#plus location IDs if you click!
nixariel · 1 year
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CARMEN SANDIEGO (2019): Becoming Carmen Sandiego + Julia’s tablet
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rebeccathenaturalist · 11 months
An App Does Not a Master Naturalist Make
Originally posted on my website at https://rebeccalexa.com/app-not-master-naturalist/ - I had written this as an op-ed and sent it to WaPo, but they had no interest, so you get to read it here instead!
I have mixed feelings about Michael Coren’s April 25 Washington Post article, “These 4 free apps can help you identify every flower, plant and tree around you.” His ebullience at exploring some of the diverse ecological community around him made me grin, because I know exactly what it feels like. There’s nothing like that sense of wonder and belonging when you go outside and are surrounded by neighbors of many species, instead of a monotonous wall of green, and that is a big part of what led me to become a Master Naturalist.
When I moved from the Midwest to the Pacific Northwest in 2006, I felt lost because I didn’t recognize many of the animals or plants in my new home. So I set about systematically learning every species that crossed my path. Later, I began teaching community-level classes on nature identification to help other people learn skills and tools for exploring their local flora, fauna, and fungi.
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Threeleaf foamflower (Tiarella trifoliata)
Let me be clear: I love apps. I use Merlin routinely to identify unknown bird songs, and iNaturalist is my absolute favorite ID app, period. But these tools are not 100% flawless.
For one thing, they’re only as good as the data you provide them. iNaturalist’s algorithms, for example, rely on a combination of photos (visual data), date and time (seasonal data), and GPS coordinates (location data) to make initial identification suggestions. These algorithms sift through the 135-million-plus observations uploaded to date, finding observations that have similar visual, seasonal, and location data to yours.
There have been many times over the years where iNaturalist isn’t so sure. Take this photo of a rather nondescript clump of grass. Without seed heads to provide extra clues, the algorithms offer an unrelated assortment of species, with only one grass. I’ve gotten that “We’re not confident enough to make a recommendation” message countless times over my years of using the app, often suggesting species that are clearly not what I’m looking at in real life.
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Because iNaturalist usually offers up multiple options, you have to decide which one is the best fit. Sometimes it’s the first species listed, but sometimes it’s not. This becomes trickier if all the species that are suggested look alike. Tree-of-Heaven (Ailanthus altissima), smooth sumac (Rhus glabra) and eastern black walnut (Juglans nigra) all have pinnately compound, lanceolate leaves, and young plants of these three species can appear quite similar. If all you know how to do is point and click your phone’s camera, you aren’t going to be able to confidently choose which of the three plants is the right one.
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Coren correctly points out that both iNaturalist and Pl@ntNet do offer more information on suggested species—if people are willing to take the time to look. Too many assume ID apps will give an easy, instant answer. In watching my students use the app in person almost everyone just picks the first species in the list. It’s not until I demonstrate how to access the additional content for each species offered that anyone thinks to question the algorithms’ suggestions.
While iNaturalist is one of the tools I incorporate into my classes, I emphasize that apps in general are not to be used alone, but in conjunction with field guides, websites, and other resources. Nature identification, even on a casual level, requires critical thinking and observation skills if you want to make sure you’re correct. Coren’s assertion that you only need a few apps demonstrates a misunderstanding of a skill that takes time and practice to develop properly—and accurately.
Speaking of oversimplification, apps are not a Master Naturalist in your pocket, and that statement —while meant as a compliment–does a disservice to the thousands of Master Naturalists across the country. While the training curricula vary from state to state, they are generally based in learning how organisms interact within habitats and ecosystems, often drawing on a synthesis of biology, geology, hydrology, climatology, and other natural sciences. A Master Naturalist could tell you not only what species you’re looking at, but how it fits into this ecosystem, how its adaptations are different from a related species in another ecoregion, and so forth.
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Map showing Level III and IV ecoregions of Oregon, the basis of my training as an Oregon Master Naturalist.
In spite of my criticisms, I do think that Coren was absolutely onto something when he described the effects of using the apps. Seeing the landscape around you turn from a green background to a vibrant community of living beings makes going outside a more exciting, personal experience. I and my fellow nature nerds share an intense curiosity about the world around us. And that passion, more than any app or other tool, is fundamental to becoming a citizen naturalist, Master or otherwise.
Did you enjoy this post? Consider taking one of my online foraging and natural history classes or hiring me for a guided nature tour, checking out my other articles, or picking up a paperback or ebook I’ve written! You can even buy me a coffee here!
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poohsources · 11 months
🐝  *  ―  𝗖𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗗 𝗧𝗨𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗔𝗟: 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗜𝗖 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗬𝗘𝗥𝗦 important note: only works if you have a pro or a pro plus account, and can use the 'embed' element.
if you want to have music play on your carrd, the most important thing is, of course, the music. just make sure you have whatever song you want to have played in your files, and if you don't already have it, make sure to download it. now, the next step is to share your file so you'll get a direct file link you can later use in your music player code. personally i'm gonna be using and explaining the dropbox method for this, but there are other ways to do it as well. upload the music file to your dropbox ( either directly or to a special folder, whatever you prefer ) and then click the share button. then create link and copy link and you'll end up with a link that should look something like this: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j904wa1i2e229tdfa4rkb/ok-3.gif?rlkey=jy7822s2rrgaszj3jduggxn9k&dl=0 to create a direct download link out of this one, take out the 'www' and instead replace it with 'dl' so you'll have something like this: https://dl.dropbox.com/scl/fi/j904wa1i2e229tdfa4rkb/ok-3.gif?rlkey=jy7822s2rrgaszj3jduggxn9k&dl=0 save this link somewhere or keep it handy because we're gonna need it again a little later once we actually start working on the carrd.
for the next step, we're gonna be looking at different music player codes. there are a wide variety of ready-to-use ones already available ( for example here ) or if you are good at coding, you can always create your own as well. whatever you prefer and feel more comfortable with. once you've found something you like, copy the code because it's finally time to actually put it all on your carrd. if you have multiple sections and want your music to be played in all of them, either use a header or a footer and if you only want it in one, put it in the one you want to use for this. click on the little '+' to add an embed element to your carrd ( it's the one with this symbol: '</>' ). scroll down to the 'code' section and paste the code of the music player you've previously copied there. next thing you need to do to make sure it plays the song you want is to locate the '<audio id="audio" src="link here"audio"></audio>' and replace the link with the direct file link of your music. to see if you've been successful, you either need to publish your site or save it as a template ( in case you aren't ready to publish it yet but still wanna check if everything worked as planned ) and it should display the music player and play your music once clicked.
