#plus I have an artblock right now
project-doomsday · 8 months
Does Z miss his colony? Ring amongst his own kind? Has he ever thought about them or his tallers? Even for a moment?
How does Z feel being on his own now?
How long did it take him to reach earth? (6 months like Zim did in the series?) longer?
What are the few things that irritates Z at times?
You’ve mentioned that Minimoose is not in this comic. So Z’s not gonna make another sidekick?
What made him choose Earth out of all the more advanced planets out there?
How big are the tallers? Monster size or the series side tallest?
Have you ever had an artblock before? I’ve seen some artists have this struggle and I wonder if it’s common or something?🤔
Oooo, another lovely question bomb!
1. Z felt no attachment towards his colony, or his own kind, however, he does reminisce those times. Z is always thinking about the Tall Ones, the good and the ugly.
2. Nothing, he’s pretty independent!
3. I would say 6 months like the show!
4. Disorder, defects, or things that don’t go the way he wants. He can’t stand that.
5. He has a few other sidekicks! I will not say them however 🤫🤫
6. Like the show, Earth was considered a mysterious place, hell, the Tallest weren’t even sure if it existed. No Iyer-Kahn has ever been there before and Z knows that. He feels safe there, knowing that he won’t be easily caught if he hid somewhere unknown. Plus, the humans have peaked his interest, he feels that they may contribute to his plan.
7. The Tall Ones are HUUUUUGE!!! They’re about 24 feet tall! They ain’t call Tall for a reason! ;)
8. Oof, don’t even get me started. Art block is the worst. One moment you’d just be drawing as usual and then BAM it hits you unexpectedly and now you don’t know what to draw. It can be really aggravating and downright lost. Like what do I do now? Sometimes when I draw I forget how to draw a character and THAT SUUUUCKS. But I tell myself that this is how art works. Your mind isn’t gonna think it looks good the way it did before so you just gotta keep drawing until you find the right design that hits that sweet spot. Right now I’m struggling with Z. I used to draw him pretty fine, but now it’s hard for me to draw his head shape. It can be the worst since, y’know, he’s the main fucking antagonist, but like I said you just gotta keep drawing until you finally find that sweet spot. The “Yes! I finally got it!” Spot.
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mobolanz · 8 months
AOT OC Show and Tell Days - Day 1: basic introductions
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Name: Evelyn Marianne Auroré
Gender: Female
Age in setting: not thought out yet since I'm contemplating if to age up the characters for the storyline actually considering I'm finally laying it out (most likely yes) but I'm not sure on how many years. 🤧
Suggestions welcome 😵‍💫
Bold all of the following that apply to your OC!
Context: Canon Setting | Modern AU | Other AU
What niche does your OC serve for you?:
Self-insert | Completely original character | Self-shipping (in the projecting sense xD) | Roleplaying | Writing fics | Creating art | Only the scenarios and adventures that I imagine inside my head and share with no one! get fucked I ain't creating shit | Something else
A Bit More:
If your character is in the AOT canon setting, what's their allegiance?
Survey Corps | Military Police | Marleyan | Warriors | etc.
Do you ship your character with a canon character? If so, who?
She understands my Reiner love almost better than I do oml 🤧🤧🤧
Do you have any cute art or picrews of them together? Let's see one:
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Not pictured is a light brushing with a surprising delicacy of her bangs to the side as he bends a bit to kiss her tenderly on the forehead no I totally didn't come up with this while typing wdym 🤭🤧(⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)✨✨✨
Obligatory fake screencap to give her a clearer image in my head for the scenarios since my choice to redesign her came during lasting artblock aofjakkfkakf
I'm planning to make another one for WIT's style based on something I'll mention later in the post!😆😆
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For most part here's a rought draft . But also considering her design is for s4 I might create a special pre-timeskip look for that since it's set there.
