#i wish i knew more of the scenes but cursed thoughts included mikoto shirtless in meme but sparkling
good-beanswrites · 5 months
I have no shame and will probably go to hell for this but a crack fic of Milgram x the twilight saga
ADFASDFDSF top 10 requests I was unprepared for 😂😂😂 I must confess I never watched Twilight but I tried my best 😤👏 (I went the comedy route instead of the cursed route but you are going to hell for making me think cursed thoughts regardless /j)
“You’re impossibly fast, and strong.” Shidou folded his hands in front of him. He could hear the other shuffling around in the clearing behind him. Leaves rustled through the trees. 
“Your skin is pale white and ice cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like you’re… like…” He shook his head. “You have strange behaviors at different times of day. Sometimes, at night --”
The other man had walked up behind him. Shidou got a glimpse of the harsh expression. This wasn’t Mikoto. This was something far more dangerous.
He inhaled. “How old are you?”
“Twenty-three.” His voice was low, harsh.
“How long have you been twenty-three…?”
“All my life.”
Shidou kept his eyes glued forward. “I know what you are.”
“Say it.” Shidou could feel his breath on the back of his neck. “Out loud.” 
His voice raised. “Say it.”
Turning on his heel, Shidou faced him. “I do believe you have Dissociative Identity Disorder, or perhaps another dissociative disorder. There are many types, and it may sound intimidating at first, but it’s really nothing to be af--”
“Haaah?” A wide grin spread across Mikoto’s face. “What are you talking about? I was gonna say I play baseball! You mentioned the speed and strength.” He did a goofy little mock-swing. “And sometimes I'm stuck in the office a bit late at night...”
Shidou blinked. “Ah, Mikoto. Y-yes, but as well as your that, there’s something else going on.”
“Nope! Just me, a normal guy.” He started making his way back through the woods. Shidou hurried to follow. “Sheesh, the look on your face, you woulda thought I was a vampire or something!”
“Wh-- Mikoto! Come back, I mean it. What about the change in voice, or eye colors? The red --”
Mikoto called over his shoulder, “I don’t know man, that’s just how I am. Don’t you know color theory?”
“Or the strange behaviors at night?”
“What, are you actually callin’ me a vampire?” He wiggled his fingers back at him. “I could never hurt a fly, you know that. Come on, does this look the skin of a killer to you?”
But as he passed through a patch of sunlight, Shidou could have sworn there was an odd shimmering to his face...
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