―  STEP THREE:  CUSTOMIZE IT ( optional )
the last, and optional, thing you can do is customize it to your preferences. this is best done if you have a little knowledge and understanding of html coding, but minor things like changing colors can totally be done without it. for example, if you want to change colors just locate those within the code ( titled 'color' or 'background-color' and they should have a hexcode number right beside it ) and change the hexcode to whatever you want to use. or if it includes text, you can change the font size ( aptly titled 'font-size' ). you can just play around with different settings to see if you'll get something you like ― most of it within the '<style></style>' section of the code is pretty self-explanatory.
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theslowesthnery · 3 months
i don't know if anyone is interested in this but i wrote a little guide for how to get the facegen params from elden ring, both of the NPCs actually used in the game and all the others, whatever their purpose might've been
it's a little long so i'm putting it under a cut
for this, you need two things: Elden Ring the game for the PC, and the program DSMapStudio.
so first thing in order: get DSMapStudio here. download the .zip from the github and extract it wherever you want. inside are two version of the program - the regular version (DSMapStudio.exe), and the low requirements version (DSMapStudio_LowRequirements.exe) that only has the param and text editing functions and not the map viewing/editing function. if your computer can handle it, i would still recommend using the regular version as it shows the names of the known NPCs when you look at the faceparams.
open the program, and in the file menu, pick "New project". in the window that opens, give the project a name of your choosing in Project Name; click the icon of a paper next to the Project Directory box to pick where to save that project (do not make it the same folder as the game executable is in, the program will warn you about it if you do); and finally click on the icon of a paper next to Game Executable box to locate your eldenring.exe. then press create. you will only have to do this once, and the program will remember and automatically open whatever project you had open last.
now, immediately below the task bar are four tabs: Map Editor, Model Editor, Param Editor, and Text Editor. go to the Param Editor tab, and in the list that appears on the left, go to FaceParam. you now get a long list of numbers in the middle, and these are the faces and characters. if you're using the regular version of the program, you'll see names of the games NPCs if you scroll down to the 23000 range of entries.
click on any entry, and in the right window you will see the parameters. for the most part these are self-explanatory and the values can be put into the game's character creator as they are, but there are a few tricky bits:
EDIT: first of all, the value for Nose Ridge - Nose Protrusion (faceGeoData60) - is incorrect! the actual value for Nose Protrusion is in faceGeoData53, which you will find after the Alter Body values:
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all the other slider values are correct as far as i know.
the information for the character's age, musculature and bone structure are all contained in the fourth entry from the top, Adjust Face Template - Bone Structure (Parts ID) (face_partsId). it basically goes like this:
0 in param editor = in-game bone structure 1 10 in param editor = in-game bone structure 2 20 in param editor = in-game bone structure 3 30 in param editor = in-game bone structure 4 40 in param editor = in-game bone structure 5 50 in param editor = in-game bone structure 6
+100 = muscular +1 = mature +2 = aged
in other words, if the parameter is, say, 152, then that means that the character is muscular, aged, and uses the bone structure 6. if the parameter is 1, that means the character is mature and uses the bone structure 1, and has standard musculature. if the parameter is 0, the character is young with standard musculature and uses the bone structure 1.
(to my knowledge whether the character is type A or B is not stored in the faceparams, you're just going to have to guess)
the character's eyebrows and eyelashes are the number in the param editor plus 1. so if the params say that their eyebrows are 0, that correlates to in-game eyebrows preset 1; if the params say the eyebrows are 5, then the eyebrows in-game are preset 6. same with the eyelashes.
the hair style numbers do not follow any kind of formula, they're just random, so i made myself a cheat sheet - the red number is the number in param editor, the white number is the number in character creator:
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tattoos/marks work with the same formula as the eyebrows and eyelashes - param editor number +1 = number in character creator - up to 18 (19 in charactor creator). from 20 onwards the number is the same in both the param editor and character creator, so if the params say the tattoo/mark is 22, then it is 22 in the character creator as well. the Tweak Tattoo/Mark - Flip (decal_mirror) being 0 means the tattoo/mark is mirrored, while 1 means that it is not (to my knowledge).
eyepatches work with teh same formula as eyebrows and eyelashes: param editor number +1 = number in character creator.
here are some guys and gals i've found so far (going through them is very slow because you have to input every slider value manually):
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simnostalgia · 6 months
I've recently learned how to scrape websites that require a login. This took a lot of work and seemed to have very little documentation online so I decided to go ahead and write my own tutorial on how to do it.
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We're using HTTrack as I think that Cyotek does basically the same thing but it's just more complicated. Plus, I'm more familiar with HTTrack and I like the way it works.
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So first thing you'll do is give your project a name. This name is what the file that stores your scrape information will be called. If you need to come back to this later, you'll find that file.
Also, be sure to pick a good file-location for your scrape. It's a pain to have to restart a scrape (even if it's not from scratch) because you ran out of room on a drive. I have a secondary drive, so I'll put my scrape data there.
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Next you'll put in your WEBSITE NAME and you'll hit "SET OPTIONS..."
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This is where things get a little bit complicated. So when the window pops up you'll hit 'browser ID' in the tabs menu up top. You'll see this screen.
What you're doing here is giving the program the cookies that you're using to log in. You'll need two things. You'll need your cookie and the ID of your browser. To do this you'll need to go to the website you plan to scrape and log in.
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Once you're logged in press F12. You'll see a page pop up at the bottom of your screen on Firefox. I believe that for chrome it's on the side. I'll be using Firefox for this demonstration but everything is located in basically the same place so if you don't have Firefox don't worry.
So you'll need to click on some link within the website. You should see the area below be populated by items. Click on one and then click 'header' and then scroll down until  you see cookies and browser id. Just copy those and put those into the corresponding text boxes in HTTrack! Be sure to add "Cookies: " before you paste your cookie text. Also make sure you have ONE space between the colon and the cookie.
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Next we're going to make two stops and make sure that we hit a few more smaller options before we add the rule set. First, we'll make a stop at LINKS and click GET NON-HTML LINKS and next we'll go and find the page where we turn on "TOLERANT REQUESTS", turn on "ACCEPT COOKIES"  and select "DO NOT FOLLOW ROBOTS.TXT"
This will make sure that you're not overloading the servers, that you're getting everything from the scrape and NOT just pages, and that you're not following the websites indexing bot rules for Googlebots. Basically you want to get the pages that the website tells Google not to index!
Okay, last section. This part is a little difficult so be sure to read carefully!
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So when I first started trying to do this, I kept having an issue where I kept getting logged out. I worked for hours until I realized that it's because the scraper was clicking "log out' to scrape the information and logging itself out! I tried to exclude the link by simply adding it to an exclude list but then I realized that wasn't enough.
So instead, I decided to only download certain files.  So I'm going to show you how to do that. First I want to show you the two buttons over to the side. These will help you add rules. However, once you get good at this you'll be able to write your own by hand or copy and past a rule set that you like from a text file. That's what I did!
