afhn1cgsh · 1 year
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thedorfmirrin · 4 years
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Anyone remember my vague doodles of this sweetie before? Well ive finnally gone and drawn him with actual colour!!
Prince Pluffers is a sleepy chumbey boy who loves he a books
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habboheroes · 7 years
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awellboiledicicle · 7 years
In stardew i’m plowing a whole area for corn because i fucking love corn, and it replenishes itself after the first harvest so it’ll let me buy more flower seeds so i can plant more flowers and be the cool flower gay in the distance ok.
But my chickens guys.
My eldest chicken Chu, and her sister Zatrina keep plopping their lil white feathered butts right in my way. Fellu doesn’t do this. Sitrell doesn’t do this. Little baby Pluffer doesn’t do it.
Babies pls. 
Marnies gonna get me comin’ in looking for Shane, begging him to come play Chicken whisperer so i can plant my damn crops. 
“Send in Charlie.” “How will that help” “SHE IS A MATURE, OLDER WOMAN WITH A VOICE OF REASON.” “You have been in the sun way too long.” “I have,,, been trying to plant this corn,,, for 4,,, hours,,,”
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thepetbible · 5 years
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Pluffer is a happy boi, 1st day at forever home
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chubbypikkachu-blog · 7 years
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“Bayleef” by Pluffers.
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Edy the giant elegantly stood his ground while watching over a crowd of 5000 people attending the opening ceremony. In case you didn't know who performed the national anthem: you will find out if you read the blog.
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Edy, il superstar dals champiunedis mundiels da skis a San Murezzan ho demusso grandezza e coolness e nu s'ho schmuanto düraunt la festa d'avertüra niaunch'ün mielin. Fotografia: Jon Duschletta
Che eleganza! Edy, il skiunz gigant da lain da pin ho gieu her saira finelmaing sia granda cumparsa. El es sto part silenziusa da la festa d'avertüra i'l parc dal Kulm, in sieu dachesa temporar. Üna festa dalönch innò brameda e - cun arduond 5000 spectatuors - eir bain reuschida. Adonta d'üna partenza püchöntsch gniervusa e diversas dumandas aviertas. Ma ün zieva l'oter: La deposiziun «partenza gniervusa» es tuottafat persunela e nun ho da chefer zist segn culla festa d'avertüra manzuneda, ma taunt dapü cun mieus prüms pass dad avicinaziun als champiunedis mundiels da skis a San Murezzan in quists dis. Que ho cumanzo dumengia zievamezdi, examinand causa lavur la spüerta extaisa dal trafic public in Engiadin'Ota. Dimena, eir eau sun resto perplex, cur cha'l tren s'ho fermo a Schlarigna e la duonna misteriusa da la Viafier retica - vus savais, quella chi'ns trategna düraunt tuot l'an cun sia buna glüna in tudas-ch, inglais e minchataunt eir in rumauntsch - ho dit tuot seri qualchosa scu: «Welcome to St. Moritz... and enjoy the alpine ski championships». In seguit ho ella giavüscho «a tuot ils passagers da sortir dal tren...». Vus vessas stuvieu vzair quellas ögliedas stuttas da diversas persunas i'l vagun, lur muvimaints hectics per ramasser svelt tas-chas, chapütschas e guaunts... E pür lur fatschas grittas our sül perrun cur cha'l tren s'ho miss darcho in muvimaint vers San Murezzan!
Bain, eau admet, l'ultima frasa d'eira be ün'invenziun, üna per der ün pô paiver a l'istorgia. Natürelmaing vains nus indigens, chi d'eirans aint il tren, pudieu persvader als giasts da rester calm e da's fider auncha ün pêr minuts al servezzan public. Main incletta d'heja invezza gieu cun turner la saira darcho vers l'Engiadina Bassa. Quel tren es partieu a San Murezzan cun passa üna quart d‘ura retard tenor urari - e que zieva ch'eau vaiva già spetto s-chars ün'ura il tren - pervi ch'eau vaiva lascho passer l'ultim per duos pluffers minuts. Il scopo dal retard es sto ün simpel vagun-restorant chi ho stuvieu auncha gnir attacho al tren. Cuffortant, nischi?
Laschè am turner a las dumandas aviertas. Quella la pü divertenta da la saireda - s-chüsa Nicole - d'heja udieu düraunt la festa d'avertüra, cur cha'l moderatur ho preschanto la chantadura da l'imna naziunela: «Nicole Bernegger!» Dalum d'heja udieu intuorn me a quatter u tschinch persunas chi s'haun dumandedas, quasi sün cumand: «Wer isch d'Nicole Bernegger?» Quist blog nu fess sen, sch'el nu vess pront la resposta: üna chantadura da Soul svizra chi ho guadagno dal 2013 la concurrenza da chaunt «The Voice of Switzerland», adonta ch'ella nu d'eira bella giuvna, ma bella in spraunza quella vouta, e già benedida d'üna grandiusa vusch. Cuffortant, nischi?
Hoz vegnan lantschos ils champiunedis eir sül champ sportiv e que cul Super G da las duonnas. La Lia Rumantscha es preschainta a las 16.00 ed a las 17.00 illa zona da peduns, a las 19.00 chaunta lo il „Oberengadiner Jodelchörli“ e pü tard, a las 20.00, concerteschan ils «77 Bombay Street» i'l parc dal Kulm.
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gyropilot-fr · 7 years
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Im trying to teach myself how to needle felt, so i made a pluffer!
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habboheroes · 8 years
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where are his qualifications
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