Character Creation:
How long have you actively been developing your OC?:
As an Aot oc? March 2022. As an overall character? … took a good while since August 2019, jumped between… *counts fingers* 5 different fanbases, nothing came of any of these, all her ships were one dimensional unconvincing shallow and dull. Yet when I tried here, a wave of inspiration hit me like a comet D: 💫
Her hair was fucking blue aodjqidjakdjajkw
Is there any significance behind your OCs name?:
Glad you asked! :D I have this reaching and overextensive research for the meaning & how it ties to the whole character story&arc
Evelyn (driven from Eve,if I added the meta behind this it'd reach the tumblr word limit if there is any) : desired (ahhh ahaah…(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠). Also has some fairytale motif not as deep but alfjakdka.) , life (self explanatory :"). )
Marianne: (driven from Maria, also actually what my own name & my 2nd favourite oc's name is driven from🤭)- star, grace. I mostly only added it after making her an aot oc, but a middle name would be a fancy addition right? :D😆😆
Auroré - driven from aurora meaning dawn(& familial ties with another oc of mine themed after Northern lights).
Plus.... fitting for her hair color.! :D
Combine her first and last name and it's sounding like: life's (graceful) dawn.
Which has a coincidental similarly to the last episode of s4 part 2 (the dawn of humanity)
If your OCs appearance is based on yours, do they have any different features?:
No not really, I just unironically want this look and think it's gorgeous. Blood-red hair and everything (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Is there anything you want to try doing with your OC that you haven't yet? (ex RPing, art, fics, etc):
I'm actually finally writing the full first meeting oneshot nowadays! As of now it was just brain-dump scenarios connecting (somehow that alone ended up being 2k wth) xD. I've also been more openly brainstorming about it so I'm opening up to questions!:D
Also on an art note, I actually kept on the side a DIY nendoroid figure I'm planning to turn into her 😆😆😆
For him <3
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lieutenantselnia · 11 months
I don't post WIPs very often but I'm finally on my way of breaking out of artblock hell and drawing again, so heres a little sketch. It's not the best and I still feel super rusty but I love them so much😭💖
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Not sure if I'm going to colour/finish this soon, on one hand I think sketching and doodling a lot of different scenes might be better to get back into the flow (and would also help me to get my ideas out of my head), but on the other hand I want to do colouring, shading, and even lineart, because I find those parts of the process really calming sometimes and also just want to improve my technique and experiment with new things as well. But for that I also need sketches first😂
More rambling under the cut in case you want to read it⬇️
I drew this yesterday and planned to continue on it this evening, but I ended up not really making progress because I was in my "just dreamily stare at your f/o's face" phase xD I often have that when I draw one of my f/os (usually during the sketching phase - maybe I could also try out just cleaning up the sketch a little and colouring it👀)
In hindsight it was probably not the smartest idea to start out with a profile view drawing - I like them in some ways but they're also difficult. I admittedly had to trace Heinz' face a little from one of my older drawings (that I did back in January) because I just couldn't get his face proportions quite right :') I'd like to practise them more but right now I just wanted to have a cute picture because I missed him so much😭 Also I didn't quite figure out how to draw his hairstyle in profile view yet, so I just left it like the old one for now. But his hair is actually supposed to look slightly different now, if I decide to clean up and finish this drawing I'll hopefully find a solution for that👀 Plus I also tried out a slightly different signature - not sure yet if I'll stick to it but I thought it might be better to include my whole username in it.
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WIP update
I don’t know if I ever get to finish that in the near future, but here is some progress of the illustration.
Hopefully I’ll get there!
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honeybunnytummies · 2 years
A Vorlog(Vore Devlog) and a Smaller game announcement! (In Regards to Vore Hell! A Text Adventure Game) (Vorlog #1)
Hey guys! Wanted to finally start doing the Vore Devlogs but I realized that it's going to be a little bit of time before I can make the vorlogs, so I decided to make a few changes to what I am going to do with my Game Dev journey!
First things first, I am right now having an artblock plus I have many life problems going on and I don't have any time to get my artblock gone. So I have a solution to this problem!
I am making a much smaller "Choose your own adventure" text-based game! And it's DEFIANTLY a vore game! Still SFW and very wholesome! There will be a warning list though, just in case.
There will be barely any kind of artwork, sadly. I have a lot going on now I but still want to work on game dev, so this is the best option!
Also while there might not be Artwork, there will be music and a BUNCH of sounds ;D
anyways, thank you for reading and I will defiantly be updating more regularly on this project!
