#poor JC not know wtf is going on
twistedappletree · 4 months
Arranged marriage zhuiling AU where instead of being arranged to marry each other, Jiang Cheng keeps trying to set Jin Ling up with random girls from other clans after Jin Ling mentions he’s interested in marrying ‘someone’ because he doesn’t know Jin Ling meant Lan Sizhui, so Jin Ling keeps doing the most ridiculously annoying and unappealing things to scare off every girl who comes to Koi Tower and Jiang Cheng is ripping his hair out because you little brat, you said you wanted to get married???
Eventually, both of them are so exhausted from the miscommunication that Jiang Cheng investigates and finally finds out what’s wrong, then tells Jin Ling he has one more potential spouse for him to meet. Jin Ling is a pouting lackluster mess over it until his entire world stops when the doors to Koi Tower open and Lan Sizhui walks through.
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kitcat-italica · 2 years
My JCS Opinions No One Asked For
At this point in my obsession with this show, I’ve tracked down and watched lots of different versions through various legally dubious means.  Here are my thoughts on the ones I’ve seen so far!  (In a list of each show chronologically because why not)
1973 movie: This one is both great and ehhhh for me.  It’s great because it’s the original.  I love Carl Anderson’s Judas.  Ted Neely’s Gethsemane high note always tingles my spine.  Yvonne Elliman’s Mary Magdalene is just soothing and lovely.  The ensemble’s choreography always makes me chuckle, esp the cartwheeling before Simon’s song.  The setting is fun!  Hippies in the desert = basically what Jesus and Co were in 33AD. 
Its ehhhh points are that it just doesn’t *grip* me?  It doesn’t shake me upside down to make my brain fall out like other versions do.  Besides Gethsemane, Jesus in this version is leaning into the stoic-divine-savior depiction of him?  Which imo is not the point of JCS.  The Pharisees are…making costume choices.  Pilate is lame and forgettable.  Herod is supposed to be a WTF moment in every production, but this version just makes me vaguely uncomfortable and idk why.  And the slow tempo/boring choreography/weirdly-mixed sound during Superstar always puts me to sleep. Bonus points for Carl Anderson's heavenly leather fringe costume tho.
2000 movie: Here’s where things get interesting.  I briefly posted about my thoughts on this one in particular a while back.  This movie is such a trainwreck and I can’t stop watching it.  I’ll put on clips of it when I’m feeling down and need a laugh.  It’s…something.
The costume choices are just silly.  The overacting is comical.  The singing is either so weak (Jesus) or so overexaggerated (everyone else).  My throat gets sympathy pains every time Jerome Pradon’s Judas opens his mouth; he’s not a high tenor like the part requires.  But damn if he doesn’t sell the trash-man-surviving-on-Redbull-and-poor-life-choices version of this character in every single voice-cracking wail into the middle distance.  The devastation in his acting kills meeeee.  I also think Renee Castle might be my favorite Mary Magdalene?  I love her voice and her sweetness :) I also like the Pharisees in this!  They’re dressed like dollar store Matrix action figures and it absolutely works.  I also laugh at Simon’s frosted tips every time he’s onscreen.  The guy can sing tho! And it should be noted: between the costuming and the campiness and Judas’s every interaction with Jesus, this is one of the gayest versions out there.  I’m not sure if it was on purpose or not, but I’m grateful for it either way.
Lastly, special mention must go to Leather Daddy Pontius Pilate.  He absolutely fucks.
2/10 for actual quality, 9/10 for rewatch value
2012 Broadway revival: I like this one!  A lot!  It doesn’t *move* me, but it is extremely competent and everyone knows what they’re doing.  Jesus is kinda dull in this, but I’m ok with him not being the main character lol.  Josh Young’s Judas is aalskdjflsjdf yessss.  Belt those notes in your blue flowy robe my dude!!!  And the highlight is definitely the relationship between Jesus, Judas, and Mary.  They are 100% in a polycule and honestly good for them.  This is probably the only version where I will intentionally seek out the song Could We Start Again Please, just to see the three of them sing their verse together while holding hands.  It’s beautiful and deserves all the accolades.
I think the biggest downside for me in this is that since it’s a bootleg recording from faraway I can’t connect with their facial expressions as well as I would actually seeing this live.  That would probably make it one of my absolute favorites.
2012 UK Arena Tour: Oh, 2012 Arena Tour, my beloved.  I am such trash for you.  When I say that this show needs to latch onto my beating heart and refuse to let go, this is exactly what I’m talking about.  I will watch a clip from this, only to end up watching the entire show again because I cannot put it down.  It’s just.  So.  Good.
Lots of people have done write-ups in much more detail and eloquence about why they love this version, so I will be brief.  The casting in this show is just.  So top-notch.  There is not a weak link among them.  Often there will be parts I’ll skip in a JCS production because this or that character’s portrayal is kinda meh.  BUT NOT THIS VERSION.  I love everyone’s interpretations of their characters.  Jesus.  Judas.  Mary Magdalene.  Simon.  Caiaphas.  Annas.  Pilate.  Herod.  WHY ARE THEY ALL SO GOOD?????
This one also strikes the perfect balance in tone.  The ridiculous campy bits (like Herod’s song, Superstar, etc.) are played up as exactly that, but the serious bits are played deathly serious.  Everyone’s making choices according to their character’s internal logic, and it sucks me right in.  Ugh.  I love it.
Jesus and Judas are, of course, always the highlights.  And Ben Forster and Tim Minchin are just putting their whole hearts into this.  The chemistry?  The belting?  The facial expressions?  Every single choice they’re making, even when they’re not the focus of the scene?  The pained looks?  The eyerolls?  The moments of anguished violence, followed by immediate regret?  Ben’s Gethsemane (and making me care about his character’s emotional journey outside of Gethsemane)???  Tim’s death scene???  Superstar?????
Some people don’t like the modern aesthetic of this one.  Their tastes and mine are very different, because I adore it.  Some people say the autotune in the official recording ruins it for them.  It doesn’t ruin it for me; the vocals are still powerful and shake me to my core.  I can only imagine what it was like to see this live.  Probably the closest thing to a religious experience I will ever have.
10/10.  10/10.
2014 Swedish Arena Tour: Oooooh baby.  What a wild ride this is.  We got metal biker rockstar Messiah in the house!  Complete with leather pants and long flowing wigs :)  I love it.
Peter Johansson’s Judas is def one of my favorites.  He’s such a sarcastic slutty king.  I adore him.  
Speaking of slutty kings, did someone say Ola Salo’s Jesus????  This man is definitely hearing a voice in his head telling him he’s special, and thinking it’s God.  He is 100% down to call himself one part of a Holy Trinity.  His delivery of certain lines just gives me the happy wiggles.  It’s both ethereal, detached, and bitchy all at once.  My favorite is probably The Last Supper, when he’s taunting Judas with the lines “why don’t you go do it?” and “hurry, they are waiting”.  I don’t know how to describe it, but those two lines in particular just get me to my core the way he says them.
Then there’s the famous kiss.  Such a gay moment.  So good.
My complaint about this version is that everything else besides Jesus and Judas is bland at best, deeply uncomfortable at worst.  Yes, I am mostly talking about the Pharisees.  There is a whole other post I could make about how, since this show is based on the Gospels in the New Testament, a case can be made that it rests on a foundation that flirts with anti-Semitism, so it must tread very carefully not to lean into that.  (That also makes me question whether Christianity in itself is inherently anti-Semitic?  Maybe, maybe not, but again, that’s a whole nother conversation.)  And this version of JCS…misses the mark.  Hard.  And it prevents me from watching too much of this show beyond the big Jesus and Judas scenes.
9/10 for Jesus and Judas, 4/10 for everything else.
2018 Live In Concert: This one was a nope for me.  I liked Judas okay in this one, and his glittery, belt-y Superstar is probably one of my favorite versions of the song.  But John Legend was clearly cast as Jesus because he’s a big name music star who wanted that sweet sweet EGOT (and once he won an Emmy for being a producer on this show, he got it).  But he is a baritone trying to sing a tenor part.  I’m fine with him not going for the G5 in Gethsemane, but when he tries to climb up there for the “see how I die” part, *I* started getting lightheaded just watching him.  It’s painful.
Everything else is just boring and forgettable.  Not much else to say about it.
Aaaand those are all the versions I’ve seen!  If y’all know of any others, lemme know and I’ll check them out :)
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thelonewolf48 · 1 year
MSHD Episode 4 Season 3
As always, spoilers ahead!
I need to continue watching cuz dad isn't gonna watch anytime soon and I really don't want to get spoiled... more than I already have. So, let's watch!
This time I'm not watching with the English subs because I do want to make separated posts about the subs... But if you want me to check them or any particular dialogue, just let me now!
This will be my live reaction and not a rewatch! So, let's go!
Let me see if I understood correctly... After 3 episodes and probably like a week or maybe 2 weeks? A month? Both of them are already thinking of what to say to each other's families because oops, you know what? I'm not gay/into this woman? Excuse me. What?
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And I see where they are going now! Not even a minute into the episode and they will have to keep pretending to be a couple or they will lose their LGBTQ+ investors... I'm.... Not even a full minute and I'm rolling my eyes...
WOW! For a hot second I forgot when Cynthia and Pablo got together! Then I remembered they're business partners with benefits....
They're not dating but they get possessive and jealous...
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Ana and Mariana make a quite long(? I guess? Because I don't know how long it takes to reach there) travel by car and they don't use the air-con? RIGHT... RIGHT... But then, in the next wide-shot they windows are up... I see you editing errors, I see you! LOL
Also, I feel a little bad for Victor... Like poor him, trying to make his father proud and just getting scolded by him. I feel you man, I feel you... And then he will fight with Tere, I'm seeing the future!
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I still don't understand what's going on with Juan Carlos. Can someone explain me? I'm- I know maybe they doing this as a joke and so we can laugh at him a little but, it's not funny and we could cut it out and still would make sense
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I feel absolutely disturbed with whatever it's going on that therapy? thing... WHY DO THEY HAVE TO DO THAT TO HIM? Is it meant to make him feel better? I would walk out deeply offended. Therapy or not, they shouldn't do that to him.
Disturbing and cheap writing and it's not even funny.
The gaslight Victor suffers, it's one very familiar. Is it a Mexican thing though?
And no, it's not a sign... and a relationship shouldn't start that way. Writers want to sell me that JC finds love after this whatever weird ass thing happened and that woman likes him because he cried?
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The room that the lady gave our girls gives me war flashbacks to when my family and I used to go pass some days with relatives in quiet and really small town. We used to rent some house that was small, like it only had one room that acted as a living, dinning, bedroom, and kitchen and another that was a VERY small bathroom
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Something like that, Mexican people might know around where I live now because of this lol But anyway, later on my relatives added more rooms to their house and eventually always stayed in a room very similar the lady gave them! (I miss those days)
Anyway... Don't tell me they have sex while drunk...PLEASE DON'T TELL ME... UGGHHHHH
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I mean, I'm surprised Victor and Tere are the only adults these season... They communicate, they understand, they talk, they try to deal with stuff even when it's not easy.
Kudos to them!
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"I like who you are. Well, what I'm getting to know about you" says that woman which name slips my mind to Juan Carlos... Errr, excuse me, you don't know him. He could be really bad for you! Never believe it! Run, JC, run! LOL
Drunk Ana is cute though.
She wants to write a romance novel, about her and Mariana. And she says it while looking at Mariana THAT way
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I mean, once my sapphic/shipper heart recovered... I want to say this episode is just BAD. The only thing I can save from it is Victor and Tere. Cynthia and Pablo are just a mess too. JC jumps from woman to woman (like a person I know) while not finishing to process the break up and his failed marriage. Gives me the impression he just doesn't know how to be alone and love himself, he has to have someone to show him some love so he can move on.
And, fine! I love that my ship moved forward and kissed but I HATE THAT THEY HAD TO BE DRUNK AND AWKWARD THE DAY AFTER. If from here things changed, a little awkward but still moving towards love, fine... but if they throw me Ferran again and they go separate ways Imma flip.
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Bimmy & JJ
Bobby: [just got far too much time after school to be sat here stewing waiting for Jimothy to get home, me like I hope you washed up your tea mugs or we’ll be SUSPICIOUS honey]
Jimmy: [what a fun mood he’ll be in, having to wait because I’m sure Jimothy doesn’t get home til like 6 or even 6.30 sometimes, I’m also sure that whilst he carried the mugs and her sandwich plate into the kitchen he did not in fact wash them up so unless y’all have a dishwasher he could’ve just quickly shoved them in, which I’m pretty sure we’ve said before they don’t, they will be there]
Bobby: [the drama sis, who else are you going to be having ‘round when Libi is also at school so you know she hasn’t been able to sneak in, poor boy just here freaking out and lowkey looking through all your things like what do we need to take, what can we leave, like you’re gonna flit off tonight]
Jimmy: [you defs should’ve washed up but that just goes to prove how distracted y’all were, cos yeah, has not even occurred to him that Bobby will even notice never mind that he’s fully packing his bags rn, soz boy]
Bobby: [someone was a little too busy lmao, not that that’s crossed our mind, we assume she just came to tell you this terrible news in person so you’ll be fully on board and ready to go when you get home, assuming y’all track each other’s phones so he’s already checked you are at work/on your way home and haven’t gone to kms after this meeting]
Jimmy: [come find him whatever room he is in when you finally do stroll in, under the premise of asking him what he wants for tea so you can sit him down and talk about the pub move and Libi’s bday and the dog and all the things, just there like ? because not expecting the scene he walks in on as he announces himself with the lights on and off move]
Bobby: [when you’re so hyped up but not in a fun way at all, just a LOT of energy lmao ‘when did she come over?’ immediately, no hello here lol]
Jimmy: [a look like that’s like calm down, in a genuinely concerned way obvs not a pisstakey one, because whoa now this is a lot ‘lunchtime’ steering over to somewhere with a hand on his shoulder to sit down ‘we needed to talk’ looking at him cos clearly can’t wait until dinner is ready and on the table as was his initial plan ‘we do an’ all’ me just writing this like he’d say it even though tis signed so we’re not getting that northern-ness across lol, let me live]
Bobby: [‘I already know, Libi told me’ dismissively but in a no we don’t way ‘cos I’m already on the level and up to date don’t worry, sitting wherever but under duress because we’d rather be pacing frankly]
Jimmy: [‘go on, what did she say?’ because wanna hear it from him and thus be able to gauge what he’s feeling more so than the info he does or doesn’t know, cos he’s sure you do have the full jc move goss, boy, but it’s not the knowing that’s as important as how upset you are about it and wtf you think you’re doing packing lol]
Bobby: [‘that she got them kicked out and they have to go live over the pub, so everyone’s gonna find out’ like um hello but also looking at him sympathetically ‘cos it’s you that got the dirty did on you, not us]
Jimmy: [managing not to wince, sigh or squeeze his eyes shut at how blunt that was because tis true tbf, and as much as you don’t relish everybody chatting about it, it’s more for Bobby and Libi’s sake than his, we know that, cos they have to go to school and deal whereas he isn’t an angsty teen anymore and had to deal with peeps chatting worse shit about his dad murdering his mum etc when he was, so, from his POV not nice but also not up there at the top of his priorities re this marriage breakdown in the slightest, so a nod like alright, that’s out of the way, onto the next thing, making a deliberate meal of looking around the room so he can’t miss it ‘and what’s all this?’]
