wisyhana · 10 months
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Powershipping pokemon AU commission!
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months
Round 2: Poll 11
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Ateloshipping(Maxamillion Pegasus|Pegasus J. Crawford/Bandit Keith)
Propaganda: No propaganda submitted
Pairing 2: Powershipping(Malik Ishtar/Seto Kaiba)
Propaganda: Imagine the brutality of the divorce.
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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hereforthefunnyguys · 4 months
I have a sneaking suspicion as to how this poll is going to go but oh well. Enjoy! Now fight (I may want to try more of these depending on how it goes). I love petty conflict as much as the next person but please be chill in the tags
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akumicchi · 2 years
✶⊶⊷Sweet dreams⊶⊷✶
"A few days ago I had a dream. It was tender and warm, like those you just know won't become nightmares. It was cute; you were in it."
I remember the dazzling green of the mountain, the bird's tweeting above the trees and the dry scrunch of the dirt below our feet. You were so insisting on bringing me with you that day, and I would follow you to the e d of the earth without even saying. We reached the top a little later: it was a wide flattened space amongst the clouds, bathed by the last rays of the afternoon Sun. The purple and red sky, stained by shredded crimson clouds, made me think of you. I would have told you regardless of your playful yucks about my "disgustingly corny" declarations, but before having the chance to say a word, you asked me to marry you.
In one of those transitions you only see in movies -and dreams-, I found myself on the same flattened top of the mountain, dressed up in white from head to toe. And just like the lyrics of a song that had started to play discreetly in my mind, 'surrounded by our family and our friends'. You gazed upon me with those eyes of yours that so many emotions had ignited within me, and you were smiling, like those scarse times. 'If there ever was a time for a perfect kiss, this is it.'
"I dreamt of you a few days ago", I told you. But you never asked what was about.
✶⊶⊷Dulces sueños⊶⊷✶
"Hace unos días tuve un sueño. Era tierno y cálido, como esos que sabes que nunca se convertirán en pesadillas. Era lindo; estabas tú."
Recuerdo el deslumbrante verdor de la montaña, el piar de sus pájaros entre los árboles y el seco crujir del suelo bajo nuestros pies. Ese día habías sido muy insistente en llevarme contigo, y yo te seguiría hasta el fin del mundo sin que me lo pidieras. Al poco rato llegamos a la cima: una meseta amplia bañada por los últimos rayos del Sol de la tarde. El cielo naranja y morado, manchado por jirones de nubes rojas, me recordó a ti. Y te lo habría dicho sin importarme tus juguetonas arcadas sobre mis "asquerosamente cursis" declaraciones, pero antes de poder decir palabra, me pediste que me casara contigo.
En una de esas transiciones que solo ves en las películas -y en los sueños-, me vi de nuevo en la misma meseta de hierba recortada, vestida de blanco de la cabeza a los pies. Y justo como decía una canción que había empezado a sonar en mi mente, 'rodeados por nuestra familia y amigos'. Me miraste con esos ojos tuyos que tantas emociones provocaban en mi interior. Sonreías, como tan pocas veces lo haces. 'Si alguna vez hubo momento para un beso perfecto, es este'.
"Hace unos días soñé contigo", te dije. Pero nunca preguntaste de qué trataba.
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dodypaz · 2 years
Cuba contrata buque generador de electricidad mostrando incapacidad del gobierno y aumento de deudas
Cuba contrata buque generador de electricidad mostrando incapacidad del gobierno y aumento de deudas
“Estas contrataciones son parte de un acuerdo entre Cuba y la empresa turca Karadeniz Holding y se viene aplicando desde 2019” El régimen de Cuba ha recibido con bombos y platillos la entrada al puerto de la Habana, según han publicado los medios oficialistas, de una central flotante que se conectara a la red nacional de electricidad, que ha venido colapsando desde hace ya un tiempo. Con esta…
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kujakumai · 2 months
Thought about powershipping again and like. can you imagine a family that consists exclusively of siblings, all of whom are trained in 8th-dimensional mindgame chess
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rosalind-hawkins · 4 months
What Do I Ship?
Don't mistake this for a tolerance or tier list. I will read and write ships that aren't even on this list, or write ships from the secondary list sometimes, this is just to give you a general sense of the stuff I mainly support/think about and in what capacity. Might be updated periodically. Ranting and comments in the tags.