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whitebookposts · 3 years
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Yet again, me trying to get out of my artblock using my favorite blogs as inspirations. Today I bring you, yet again, a drawing that is inspired by @krabandkrill ask blog (go check them out). So, you might be wandering - what is on the pictures? Well... not so long ago I was going trough the archives of the blog and found an ask where Krill told us about her “krill family”. And I’ve got a sudden idea - what if their family was also reborn as sky kids (adults)? And so, I decided to draw this. Here I drew Leilei’s big brother, little sister, and the triplets. Now, right now, only the name of Krill’s big brother is known, so I decided to give others replacement names. Of course, it’s not canon, and all the names will be decided by the original creator. Now, I’ve come up with the designs according by what is known from the blog so far, but of course these designs are probably very far away from what @awful-little-goose has in mind.  The next part is basically me rambling about how I came up with the designs, plus a lot of headcanons ---- Azazel: He\Him. Leilei’s big brother. His name was revealed not so long ago. In the blog, he is described as a warrior, so I decided to give him a big and tough body, kind like Tsadi’s - big body, small head (really, did you saw Tsadi’s head? It’s too small for his body! I couldn’t stop laughing because of this for 10 minutes). Because Azazel is located near the crashed ship, I decided to give him some elements of clothing of “Saluting Captain” spirit that is also there.  Abaddon: (note: she is kinda also my oc, so I might get a little bit over my head with her, sorry) She\Her. Leilei’s younger sister. Her name was not revealed yet, so I named her “Abaddon”, after the demon of distraction. Since she is described as a fierce warrior, I thought this name would fit her. Leilei described her as being smaller then others, so I drew her as the shortest one from the bunch. Because of her small body, she developed a very fierce personality, and I believe it would follow her even after reincarnation, so that’s why she wears a helmet and holds a spear, even as a sky kid. The helmet is inspired by the helmet of the “fainting warrior”, because the spirit is in the location before her.  Nanael: Doesn’t have a specific pronouns. You can call them however you like, but is usually called “he\him” due to their more masculine appearance. okay, okay, hold up. I know that the character never appeared in the blog, BUT. This character is the skykidification (?) of the little manta we see each time we enter the location of the first Krill. Even before I discovered the blog, I always wandered why does this manta always comes back, even tough the krill always attack them. And so, the ship has sailed. So when I drew Abaddon, I couldn’t resist and drew Nanael too. Now, they are named “Nanael” after my guardian angel (my mom ones checked the name of my guardian angel by my birthday for fun, and the name stuck with me). Nanael is a young manta - he didn’t evolve into an atla (this is how they’re called, right?), but he is not a child. Let’s say that they are a late teen. A very determined manta, who will not stop until he gets what he wants (in this case - Abaddon). Since he isn’t sent down for a mission like Remiel, he doesn’t have a veil like her. Is an aspiring musician, tough... they don’t really understand that their music abilities are at zero. The only one who can listen to his horrible music is Abaddon.  The triplets: you will never know their pronounces, the king stole them. I decided to call the three like that because the names were pretty similar, so I thought it would be cute for triplets. They are all named after powerful demons. I based their clothing on the clothing of “Lookout Scout”, because he is in the same location as they appear. Forcas’es helmet is based on the helmet of the same spirit. I decided to color their clothes in more colorful colors, because they are described as more cheery and wild (played pranks on everyone)’ but I’ve probably did it too much, so I think I will change it later. Forenus is the feral one of the three - a party animal, the initiator of all the pranks, a very talkative person. Foras is the smart one - the one who comes up wuth the ideas for the pranks. More introverted and less social. Forcas is the logical one - the voice of reason of the group. Is always happy to participate in the pranks, but will be the one to stop it if they get out of hand. More cold and tough then the others, yet still a pleasant person to be around.  --- Anyway, I should stop with my rambling... sorry if it’s too cringy, I just get lost in my headcanons and ideas ><
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So I haven’t posted much as of late so I’ll just talk about why I haven’t
1: asks
if I haven’t answered your ask for awhile I’m sorry it happens quite often, it’s mostly just motivation is all, I will get around to them though
2: other projects
I have other characters and series besides this au and having adhd doesn’t help with hyperfixating on specific ones so I’ll usually be doing stuff for my other ideas when not doing amnesia au stuff
projects I’ve joined:
there was an ahit musical but I’m not so sure what happened as the discord server just kinda died, and the dttm project had some stuff happen that caused me to leave so as of right now my au is all I’m focusing on ahit wise
and last: just artblock and story things in general
artblock keeps smacking me in the face any time I sit down to do amnesia au content, plus the au is set up to be told in order (apart from flashbacks) so it’s a little tricky to do that as of right now because we haven’t gotten to the main story part, once I answer a few asks I will try to make the blog more classic ask blog style, more interactive like earlier on^^ I’ll try to not reblog things as often either as I feel that was holding things back
so all I wanna say is sorry for the inactivity but I’m going to get things up and running again soon :)
have a good day guys
-🌙mod gracebeth🌙
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lilkikayart · 3 years
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I’m sad that I’ve been dead on here lol Like the insta be popping (ノΦωΦ)ノ but here not so much ヽ(ΦωΦヽ)
Right now I’m kinda trucking along with some obligations, e.g. b-day art for a friend, progress for an exchange, something for a family member, etc. Plus I had artblock kinda smashing in on me ( ⓛ ω ⓛ *)
So I promise to have more stuff out eventually, I’m just playing catchup and trying to be responsible lol OHHH and I have a commission to start ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )ᕗ
Anyway enjoy these quick scribbles. 
