#plot twist hes Also a vampire and in denial about that too
good-beanswrites · 5 months
I have no shame and will probably go to hell for this but a crack fic of Milgram x the twilight saga
ADFASDFDSF top 10 requests I was unprepared for 😂😂😂 I must confess I never watched Twilight but I tried my best 😤👏 (I went the comedy route instead of the cursed route but you are going to hell for making me think cursed thoughts regardless /j)
“You’re impossibly fast, and strong.” Shidou folded his hands in front of him. He could hear the other shuffling around in the clearing behind him. Leaves rustled through the trees. 
“Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like you’re… like…” He shook his head. “You have strange behaviors at different times of day. Sometimes, at night --”
The other man had walked up behind him. Shidou got a glimpse of the harsh expression. This wasn’t Mikoto. This was something far more dangerous.
He inhaled. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-three.” His voice was low, harsh.
“How long have you been twenty-three…?”
“All my life.”
Shidou kept his eyes glued forward. “I know what you are.”
“Say it.” Shidou could feel his breath on the back of his neck. “Out loud.” 
His voice raised. “Say it.”
Turning on his heel, Shidou faced him. “I do believe you have Dissociative Identity Disorder, or perhaps another dissociative disorder. There are many types, and it may sound intimidating at first, but it’s really nothing to be af--”
“Haaah?” A wide grin spread across Mikoto’s face. “What are you talking about? I was gonna say I play baseball! You mentioned the speed and strength.” He did a goofy little mock-swing. “And sometimes I'm stuck in the office a bit late at night...”
Shidou blinked. “Ah, Mikoto. Y-yes, but as well as your that, there’s something else going on.”
“Nope! Just me, a normal guy.” He started making his way back through the woods. Shidou hurried to follow. “Sheesh, the look on your face, you woulda thought I was a vampire or something!”
“Wh-- Mikoto! Come back, I mean it. What about the change in voice, or eye colors? The red --”
Mikoto called over his shoulder, “I don’t know man, that’s just how I am. Don’t you know color theory?”
“Or the strange behaviors at night?”
“What, are you actually callin’ me a vampire?” He wiggled his fingers back at him. “I could never hurt a fly, you know that. Come on, does this look the skin of a killer to you?”
But as he passed through a patch of sunlight, Shidou could have sworn there was an odd shimmering to his face...
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jikookpancakes · 3 years
JIKOOK FIC RECS that no one asked for (2021)
but im giving anyway because THE TALENT IN THIS FANDOM IS INSANE
long post incoming!! this is probably just part 1 because i wont stop reading anytime soon so i’m inserting that link just in case i do make another one in the future
What’s a Soul Really Worth, Anyway? by thisneedsmorefilth - 130k words, fantasy, demon!jm, witch!jk, listen, this and the next one are my top 2 jikook fics of all time, so well-written, plot so exciting legit reads like a book, better than a lot of books tbh, the world-building is INSANE, jungkook and the gang accidentally summon demon!jimin and chaos ensue, especially for jungkook...and you know why!!!, so funny, angsty, cried so much, happy ending but listen to me: you gotta read the sequel too, YOU GOTTA.
Militat Omnis Amans: The Beginnings by edaen - 92k words, fantasy, werewolf!jk, vampire!jm, forbidden love, super slow burn but super worth it, JIKOOK IN THIS IS MY FAVORITE JIKOOK IN ANY FIC EVER EVER EVER, this is the ultimate all or nothing will freeze hell over for the other kind of love, and the way this is written is just so... how do i describe it. like you can just tell the author wanted to be very realistic with their feelings. you’ve seen the word count, this is SLOW burn. like you will legit feel their struggle to just be able to love each other and while it hurts, it’s also SO GLORIOUS. i love this one so much and if you like reading angst with happy ending but like cranked up to 200% then read this. bonus feels if you read the whole series
Until Dawn (series) by edaen - this is the long series where the previous one above is part of. highly rec if you love fantasy and you wanna read about bts being a rag tag group of supernatural beings fighting evil yay. also it makes the above fic more satisfying because you see more of jikook just being tgt and in love (with bonus angst because of course)
7 Signs by NamHyora - 27k words, secret spies au, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm who is always used as a raven in their operations aka they use jimin and his attractive self to attract people and gather information or acquire targets and all that spy stuff, and his bestie alpha jk is not too happy about it hehe, friends to lovers, iove this one so much i wish it was longer but i think the author is planning to write a sequel!
Drop Like Confetti by annie_vi - 110k words, ceo!jk, age difference, age swap, ahhh i love this fic so much cause jimin smart and mature and has this no bs attitude, and he can keep up with jk despite the age gap and the difference in status/experiences, jk sexy dilf in this one eheh, i love it cause the drama/angst tackles a very real concern for such couples, like there’s no angst just for the sake of having angst, it really makes sense where they’re both coming from, they’re so whipped for eo too so love that for me
Fold it Up Like Origami by annie_vi - 99k words, gamer!jk, model!jm, same author as above and jk is so boyfriend goals in this one and in all this author’s fics in general like wow my standards are so high now i will legit be single forever just reading jikook fics (with no regrets), secret relationship due to their celeb status, well-written as usual, dialogues/banter in this author’s fics are just YES
The Tournament by kinkmins - 34k words, prince!jm, bodyguard!jk, abo, i’ll paste part of the summary here “Prince Jimin gets ready to hold a tournament where 50 alphas compete for a chance to court him, his father the king hires a new bodyguard who is a little too blunt and a little too talkative.“, i really love this oneeeee
Screwed Up and Brilliant by annie_vi - 113k words, escort!jk, jimin needed a date for a work event and in comes jungkook, escort extraordinaire with a no sex rule and jimin is just dasdkjfhasl, a lot of that “is this real or is he just acting” kinda angst, fluff smut angst
Like Everything Glows by annie_vi - 180k words, merman!jm, aquatic vet!jk, ok this is like my 4th rec from this author just read all their fics you’re welcome, this is their first fantasy fic but soso good, i rec’d this to someone who doesn’t really read fics and she really loved it and said “their love is so pure hhh”, she’s right
Track one: I love you by honeydice - 30k words, they’re “just” best friends, lots of pining it hurts, there’s some yoonmin and mentioned past jinmin in this so just noting in case, angst, denial of feelings, siiiiigh
InYou by edaen - 4k words, pwp :), abo, the morning after jikook mating, more sexytimes ensue + fluff
Falling For You Again by Rose_gold715 - 30k words, amnesia au, jk forgets about jimin and idk just something about this hits right in the feels. btw i don’t support the jk hated jm before in real life agenda so i don’t like this fic for that reason but i like this fic because i love me some good painful angst with happy ending.
The President’s Son by AmeliaBedelia - 55k words, bodyguard!jk, president’s son!jm, jk is assigned to shadow jm bc his life is under threat, and things develop :), jm is jk’s gay awakening :) :)
A Touch of Sin by pettey - 102k words, fantasy au, police officer!jk, supernatural!jm, shamanism, LOOK AT THE RANGE OF JIKOOK WRITERS YALL, this is such an interesting concept, so different from every other fic i’ve read, really well-written, sometimes you come across fics and you cant help but go “someone out there rly blessing me with this art for free”
Tears to the Tide by haromame - 65k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, honestly there’s not a lot of abo elements it’s focused more on jungkook having ptsd as he just came from war, established relationship jikook, he comes back home to jimin and things have just... changed. except their love ok THEY LOVE EO SO MUCH this made me cry so f much ugh so good tho.
Zero Hour by edaen - 5k words, canon compliant, a little drabble based around rosebowl jikook, it’s part of a series/collection of canon compliant jikook so if you’re looking for more canon compliant here you go!!, also if you can’t tell already i tend to like several things from a single author, i haven’t read their other fics im legit saving for sad days but i am confident enough to say their other fics are also rec-worthy.