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Here is my pre-written rule set. Basically this just tells the downloader that I want ALL images, I want any item that includes the following keyword, and the -* means that I want NOTHING ELSE. The 'attach' means that I'll get all .zip files and images that are attached since the website that I'm scraping has attachments with the word 'attach' in the URL.
It would probably be a good time to look at your website and find out what key words are important if you haven't already. You can base your rule set off of mine if you want!
WARNING: It is VERY important that you add -* at the END of the list or else it will basically ignore ALL of your rules. And anything added AFTER it will ALSO be ignored.
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Good to go!
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And you're scraping! I was using INSIMADULT as my test.
There are a few notes to keep in mind: This may take up to several days. You'll want to leave your computer on. Also, if you need to restart a scrape from a saved file, it still has to re-verify ALL of those links that it already downloaded. It's faster that starting from scratch but it still takes a while. It's better to just let it do it's thing all in one go.
Also, if you need to cancel a scrape but want all the data that is in the process of being added already then ONLY press cancel ONCE. If you press it twice it keeps all the temp files. Like I said, it's better to let it do its thing but if you need to stop it, only press cancel once. That way it can finish up the URLs already scanned before it closes.
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Chicken Feed Chapter 1
Enemies to lovers/fake marriage (Spy!)Bradley Bradshaw x (Spy!) Reader
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Summary: Bradley is on a mission with you, a russian spy, to collect information on the Chinese government. His identity is changed to Miles Teller, yours Jane Teller. Just an all-American newlywed couple on a honeymoon to China.
⚠️- violence, gore, death, smut, smut-ual situations throughout. Government inaccuracies
Next Chapter. Masterlist
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The offices were blank windowless underground. The overhead building was an abandoned school house. Bradley went through a tunnel entrance in an old phone booth clicking buttons in a sequence being lowered to the tunnel.
He strided down the long reinforced concrete hall. He stepped into one of the many offices. "Bradshaw." He stood straighter in the presence of the commander.
"Yes, sir." His body tense preparing for his new mission.
"You have been selected for a very important mission. The Chinese government has information. They are planning a crash of all economies. Their downfall with Russia has become a pissing contest between the two."
Rooster nodded. It had become quite the dick size contest.
The commander continued. "Russia is the least of our worries at the moment. Putin has decided to join our side, for now at least, to put China back in their place."
Bradley's eyes lifted from their place on the floor up to the commanders eyes. "They must have come to desperate measures."
"They dont like to admit our power, We have worked on an operation plan. One agent from both sides will be put in the field to find out what exactly their plan is. You were our pick for your experience."
"Thank you, sir." He bowed slightly, acknowledging the huge honor and trust this bestowed. "Is there anything we know?"
"No, Bradshaw, I'm afraid that's all I have besides your location. It's a diner hall in Beijing. There is a party with high target government agents at the party. You will be taking on a new moniker to hide your identity from the Russian agent. We must rush you in now to change your identity. Your ID and social will be printed after. Go down to the chief of disguise. She will be the one to handle your case. Do not trust the Russians with any information. You feed this woman Chicken Feed, nothing else, and do not kill her, Mr. President doesn't want to piss off Russia this close to a war. That is an order."
"Yes, sir." Bradley stepped out after being dismissed walking to the disguise department.
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You walked down a lighted hallway. The sun was no longer visible through the windows. In the night sky, the only light was provided by a sliver of the moon.
You walk through the threshold of the commanders office. "Commander, Sir."
"We have a mission for you." He leaned back in his chair. "There is a problem with China. Those double crossing dicks are trying to mess with our country."
"They must be dumb to fuck with Russia." Your form motionless in the standing position, your face still.
"Idiots. Putin decided it might be time to join forces with the stupid Americans. They are the real dumbasses, but China does have a thing against them, so it seems like a good way to put them back down. Spank them with the bitches of the world, yeah?"
"Yes, sir. Putin has the right idea." You smirked at the attitude President Putin always had towards putting people down.
"You will be given a new identity. You are going to be the Americans wife. You're a newly wed couple that is on your honeymoon until you are at the location. He has the location information. You have the identification of the man you will be stalking down. His name is Kim Jang Kai. You need information on the where, when, and how of the economic attack from China. Don't trust that American and keep the American alive. We don't want to start a war with America. They are not our friend, but it's better not to make another enemy this close to a war since we have decided to work together. Plus it will be more fun to hold up America like a child and say we kicked your ass with the bitch country." He chuckled lowly.
You were dismissed to the department of disguise. You sat in a chair and the disguise operator began her work.
She sized your head for a long black long straight wig to stick out less in a sea of china. She cut bangs and placed a pair of glasses over your eyes. You looked like an everyday American woman who blended in with Chinese cultural norms.
"Your name is Jane Teller. You are the new wife to Miles Teller. Your credentials are in this bag. Here it is and your luggage." She handed you a brandless canvas black purse and black worn luggage.
"Your gear is in the luggage. This is your manual for the items. Read over it on the way to the airport, and destroy it in the car before you get there. Miles will be waiting for you at gate 34 in Colorado with a sign that says welcome home, Mrs. Teller. He will escort you to a car, and you both will receive further instructions there."
"Yes, ma'am." You got up grabbing your items quickly, walking out to the car. You sat back, opening the manual.
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Miles sat back in his seat on the way to an airport in Denver, Colorado. His hair was a jet black color cut shorter, his mustache was shaven, and he had a pair of chunky glasses on his face.
He was reading over manuals, then he was given the five minute warning. He read the last bit of information and then folded it into the small incinerator. The officer in the back burned the contents.
He got out of the old beat up car and walked into the airport carrying his sign. A smile plastered all over his face. He blended well in a group of Johns.
The civilians all stood around, waiting for their loved ones, completely unaware of their surrounding danger. Miles' peripheral vision filed through the personnel. He saw a man who looked suspiciously at the crowd. A damn agent, fucking great.
The flight started releasing passengers. He just prayed you were a good actress and could catch on. He couldn't use any of the normal codes for emergency situations with your lack of American knowledge.
You stood scanning the crowd. You spotted his sign for Mrs. Teller. It's go time. "Honey, love!" You called in an American accent just like briefing called for in the manual.
Miles head jerked towards you, not missing a smile. He wrapped his arms around you, dipping you and kissing your lips softly.
You kissed back, a smile plastered on your face now. You both collected the sign, and he led you to an older car with your hand in his. You both sat in the back. Miles is holding the door open for you, then getting in himself. The people up front disclosed that it was a safe location. The windows tinted black. The smell of weed surrounding the air around the car gave off a different thought to the couple that just entered the vehicle. The car starts moving.
