitable messy aftermath, Stilinski Family Feels, Animal Death, not graphic but played for laughs which is kinda icky but the muse demanded read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52374565
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aurevell · 2 years
AU-gust 2022 Masterlist
Here are all my AU-gust fics, aka a self-indulgent excuse to worldbuild while rambling about Steter and Sterek :) Prompts and brief descriptions below!
1. Underwater (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 naiad stiles, werewolf peter, meet-cute, fantasy au, hopeful ending
2. Artist's Muse (Sterek) - tumblr | AO3 shy blacksmith derek, magic stiles, fluff and flirting
3. Countryside (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 cowboy!stiles, con artist!peter, meet-cute, flirting
4. Soulmates (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 werewolf mates, love at first sight, awkward meet-cute, coffee
5. Teachers (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 established steter, fluff, peter making his students mildly feral
6. Fairies (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 established steter, fairy tale au, angst with a happy ending
7. Science Fantasy (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 the pack but In Outer Space, slice of life, established Steter
8. Literal Hell (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 demon peter, magical stiles, meet-cute (?)
9. Coffee Shop (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 dating app shenanigans, meddling!Erica, meet-cute
10. Space Academy (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 off-brand starfleet academy, pre-slash, enemies to partners
11. Twisted Fairy Tale (Sterek) - tumblr | AO3 vampire!stiles, werewolf derek, twisted "little red riding hood"
12. Candyman (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 fantasy police au, enforcer stiles, mysterious peter
13. Reboot/Fresh Start (Sterek) - tumblr | AO3 boy scout!stiles, good alpha derek, monsters of the week
14. Theater (Sterek) - tumblr | AO3 high school aged Derek and Stiles, kissing practice
15. Hanahaki Disease (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 "allies with benefits" peter and stiles, angst with a happy ending
16. Psychological Horror (Gen) - tumblr void!stiles, snippet, murder and mayhem
17. Annoying Neighbor (Sterek) - tumblr | AO3 neighbors derek & stiles, werewolves are known, modern fantasy au
18. Choir (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 high school peter, magic fantasy au, established steter, fluff
19. Spies & Assassins (Steter-ish) - tumblr | AO3 a race to kill a bounty, fun murder shenanigans, pre-relationship
20. Space Colonization (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 android stiles, stowaway peter, meet-cute, lonely spacefarers unite
21. Ghosts (Sterek) - tumblr | AO3 haunted hale house, pov hale house, getting together
22. Surfers (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 surfer peter, seawolf stiles, pack of two, established steter
23. Infinite Loop (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 time loop shenanigans, soulmates, meet-cute(?)
24. Childhood Friends (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 hogwarts au, truth spell, mutual pining, getting together
25. Mad Scientist (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 scientist peter, assistant stiles, humor, pre-relationship
26. Paparazzi (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 paid-to-party stiles, mystery man peter, yacht party, meet-cute
27. Adoptive Family (Gen/Stiles & Derek) - tumblr | AO3 alive!hales, attempt at humor, fluff, childhood competition
28. Unicorns (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 prince peter, stablehand stiles, established steter
29. Where It All Went Wrong (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 framed!stiles, bamf lawyer peter, angst w/ hopeful ending
30. The Good End (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 miscommunication, angst, happy ending, established steter
31. Yandere (Steter) - tumblr | AO3 manipulative peter, mild angst w/ happy ending, getting together
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sterek-exchange · 1 year
Just a reminder: if anyone posts a prompt with permanently dead Derek as an option, it will be deleted. Dead Derek is not acceptable for this challenge. This fixes nothing. He should either be brought back to life or never died in the first place.
Rape/Non-con and abuse will be deleted. The Nogitsune will not rape Stiles or Derek. This fixes nothing.
Prompts that are not about Sterek and Eli will be deleted. This is not a challenge for Allison and Scott. They have the movie for themselves. This is a STEREK event. This event is also not about Peter or anyone else in the movie. This is about Sterek and their family. Either complete AUs for them about Eli’s existence and background (preferably a Sterek child if some kind), Sterek getting together and becoming a family, or already a family.