Wonder by wordcouture - 7k words, im sorry in advance, mcd :( pls take care of yourself, i don’t like sad endings ok i don’t, but this is so popular and i was like, ok let’s see what the hype is all about, i get it now, :((((((((((((((((((((, well-written tho, bc the author will manage to crush your heart in just 7k words ha ha
The Omega Revolution by PinkBTS  - 158k words, abo, alpha!jk omega!jm, dystopian au, the hunger games more specifically mockingjay vibes, angst with happy ending but there’s some...things... lost along the way and i think that’s realistic for a dystopian war au, well-written
Blind Switch - 226k words, jockey!jk, rich spoiled brat!jm, jm gets exiled to his grandparents ranch where he meets jk yeehaw, im sorry for the yeehaw, anyway fluff smut angst enemies friends to lovers hurt/comfort slow burn happy ending, all the good stuff, ugh jk so boyfriend goals, also the amount of fluff in the later chapters thank u writer
Finally by Rose_gold715 - 12k words, abo, alpha!jk, omega!jm, angst with happy ending, jikook mate out of convenience and jimin runs away from jk and his pack feeling unloved and outcasted, but jungkook goes after him :((
Park Jimin’s Guide to Good Housekeeping by Ashlyn17 - 235k words, fantasy au, when i say jikook has the best fic writers i mean jikook has the best fic writers because THE WORLD-BUILDING in this one?, THE PLOT TWIST?, yesyesyes, jungkook is a powerful fae and jimin is assigned to be his housekeeper hehe, listen my entire fic rec has several that could be great netflix shows and this is definitely one of them
A Spell That Reminds Me of Your Name by Chimneycricket - 42k words, wizards!au, enemies to friends to lovers and the development felt natural, well-written plus the author sometimes makes art of their fics and other jikook fics and posts on twitter, both their fics and art are so good, i’ve heard good stuff about their other fics too :)
that’s it for now!
just a quick one about my preferences: idc about tops/bottoms, i read just about anything but i prefer fantasy and multi-chaptered fics, i love established relationship jikook so hmu with recs anytime, i don’t like reading anything with cheating and mcd, i love fics where jk and jm are just so friggin in love they are just IT for eo, and at the end of the day even if there are elements to the fics i wouldn’t normally read, as long as they’re well-written then i’m all for it
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Dorothy in the Land of Monsters by Garten Gevedon
"'Suppose we fail,' Werelion squeaks out. 'Then I shall always be a zombie.' 'And I shall always be a coward.' 'And I shall always be a heartless killer of vampires either way,' says Nick."
Year Read: 2019
Rating: 2/5
Context: I received a free e-ARC through NetGalley from the publicists at Xpresso Book Tours. Trigger warnings: death, parent death, car accidents, grief, violence, gore, buckets of blood, threats, abduction, spiders, slavery, homophobic/ableist/sexist language, consent issues, some NSFW content.
About: When Dorothy and her dog, Toto, are swept up into a tornado, they're dropped straight into a world of monsters. Oz is overrun with zombies, vampires, and shapeshifters, and if Dorothy ever wants to return to Kansas, she's going to have to make it to the Emerald City alive. Helped along by her magical, butt-kicking boots and a few friends she meets along the way, Dorothy's journey takes her through the many lands of Oz and up against a number of foes, not least of which is the Wicked Vampire Witch of the West.
Thoughts: If you read my reviews, you know that I can’t pass up an Oz or Peter Pan retelling, and sometimes that’s a thorn in my side because I’ve yet to read an Oz adaptation I couldn’t live without. I don’t like to give low ratings to small press or indie pub books, but I don’t see a way around this one. There’s a lot of potential in here for a good story, but Dorothy in the Land of Monsters is mightily in need of an editor–-perhaps two, because its issues are both structural and line-based.
On a structural level, it's just too long. The book too closely follows the events of the original Wonderful Wizard of Oz (with its own monstrous spin on them), and it quickly grows tedious. At least two or three of the major confrontations could have been left out in favor of streamlining the plot. The narration is also extremely repetitive. Dorothy thinks many of the same things, in the same words, every few pages, and characters have what amounts to the same conversations several times (especially if she's talking to Nick about their Feelings).
On a sentence level, the writing just isn't great. The descriptions are wildly overdone. I'm fond of adjectives, but it's more adjectives than even I would ever use, plus every synonym for red and yellow I've ever heard (and some I haven't). I don't often imagine writers sitting with a thesaurus open next to them, but it's clear that's what happened here. There are also basic mistakes that a good editor (or even a good beta reader) would have caught, such as characters' names randomly appearing before they've introduced themselves and a character's hair color changing from gold to dark and back again. Usually, I can overlook a handful of editing errors, but there were enough to be distracting.
The characters are average. Dorothy is a fairly standard heroine who falls victim to some tired YA tropes (not being like other girls, not realizing she's drop dead gorgeous). Apparently, her boots make her act cockier than she really is, and she says a lot of insensitive things under their influence. They’re a constant strain on the story’s believability, so powerful that I never really believed that Dorothy was in any danger from the threats she faced. The romance plot is similarly packed with overdone tropes (he's too attractive for me, mutual pining and denial), and it takes up more of the novel than it needs to.
In contrast, her other two companions don't get nearly the same development. I did love Glinda, fabulous red-haired Rita Hayworth queen that she is, and I wished she'd gotten more page-time. I also like the twists Gevedon puts on the universe with plenty of zombies, vampires, and shapeshifters (though I did have Damon Salvatore in my head going, "I think the PC term is witchpire" every time someone said Vampire Witch), and there's plenty of world-building on the magic system. All in all though, it's entirely too much: too many descriptions, too many scenes, too much repetition. I struggled to finish, and I won't be continuing with the series.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Church au
N/A: Prompts here on Tumblr are gold. This is an AU of AU Church where Kitty/Kate write letters to the vampire believing is all a ruse…is not, my dear Kitty, is not. The vampire is pretty real and into you.
To say the Church is a presence everyone feels is little to convey the reality people in Ultramar, Genosha, Europa feels (South America, Asia and Africa is free of this reality) and Kitty is a person who never is free of the presence of the Church, in fact, all her parents did along their lives is to quietly run away from the Church.
Kitty Pryde having a gift is reason enough to make the Prydes want to leave Ultramar, as discretely as possible, to Canada, Toronto to be more exact (and is a place who is free of the Church and persecuting of mutants) is Kitty´s Pryde newest home and the woman has no complaints.
Except for the rule saying her power must be a secret. Her parents often told her to cancel and don´t feel her power and Kitty, as a small kid, often obey them, but, as she´s no longer a kid, but a teenager, she has enough of the rule.
“Cancel, don´t feel. Right, is not them who has to deal with being invisible and phasing through anything” Kitty speaks to herself and knowing that complaining and whining is waste of energy, also, Kitty is not a very popular girl and if a mutant can´t make friends with other mutants…then what else she can do?
Maybe, just maybe, that was the mentality that prompts Kitty to pick a pen and a paper and write her feelings to the “vampire” of the Church. Kitty often rolls her eyes at the mention of the vampire is made, to the point is her trademark, the Church loves to overreact on any little thing.
For example, some time ago, the Church swear they had magical milk that would heal any wound, in the end, the Church confessed the RH department exaggerated on the campaign, they wanted children to drink more milk and be healthy, but, they don´t have magical milk.
So, of course, this vampire is their boogey man, behave or else the vampire will get you, still, Kitty wants to participate in the joke. Her school is participating in a program to exchange letters with the Church and her parents can´t say no.
“Dear imaginary vampire,” Kitty read the first sentence and begins to write how he´s not real until she begins pouring her inner thoughts, well, the vampire is not real so there´s no problem. “Mr Vampire, have you ever deal with being invisible?” is the last sentence Kitty wrote and the teen only notices she´s crying as a few tears stained her white paper used.
Whatever. Thought Kitty. Is not like he´s real.
Kitty has 17 years old when she decides to try to control her powers as she ended up phasing through the floor in her school for the last time, some laugh thinking it was a joke on her part(and Kitty has great acting skills) and has the luck to find an underground group that help mutants like her.
(It is a taboo that children at a certain age don´t control her powers and Kitty does not need to add more controversy in her social life)
Back at her place, Kitty receives a letter from the Church, it has been 3 weeks since she wrote for the Vampire, and Kitty was so sure it would be someone from RH writing at her, and she chuckles as it was indeed someone from RH…pretending to be the vampire.
“Dear Miss Pryde, I´m pleased to know you choose me to write this letter, even if you think I´m not real, as for your situation, Madchen, teenagehood is a time to discover and learn. You seem a very smart girl, and I can say soon you´ll be a smart woman and smart woman are worth more than any Stacy or Jennifer,” Kitty giggles trying to imagine someone in the RH pretending to be a vampire. “Now, imagine being a teenager and a vampire? That wouldn´t go well, If you read Twilight, which I hope you didn´t, you would learn that High School forever is a real hell”
“Ok, you have a sense of humour, I like you” Kitty states proudly and somehow the words of the fake vampire seem to cheer her up.