Bobby: [just watching him not react which is as much of a reaction as if you just had, sorry to say, picking up your feet in your seat dramatically because you wanna kick something like for fuck’s sake but you aren’t going to so just fold them up underneath you instead ‘there’s no reason to stay here no more and now all the reason to go, we should before it gets bad’]
Jimmy: [‘mate, here’s our home’ cos it is and jj both know running away doesn’t solve anything actually, as much as they had doing it as teens ‘all the people we’re bothered about and who are bothered about us are here, our family is’ because soz but Libi and Janis and Casey are still your fam and baby Jac also exists ‘we can’t just piss off somewhere else and cross our fingers they’ll be alright on their own, or pretend it’ll solve owt for us two going off however far down the road, it don’t work like that’]
Bobby: [idk if you can laugh, maybe it would just sound odd, no offence, or if it’s just the facial expression of but either way, doing that like you what ‘they’ve all fucked off first, there’s no one but us left, we don’t need to stay here and get humiliated ‘cos of them, what for?’]
Jimmy: [shaking his head but he is nothing if not patient, so sitting down near to him without being right in his grill about it ‘they’ve not, she’s been here today, we were chatting only a bit ago’ like tis simply not true, I’m soz ‘and we’ve said we’ll try and be proper mates, have a better go at this than we have been, that’s what for, for all of us, you and Libi are included right in with it’]
Bobby: [‘and who’s idea was that?’ like I know it weren’t yours ‘you can’t be mates with her, it’s fucked she would even ask you to do that after what she’s done’ because we think this is gross and terrible]
Jimmy: [‘mine’ because it was, he said he wanted to be ‘you know I’ve not been doing well with how things have gone before now, I need to do something different, try to, why I asked her and she’s said she will do, it’s for my sake more than hers, but you heard, it’s for all of ours’]
Bobby: [doing the same thing where you try not to react as you did earlier because we really pity you right now and think you are being played because of your emotions but we know you won’t appreciate that so we’re basically just grimacing like … anyway lmao ‘I’m proposing something different, a total fresh start, that’s just going back to how it was’ like come on]
Jimmy: [‘it’ll be nowt like it were’ using the depression to his advantage to really suppress how heartbreaking that is as a concept to him rn because not trying to break or shut down here in this moment by sending himself on a thought spiral of the way things used to be or are now ‘it can’t be, but we’ve gotta stay here, I ain’t able to chuck you no sort of fresh start on my own at the minute, just us keeping on, that’d be how it got bad’ not him acknowledging to Bobby, a little bit, how mentally ill he is, oh progress]
Bobby: [‘nah, it won’t, but she’ll string you along like she did Case the entire time because that’s what she does’ getting up to your feet ‘cos you got points to make ‘it’s not about me, it’s about you, because if you don’t cut yourself free then you’re gonna get worse and worse and she’ll do fuck all about it like she can’t see it’]
Jimmy: [SUCH a look like DON’T that he cannot stop himself from throwing out because Janis defense squad 5ever ‘if it’s about me, listen to me, she proper helped us earlier when I badly were in need of, I get you don’t trust us, and you’re right to not, but we’ve had a word about where to go and what’ll help us more from here on, it ain’t owt to do with different geography’]
Bobby: [just staring at you exasperatedly, shaking our head like what are you on about ‘I don’t trust her and neither should you, you know, as she cheated on you with your own brother’]
Jimmy: [a DEEP breath ‘yeah, and that won’t go away, no matter how long we spend in the car looking for a new postcode’]
Bobby: [‘you wouldn’t have to think about it every day, risk seeing either of them, hear people talking about it, see all their fucking family all the pissing time’ slapping the back of one of your hands on the other after every point as punctuation and emphasis ‘we’d have each other, you don’t need to be scared’]
Jimmy: [‘there’s sod all that’ll stop us thinking about it every day’ letting that sigh out he didn’t before because of how true and heavy he knows that is until he starts to sort his head out ‘might be what the doctors chuck at me’ll do something, but-’ a pause, to look at him and for emphasis ‘I still have to see her, and I want to’] 
Bobby: [have obviously been signing animatedly this entire time, so slowing it down and being a bit calmer about it ‘you’re just brainwashed, you don’t have to do anything, you’d be better if you didn’t’]
Jimmy: [‘I have to get my head sorted so I can be about for her and Libi as much as to do a better job of it than I have with you, not instead of’ when you have not mentioned the baby because I firmly believe you have never to him, even though he knows about it via Libi]
Bobby: [shaking our head again ‘no, you don’t, you don’t owe them anything, it’s their fault, not yours’ putting a supportive arm on his shoulder for a sec before you have to talk again ‘you need to think about yourself’]
Jimmy: [‘I am doing, it is my fault, and I couldn’t live with myself if this is how things stay, never mind them getting no worse’ doing a fam style feelsy lean because always ‘for none of us, I love the bones of the lot of you’] 
Bobby: [pushing away from it ‘that is a mental thing to say, you got cucked, Jesus, Jim!’ walking off into another room for a second because we can’t deal with you right now but also you’re deaf so that shuts down all conversation unless he follows you and you don’t think he will so you’re coming back in]
Jimmy: [‘I am a bit mental’ when he comes back in, doing the 🤏 to try and make it slightly bants because again, how true and heavy that is with regards to the long slow trek of trying to get better is so much ‘I left her first, I’ll not be doing nowt like that again’]
Bobby: [‘she’s not coming back, she wants everyone to know now’ shrugging ‘and someone else wouldn’t make you feel mental for any of this, they’re the sick ones’]
Jimmy: [‘I’m not hanging about for her on the off chance, I meant what I said, I’ve a life here, my job, mates-’ a pause while he corrects that to ‘a really top mate’ cos shoutout to Pete, that icon ‘so have you’ after another pause like shoutout to Libi too, remember her, boy]
Bobby: [when we really don’t believe you and we’ve literally crossed our arms whilst you’re talking like I won’t be adding to this, almost turning away but only half as if you’re half listening]
Jimmy: [‘things started to go wrong ages ago, I should’ve cracked on with putting them right then’ like a * for what he said about them being the sick ones as if he just realised he didn’t address that]
Bobby: [‘not your fault they’re fucked in the head, always have been’ me like oop and you reap what you sow by acting like Casey was an unfixable and unredeemable nightmare]
Jimmy: [‘it is, I never gave neither of them what I should’ve, instead I let them both down, ‘course they’d stick together for it’]
Bobby: [rolling your eyes like oh please ‘there’s no point staying here, leave out pretending there is’]
Jimmy: [‘there is, and you know it as well as I do, pissing off and pretending you can be chuffed and never look back is what there’s no point to’]
Bobby: [‘leave me out of your sad attempt at playing happy families with them, I’m not interested’ before turning the TV on and throwing yourself on the nearest empty sofa to sprawl out]
Jimmy: [give him some time, go make a tea for you both and leave his within reach when it’s ready but have yours in the kitchen so that again you’re not in his grill cos much to process]
Bobby: [we’ll just be here in a vegetative disassociated state not processing and instead watching mindless television, don’t mind us lol]
Jimmy: [that went well lads]
Bobby: [you love to see it lmao]
Jimmy: [can’t even tell him about this dog now cos he’s made it clear he’s not interested and Jimothy is that bitch who will just leave it, hence you’ve got yourselves in this mess, what a fun stalemate to be in, go make dinner of some sort and bring it to him the same way as if this is in any way casual or a normal night]
Bobby: [at least you’ll have to eat that even though you left the tea because you’re a teenage boy and they are always hungry, and at least it’s physically impossible for you to hold a full conversation and eat so we can pretend this isn’t awkward as it is]
Jimmy: [just eating in silence on opposite sofas, a scene that would be all too familiar of the past month, I really want Jimothy to step his pussy up but I can’t run before he can walk so here we are]
Bobby: [the way this is preferable to us because we’re sick of Libi trying to talk to us in general and we just wanna stay here alone and not deal with any of them or any of that mess of a scenario or any emotions; this’ll be why Jimmy can’t show to her birthday though, tah Bobby]
Jimmy: [I can’t shade him too hard because the level of emotionally exhausted he’d have been all day before the JJ convo even started never mind this one, and at least he has tried to begin this one, but ugh it’s frustrating lol, like, he can’t even be having his own convo with Libi via text rn to make it productive cos there’s only so much he can hack in one day]
Bobby: [it makes perfect sense, if this wasn’t an issue we wouldn’t be here, at least Bobby will be going to his room at some point so you don’t have to just sit and watch him do nothing all night]
Jimmy: [go to bed and sleep sir because we all know you want to for literally a thousand years, at least we can put the JJ convo here as well, like pre-Libi’s bday and getting Peach, him telling her he can’t do whatever they had planned as an outing, cos he said he’d let her know if he couldn’t]
Bobby: [sounds good girl]
Jimmy: Have you said to Libi about [wherever they were going]?
Janis: Not yet, though I will lead with it now I’ve let things cool off
Janis: better than calling her a selfish cow or whatever again, no doubt
Jimmy: don’t, our kid’s having none of it and pissing off without him wouldn’t be a good shout at the minute
Janis: oh, that’s alright
Janis: I did wonder if he’d be up for it
Janis: I can still take her, if you don’t mind us doing it without you?
Jimmy: you’re alright, if you still fancy it, crack on
Janis: It won’t be the same but it's not my birthday so better think of something to do with her
Janis: how is he, stupid question though it is
Jimmy: The kind of question where the answer is, that the other day I came in from work to find him packing the place up, with it in his head we’d just piss off and go
Janis: ah
Janis: I bet he took the news you weren’t after leaving your whole life here behind really well then
Jimmy: Weren’t no 👍
Jimmy: 🖕 more like
Janis: how are you is a better question then 
Janis: 🤏
Janis: trying to take comfort in the fact that’s the expected and normal teenage response?
Jimmy: something like that
Janis: you do know how normal it is, yeah
Janis: Libi is honestly pretty weird for wanting to spend any time with us still
Jimmy: Least she’s weird how I am, ‘cause same
Janis: I’d say you go with her but it’d only be funny to me for the first three seconds to see his reaction to suggesting I keep an eye on him
Janis: he’s only different ‘cos he had a family about to get sick of, you didn’t
Jimmy: Take real comfort in that any road, can’t I?
Janis: 🤞
Janis: I’m sorry, I was looking forward to it too
Jimmy: I’d say tell her I am, but it’s probably better if she don’t have no clue I were ever gonna be there
Janis: depends
Janis: you’re allowed to let her know your intentions but do you want to also let her know in the process that Bobby don’t want to see her
Jimmy: can’t wrap no bow round it and make it look a top birthday gift, bit too gutting for her
Janis: yeah, probably
Janis: there’s an argument for letting him be a dickhead on his own time but
Janis: I appreciate you looking out for her best interest, although she’s going to know regardless when he doesn’t show up to [do their whole rigamarole lol]
Jimmy: Argument for locking them in together somewhere and losing the key ‘til they both stop being dickheads and sort themselves out, but probably best we don’t, nspcc would be right round
Janis: this is going to be dead uncomfortable for us all
Janis: last thing this situation needs is social workers
Jimmy: Long as he don’t ring the rspca on the dog I’ve not said nowt to him about
Janis: bit harsh, poor cow really is blameless 
Janis: she can always stay with my grandparents, don’t forget, if he does kick off or you at least need time to tell him
Jimmy: tah, rather not take you up on the offer, but fact is I might have to
Janis: I mean, ultimately I think he should get over it and deal, you had to keep Twix about for him but I’m not going to force the thing upon you to make that point
Janis: fucking teenagers
Jimmy: Who’d have ‘em, eh?
Janis: 👵👴
Janis: made us feel a bit sick, that
Jimmy: Tell me about it, mate
Jimmy: sick to the back teeth over here, I am
Janis: you ever thought of taking up smoking?
Janis: heard it works wonders
Jimmy: What I’ve heard, an’ all
Janis: but seriously, you’ve gotta do some shit for yourself, catch up with Pete
Janis: or he will drive you actually certifiably insane
Jimmy: Funnily enough, he said the same, when he were trying to get us to never have nowt more to do with you, like, but 
Janis: Oh no, got my biggest hater on my side
Janis: he’ll be gutted
Janis: maybe he has A single point, broken clocks, all that
Jimmy: Thing is, I don’t have the energy to do owt for myself
Janis: yeah, I know that feeling, be a right hypocrite to act as if otherwise
Jimmy: broken clock, all that
Jimmy: Every dickhead wants us to strike HOW many times?!
Janis: proper pisstake
Janis: just pick up a pack, I reckon
Janis: least you won’t be directly fucking up no one if you do
Jimmy: 👍
Jimmy: urge to piss off down the shop for them or a pint of milk’s never been stronger, might be Debbie had A point herself there
Janis: never said she didn’t, no offence to you all, like
Janis: if you wanted to spend some time with Libs, we could meet up after school instead this week, if you’d rather
Janis: chuck a fiver at him for some fish and chips or leave a frozen pizza, be alright
Jimmy: None taken, I get where her head were more with every passing day
Jimmy: and tah, again, but I can’t
Janis: we can admit she’s exhausting too, she can’t hear us here
Jimmy: It’s not her, you didn’t hear, or see, him
Janis: you really don’t want to leave him alone then
Jimmy: you don’t need telling how quick you can get on a train or something and be gone
Janis: no, I don’t
Janis: you reckon he might, proper?
Jimmy: I’d have said not without us before, but after hearing what he reckons of me, I dunno now
Janis: That is knackering
Jimmy: Were when I just about had the stamina to keep up with you being at it
Janis: I was a nightmare, you didn’t need it then either
Jimmy: I needed you, massive nightmare as you could be half the time
Janis: oh, half is it
Janis: generous
Janis: well, I understand, you have to do what you have to do, I just wish I could share some of the responsibility of watching him but I dunno how to now
Jimmy: be the rose-tinted 😎 that will, pissing about with the proper %
Jimmy: You’re alright, he’s my responsibility, always has been
Janis: no one should shoulder anything alone, not even you two dickheads
Jimmy: I tried saying when I were on about what we had to stay for, he won’t be told
Janis: alright but don’t make him right about it
Janis: just angry
Jimmy: Never were much good at sorting out angry though, were I?