Re: the Mokuba ships, I only ship them in non-problematic ways, where either the Kaiba brothers are ageswapped, making Mokuba the same age as the rest of the main cast, or where they only get together far post-canon where Mokuba's an adult. We cool? Cool.
Primary Ships
(things I can/want to create content for; this does not include every ship I've ever written, just the ones I care about/are currently engaged in writing/plan to write multiple fics for, or ships I just stan in a way that I know it'll never end)
Euroshipping (Kaiba x Ryou)
Puppyshipping (Joey x Kaiba)
Mumbleshipping (Kaiba x Ryou x Duke)
Teaseshipping (Joey x Ryou x Kaiba)
Snareshipping (Joey x Duke)
Trustshipping (Kaiba x Ishizu)
Polarshipping (Joey x Mai)
Blueshipping (Kisara x Kaiba)
Mizushipping (Kisara x Priest Seto)
Minorshipping (Ryou x Duke)
Mastershipping (Duke x Kaiba)
Puffshipping (Joey x Ryou)
Sweetshipping (Ryou x Mokuba)
Wintershipping (Mokuba x Amane)
Rollshipping (Duke x Ryou x Joey)
Secondary Ships
(things I will read but I don't write {much, or anymore, in some cases} for one reason or other)
Wishshipping (Joey x Yugi)
Powershipping (Kaiba x Marik)
Graceshipping (Ishizu x Ryou)
Doubtshipping (Kaiba x Ryou x Marik)
Petshipping (Duke x Kaiba x Joey)
Axisshipping (Kaiba x Siegfried)
Angstshipping (Ryou x Marik)
Irateshipping (Marik x Joey)
Buddyshipping (Joey x Tristan)
Heartshipping (Yugi x Ryou)
Fragileshipping (Yami Yugi x Ryou)
Changeshipping (Duke x Marik)
Logicshipping (Priest Seto x Priestess Isis)
Gemshipping (Ryou x Thief King Bakura)
Thiefshipping (Yami Bakura x Marik)
Candleshipping (Kaiba x Ryou x Yami Bakura)
Antagoshipping (Kaiba x Yami Bakura)
Corruptshipping (Priest Seto x Thief King Bakura)
Stoicshipping (Kaiba x Priest Seto)
Shimmershipping (Duke x Mokuba)
Guardshipping (Kaiba x Roland)
Senetshipping (Ishizu x Duke)
Angelicshipping (Ryou x Rafael)
Mercuryshipping (Kisara x Kaiba x Ishizu)
Entrepreneurshipping (Duke x Kaiba x Siegfried)
Unnamed (Aigami x Marik x Yami Bakura)
Scholarshipping (Kaiba x Ishizu x Ryou)
There's also plenty of random unnamed poly ships that I want to play around with in one-shots, usually a combo of my top six fave characters.
#rose talks#my ships#ship list#creating this post just to link to it in my pinned post. don't mind me.#i might add a third section called “i just think they're neat”#what happened with thiefshipping is that I worked really hard on a one-shot for it and was pretty proud of it#but then it got like no attention and i figured my characterization must have been way off#so i didn't try to write it again after that#i wrote a lot of Marik one-shots a long time ago but I don't think my characterization of him was actually that good#that's why i haven't really written him outside of Rock Bottom in a long time#if you put kaiba ryou duke joey marik in a jar and jumble them all up and pour 2 or 3 of them out. i ship anything that comes out.#almost the same if you replace marik with ishizu but i don't see her and joey working out (unless maybe to gang up on kaiba)#currently intrigued by the idea of kaiba/ryou/ishizu and i would call that scholarshipping if the name wasn't already taken#also just discovered mercuryshipping and i think that would be so fascinating#i think guardshipping can easily be problematic but it doesn't have to be. i think it can be kinda sweet if done right.#re: the mokuba ships i've had someone tell me that shipping child characters with anyone is gross EVEN IF you age them up and um no#every adult ever is an aged-up child. that's how life works.#i'm so much more interested in mokuba as an adult than as a child anyways. just purely from a character perspective#because damn. who knows what this boy will become. ya know? it's about the potential
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mangominnow · 2 months
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Angel's Friends Multishipping Tags
raf x sulfus - sulraf raf x urie - rafurie raf x sweet - rafsweet raf x miki - mikiraf raf x gaz - rafgaz raf x kabale - kabaraf raf x cabiria - rafiria urie x sweet - urisweet urie x miki - urimiki urie x sulfus - sulurie urie x gaz - uriegaz urie x cabiria - cabiraurie urie x kabale - kabaurie sweet x miki - mikisweet sweet x sulfus - sulsweet sweet x cabiria - cabirasweet sweet x kabale - kabasweet sweet x alexander - sweetander miki x sulfus - sulmiki miki x gaz - gazmiki miki x cabiria - cabiramiki miki x kabale - kabamiki miki x urie x sweet - angelshipping raf x miki x urie x sweet - foreverangelshipping sulfus x gaz - sulgaz sulfus x kabale - kabasul sulfus x cabiria - cabirasul gaz x kabale - kabagaz gaz x cabiria - gazbiria kabale x cabiria - kababiria gaz x cabiria x kabale - devilshipping sulfus x gaz x cabiria x kabale - foreverdevilshipping professor temptel x professor arkan - highsphereshipping cassidy x kubral - powershipping reina x malikai - limboshipping sai x tyco - vetoshipping
