drrobynsilverman · 5 hours
How to help kids develop Composure| DrRobynSilverman | Ask Dr. Robyn May 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-2TsPiZeLw ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: http://www.youtube.com/drrobynsilverman ✅ IMPORTANT LINKS: 👉 https://www.powerfulwords.com/ ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 WebSite: https://www.drrobynsilverman.com/ 👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drrobynsilverman 👉 TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@bigtalkswithkids 👉 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DrRobyn 👉 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/drrobynsilverman/ ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Dr. Robyn Silverman As Body Image Expert: How Barbie Dolls Can Impact Young Women | DrRobynSilverman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_S5BXoUL-8 👉 Fighting Weight Obsession: Good Girls Don't Get Fat - Preview Of The Book | DrRobynSilverman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmxq4VfA6LU 👉 Dr. Robyn Silverman's Expert Insights On Body Image On The Tyra Show | DrRobynSilverman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp5hFoF65EU 👉 The Risks of "2 Sexy 2 Soon" - Dr. Robyn Silverman Shares Parenting Insights on Good Morning America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8DJUi4Z7qU ============================= ✅ About Dr. Robyn Silverman : Dr. Robyn J.A. Silverman is an internationally recognized speaker, author, success coach & educator on Parenting, Character Education and Body Image She has been featured on numerous TV shows, including The Today Show and Good Morning America, and has contributed to various publications such as The Washington Post and Parents Magazine. With a Ph.D. in Child and Adolescent Development, Dr. Silverman specializes in teaching social-emotional skills and character education to parents, teachers, and children. She has authored several books, including "Good Girls Don't Get Fat" and "How to Talk to Kids About Anything" 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/drrobynsilverman ===================== #childdevelopment #parentingtips #expertadvice #confidencebuilding #positiveparenting #emotionalintelligence Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © Dr. Robyn Silverman via Dr. Robyn Silverman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2mhA6uAzX0vHYBoO9ncTg April 29, 2024 at 07:12AM
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todayjuornals · 3 months
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flourishwithfreda · 7 months
Embracing Body Neutrality: Redefining Self-Worth Beyond Appearance
Hey there, beautiful souls! Today, I want to delve into a concept that encourages us to shift our focus from our physical appearance to a more holistic view of ourselves—body neutrality. In a world that often fixates on unrealistic beauty standards, body neutrality offers a refreshing perspective, reminding us that our worth extends far beyond our bodies.
Body neutrality acknowledges that our value as individuals goes beyond how we look. It encourages us to embrace and appreciate our bodies for their functionality, strength, and resilience rather than constantly critiquing their appearance. It's about fostering a positive relationship with our bodies that is based on self-acceptance and self-care.
Instead of striving for an idealized body image, body neutrality invites us to cultivate self-compassion and respect for our bodies as they are. It reminds us that our bodies are unique and that comparisons to others only undermine our own self-worth. By shifting our focus away from external appearance, we can redirect our energy towards nourishing our bodies and engaging in activities that bring us joy and fulfillment.
Body neutrality also encourages us to challenge societal beauty standards and embrace body diversity. It celebrates the beauty of all body shapes, sizes, abilities, and colors. It recognizes that our bodies are constantly changing, and that's a natural part of life. Instead of viewing these changes as flaws, we can embrace them as evidence of our growth and resilience.
Practicing body neutrality doesn't mean ignoring or denying the existence of body image struggles or the impact of external influences. It means actively choosing to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being over societal pressures. It means shifting our internal dialogue to focus on self-love, acceptance, and gratitude for our bodies' abilities rather than fixating on perceived flaws.
By embracing body neutrality, we create a space where self-worth is not determined by appearance alone. We challenge the harmful narratives that perpetuate body shame and encourage self-comparison. Instead, we can celebrate our bodies as vessels that carry us through life, allowing us to experience joy, love, and growth.
So, let's shift our perspective and embrace body neutrality. Let's cultivate a sense of gratitude and respect for our bodies, appreciating them for the incredible beings they are. Let's support and uplift one another on this journey, celebrating body diversity and promoting a culture of acceptance and self-love.
Remember, you are so much more than your physical appearance. You are worthy of love, respect, and kindness exactly as you are. Embrace body neutrality, and let your inner beauty radiate in all aspects of your life.
With love and acceptance,
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enterprisewired · 7 months
How to Combat Hourglass Syndrome to Boost Productivity?
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As the world recovers from the effects of the pandemic, more and more people are shifting to remote work. In the process, an increasing number of individuals are grappling with a new adversary: Hourglass Syndrome. This pervasive phenomenon entails the sense of time slipping away, resulting in reduced productivity and heightened stress levels. 
In this guide, we’ll share some simple strategies to tackle this syndrome in your home office. As more people embrace remote work globally, addressing Hourglass Syndrome becomes crucial. Join us on this journey to understand and overcome this productivity challenge. Discover practical insights to regain control over your time, enhance productivity, and make your work experience more satisfying. 