Janis: you can’t sort angry, you let angry tire itself out 
Jimmy: Chatting as the punching bag, it don’t get tired quick enough
Janis: oh Jimmy
Janis: send him my way, fuck it, I’m not exhausted he can get some of what he needs to say out on someone else
Jimmy: I’ve had to hack worse, as an actual punching bag
Janis: but it's not the point, if you’re too done in to even defend yourself then it’s the same difference
Janis: you need rest, he needs to get it out somewhere it’ll not do no damage
Jimmy: There’s no defending myself, his head is done in by the situation I’ve put him in
Janis: you haven’t put him in any situation, come on
Jimmy: ‘Course I have, I set it up so owt I do is for him, top when I’m 🥇 but when I fuck up that’s his life I have done
Janis: that’s just the transition from kid to not
Janis: what else were you meant to do, Ian wasn’t gonna step in and step up, you can’t blame yourself for none of that
Jimmy: Why not? Our kid will do
Janis: yeah, whilst he’s a cunty teenager and then he’ll grow the fuck up too
Janis: that’s just life, everyone treats their kids like the sun shines out their hole and then the kid is royally pissed off when they hit 13, 14 and they realise it don’t and the world don’t give a fuck
Jimmy: Alright, but grow up how? No bloody way I wanted him to
Jimmy: say what you like, but it weren’t meant to be like this
Janis: of course you didn’t want this
Janis: everyone fucks it up, that’s the secret
Janis: every twat reckons they can do better and that’s what keeps the world populated
Jimmy: Dead convenient you’ve managed to unlock that secret when you need it most
Janis: I literally had this kid for the most selfish reasons, what’s the point harping on like I’m gonna do it ‘right’ or ‘well’ just to look like a dickhead in 13 years when it’s being a bastard itself
Jimmy: I’d be a bigger dickhead to make a point about trying, so you can have your ‘win’, there 🏆
Janis: it’s not a win it’s a fucking cliche
Janis: yeah, he’s spoilt and fucked up, but you couldn’t have done no better and he’d be a whole load worse off if you hadn’t of tried as hard as you did
Jimmy: be why I nicked your ‘  ’ to put the word in, that 
Janis: you’re a knobhead, but a really good one who cares too fucking much for his own good
Jimmy: Dunno where I could’ve nicked that from an’ all, don’t sound at all like you, or nowt
Janis: nah, never me
Janis: I’m sure you’ve had my faults spelt out to you quite literally if that’s the sort of mood he’s in atm
Jimmy: must’ve mixed you up for your twin again, piss easy done
Jimmy: He’s had it spelt out to him loads more times, I don’t want a bad word said about a lass who’s now my proper mate
Janis: be the nicest review she’s received, would stick out on her dating profile, that
Janis: you don’t have to defend me, you know
Jimmy: He don’t have to badmouth you to us, more like
Jimmy: I know what happened, it happened to me
Janis: fair, if you don’t wanna hear that, you shouldn’t have to
Janis: just don’t do nothing for my sake no more
Jimmy: Can’t stop us, sort of mate I am
Janis: I feel bad that no one warned you what a crap friend I am
Jimmy: I’ll live, nobody else is lining up at the minute
Janis: glad to hear you plan to drop us soon as the invites are rolling in, like
Jimmy: Warned you this were all temporary from day one, girl, why would I have a different plan now it’s mates instead?
Janis: ‘cos now we’re MATES you actually chat to us and I heard you ain’t leaving town, so
Janis: don’t give me that we’ll be off before you know it crap
Jimmy: A petty dickhead would hang on til he don’t fancy it no more and then announce we’re going
Jimmy: never, me
Janis: be no less than I deserve but
Jimmy: Yeah, but 
Janis: stay
Jimmy: You, I said it first 
Janis: if you’re keeping score, lot I said first too, memory serves
Jimmy: You’d be the first to tell us there’s no point keeping score no more, this convo serves
Jimmy: loving a bit of that today, you
Janis: erm I was trying to cheer you up, sorry I’m absolutely shocking at it and nothing matters, who cares is my default
Jimmy: Dunno what you mean, reckon I’ll cancel my doctor’s appointment ‘cause there’s no chance I’m not absolutely 100% cured, tah for that
Janis: 🙃
Janis: I mean, it’s a gift, really, this sunny disposition and knack for saying and doing the right thing at the right time
Jimmy: I don’t need telling 😎 never could come off, even if I had fancied it
Janis: good thing it suited you so well, did you a massive favour there
Jimmy: Handing Ian his perfect asking for it excuse, but I’ll let you off
Janis: asking for it could be his catchphrase, no doubt
Jimmy: depending how thin on the ground Mastermind contestants are nowadays, there’s a specialist subject in there an’ all
Janis: not a waste of a life after all, mate, happy days
Jimmy: 😁☀️
Janis: are you gonna see me this week or what
Jimmy: [drop your work schedule like you used to when you were a barista boy, with the vibe of there maybe being a lunchtime y’all could see each other again if she’s also free]
Janis: [pick one or a couple that you could do too so he has some options]
Jimmy: there we go then, that answers that
Janis: 😁☀️ ain’t exclusive to Ian
Jimmy: Might not be, but ☔️ is fairly exclusive to the time of year
Janis: where do you fucking live, mate
Jimmy: Ask us by [the first day she suggested] and who knows
Janis: I look forward to the house tour then 😏
Jimmy: Look forward to asking Gracie to find out her old vlog camera and be round, personally
Janis: 💔
Jimmy: I were when I remembered that weren’t your past life an’ all, these bloody mixups just keep on 
Janis: never too late to right that wrong
Jimmy: there’s certifiable then there’s certifiable, my dear
Janis: if we are mates now, it’d be proper 🐍 behaviour, babe
Jimmy: Oi, hun, what you chucking that if at us for? 
Janis: ‘cos be nice or I’ll 😭 and you’ll see what it’d be like having her about
Jimmy: not got a dementia diagnosis neither, I reckon I can remember what having her about were like, tah
Janis: not like you had me about
Jimmy: I had nobody about like I had you
Janis: nah, not yet
Jimmy: ?
Janis: it’s just gonna be
Janis: I’m trying to prepare myself for it but
Jimmy: Prepare yourself for what, you heard, nobody’ll take your place
Jimmy: I’ll never have none of that again, not the same
Janis: keep me special and I’ll keep you, I don’t care how sad that makes me sound
Jimmy: I only care how sad it makes me to have to past tense it
Janis: I hate myself but I know that don’t make you feel no better
Jimmy: It makes us feel worse, stop it before I have to really emotionally blackmail you
Janis: any time, mate, any time
Jimmy: doubt it’ll be what the doctor orders, you’re best to listen and leave it out
Janis: leave you alone, I know
Jimmy: Don’t hate yourself for my sake when I don’t hate you
Janis: it’s mine too, you’re alright
Janis: in one life I’d really have loved if I’d not fucked everything up and could have kept hold of you, you know
Jimmy: We only get one, mate
Janis: not according to my mother but as per, perhaps she’s talking total shit
Janis: be too good to be true, that
Jimmy: Yeah, that it would
Janis: I wish I could keep you happy, I really do
Jimmy: I false advertised it, far as jobs go
Janis: I stopped trying too
Janis: you deserve someone who won’t
Jimmy: So do you
Janis: fuck’s sake
Jimmy: A pisstake, I know
Janis: I can’t stop wanting it, I don’t know how
Jimmy: Wrong person to ask, me
Janis: maybe it’s okay, or we can tell ourselves it is
Jimmy: All it needs be is more okay than the alternative
Janis: and if it isn’t for you, you tell me to fuck off, I don’t care how much it hurts me, promise
Jimmy: I can promise you I’ll not say that, hand on heart
Janis: you’re so
Janis: but I love you
Jimmy: the dickhead I am, like it or not
Janis: you heard I do
Janis: doctor’ll teach you to stand it yourself, or some top notch pills will
Jimmy: There’s my ‘win’ then, all the artificial sunshine I can hack
Janis: might be fun, chemical holiday
Jimmy: no worse than the ones I went on as a kid, can’t be
Janis: say that’s practically a given, babe
Jimmy: Alright, near forgot you were a pill expert ‘cause of it being the family trade once upon a time
Janis: my mothers wonderful choice in men
Janis: only a 🤏 jealous they wouldn’t put me on shit right now
Jimmy: Where you’re wrong, all sorts of happy pills are safe to crack on with, barely cause any weird defects or owt
Janis: 🥳 [the dates you suggested]
Janis: safer, though
Jimmy: Do what I can to let the sun in for you
Janis: not afraid of the dark, it’s okay
Jimmy: Just getting your hair wet
Jimmy: hang on, Grace again, that one
Janis: ain’t even hers, make it make sense
Jimmy: gotta show some respect for the animal that died
Janis: 🦡🙌
Jimmy: RIP
Janis: I missed you
Jimmy: I’ve missed you an’ all
Janis: should I ask you how works been, is that a thing mates do, educate me
Jimmy: I’ve only got the one other and he does nowt of the sort
Jimmy: don’t reckon he knows the job I do
Janis: not convinced he remembers his own half the time so sounds about right
Jimmy: can’t say I right blame him, his ain’t rock star like he were after and nor’s mine as ‘fun’ as all that
Janis: could tell him that you get to photograph fit girls all day, he’d be impressed by that
Jimmy: No need to impress him, not in the market for a boyfriend yet
Janis: well, it upsets me less than Grace does as a contender but that’s purely ‘cos I could fantasize about that and not feel dead bad
Jimmy: ready to go from well back in the day, that fantasy of yours, don’t let us stop you
Janis: I’m behaving, honest
Jimmy: You heard, up to you how you want to
Jimmy: whatever gets your broken clock going, ain’t that the saying?
Janis: not at your expense
Janis: or Pete’s, though slightly less relevant as it wouldn’t be the first thing I brought up if I saw him down Tescos
Jimmy: Nor him these days, I don’t doubt
Janis: yeah, another one who’d have all the bad words to say
Jimmy: can get in the queue behind us if you like, he’ll have enough to say he never heard all that bollocks off me before every other dickhead’s told him
Janis: why would you wanna talk about that, like it’s good news
Janis: he’ll understand, remember that girlfriend he had [when you were an age who was clearly just the worst and made him look a fool]
Jimmy: I’m not bothered if he don’t, I ain’t got it in us to keep on trying to make other dickheads understand things
Janis: 😍
Janis: you seen the doctor without us
Jimmy: Soon I will do
Janis: I understand, you know
Janis: you don’t have to tell me nothing twice, though you reckon I never listen in the first place
Jimmy: Wouldn’t say never, you have your moments
Janis: but I ask nicely, got to admit
Jimmy: so nice, you
Janis: oi, be sincere about what a delight I am, dickhead
Jimmy: I am, never could read a room, that there’s a never for you
Janis: fucking hell, make me sound like I’m special in a bad way 
Janis: I’ll be paranoid
Jimmy: made yourself sound it, nowt to do with us, I said you were nice, no truer word for when I saw you the other day
Janis: if I called you nice, you’d say it was 🙂 equivalent
Jimmy: What do you want me to call you then?
Janis: that’d be telling
Jimmy: right, tell us
Janis: I can’t, just gonna have to be nicer this time you see me ‘til you think of it yourself
Jimmy: Back to being fit and mysterious for old time’s sake, are you?
Jimmy: alright
Janis: if you tell me I’m too old for it I will have to fight you
Jimmy: you can still get yourself into it, like your [an item of clothing she still has]
Janis: Libi said I was too old to be a model, that’s a tenner out the card for her
Janis: and she won’t be borrowing [said item of clothing]
Jimmy: She would, age to be discovered now, her
Jimmy: you’re sod all but competition, be costing her loads more than that tenner an’ all
Janis: see, never a nonce, you 
Jimmy: Tah, ‘cause see, I can read how sincere that were
Janis: okay, okay, I believe you
Janis: you’re misguided and you think I’m proper nice
Janis: thank you
Jimmy: Brainwashed our kid called it
Janis: ouch, like
Jimmy: I said, he’s been the delight, never mind you reckoning you’re the nightmare one or owt else but nice
Janis: can’t even be impressed
Janis: wanna talk about one of ‘em coming for my gigs, cheek of it
Jimmy: can’t be bothered, it’s nice to chat to someone who don’t fancy treating us like I’ve got battered missus syndrome off you
Janis: say what you like about the shit he might’ve seen, he hasn’t seen a divorce or nowt of the sort
Janis: he doesn’t know how anything like that goes, that most the time you still love each other and that you don’t hate each other’s guts like the films
Jimmy: How many films they’ve both seen is half the trouble, I should’ve let him have a bit more real life experience
Janis: get ready
Janis: could’ve gone my life without seeing Libi dancing on some spotty little twat but there we go
Jimmy: SO nice of you to remind us of all that
Jimmy: she’s not seen him since sobering up, has she?
Janis: She could barely seem interested drunk, I don’t think so
Janis: was very #triggering, as Gracie might say
Jimmy: Fuck’s sake, between the pair of them, I’ve a headache
Janis: on the plus side, you’ll look very sexy with grey hair
Janis: but I know, I just wish I could help you out more with Bobby so it was properly equal how it should be
Jimmy: I’ll have the compliment as you never noticed my accidental poetry up there, even making us rhyme again now, they are
Janis: if that don’t sum it up, unrecognised genius, you
Jimmy: Piss poor and unloved in my one bloody lifetime 🎻
Janis: 💔
Jimmy: divorce’ll have the first one true any road
Janis: nah, fuck that
Janis: let’s just let it fucking, default, I dunno
Janis: if you reckon I owe you something, come get it
Jimmy: I don’t want nowt like that off you
Janis: weren’t why I married you, be a shite financial decision, respectfully
Jimmy: None taken for the second time, like
Janis: I’ve told you, I don’t want a thing off you you can’t afford to give, I swear
Janis: you aren’t gonna wake up to no letter saying nowt different, never
Jimmy: Nor you, solicitor’s an even worse financial decision
Janis: so unless you fancy one and you wanna make her your 2nd wife, let’s not, yeah
Jimmy: Okay
Janis: okay
Jimmy: Keep us posted about the dog though, when you know what you’re doing with all that, don’t hate the idea of ALL letters
Janis: 💌
Janis: I will
Jimmy: In a bit then?
Janis: yeah, I’m talking your ear off again
Janis: I’m such a mess these days, I can’t work out if I’ll be telling you about the dog first or seeing you for another lunch date but, whichever one, I’m excited to see you again
Jimmy: I started it
Jimmy: I like talking to you
Jimmy: and seeing you
Janis: we don’t have to stop
Janis: I like it as much
Janis: just trying to find the messages with the dog lady, now she is fucking chatty
Jimmy: Rather you than me, poor Libs wouldn’t end up with no dog ‘cause I’d put the lady right off
Janis: ‘cos middle-aged women are the worst preds, never safe, poor boy 😤
Jimmy: leave it out telling her I’m single when you pop up
Janis: she wishes it were a swap
Janis: not happening, Helen
Jimmy: Can see Case in his element
Janis: just handles the wannabe MILFs different, suppose
Jimmy: and if that ain’t #triggering, what is?
Janis: I felt the instant regret
Jimmy: I wish you had of
Janis: it wouldn’t have changed things for us
Jimmy: Depends on the us, me and him it would’ve
Janis: true
Jimmy: Too late now, we’ve both said it before
Janis: I said I’d go, if it meant you two would fix things
Jimmy: It wouldn’t, you might as well stay
Janis: be a pisstake to everyone if I left
Jimmy: It’s your one life
Janis: other people are involved though, we’re both old enough to admit it’s messier than all that
Jimmy: But it’s also been done, there’s no going back and undoing it for nobody that’s involved
Jimmy: they’ll live, we all have to
Janis: I know that
Jimmy: have to get back behind us in that queue if they fancy that, no dickhead does more than me, but there’s no fix, trust us, I’ve had a look everywhere
Janis: I don’t want to go, I would if it would work but it won’t, sorry to Bobs on that one
Jimmy: His brain ain’t done developing, what I’ve heard
Janis: even we’ve got a few months to go, fucking hell, like
Jimmy: 🤞 that’s what 100% cures us, be nice
Janis: but
Janis: fine 🎂
Jimmy: ?
Janis: well, I will miss your underdeveloped brain when it’s gone, that’s all
Jimmy: Stick in a jar for you 🎂
Jimmy: nhs must still do lobotomies, they worked SO well 
Janis: just put us in matching jars and call it a day
Jimmy: you’ve forfeited his and hers, have to be some bollocks BFF jars
Janis: think of a decent caption or I’m tipping you out, dickhead
Jimmy: plan all along, that
Jimmy: bit of peace and quiet down the drain
Janis: some BFF
Jimmy: Never said I were good at it, ask Pete
Janis: I doubt he’s got it in him to slag me off like I need to hear
Jimmy: People can surprise you, I’d be the dickhead to know, these days
Janis: never say never, eh
Jimmy: more of a jumpscare but still, no need for the other huns to take down their toilet signs saying the like of what I just did do
Janis: get it, you’re gonna put all your energy into home decor
Janis: let the glitter and crushed velvet shine now this dickhead’s out the way
Jimmy: Be a pisstake to let Libi or her dog sleep in the spare room as is
Janis: do you want to stay there?