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sarah-comic · 3 years
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Hello visitor!
This account and the comic will be discontinued due to my lost interest in the comic. I still love undertale and it's fandom and my comics but things happened and I had to moved on. Now, I'm using Facebook for posting my art :https://m.facebook.com/Sarahs-lover-V%C5%A9-tr%E1%BB%A5-m%C3%A0-t%C3%B4i-y%C3%AAu-th%C3%ADch-1671599856254814/?ref=bookmarks
If you're interesting in Losttale's story here's a little description: Our protagonist's name is unknown_000. She's the first creation and the first "human Frisk" of this game made by Tobi. Things started when Undertale is not the game that we knew today, it was when humans and monsters lived in peace. That day, a code worker tried to deleted the game using an unknown virus for personal revenge. It was too late when Tobi discovered it. He couldn't save his daughter also our protagonist from being distroyed. She failed from saving her own best friend forever which is Sans and everyone else. The only things she could hold on was a piece of save file of him then she fall into slumber. Tobi frozen her at that time till now. Using every last save files she still have in, Tobi create Undertale . Years later, for an unknown reason, she woke up in underground after the true ending. Unable to recalls all of the lost memories. This comic is where she have to choose to save herself from being delete again or destroy her own self to save every single lifes because she now carrying that deathly virus which is a part of her body. The Sans that she dear is nowhere to exist, she had no reason to continued on. Will she try to revive Him? Or Tobi ever really care about his on creation like daughter?
Q&A: True reason?
- Ya know my dad Rip my iPad , artblock, endless amount of study and finally time
When will the comic can be continued?
- It depends on the situation, plus I have others projects. To be honest, with the lack of family support for what I did and my mental health being worse than before. I don't know
This account is offline forever? - I used it to read comic but please don't send any message here i will not read
FUCK YOU! - I know!! I'm sorry for being a brat in the past. I was young and naive, I really wanted to slap my 12 year old right now T.T - I'm not a person that likes attention now cuz.. ya know? up there..
I didn't have any expectation for anyone would read this post but if you did, thanks
Anyyyyyway thanks you for reading and bye!! Please enjoy this redraw of mine
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How many art request do you have? You haven’t posted any art in a while.
Got 2.5 requests, but a new half-year just started so I gotta throw around all my time and stuff right now, also minor artblock
(plus 5 days ago isn’t so bad compared to the once every 3 months I did pre-requests lmao)
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justanartisticduck · 3 years
I want to read Guardians of Ga’hoole so bad, plus I wanna rewatch the movie too- anyways heya! How are yall doin? Anyways I don’t have any art right now that is related to dhmis and stuff, but I do have some Animal Crossing ship art so yeah- anyways sorry artblock has been a pain- 😅
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sadrien · 7 years
prince of cats
chapter six: good pilgrim
on ao3 || on ffnet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
kind of forgot it was an update day because i have something i need to finish for a friend and i'm stressed
“It wasn’t a date,” Marinette says, holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder as she unfolds fabric. “We sat on the couch and watched a bad Hallmark movie.”