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kaibacorpintern · 7 months
my strategy in rarepair poll is "if i have no opinion, vote for wlw." some of these ships are perfectly rated for what they are (neither over- nor under-; they're just rated.) i meant to vote for powershipping but accidentally clicked atelo; as much as i love keg, i do think powershipping is SEVERELY underrated <= woman who promised power fic but got distracted writing perfectly rated ships rival and pride. at least one rarepair i found, at first blush, annoying, like seeing a dish on a menu I'd really like if it weren't for the mushrooms, which makes no sense because it's rare, and as such, i never see it.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
A Turkish firm has cut power supplies to Guinea-Bissau's capital over an unpaid bill of at least $15m (£12m), plunging the city into darkness.
It has severely disrupted daily life, with hospitals affected and radio stations off-air.
Economy Minister Suleimane Seidi acknowledged the arrears, saying most of the bill would be paid in 15 days.
Karpowership is one of the world's biggest floating power plant operators, supplying several African states.
But it has taken a tough line over non-payment. Last month, it cut power to Sierra Leone's capital, Freetown, over an unpaid bill of $40m.
The Turkish company has also signed a deal to supply power to South Africa, saying it will cover more than 5% of the country's total electricity needs.
South Africa has been hit by a wave of power cuts with people going without electricity for up to 10 hours a day.
Power was cut in Bissau, a city with a population of more than 400,000, in the early hours of Tuesday and has not been restored, a resident told the BBC.
Some public hospitals are now using generators to carry out surgery, local journalist Assana Sambu told the BBC.
But they don't have running water because there is not enough electricity, and hospital directors have appealed for power in order to cook food for their patients.
Another journalist, Alberto Dabo, said he was drinking water from a well because water supplies had been cut amid the sweltering heat which reaches 40C.
"Our houses are very hot. Most families stay outside till 4am before entering their houses to spend the rest of the night. You can't stay indoors because of the heat."
State-run Rádio Nacional is among media outlets that have stopped broadcasting, while the private radio station where Sambu works is only partially operating, he added.
Karpowership says it has been supplying 100% of Guinea-Bissau's electricity since signing a five-year agreement with the state-owned electricity and water utility company in 2019.
The country is one of the poorest in the world and has been beset by instability since independence.
"Unfortunately, following a protracted period of non-payment, our [floating power plant] is now unable to continue operating," a Karpowership spokesperson was quoted by the Reuters news agency as saying.
"We are working around the clock with officials to resolve this issue and we aim to have generation back online as soon as possible," the spokesperson added.
Energy Minister Isuf Baldé said $6m of the $15m bill had been paid.
"In a small and poor country like Guinea-Bissau, carrying out a transfer operation of this level, $10m, takes time," he said.
He added that the contract with Karpowership needed to be renegotiated because costs had almost doubled since it began, to a level Guinea-Bissau could no longer afford.
The company also supplies electricity to six other African countries - Ghana, The Gambia, Ivory Coast, Mozambique, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
The company prides itself as "the owner, operator and builder of the world's only Powership (floating power plant)".
Its involvement in the electricity sector is the latest example of Tukey's growing influence in Africa.
Although access to electricity has increased in sub-Saharan Africa in recent years, it still remains low, with more than 50% of the region's population having no grid connection, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Unctad).