Jimmy: At the minute I’ve got no choice in it either way, every dickhead goes on about how stressful moving is at the best of times
Jimmy: you don’t need telling
Janis: not wrong, if it’s a thing that’s stable and you need that, don’t blame you
Janis: least I know enough cunts ‘round here to fall on my feet, it was alright, no need for sympathy
Jimmy: You don’t like it if there’s a need or there’s not
Janis: I’m the last person who deserves it, always
Janis: and you’re the one person who don’t owe me none about this entire situation
Jimmy: if you say so, Janis
Janis: why are you pretending to know my name now
Jimmy: I do know it, and you
Janis: you just don’t know how to hate me
Jimmy: Make me sound special needs now
Jimmy: I’m fed up of every dickhead telling me what I should or shouldn’t do
Janis: I didn’t tell you to, not today
Janis: I might’ve before, some of it I forget when it was really bad
Jimmy: Hating you don’t make no difference, I’ll still love you
Janis: I’ll never learn how to stop loving you, that’s a never
Jimmy: The hate I’ve got for my dad never got me nowhere, not far enough to be worth owt
Janis: yeah
Janis: so, don’t, tell every dickhead to fuck off
Jimmy: Like a spam NYE text @ this whole town
Janis: exactly
Janis: fuck this town, they’ve always got plenty to talk about and it never mattered as much as what we wanted to do and what we felt
Janis: won’t tell you I support you no matter what again but
Jimmy: It’s mostly about your relatives, tell Gracie she’s due another jilting at the altar or pregnancy scare
Janis: on it
Janis: half the rumours or shit they reckon they know is probably shit they’ve said before, don’t matter to them what’s true, only how it looks
Jimmy: We’ve used it to our advantage before, might as well keep on
Janis: look, we all know I’m not above making up some salacious bullshit about my own blood
Janis: I’ll do it for you, no joke
Jimmy: I don’t care, I’m not a school kid no more, and what bollocks goes round the office already goes over my head, there to work not make no new mates
Janis: cross your heart?
Jimmy: It’s them pair I’m worried about, not myself
Janis: what should we do?
Jimmy: Nowt we can, neither of us have time to homeschool ‘em
Jimmy: have to just 🤞 they hack it alright, whatever they hear, least Libi’s used to it, and he’s deaf, all that’ll help 🤏
Janis: They both know the truth, and what they reckon about it
Janis: nothing no random can say that is worse than all that, that’s always been how it goes, trust us
Jimmy: yeah, exactly
Janis: if he needs a punching bag, I’m serious about it
Janis: he’s angry at me, let him be, yeah, it’ll be better for you both
Jimmy: I’m not suggesting he uses you as one, let him go down gym for an actual like the rest of us have done
Janis: said you know me, when have I ever stood there and taken it?
Janis: fuck fighting a losing battle, all I’m saying, he don’t like me, he don’t like Libi at the minute, is what it is
Jimmy: fuck fighting full stop, us lot at each other’s throats is total bollocks
Janis: he isn’t there yet
Janis: you and me, we’ve had more life experience, we’re supposed to be adults, allegedly
Janis: if you try and rush him into being matey with her or anything, he’ll kick back on it and you
Jimmy: Alright, but that don’t mean I’m giving him a free pass to say what the fuck he wants to you or to her, if it goes on when I ain’t there, sod all I can do, but I’m not chucking him my permission and saying off you go, slide into their DMs and be a twat
Janis: Okay, I see your point
Janis: not a good example for you to set
Jimmy: I’ve worked myself half to death for years to avoid that being the example he has, might as well pack his bags myself and send him to Ian’s
Janis: he’d come running back faster than his legs could carry him
Janis: but no, I know you’re not gonna do that either, nor should you, not that much of a hard cow
Jimmy: A losing battle’s how it feels, all of it
Jimmy: being up, dressed, going to meetings, coming home to cook tea, on and on the list could go
Janis: because he’s throwing it back in your face right now
Janis: that’s why we’ve gotta find shit outside of him for you to care about, for yourself
Janis: because whether he’s being a normal teenager or being a little bastard, you can’t rely on him for anything more
Jimmy: I’ll care about the dog, I said
Janis: okay, the dog
Janis: I’m gonna go get it
Jimmy: Now? 
Janis: yeah, fuck it
Jimmy: You’re 
Janis: it’s important
Janis: and he’ll love it whatever he says, he’s not a psychopath
Jimmy: I love you whatever he says
Jimmy: How could I not?
Janis: I love you
Jimmy: [tell her about whatever dog food or supplies you have, waiting hidden somewhere like your car boot or whatever so Bobby doesn’t know, because he meant what he said about actually taking care of Peach and it’s clearly given him something to do already]
Janis: [likewise tell him about whatever stuff the lady said she’s got like sometimes they have blankets or a toy etc to get comfortable and what things you’ll pick up that he hasn’t got yet]
Jimmy: It’s a plan
Janis: 😁 
Janis: she’s so cute
Jimmy: She’ll do for a start as something to bother about
Janis: who could say no to that face
Jimmy: Even your nan would have a job, I reckon
Janis: sucker for a stray
Jimmy: here I had ideas what me and her had were special, turns out she’s everybody’s with a massive enough sob story 
Janis: didn’t hear that from me
Janis: proper desperate vibes, me slagging off everyone you fancy
Jimmy: Your right as my ex, that
Janis: you’re right though, definitely the least I can do is be the actual psycho ex no boy has ever had
Janis: I’ll go for it, give it my all
Jimmy: Speak for yourself, I’ll be 2 for 2 if you’re gonna act crazy an’ all
Janis: Psh, I’d do a better job at it than that
Jimmy: I’d rather you didn’t, bit of a rep for us to have
Janis: an amazing one, made us go mental losing you
Jimmy: or being with us did
Janis: got to learn how to spin it, see
Janis: and you know you’ve just got questionable taste, actually but no one needs to hear that
Jimmy: questionable actions, there’s nowt wrong with my taste on it’s own
Janis: it’s alright, I’m good looking, put up with more for less, people have
Jimmy: True enough
Janis: not even gonna call me a bighead?
Janis: must be excited
Jimmy: Saves us having to chuck you a compliment you won’t take
Janis: convenient
Jimmy: Very
Janis: you’re
Janis: too
Jimmy: What?
Janis: ?
Jimmy: I’m too? Excited? Nice? Tired? What?
Janis: no, you said I’m-
Janis: you are too, though if you meant I’m well smart, I might have to take it back
Jimmy: I meant you’re as much of all of it as you ever were
Janis: then you can keep it too
Jimmy: Feels fake, but alright
Janis: I know how it feels but
Jimmy: Yeah, that but’s important, I know
Janis: it’s all I’ve got
Jimmy: I know how it feels, no but this time
Janis: all we need is a little right now 🤏 will do
Jimmy: Both of us are clinging to 3 letter words, but for you and dog for me, ghost of Bill would be chuffed to bits by that
Janis: is a bit babies first word, init
Jimmy: could be worse, least I’m trying for mine not being you, as I’ve been there, done that, for dear life already
Janis: yeah
Jimmy: definition of insanity and all that, letting it repeat
Janis: so I’ve heard
Jimmy: there you go then 
Janis: I know what you’re saying
Jimmy: easy spellings, even if I weren’t calling you smart a bit ago, you’re not thick
Janis: its enough, isn’t it
Jimmy: You tell us, is it?
Janis: no, you tell me
Jimmy: Tell you what?
Janis: it can wait, it’s alright
Jimmy: What kind of answer is that?
Janis: I just realised we don’t need to have this conversation now
Janis: we’ve got something good to focus on
Jimmy: Alright
Janis: it’s nothing like, I dunno, I want this to be about you and the dog and just good shit
Jimmy: You say that like my head won’t make it into something
Janis: yeah… fuck it number two then
Janis: you don’t want to hook up again, do you? That’s what’s enough
Jimmy: I don’t know
Janis: okay, that’s an alright answer
Jimmy: I want to same as I’d have you back like a shot if you’d just come home
Jimmy: I know it don’t mean it’s a good idea
Janis: I just feel like I’ve pushed you or something
Jimmy: I’ve been forced into all sorts, that isn’t on the list
Janis: good
Janis: just, if you’re ever sure, let me know?
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somereaderinblue · 2 years
Jiang Wanyin VS Mu Qing
I once saw a post that mentioned how JC stans try to push JC’s characterization onto MQ and I’m just sitting there like.......wtf? Bcz frankly, if they ever truly met face-to-face, I’ll bet my left kidney that MQ will despise JC. Hell, I think MQ and JC couldn’t be anymore different from each other and here’s why.
(Note: This is gonna be a long rant but pls, bear with me.)
First of all, let’s look at their family backgrounds. JC was born as the heir to Yunmeng Jiang with two respected/powerful cultivators as parents. But MQ? He was born to a poor household in a dark alley, his father was a sinner that had been beheaded and his mother was a seamstress who eventually got bad eyes and could no longer continue her job.
Bcz of his poor background, MQ wasn’t even allowed to cultivate until XL noticed his potential and recommended him personally. You wanna say ‘oh poor JC, he’s always in WWX’s shadow’ well boo-hoo, it sucks to be in second place just as much as it sucks to have no place at all! 
How, just by knowing this, how can you think MQ is anything like JC? JC grew up with all the privileges as the son of one of the highest gentries. While he was raging about losing his dogs bcz of a traumatized boy, MQ was an errand boy/ servant working his ass off to feed his own mother. He was shunned and scolded just for wanting to give her cherries.
If anything, MQ probably resonates more with WWX who was in a similar position as him since he was constantly viewed as ‘the son of a servant’. MQ was constantly looked down upon, bullied and unable to fight back or he’ll get kicked out. His only protection was XL; similar to how only JFM could make WWX’s abusive life just a bit more tolerable.
Then there’s also this post which canonically proves how JC’s place in society was always set in stone. He grew up with everything already handed to him: a well-respected status, a fancy household, warm food on the table everyday, etc. But MQ? He had to diligently work hard, he had to put in raw effort to rise through the ranks and had to consciously prove himself worthy of it.
There’s also the fact that for all of MQ’s supposed prickliness, the children in his home area adore him. Him, the one whom us readers have come to assume was an unapproachable edgy character, has a soft spot for children and vice versa. They call him ‘gege’ and he gives them cherries and candy. He cares for them and relates to them.
As for JC, let’s face it. Without WWX as his social buffer, who would want to befriend him? Without WWX around to distract you from his unpleasantness, without him around as part of the package, who would willingly approach JC with a genuine offer of friendship? Would JC even know shit about forming non-toxic relationships?
Then there’s the fact that MQ can actually take care of himself and others. He was XL’s personal attendant; he knows how to cook, clean and sew. When everything was going to shit, he still tried to take care of XL and he could bcz he knows first-hand what it’s like to live a rough life of doing back-breaking labour and swallowing your pride just so you can put food on the table & a roof over your head.
But JC? After the Fall of Lotus Pier, WWX was the one to take care of him. WWX who had the foresight to ensure he had money stitched into the hems of his clothes as preparation and getting food for them to eat. WWX, the man he used as his emotional sandbag, the man he tried to strangle after saving his ass. All he could do was sit on his ass and wallow in misery. Okay fine, I’ll admit that yes, he has been through a shitty ordeal BUT! So has WWX and you don’t see him being mopey, do you? Without WWX around, JC would’ve died in a ditch if he hadn’t been caught by Wens first.
And unlike JC, MQ gets reconciliation and he does it right- he earns it. MQ actually takes action to fix his mistakes whereas for JC, literally the only thing he could do at the end was not take action to salvage what little was left after he kicked the dead dog over and over for the past 13 years. And even that alone speaks volumes- at the end, JC does nothing and still walks off with minimal consequences bcz of his high-ranking station.
But MQ willingly volunteered to help XL as Fu Yao again and again, stands by his side to face Jun Wu/ Bai Wuxiang and personally fixed Ruoye. If it were JC, you think he’d do that? Does the guy even know how to sew?? (He probably would’ve pawned it off to a lower subordinate to settle then take credit for it.) And unlike JC who only went to the Burial Mounds to drag WWX back and ignore the blatant injustice the Jins were doing, MQ continued to visit XL while he was waiting for HC’s return to check on him, to make sure he’s doing well, to show his concern and support as a true friend that cares.
Thus, I conclude my case.
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JC stans, pls don't clown my post.
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kncrowder88 · 3 years
Voyager and Romance
So, the thing about Voyager and romance that sticks with me is they seem to do one couple really, or more accurately two characters, any real justice overall. And that is B’Elanna and Tom. While moments for that relationship may not be perfect that is rather realistic for relationships, as no relationship is perfect all the time so that is tolerable. This post though isn’t going to be about looking at that particular relationship though but primarily at other relationships. Largely because a discord server I am in was talking about Counterpoint and I realized why I both love the episode but also have weird feelings with it. Which, I’ll touch more on that specifically after I discuss the relationship stuff (as that plays a part).
So, I will preface this with it has been a bit since I’ve done a binge of Voyager and really a full binge of Star Trek in general. As such, I may forget a few relationships on the show and overall, throughout Trek in general. From what I can really toss together … I honestly am beginning to believe that when it comes to Voyager and the other shows (the older ones not the new ones – I am not including any NEW Trek in this) that for some reason the relationship writing with Voyager was rather different. Like, they gave 3 characters active relationships prior to being stranded. That being Harry Kim, Kathryn Janeway, and Tuvok. Out of these three we get Janeway and Tuvok holding onto those relationships in their own way while … it seemed mildly convenient for Harry to mention it when it suited him, I guess (like that time Tom wanted to set them up for a double date or you know when he ended up in that alternate timeline but still wanted back with Voyager even more like). Like, the reason I don’t list Tuvok-T’Pel above is because we don’t actually get to SEE that in full, we just get to see Tuvok’s side of it and his dedication – we don’t see the relationship, we don’t see the couple.
Harry and Tom, prior to his relationship with B’Elanna, seem to frequently do this sort of two bros dating around thing which is fine but like … same time the show used them for that. And once they settled Tom with B’Elanna they used Harry in those plot lines when it worked. Thus the alien STD episode and the “how dare you not get the standard permission from your CO and CMO” line (like they really put that into a Trek ep and I’m still unable to not picture Riker, Kirk, Picard, and everyone other Trek character constantly getting permission for their latest romance – just remember Jadzia and Worf likely had to get permission from Sisko and Bashir if the Trill and Klingon weren’t already approved of in the system just saying, that’s a thing that happened). Anyways … my point is they went out of their way on this. Like, when Kes was with Neelix they wrote Neelix to be that jealous judgmental boyfriend who literally got upset she knew where other people’s quarters where, she was nice to Tom, she was … just yeah. They wrote Tom to come off as a player pulling Harry into it, when Tom settled down Harry seems to pick that up (I mean you got his “omg Seven” phase and the alien STD stuff and lord knows what else I’m forgetting with him).