Nino scoffs on the other end. “Mari, I hate to break it to you, but that’s basically what mine and Alya’s last date was.”
Marinette rolls her eyes. “This is the difference: you two are dating. Adrien and I are not.”
“Sure, sure,” Nino drawls.
“The intention is different,” she insists. “Anything can be a date if there are romantic intentions.”
“How do you know there weren’t any?”
Marinette puts down the fabric. “Why are we friends again?”
“Because you love me,” Nino says with a smile in his voice. “And because I gave you crackers on our first day of school.”
She hums and goes back to her fabric. “I’m still pretty sure you’re seeing things that aren’t there.”
“And I think you aren’t letting yourself consider the possibility that Adrien likes you back because you like him so much.”
She scoffs. “If you say that I’m afraid of getting hurt—”
“Isn’t everyone a little afraid of getting hurt?” Nino asks. “I feel like that’s a very human thing to be afraid of, you know?”
Marinette raises her eyebrows. “That’s very deep, Mr. Lahiffe.”
“I can be deep if I try.”
“Yeah I remember our three in the morning sleepover talks.”
Nino laughs. “Aw man, yeah those were great. We should do that again.”
“We’re grown adults,” she reminds him.
“And? Who cares. Let’s have a sleepover, Mar. Just like old times. You, me, Alya— hell, we can even invite Adrien to the fun.”
“Oh god no.” Marinette steps away from her kitchen table. “If you really loved me, you would never do that. I do not want Adrien witnessing the disaster that is me after one it the morning.”
“But after one in the morning Mari is the best Mari!” Nino protests.
Marinette collapses onto the couch. “Hard no.”
“We could play spin the bottle. Seven minutes in heaven.”
She snorts. “Okay, are we in uni again? I remind you that you have a very serious girlfriend who you love very much. Spin the bottle is very hard to rig.”
She can almost see Nino shrugging. “If some of the kisses don’t match up exactly it’s not the end of the world. It’s not like we’ve never kissed before.”
“True,” Marinette murmurs, checking her nails.
“Same with Alya. So really…to complete the square, we all have to kiss Adrien.”
“Is that what counts as initiation into our friend group?” Marinette asks. “Kissing?”
She shakes her head. “If you didn’t scare him away before, you’d definitely scare him away now.”
“We were plenty nice!” Nino says. “It’s been two weeks since we exchanged names, you sure we can’t get his number or something? Alya is going to have a cow.”
Marinette huffs. “Don’t tell, Al but… I don’t even have his number.” She makes a face at the long silence.  
“Goddamn, Mari. Why not?”
She shrugs. “We live next to each other. I’ve never…needed it? I mean, would it be nice to have? Sure. But I don’t want to push him and he’s never offered so…”
“Do you need me to take on the Alya role because she’s working?”
Marinette sighs. “Is saying no going to stop you?”
“Get his number, girl!”
She clicks her tongue. “So many demands. Last names, universities, phone numbers— do you need his blood type too?”
“I’m sure Alya could find some use for that.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. We’re lucky she didn’t go into like, espionage or something. She’d be scary.”
“Are you saying she isn’t scary now?”
“No,” Marinette admits. “Alya is still very scary now. She’d just be way more terrifying in covert operations.”   
“She really would be,” Nino muses.
Marinette smiles to herself. “You love her a lot.”
Nino sighs happily. “Yeah I do. It’s a good thing I’m such a dumbass. Probably wouldn’t have gotten her attention otherwise.”
Marinette raises her eyebrows. “I’m sorry, weren’t Alya and I friends before you two started dating?”
“Yeah, but nothing really gets someone’s attention like chugging a Monster-coffee combo ten minutes before class.”
“Hm, I suppose that’s true. How did you survive lycée again?”
“A good question, my dude. A really good one.”
Marinette looks up as there’s a knock at her door.
“Is that the boyfriend?” Nino asks.
“Shut up,” she mutters. “I’m not sure, but I’ll call you back later, okay?”
“Sure thing, man. Remember all the details for, Al.”
“I always do. Bye.”
“Peace, dude.”
Marinette pulls open the door and Adrien holds out a book. She stares at it — the book, not the hand holding it out to her, definitely not — for a long moment before looking up at him. “Hi?”
“I totally stole this from you the other day,” he apologizes.