If your prompt is in another POV that is not Sterek or Eli, it will be deleted. This is not about Lydia or Peter or any other characters and their perspectives. This is a Sterek event.
Pre-slash is not acceptable because that is not Sterek. That is pre-Sterek. Your prompt/story should have Sterek in it, as this is a STEREK event.
I shouldn’t have to say these things, but apparently they need to be said. DM me with any questions.
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fyeahsterek72 · 1 year
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I posted 847 times in 2022
13 posts created (2%)
834 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 45 of my posts in 2022
#sterek - 23 posts
#stiles stilinski - 12 posts
#derek hale - 11 posts
#teen wolf - 9 posts
#chaos event - 4 posts
#sterek big bang 2022 - 4 posts
#tyler hoechlin - 3 posts
#fanart - 3 posts
#seanchaidh7 is so ridiculously talented - 3 posts
#human au - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 53 characters
#have to read capturef derek fic but again amazing art
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Food for thought
35 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
Chapter 33 of The Great Bi Awakening is up
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After the Bite.
In which: Stiles wants to claim Derek. Derek melts. He's also very horny. Peter shows up at the loft. He and Stiles scheme.
41 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
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Published today as part of @sterekreversechallenges 2022 Reverse Bang
Read it here
Based on Art and a prompt by @d0gbite (CreationMyth on AO3) with additional moodboards and playlist by @d0gbite in the fic
Fic by @fyeahsterek72 (HisBeloved on AO3)
When it began, it was subtle. Dreams within dreams that felt real, his awake moments less real than the time spent asleep. Dreams where he was with Lydia - sleeping, sitting at lunch, driving somewhere vitally important.
Why was he with Lydia? Were they together? When and how did it happen? When he asked himself these questions, the answers simply came and that felt like enough, even if the answers were nonsensical.
After a while, he didn’t feel the need to question the why anymore.
This is a pre-slash, canon divergent story that looks at Stiles' possession by the Nogitsune from his point of view with a moment before the confrontation at the loft in which Derek agrees to host the Nogitsune in exchange for Stiles' life.
Rated Explicit for Graphic Depictions of Violence and Major Character Death. This one has All The Angst.
41 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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The Curse of the Love Sweater
Coming July 23
Written by: HisBeloved (fyeahsterek72/droppedstitches72
With Art by: delete-risks
Rating: E (56K, human au, yarn store au, knitting au, YouTuber Stiles, knitwear designer Derek, so much fluff, explicit sexual content, prepare to get diabetes it’s so sweet)
“Welcome to Lucky Ewe! On Lucky Ewe, my best friends Scott and Erica and I talk about yarn, knitting, crochet, and all other things yarnie!  Lucky Ewe is a community yarn shop in Beacon Hills, California and we like to think of ourselves as the neighborhood hangout for the crafty types.  We do online orders, too; you can find our web address below and in the show notes!” 
“I'm Stiles, this is my best friend in the entire world, stepbrother, and co-owner, Scott McCall - Scottie, I’m so happy you could join us today!  Scott’s a veterinarian, too, so he doesn’t have all the time in the world, and we’re so happy when he can join us!  And to my left is my sister-from-another-mister Erica Reyes, fellow shopkeeper, fellow knitter, Super Friend!”
Taking a deep breath, Stiles turned to Scott and said, “So, what did you do this weekend Scott?"
For just a moment, Scott looked like he’d been caught doing something that he wasn’t supposed to do. “Um, yeah, Ali and I went out again.  She’s amazing.  And I met her dad, who is terrifying, and his husband, who sort of looked like he wanted to eat me?”
“Well, you are sexy in a lifetime friends sort of way,” Stiles commented, Erica nodding her head in agreement.  “So why the look that you’d been caught?  We love Ali!  She’s been coming here for years; it’s about time you two started dating.”
Looking at the camera, Erica said, “They’ve been mooning disgustingly over each other forever.”
“Like you’re not naming our sale codes after Boyd,” Scott countered, smiling with affection.
“Don’t avoid the question, Scottie.  You know I’ll drag it out of you eventually,” Stiles said.