Kitty has 18 years old when she can say she got a friend in this vampire/RH´s guy. They often correspond to letters. His letters often are funny, sometimes a bit sad as this person tells about his background(“Katzchen, I used to be a young vampire in the Szardos care, there´s a word for what I used to be back then…but you mentioned not understanding German and I don´t want you to know vulgar words of my language”)
Their letter goes back and forth and she even asked if he, the German vampire(she still giggles with this) does not have Skype or something more personal to talk. “If you´re a vampire you´ll appear in the screen?” “Of course, Katzchen, that´s just an old cliché people use…as for Skype, We can certainly talk in person, I've got a speech to make in City of Malacar and I´ll be staying here for a few weeks, but, after then we can talk via Skype”)
Kitty didn´t tell him, but, Kitty is in the city of Malacar and using Google she found where the Church will give their speech and the vampire´s word is correct in everything. A representant of the Church named Kurt Szardos will be talking and will stay in the city for a few weeks.
Kitty wants to see him. A part of her does not believe the vampire is real and even fear this person may be up to no good(her parents aren´t absent in her life and know how many men can lure woman with false promises and Kitty is not dumb to believe blindly on letters alone), but, a part of her wants to believe that the person who is writing her is a good person.
A man named Kurt Szardos is there speaking, well, more like making a power point presentation, about the Church and is not how Kitty thought it would be. The man is funny, pleasant and very charismatic(and believes in what he´s saying)
Kitty blinks as his words, his way of speaking resembles the letters a lot. Is him who Kitty was writing? His golden eyes manage to spot Kitty, but, that´s impossible as she´s very meters away in a big room crowded with people.
“Silly me, I must be reading too many stories about vampires” and she sits as Kurt continues his speech, in the end, his speech end and people are leaving to either eat or talk to some of his assistants.
There are food and drinks to anyone who attended the speech, and Kitty looks at the table as people are eating in harmony.
“Katzchen?” the priest asked her with a certain confusion and joy, especially as Kitty face the man. “Is that you?”
“Are you the vampire?” Kitty asked amused, yes, Kurt did mention his looks in his letters, but, seeing in first hand is something completely different. Kurt smiles showing the fangs and Kitty still gives the impression to not believe.
“Still don´t believe in my word?” Kurt asked amused “and what are you doing here?”
“Plot twist! I´m going to stay in this city for a few weeks too. I´m working for my college and I wanted to see you” Kitty answers the last part a bit shyly and Kurt has a fond smile for her.
“Oh, Katzchen, that´s a good surprise” Kurt in his letters did mention he´s a bit of a control freak, but, the man is smiling widely now. “I would love to know more about you, Katzche, please, tell me you haven´t read Twilight?” and this makes Kitty laughs happily as her eyes shine in joy.
“I did, sorry, it was awful, but hey, if anything, you´re way handsome than Edward Cullen” Kitty speaks.
“Well, at least you have good taste” Kurt speaks and offers Kitty to show more of the conference room that the Church is using and even introduces her to the assistants. It was a lovely day for Kitty and Kurt.
Piotr Rasputin is back at the headquarters of the Church, he and Jean-Paul just finish their mission and, of course, their date and Piotr wants to relax and be with friends, luckily for him, his friend Kurt is drinking blood from a goblet that seems to be out of a fantasy novel. Always theatrical that Kurt.
“Kurt, I´m back from the mission and everything went without a problem and you?” Piotr asked and Piotr adds how his date with Jean-Paul went, Kurt did chuckle amused as Piotr is acting like a school girl with a crush, well, Kurt can no longer tease him.
“My day? Well, I did meet the woman who was sending me letters and she´s such a lovely thing” Kurt then drinks more blood and maybe noticing how his words and action may be interpreted “No, this is not her blood, Piotr, you know I don´t do that, anyway, she´s so cute and adorable…I´d enjoy her company and would like her to go to the Church”
Piotr nods and pipes in “But she´s not from the Church and judging by what you told of the letters…she has no real desire to go to the Church” Piotr makes an innocent statement and Kurt smiles maliciously showing his bloody fangs now.
“Oh, that´s what you think, my friend, I didn´t share all the personal stuff, of course, but I know Katzchen would like here much better” Kurt concludes and Piotr does not dare to denial Kurt. If he wants this woman here…she´ll be here.
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thenightling · 5 years
Tag creator (A BookTube Book) - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQt_…
1. NOPE Ending: A book ending that made you go NOPE either in denial, rage or simply because the ending was crappy.
This is a tough one.  I rarely hate how literature ends.  I’ll name a few comics and then move on the literature.
Novels: The Man who fell to Earth by Walter Tevis (Love this novel but hate the ending.) The Dresden Files: Changes The Frankenstein Papers by Fred Saberhagen (He writes Dracula so well but his Frankenstein Monster...  Spoilers, he’s a f--king alien with amnesia.  That’s the twist.  He just THOUGHT he was created by Victor Frankenstein.  It’s so... Stupid. The Last vampire by Whitley Strieber.   Lilith’s Dream by Whitley Strieber   On my Honor
Lolita.  WHY is this a classic?!?
Comics: The Sandman: The Kindly Ones.  I know it’s a classic but out of all of the original Sandman this is the one I liked the least, loved the rest. The Dreaming (1990s to early 2000s version).   It’s just... awful. Madman & Monster (written by Steve Niles and published by IDW).  I hate the ending but like the premise.
Nineteen eighty-four by George Orwell.  Great novel, just very depressing.
Return to Labyrinth.  The author (Jake T. Forbes) just wanted his cake and eat it too.  He establishes that Jareth is Sarah’s true love but at the same time decides that they can’t be together “For reasons” and has Toby give a “I learned something today” speech that lasts several pages to justify it.   No, if it’s true love, they’re supposed to be together.  Don’t try to placate both the shippers and the fans who want them to not be a couple, you won’t appease anyone if you try to appease both.    
Wolf’s Rain: It’s just so sad.   Why!??
2. NOPE Protagonist: The main character you dislike and drives you crazy.
Novels: Miriam from The Hunger, The Last Vampire, and Lilith’s Dream by Whitley Strieber.   
The Vampire Armand from Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles.   He’s too much of a Sadist.  I don’t understand the appeal.   Lolita.  WHY is this a classic?!
Echo from The Dreaming (Late 90s / early 2000s version) 
Riri Williams, the current writing of the Captain Marvel comics,  actually pretty much all of Marvel at the moment... _______________________________________________ 
3. NOPE Series: A series that turned out to be one huge pile of NOPE after you’ve invested all of that time and energy on it, or a series you gave up on because it wasn’t worth it anymore.
The Hunger book series by Whitley Strieber 
Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles, most everything after Tale of The Body Thief and Tale of the Body Thief wasn’t that good... The Dresden Files.  I don’t know, my interest just kind of waned and also I came across a few unpleasant fans who legitimately believe women and men “talk differently” and “use different language” when speaking and told me a woman can’t write male characters and visa versa.   Mary Shelley begs to differ!    Comics: The current Sandman Universe comics...
Morbius: The Living Vampire (1990s run)
Return to Labyrinth.  The author (Jake T. Forbes) just wanted his cake and eat it too.  He establishes that Jareth is Sarah’s true love but at the same time decides that they can’t be together “For reasons” and has Toby give a “I learned something today” speech that lasts several pages to justify it.   No, if it’s true love, they’re supposed to be together.  Don’t try to placate both the shippers and the fans who want them to not be a couple, you won’t appease anyone if you try to appease both.     
4. NOPE Popular pairing: A ship you don’t support.
I don’t really hate many pairings...
Oh, wait.  Lolita.  Do I really need to explain? Comics: Joker and Harley Quinn (original versions as created for Batman The Animated series.) Cain and Abel and their sister-wives in The Dreaming (late 90s to early 2000s comics).  That was just...  Oh, my God. Was that just to be edgy!?    For God’s sake, Abel’s fraternal twin sister was Cain’s wife and locked in attic!?   WTF?!? Lucien and Nuala (also in The Dreaming late 90s and early 2000s version).   Essentially “Hey, the people we’re in love with are dead.   Why don’t we hook up?” “Okay!  You’re good enough.  Let’s settle on each other.” 
Does Caitlin R. Kiernan have any concept of love, at all?  Steve and Bucky. Not because it’s a bad ship or because it’s gay but because the fans who support it are so rabid and if you suggest it’s not canon they immediately assume you’re a homophobe and send you hate.
SwanQueen (Emma Swan and The Evil Queen in Once Upon a Time) similar reasons as above.   ____________________________ 
5. NOPE. Plot twist: A plot twist you didn’t see coming or didn’t like.
The Frankenstein Papers by Fred Saberhagen.