Marinette takes the book and flips it over to skim the summary on the back. “Honestly, I didn’t even know I had this book. I’m not sure if I ever read it. Was it good?”
Adrien shrugs. “It was okay. Kind of predictable ending, but it passed the time.”
“Hm. Not sure if I’ll ever read it, but I’ll keep your indepth review in mind.”
He smiles. “Thanks for letting me borrow it, even if you didn’t notice.”
“Of course, what’s mine is yours,” Marinette says before realizing that may be a little too revealing. “I really like your ring by the way.” She gestures to the silver ring on his right hand. She’s noticed him wearing it before, but she’s never really gotten a good look at it before. Plus she needs to change the subject as fast as humanly possible.
“This old thing?” Adrien asks, holding up his hand. “Thanks, it’s an old family heirloom. It’s sentimental, but it’s not really worth anything.”
Marinette shrugs. “Sometimes sentimentality is all that you need.”
“Yeah,” he murmurs, examining the ring. He shakes his head. “Anyway, I have to get back to work, but I’ll see you later?”
She nods and tries not to smile too widely. “Yeah, that sounds great. Have fun at your kitchen table.”
“Always do,” he says with a crooked smile as he turns to his door.
Marinette closes the door and cleans against it, clutching her book to her chest.
She’s so gone.
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette skips dinner.
She’s been working on an idea for a new line all afternoon and her mind feels like jello. It’d probably be a good idea to take a break and let her mind rest, but she’s kind of in the zone, and she doesn’t want to risk losing it.
It takes Alya sending thirty two texts about something that happened at work for Marinette to finally put down the pencil and grab a quick sandwich and a drink while she reads through Alya’s rant.
And then she goes right back to work.
Page after page of failed design and scribbled out notes. She resists the urge to scratch things out and rip pages out of her sketchbook so she can crumple them up and throw them away. She tries to keep everything she designs, even things that she doesn’t like that much. It’s good for learning.
But when she’s low on patience, she scribbles them out anyway.
She almost breaks her pencil crossing out a pantsuit that makes her want to quit her job and return her degree.
“I hate this,” she grumbles to herself, hitting her sketchbook against her forehead.
She stands up with a sigh, doing a quick stretch and pacing around the apartment for a few minutes. Then she turns on her laptop and finds some music to listen to it and plugs in her headphones because it’s too late to blast music aloud.
She starts a dress and gets halfway through the skirt before she realizes she’s already designed this dress.
Back to the drawing board.
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette drags her hands down her face and glances over at the clock. Half an hour after midnight.
Time to give up.
She packs up her laptop and tablet and puts them into her bag by the door. She thinks about her plan for tomorrow before adding her current sketchbook and some markers to it as well.
She wanders around the apartment for a few minutes, drinking a glass of water and trying to calm her anxiety. A little bit of artblock never killed anyone. She’ll get past this hurdle and be back to designing things she’s proud of in no time.
She’s looking forward to work in the morning. She’s looking forward to having some direction. Any direction.
Marinette flops on her bed and stares at the ceiling for a long time.
Tomorrow will be better. It has to be.
✦ ✦ ✦
Marinette jerks awake as a loud beeping pierces through her dreams. She didn’t know what it was in her dream, she just knew it was annoying, but now her heart is pounding and she feels like she’s about to be sick.
Fire alarm.
For a moment, she wonders if it’s a drill (do they even have those anywhere other than school?) or was pulled on accident, before the alarms in her mind start going off because that doesn’t matter.  
She snatches her phone from her charger as she runs out the door, nearly tripping as she slips on a pair of flip flops she always has by the door and grabbing her work bag because her entire life is in that bag and she knows you’re not supposed to take anything in an emergency but it’s right there.
As soon as she throws open the door, she can smell the smoke and she doesn’t know how she didn’t notice it before now. She blames the adrenaline.
People are rushing out of their apartments. Someone’s child is crying and heavy footsteps echo through the stairway.
This is actually happening.
Marinette can’t move.
She gasps as someone grabs her arm and drags her along. She finds herself looking at Adrien with terrified eyes.
“We have to go,” Adrien says, running a hand through his hair. He has his phone in his hand and his long black trench coat on, but he’s barefoot and each time he drags a hand over his hair it gets messier.