And to top this off I haven’t even touched on the “Janeway can’t have a romance” stuff yet. Which is where my real problem is. Like, its bad enough they brought in Jeri for the sex appeal (which lets be honest stems from the fact they couldn’t use Janeway for that – which I get, Kate was right in the whole concept of the audience target having to keep respect for a female lead and sex appeal couldn’t be a focal point but they could have balanced it right and regrettably because they couldn’t that meant Jeri got all of the other side of the coin). Many of Seven’s eps center on romance or social stuff and honestly that is a whole other WTF post in its own right because it all leads up to the sudden get with the one person on the ship who didn’t want you here in the first place and who also would have served better as the male adult guidance figure/father figure than as a ROMANTIC partner but hey BS happened behind scenes to cause that chaotic romantic on screen set up. But yeah … this is just another example of the poor Voyager romantic plot lines.
Chakotay’s romantic plot lines are usually – and by that, I mean pretty much always – with these strong independent women. But usually, at least from what I recall, they are also typically the “needs help” (damsel in distress/can’t do it alone/etc.) plot. Like, Riley was strong independent but also set up to need help in regard to getting her little collective put back together on the planet. You got Kellin, again another strong lady who yet again also needed help. At least in the ep she’s in and if I recall much of the info on how they fell in love during that time as well – primarily with getting away from danger at the start and then during the initial romance finding her target. Valerie is the only one who doesn’t fall into the needs help plot and that’s largely because she was being manipulated by Chakotay for information – which honestly just goes to show how well Chakotay was at the whole undercover stuff (which tells us a lot about what he could have been doing as a Maquis). Seska was the plot point of “you once dated her, now she is going to badger you to get with her again and when that fails, she’s going to assault you” …. like all of Chakotay’s romances are literally him either 1) being manipulated (as that’s what Seska and Riley did) or 2) being the kind guy or 3) not an actual relationship (either because its undercover work or because the writers were too cowardly to make him and Janeway canon).
Then you got Janeway. Then you got KATHRYN JANEWAY. You know, the one where Kate Mulgrew said no romance, no sexualizing, no doing that sort of stuff because the audience had to maintain respect for the character. I’m sure someone has the exact various quotes out there. Like … this is why we don’t have JC as canon. But what we do got instead is …. Janeway in Prime Factors being flirted with by the administrator as if that’s going to get him what he wants because “female leader means flirt with her”. We got Janeway and a period drama holodeck adventure in the early years which was clearly meant to be her romantic tête-à-tête early on that never got followed up with. We got “delete the wife” with the Fair Haven plot point (because its totally respectable to see the FEMALE LEAD, the STARFLEET CAPTAIN, just straight up DELETE THE WIFE of another individual - yeah, I get its meant to be humor factor because hologram but come on). You have her whole thing with Mark which we get tidbits off but again similar to Tuvok we literally only get to see her side of it – the only couple moment of theirs we get is the comm call in Caretaker.
But Jaffen? You are correct. We got that lovely and touching and wonderful romance with Jaffen …. Oh wait … they had to remove her from the ship, strip her of her memory, and her autonomy in order for her to have a relationship with another individual. And yes, by losing her memories, by losing what made her who she was as a person, she did lose a sense of autonomy. She entered into a relationship without a full sense of independent choice. The point in which she made a choice in that episode, the point in which she – Kathryn Janeway – made a choice with all of the person, the individual she is, was at the end when she had her memories back and could decide based on the values and beliefs and all that she is. What I’m getting at is the people on that planet deliberately took away who she was, they took her memories and her ability to make the decisions they knew she would make --- they did that deliberately (that’s even established in the episode) --- and as such her decisions while in that state are not truly her full independent decisions but the ones impacted by the state she was forced into.
And while I love Resolutions, while I love all the JC goodies, we get in that ep … Yet again the only time we get to see Janeway in any sort of romantic situation is when they remove her from the ship. When they remove her from command. When they strip her of that setting. This time, though – well the first time – she keeps awareness and has to go through lose of it all in order to even start to let it all happen. I love the episode, I do, but I just find it rather amusing they went “’Hey we gotta strand them what should their tasks be on the planet?” and they immediately went “Well Janeway is scientist how about that” “Okay and he can build, Chakotay can start building. Man builds house, right?” and then like went “oh and then she can start a garden” …. Like really? Really? That’s what you got for me. Oh, and then there is the monkey. That’s the romance this ep. Boat, science, monkey.
Then we got Kashyk. We have dealt with Kathryn throughout this series dealing with various leaders of various styles. As mentioned, Prime Factors guy attempted flirting. Other leaders pulled similar or worse or even dismissed her …. Like the list goes on. Counterpoint is a great episode because it deals with prejudice and is rather dark. The thing is, had Janeway been able to have a healthy romantic relationship on screen to counter this episode this episode probably would have come off better. Episodes like Prime Factor could have been done different (that leader didn’t need to be as flirty for example). One or two eps through the series having creepy dudes she had to deal with, fine, whatever … that be a nice impact for the audience. But when you have to many prior to Counterpoint – even if its minor, small stuff – it makes this episode so much harder for fans. Especially the female fans who deal with this constantly.
See, here’s the thing with this ep…. Some of the fans who watch … we know Kashyk well. We know that character. He is that male leader, that male power figure, who uses the power he has to manipulate those in his control to get what he wants. And Kathryn … Kathryn was in his control. Kashyk is listed as a relationship on memory-alpha. But much like how I view Seska with Chakotay … I do not view Kashyk as a proper relationship. In Devore space, Kathryn did not have proper power. She had people in her command, on her ship, that she had to protect. That she knew she had to protect. Her own best friend … lives in her hand … and Kashyk right there willing to kill them. Willing to snatch them up and destroy them. And he used that power to manipulate her and play her. Yes, she played him right back but … did she truly have a choice? Did she have any other choice but to play his game? What would have happened if she said no? And that … that is why this episode is so unsettling for some people. And why this relationship being considered on is so off putting … that the writers, that memory-alpha, that the fact I’m putting it on this list as one of the ones on here for Voyager says so much … they wrote this as one of her relationships while out there … she had to do what so many women had to do to stay safe, to keep people she loves safe, and that’s not a relationship.
Voyager could have done romance/relationships such better justice.
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MDZS Crackfic idea! Fake dating, but they dont end up in love!
Lan Wangji is being hit on/followed by Su She, and so he speed walks in to a cafe looking frazzled (as frazzled as lwj can look, anyway) where he bumps into Jiang Cheng. In this AU, they dont know each other yet for Plot Purposes. LWJ begs JC to be his pretend-bf just to get Su She off his back.
Crisis averted, for the moment. LWJ buys JC a coffee or smth as thanks and they get talking about their lives and families whatever, he thanks JC and they part ways. Or maybe they keep running into each other, idk anyway now they're friends.
Something happens - either Su She blabs to everyone about lwj's new bf, or they run into someone else they know, idk. LWJ gets asked to introduce his boyfriend to the family at the infamous Lan Family Get-Together.
Our poor boy panic calls JC for help. JC is like "wtf bro" but goes along with it because, hello?? his friend asked him for help, his friend, and we know JFM is a lil bitch in this 'verse too so my boi still has his inferiority complex thing
So anyway, he agrees on the condition that he can bring his brother WX for moral support, and you know LWJ is desperate because if this goes wrong, everyone will know he lied, and his brother is so excited to meet JC, how can he make lxc sad, that's like kicking puppies, so ofc he agrees
Now we all know where this is going. These boys meet, WWX and LXC think that their brother's bf is hot and cute and amazing, but nooo these are bad thoughts, how can i come between my brother and his One True Love, im a horrible person.
Meanwhile JC and LWJ are like, "we need to breakup asap dude, im already planning what mine and your brother's children will be named"
Cue intense pining and flirting and guilt and misunderstandings (but minimal angst pls)
Would love to see NHS and JGY in the background knowing about everything but being cryptic and doing nothing to help out lol. Eventually everyone else catches on to whats up but they're all like "nope im staying tf out of this mess"
Xicheng and Wangxian finally get together after grand heartfelt comfessions. No one is surprised but they pretend to be (except NHS bc he's a dramatic ass in every universe).
Thats it, the end.
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oddishblossom · 3 years
5, 42, 60
Hiiiiiiiiiiii there 👀💖
5. Biggest WTF Moment
Oh Jin Guanshan’s death scene 100%. Because I was just… so caught off-guard. In like ONE OF THE FIRST CHAPTERS the death of jgs is brought up by wwx. And it’s like an afterthought. Haha the great former clan leader of the jins died in bed lmao. Everyone knows he sleeps around too much and got a little adventurous with some ladies in bed. Poor guy couldn’t handle it so we’ll pretend he just died for health reasons. And then. And then 🤢…. We learn the truth. He really did die in a bed with many ladies… It was just a lot crueler than I could have ever imagined... It’s like I hate the guy but damn.
42. Favorite Female Character
Jiang Yanli!!!! My beloved shijie 💖💖💖 She’s so wonderful and understanding! She may not be powerful but when she stood up for wwx at the Phoenix mountain and demanded jin zixun to apologize to her brother for calling him a servant. That moment moved my heart 🥺
60. Favorite Character Development
I feel like saying Wei Wuxian would be too easy so I’m going to choose someone else. Jin Ling. That boy… is so much like Jiang Cheng. He hates Wei Wuxian so much at the start of the series despite never meeting the man. His actions alone are enough. So when he gets to KNOW wwx, under the disguise of Mo Xuanyu, he starts to soften. They help each other out. They’re family and yet they haven’t really talked like this before. And then it all goes to hell and it is revealed that ‘Mo Xuanyu’ was Wei Wuxian all along. The one who ruined his life and stole his parents away. Jin Ling must avenge them and so he does. He stabs Wei Wuxian in the same place Jiang Cheng did. But somehow. They do not remain in this fractured state. UGH jl may be like jc but he’s like his mother and father too. And in a way he reminds me of wwx (especially in that scene where he’s on the boat and doesn’t know who to blame anymore). That boy learns to forgive even though he could’ve held onto his grudges. He’s a wonderful boy and I know he’ll be a great leader, beloved by many in the future.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Festival Fun SQ - Part 3 - where I complained about Merula’s eyebrows for way too long...
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Oh god, why does it sound so disgusting coming from him?
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Wait a minute, how many drinks have you had already, Tonks?
Doesn’t Butterbeer contain alcohol? I mean, not a lot, but still some...
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I knew it!
Mate, even if it’s slightly alcoholic, when you drink so much of it, you can still get a buzz...
So that’s why Tonks is always so cheery, she’s wasted.
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Now we know why Luna is so excited.
Tonks: Cheers!
Luna: Cheers, mate.
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Penny, can you just approach your friend instead of staring at her like a creep?
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I meant walk like a normal person, don’t bolt straight at her.
Relax, girl. You look like you’re about to tackle her.
And she’s not into it... (unless it’s by Rath.)
Also, is that Talbott in the background where she just came from?
Even he’s like - wtf is she doing?
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Wait a minute, there’s random girl sitting next to Talbott... So weird seeing him hang out with people like he’s not an extreme example of a loner.
Socially adapted Talbott is not real, he can’t hurt you.
Socially adapted Talbott :
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Wait, is he smiling? In public?
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Luna: getting my vo-
Penny: Getting your vote!
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
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Welp, that’s MC’s narrative too, I guess.
Well played, JC.
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What do you mean “joining forces”?
She just wants to vote for her.
Why are you so damn paranoid all the time? It’s exhausting.
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No, sorry, I can’t focus on their conversation...
I can’t believe it’s still an issue after all this time - JC, just fix her goddamn eyebrows already!
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It looks like two worms that are a part of square dancing, or two worms that got partially squashed simultaneously by the same boot.  
Not to mention that her hair looks awful. How do you make a character look like she hasn’t showered in two weeks? That’s almost a talent.
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See? And now her eyebrows look really nice and normal.
Where is the consistency? The thickness isn’t supposed to change so drastically by her expression alone.
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Her eyebrows should stay like this even when she frowns.
Is it just me? Am I the only one that finds this super annoying?
Okay, okay, I got carried away a bit, I admit it. But it’s so... damn...!
Never mind, let’s just move on.
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Wait, another letter?
Oh no, are they all going to give her letters now?
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Goddammit, JC.
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Even MC looks so done, already.
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98% of people that write poetry.
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Okay, I gotta ask- is that really a thing in some places?
Because, they’re 15, right? When I was in high school, sure, some people were shy and kept their crushes to themselves, but we never really had “secret admirers”.
Is that a thing? Sounds really juvenile. Maybe something that would happen in elementary school or something, and even then, in like grade 1 or 2.
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Oh god, no. Please, no...
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This SQ is already way too boring, we don’t need Zonko here too.
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Wait. really?
Tulip must be heartbroken.
Tonks: I think I’m over the whole prank thing-
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You really did my girl dirty, JC.
Is that where we’re meeting Chiara in this SQ? the Zonko’s shop?
She deserves better than this,
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Out in public?
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Chiara: The cops will never find me here.
Luna: What?
Chiara: What?
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Stop, JC. Stop!
Unless you ship your character with her, it’s just awkward. Can you stop making every romantic-option in this game droll over MC?
What is the point in giving us the option to choose if you shove all of them down our throats?
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8 hours?
Damn... poor Chiara, she didn’t know what she’s getting herself into.
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Then maybe stop saying it out loud where everyone can hear you?
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Okay, don’t get carried away, mate.
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Still one of my favorite expressions, because it’s just a mood in general when playing this game.
That’s how I feel 98% of the time I play this game. Just... Why are we still here? Just to suffer...?
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Fine, whatever, he’s been making her outfits for free for the longest time...
Just roll with it.
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You know who else had a blast in the ball?
Everyone that played this SQ! Because it was definitely better than these recent ones.
What happened, JC? It’s been all downhill from there.
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It was mostly thanks to Andre that did all the work and a very small percentage of it was thanks to MC.
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Luna: I have a problem. The game glitched and now I have a coin and a star on both sides of my face.
Andre: That’s rough, buddy. Wait, what game-?
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If you were wondering what’s the definition of “boo-fucking-hoo”, these lines are.
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Thank you!
I’m glad someone said it...