(He writes Dracula so well but his Frankenstein Monster...  Spoilers, he’s a f--king alien with amnesia.  That’s the twist.  He just THOUGHT he was created by Victor Frankenstein.  It’s so... Stupid. _______________________________ 
6. NOPE. Protagonist action/decision: A character decision that made you shake your head NOPE.
Faust and his hornness for FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD Gretchen and almost everything he did because of that horniness. 
7. NOPE. Genre: A genre you will never read.
I don’t think there’s a genre I’d never read. But I’m not a big fan of young adult romances or bodice rippers and torture porn.    I’m not into errotica or graphic violence even though I adore Gothic Horror.
8.  Nope format:
Umm....  I prefer hardcover to paperback but I don’t avoid any particular format.  I do hate when the new Barnes and Nobel classics call things like Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft, Mary Shelley, and Bram Stoker “Gothic fantasy” written across the cover.  It perpetuates the idea that horror is lowbrow and it angers me that we refuse to consider good quality horror to be horror anymore. 
Anne Rice’s Prince Lestat (when I read it with wet hands and the dust jacket off) the color on the cover started to turn my fingers dark blue.   I never want that to happen again.  
9. NOPE. Trope: A trope that makes you go NOPE.
Long lost child that the protagonist didn’t know they had because the mother (or in rare cases someone else) thought it would be best the child never know they are related to the protagonist because their life is too dangerous / cursed / ect...  I hate when parental rights are stomped on for plot, and especially when “it’s okay because it’s the mother who did it and the mother just wants whats best for the child.”  
10. NOPE. Recommendation: A book recommendation that is constantly hyped and pushed at you that you simply refuse to read.
I’ve never refused to read a recommendation but I have later thought “Why did you think I’d like this?!”
Twilight “Because you love vampires.” Oh, and Frankenstein’s Monster: A Novel by Susan Heyboer O’keefe.  Just because he looks like the version from the Shelley novel doesn’t mean he acted like it.  That as awful.      
11. NOPE. Cliche/pet peeve: A cliche or writing pet peeve that always makes you roll your eyes.
Wasn’t this already number 9?  I thought we covered this with tropes.  Many tropes are cliches.   Oh, well...
Long lost child that the protagonist didn’t know they had because the mother (or in rare cases someone else) thought it would be best the child never know they are related to the protagonist because their life is too dangerous / cursed / ect...  I hate when parental rights are stomped on for plot, and especially when “it’s okay because it’s the mother who did it and the mother just wants whats best for the child.”    (Cough) Susan in The Dresden Files. (Cough.)
Oh, and “He’s blue collar so we’re going to use him as the serrogate racist / bigot now even though he wasn’t before.”  (Cough)  Merv Pumpkinhead in the new version of The Dreaming. (Cough.)
12. NOPE. Love interest: 
I thought we established this with the ship conversation?
I don’t feel like re-writing it, just re-read that one.  Same answers apply.   I guess I can add The Corinthian from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.  You know if it ever gets a film or TV series adaptation someone somewhere will find him attractive and start making errotic art and fan fiction about him...
13. NOPE. Book: A book that shouldn’t have existed that made you say NOPE.
The Dreaming Late 90s early 2000s version.   I don’t really like saying any book shouldn’t exist. But there are some that are really awful sequels or insults to an established lore because of how subpar they are.   ___________________________________ 
14. NOPE. Villain: A scary villain/antagonist you would hate to cross and would make you run in the opposite direction.
The Corinthian from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman and pretty much any antagonist created by George R. R. Martin. 
15. NOPE. Death: A character death that still haunts you.
Morpheus in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman.
And even Abel’s death even though he comes back later.
16. NOPE. Author: An author you had a bad experience reading and have decided to quit.
Anne Rice.  She doesn’t even remotely write the way she used to . It feels vapid now.  And i have trouble reconciling myself that the angry bird aliens from Brevena and the Replimoids exist in the same universe as Interview with the Vampire.   
Also she’s been very cruel and unprofessional in her behavior to those who have criticized her work and “I didn’t know I was sicking people on anyone” shared negative reviews with direct links to pages on her Facebook over the years.  it got nasty.  She even dug up one of my old reviews for Blood Canticle that I wrote FIFTEEN years ago!   
And to a lesser extent, J. K. Rowling.   Her views of Americans and especially “Nomaj” (linguistically) just makes me cringe internally.  Americans are the more old fashioned with language, not hipster (i.e Elevator vs. Lift, Cellular phone vs. Mobile). Not to mention cloistered religious-style orders (like Catholicism) use the same terms from country to country.  This is also true with Wicca.  Linguistically the American terms in Fantastic Beasts do NOT make sense.   
@sorry-for-the-chocolate @thesaramonster @zal001 @missghostlymoonshadow @kaimaciel @endlessemptynight @deathlyendless @vagaryhexxx @thegreatvampirekiller @unnecessaryhorns @sweatyeddieandaliengoo
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 6x19: “Mommy Dearest”
THEN: Crowley wants monsters to interrogate. He was the Winchesters’ boss until Cas killed him. Eve is in town. The ashes of a phoenix and how the boys acquired it. Time to take the fight to Eve.
“Hey. Heaven must be missing an angel.” Oh no, dude. Not that pickup line.
“You Sexy Thing” by Hot Chocolate.
Shit, dude.
This guy was so nice...and now he’s a monster.
Oh lord, it’s happening.
RIP numerous people. Killed by...Eve’s new monsters.
Dean working with the phoenix ashes.
They got five shells from all the ashes.
“Meaning I just had myself a little mishap a few minutes ago, and, uh, well, here, look.” Is that when Dean happened to drink a bit of it with whiskey?
Another mention of “ass.”
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Classic Destiel moment.
“The dude's busy... Cas, get out of my ass!”
“I was never in your...”
They need a “friendly monster”
I guess Cas, having read Chuck’s books, knew to get Lenore, our first friendly monster. Long time no see. 
“Your hunter friend almost killed me.”
“Well if it makes you feel any better, uh, he turned into a vampire and I chopped his head off.”
“Yeah. With razor wire. Wicked.”
It was pretty rad.
Lenore’s had a rough time.
“You’re crazy. I can’t help you.”
“Can’t or won’t?”
There’s the Dean-ism.
Lenore gives a location.
It’s sweet that they wanted to protect her.
“You have to. Please.” Lenore’s last words.
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RIP Lenore. Killed by Cas.
“We needed to move this along.”
Grants Pass, Oregon.
“Smitey McSmiterton” haha
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An iPad! The technology in the show is starting to upgrade.
Cas can’t use his powers.
“So wait, Mom's making you limp?”
“Figuratively, yes.”
Another Classic Destiel moment:
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“I think you hurt his feelings.”
Poor Cas. :( He’ll remember that.
Bobby’s got a lead.
“Excuse me. Hi, uh, i-is Dr Silver in today? My friend is very sick.”
“I have a, uh, painful burning sensation.”
“You might want to find yourself some ointment.”
fff hahaha.
“What kind of doctor calls the CDC and then goes AWOL the very next day?”
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pfft, I love the impatient look Dean gives Cas when he asks if it’s gonna take long to open the door.
“Well what kind of doctor calls the CDC and then stashes the gooey corpse in the shed?”
“I don't understand what's happening here.”
Cas doesn’t understand rhetorical questions. Bless his heart.
Dr. Silver’s not in the house.
Bobby can sound so authoritative.
“Wow. Talk about talking out of your butt.”  I know right? He did well.
Ed Bright’s got a twin...or not.
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“I’m fairly unpracticed with firearms.”
“You know who whines? Babies.”
Dean, you jerk.
There’s like, 4 Ed Brights. 
“I think – now we're all sick.” Understatement, buddy.
These two are desperate to get answers before he dies.
RIP Marshall Todd. Killed by Eve.
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I would too.
A vamp. No, a wraith.
“What do you call these?”
“Well, congrats. You discovered it. You get to name it.”
“Jefferson Starships. Huh, because they're horrible – and hard to kill.”
MOTE: Jefferson Starships and Eve.
Oh shit. busted.
Clever of Dean to hide.
Cas barely resists getting arrested, haha.
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RIP Jefferson Starship. Killed by Dean.
RIP other Jefferson Starship. Killed by Cas.
Saving the last one to interrogate. A technique we’ll see Sam use again in S12.
“More Starships.” Ohhh, Dean was unknowingly right.
Dr. Silver’s sons. AKA our Sam and Dean parallels.
Joe and Ryan.
“First we've gotta make sure you're you.”
“How you gonna do that?”
“Well there's a few, uh, dozen tests.”
But none of those tests could identify a Jefferson Starship...
I personally love this moment btween Dean and Cas.
“Dean, Dean. Millions of lives are at stakes here, not just two. Stay focused.”