“Well, the easiest way to meet both her dad and stepdad was - well, see, Peter, her stepdad ..”
“Peter Hale, folks, famous vintner behind Wolf’s Head Wines and SUUUUPER loaded,” Stiles supplied.
“Yeah, him.  He hangs out at his nephew’s store a lot.” Scott replied, looking at his hands, which he was wringing underneath the table.
“His nephew being Derek Hale?  The same Derek Hale who runs The Hale Yarn Company?” Erica challenged, looking aghast.
“It’s not like you haven’t been there a hundred times, what with Boyd working there,” Scott argued back.
“Yes, but you said, and I quote, ‘I will never step foot in The Hale Yarn Company,’ and then Stiles said that was ridiculous, that you could go wherever you wanted, and then you said that Claudia had a good reason for not liking them even though no one knows what that reason was and also that it was in Cottonwood Valley and Cottonwood Valley makes you feel like you should buy a better car and they only have Whole Foods for groceries which is way too expensive and no good fast food...”
“Which, folks, means that they don’t have Panda Express,” Stiles interrupted.
“Panda Express is the bomb,” Scott mused with a smile.
“It’s all about the orange chicken,” Stiles contributed.
Coming Soon to the @twsterekbigbang!
163 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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For my birthday in September an anonymous gifter bought me a commission from @seanchaidh7!  Here it is! (I couldn’t be more thrilled with it - look at how beautiful they are!  Look at the lighting in the hall!  Look at their beautiful expressions! Ashley is AMAZING in every way!!)
This art is based on Chapter 15 of my ongoing Sterek COVID roommates fic, The Great Bi Awakening:
And Derek was now fully facing Stiles and they'd stepped closer to each other.
"Yeah?" breathed Stiles as Derek looked at his lips again and then looked Stiles in the eyes.
Derek nodded.
Stiles - he just couldn't think.  Because Derek Hale was beautiful.  The most beautiful person to have ever been created.  And Derek Hale opened up to him and would rip his soul out for Stiles if he thought that was what it took to help Stiles.  And Stiles would do the same in a second.   Immediately.
And that's when Stiles realized it, fully and completely and without a doubt.  That's when he knew that this is what it feels like - this, here, with Derek - this is what it feels like to love someone.  Wholly and completely and without reservation. The opening up and the vulnerability and the trust and the safety, it was love.  And having a past with a person, and being best friends with them.  And picking out their furniture and them holding you when you cry and then wiping  the snot off of your face in the still of the night.   This was love.
He was in love with Derek Hale.  And he was pretty damn sure that Derek Hale was in love with him.
His lips were so close, and when Stiles looked up, Derek was staring in his eyes.  He looked so impassioned and open and  ready .  Like he wanted to move in closer but he just couldn't move those last few inches.
So Stiles did it for him.
611 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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smowkie · 1 year
Getting to know you meme
I was tagged by the lovely @lena221bee, thank you!
Favourite time of the year: tough question, I like all of them in their own way, but my body prefers the summer (less stiff and/or painful joints, better skin, etc.), and I also enjoy not being cold, but also, right now it's crisp and cold and snowy, and it's soooo lovely, absolutely beautiful and super cozy, except that a bunch of my joints get super whiny (seriously, my wrists hurt when I washed my hands earlier...) and my skin absolutely hates the crisp cold, etc. but yeah, I'm gonna go with summer or winter. maybe spring or fall too though, they're nice too xD
Comfort foods: hm. tacos? no, that's just good food. I don't know. candy doesn't count, does it?
Do you collect anything: I did when I was growing up, I collected horse figurines, so I still have a ton of them but most are in boxes or somehow lost (given away I guess). I have a ton of books too, I have a very hard time getting rid of books and I tended to buy a lot more books than I needed before, so honestly, you could say I collected those too, even if it was never "intentional"
Favourite drinks: Trocadero, julmust, Red Bull, (Coca) Cola (though Cuba Cola is my top pick of colas atm), hot chocolate... I like sodas and sweet drinks xD (and now I came to think of alcoholic drinks and I suddenly want a White Russian)
Favorite music artists: if you know me at all, you know how bad I am at favorites, and I'm super bad at music. Queen and Bon Jovi, idk.