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 48: The One where JGY and SS Host a Pity Party and Everyone Wishes They Hadn't
The show just dunks us right into yunmeng bro feelings again
jc's all should i get on my knees and thank you?
and wwx is like i never wanted your thanks
and now jc is just spilling his insecurities all over the place
Blah wwx was always better than him blah blah everyone liked wwx more blah blah DADDY ISSUES blah blah blah
and wwx just looks more and more hurt as all this bitterness is pouring out of his little brother 😞
i mean even jl was like hey uncle, maybe don't do that???
lwj is glaring at jc the whole time ofc
and jc gets so mad he tries to start a physical fight EVEN THO HE HAS A GAPING STAB WOUND IN THE CHEST
which is actually quite hilarious if you ignore how utterly heartbreaking the yunmeng bros relationship is
thankfully jl and lxc hold him back (not that he could've gone very far bc again GAPING STAB WOUND)
and ofc lwj has to throw in his two cents
lwj: clan leader jiang. Discretion
oh lwj, a man of few words
Oh no, ohno, oh nooooo, jc’s starting on their oath oh god
that last bit, tho. i can't even hold that against him bc wwx DID lie to him. he DID neglect to trust him and his judgement. 
he took jc's choice away and made it for him, and that's not cool. 
and, like, i get it, I do bc i would probably want to do the same thing wwx did if i were in a similar situation with my own siblings
jc: shouldn't i hate you? can't i hate you?
this whole time jc is inching towards wwx, getting closer and closer until he's close enough to punch him if he wanted
Jc does make a sudden sharp movement towards wwx 
Which obvs has lwj jolting forward to protect wwx
But wwx IMMEDIATELY puts a hand on lwj's knee
jin ling darts forward to hold his uncle and is like, hanguang jun, my uncle's hurt!!
jc's angry and hurting and is like i'm not afraid of lwj, come at me bro
lwj GLARES at him, brow furrowed and mouth pinched
jc: why? why wwx? why didn't you tell me?
oh god, he's not even yelling anymore, he's just fucking crying and i'm crying and there's just wet icky tears everywhere
wwx takes a shuddery breath and tells him it's bc he didn't want to see him like this
JC: you said i would be clan leader and you would be my subordinate. you would assist me for life. you'd never betray the jiang clan. you said it yourself
his voice is weak, and shaky, and weepy and he's just so, so hurt
and wwx swallows passed the lump in his throat but his voice still sounds a bit raw when he speaks
wwx: i'm sorry. i broke my promise.
jc: we've reached this point. i don't need your apology now. i'm not that delicate
JC: i'm sorry
*sobsobsobsob* MY YUNMENG BROS
wwx: don't apologize to me. that's what i owed the jiang clan.
here wwx closes the distance between them to place a hand on his brother's arm
wwx: as for this matter, please don't keep it in your heart.
and he goes on to say smth like i know you probably won't let go, but it's water under the bridge, that was all stuff that happened in my past life
yunmeng bro moment ends (thank god) and we cut to the next scene where nhs is oh so conveniently regaining consciousness
now all the diggers are screaming to remind us that oh yeah, there's like Plot Stuff here, it's not just about the yunmeng bros
ss gives jgy some meds bc he's hurt or smth, who gives a damn
our boys follow jgy back to the dig site for Plot Reasons
and SURPRISE!! we have nmj's no-longer-headless dead body!!
lwj and wwx look at each other like WTF??
oooooh boy, nhs gave jgy the dirtiest look
wwx is being Clever again and pointing out Plot Relevant Things 
ss gets all offended and holds wwx at sword point 
but there's lwj with bichen in its scabbard, one step in front of him and ready to block anything ss sends their way bc lwj is not gonna let wwx get hurt if he can help it
ss is all like wwx you set him up! And wwx’s face is like, i aint even bovvered
wwx: i'm saying this with all modesty, but if i were the one who set him up, i'm afraid he wouldn't have just gotten one arm hurt
and here my sunshine boy is being all Clever again and laying out all the facts and explaining how there's a 3rd party involved in all this
he's like, there might be a predator behind you, the guy who's been spying on you this whole time...HE MIGHT NOT EVEN BE HUMAN
oh wwx, so Dramatic™
but hey it's working bc jgy looks spooked as hell
oh, now wwx and jc are bound by the wrists but not lwj, for some reason? 
Which, rude, why deny lwj the chance to be tied up? Let him try new experiences! What if he likes to be tied up? 
jgy and ss have a moment that i don't care about but i have to mention it
bc RIGHT AFTER we see our precious beautiful sunshine boy lean WAY into lwj's space to talk shit about them
like, seriously, just a couple inches more, and wwx would be resting his cheek on lwj's shoulder 
shockingly, lwj is NOT as distracted as i would be having wwx that close 
he tells ss to turn around to get a better look and wwx sees it too!! he's like, IT WAS YOU!!!
and for the audience's benefit, nhs goes to lxc and is all what's going on???
lxc and jc gives some exposition about blah blah blah stuff we know about already
amidst all this we keep getting shots of wwx looking stunned and hurt (but still oh-so-beautiful)
wwx: jgy, i didn't do anything against you back then. we were not even that familiar. you wanted to kill jzx. why did you push that on me?
and lwj is watching wwx while he shouts this and god how can he stand watching his soulmate be hurt over and over and over again?? HOW DOES HE COPE?
jgy does a mini Rant of Evil Explanation and ss does a rant about classism
which, if said by literally anybody else, i'd say hm, yes, you have a point 
but bc it's said by ss, a spineless coward who never takes responsibility for his own actions, i'm like STFU SS
omg lolololol
ss: would i have been swept out of lan clan like a pile of leaves [if I were highborn]??
lwj: Yes.
lwj: betrayers won't be tolerated by the lan clan
and like, i need to point out that lwj is sitting cross legged on the ground right now (along with wwx, ofc) and ss is standing over him while ranting
and YET, the way lwj holds himself and the way he speaks, does in no way indicate that he's at a disadvantage here
dude's unflappable. JADE OF LAN, INDEED
ss is like i am so sick of your condescending attitude
then he's like just bc i made that one little mistake you could never forgive me!!
ss continues to rant and starts to go off his rocker
and then wwx starts to laugh but it's not a happy laugh
it is, in fact, a laugh very similar to the laugh we heard in The One where the Moonlit Rooftop Betrays Us
ss is like, what's so funny???
wwx: nothing. i just didn't expect...
WWX: i didn't expect you to get so many people killed just for...just for this
bc he knows it's true. ppl really ARE always going to suspect the yiling patriarch.
oooh, jc just defended his brother! sort of.
But it has the unfortunate side effect of drawing jgy’s attention
so now jgy is cutting into jc
god jgy talks a lot. stfu jgy.
wwx has been teary eyed on and off this entire episode so far but hasn't actually cried
but jgy is now belittling all of jc's work, all the effort he put in to rebuilding lotus pier, implying that he wouldn't have been able to do if not for wwx
and that's the breaking point, that's what makes wwx finally shed a tear.
lwj is watching wwx, as always, and sees wwx cry
he must feel utterly helpless
wwx: just a "son of a whore" made you talk so much
oooh jgy tries to leave but wwx stops him in his tracks by asking him how he killed nmj
and then he's like "aren't you afraid?"
jgy: afraid of what? (lol he whirls around angrily like the Drama queen he is)
wwx leans forward and looks him dead in the eye
wwx: afraid of him coming back to you
He smirks and leans back against the pillar, all easy and relaxed while jgy looks freaked the fuck out
and then
and also, holy shit do i enjoy those close up shots of wwx's eyes and his beautiful beautiful lips
the sound team did a great job making those whistles sound super eerie, btw
i can't get over how cool and confident wwx looks here
he's not worried or bothered AT ALL, this is him doing what he does best
Wait, do i have a competency kink…?
wwx has stopped whistling now, which is unfortunate bc that means no more extreme close-ups on wwx's gorgeous features
jgy: yiling patriarch, you're worthy of your title, aren't you?
Okay yeah, i guess i have a competency kink now, THANKS A LOT WWX
Lwj calmly goes over to wwx and slices off the ropes that were keeping his wrists tied and does the same to jc
wwx goes up to jgy (who's held at sword point by lxc) and calmly takes his weapons
wwx: jgy, hand it over. it's not of much use in your hands.
with a deceivingly dainty clink, Plot Device 3 rolls out of jgy's sleeve and into his hand
then he lets it fall to the ground bc he's a petty bitch that way
we get to see wwx being all Smart Detective and revealing just how long jgy has been planning all this 
jgy’s all like even between me and xy we could only create Plot Device 3 half as powerful as Plot Device 2
man there's a lot of Plot Exposition happening and lxc is having Feelings about it.
look lxc, i don't mean to sound cruel or heartless or whatever, but omg i do NOT CARE about your complicated Emotions right now
jgy is now being like "oh, i was wrong" and acting all pitiful and TOTALLY PLAYING LXC FOR A FOOL (AGAIN)
wwx: hey, jgy, can't we stop talking? let's just fight? can we just start killing each other?
jgy ignores this and keeps talking to lxc AND OMG WWX'S FAAAAACE IS CRACKING ME UP 
meanwhile jgy continues to throw a pity party that no one likes and the episode ends
There really wasn’t much wangxian time in this episode, fucking jgy and ss decided to HOG ALL THE SCREEN TIME, THOSE PATHETIC WHINY ASSHOLES
but we got a lot of Yungmeng Bros which was painful but waaaay better than anything jgy or ss has to offer
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midshipmank · 4 years
i wanted LWJ with a motorcycle & somehow ended up with this librarian!LWJ & art student!WWX au
LWJ is a librarian at a public library 
WWX met LWJ when he returned some books 3 months late
LWJ looked at him all judgy like “these are 3 months late,” & WWX promptly became obsessed 
WWX is now a much more responsible library user, mostly because he’s there all the time
but listen he’s not great at focusing in the library, that’s why he doesn’t even use the one on campus. so now he’s his usual amount of restless + distracted by LWJ
trying to figure out how to make a move 
meanwhile LWJ is just like “do not throw crumpled pieces of paper through the air”
some of those crumpled pieces of paper are failed sketches of LWJ
one day WWX stays all the way to closing because LWJ PRETTY OKAY? also he has an art theory paper due pls don’t talk to him about it
so anyway he’s there when the library is closing & LWJ is like “leave”
so he goes :((( but he’s so late LWJ practically follows him out 
is when WWX discovers that that pretty white & blue motorcycle that’s always parked out front?
that’s Lan Wangji’s 
he absolutely loses his mind
all of his friends know about his ridiculous librarian crush by now & they all make fun of him for it
but anyway, the poor boy has it bad
he’s like “A-Cheng, you don’t understand, he could step on me & i’d thank him. actually i think i need him to step on me.” 
JC is like “i did Not want to know that”
meanwhile WWX is bemoaning the fact that he ever became a responsible library user
“how am i supposed to interact with him. i can’t return books late anymore bc i’m always there! what would my excuse be? & he’s already explained how to use their database to me 3 times, i can’t keep looking this dumb” 
JYL is very gently like “maybe just ask him out?” 
“but he doesn’t like me! i committed library crimes! i have to get him to like me first!”
then WWX sees a flyer in the lobby asking for volunteers. there’s gonna be an event in the kids section! for some special reading day! who tf knows, WWX doesn’t care, the point is, he’s good with kids. that would probably be appealing to LWJ. right? right? WWX really doesn’t know. LWJ is so hard to read. on the one hand, he’s the most tight-laced & responsible person WWX has ever met. on the other, he has a very sexy motorcycle. WWX doesn’t know what to do with that
but okay he has a plan
he calls up WQ & goes “can i borrow A-Yuan”
he already babysits A-Yuan every week, so it’s not that weird right?
WQ is like “i stg WWX if you are going to use A-Yuan to attract hot guys like in that movie with the people who love dogs....”
& WWX is like “i would never use A-Yuan like a dog! WQ do you even know me!” 
he gets A-Yuan, barely
anyway, he gets to the library ready to read to a bunch of kids & gets side-eyed by a lot of parents, but he still has fun!!
LWJ is, unfortunately, not the librarian supervising the event, but he is reshelving when WWX is off reading duty & A-Yuan gets the zoomies
ie, zooms right into LWJ’s legs
LWJ is, surprisingly, good with kids. WWX may need to marry him. he somehow manages not to make a complete fool of himself after this revelation
in fact, after this interaction, WWX thinks he may actually have scored some points with LWJ. he’s elated
he’s building all these elaborate future schemes in his head when suddenly he gets a call from Auntie Yu
she wants to know why his grade in his art theory class has plummeted. 
oh right. that class. that class that’s taught by that professor who hates him & that he honestly can’t understand a word of & honestly he hates art theory, he’s good at art, why does he have to take theory too? 
Auntie Yu lets him know in no uncertain terms that if he doesn’t improve his grades by the end of the semester, she will stop supporting him—it’s bad enough that they let him go to art school after he flunked out of his business degree anyway 
so—fuck. fuck. 
WWX throws himself into the redo paper he manages to beg off LQR. he has 3 days & he’s gonna make them count 
the first day goes well, if by well you mean that he raids the art section of the library & works himself until closing & tries desperately not to look like he’s dying in front of LWJ
day 2 goes........similarly, except he falls asleep at his desk & doesn’t wake up until LWJ tells him the library is closing, which? wtf? LWJ usually wakes him up when he falls asleep in the library. WWX has been asleep for hours. 
& also he looks like a wreck, which is not cute
he flees from the library only to find that the bus is going..... going......... gone
fuck. he doesn’t have a car. 
he’s staring down the road after the bus, trying to figure out which friend with a car is available for him to call when he hears someone say “Wei Ying?” behind him
it’s Lan Zhan.
how mortifying. 
he tries to laugh off his situation, but LWJ gets this set expression on his face & says, “i will give you a ride home” 
& WWX is like kinda definitely freaking out because this was not how his first ride on LWJ’s sexy motorcycle was supposed to go. WWX had a plan. he was supposed to be flirtatious & ask LWJ about his bike & then LWJ would offer to give WWX a ride & they’d go all around the scenic parts of the city & when they stopped WWX would be all flustered & breathless & he’d wobble getting off the bike & maybe fall into LWJ & maybe—
okay so his plan was more like a daydream, but at the very least, he wasn’t supposed to look like he’d spent the last 48hrs out of the sun, drinking unhealthy amounts of shitty coffee, wearing a ratty hoodie & art-grimed jeans. like, they’re not even grimey in a cute way
but LWJ is insistent & WWX is weak, so somehow he ends up on the back of the bike wearing LWJ’s helmet with LWJ telling him to hold on tight
he’s half-convinced he’s fallen asleep on the bus stop bench & is dreaming the whole thing
but soon enough, it’s over & they’re stopped outside of WWX’s shitty student accommodations
he gets off & is trying to awkwardly thank LWJ when LWJ says, “you’ve seemed upset these past 2 days”
“ahaha, yeah, i’m just writing a paper”
“for an art theory class?”
WWX is like ????? but then he remembers that LWJ knows what books he checks out 
“yeah. it’s a redo actually. professor Lan hates me.” he forces a laugh. why did he say that. being hated by a professor is not cute, especially not to sexy librarian LWJ. 
“my uncle has high expectations,” LWJ says. 
WWX brain short circuits. 
“your uncle???” shit shit shit Lan Qiren is LWJ’s uncle! LWJ’s uncle hates him! he has no chance now! 
WWX wants to die
LWJ looks considering, then says, “it is my day off tomorrow. if you would like, i can help you with the paper.”
WWX is already the least cute, most pathetic version of himself he’s ever been in his life. he says yes. 
so they meet up at the library the next day & WWX apologizes profusely for making LWJ come into work when it’s his day off. he promises LWJ endless free coffee from the coffeeshop he works at (even if he has to pay for it himself—he doesn’t tell LWJ that part). 
LWJ is way too nice to him & also manages to explain this school of art theory in a way that?? sort of?? makes sense?? though not in a way that makes WWX like it. but LWJ seems neutral about it, so at least he’s not trying to get WWX to agree with it. 
but anyway, WWX manages to pull a passable paper together & in the process LWJ reveals that he’s noticed WWX sketching in the library a lot more than WWX realized, and that he likes WWX’s art. 
WWX is lightheaded
he stares at LWJ for a while & LWJ looks at him & says, “Wei Ying. you should be typing.” 
WWX gets the paper done by 5pm somehow. somehow! he sends it off to LQR with a groan of relief. he’s so tired his bones are aching, but he looks over at LWJ, art theory & citation king, who of course always looks perfect & beautiful, & goes, “i could kiss you.” 
instead of “i don’t know how i’m ever going to thank you for this,” which is what he thought he was gonna say
LWJ’s eyes widen slightly & his ears go red. WWX wants to smack himself in the face. he wants to eat his words. he wants to crawl into a cramped dark place like a disgusting little mole & never see the sun again.
then LWJ says, “have dinner with me first.” 