^Cas’ “don’t walk away when I’m talking to you” tone.
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Could they be any more obvious about this parallel?
Cas is still fuming.
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“They won’t take long.”
“You don't know that. They may find more wayward orphans along the way.”
I love when Cas is salty.
“So we can stand here bellyaching or we can go poke that pig 'til he squeals.“ Ooohh Bobby.
Cas and Bobby were really starting to get close. I love that, wish we had gotten more.
Aww. If only that were the end of Joe and Ryan’s story...
5 minutes. That’s all it took.
What the exactly did Cas do???
RIP Jefferson Starship. Killed by Cas.
Shots for everyone.
Dean and Sam throwing themselves into the fire.
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“Is there anybody in this diner that is not a flesh eating monster?”
“Uh, me and you.”
Sam, Dean. Meet Eve.
“Phoenix ash. I'm impressed.” Welp, Plan A is out the window.
Dean’s unimpressed with dragons, lmao.
Eve pulling the Mary card. wonderful.
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And the brothers can’t even look at her.
Eve drops the “Crowley’s alive” bomb...only we don’t know if we can believe her.
“It's about the souls.”
“What about ‘em?”
“Their power, you simple little monkey. Fuel. Each soul a beautiful little nuclear reactor. Put 'em together, you have the sun.”
“Let's see how hot his hell burns when everyone comes to me.” Nice line.
“Little Ryan.” Plot twiisstt.
RIP Uncle Jake. Killed by Joe and Ryan.
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Eve’s proposal: The brothers bring her Crowley, and they live.
Plan B (for Bobby and Cas) is also out.
Bobby looks like he’s silently freaking out.
Oh dear.
“Don’t test me.”
“Bite me.”
“Phoenix ash. One shell, one ounce of whisky. Down the hatch.” Dean, you fucking genius. I love you.
RIP Eve. Killed by Dean.
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RIP Jefferson Starships. Killed by Cas.
Cas heals Dean.
“Alright, we're good. We got to go. Now.”
“The kid. The little kid. He's one of 'em.”
“Yeah, I know Cas, you told me, alright. Let's just go.”
RIP Joe and Ryan. Killed by demons.
“I think that demons don't give a crap about monster tweens unless they're told to.” He’s right.
Bobby looking closely at Cas. He already suspected.
And he exchanged “a look” with Sam...
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Dean immediately in denial go d d a m n i t.
“Miracles” by Jefferson Starship.
“Really, Cas? This is getting ridiculous. How many times am I gonna have to clean up your messes?”
And it all begins to unravel.
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Hellsing: Forest Fire Part 4
So, this is probably going to be the last update for a few days. Writing this chapter kicked my ass and, apart from a few plot points, I’m totally unsure of how to continue at the moment. I’ll probably be working on Part 5 sporadically throughout the week but hopefully I’ll have it up by Friday or Saturday.
Sunday morning. The Hellsing Organization and Wild Geese had been at full combat readiness for nearly two weeks. Full combat readiness meant constant patrols, each patrol shift pulling more than twelve hours constantly on watch. It was wearing on everyone. Normal humans simply weren’t meant to keep vigilant and alert for that kind of time each day.
        It was especially wearing on Claude. He hadn’t had an opportunity to really talk with Pip since their previous interaction. “One night zis week” got quickly pushed back to “Possibly next week.”
        More worrying to the blonde soldier, as he wandered the halls, was the effect the whole situation was having on Sir Integra. It had been at his urging that she hired the Wild Geese and pushed to fortify Hellsing Manor for what could be a siege situation. He had already passed by her door to hear her saying that she shouldn’t have listened to him. Claude knew it was just the stress, but that still stung.
        Which is why it almost came as a relief when, nearly sixteen days since the Wild Geese arrived, a spotter on the roof saw the buses pulling up at the front of the manor.
        Claude assumed his position in the ground floor. The mercenaries had taken positions up on the second storey, defiladed through the windows, with heavy machine gun nests set up at three points. The Hellsing troops had been spread throughout the manor, and Sir Integra and Walter took refuge in the basement.
        There was a brief moment of anticipation as two tall, lanky, very differently-dressed individuals walked up to the gatehouse, exchanging a brief word with the guards before opening fire.
        The whole world seemed to pause, as if taking a breath. Suddenly, it was like the gates of Hell itself opened up. Nearly a hundred guns throughout the mansion opened fire. The two men at the gates jumped, taken by surprise. They moved faster than anyone could possibly keep track of, scattering and moving out of the firing arcs of the mercenaries on the upper levels.
The buses accelerated, making a charge for the front door, tires tearing deep tracks in the ground. One of the buses suddenly split in half, torn to a hundred thousand pieces by an explosion as it rolled over an anti-tank mine. The remaining three buses slammed into the front façade of the mansion, breaking through the walls and sending soldiers scattering.
More explosions as the doors on the buses opened, spilling forth soldiers replete with riot shields, all crudely labeled with “Boo doo, people murder people.” The Hellsing soldiers hid behind barriers, but still found themselves falling under the crushing advance of the armored ghouls.
Squad 17 had been split across the first floor, not one member was within easy reach of each other. Claude had the good fortune to be placed near the stairwell, a half-dozen men and women under his direct order.
The radio on his hip crackled to life.
“This is Belmont, in temporary command of Squad 6! We’re falling back to the Southeast stairwell! All troops, masks on! Thunder Children, load your guns for area denial!”
Claude looked around as everyone around him snapped on simple painter’s breathers and goggles. “Area denial.”
The Karmina shotguns were of a large enough bore to launch custom grenades. These had been designed by Alucard and Walter in a joint venture to give humans weapons to make life very unpleasant for vampires and ghouls. A frangible outer shell made out of cold iron, boasting a very light explosive charge. The real meat of the grenades was their incredibly finely-powdered silver, each individual speck light enough to float on the softest breeze. Each grenade contained several hundred grams of this powdered silver.
As Squad 6 rounded the corner in full retreat, pursued by a charging formation of ghouls, Claude dutifully shouldered his gun and fired over the heads of his comrades-in-arms. The grenade rounds kicked more than usual, so his gun knocked the hell out of his shoulder. Its explosive projectile sailed high, smacking into the shield of one ghoul before bursting open in a flash of light.
It suddenly became much harder to see in the hallway as a million rays of light were reflected by the particulate silver floating in the air. The ghouls, clearly newly-turned, continued to breathe instinctively. That was their mistake, as they caught lungs full of powdered silver. As their lungs screamed in pain, their skin blistering from exposure to the precious metal, some dropped their shields. Some dropped their guns. All of the ghouls seized in pain. A lung full of silver wouldn’t be enough to kill a vampire, not even a ghoul, but it distracted them. Which was exactly what was necessary, as the Hellsing soldiers ripped the small crowd apart with concentrated fire.
The soldiers in that small hallway let out a cheer, but it was short-lived. The other sides of the Manor remained unsecured, a fact they were painfully reminded of as another member of Squad 17 called out over the radio that Squads 2 and 8 were wiped out.
One of the two lanky bastards from before the attack had broken in through an uncovered window in the back of the mansion and caught the two groups by surprise. His other tall associate had met up and charged together into the lower levels before splitting up again.
Integra, dead. Seras, dead. Alucard unable to save them. Pip dead. Claude unable to save him.
Claude gripped at his head, grabbing his radio, fury running through every vein in his body. He keyed the channel for the rest of the radios they used.
“This is… This is Claude Grey to all Hellsing soldiers and the Wild Geese mercenaries. Everyone on the second storey secure the stairwells at all costs! Don’t let any of those bastards up there! Level the fuckin’ stairwells with C4 if you have to! All forces on the first storey and below, do whatever you can to get to the basement! They’re aiming for Sir Integra!”
They’d probably be fine. But was he really going to risk it? He had a dinner date with Monsieur Bernadotte to look forward to. Integra was like a mother to him. Seras almost like a sister already.
I’ll be damned if some vampire asshole’s gonna take everything away from me again.
Everything had transpired over the course of a few seconds. Before anybody else had a chance to react to what he said, Claude bolted for the stairwell and stormed downstairs. Abandoning his command like this would earn him a royal chewing-out later, but he didn’t care. He knew the basement was shielded against radio transmissions. Even if Integra had a radio, she never would’ve heard what he said. He had to get there first, and one man could move a hell of a lot faster than seven.
The basement level of the Hellsing Manor was a labyrinth the likes of which would have made King Minos green with envy. It sprawled much farther out and much deeper than the already palatial mansion sitting aboveground. Twisting tunnels which doubled back, dozens of dead ends, fake doors, electronic shielding, all designed to hide the lowest dungeons and the deepest, darkest secrets of Hellsing and the Council of Twelve.