Hourglass Syndrome Symptoms
Hourglass Syndrome is a prevalent issue among remote workers, marked by the perception of time slipping away without achieving substantial work. The absence of a traditional office environment can make it challenging to maintain focus and structure, giving rise to this productivity-draining phenomenon.
Identifying the Symptoms
Recognizing the symptoms is crucial for addressing Hourglass Syndrome effectively:
Procrastination: Deliberately delaying tasks and feeling overwhelmed.
Distractions: Succumbing to interruptions from emails, social media, or household chores.
Lack of Progress: Spending extended hours working but feeling unproductive.
Strategies to Combat Hourglass Syndrome:
1. Set Clear Goals and Prioritize Tasks 
Establishing clear daily and weekly goals will provide you with direction and help you stay organized. Prioritize your tasks based on urgency and importance to avoid feeling overwhelmed by an endless to-do list. Break down your larger goals into manageable steps, providing a roadmap for your work.
2. Create a Dedicated Workspace 
Designate a specific area in your home for work to create a psychological boundary between professional and personal life. A well-organized and ergonomic workspace positively impacts focus and productivity. Ensure your workspace is free from distractions and conducive to a productive mindset.
3. Time Blocking Techniques 
Implement time blocking to allocate specific time slots for different tasks. This method enhances concentration, reduces multitasking, and ensures focused attention to each activity. Set aside dedicated blocks of time for deep work, allowing for undisturbed focus on critical tasks.
4. Combat Procrastination with the Pomodoro Technique 
Break your work into short, focused intervals (typically 25 minutes) followed by a short break. This technique enhances concentration and reduces the risk of burnout. To make it more effective, experiment with different time intervals to find what works best for your attention span and workflow.
5. Take Regular Breaks 
Scheduled breaks are essential for maintaining mental clarity and preventing burnout. Step away from your desk, stretch, or go for a short walk to recharge your mind. Incorporate relaxation techniques during breaks, such as deep breathing exercises, to promote overall well-being.
6. Minimize Distractions 
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Identify and eliminate potential distractions in your home office. Turn off non-essential notifications, create a quiet environment, and communicate your work hours to family members. Consider using productivity apps or website blockers to limit access to distracting sites during work hours.
7. Incorporate Mindfulness Practices 
Introduce mindfulness practices like meditation or deep-breathing exercises into your routine. These techniques reduce stress and improve overall focus. Consider starting or ending your workday with a short mindfulness session to create a positive mindset.
8. Establish a Routine 
Create a consistent daily routine that includes set start and end times for work. This helps signal to your brain when it’s time to shift into work mode and when to unwind. Include rituals at the beginning and end of your workday to create a sense of structure and transition.
9. Invest in Ergonomic Furniture 
Comfortable and ergonomic furniture significantly impacts physical well-being and overall productivity. Ensure your home office setup supports good posture and reduces discomfort. Invest in an ergonomic chair, keyboard, and monitor to create a workspace that promotes health and efficiency.
Bonus Strategies to Enhance Productivity 
10. Utilize Technology Wisely 
Embrace various productivity tools and apps to streamline your workflow. Calendar apps, task management tools, and communication platforms can help you stay organized and on track. Leverage automation features to reduce manual effort and improve efficiency.
11. Stay Connected 
Combat feelings of isolation by staying connected with colleagues. Schedule regular virtual meetings, participate in online team-building activities, and maintain open communication channels. A sense of connection can foster collaboration and motivation.
12. Professional Development
Invest your time in continuous learning and professional development. Acquiring new skills can boost your confidence and motivation, making you more resilient to Hourglass Syndrome. Furthermore, explore online courses, webinars, and industry events to stay abreast of trends and advancements.
13. Healthy Lifestyle Choices 
Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep. Physical well-being contributes to mental alertness and overall productivity. Incorporate short exercise breaks into your routine and prioritize self-care to enhance your resilience to stress.
14. Create a Visual Progress Tracker 
Establish a visual progress tracker for your tasks and projects. This can be a physical board or a digital tool. Tracking your progress visually provides a sense of accomplishment and motivates you to stay focused on your goals.
Combating Hourglass Syndrome requires a holistic approach that encompasses mindful practices, effective time management, and a conducive workspace. By implementing these strategies, you can regain control over your time, boost productivity, and cultivate a healthier work-life balance in your home office. Remember, small adjustments to your daily routine and environment can make a significant difference in your work experience.
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theonlychelchel · 10 months
No Makeup, No Problem: Embracing My True Self
My "No Makeup" Beauty Look is all about looking natural, radiant, and easy while highlighting my attributes and feeling at ease in my own skin. This quick and simple approach focuses on enhancing my natural beauty without the need of heavy makeup.