You instantly grabbed the switch blade hidden in your jeans on your hip. Quickly, you hopped into this Miles' lap. You hold the knife pushing it over his jugular. Russian accent falling naturally on your tongue. "If you ever pull some shit like that again, I will drain your blood like the American pig you are. You will be in my Russian slaughter house prepped to be served to Vladimir Putin's lunch. You Do Not Ever kiss me. Do you understand me?" Your words not puncturing his thick skin.
Miles took out his gun and pointed it to your head. Very nonchalant in his facial structure. "I suggest you get off of me in front of our company, honey. Wouldn't want to spoil our honeymoon." He teased, knowing he only did what he had to.
"You think this is funny..." You pressed your knife into the skin on his collar bone, leaving just a small incision trickling blood. Your teeth gritting on your smooth words. Your nerves are being pressed by this American man.
"There was an intell in there. He spotted me and looked straight at me. I had to sell it." He said calmly. "I mean, it seems like you liked it with you climbing in my lap as soon as we get in the car." He spoke as if he were spitting facts. Chuckling at his words.
Your eyes squinted. "You warn me next time." You sat back down in your seat watching out the darkened window.
"I will need a code." He said eyeing the weapon he had pulled on you. He knew you wouldn't kill him. He wasn't intimidated in the slightest. He sat relaxed inspecting his gun for flaws. He wouldn't turn his back but also knew you wouldn't be dumb enough to kill him on American grounds in front of two other agents. He only pulled his gun to send a message.
You read the message loud and clear. This would be no easy mission. "Button. We will call each other button if something is off or if something is going wrong." You cringed as the thoughts ran through your mind of having to be involved with the likes of him. "Disgusting." You muttered from your lips barely audible to anyone in the car.
"Agents if you two are done bickering, I have a briefing you both need to attend to."
"Taking orders from Americans." You muttered but turned your attention to the agent in front of you.
"You both will be in the Hilton hotel for two days. You will act like a newly wed couple waiting for the bellman to get to your room on Thursday he will say, 'Shall we go?' You both will put your luggage on the cart. You will follow him to a gray sedan. Then they will take you to the airport in Colorado Springs. You will board flight 232 and land an hour from the location."
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schizopositivity · 2 years
Hi there. First, I love your blog and have been finding it very helpful lately. Second, I just wanted some insight on what I'm currently going through. A traumatic event happened to me recently and I'm still dealing with the aftermath, it feels like it's made all my symptoms get worse and caused some old ones to resurface again, and I'm scared of things getting worse. The most convenient counseling available to me (in terms of the location and price) doesn't deal with more severe mental health conditions. They told me not to go back to them because they could only handle things like mild circumstantial depression and stress. So now I am trying to get back into long term therapy with a professional who'd be more equipped to handle cases like mine, but in the meantime, what coping mechanisms do you suggest just to keep me afloat for a while until I can access a professional again?
I don't want to get too detailed and unintentionally trigger anyone, but basically my intrusive thoughts have gotten especially bad (in all senses - frequency, intensity, how graphic/detailed they get), my "unhealthy beliefs" are becoming more obvious to the people around me and it's been interfering with my daily functioning, some other stuff has been going on that's hard to put into words tbh and overall it feels like my brain never gets a break from itself since it's so damn "loud" and it feels like the thoughts won't shut off. Sorry since I realize this is kind of a heavy topic, please don't feel pressured but if you have any resources or just advice from your own experience about how to cope with this for a while, I'd appreciate it a lot, please. I'm currently not a danger to myself or others because I do have family with me and they watch after me (check in on me, monitor my meds, etc.) but there is still that "divide" between me and them where they don't fully grasp what I'm going through and it just feels like hell inside of my own brain. Thank you.
first off im really sorry you went through something traumatic recently. you didnt deserve that or the after effects you got from it. i went through something traumatic earlier this year and it also made my symptoms worse, so youre not alone in that.
heres one resrouce, you can click on "what should i do if i experienced a traumatic event?"
as for dealing with intrusive thoughts, one thing i do is right after they happen i think to myself "obviously thats not what im thinking" or "clearly thats not my real conscious thoughts" as a way to dismess them as just intrusive thoughts and not anything to do with how i really feel. to discredit them and not give them any deeper meaning.
id also encourage you to talk more to your family and friends, to really open up and tell them the truth and how youre feeling and what youre thinking. most people want to know whats really going on with their loved ones. plus you never know what kind of advice and support they could offer until you open up. and maybe if talking isnt an easy way to show your emotions maybe do it through drawings or poetry, or even showing them a song or movie you relate to right now.
i wish you luck on getting the professional help you deserve. and if its possible, dont settle for someone you dont feel comfortable talking to or someone that isnt equipted to handle your problems. you wont offend a therapist/counselor/psychiatrist by changing to a different one, its their job to help you and if they cant its totatally normal and appropraite to switch to someone else, they dont take it personally.
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disneyplusbeginn · 5 days
Begin with the activation process at Disneyplus.com/start
How to activate your subscription at Disneyplus.com/start
It’s pretty popular to stream your favorite films and TV shows online, and people expect to have easy access to these services. These days, access to such platforms is becoming more popular as technology is revolutionizing every aspect of operational activities. These streaming services add value to people who work in hectic environments and want to make the most of their leisure time by providing them with real-time stress relievers.
Disney Plus has become the most popular choice for viewers. The service streams the most hyped content and the classic set of movies. Disney Plus offers a multitude of genres ranging from suspense thrillers to horror movies, from animations to action movies, from fiction to documentaries, etc. Disney Plus, offers special parental controls that let you show your children content that is appropriate for their age. Furthermore, there’s a dedicated area for all of you sports enthusiasts who love the game but are unable to watch the live broadcasts of your most anticipated games.
With time, Disney Plus has evolved with the changing demands of people. The service is very much considerate of its viewers choice so it analyses the search patterns of the audience. Disney Plus has a vast library of content available that caters to a plethora of audiences. Additionally, you can stream on multiple devices and take full advantage of Disney Plus. For your preferred device, you must activate Disney Plus Begin. The streaming service offers a free trial also, so that you can avail the practical benefits of it and experience the offerings on your own. In this blog, we will walk you through the basics of Disney Plus and how you can get activated on your preferred device.
Begin with the activation process at Disneyplus.com/start
We have already discussed what Disney Plus has in store for you. Now, in order to get into these benefits and begin streaming, you must create an account on Disney Plus with a valid email ID. You will receive the registration message via the same email address. Following which, you can login to your account using the same login credentials. Now for the activation, consider the following steps:
Visit Disneyplus.com/start.
The action will direct you to the homepage of Disney Plus. Go to the accounts section at the top-right corner, depending on the version of the service that you are using. Locate the sign-up option.