It was also where the vampire Alucard made his home, meaning it was somewhere Claude Grey rarely ventured.
He probably knew as much about the basement level as the vampires now trying to navigate their way to find Sir Integra.
Every corner had the potential to put him face-to-face with a being much more powerful than he was, much faster than he was, far harder to kill than he was.
He wasn’t particularly scared, not really. Dying was something he hadn’t been scared of in years. At the end of the day, Claude knew he was expendable. The Hellsing Organization would move on if he died, but Sir Integra was vital to their survival.
Claude was also fairly sure he was lost. Every corridor in the basement looked the same.
Voices came from the hallway to his left. The soldier hugged the wall and listened closely.
“You dumbass! Those cocksuckers were waiting for us and you knew it, didn’t you?!” How was he communicating with someone? That shouldn’t be possible. “I don’t give a shit what he told you or not! We walked into a trap you kraut fuck!”
Claude’s attention was taken as he heard further gunshots from down the hall to his right. That… That had to be where Integra was. He pushed away from the wall, breaking into a dead run, not caring about the noise he was making.
“Oh shit… Hey, come back here, asshole!”
Claude could hear the man behind him, footsteps moving far too fast for him to outrun. He reached to his battledress, grabbing a grenade. A flashbang. Just something to use as a distraction.
Claude pulled the pin, hearing the footsteps getting closer. After less than a second, he threw the grenade behind him and covered his ears. There was a tremendous BANG, amplified by the walls of the basement. It rattled every bone in his body, even shook his teeth. Even after covering his ears, they rang fiercely, he could scarcely hear.
A door at the end of the hallway stood open, and Claude could see the white-suited man from earlier seated against the wall, bloodied. The man turned to look at Claude, chest heaving from multiple bullet wounds. Alucard still stood, holding a gun aimed at the seated individual. He raised a second gun that Claude had never seen before. Under the ringing in his brain he could hear the vampire yelling.
“Get down!”
Claude dove for the floor, landing awkwardly on his gun. Oof. That was gonna bruise later.
There were further gunshots, though they barely registered through his already weakened hearing. He felt an impact as the vampire chasing him fell to the ground and slid along the floor.
The soldier panted, out of breath from the sprint. He clambered to his feet and trained the Karmina shotgun on the black tracksuited vampire on the ground.
“H… How’s it feel… Dickhead?”
Mr. White Suit turned, grunting. He coughed, blood spattering from his mouth.
“Jan… You should have left when I told you to…”
“Urgh… Sorry, big bro… Wasn’t gonna let you have all the fun. I wanted to take at least a few more of these assholes with us as payment for all the trouble.” Jan looked up at Alucard, and Integra as she emerged from the room behind him. “How’d you… Ungh… How’d you bitches know we were coming?”
“That’d be me.” Claude spoke, feeling vindictive. He stamped his foot on the bullet wound in Jan’s leg, prompting him to shout. “I heard you talking to your boss. Called him kraut?” He twisted his foot, digging in harder. “Let him know, it doesn’t matter what he does. I’ll see it coming. The Hellsing Organization will never let you win, whoever you are.”
Claude got a strange feeling as he said that. The little voice in the back of his head screamed at him. Jan laughed wickedly.
“Oh, trust me. He knows now.” The vampire sat up, flipping off Alucard and Integra. “He’s been listening to this entire conversation!”
Oh shit. DEFINITELY should not have said that.
“I’ll bet you wanna know who sent us, then! It was…” There was a flash of heat, catching everyone off guard as Jan and his brother erupted in flames. “M I L L E N N I U M…”
There was practically a chorus of “Millennium?” from Claude and Integra. Questions fresh in their heads, they emerged from the basement to find the ghoul army neatly cleaned up. Seras had left the basement from another stairwell as the two brothers went down, and began cleaning up the leftovers of their forces.
Hellsing had, despite their readiness, taken fierce casualties. Twenty-six killed, nearly forty injured, along with eight injured Wild Geese. Claude shuddered to imagine what would have happened if they were not as prepared as they were.
After a firm dressing-down by Integra for so recklessly running headlong into the basement and abandoning his command, Claude was allowed to rest. It was night-time by now.
Fully exhausted, he flopped onto his bed, not even bothering to strip out of his battledress, or even to put his gun away. The second his eyes closed, he was out.
There was a soft phump, then another. Claude’s eyes fluttered open slowly, unsure of how much time had passed. He looked to the source of the noise.
In the dim light of the room’s lamp, he could see a very short… Boy? Did he have… Cat ears? Claude’s eyes adjusted, and then widened as he another, much taller… Was that a woman? With a scythe? He quickly looked at the sleeping figure of his roommate. Blood… Blood on the walls.
The catboy turned to him, tittering quietly.
“Oh? You’re certainly qvite a heavy sleeper, nein?”
Without a second thought, Claude grabbed his sidearm and moved to fire it at the boy. But the woman was quicker. She was across the room before he could blink, and delivered a series of tremendous punches to his chest and stomach. Even through the bullet-resistant battledress, they knocked him utterly senseless. He gasped, struggling to breathe through the pain of what had to be several broken ribs. Thrown off balance by the impacts, Claude rolled off the bed, crashing to the floor and bringing his guns tumbling with him. Hitting the floor did nothing to alleviate the now eye-watering pain.
“Tsk… Vas zat really necessary, Obersturmführer Blitz?” The woman rolled her eyes, chomping down harder on the cigarette in her mouth.
“You vould razzer he shot you, zen? Or me, more importantly?”
Claude struggled, trying to lift his shotgun, but the catboy merely walked over and stepped a foot onto his chest, eliciting a gasp of pain.
“Ah-ah-ah… Now zat’s not wery nice.” The catboy picked up Claude’s shotgun with almost no effort. He wasn’t dying, but the pain of the Nazi Youth-dressed individual standing on his chest certainly made Claude wish he was dead.
“Mein leader visely decided to stop… How you say… pussy-footing around. If our plans vere getting foreseen, vhy not capture ze individual who foresees zem?”
Why do I ever open my big goddamn mouth?
The catboy giggled again, now standing with both feet on Claude’s chest.
“You’re going to be coming vis us.”
He bent down, cutely tapping Claude’s nose with a finger.
The world around them disappeared entirely.
(Not gonna lie, this chapter was a LOT of fun to write, but it certainly gave me guff trying to figure out how to allow Hellsing to find out about Millennium with all of the advantages they had in the battle. I also love how Medz and I, on our own, both formulated nearly identical ways for our characters to get captured!)
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dboliklover · 7 years
How would the sakamakis react to being in love with their brother's SO?
He'd be very confused at first. He wouldn't at first understand the feelings he felt for them. 
After he did eventually realise it, he'd try and avoid them and stay away from them at first, denying his feelings to himself, trying to convince he /isn't/ in love with them, hoping that avoiding them would help reduce such...affectionate feelings. 
When that doesn't help (and only makes him miss them) he starts getting frustrated, unsure what he should do. 
He wasn't sure if you felt the same, you were dating his brother, after all. Then again, he's the first-born heir to the vampire kingdom and he always gets what he wants because of it, right? Sure, he might not really want to be the next vampire king but...it does have it's perks? 
He might just try and pull the moves on you if you two ever end up alone. Like, he'd be rather subtle with it at first, hint-flirting at most, most of it being low-key. 
However, eventually, he might end up straight-up hitting on her, and maybe even trying to convince her to leave his brother for him. If he does this or not would depend on if he and you were close, or if he managed to find out how you felt about him. 
And of course...if he's driven into insanity by his love for you well...he might just steal you away and have his own brother killed off. But that's only if he loves you so much to the point of utter craziness. He's the next vampire king and he does have most of the power in the household. Having to...dispose of one of his brothers wouldn't be too hard, especially since their would still be five of them. Not as if his father will run out of emergency heir anytime soon. 
He is so in denial for the most part.
He's actually quite unlikely to ever even realise he loves them.
He's just so in denial about it that he'd spend most of his time trying to avoid you. Like,  there is a very, very small chance he'd even realise his own feelings.
But if he did manage to, then he'd keep it cool but would be 110% panicked inside.
He would actually be the second least likely to act upon his feelings, the least likely being Subaru.
He would make more savage remarks about his brother(s) around them though, and try and low-key implant doubts into your mind and try to get you to see the flaws in his brother.
He'd be hella manipulative without you even knowing.
Like, you'd not know he was being manipulative. He's great at it.