Current favourite songs: meh. I don't know when I listened to anything last. gonna go with the band Lord of the Lost, even thought I haven't actually listened to them in weeks, but they are the band I listen to mostly atm (99% of the time because my sister sends me songs to yell about xD)
Favourite fics: Wolf in the House by JoeLawson (Sterek, pre-slash, 33k words)
Favourite video games: depends on who is playing and who I am playing with; if I'm playing with some very specific people: World of Warcraft (I often miss WoW, but a lot of what I miss can't be replaced as it's the experience of playing with those friends, those people whom I was close with back then, including the ex-boyfriend who sat next to me when we played, and I can't get that back), if I'm playing with Bowlegs: Terraria, if I'm playing alone: Don't Starve (I think), and if Bowlegs is playing and I'm watching: XCOM.
I tag: @novemberhush @veltana @rieraclaelin @thor-ohdamnsonn @yodas-yo-yo @metalsteveharrington @outtoshatter @crazyassmurdererwall @ladydrace and anyone else who wants to do this, please claim a tag from me! And as always, no pressure to anyone tagged.
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sterek-stuffs · 1 year
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I posted 3,750 times in 2022
That's 1,459 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (0%)
3,744 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,895 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#queueue - 1,500 posts
#fic recs - 5 posts
#🥺 - 5 posts
#i love this - 5 posts
#sterek - 5 posts
#to read - 4 posts
#oooh - 4 posts
#love it - 4 posts
#this is so cute - 4 posts
#this is so cool! - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#the more he thought about it‚ the more he came to the somewhat startling realization that he might be okay with it.
My Top Posts in 2022:
NSFW Tag Game
The lovely @raisesomehale tagged me (well, my main which is RobotCorsair) in this bingo! Thanks for tagging me, this was fun! And sorry I didn't get a single one hahaha 😅 I enjoy a light sprinkling of smut on my fic but I rarely consume it as a main dish 😉 Some of the ones I marked I enjoy in very specific cases only, but when they match my tastes? Chef's kiss!
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Card made by @loserchildhotpants! You can find it here!
(I'm not tagging anyone specific but if you see this and feel like doing it just tag me, I want to see it!)
3 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
having a smooth surface or texture that is pleasant to touch; not rough or coarse.
having a pleasing quality involving a subtle effect or contrast rather than sharp definition.
800 words - G
Tags: Pre-Slash, Fluff, Wolf Derek Hale, Sheriff Stilinski's Name is John, Ficlet, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sharing a Bed, Platonic Bed-sharing
12 notes - Posted June 14, 2022
Stiles buys this cd for Derek as a Christmas gift
22 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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Dear Fellow Traveler
written by: lanalua (sterek-stuffs) with art by @berrysterek
Rating: M (getting together, magic!Stiles, initial Stydia, endgame Sterek, Stiles leaves Beacon Hills, Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills)
“Hey,” Stiles said when he was close enough for it to not be weird. Then he remembered Derek could have, and probably had, heard him from the house. Derek nodded, “I didn’t figure you for an early riser.” “Ha. I am full of surprises!” Stiles was in a good mood. “I see that. I thought you’d be back in New York by now.” Derek had a way of getting straight to the point. Stiles would have admired it if it wasn’t so annoying, so often. “Well, I decided to stay a bit longer, after our conversation that day, you know?” Was that a weird thing to admit to an… acquaintance? Friend? Trauma buddy? Whatever, it was too late now. He decided to turn things around on Derek. “Also, dude, are you staying here? What about your loft?” He was close enough now that Stiles could see his cheeks were a bit red, although whether from embarrassment or the cold he couldn’t tell.  Derek shook his head. “I have a room at the motel. I’m not staying here.”  Stiles raised his brows. “You’re such a bad liar!” Derek breathed what could be a laugh. “I’m not. It was just for tonight, I wanted to start work early today. Start tearing it down soon. It was easier to just stay here.” “And you’re clearly not a morning person.” Stiles quickly steered the conversation away from depressing topics. He meant to embarrass Derek, not make him think about his morbid past. Derek’s smirk showed a hint of fang. “Wolves are nocturnal.” “That’s not even true, you know? Wolves are totally crepuscular, so really, you should have been fully awake and ready to face the day by dawn, at the latest.”  Derek’s smirk softened into a smile, like he was pleasantly surprised at Stiles’ knowledge of random wolf facts. What did he expect? Stiles had gone into so many research spirals back in high school, looking into the behavior of wolves in the hopes of better understanding his lupine friends - well, and his enemies, if he was being honest. Guess the information had stuck with him even after all these years.