Sign up for your Disney account with the same login details used while creating the account.
Now in the accounts section, you will come across the ‘subscription plans’ or ‘my plans’. Navigate to the same page and click on it.
The screen will display the plans that it has to offer, depending on whether you want to go ad-free or with ads.
Select a subscription plan and choose a mode of payment that suits you well.
Fill in the details properly and hit ‘submit’.
You have successfully subscribed to the Disney Plus activation, and now you can enjoy limitless streaming of your favorite content.
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reddyanna11 · 27 days
Reddy Anna Online Book ID: Everything You Need to Know in 2024
Introduction to Reddy Anna Online Book ID
Welcome to the exciting world of Reddy Anna Online Book ID! If you're a book lover looking for a seamless way to access your favorite reads anytime, anywhere, then you're in for a treat. Reddy Anna Online Book ID is here to revolutionize how you enjoy books digitally. Let's dive into everything you need to know about this innovative platform in 2024!
Features and Benefits of Reddy Anna Online Book ID
Are you tired of carrying around heavy textbooks? Reddy Anna Online Book ID has got you covered! With this innovative platform, all your course materials are just a few clicks away. Say goodbye to lugging around bulky books and hello to convenience. One of the key features of Reddy Anna ID is its user-friendly interface. Easily navigate through your digital library to find the resources you need in seconds. No more wasting time searching for specific chapters or sections – everything is organized for quick access. Another benefit of using Reddy Anna Online Book ID is the cost savings. Save money on expensive physical textbooks by opting for digital versions instead. Plus, with online access, there's no need to worry about misplacing or damaging your books – they're always safe and secure in your virtual library. With interactive features like highlighting, bookmarking, and search functions, studying has never been easier. Take notes directly on the pages, mark important sections, and quickly search for keywords within your texts. Stay organized and focused on learning with Reddy Anna Online Book ID at your fingertips!
How to Get a Reddy Anna Online Book ID
To get a Reddy Anna Online Book ID, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, visit the official website of Reddy Anna and locate the sign-up or registration section. Click on the option to create a new account. Fill in your details accurately, such as your name, email address, and password. Once you have entered all the required information, submit the form for verification. You may receive an email with a verification link; make sure to click on it to activate your account successfully. After verifying your account, log in using your credentials. Upon logging in, navigate to the profile settings where you can personalize your account further. Look for the section specifically related to obtaining a https://reddyanna-id.in/ and follow any additional instructions provided. Congratulations! You now have access to all the features and benefits that come with having a Reddy Anna Online Book ID. Enjoy exploring their vast collection of digital books at your convenience!
Future Plans and Updates for Reddy Anna Online Book ID
Exciting times lie ahead for Reddy Anna Online Book ID as it looks to enhance user experiences and expand its offerings. The team behind Reddy Anna is dedicated to continuously evolving the platform, ensuring that users have access to a wide range of books and resources at their fingertips. One of the future plans for Reddy Book  includes introducing personalized recommendation features based on users' reading preferences. This will help readers discover new titles tailored to their interests, making the book  browsing experience even more enjoyable. In addition, there are plans to collaborate with more publishers and authors to bring exclusive content to the platform. By forging partnerships with key players in the publishing industry, Reddy Anna aims to offer a diverse selection of books spanning various genres and topics.
In a world where digital access is crucial, Reddy Anna Online Book ID emerges as a convenient and efficient solution for book lovers. With its user-friendly interface, extensive library, and seamless login process, Reddy Anna Login offers a unique experience to readers worldwide. By providing easy access to a wide range of books and resources, Reddy Anna Online Book ID proves to be a valuable tool for enhancing knowledge and fostering a love for reading. As we look towards the future, there are exciting plans for further developments and updates that will only enhance the platform's capabilities.
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daveg65 · 29 days
304 - GM is Doomed Without CarPlay - With Guest Marty Jencius, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Marty Jencius,, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethg. It seems GM may Regret Kicking Apple CarPlay off the Dashboard we discuss. The Let Loose May 7th Event is next week we give our predictions. Apple Q2 2024 earnings report and we review all the numbers. Beta this week. iOS 17.5 Beta 4 was released. It seems we are nearing final release soon. .Siri on HomePod Seems to Have Forgotten How to Give the Time and triggers Jeff. Plus much more. 
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Beta this week. iOS 17.5 Beta 4 was released. Apple Seeds Fourth Betas of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 to Developers [Update: Public Beta Available]
Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of visionOS 1.2 to Developers
Apple Seeds Fourth Beta of watchOS 10.5 to Developers
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Apple Q2 2024 earnings report. 2024 Q2 Apple Results: $90.8 billion revenue, Services record
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Tim Cook on Generative AI: 'We Have Advantages That Will Differentiate Us'
Apple Vision Pro a big hit in enterprise 
Will GM Regret Kicking Apple CarPlay off the Dashboard?
Will GM Regret Kicking Apple CarPlay off the Dashboard?
Report Examines GM's Controversial Move to Abandon Apple CarPlay
Let Loose May 7th Event predictions
Everything coming from Apple in May 2024 including new iPads (finally!
Speculation ramps up as 'Let Loose' billed as 'different kind of Apple Event'
5 reasons why the M4 iPad Pro rumors actually make sense
Siri on HomePod Seems to Have Forgotten How to Give the Time
Apple Watch AFib History Feature Qualified by FDA to Evaluate Medical Devices
FCC Fines AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon Almost $200 Million for Illegally Sharing Customer Location Data 
First Physical Apple Cards Expiring Soon, Apple Shipping Out Replacements
Apple must open iPadOS to sideloading within 6 months, EU says
How much Google paid Apple to be Safari's search engine in 2022
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Macstock 8 is Here! July 12-14, 2024 Macstock Conference & Expo
Our friends Marty Jencius and Eric Bolden started a Vision Pro podcast.  "Vision ProFiles." It is a weekly prosumer podcast on the Apple Vision Pro. I have connected with some 'visioneers' whom we hope to start bringing to the show to discuss news, new apps, and applications. VisionProFiles.info
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
About our Guest
Marty Jencius, Ph.D., is a professor of counselor education at Kent State University, where he researches, writes, and trains about using technology in teaching and mental health practice. His podcasts include The Tech Savvy Professor , Circular Firing Squad Podcast. and VisionProFiles.info Find him at [email protected]
Here is our latest Episode!
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semiauto03-blog · 2 months
Changes to MITA Withdrawals; Important Information To Know.
Dear MITA Community,
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We're reaching out to keep you informed about some recent adjustments regarding crypto withdrawals on the MITA app. Your safety and seamless experience are our utmost priorities, so please take a moment to review this information carefully to ensure a smooth withdrawal process.