The only way he'd even ever love you is if he saw you as "perfect" so he'd do everything to make himself seem even more perfect and better than his brother.
he's least likely go yandere out of all his brothers, simply because he would at least try to understand your point of view and would continue to admire you from afar
but if he did go yandere, he's likely to have his brother killed like he had his mother killed.
And then "comfort" you whilst you mourned him, manipulating your view(s) of him and the feelings you have.
He'd be panicked as fuck upon the realisation that he was in /love/ with his own brother's lover.
Wouldn't be able to be in the same room as you if his brother was there. It'd hurt him like hell and he would get far too jealous seeing you two together.
Would try his best to get you alone and try and make you more attracted to him.
He'd low-key flirt if you two were together, though at the start he wouldn't push it. (depending which brother it is you're dating..!)
Would try and plot a plan to get you to leave his brother and date him instead.
He'd try to do the whole "manipulating" thing but he can't-do that as well as Reiji, he is a master manipulator.
He still tries to manipulate you, though.
Probably likely to just get fed up with hoping and waiting for you to leave his brother and might legit get in some sort of physical fight with him (well...it'd depend on the brother again, he isn't crazy to go against a brother who he knows for certain is stronger than him)
in a case he'd go yandere, he might kill his brother if he can manage to and then force you to date him, often probably locking you up in his room when he isn't there and would hire a witch*1 to cover his room in sigils to not allow any of his brothers, or anyone but him and you for that matter, to leave and enter the room.
He'd straight up flirt with you right in front of his brother, but it wouldn't be too intense and he'd likely back off slightly when his brother glares at him/yells at him/scolds him.
But you betcha ass if you two are alone he'd go full "flirt" mode (Or as Mod Rozalia likes to call it, full "fuckboy" mode.) and he's going to go waaay too far in his "flirting"
To be honest it'd take him aaaages to realise he /loved/ you due to his fucked up view on love because of what Cordelia had done to him.
If he does realise it though, he's going to be low-key terrified. Like, he's going to be so, so freaked out (in private, of course. He's far too cool to lose his cool in a room with anyone else)
After his realisation, he'd try to hit on you even harder and increase the flirting, especially if the two of you are left alone.
He'd try to seduce you and get you to have an affair with him, and his plan is that afterwards, you'd fall in love with him, too and then leave his brother upon realising no one could please your body like Laito can.
In a Yandere turn of events (And Mod Rozalia considers Laito to be the second most Yandere of the S brothers, after Kanato so...) Laito might either go one of two ways. The most likely event is he'd kill you to "prove" his love. Or, in a...well, I suppose "better" scenario for you, he'd steal you away somewhere and keep you hidden from his brothers somehow.
King Yandere, let's face it
Like, upon realising he loves you, he'd at first throw a "small" (By small I mean huge) tantrum in his bedroom because he wants you, but you aren't /his/
It's honestly so frustrating for him,
because he wants your complete, utter attention but his stupid brother is /in the way/.
He might purposely hurt himself/mess up so you'll feel bad for him and try and help him.
He will try his best to spend as much time with you as possible and get you to prefer him over his
and will force himself to be the third wheel to annoy his brother but also to be as close to you as possible
Most likely to plot the death of his brother(s) and most likely to kill his brother (probably in their sleep, at their weakest).
Would force you to be with him once he got his brother out the way, making sure you can never leave his side again. He wouldn't let you leave him. Ever.
He is conflicted as fuck. He wants you for himself, and the monster inside him wants to steal you away from his brother, but then again, on the other hand, he knows he is nowhere near good enough for you and you're probably better of with his brother...!
He'd avoid you extra after his realisation. He wouldn't tell you why he avoided you, he'd just do it and it'd probably make you upset.
He didn't like making you sad, but he couldn't let himself corrupt you and your purity.
In a yandere twist, he'd slaughter his brother with his immense strength, and then take you for himself. He wouldn't lock you up in his room alone like Ayato would, but he'd be by you 25/8 and wouldn't let you leave his side because he needed to "protect" you from everyone else.
I hope you like it. It’s 1am here and RIP
- Mod Rozalia
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yasbxxgie · 6 years
8 years ago, famed science fiction author Octavia Butler died suddenly of a stroke, leaving her latest trilogy unfinished and her fans bereft. But now, scholars are sifting through the archives she bequeathed to the Huntington Library — and one has discovered plans for the books she never finished.
Gerry Canavan, a literary scholar at Marquette University, was the first person to open the boxes of Butler's notes, journals and drafts at the Huntington. He discovered a treasure trove that revealed a lot about where Butler's work was going, and what her writing process was like.
He found that Butler often wrote many versions of her novels, with many false starts. Interestingly, the work she discarded tended to be a lot darker and more pessimistic than what made its way into final drafts.
In the Los Angeles Review of Books, Canavan writes about Butler's multi-year struggle to write further books in the Parable series, which are about a woman who founds a new, space-focused religion after a government collapse in the near-future United States:
Nearly all of the texts focus on a character named Imara — who has been named the Guardian of Lauren Olamina's ashes, who is often said to be her distant relative, and who is plainly imagined as the St. Paul to Olamina's Christ (her story sometimes begins as a journalist who has gone undercover with the Earthseed "cult" to expose Olamina as a fraud, and winds up getting roped in). Imara awakens from cryonic suspension on an alien world where she and most of her fellow Earthseed colonists are saddened to discover they wish they'd never left Earth in the first place. The world — called "Bow" — is gray and dank, and utterly miserable; it takes its name from the only splash of color the planet has to offer, its rare, naturally occurring rainbows. They have no way to return to Earth, or to even to contact it; all they have is what little they've brought with them, which for most (but not all) of them is a strong belief in the wisdom of the teachings of Earthseed. Some are terrified; many are bored; nearly all are deeply unhappy. Her personal notes frame this in biological terms. From her notes to herself: "Think of our homesickness as a phantom-limb pain — a somehow neurologically incomplete amputation. Think of problems with the new world as graft-versus-host disease — a mutual attempt at rejection."
From here the possible plots begin to multiply beyond all reason. In some of the texts, the colonists are in total denial about the fact that they are all slowly going blind; in others the blindness is sudden, striking randomly and irreversibly; in others they all begin to go insane, or suffer seizures, or mad rages, or fall into long comas; in still others they begin to hurt and kill each other for no other reason than the basic inevitable frailty of human nature (the same, alas, on any world). In one of the versions of the novel the colonists develop a telepathic capacity that soon turns nightmarish when they are unable to resist it or shut it off; in one twist on this idea it's only the women who are so empowered, with the men organizing a secret conspiracy to figure out how they might regain control.
There's a version where the blindness and the telepathy are linked; Imara becomes able to see out of others' eyes as she loses the ability to see out of her own. In some Imara finds she needs to solve a murder, the first murder on the new world; in still others Imara herself is murdered, but discovers that on this strange alien world she is somehow able to haunt another colonists' body as a ghost, replicating Doro's power from the Patternist books and thereby linking even the Parables to the speculative universe she first developed as a teenager. Sometimes Imara is an Earthseed skeptic; other times she is a true believer; sometimes she is, like Olamina, a hyperempath; still other times the cure for "sharing" has been discovered in the form of an easy, noninvasive pill. Sometimes Bow is inhabited by small animals, other times by dinosaur-like giant sauropods, and still other times by just moss and lichens; sometimes the colonists seem to encounter intelligent aliens who might be real, but might just be tokens of their escalating collective madness; and on and on and on.
One version of the blindness narrative is abandoned with no small grumbling after José Saramago wins the Nobel Prize for Blindness in 1998; another is put aside after she determines it's just too similar to Kim Stanley Robinson's famous Red Mars; still another is abandoned shortly after Butler frustratedly, self-loathingly declares Imara to have "a personality more like mine" against Olamina's "super me — the me I wish I was." Sometimes Earthseed seems more like a self-help philosophy; sometimes it becomes a genuinely mystical, transcendent religion; sometimes we see it begin to shift from the first toward the second; sometimes it suffers schisms, heresies, and purges. Sometimes Imara is a former cop; sometimes she is a trained psychologist; sometimes she's a doctor; sometimes she's that undercover journalist; still other times she was the victim of a horrific series of rapes as a child, saved by one of Olamina's orphanages when no other entity or institution would bother. When Butler begins writing the book, Newt Gingrich is named as the model for the central antagonist; in the versions from the 2000s, it's George W. Bush; sometimes in between it's other science fiction writers with whom Butler didn't especially get along.