She probably shouldn’t be focusing so much on him as they follow the crowd out of the building, but he’s strangely grounding. Him, his face, the pressure of his hand on his arm.
They always say to be calm and quiet if there’s a fire in school, but everyone is running and pushing. People are screaming and crying and yelling out to others.
The smoke gets thinner as they go down, but it’s still starting to burn Marinette’s eyes. A mother next to her covers her child’s mouth with her sleeve.
Marinette gasps as they step out into the humid night air. She feels like she’s about to start crying; there’s a lump in her throat and a pressure in the back of her head.
Adrien freezes next to her. He lets go of her arm and shoves her forward. “Go!”
“A-Adrien?” she asks, twisting around to look at him.
“Just go!” he shouts.
He turns and pushes back inside of the building.
Back into the smoke.
Back into the fire.
“Adrien!” Marinette screams, her voice breaking.
The crowd drags her forward. Someone crashes into her. She can hear sirens down the street above the screaming.
Adrien is gone.
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mavii-arts7 · 7 years
#DrawTheUtaPriBoysSeries: #KurusuSyo 💝💝💝 #Utapri #utanoprincesama #anime #fanart #art #Kurusu #syo #animefanart #speedpaint #speedpainting ##digitalmedia #digitalart #pink #lavender #fedorahat #blueeyes #Ibispaintx #IbisPaint [UPDATE] -Hey guys!... Wow I'm inactive XD So I have yet to come back to doing art again cause... I totally am in the state of 'artblock' and most of the time I just can't get something right... plus I am a moody person, which I totally admit. Which also is the reason why most of the time, I straight up not accomplished anything. So I've been trying to encourage myself lately, and tried to reevaluate and reflect on things that I want to do in life... I am still kind of in the middle of it, but I am slowly realizing things, which brings me to posting this speedpaint right now. So yeah, I don't mean to get too personal on this post but I do hope I can get through with this and get some answers. ENJOY! ^^
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amyhamster · 5 years
Hey! I know I literally never post but with the fiasco that is tumblr right now, I'm debating going back to DeviantArt, since I do still occasionally post on there and I ask for a new tablet for Christmas because I want to get back into drawing on PC and my old one just doesn't work with Windows 10. Plus I feel more involved with fandoms when I can draw, and I have had a bad artblock at least with traditional art, so if I can draw digital again I can really Anyway I'm going to stick through this shit because I know in the end tumblr will still be tumblr, but I may not continue blogging if everything does go to hell.
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Notice on potential change to how i do stories
needless to say ive been almost entirely non-existant for a while, sorry about that, ive been struggling a lot with art block and lack of motivation. ive been able to draw every now and then but its been casual art for my art blog ReaCreations, i did a costume thing for my sona rachel yall should check out, but anytime i try to work on anything for here my brain just shuts down. i get artblock and my brain goes completely blank on wat im supposed to do eventhough the story stuff is already mostly planned out and ready to go, i get struck with depression which kills any motivation i manage to muster to draw, i start feeling pressure like this is a obligation i owe my followers...the few that are actually still here at least rather then a hobby i do for fun.
so whats the answer?
i could just quit the blog and focus just on casual art on the art blog but i dont wanna do that i love this blog, i love what ive built here, and i love the stories i still have ahead. i could stop doin stories...but as i said i want to tell the stories plus without them the blog really is dead since i aint got much else goin on. then that leaves the last option change how i do this so it doesnt stress me out as much. so how am i changing the way i do stories?
less art more writing...i know to anyone that cares thats probably upsetting but hear me out. i love art but when telling a story through art sooo much more goes into it and not only do you have to get everything just right but its gotta make sense and look good too and...i just cant handle it its too much pressure and sucks all the fun outa this so im gonna try doin this similar to how ive done in the past, instead of drawing everything out im gonna write it out kinda like a fanfic and with each part ill draw one or two pics relating to that part
sorry for the continued inconvenience and i hope yall can understand, ill get to work on the next part of blackjacks story asap...and hopefully this change helps make it not feel like work. a for helixs story im still workin out how to get that movin again. if youre still around i greatly appreciate it and i hope this change doesnt upset yall as much as i fear it will and i apologize for the wall of text but i felt like i needed to explain myself and hope to help yall understand the situation.
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