Previously, MITA facilitated crypto withdrawals using both the Klaytn Network and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). We used to automatically convert MITA tokens from Klaytn to BEP-20 tokens on the BSC network for trading on Pancakeswap.
However, as we strive to streamline operations on MITA, we've made a decision to implement a change. MITA will no longer handle token conversion on your behalf. If you wish to proceed with crypto withdrawals, you'll now need to perform the conversion yourself. Alternatively, we offer other withdrawal options such as "Direct Bank or Momo withdrawals."
Here's what you need to do:
Access Your MITA Tokens: If you've transferred tokens to a Trust Wallet BEP-20 address, you may not see them there anymore because we no longer automatically convert them. Rest assured, your tokens are safe, and we'll guide you to locate them.
Add MITA Klaytn Token: Open your Trust Wallet and use the token search feature to look for "Klay." Add it to your wallet.
Custom Smart Contract: Click the plus ➕ button and paste this address into the smart contract section: "0x341523ad0bA079d50CeC513751316178D587cf26."
If you're unsure about these steps, we've prepared a detailed guide with visuals to assist you. Please follow this link: How to Add MITA Token to Trust Wallet Klaytn and BEP20
Once you've completed these steps, you should be able to see your tokens. However, converting them back to BEP-20 MITA tokens poses some limitations. But don't worry; we're here to guide you through the process.
Adding Klaytn Network And MITA Token On Metamask:
Get MetaMask: Download either the MetaMask wallet or the MetaMask Chrome extension (Chrome extension is recommended).
Configure Your Wallet: If you don’t already have a wallet, create a new wallet and add the KLAY network to it with the following details:
Network Name: Klaytn Mainnet Network URL: https://public-node-api.klaytnapi.com/v1/cypress Chain ID: 8217 Currency Symbol: KLAY Block Explorer URL: https://scope.klaytn.com
For further instructions, please follow this link: Steps to Add Klaytn ( KLAY ) to MetaMask — MITA — Medium
We understand that these changes may seem complex, but we're here to support you every step of the way. Your MITA tokens are secure, and you can continue to enjoy the features of the MITA app.
Thank you for your understanding and for being an integral part of the MITA community. Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or on our Telegram group t.me/JoinMitaChat.
Warm regards, MITA Community Support Team
More MITA Info And Links: Website: https://mymita.app/ Follow MITA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JoinMITAHQ Follow on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/MITAgames MITA Telegram community and telegram update. Subscribe to our Youtube: MITA — YouTube
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nixariel · 1 year
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CARMEN SANDIEGO (2019) + locations: Poitiers, Prague, and Rio de Janeiro [4/?]
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9jaboizgistworld-blog · 4 months
How To Watch Showmax On Dstv in Nigeria and South Africa?
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Many people are on google searching for how to watch Showmax on dstv? Here is the post that will explain how to add Showmax to Dstv in South Africa and Nigeria including other African countries. Anyone can get Showmax – you don't need DStv to sign up. However, there are special offers for DStv subscribers in Nigeria. If you are a DStv Premium customer, you can add the Showmax* pattern to your DStv account at no additional cost. This way you can watch even more fantastic movies, local and international series and children's programs, wherever and whenever you want. If you are a DStv Compact Plus, Compact, Family, or Access customer, you will get a 50% discount on your standard Showmax subscription when you add it to your DStv account. It's so convenient - not only do you get Showmax at a huge discount - it's also included in your DStv bill, so you don't have to worry about paperwork.
What is Showmax?
Showmax is not a TV channel on DStv. It is an online streaming service: you watch series, films, documentaries, and children's stuff online at www.showmax.com or use the Showmax app on your phone, tablets, smart TV, or game consoles such as Xbox or PlayStation. All you need is a subscription and a device that can connect to the internet and you have Showmax with you wherever you go.
How To Add Showmax To Dstv in South Africa?
How To Watch Showmax On Dstv Premium? - Visit the DStv self-service website. - Log in with your Connect ID. - Select My Products. - Then choose the DStv Premium package. - Click Add Showmax on the Showmax banner. - Accept the quote. After activating Showmax on the DStv Self Service website, you will be redirected to the Showmax website to sign up or log in and start watching. How To Watch Showmax On Dstv Compact and Compact Plus For DStv subscribers on other packages DStv Compact and Compact Plus customers in select countries are eligible for a 50% Showmax discount, while DStv customers on Family, Access, and Easyview have the option to add Showmax to their DStv account, but the standard Showmax pay price. - Visit the DStv self-service website. - Log in with your Connect ID. - Select My Products. - Choose a DStv package. - Click on the Showmax link on the Showmax banner. - Accept the quote. - Click Add Showmax to continue. After activating Showmax on the DStv Self Service website, you will receive a confirmation that it was successful. You will then be redirected to the Showmax website to sign up or log in and start watching.
How To Add Showmax To Dstv In Nigeria?
Here is how to add Showmax to your DStv account in the rest of Africa How To Watch Showmax On Dstv Premium? - Log in to your account here at www.DStvAfrica.com . - Locate the Showmax banner in your account dashboard. - Click on 'Activate'. You will be prompted to create a Showmax account - click Create Account. If you already have a Showmax account, log in and start watching. How To Watch Showmax On Dstv Compact Plus, Compact, Family, or Access? - Log in to your account here at www.DStvAfrica.com . - Locate the 50% off Showmax banner on your account dashboard. - Click on 'Activate'. - You will be asked to add Showmax with a 50% discount - click on 'Add to invoice'. - You will then be redirected to the Eazy Self Service payment portal. - In the payment option, choose Select ' One-time payment' to top up your DStv account with this month's Showmax subscription balance. - Enter your bank card details and click on "Save and pay". - Once the payment is successful, select 'Activate account' to start watching Showmax.
How To Watch Showmax On Dstv Now App or My DStv app?
- Download the My DStv app (iOS or Android) - Select 'Showmax on Us' followed by 'Activate now'. - Start watching. After activating Showmax on the DStv Africa website, you will be redirected to the Showmax website to log in and start watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWYefXNi2Jk
What if I am already a Showmax subscriber?
- Log in to the Showmax website. - Select My Account. - Manage subscription. - Add to DStv.