I corresponded with Canavan, and asked if he'd found any hints about where she would have gone with the trilogy she began shortly before her death. The trilogy began with her last published novel, Fledgling, a fascinating take on the vampire mythos. Canavan said that she had some notes about the books that would have followed. He explained via email:
She didn't write all that much of the Fledgling sequel but there's the start of something. As was pretty typical of her she was juggling a couple different possibilities for the book simultaneously.
One of them would have had ASYLUM/FLIGHT be the second part of a trilogy: it would have had Shorri wandering around the country with her harem looking for a place she felt safe, living with vampires for a bit, living in Seattle and finding out she couldn't take all the many sensations there, and then finally building a house with Wright and the rest in the woods to start her own colony. Over the course of this she would have also adopted a sister and done some investigation into her own past. Then the third book would have seen Shorri coming into her own as a vampire as she got ready to mate.
Another version of the book (which may or may not have overlapped with the first version) has some of the Silk sons escape the punishment of renaming/exile and kidnap/imprison Shorri in an effort to force her to pair-bond with them (and thereby somehow force a situation where their family-line can continue). This seemed as though it would potentially have been an extremely disturbing thriller and Shorri's efforts to escape imprisonment during the day while being drugged and mistreated at night, as well as her internal debate about whether she should murder the Silk boys rather than risk getting stuck with them as mates. It seems like in the end of this version of the book she would have murdered them, and gotten exiled from vampire society for a year as punishment (thereby setting up the third book to be about her wanderings with her harem, I guess).
A third version of the book has the Silk boys replaced with a Dracula-like figure who is some kind of Super-Ina (but who also seems like his primary agenda would be to imprison and torture Shorri in pursuit of creating his own race of super-vampires).
So it seems as though they would have been pretty disturbing, bordering on torture-porn.
There was a plot running through with a Russian woman who had been sold into human trafficking by a father or a boyfriend as a girl, who would have joined Shorri's harem (and who Shorri would have tried to help get over her nightmares with her power of thrall). This would have been an interesting way to explore some of the more disturbing aspects of the Ina/human symbiotic relationship, I think. There was also some more attention to what it would be like for symbionts to get together and be in a relationship, both with and without the participation of the Ina.
And then there were a few tantalizing hints of a novel set a generation or two later, when many more of the vampires can go out in the sun like Shorri, and what they might do when they had no weaknesses and there was nothing stopping them from taking over the world. This is the one that I'm most interested in because it suggest Shorri as a somewhat darker figure than we might have thought — she really is disturbing a delicate ecological balance with her power to walk in the sun, which could cause a lot of problems down the road when played out to its logical conclusion...
For those of us who sorely miss Butler's writing, it's incredible to get this glimpse of where her thoughts were going with these unfinished works.
Read more about Canavan's research in the Los Angeles Review of Books
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thestrategicmom · 4 years
2020 Vision (Part 3): Using Optimism to Guide Your Personal Journey and Give Your Story The Ending It Deserves
Being a mom, you quickly become familiar with captivating educational kids tv shows. One of my daughter’s favorites is a Netflix show called Charlie’s Colorforms City. In each episode, Charlie has a goal or mission, but he encounters countless obstacles intended to stop him from achieving it. He solves problem after problem until he encounters an obstacle that seems insurmountable. Just as he’s about to give up, Charlie turns to the audience and asks, “Is this the way our story ends?” He then exclaims, “Not if we’re the ones telling this story!” Charlie’s call-and-response is a powerful example of how a simple shift in our outlook can have a significant effect on our outcomes.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been creating a renewed 2020 vision by working through our four focus areas: gratitude, intentionality, optimism, and faith/serenity. In part one, we focused on gratitude, which trains our minds to see and appreciate our circumstances: what we have, who we are, and the people that surround us. Then, in part two, we focused on intentionality, which allows us to think and act with greater awareness and appreciation for what we want and value.
"“Is This The Way Our Story Ends? Not If We’re The Ones Telling It!” "  -- Charlie, Charlie's Colorform City
This week, we turn to our third focus area, optimism, which is defined as the “tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and [..] expect the most favorable outcome”. You can think of optimism and gratitude as two sides of the same coin. While gratitude stems from a positive outlook and acceptance of the present, optimism encourages a positive outlook and acceptance of things to come, which is justified when you’re operating with intentionality. Optimism is a mindset that anticipates positive outcomes, thus raising our personal energy level and increasing the energy of others.
Be What You Want to Attract
Everyone knows people that always bring drama and zap your energy whenever they’re around; we also know people that have a great demeanor and give good vibes wherever they go. Whether positive or negative, the key difference is their energy. With effort, we can manage our energy, curbing negative emotions while intentionally fueling positive energy and outcomes, and allowing an optimistic outlook of the future.
Be aware of your thoughts: Be conscious of your thoughts; they are seeds that can either grow into flowers or weeds.They’re powerful, magnetic, and over time, shape your reality. Being conscious of your thoughts and emotions or “thinking about your thinking” is not only a powerful habit for your well-being, it’s also an important trait to teach and model for your children.
Be mindful of how you interact with others. What type of energy are you giving off?
Start your day intentionally with gratitude and things that bring you joy, positivity, and motivation. Whether it’s an affirmation, meditation, prayer, or empowering lyrics against a funky bass line, develop an easy routine to calm your mind and nurture positive vibes for the day ahead.
Throughout the day, take periodic mental pulse checks of how you’re feeling.Try to neutralize any negativity as quickly as possible before it starts to fester.
End the day with another easy routine to relax your mind and reflect on the positives of the day and the things you’re grateful for.
Seek the silver lining: There’s strength to be forged from struggle and lessons to learn from failure. Train your mind to immediately look for the good in a seemingly bad situation, to find the happy in the sad, and see the gain in your pain. For me, being in the house for the last two months has been really hard, but the extra time I’ve been able to spend with my 19 month old daughter and my husband has been priceless.
Replace energy vampires with energy boosters: Happiness and positive energy are infectious and contagious, but so are bad energy and negativity. ‘Energy vampires,’ drain our emotional energy, and while they’re often people, they can also show up in the form of toxic habits, like wallowing in past regrets, harboring feelings of anger and resentment, or becoming too consumed with what others think. Work to replace these negative influences with ‘energy boosters’ in the form of people, habits, and thoughts that add to our positive energy reserves. 
Focus on the Solution, Not the Problem 
When properly used, optimism can be a very handy strategy for problem solving, allowing you to focus on the solution rather than getting caught up in the problem.
Go from ‘Why Me’ to ‘What Next’: Optimists acknowledge the possibility of things going wrong, but they quickly move to “What can I do to make the situation better?” Optimism doesn’t require denial or ignoring what’s going wrong in our lives; optimism instead encourages us to acknowledge the negative, distinguish between what we can and can’t control, and take actionable steps to create a positive future. Think about what seemed like the worst moments in your life. Now, in retrospect, reflect on how those moments propelled you forward and made you into the person you are today.
Embrace reality: It’s impossible to look on the bright side if you haven’t taken the time to recognize and appreciate the full picture of your reality. Consciously taking time to accept ‘what is’ equates to self-awareness and allows you to identify what steps can be taken within your control to improve your situation for the better.
Acknowledge the worst-case scenario: Pessimism isn’t innately bad, but the problem arises when we allow our minds to fixate and wallow in the negative for too long. Defensive pessimism involves anticipating the worst-case scenario in specific terms, but doesn’t fixate on the potential negative outcome. Instead, it acknowledges the possibility, considers the impact, makes a plan in case the scenario becomes a reality, and quickly redirects attention to more productive, positive thoughts.
Think about a worst case scenario. For example, what would happen if you or your spouse lost their job or passed away? 
Ask yourself follow up questions to assess the scenario and come up with solutions: For example, do you have any other skills or trades you can monetize? What would it take to maintain your quality of life? What are your monthly expenses, and which expenses can be cut or deferred, if necessary? Do you have any money saved up just in case, and if not, can you start putting money aside? 
Use the answers to your questions to create a plan. For example, you can commit to putting a certain percentage of your income into an emergency fund until you have a buffer of at least a few months, just in case.
Whether we realize it or not, our minds can either be our greatest weapons or our biggest threats. When we encounter problems or challenges, no matter how insurmountable they may seem, we should think of Charlie’s Colorforms City, and ask ourselves, “Is this the way our story ends?” It probably isn’t. We tell our own stories with the decisions and actions we take each day. Conscious thought and optimism can help us place things in the right perspective and acknowledge that everything difficult we’re experiencing is temporary, limited in scope, and manageable. Often what feels like an ending is really just a new beginning. So write your story rather than having it written for you, and remember, tomorrow is another page. While there are likely all types of conflicts, plot twists, and cliff hangers ahead, thankfully you know the author!
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