The first step in my "No Makeup" Beauty Look is skincare. A blank canvas is essential for natural shine. I start by cleansing my skin with a gentle, hydrating cleanser to remove any impurities. After patting my skin dry, I use a lightweight moisturizer with SPF to protect it from the sun's harmful rays while also keeping it hydrated throughout the day.
Instead of a heavy foundation, I use a tinted moisturizer or BB cream. These products provide light coverage that helps to level out my skin tone without feeling heavy or cakey. The plan is to let my natural skin shine through while concealing any little faults.
To add color and definition to my face, I lightly apply a peachy-pink blush to the apples of my cheeks. This produces a light flush of color as well as a healthy, youthful appearance. To keep the appearance realistic, I avoid hard contouring and excessive blushing.
I keep my eyes simple with a couple of coats of mascara on my lashes or some natural false lashes. Mascara instantly brightens and defines my eyes, removing the need for eyeliner or other cosmetics. Depending on my mood, I apply brown or black mascara to accentuate my lashes and make my eyes glitter.
To keep my brows in place and provide a polished look without overfilling them, I use a clear brow gel. Natural and well-groomed brows frame the face attractively and add to the overall "No Makeup" Beauty Look.
I like a natural-looking tinted lip balm or translucent lip gloss for the lips. These creams offer a splash of color while also nourishing my lips throughout the day. This style is all about subtle augmentation rather than a dramatic transformation.
To finish off my "No Makeup" Beauty Look, I use a little dusting of translucent powder to remove shine and keep my makeup in place. Rather than a matte finish, the goal is to achieve a dewy, fresh-faced sheen.
One of the most appealing characteristics of its design is its versatility. It's perfect for wearing to work, doing errands, or meeting up with friends for a casual event. The "No Makeup" Beauty Look is low-maintenance and easy to achieve, saving time in my morning routine while yet making me feel put together and confident.
Furthermore, this appearance matches to my principles of natural beauty appreciation and self-acceptance. It allows me to enjoy my unique traits while also embracing my shortcomings, promoting a positive body image and self-confidence.
Overall, my "No Makeup" Beauty Look is all about simplicity, enhancing natural beauty, and feeling at ease in my own skin. It's a fresh and simple method to apply makeup that complements any style and promotes honesty and self-love.
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noblefeed · 1 year
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Pop superstar Ariana Grande recently spoke out about body scrutiny, revealing that she has struggled with her own body image issues. 
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travelandhik · 1 year
Everything can be healed by positive energy 🌾 ...
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askpankhuri · 2 years
Gaining a healthier relationship with the body without leaning towards the established beauty standards and accepting who we are for what we are builds body positivity in ourselves. Let's learn it's importance and why it matters. Read the blog to gain a healthier relationship with your body
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mackygl · 2 years
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La gente habla conmigo y al parecer les inspiro confianza, últimamente, especialmente en mis transmisiones, me hablan y hacen catarsis. Me hacen sentir honrada de que encuentren en mí y mi live un espacio seguro de desahogo y comprensión 🥰 pero cuando me dicen (ya van varias veces) que soy como su psicóloga 👩🏽‍⚕️😅 me sale la típica ola de honestidad tan Macky. No sé nada, no soy experta en esto y definitivamente no una profesional, simplemente me nace la empatía y cuando se me permite aconsejar lo hago desde mi propia experiencia, porque yo también me las he mandado 😓 o he sido sobreviviente de relaciones abusivas, algún narcisista por ahí y sobre todo, mi falta de amor propio durante tanto tiempo. Con el cuerpo pasa lo mismo, pero no tolero la cultura de las dietas, estoy aburrida de que se demonicen los alimentos, en mi mente solo hay lugar para una alimentación libre de crueldad y cuidar a mi cuerpo desde el movimiento, que me ayuda a liberar endorfinas, evitar que se atrofien mis músculos y crea una vida saludable física y emocionalmente. No hay espacio para “comer limpio, dietético o para bajar de peso” solo amor por la comida que sirve como sustento y combustible para mi divino cuerpo que se la re banca, me lleva por la vida ♥️ y es fuerte para cuidar de mis dos bebés de 4 patas 🐾 ¿que mas le podría pedir? . . . #selflove #selflovequotes #selflovejourney #selflovery #selflovethread #selflovethreads #selfloveaffirmations #positivebodyimage #positivebodyimageinspiration #positivebodytalk #imagencorporalpositiva #todosloscuerpossonbuenoscuerpos #empathy #empathyforlife #vegan #plantbased (en Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfE3CJgOQpE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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urbanthick · 2 years
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"We Fit Your Curves + Your Wallet" Serving the plus size community since 2011 #plussizecommunity #positivebodyimage #plussizemodel #urbanthick https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd0_tVjulLc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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drrobynsilverman · 5 hours