WWX gapes at him. LWJ looks back, ears still red but eyes steady. 
“okay,” WWX squeaks. 
they go to dinner. WWX still feels like trash, but they end up having a rousing discussion about art & WWX learns all about when LWJ studied art history in undergrad & how he actually doesn’t like the kind of theory his uncle teaches (“but you’re too good to ever tell him that,” WWX teases. “....most of the time.” WWX laughs in delight.) 
LWJ reveals that he brought an extra helmet today, in case WWX needed a ride again. WWX is embarrassed & pleased & wants to marry LWJ again. feeling foolish, he leans into LWJ flirtatiously & suggests they go for a ride—just for the view. LWJ looks at him so long his knees turn to jelly. then LWJ says, “mn.” 
they make out on some scenic ridge somewhere
the end! 
other things about this au:
WWX does digital painting mostly, his ideal job is illustration/comics; he has a instagram/patreon he uses for art commissions (some of which are pornographic—LWJ catches him sketching in the library one day, early in this tableau. it does not go well.) 
his instagram/patreon is mostly anonymous. it’s not that he minds people knowing he draws explicit stuff sometimes, it’s that he doesn’t want Auntie Yu to find out 
he draws LWJ a lot
not explicitly
(at least not until he’s got a life model and LWJ’s consent)
he’s not at the library 24/7. he has a coffeeshop job, classes, studio time for non-digital art, A-Yuan, and friends. but he’s at the library a lot.
this is undergrad for WWX, but he’s non-trad. he flunked out of a soul-sucking business degree in his first go at undergrad & was on pretty shaky ground with the Jiang family for a while. then he sold some of his art & Auntie Yu said they would support him through art school if it was the only thing he was good at. kinda stung, but at least he doesn’t have to pay tuition.
he’s desperate to prove he can make it as an artist
when anyone asks LWJ about his bike, he says he got it because it allows him to weave around traffic. yes, there’s more to it than that, but no he won’t go into it. (this entire au formed because i found out WYB rides motorcycles professionally & went, “wow that’s hot.” we have no thoughts here.) 
WWX did not have to try to make LWJ like him. LWJ liked him. & while WWX might not have gotten his ideal first bike ride, you better believe LWJ got his. he daydreams about scooping WWX onto his bike & riding off into the sunset
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
You know, for people that try to act like JC killing/torturing demonic cultivators was justified...we really don't know anything about the people that he was killing, whether they were actually dangerous people like XY, or people who really had no idea what they were doing and probably needed a good lecture, and not...a death sentence and/or torture. I doubt everyone who used demonic cultivation was some evil mastermind, especially since, unlike in the tv show, WWX actually creates 1/9
demonic cultivation, so it's not like it's been around for years, with big bads like WRH and co. being known for using it like in the show. It's something new, and there are undoubtedly people who probably tried to be copycats of the Yiling Patriarch and had bad intentions, but there were also probably a lot of people who stumbled into it having no idea what they were doing. JC does not discriminate between these groups. When he first meets WWX, and thinks that he is MXY, JC's 2/9
immediate reaction is to say "If you see this sort of evil and crooked practice, kill the cultivator and feed him to your dogs!” At this point what exactly has 'MXY' done to warrant this? He hasn't hurt anyone. He used demonic cultivation to…trip someone over. I'd hardly call that 'evil.' To add to that, MXY is very young (in his 20s I think?), potentially even looking younger because of his smaller stature. So (as far as JC knows), here is a young man, only a few years older than 3/9
some of the Juniors in the novel, who hasn't tried to physically harm anyone, and JC's immediate reaction is to kill him without even trying to figure out his intentions, or question him, or anything. Even worse, he is TEACHING this to an impressionable teenager who will one day be the leader of his sect. He is telling his nephew to brutally murder people with no fair trial, or questioning, and he is using what could essentially be a prank as an example of this 'evil' behaviour. 4/9
…JC, wtf is wrong with you. JL, don't listen to your uncle. People who claim that every single person who used demonic cultivation (or was suspected of it, since it obviously doesn't take much to convince JC) are evil are kidding themselves. And, even worse, people who claim that it's all down to rumours! Seriously, we not only see JL himself acknowledging that it happens - and he saves 'MXY' from his uncle, regardless of the demonic cultivation, because even a teenager can acknowledge that 5/9
things aren't so black and white that everyone who touches demonic cultivation is evil and must be killed - but we also hear it FROM JC's MOUTH. JC all but implies that this is something he regularly does! So don't turn around and write poor uwu JC, a victim of rumours, because he LITERALLY confirms it! And just...JC has this awful habit of putting everyone into one category. There's no grey area with him, no inbetween. He did this with the Wens, where EVERYONE with the last name Wen was 6/9
supposedly evil and deserved to die, and now he's doing it again, where EVERYONE who uses demonic cultivation is evil and needs to die. I'm not saying that them using demonic cultivation is a good thing! We know it can be dangerous, and if even WWX, the person who created it, lost control, then people who probably have no idea what they're doing should not be using it. But like I said, there are probably a lot of misguided, young people using this thing for various reasons, who might not 7/9
realise that they're in over their heads, or just how dangerous resentful energy really is, and if JC really wants to make a difference he should try to EDUCATE these people. Especially if they haven't done anything particularly abhorrent, like 'MXY' who's dastardly deeds at that point had consisted of tripping JL over. JC could talk to these people, try and make them realise that they were doing something wrong, and, if that didn't work, THEN take more physical action. But nope, he's 8/9
Just going to straight up kill them. …Yeah. Just…the fact that this guy sin charge on one of the most prominent sects in the cultivation world, and raising the future of another of the most prominent sects, is genuinely kind of terrifying. This sort of behaviour, this inability to have a more nuanced view of the world, is a very dangerous thing. And view hasn’t changed at all since his teens/early twenties just shows a worrying lack of character growth. 9/9
Oh, JC telling JL to kill ‘MXY’ gets even better, because remember, MXY was JL’s uncle. JC isn’t just getting mad at JL, a thirteen year old, for not cutting a young man who hadn’t actually hurt anyone down without hesitation; he’s getting mad at JL for not killing his uncle. That entire scene is incredibly fucked up. Like, I feel the need to restate this to make it perfectly clear: JC is getting angry at his thirteen year old nephew for not murdering his uncle in cold blood. It’s genuinely horrifying, but it’s completely glossed over so often.
Anyway, you’re right that it’s incredibly unlikely that all demonic cultivators are evil; hell, we know they’re not. WWX is right there. And other than XY and WWX himself, we don’t hear of a single threat coming from a demonic cultivator. The biggest threats to our heroes are righteous cultivators, in fact. There is nothing to suggest the sort of widespread demonic cultivation threat that would even begin to justify JC’s actions. He’s killing them because he wants to kill them, not because they’re a threat. And both JL and JC acknowledge that these demonic cultivators aren’t a threat; JL is willing to free WWX from JC on the grounds that he doesn’t deserve what JC will do to him! The fact that JL is sure JC will do something horrible to WWX if he stays suggests both that the “rumours” are actually fact and that at least some of the demonic cultivators JC catches haven’t done anything to deserve being tortured to death. At least evidence suggests JL is not following in JC’s footsteps.
JC doesn’t want to teach young and foolish demonic cultivators the error of their ways. That could’ve been a very sweet thing; trying to turn people like WWX from following his path to its horrible end. But that’s not what he wants. He wants twisted revenge-by-proxy on the brother who died before he got the chance to do these things to him. It’s like how once WC died JC was no longer interested in justice against the Wen sect, only revenge. Genocide for genocide. JC wants to assuage his own feelings even if it means slaughtering innocents. It’s childish, in a twisted sort of way, like XY’s insistence that anything he does to avenge his own pain is justified no matter how much he does.
...You know, all this makes me wonder if JC becomes another bogeyman for the civilians of the area. “The way you’re acting, Sect Leader Jiang would accuse you of demonic cultivation!” That sort of thing.
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shijiujun · 4 years
Have you read 2020 bc of you book/novel? If so I'd there any sex scenes? From like the older brother and middle brother couple? Is there any differences or additions? Also do you know where I can read it sense I couldn't/still can't buy it?
yeap i read it. and nope it’s pretty much almost PG13, no explicit scenes, despite the misleading cover. some innuendo and discussion of top/bottom positions again -_- but it’s a pretty friendly book.
and i don’t know where you can read it sorry - if you want to buy it i think yesasia is still the easiest way to get it.
and since you asked i shall take this time to put in the additional parts of 2020 Because of You via the novel here (there aren’t a lot, it’s a pretty thin novel compared to MODC and Trapped, and there’s like double spacing between sentences):
Dad Yuan Wei Zhi & Cui Ying’s story - This wasn’t really explained in the show, so what happened was YWZ and CY lived together since young and they were a couple until YJC’s Korean mom stepped into the picture, and YWZ like the dick he was told CY that he was definitely going to marry the Korean lady because it’d be beneficial to his business, and he kinda broke up with her but expected her to wait for him? I think like 2 years later or smth he divorced the Korean lady (which led to her going back to Korea in tears) because he got what he wanted and he didn’t want to live another day without CY, so ya know,  he went to look for CY at the cliffs and that’s why they had the bet and everything, because CY was tired of waiting for him 
Jun Dao is the hot-headed brother and Jun Ping is the one who kind of is blur and mediates between his second and big brother - This was totally opposite in the show, and so Jun Ping and Jun Cheng’s relationship is better, that’s why JP had the keys to JC’s house (idk why it was necessary to switch it over but oh wells)
Kidnapping incident where YJC hung up - It was both Jun Dao and Jun Ping who were kidnapped, and yes, YJC still hung up on the kidnapper after he said “do whatever you want with them”
Xiang Shi’s backstory - So Xiang Shi’s family was rich before, until their fam’s company got caught in a crossfire between Jun Dao’s mom and YWZ, the fam lost their company and wealth to YWZ, but YWZ still let the Yang family i.e. XS’s parents oversee the company as his employees in a sense, but he needed a guarantee that they wouldn’t try to betray him or whatever, so XS’s mom sent him over to YWZ. Poor XS thought he was going to become some rich boy’s play thing and was gonna live like a servant and subject to abuse or whatever but he was okay with that if that meant his parents would stop being so worried about the whole thing, but of course he was shocked when he was picked up in a limo and then went to YJD’s house (which is where he’s lived alone all his life with only servants for company) and the first thing Jun Dao did was to ask him to play with him and they played until you know… a decade or so later
Xiang Shi was a bit pissed that Jun Dao didn’t tell him about YWZ looking for Lin Xun and granting the son who got to him first a wish - Because I think he wanted that wish for some reason? He might’ve asked Jun Dao to ask for something specific, probably to do with his own family, if JD got it, but he got over that quickly
Jun Ping, Jun Dao, Xiang Shi, Yue Rong and Lin Xun are indeed in the same university - And instead of meeting at the Taiwanese street stall for the food/alcohol part, they meet in the university’s cafeteria instead and there’s alcohol there because this school is kind of a luxurious school owned by the Yuans so… 
Lin Xun has four jobs when YJC met him and YJC made him lose all the jobs by stalking him (wtf….) so he would ‘work’ for YJC instead - He was working at the convenience store, as a tutor, at a petrol kiosk and delivery I think
The scene where YJC is sappy and confesses to LX in their house, and they’re interrupted by a phone call, it’s not for a meal, but because Xiang Shi is ill and Jun Dao was asked to go away so Jun Dao called his older brother hoping that he would know what to do - And LX and YJC go over to YJD’s house and Lin Xun helps out. Xiang Shi wakes up and gets a shock to see LX and YJD sitting there lmao. And then LX went to cook a chicken dish that had alcohol in it, so YJD has it, and that’s why he’s so like clingy to Xiang Shi after, and idk they never once like define their relationship and this CP still confuses me tbh
Epilogue 1: Yue Wu - She’s still terribly unlikeable in the novel, but they do say she’s good friends with Xiang Shi but she’s a bitch to him in the first scene they have tgt so bleugh - And then she screams at Jun Ping and is like: “You choose, do you want me or Yue Rong?” And everyone is confused?!!! Because she’s never been close to Jun Ping? So of course YJP would pick Yue Rong ??? And then she scolds Yue Rong for being a mistress????! Totally confused at this scene
Epilogue Two: Meal + basketball match - They meet up outside for like a picnic kinda thing I think and the three brothers compete with each other with bball, and it’s a mess because like they’re split brothers in one team and their boyfriends in another and dumbass Jun Dao keeps giving the ball to Xiang Shi, and then the other two bros do the same more or less later in the game
Epilogue Three: YWZ talking to CY at the cliffs - YWZ knows that YJC and LX are together, and he’s super chill about it and all approving like, hey nice that our kids are together huh? (wait till he finds out about the other kids)
Epilogue Four: YJC and LX - They discuss who’s on the top between YJD and XS -_- and then I guess sexy times ensue but we don’t see it
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arecipeforfeels · 4 years
fic that I would like to write at some point but knowing me who the fuck knows if that will ever happen:
wangxian bc im me but!!! fic where wwx and nhs are Themselves aka chaotic queer best friends and so thus have very loose conceptualization of personal physical boundaries. they definitely like…kiss each other on the cheek so much and are overall just like gross but they still call each other bro bc like Thats How They Are 
everyone is gay and stupid in this fic bc im gay and stupid and we all deserve the rep!!
poor sweet dumb lwj is like “oh they must b dating” bc like idk he hasn’t known them v long and like everyone (read jc, nmj, jyl, anyone who has known them for an extended period of time) knows they’re Just Like That bc they’ve been best friends for eons.
anyway poor gay disaster (he’s functional passing but its a LIE i will DIE on this Hill) lwj is like “welp guess they are in gross sappy love how BORING it doesn’t make me incredibly sad or anything like that I won’t burn holes in nhs’s head every time i see them together being Gross and I DEFINITELY don’t dream of kissing wei wuxian under the moonlight”
flkjdflkdsfj they think he’s like homophobic when rly they’re all dipshits and he’s emotionally constipated. 
(to jc) “like we aren’t dating of course bc like, no homo, but like that dude seems rly angry whenever he sees us, like…gay ppl exist dude” meanwhile jc is friends w lxc bc he started dating nmj (bc neilan has also taken over my life and they deserve good and happy things) and they’re kinda just watching all of this go down. 
lxc is like “i’m right here and he’s always so nice to mingjue i really don't understand it i dont think he’s homophobic….wait ur brother is wwx? hmmmmm *eyes emoji*
idk how this situation resolves itself other than like
some variation on the flirting dialogue from the cave. but its like wangji see’s wwx flirt w mianmian the queen of my heart and is like ‘dude wtf why would u do that u already have a bf that ur disgustingly in love with literally everywhere, why would u flirt w her does she know u have a bf??? does ur bf know ur flirting w her???” and its like a big moment bc lwj never fucking speaks he just sits there and emotes.
and of course wwx is like “………wtf? am i dating someone??? did no one tell me????” and lwj is about to like burst a blood vessel at this point and he’s like um ExCuSe Me he’s right there!!” and points at nhs and nhs is like “……me???” 
and chaos ensues
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frizzyanya · 4 years
The Untamed Episode 25, My Commentary!
Spoilers below!
WWX and JYL hanging out with the kids and then secretly that demon JZX is meeting with JC.
I knooooooo wwe aren’t supposed to hate him, just the circumstances. But I just do. I refuse to forgive him for being mean to her.
Lol seems like WWX likes him exactly as much as I do.