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yugioh-rare-pair-poll · 7 months
Round 1: Poll 22
Propaganda under the cut
Pairing 1: Mastershipping (Seto Kaiba/Ryuji Otogi|Duke Devlin)
Propaganda: They are both sexy, successful and have quite a lot in common, especially in terms of having a huge responsibility for their age (running a business, promoting their inventions, coming through in an environment dominated by actual adults, ...). Also (at least in my imagination) they both roll their eyes at Jonouchi – Kaiba always, Otogi still at least from time to time ;D 
Pairing 2: Powershipping (Seto Kaiba/Malik Ishtar)
Propaganda: Imagine the brutality of the divorce. 
Now, let’s keep things civil. This is a silly poll where we can share why we love our overlooked ships. There’s no need to be nasty to prove your point. Bashers will be banished to the Shadow Realm.
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hereforthefunnyguys · 4 months
re: https://www.tumblr.com/hereforthefunnyguys/742232980980891648/favorite-marik-ishtarlittle-blonde-problem
i am so sorry but what do any of these ship names mean 😭😭 im only in the yugioh fandom for the art and there are like 500 different ship names and i know none of them if u dont mind can u tell me waht those mean (if you want to) thank you 😭
Hell yea brother. I can tell you what those mean (I knew I should've put the actual descriptions in the poll options. Dammit.)
Thiefshipping = Marik Ishtar x Yami Bakura/The Spirit of the Ring. I was using it under the umbrella of Marik x Thief King Bakura as well, but some people consider those different ones!
Angstshipping = Marik Ishtar x Ryou Bakura.
Eclipseshipping = Marik Ishtar x Yami Marik/Dark Marik. This one is a little complicated in terms of how people feel about it, but I put it up because I at least used to see a lot of content of it and was curious about how people felt.
Irateshipping = Marik Ishtar x Joey Wheeler/Katsuya Jonouchi.
Liberashipping = Marik Ishtar x Yugi Muto/Moto/Mutou (not the Pharoah).
Powershipping = Marik Ishtar x Seto Kaiba
Anyways there are a number of shipping lists online in case you want to find out more! They can get a little uh. intimidating though so.
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akumicchi · 2 years
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— I would loosen up a bit if I were you.
— And I would stop lying to myself if I were you.
— You're the last person that should be telling this to me right now, but you're not wrong. We should stop lying to ourselves.
— I'm not.
— And I love you.
— Yo me relajaría más si fuera tú.
— Y yo dejaría de mentirme a mí mismo si fuera tú.
— Eres la última persona que debería decirme eso, aunque no estés equivocado. Deberíamos dejar de mentirnos a nosotros mismos.
— Yo no lo hago.
— Y yo te amo.
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dominonary · 2 years
Love your arts very much!! They are such joy to see every time I logged in here <3 Do you have other pairings you like aside from Rivalship?
thank you so much!! i adore your art and content too, i actually found you on pixiv first and then on tumblr and was delighted both times <3 i'd love to do art trades someday if you want!!
yeah, i have a lot of ships, haha! rivalshipping is probably my biggest one, with flareshipping and prideshipping up there as well. wishshipping and dragonshipping as well, plus thiefshipping and angstshipping. i've been getting more into puzzleshipping and heartshipping recently too, plus powershipping!
honorary shoutout also to shrimpshipping, buddyshipping, coinshipping, fataleshipping, mobiumshipping, tornshipping, and battleshipping. honestly i could probably see myself getting into more ships as well if i found content that works for me, i'm an unrepentant multishipper DSJKGFDKSDGKF
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Want to add women’s history to your classroom? Check out our blog post for ideas and PowerShips articles that can get you started! Visit https://shiphistory.org/2022/03/24/women-in-maritime-history/ or click the link in our bio to learn more. #WomensHistoryMonth Image: Kate A. Sutton, the first American woman to operate a fleet of tugs, is pictured on one of the Providence Steamboat Company tugs. SSHSA Archives. (at The Steamship Historical Society of America) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpQGIdEoNKM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kujakumai · 4 months
Who do you ship with Kaiba? 🚣‍♂️
I do not think that I Seriously ship Kaiba with anyone, and in fact if you asked what distant future I imagined for him it would not involve any long-term romance; I think he will have a few on-and-offs and at least one torrid celebrity divorce but ultimately focus on being a happily single dad to a gaggle of adopted children.
When it comes to just playing with spaces and dynamics I tend to think he has a horrid crush on Atem and a difficult-to-disentangle subsidiary crush on Yugi, and I like the idea of him and Yugi getting together later on. I'm a really big fan of powershipping (Kaiba/Marik) and cubeshipping (Kaiba/Aigami) because they both involve forcing him to deal with someone just as insufferable as he is but even more annoying, and it would be messy >:)
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