Building Composure in Kids | Dr Robyn Silverman (Powerful Words Character Development)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_bSalPWiWI ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: http://www.youtube.com/drrobynsilverman ✅ IMPORTANT LINKS: 👉 https://www.powerfulwords.com/ ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 WebSite: https://www.drrobynsilverman.com/ 👉 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drrobynsilverman 👉 TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@bigtalkswithkids 👉 Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/DrRobyn 👉 Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/drrobynsilverman/ ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 Dr. Robyn Silverman As Body Image Expert: How Barbie Dolls Can Impact Young Women | DrRobynSilverman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_S5BXoUL-8 👉 Fighting Weight Obsession: Good Girls Don't Get Fat - Preview Of The Book | DrRobynSilverman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmxq4VfA6LU 👉 Dr. Robyn Silverman's Expert Insights On Body Image On The Tyra Show | DrRobynSilverman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp5hFoF65EU 👉 The Risks of "2 Sexy 2 Soon" - Dr. Robyn Silverman Shares Parenting Insights on Good Morning America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8DJUi4Z7qU ============================= ✅ About Dr. Robyn Silverman : Dr. Robyn J.A. Silverman is an internationally recognized speaker, author, success coach & educator on Parenting, Character Education and Body Image She has been featured on numerous TV shows, including The Today Show and Good Morning America, and has contributed to various publications such as The Washington Post and Parents Magazine. With a Ph.D. in Child and Adolescent Development, Dr. Silverman specializes in teaching social-emotional skills and character education to parents, teachers, and children. She has authored several books, including "Good Girls Don't Get Fat" and "How to Talk to Kids About Anything" 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Subscribe to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/drrobynsilverman ===================== #childdevelopment #parentingtips #expertadvice #confidencebuilding #positiveparenting #emotionalintelligence Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © Dr. Robyn Silverman via Dr. Robyn Silverman https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE2mhA6uAzX0vHYBoO9ncTg April 29, 2024 at 07:10AM
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lawofattraction-10 · 2 years
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solutionlab · 3 months
Body positivity, positive body image, body confidence, body positivity a...
Body positivity, positive body image, body confidence, body positivity activities, body positive fat
Body positivity therapy, body acceptance and weight loss, body acceptance therapy, body acceptance tips, body confidence resources, body image for elementary students, body image in preschoolers, body image positive and negative, body positive article, body positive fitness alliance, body positive fitness near me, body positivity resources, positive body image activities, body positivity for teens, social media and body positivity, body positivity on social media, positive body image workbook, 5 tips to a healthy body image, a healthy body image, about body positivity, acceptance of body image, activities for positive body image, alternative body positivity, article on body positivity, be body positive, beauty positivity, being body positive, best body image, black body positivity, 🌟 Welcome to our empowering corner of the internet! In this transformative video, we delve into the captivating world of body positivity, aiming to uplift and inspire individuals on their unique journeys toward embracing self-love and positive body image. Join us as we explore a spectrum of body positivity activities that not only celebrate diverse bodies but also cultivate a sense of confidence that radiates from within. Our dedicated discussion on body positive fat sheds light on breaking stereotypes, fostering an environment where everybody is appreciated and celebrated. Whether you're seeking encouragement, practical tips, or a boost of inspiration, this video is your go-to source for fostering a more positive relationship with your body. Don't forget to hit that like button if you resonate with our message, share this video with your friends to spread the love, and subscribe to our channel for more empowering content. Together, let's create a community where everyone feels seen, valued, and beautiful in their unique skin! So with a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals and we invite 🤝 you, to our world 🏡 where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. We, welcome 🤝 you to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality.
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surveycircle · 1 year
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Investigation Into Body Image Flexibility" https://t.co/JVDULETcca via @SurveyCircle #BodyImageFlexibility #BodyAppreciation #PositiveBodyImage #MentalHealth #survey #surveycircle https://t.co/g5PPVlDvDy
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) Mar 29, 2023
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drasadonbrown · 2 years
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Please Read and Share: “Moving Beyond Our Struggles" Published in Psychologs Magazine. https://www.psychologs.com/ " Psychologs is #India’s First Psychology Magazine. The magazine offers a wide range of knowledge about diverse topics in the field of psychology. The magazine is a premier magazine offering topics prudent to the field of psychology and the individual.” Brown, A. D. (2021, November 1) “Moving beyond our struggles” Retrieved from https://www.psychologs.com and https://www.facebook.com/psychologsmagazine/ Psychologs Magazine (New Delhi, India) 3 (01) 16-21 Additional Publication Information: RNJ. No.: DELENG/2019/78469 - Rs.150/- #bodyshaming #PositiveBodyImage #SelfWorth#SelfEsteem #SelfImage #Uniqueness#Originality #MentalWellness #MentalHealth#India #asadonbrown
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monikaannafit · 3 years
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