Start Watching - How To Add Showmax To Dstv In Nigeria and South Africa
After activating Showmax on the DStv Africa website, you will be redirected to the Showmax website to log in and start watching. Read the full article
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aioome2 · 6 months
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myposbook · 6 months
Point of Sales Management in MyPosBook-ERP Software & ERP Solutions
Point of Sales Management in MyPosBook - All-in-One-ERP Software & ERP Solutions for Business
Sales Order Selling (POS Screen), Credit Sales, Draft, Quotations & Suspended Sales. Tender Change or Change Return Featured Products in POS screen Using Ultimate POS for Selling of Services Sales Return Sales Subscriptions Cash Register Invoice Layout Displaying QR code in invoice Gift Receipt Invoice External URL Configuring keyboard shortcuts for POS screen Discounts by Brand, Category, Location Reward Points, Royalty points Types of Service Shipments, Home Delivery or parcel management Display product unit price in POS Product suggestion Cash Denomination 1. Sales Order What is a Sales Order? Sales Order is a document given by the supplier to the buyer against a Purchase Order by the buyer. A sales order contains the buyer invoicing details, delivery details, products, quantities, pricing, tax, discounts, payment terms, payment details, shipping charges if any, and other notes. Once the buyer agrees on the sales order, goods are shipped by the supplier. Sale order has multiple statuses: Ordered, Partial, Completed Enabling Sales Order To enable Sales Order, follow the below steps: Go to Settings -> Business Settings Sales tab -> Enable Sales Order Save it. Using Sales Order in MyPosBook Creating sales order After Enabling sales order, inside Sales you’ll find the Sales-Order menu. Go to add sales order, fill in all the details and save it. Stocks are not deducted for sales orders. Once a sales order is created you can print it and send it to the buyer for approval. Converting Sales Order to Sales On approval of sales orders, you can create sales from the sales order. Go to Sales -> Add sales, select the business location & Customer. On Selecting it will populate the list of all sales orders related to the customer on the “Sales Order” dropdown. Select the Sales Order and it will auto load the products for that order with the product’s price, tax, discounts applied automatically as the sales order. You can increase or decrease the quantity. 2. Selling (POS Screen), Credit Sales, Draft, Quotations & Suspended Sales.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Interactions points in POS Screen. Selling Products, Changing Product Price, Tax & Discount, Lot number & Expiry Go to – Sell -> POS Selecting Customer: By default, there is “Walk-In Customer”. You can search for a customer by name/customer id or phone number or can add new customer by clicking the plus (+) button “Add Customer”. Searching & Adding Product: Enter Product Name Or scan the barcode to search the product. If multiple products are matched then it displays the dropdown of products, selects the product from it. Or if there is a single product then it directly gets added to cart.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Changing Product Price, Tax & Discount for a product After the products get added, click on the product name to modify product price, tax & discounts. NOTE: Option for different tax in products will be shown only if Inline tax is enabled. You can enable it from Business Settings -> Tax -> Enable Inline Tax in purchase and sell Selecting Lot number for a product  If lot number is enabled then it will show the option to select lot number. (Enabling Lot number) Selecting Expiry for a product Expiry Date: If the expiry date is enabled then it will show the option to select lot number.  (Enabling expiry) Cancel Sales: To cancel the sales click on the cancel button. Cancel invoices are not saved in the system, so no stock will de deducted. To finalize the invoice click on Finalize – Add the payment options and save it. On save it will display an invoice printing option. NOTE: For invoice to print correctly – The Margins options should be set to “Default”. List of sales can be viewed from Sell -> List Sales. List of drafts can be viewed from Sell -> Drafts. Both Sell & Drafts can be edited to make any changes. Express Checkout: Express Checkout means the sale will be marked as Paid and the payment method will be cash. No separate payment screen will be displayed. Printing of invoice depends on the business location settings.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. 100% Credit Sales To sell on credit to the customer you first need to enable this button by going to Settings -> Business Settings -> POS -> Show Credit Sale Button Then on the POS screen, you will be able to see a button “Credit Sale”, simply click this button to make sales on credit. Half Credit & half payment Sales: Suppose invoice amount is $1000, customers pays $700 cash and $300 is credit amount on him, then follow these steps: Click on multiple pay button Select the payment method and enter the amount paid by the customer. ($700 in our example) Click finalize payment. Now, the pending amount is automatically added as credit amount on him (or amount to be taken from the customer) Previous sale amount in Sales: If a sale is made for the customer for a subsequent time for the same product, the previous amount in which the product is sold will be shown for reference in add sale screen.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. This feature can also be used for purchase of same products from a supplier. Draft & Quotation This is useful if you want to create a quotation before sales. Marking a sales as Draft or Quotations will not deduct the available stock. You can view all Quotations & Drafts from List Quotation or List Draft respectively. Existing draft/Quotation can be edited to make it as final sales. Suspended Sales Suspend Sales means unfinished sale or hold Sale. Suspended sales stock gets deducted from available stock. You can view all suspended sales by clicking on the Yellow Color button present in very top right of screen (above the date). Some Use Case of Suspended sales In a grocery store, if you have suspended button, you can suspend particular customers sales and entertain another customer, when his comeback you can proceed with his sale. In Restaurant, you can suspend the order of customers if not yet paid, and finish it when they finish eating and paid their order, so you can proceed to final sales. You can put Table 1, Table 2, Table 3… so when they finish it’s easy to identify table 3 going to pay. In hotel lots of customers check in stay for 2 nights and order some foods and customers say, just charge to room 024. So you can suspend their orders and edit if there is some additional order and suspend again. Until final it when they pay their bills. on Hotel, on Reference Number: Room 009, Room 012 Card / Multiple Pay / Cash Multiple Pay: Used when the customer wants to pay with different payment methods like some amount by card, some by cash and some other payment methods. This option is also used when the customer doesn’t pay the exact tender amount and you need to calculate the Return Change. Card: Used when the customer wants to pay the complete invoice by card. Cash: Used when customer pay the exact amount of invoice by cash. If the customer pays less or more amount then the invoice amount then use Multiple Pay to get change return. Adding payments from Contact Go to contact -> Suppliers. Click on actions for the supplier and it will show “Pay Due amount”, click on it and pay the amount. “Pay Due amount” this option is not displayed if there is no payment due. Rounding Mechanism for total Sales amount or total payable Rounding helps to round the total payable to nearest currency exchange available. To enable rounding go to Settings -> Business Settings -> Sales and choose the Amount rounding method Amount rounding method Round to nearest whole number: It will round the payable value to nearest whole number. For example 1.49 will be rounded to 1.00, and 1.51will be rounded to 2.00 Round to nearest decimal (multiple of 0.05): It will round the payable value to nearest decimal number which is multiple of 0.05. For example 1.49 will be rounded to 1.50, 1.51 will be rounded to 1.50,  1.59 will be rounded to 1.60, 1.54 will be rounded to 1.55 Similarly all other round to nearest decimal number works as per the multiplier. 3. Tender Change or Change Return Suppose during POS the total payment amount by a customer is $250, but the customer pays $300 cash. In this case, the cashier needs to return $50 cash to the customer. So, enter all these details in the system, follow the below steps: Click on the “Multiple Pay” button. It will open a popup Enter the paid amount by the customer ($300 here) On the right side, it will show a “Change Return” Amount. This amount needs to be returned to the customer Click on finalize button to save the sales. The change amount is shown in the invoice. To create a custom label for change return Go to Settings -> Invoice layout change the ‘change return label’ to a required label and save the changes. 3. Featured Products for POS screen Featured Products for POS screen Adding featured products helps you quickly access some products which are frequently or most commonly sold. To add featured products follow these steps: Go to Settings -> Business Locations. Add/Edit any business locations In add/edit screen you can select multiple products that can be featured in pos for this location.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Select feature products in add/edit business locations