That interaction between JZX and WWX was sooooo uncomfortable. WWX refused to acknowledge the question about where the 5th segment of the YI was, which means obviously he has it. And then JZX is also demanding he give up the STA too. Fat chance, bro!
I mean he can’t do good guy magic anymore, no way he gives up the only magic available to him, even if it is demonic and likely to destroy all of society!
Ohhhhh flags for every clan! So we’re already at the party!
WWX standing next to LWJ and they aren’t even hyper aware of each other or talking not-quietly-enough like usual!
I hate MY, that smug bastard. (What a reversal, I know.)
JESUS CHRISTMAS, THEY HAVE TO TARGET INNOCENT WEN CLAN CIVILIANS?!?!?!!?!? Okay not quite…...they have to try to miss them but shoot around them WTAF
WWX’s hand loosened on his demon flute. So, like, that’s good I guess. No all out war…….Yet.
This is so unnecessary and cruel.
“Who else dares to try?!” (after JZX’s bulls eye) I can almost hear WWX in Lindsay Lohan’s voice saying “I’ll take a whack at it….” (from the Parent Trap)
Then he turns to LWJ……….and asks him………..to borrow his headband. WWX, what are you thinking right now…? What tricks do you have up your sleeve…?
I want LWJ to be like “........boring.”
Everybody applauding, he’s gonna create trouble once again by showing off.
...but what did he want the headband for?
Everybody’s working really hard at hunting whatever, and then WWX just casually playing flute.
“They all just plunged into our nets themselves!” 
Okay now I’m at the “what do you take me for” scene and this HURTS
“You used to be my confidante.” “I still am.” Dramatic prolonged eye contact.
Aaaaaaand now we’re watching JZX and JYL walking together on the path. WWX’s eyeroll looked EXACTLY like mine.
“Do you not like watching the hunt…….or do you not like being with me?!” And then he turns away dramatically with “I’m never speaking to you again!” flair.
Poor JYL.
Aaaaaaand WWX being, well, himself, and he just flies out onto the path just as JZX was surely about to get things cleared up.
LWJ coming to his rescue, ohhhh I do like that.
“Who are you?” “How dare you not know who I am!” “But who ARE you?” LMAO, SAME, WWX, SAME.
“JYL, what’s wrong? Did my intractable son bully you again?!” Ohhhhhh yes, JZX’s mother is good.
WWX is handling this……..better than I would have expected? (That’s a pretty low bar, of course.) Like he at least articulated why JZX was being the worst in that interaction.
“WWX has already collected 30% of everything!” LWJ, who has been with him this whole time and knows he’s done absolutely nothing legally allowed: “Say what?!”
JZX’s cousin: “That’s not capability, that’s just playing a flute! It’s too easy!” WWX: “Go ahead, play my flute.”
“I don’t know what’s called capability, please show me yours. Astonish me, please.”
This is like weirdly homoerotic and I do not like it (a la “my horse is bigger than your horse” (because yes, the princess diaries 2 is the only way I know how to reference that…))
I mean I probably half think that because while JZX’s cousin looks angry and ready for a fight, WWX just looks like he’s taunting/mocking/flirting in his way.
Okay now we’ve crossed a line…….he’s now like vibrating from anger. 
The guy is goading him!! “You’re nothing more than the son of a servant.” SHUT UP, OR YOU MIGHT END UP AN ACTUAL HONEST TO GOD CASUALTY.
LWJ: “Wei Ying, concentrate!”
JYL: “Wuxian! Wuxian!”
Lord help me, I hope this is enough.
But I mean, is there technically any rule that says “no demon flute magic to help you win?” Because I feel like this is so specific that it might not actually be against the official rules, right? lol
JYL apologizing to the Jins for WWX. YIKES. 
While LWJ holds him back. DOUBLE YIKES.
Hahaha! JYL said that what he did wasn’t against the rules.
“There are so few prey! It’s already a hard competition!” “It’s not his fault you’re bad hunters.” ZIIINNNGGG
Madam Jin being mean to MY. Okay. No good moms here. She’s just good to JYL. But like….I respect that.
JYL is like a tiger momma protecting her cub WWX. You do not disrespect him on her watch!
“Nothing about you is a problem for me. If my son has made you upset, I can give him a beating for you.” YES MADAM JIN IS MY NEW FAVE.
Okay she has JYL’s best interests at heart here, but she’s a bit mistaken on the nature of JYL/WWX’s relationship. 
However now that I think of it………...if I’d only seen what she’d seen, particularly this episode……..I’d likely be inclined to agree that it looked like they were framed as love interests. 
I mean….JYL loves WWX a lot. It’s just not in that way. And if you don’t understand her well enough to know the difference……..I can see the misunderstanding happening easily. 
“WWX is my younger brother. I’ll never leave him.” BRB SOBBING.
“Lady Jiang! It’s not what you think! I wasn’t forced by my mother, it was me, I wanted to invite you!” Awww he’s just bad at talking to girls but he does like her! SYKE NO. You can’t be rude/mildly abusive and then pretend it was you being cute/coy. You made her cry! Grow up and then come back and court her.
(I know they’re going to be on better terms now, I’m just bitter af.)
Aaaaaaand everybody is watching.
He’s THAT shy and awkward!
JYL like “I’ll go with Madam Jin and JZX. WWX like BRING ON THE ABANDONMENT ISSUES.
JC like “come to the banquet with me later!” WWX like “nah imma go for a walk, goodbye LWJ and literally nobody else.”
JC like WWX wtf did you do.
Ohhhhhh I’M SO DUMB. 
WWX doesn’t have the STA AND the YI. The STA IS the YI!
LADY WEN@@@@@ OMFGGGG!!!!!!!!!
That’s how I typed that in my excitement and I refuse to change it! Lol
They CAN’T miss each other! PLEASE stop each other and interact!
OMG! Someone pushed her to the ground rudely and he saw 
Lady Wen is the only one on this show prettier than WWX.
The ONLY one.
LXC/LWJ: “What are you thinking?” “I want to bring a man to Cloud Recesses.” “A man…?” WHO DO YOU THINK, LXC?? 
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
back at it again w/the hxh, heres my recap of the last few eps 
ok so i totally forgot to recap that one ep at the end of the hunter exam arc lets see what i remember from like 3 wks ago lollll
i thiiiiink i left off in the middle of ep 21 lol. i really dont remember much tbh so im gonna skim the ep to refresh
exposition time! its so wild that if you lose ur hunter card That It like u cant get another or retake the exam hgabjdfuhasjf Ls 
also the fact that you can sell it is rlly interesting 
leorio & kurapika backing up gon as he confronts illumi again :’) good lil family 
illumi u fool. gon is a shounen protag. he can do anything he sets his mind to
the fact that gon thanks illumi for telling him where killua is....hes literally THAT polite like...what a perfect boy 
hisoka just fuckgin stepping out of the shadows....ok bitch 
the fact that gon fucked up illumis arm that bad with one hand....boi is STRONK 
ok but like is illumi implying that hisoka is a fr p*do bc uhhhhh thats so nasty oh lord. pls stay away from gon, and killua, and like everyone as a matter of fact 
no but rlly what IS hisoka gonna do now. im assuming he’ll show up p soon (tho probs not in the zoldyc arc like i thought bc its shorter than i thought) 
ok the fact that they have the internet is hilariously wild to me for some reason....it just seems like this would be one of those fantasy shounen worlds with very little tech (a la one piece) but lol nope we can just google shit hvbhjdhjdfks
gon: it was fun when you beat me up for 3 hours and broke my arm! seeya dude!
i love gon he is so chill and doesnt seem to hold grudges except when it really matters (like hisoka and illumi) 
hanzo has.....ninja business cards....thats amazing hvbhsdjkujfnd
dont worry pokkle, leorio was basically carried thru the hunter exam by various people and also won by default. he still deserves his license tho
an exotic game hunter sounds pretty cool! i wonder if we’ll see pokkle again. kinda doubt it? that sounds pretty firmly non-combat based, and therefore probably pretty far from any plot lol
so gons dad is a bigshot huh.....whatever hed be a bigger deal if he didnt abandon his son tbh 
gon swinging his feet on the bench....sooo cute 
so ging could restore a bunch of ruins but he couldnt raise his son...ok
im just gonna be bitter at this guy for abandoning the most perfect boy vhbhjfbsjhdhbfsk sorry dude but being a good hunter doesnt make up for being a shit father 
gon is so precious ;_; 
why does it look like theyre googling things on MS paint 
ah yes, padokea, on the continent of Africa But Sideways 
idk if i talked abt it before but the world map is WILD lmao i love how its all the continents/landmasses scrambled around.....im super curious abt that weird island in the top center of the map, thats the only thing that immediately sticks out as not having a real life equivalent 
the music in this show is so charming :’) i love the main theme sm 
gon is sooo precious i literally cant get over it. and his hurry to rescue killua is so sweet....and i love how naturally charming/charismatic gon is....pretty much everyone he meets likes him, especially leorio and kurapika, who basically adopted him after knowing him for like a day, and continue to be completely taken by him
ok wtf is satotz & co talking abt......do they know something abt ging that they arent allowed to tell gon???? shouldnt gon have access to the same info now that hes a hunter? i need ANSWERS
i bet this whole thing abt the hunter exam not rlly being over is a metaphor abt the hunter exam NEVER truly ending bc youre always being tested, or st
ok the ED continues to be So Much like especially the last shot where the 4 main characters look like theyre posing for a JC Penny catalog while the singer goes FULL metal-screamo
ok ruth and i just rewatched the next two eps woohoo
i love that there are tourist busses that take people to the front gates so they can like pose for pics and stuff vhbhjafdsfkj and its like ‘ah yes here are where the local assassins live!’ thats so funny yet it makes so much sense
i love that leorio passed tf out during the bus ride. big big mood 
gon is so cute...hes like ok yes i understand that we’re not supposed to go in but i think they can make an exception for me bc im very polite. 
those 2 dudes r so ugly and so dead god bless
that bigass buster sword....sir please 
ruth and i rlly thot that the old guard guy was gonna turn out to be grandpa zoldyk or st lol
the fact that the dog managed to eat All their flesh but left some clothes....skill 
also the dog is named mike but it sounds like the guy is calling him miku hvbjdfssk
this cant be the first time some morons have been killed here likeeee 
i cant believe nobody has visited the zoldyk estate in 20 years damn they all rlly b havin no friends. depressing 
the whole gates thing is wild. also that part where gon gets the math wrong on the weight.....BIG mood kiddo 
ok the part where gons on the phone w/the butler is soooo good oh man. i love how gon just calmly dials the phone again after hes hung up on the first time and then YELLS....and leorio and kurapikas faces r so good 
also the butler guy unfortunately has a point, it isnt foolproof that gon is here Legit....but he IS let him see his tiny bf :( 
as ruth pointed out, the butler guy is reminiscent of kuro from one piece. same vibes 
maybe if leorio was jacked like he is in the manga/1999 anime he couldve opened the gate that first time around....Ls 
god i love this shows approach to Everything so far,....as ruth put it, half the time its like ‘oh wow they should do [x]/i wish theyd do [x] but ofc they wont cause its a shounen’ but then they DO do [x] and its like damn thats dope 
anyways i love how gon is increasingly approaching situations with his Plucky Shounen Protag Attitude in full swing, and he pretty much gets shot down every time. BUT his general determination to see killua bc killuas his FRIEND and hes gonna RESCUE HIM is still a good and pure motivating force 
like here, when hes climbing over the wall and hes like whatever i dont wanna have to deal w/being tested thats bullshit, i wanna see killua, my intentions are pure, im gonna try my luck with the dog....i was like ok yeah he’ll get over and like tame or defeat the dog and the guard will be suitably impressed bc nobodys ever done That before, and then gon will continue on to get killua 
but NOPE instead the guard calls him down and explains that gon Will Die if he tries that, and then the guard will die too for letting that happen. and gon is like oh shit my actions have consequences for people other than me, wow. 
and THEN the guard takes them in to meet the dog. and hot DAMN that is a scary creature. not even really a dog tbh. they did an excellent job making the dog Legit Scary and not just like, big and flashy looking....those eyes are so soulless, and the proportions are freaky 
and the guard says exactly what i was thinking - that gon would use his Country Boy Woodland Creature Skills to workaround the dog....but then the subversion - this creature is NOTHING like the woodland critters gon is probably used to dealing with. theres no way gon stood a chance here. the guard just saved him from a really unfortunate death 
i love all the Super Heavy Stuff in the servant house that seems so inconvenient vbhjdkfasjfld. also forgot to mention earlier but the guard guy being Absolutely Ripped was wild and kinda funny 
training montage! gon continues to be so cute. and i love so much how leorio and kurapika are like no, you rest, we’ll take care of this. good parents!!!!
and then!!!! they sync up and use the power of gay love to almost open the gate. but then gon uses the power of Improbable Shounen Protag Healing Speed to toss that arm sling off and help out
i feel like leorio was side-eyeing gon like w8 a sec u broke that arm like a few days ago that aint right.....
oh man i almost forgot abt that scene with the zoldyks torturing killua :( :( this poor kid he doesnt deserve that 
also mom zoldyck seems truly awful but i must say her aesthetic does fuck. the victorian-lookin outfit paired with the futuristic cyclops visor thing....excellent. also im betting this face bandages are from killua cutting her face 
this family is so fucked up hvbsjdhjfbakdfn
killua telling his mom that gon is definitely gonna make it there :’) hes got such unshakable faith in his bf thats so good.....
back w/the gang, and immediately they run into more trouble in the form of the young girl butler, whose name i dont know, but i love her....her design is SO good oh man. a non-caricature black person? who also isnt sexualized? in MY anime??????
 i love how gons approach to conflict is currently ‘let more powerful person beat me up for hours straight in hopes that they get tired or something idk bro’ like....i love him lol, is it in an effort to show how determined he is? he doesnt even try to dodge her blows or get around her....id be tryin to hop that fence lol 
oh shit the tiny zoldyk kid from earlier is spying on them....she was w/the mom so im sure thats not good
when he punches the rock part and it breaks....strong boiiii 
oh man that little flashback from when killua first came back and told her that he made a friend ;_; bruh 
i love butler girl :( she wants to let gon but knows it isnt allowed....and as soon as she starts to waver BAM here comes mom zoldyck JFC that was so sudden and jarring....im assuming butler girl isnt dead cause that would be lame and anticlimactic 
also IS THAT NEN??? NEN>>>??? NEN??? HM? NEN????????? 
im so annoying abt nen i need to make one of those ‘is this a pigeon?’ memes w/’is this nen?’ bc thats me anytime anything remotely weird happens lmao
i do think its rlly nen this time tho
anyways shit is wild, cant wait to meet the full zoldyck family 
as i said above i doubt hisoka will show up now bc this arc is a lot shorter than i anticipated. also im doubting that illumis even gonna show up honestly 
i think we’re gonna have this OP for a while, as the part just at the end shows gon and hisoka fighting in what looks to be an arena, and ik the next arc is the heavens arena arc, which im assuming is the tournament arc....
also i have no idea what that weird building in the OP is but my guess is that its the building w/the heavens arena in it bc its tall and,,,,heaven 
i predict there wont be much fighting in this little arc bc how tf else is it so short. at this point i rlly think gon is just gonna grab killua and go lmao. im super curious abt how thats gonna go down, considering that killua is currently strung up just bc he wont apologize...so i cant imagine his family would just let him leave w/gon. i wonder if killua will fight them, or if gons determination will impress them and then theyll let killua go (doubt it)
thats basically it....we’ll see abt the next few eps holla
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