Coming soon to the @twsterekbigbang !!
102 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Fics that came out this year and you might have missed, but that are absolutely worth checking out!
among your heart-shaped leaves by dappledawndrawn
After rebuilding the Hale house, Derek enlists Stiles' help in planting a garden.
Bite the Moonlight & Bleed Gold by raisesomehale
Seven years after being tricked and imprisoned by the Argents, Derek Hale finds himself off the blistering coasts of Antarctica aboard the Argentum Domina, an illegal prison ship out of which the Argents operate their behemoth, underground poaching empire. Derek, a bitter, pack-less alpha, spends his days working off his servitude by poaching creatures for Gerard to sell on the Black Magic Market, just trying to retain his sanity as he earns back the years of his life one capture at a time. But there doesn't seem to be an end, or future, in sight for him. Until, everything changes when Allison Argent brings him a capture case with a reward price so ludicrous that he has no choice but to accept. The only problem is, the target creature shouldn't even exist. Derek is flung fast into the deep webbings of a bigger mystery than he could have ever imagined. And discovers that, like this enchanting creature, not everything is as it seems. Can Derek unmask the schemes that threaten not only his life, but the state of the very world itself? And if doing so means losing the unexpected love he finds along the way, will he be willing to make that sacrifice?
The Bright Side of Disaster by Gia279
Tucked between fresh harvested vegetables and fruits, homemade skincare products and lovingly knit scarves and sewn shawls, were booths and tables selling potions, amulets, crystals, and herbs, athames and wands, scrying glasses and hand-embroidered altar cloths. Beacon Hills was a hotbed for magical activity, and it drew the supernatural community like moths to a flame. There were rumors that magical tools crafted in town were more powerful, potions more effective, even herbs more potent.
buyer bonus by elisela
When he walks back to the table, Derek’s out of his seat before he can think better of it. He’s going to ask him out. He’s going to go over there, he’s not going to say the man has a mouth he’ll dream about or give any cheesy, half-assed pick-up line, and he’s going to ask him if he would like to get coffee some time. Maybe he’ll skip that and go straight for dinner, or the bookstore. Derek’s heard you can learn a lot about a person by what they read. He’s cool. He can do this. “Hi,” he says, eyes flickering down to the glossy pamphlets of houses for sale that litter the table, and when panic overtakes him, what comes out of his mouth isn’t any of those things. “I’m thinking about buying a new place. Are you an agent?” Ah, crap.
Waning Crescent by Dexterous_Sinistrous
Derek’s scent was a heady warmth that enveloped Stiles’ senses. It was like the first strike of rain in a dried forest. A crisp smokiness to the tickle of petrichor. It lit up an unfamiliar spark in Stiles’ gut. And for the first time in a couple hundred years, his fangs ached.
how long will it take (to finally atone) by lookingforatardis
“I could hurt you,” Stiles says quietly, and doesn’t quite understand why he’s being honest himself. “You wouldn’t.” “I did, though. I did, Derek.” Stiles’ voice shakes and he has to pull his attention away from Derek to calm himself down from the sudden flash of memory. Silence fills the room until it’s uncomfortable, until Stiles has to look, and finds Derek watching him with a closed expression. “That was the nogitsune,” he tells him. “Not you.” Or: Void hurts Derek while possessing Stiles and Stiles has an extremely hard time recovering from what Void did to Derek even after the nogitsune is gone. The thought of touching him sends him into a blind panic, terrifying him as if every touch will hurt him all over again. Stiles can only take so much, after all, and Derek has always been his weak spot.
Don't forget to leave the authors some love!
185 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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