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. 4. Using MyPosBook for Selling of Services MyPosBook POS can be used: Exclusively for Services or Exclusively for Product Selling (trading) Or Combination of Services & selling of Products. Selling Services Services are Intangible products. Example: Repairing, Salon & Spa services, Web Development, Accounting, banking, cleaning, consultancy, education, insurance, expertise, medical treatment, transportation and a lot more. 1. To add service Go to Add New Products. 2. Add the name of your Service, Like Computer Repair, Accounting, E-Commerce Development, Consulting, Plumber, Saving, Hair Cutting, etc. 3. While adding service-based products uncheck the “Manage Stock?“ option. When Manage stock is unchecked or disabled the stock for such products is not managed, because such a product doesn’t have a stock count with it. 4. If you want to add a description for such service like for example in computer repair you want to describe the problem for such service then check the “Enable Product description, IMEI or Serial Number” checkbox. Now to create invoice or receipt for such service 1. Go to Add Sales or POS screen. 2. Enter the name of the service. 3. If you have enabled “Enable Product description, IMEI or Serial Number”, then it will show you a popup to add a description. If you haven’t enabled description you can click on the button as shown the image below. 4. To print the description in the invoice, go to Setting -> Invoice Settings -> Invoice Layout. And click on the layout you’re using. Enable “Show sale description“. And Click on “Update” to update the invoice layout. Now it will display the Description you entered on the invoice or receipt. 5. Sales Return There are 2 ways of adding sales return First way: Edit existing invoice for the sales by going to edit the invoice and remove the product or reduce the quantity of the product. And save it. The system will automatically add the returned quantity back to stock. This is a simple & recommended way of doing. Second Way: Follow the screenshot below:
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Question: Why sell return value not decrease the payment value from the parent invoice? MyPosBook will adjust these values in the Profit & Loss report. Regarding payment, users have to add a transaction for receiving payment from the customer and then paying them back. This way all the transactions are recorded. 6. Read the full article
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mathiasenadams66 · 8 months
Learning About Proper Feline Animal Care At Home
A cat can become a great pet. After all, imply need to get walked, dislike bathrooms and seem to consider care of them selves. Yet , there are usually some things an individual have to do for these people, even though that they might not think and so. Here are a few kitty suggestions that you can follow to be able to give your cat a great lifestyle. Let kittens and cat-friendly pet dogs become familiar with each some other slowly. Set up a baby gate to help keep dogs in one room while your own new kitten gets used to the surroundings. Supervise meticulously when the kitten ventures to the gate to satisfy the dogs. When the cat feels safe, this will climb the gate. If this feels threatened, that will pop perfect back out to be able to safety. If the cat is an outside cat or possibly a cat that has a new habit of receiving outside, they need suitable identification. The cat should have a safety collar and the ID tag. Safety collars that have elastic bands permit cats to get out of the particular collar if they will get it captured on something. A great ID tag or even an implanted microchip can help your cat get delivered if they're missing. Don't try working with dog food or perhaps products to your cat. Cats abhor doggie products. Flea goods should not be applied to cats inside any circumstance. These kinds of products can be fatal for your own cat. You should continue the cats and pets separated after using a flea remedy. Check your cat for ticks plus fleas every week. If your cat does have fleas, right now there is a great chance that an individual also have fleas in your residence. You might require some flea bombs or premise-control sprays, together with treating the cat, to obtain rid of the issue. Should you do not understand what products to utilize for controlling clicks and fleas, speak to your vet for several safe options. Perform not feed the cat any sort of individual food made up of our bones in it. In case you are giving your cat chicken or fish, be sure to remove the bone beforehand to prevent a choking threat. Chop the food that you assist into small portions to make that easier to digest for your cat. It is very important only give food to your kitten meals specifically made intended for kittens. Kitten meals contains more excess fat and protein to help keep the growing cats physique healthy. Adult cat food is leaner in addition to is not specifically formulated not much different from the way while the kitten foods. Your kitten is going to grow really quick in a short time-frame, so it is important that will they eat proper. Handle your pussy-cat often. The extended your cat will be handled being a pussy-cat, the more conveniently they will recognize being handled when they are cultivated, especially around their very own paws. This is important as most cats will have to visit the vet at times, and this approach is significantly easier plus less stressful in the event that the cat is definitely accustomed to becoming handled. It will also make grooming and nail clipping much easier. Do you have multiple cat? If thus, then you should include more than single cat litter box as well. Having one regarding each of your cats will provide them multiple locations to go. In the event the odor gets too much you can include a little making cookies soda to the litter to storm it up. A cat's nails can increase really quickly. They sharpen their toenails by scratching on the subject of different surfaces such as a scratching publish. You can help avoid your cat destroying your pieces of furniture by clipping their nails often. This will help to discourage your current cat from damaging at different issues around your house. You can touch fellow cat owners for advice should you be having problems along with your pet. Though you want in order to handle problems in your own, you may require advice through others who very own cats. Use the particular Internet to share tips with additional cat owners plus ask your concerns or talk using your neighbors, buddies or veterinarian. There are a great number of cats that will be overweight. An overweight cat can finish up developing wellness problems such while arthritis or diabetic. If your cat could stand to drop a pound or two, try cutting back their food somewhat at each serving. You can also buy some gadgets and encourage the cat to perform and exercise. A person should keep cast cat food inside the refrigerator after it has already been opened. Bring that to room heat before serving that to your cat, because it will certainly smell more enticing to them and become less likely to be able to cause an upset stomach. If you like, place this inside the microwave regarding a bit in order to warm it up. Understand your cat's sounds. Meowing is a form regarding communication, often intended for food or to be able to get your attention. There will be other sounds, nevertheless. Hissing usually signifies fear or frustration, so you need to avoid. Cats also ensure sounds any time they see food. This often noises like a chirp. Purring may suggest contentment, but the idea means nervousness. The cat may not really think he demands you, but they does. If you use the guidelines in this article, you can certainly make yourself more necessary. These ideas can help keep your own cat happy and healthy, and so give each of them a try. You could even find more tips, which means your cat has the best life possible. https://www.file-upload.com/t4qvgpv6vyim
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